REPUBLIC AH OilStoves ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. Eepaired · SOUTH Eemorkablo Cure of Croup. I. nave...

- 25, 190& NO. 4: We have just received a large """""cb'nsi^iSenfoF'"' " //.•'/ •-• \* * / >i j f *' ' ^Science has established that alcohol destroys first and moat those parts which a?e most delicate, and moat re- cently developed. These, are those wonderfully delicate brain-cells, upon the proper formation of which the difference between men an'd beasts chiefly depends.' _. These delicate structures are un<je- veloped in the very young child, or Gold Landsides andSharesr We are going to sell them, for the present, _^at unheard-of prices. This is a good time to lay in a stock of these goods. The; child is at first, therefore, defi- cient Jn.. speech, reasoning power, in- tellection, judgment, and all higher moral sensibilities which govern our thinking, feeling, and willing. How the drunkard, by paralyzing these brain structures, can sink to the level of the animal, and lower, is well .known. Whoever, then, gives wine and beer to a child, injures these deli- catejtructures in their formation, and thoughtlessness, flightihess, "''passion^ coarse sensuality, and all base charac- teristics 'attain domination. . ' ' PBESSSUPT. ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. . x ^;5,,,.,- ••— .- •'.- J!Flva cents aj:lnBSl"_ Does any.onji thlnt. Tbat tEotis rcaiiy'theprloe of a dflSk? "Flva oonls BBlo.M," I hear yoa any, "Why, that Isn't very much to,pny." Ah, no.ludoed;'tlaa very amnll snm- You-ttre'passlnc over'twlitflngor and thumb; And If tbat were all tbat yon gavo.oway, It wouldn'trbo very much to pay. - Tbo price of n drink? Let mo decide Wbo hiie lost, bis courage oud lost filu pride, And Huso groveling bcnp ol clay, Not far removed from a beast, Thp price of a drink ? tet tharoife tell" Wfio Bleeps to-night In a murderer's cell, And feels, wlibln him the flres of hell. All the glory and prldo or youth, Hopes of mahhood, ibe wrefitb of &mo High endeavor und noble aim, These are the treasures thrown awoy^ AB theflrloe of a drlnft, from day to day. , Ho 'Five cents a glass!" How Satan laughed As over the bar the young man quiffe_d The beaded liquor; for the demon knew Xbe terrible work thacarlak would do I ForCATAEBH Consumption ond all BroDohial Affections PERUNA restores 200,000 each year.| ' " , 85 cts. Dr. King's New _Discovery] has made many wonderful cures. 45 cts. Young -People's Societies. This space Is devoted to the Interests ol • tne Young Peoples Soolotles of the various Charcbes. Special Items of Interest, and announcements are solicited. Y. P. 8. O. E.,—Presbytorinn Church: Meets Sunday-eveniD(TriaMJ:3().—— Topic, "Missions : the. missionary awakening. In my heart, my With his life-blood' swiftly ebbing away ; Anil tuai TV-US the price bu paid, alas! For the pleasure of talcing a social glass. The price of a drink ? If yon wanjjo-knpw What some 'are willing 10 pay for 1MJ6 Through that wretched tenement over there, With illngy windows and broken stairj Where, foul disease, llfcea vamplre L ora.wIs Wuh outstretched wings o'er mouldy walls. There povertydwells with her huncrybrood. Wlld-e^eS demons for lack of food; There shame, In a corner, crouches low ; There violence deals Ha cruol blow ^___" ______ Aud Jimffcent ones are thus accursed - ay tbe.prlc&of nnother's-thlrstr'^- and all 7 Stomach Troubles : Guts, Burns, Bruises '.