Reputation Management for Animal Health Professionals

On-Line Reputation Management For Veterinary Professionals Manage or Remove Negative Reviews

Transcript of Reputation Management for Animal Health Professionals

  • 1. On-Line Reputation Management For Veterinary Professionals Manage or Remove Negative Reviews

2. Manage or Remove Negative ReviewsListen Respond Claim Ownership Remove Bad Reviews Keep New Content Flowing 3. Listen! Google Alerts Google Twitter Sproutsocial ($)Review sites like: Yelp / Yahoo Google Places CitysearchKeep Track of Comments: Word or Excel Record of actions 4. Respond Quickly Half of all companies do not First try old fashioned customer service Respond to recent complaints (discuss) On prominent sites Facebook? Post Policy then delete Defend honestly and professionally Try to take off-line Satisfied clients ask for positive reviews Sometimes all you can do is apologize and leave the conversation 5. Reputation Management: Step 1 Claim Ownership Find all complaint sites that have reviews about you and claim your business. Without this you have no voice! Be sure good key-words in descriptions 6. Step 2: Remove Reviews Yelp: look up your hospital red flag reviews, inappropriate or false 7. For Bad Reviews; Respond Compassionately Publically, Briefly Remember the talk radio rule; answer for all the other listeners not necessarily the caller. Dont get into detail or blow-by-blow answers, or use inflammatory words etc. Trick is to show compassion and take the conversation off-line, to a person to person if possible! 8. Google Places: flag as inappropriate 9. City Search: flag when logged in report abuse 10. Step 3: Move Them Down! Using your web sites or blogs to move higher with key word rich content Depends on your key words within hospital name Social media helps - active Facebook and Twitter accounts help! 11. Confirm You Are Known See if you are indexed and see results Use Webmaster tools from Google and Bing 12. Up-To-Date Content Dynamic content (where?) Multi-media content Practice web site update (2X / month) Social sites update (2-3X/ week)