-_'..and-Sores— strengthens, and tones up the whole system. _ 45 cts. Buckliu's Arnica Salve,; .-;,. 20 cents or'3 boxes for 50 ctSi-: !»!«"•'-*- Dr. 25 pills for 7 cts-i 50 for 12 cts., 100 for 20 ctsi:) "Five oeuts a ({lass !" Oh, If that were'all, The sacrifice would Indeed be small ! Jiut moueVe worth U the least ambimt Cbnrcb>ijr^ri8lV^hurch._jBTOry- wbere." Bom. 13: 10-14. Led by Missionary Committee. ECVIKK Wm.A.HOOD&SON AMD.. Funeral Directors All business in their line promptly and carefully attended to. . Embalming Specialty Office and Residence, 208 Peaoh Street, Fbono 1-6 Hamraontpn- ;C. Er^Baptisf Gbarch i Meets Sunday evening, at 6:15. Topic, "Missions: 'the missionary ID my heart, in my ... •ffhetei? ) ......gom,_ IF: uccmtlou.) Leader, -•- Jr.-C. E., Sunday afternoon at 8:00: Topic, "Make tho beat ol things." Phil. 4: 4-7, 11, 12. Leader, Evelyn Gilbert. Epworth League,—M. E. .Church; Meets Sunday evening, at 6:80. Topic, "A great awakening ID my heart, my Church, Christ's Church every whore," , Rom. 13 : 10-14. Leader, A. L. Jackson. .: Junior League on- Sunday afternoon, at'3 o'clock. Y. P. 0. U.,—Univewaliat Church: Meets Sunday evening, at 0:80. A cordial invitation Is extended to all to attend those meetings, I. House, Sign^Garriage PAIHTEE Dealer in Paints, Oils, and Varnishes. J Imvo n largo ntook of John T. French's Pure Oil PaintH, i I Ktinrantoo to bo tlio liont pnlnt nvor mold. 0ooond nnd 1'limniuit Btroota, OhaB, Cunningham, M.D. Physician and Burgeon. .-, W. Hooond (U',, Iliuuiiioutoii. Offloo Hotiri, 7:110 to 10:00 A.M. 1 ;00 tn 11:00 nnd 7iOI) to 0:00 i-.u. Pay for tho S. J. H. to-day. Church Notices. Topics In tho vnrloun Churches to- morrow will bo as follows : M. E. Ohuroh,—Rov. V. L. Jowott, Pantor. 10.110 A. M,, "Conflict and victory." Reeponalva Pnnlm 0. 7.16 IMI., "Tlio rich man and Luearua." EvanRullktlo naootlnga continued orory evening, oxoeptlnn Saturday. Baptist Ohurohr-Itov. II F. Loomla, Poator. lO.SOA.u., "ItollRlouB tuotlon." 7.16 P.M., 'iOnly two." IliiptlHtn ot thin aorvlon ICxtra mootliinn ovory night during tlia wonlt, oxoopt Himirilny, with spcolnl iminlo at onoh norvion. We pay.; and whoever will keep acBuuflt ..-=_ Will learn"the^ terrible waste und bllglit That follows the ruinous appetite. ' .Fine Toilet .Soap, "Apple Blossom,". . , . V 6 cents per cake, 3 cakes for 15 cents* Supe'rior Black Ink, 4 cts. per bottle Sewing-Machine-Qil^-7-cents perboitie Tooth BfuBliesT^C'ologne, Combs Tine Boxed Candies " ' "FlveppiataaglassI" Doeaa: ___ Tbat thill ls~rcally the price ol a drluk"? ^—ThB-Cpunty-Sunday-SchScls.- To the Sunifaygchoot TFbrkers ' oj Atlantic .GoiintyrJf.J. -~^-- The work'of another year is closed., "sniui iio~upnnTy tsuiraay tscnooFAsso? elation' hna complntoH lt« '' Tliounanda Sont into Kxilo, Kvory j«-nr a Inrgenunilinrof poor onf forora wl»mo lungs nrn noro ami rnokoii will) ooii«bs uro nri^oct to uo to utiothor nllmnUi, lint tliln la oontly ni\t\ not nl- wayn Hum. Don't bo mi oxllo vrlion Dr. Klng'n Now Dlnoovnry (or Oonniimptlon will euro you at liomo. It's tha inont In. falllbln inixllolno forfldiiKlix'onldu^nd Ml throutttnd |UI>K dlnonsnt on mirth. Tha flrat <l<in« brlngn tullof. Anlotindlnu OiircH ninnlt from pornlntciit IIHI-. Tilnl bottlcn fion nt.l, H. HoKurn', I'rlno ft()o, and (1.00, ICyory bottla DID YOU KEEP YOUR Oo mill nnk your printers. reports 82 schools in the County As- sbclatloUj with reports from 80. There are .0 ( J5.ofllceiB and teacshers, 7,753 Bcliolare, with a total enrollment Including Home Department irfcrnbpra of 9,234,—.a gain of 1,348 over IDOO^ ' 391 liuve Joined the church, a gain of 01. 57 of the Bchoola contributed $114.83 toward county, state arid inter- nntional,work. Jfho Spring conference wna ,h6Td at Central Church, Lin wood; attend- ance WIH goqtl. Tl»e addresBCSi.nnd conferences were helpful. Township uHsoclatlonx were held, with onooxcop- tlon, and, tho meetings were means of Roclal gatherings und exchange of methods of worlc. There was much <llfllculty experi- enced In getting Borne of tho reports. It Is hoped that the onicoro will assist the Township and District Booretnrles niul make prompt reporto. Tho County Convention, belli- in First Preshytorlau Church, Atlantic City, Nov. Hth, WUH a spiritual conven- tion. Thn Hpeakcm were llov. L. O. ManohoHtor, Miss Jouephlne ltai(i\Vin, 8Utto Bupt; Primary Work, Ilov. J. W. l.,yoll, 1). 1).. Itovl 13. MorrlH Fur 1 - gUHHon, iif»<l lUiv. lillllanl (Siige. Tho ImlloH of Atlantic (Ml.y furnlsliod 011- (orlalnniciit In Odd Follows Hall. Tho plaiiH for' 1(102 liavo Iicon out- Iliiod i>y tlio I'rcBhUnit und HeoroTary at u ooiil'oromio lu-lil Duo. Ill, 111(11, and wd link for your pniyorw iiud co-opem- tlon. . n ' Wo want tin InnroaHo of niirollinunt; a homo ilo|>iirtiii()ii(. In nvory noliool ; mom eonviirHloiiH among tho n<ih<»lnrn; a larger aUmidauttM at, Hprlng donfor- und iiiiiiiiul (ionvolition ; t\v<> liy <m«li 3TT Hair Brushes Successor to Crowe Wagon Building -andPaintinf New and Second-hand A good second-hand Buggy~on handr: A.HEINECKE. I's Pharmacy. —-iyford Beverage— Hot a*^: FuMic tenders bin services. jwxrai T-m«v"'"*o—UJ*\J\1 urn Hammonton.N. J. Herbert G. Henson ALL THE DAILY PAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Stationery & Confectionery. 317 Bollovuo Avo'nuo, , Hammonton, N. J. KanlKi^loii; |)ni|jn>t roport und llhunil collcntlon from > ciuih Hiiliool toxyart! (lounl.y tuid Htnto work. Tlio olllnorii aro anxloini toaiioom- pllnh lirtldr ri'iiulln thin y<'ui- thiiil iiTor iioforo iittiilnrd. Wo will aiiditpt U(,Y.I- li>(loli« to (idciKl iuo<illii|{n throughout tlio county, and will (tlvo «ur mirvlooti froiof cluH'K" toward th(iit<lvuiimiuiiitit of tlio HuiHluyHoliool work In Allantto County. VVo wiiiit, your liolp, Hfuy xvo havo it? Voiirn trtlly, JO. 1). Hii.uv, PEESH PISH Every Friday! Orders taken before 10 a. m., Monday and Thursday At Baker f s Market, Kli H. GIiancIlaiN Attorney&Counselor ' At Law Arlltz Dnlldltix, llninmonton, UoomB 2B-U7 U«nl JC«t. A L»w' H'ld'g, Atlitntlu Oily. OHJolnl Town Attorney. In Hiinuiioiitoii <n'<-ry l''rl<lay I'rnotlou In all Oourta of tlio Btuto. Money for firnt mortgage lonno Atullaooortmontof hand and raaohln made,—for work or drlvlug. OPrunks, Vallsos, Whips, Hiding SaddloH, Notu, oto, Hammonton. N.J. Confectionery 1 ; Only the choicest;. Bread & Alwaysthe^besli J. B. SMALL, Cor. Second and Bellevue^ Hammonton. you are looking for' Wagons, Surreys, Buggies,) Spring Wagons, and Road Oarta, now or ancond-lmnd, call ut i ,1 « i F. A, Lehman's Sh©f> Oil Stoves Repair- by ' WILLIAM LSo. 26 Third Street. Hammonton. --.

Transcript of REPUBLIC AH OilStoves ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. Eepaired · SOUTH Eemorkablo Cure of Croup. I. nave...

Page 1: REPUBLIC AH OilStoves ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. Eepaired · SOUTH Eemorkablo Cure of Croup. I. nave a fow.wordn to soy regarding Chamberlain's Cough Komody. " ;It saved my little boy'a


Eemorkablo Cure of Croup.I. nave a fow.wordn to soy regarding

Chamberlain's Cough Komody. " ;It savedmy little boy'a llfo and I fool that I can-not praleo it enongb'. I bought a. bottleof it ftbm A- E. Bteore of Goodwin, 8. D.and when I Rflt homo with it: the poorbaby could hardly breathe. I gave themedicine as directed every ten minnteHuntil ho "threw up" and then I thought

- _ ,We hod to pull the phlegm out of hismoath in Rreat long strings. Lam posi-tive that if I hod not got that bottle ofcough medicine, my boy would not be on_earth_Jto day. — Joel Demont, Inwood,Iowa. For sale by J. S. Rogers. "•


The only, newspaper '_printed in Hammonton$1.25 a year, post-paid/$1.00 in the county.

Well equipped for:

' M -i j; i



WILLIAM BAKER,No. 25 Third Street, ;

HHammonton.—i~ ~"

£SI£ HAttome&Connselor

.At Law

The U«d Men's officers wore iosullied Tuesday ovotiing, including thefollowing In tiddilioa to the elective'officers publisbbd lost week : ; . . . . .

First Sannap, Bobort Thomas.' Second fjannap, Henry Nicolai.

ft, of J1.', Louis'Spyce, Jr.' .'0. tf W.,..Thomas K. Twomey.

Second W., D. C. Rehman.Ttiird TV., Arthur Wescoat;Fourth. W., Bert Beverage.

—JF»r«J Br«w,-Eobert Miller,——Second -Brave,-J. R. Naylor.Third Brave, Daniel Kendall.:

•Fourth Brave, George-Elmer,

Tuesday's sleep.

BUT* List of "nncalled-for letters in theHammonton Post Office on Wednesday,Jan. i6tn;1902: . ;

. Mrs J D. Rftnd ,'„FOREIGN :

Fruncesio Ragao-•Persona calling for any of the above

letters will please state that it -hasbeen advertised. - /

in all branches—

Business Cards


• Dodgers







~j>riees charged, always.

Rooms 25-?7 Real Eat. & Law B'ld'pr,Atlantic City. . .

. Official Town' Attorney.

^Practice in all Gourtg of the State. — /* ' • .*

Money for first mortgage \oiifit

Fire Insurance.-MONEYr

Mortgage Loans. //. . . ' —L-^:-'" - . / /

' f Correspondence Solicited. //

Atlantic Cityij^. J

A iullassorttnent of hand and mactinmade,—for work or driving.

Trunks, Valises, Whi-iJKJ i

,.. >.. t '

to do good workfor nothing

tptnessa specialty^ ..If we :cannot do' your workwhen you want it donewe'll tell you so,and finish itwhen we promise to

The TribuneNew York, tlio weeklyedition, and theRepublican, fyr $1.25A pile of good readingfor a little money

ressriiiladulj>hia, weekly, andtho Republican, a jcurfor JH1.25

Hammonton. N.J.


MOT30IPAL. -"OLBRK. J.L. OTonnoll.

JUBTICEH. Olins Woodnutt , Jos H flul-lonK L Cnufmoii

GonflTADLRn. OooBorni ibouBe.C 0 CoinboeOvKiinr . rn H I O I I W A Y H . Elinn A 'osljn.O v R R U K K n o r T U B 1'oon. Ooo.DorDihouiieNIOIIT I'oLint!. lUibt McO JlillorAtTonKKv. K II Chandler.I'IIIK C I I I E K H . J Wulthor, H M Phl l l lp iVvi.«NTBHft Fine Co. J). 8. Cunnlcghnru,

preulilont j Win 0 llojt,deor«tnry. M«ct« ynJlnl Monday evening nf oaoh month .

Independent Firit Co. Meotii Ant Wodnei).d»> ovenlnji in oaoh umnth'.' "

Town OOIIHOII,. Miolinol K I'oyur, Olitn.I! W lliitcholur, J K Wf t t l t i n , VT 1> IloPuy,A n d r u i j i Halman, John U o t l i f u K , Moot! lailK u t u n l n y evonacli i non lh .

I5oAnn np Hn1iiiATio»: 0 F. 0«);ooil,pro«l-don I; I). H, Oi iMi lnn lmui .dork ; 1'dwin Ailnmi,J I, O ' l lon iml l , M r < J ll I t iL i i nn in , Mm I(lrkH p o . r , Mrs 1! A .Imlyn, Tlioinnn O K l v l n n ,l)r J A WuaB. McuU I I r u t Tueeilny ovoiilnr• i ' «onoti inAtilh. '

I l i i A i i i P <<r I l K A i . r i l , M. Si, .Iiioklimit | Dr. Cl in r loa Cu [lnlii((lmi!j, T. I 'tonoli, J. 0. AinWmiii,

i-lMiin, <lou. l lo ' i i i l i i iunn, J u n . Jl

iin, 1'ronlln«|]fi-tor IWpii Oun

H, (Mill or phono UH—

EOYT & SOU,pOO-8 JJollOViHi Avo., Htunmonton.

FRATIENAL.A l l T I K A f n O l K I K I I III' M l l T I U I , 1 ' lUITKCTION.

A I1 S l i n i i n n n , Al A | A/ II l)l,»|», Huo'y,M»el> flri t Tuo«Jay cvonli ig In oiillhMaohanl

WIH ,Ai ik l in , N . 0.) A . V . ' . i W . h ' i i l o v , . H n n i o t i i r vM O O I M Wodnri i lny ovu«. In 0,1,1 li'ulluin Hall

i n i n n n , , » » , uoy ,flri t Tuo«Jay cvonli ig In oiillh t i iontl i In

anla*' H u l l . / /HIMIW I i i iduK, Ni)'/(>, I.O.O.Ii'. .\fnnloy


[ inn 0 H M, H i o v oirt >V A u n i l n , Clilol oluun i luy ' i a loo i i l i i Ituil

TilingWnoll iur t , I) uu lie in | OJHooordn . M u e t o v e r y /Monii' l(nl). ' 7

M/'^l . TAYl.on Ltiimr.. V. A A. JI. 11 ul lnr lmrl , W M n x n r I Alonr.o II. D i tv ln , Hoo'j3 ml niul 40. Ifrlilny J i l f l i l n In A l n n o n l u H u l l ,

J n . U i t D B u l lniTi- .n A M K I I I C A H M K O I I A N I O H, Oinin, | A X I/"liIoy, Hnoru lury ,

Maot ia ror j l f r l< lny am In jMimliuc ' lon ' Hu l l ,< J H N . D, A. I t lHIIILM. I ' l l H T , (1 , A, | l , ()||||

Ori'ln, Tnnt ( lo i iu i in in lu r ) Oh -in A lumiuir i l ,Ai l jutant l H. If K i l a n l l , Q. M. Moot,, l» l anilUrn Hniurilny n l^h t i In M«ic l iu i i lo» Hul l ,

W o u A n ' n ilnl.Ur (Jiuicn.O B K . 1). A, I | IIHH»I.I . C!AUI- K U H I I or VHTHII -

A N H , No. 14. Onpc, Oluirloi (1 (.'.mil.o | I'lmHOTKI . , Harry (,' I, o, nurd Moala In, I ami -IlliMundiy ovun, Moiili i i i i l i in ' Hu l l .

l.lillo )U lit Onunol l , No. 27, I), of I'.Mr» I, In lluwlci, I 'ai 'Alii . i i lnn | M r n l ln r r lo AK i n i, K.ol U. W,,«ti Mniu lny ovcnliiir In ItoilMKII'I Hull.

l>«" ID l»')i>Ufl, No. 12, Mil i u i. n ii f HIIHIIH.\ynrl l iyMiulur , Tln.l Hliliinoi | 11. M., Jin U(J i r t i i i i Moon :l,ul niuMtli Tl i i i rnlaT n l f i f i l nl l in l r lull. /

• ' ' ' , // /'/Blown to Atoms// ~ ,(^=The old Idea-thai tb0Tb'u<jy' sometimesneeds a powerful drX*tio,Opare:at've pillhas been explpritd ;,for m: King's IJTewLife Pillflt which are potfectly harmlose,

Btimtilttto liToralid bowels .to ex-

and absolnt«l y euro cOTatlpation jted siokheadacHo.' Oniy 25p.'.at 3. a».'*Rn™«i»druflfstore. ••/• /////' •'-- '

.<;oqft. ,3>eeombor , _' On/A pplication for/Rule to

Bliov^Cansc, ' "

Ham D..Arlirz, decoasplf, haviug oxjiib-ited to tbi»'(0'onrt, uncjj'r oath, a JUKI/andtrue account of tjie f>er«onal eatav^ and,debts .of /?aid decea^d, whereby it ap-ppars t bo,t. the poraonal estate of tile snidWllllanr/E)7~ATlitzT8 iDfluflioiontyio paybis ciebps, and requested the aid of the

It )^6ideredthit all person*interest-,ed in^ (tlie landsj/ tenements, //pndI realestate of the said/dec^dent, appear beforetheyOonrt, at-tbiV Con^ HOURS in May'sLapdipjc, . .

-npptv-io show.^aose why »6>(rinjoh of thosa,ic4 lands, tenement?, hereditaments,aiid real estate of said .decedent sbocldnot bo sold as will • be sufficient to payhis debts or ^the_roBidu.e_thgrepf_a8jhecase may require.

A true copy from the minutes.1 J. 8. KI8LEY, Surrogate.Dated December..10th. 1001.

: Sewing Machines; , BOLD

On Easy Payments\Libetal Discount for. Gash .

Old machines taken In oxcbango.t A fall line of supplies on hand,

•At HOD son's Nous lioom.

R; J. DRAKE, Agent.,.

a Good Stocks

Shoes made to Order is mySpecialty, and fitll

satisfaction IB guafanttied.'



f,eh and dcicrlptl

quioair «rcerwim our.pplnlon froo wbetlierInvtontloa tn probftblyttfritentablo. Comtoiunicn'tlpnflBtrlctl7ConfldGuifal.-2taiidbooltoiiPatoaMint f rpa Oldest nponoy for accaringratwu.V I'oUflits takoa t

,'«p«laiijoti£*,, wit

, ,.Anyono«ondln<j n itfeuldalr t&cottalri ou' •

Will ,«KI BSM«no Of O

-25, 190& NO. 4:

•W///'' J. W. PEPPER. Publlahtr.Eighth a Lp»tu»tSU.. Phllttdelphl., Pa.


es are correct,' • "

_ _ _//;/// DOWN/ TBA

T :JEBS&.Y & SEASEOB^I R. R..ii/:.effect pot. 7, lOQl .. Subject to change.

T J J ' T R A I N H .

m,l'iWl/8 fO4.38.' 8,1s


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i P SOi. II fO:i jo us!




if 2-17 43;.

,l! IS!;"*!;™.'-..n osi: Tfio i« 7 i»; tf i i

7 10 ,"T. ,7.0:l

... -~. <<M'iAtlantic Cltr t in as

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» :.M,u us 6 21>. M 5 12:*751 5 07

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ISiilt (ft « OS

• Btopsonly on notloo tncomlnctor or oirent. or r ntfi,10 Utts ofTIlflnAnontou |»a;act/pr

JB HUTCIIINSON.Gen'l Manntcr. J H WOOD. Qcn'l PnfiS'r Act.

rate of speed of faoraolosa vohlolca,cummoniy called automobiles, m EGstreets of Hammonton.-Introduced November 30th. 1901. '

Pufsud December 28tb, IflOl.Bo it ordai :ed by the Tovn Council of tt

Town ol lldoimonton, —Section: 1. .That U .ibiill bo . unlawful for

any hnrnolcmi vcliiolo, commonly known asautoia tbilea, prupullod by 8(eam, olcctrlcltjKIM, or utber motive, power, to be driverthrough, on, ar over any of tbo 'streets crroudn in tlio Town of II uniiionlou at a greaterrate of uncutl than ton mllod per hour.

Bodion 2. That any poriion who ghall beconvicted uf a vlolalion ol Huotion 1 of thisbrilliianca «Imll bo deeuioil 'guil ty of on nffonooami "li.ill bo nubjoct to a duo of Ten Dollar)or Imprisonment for (en duvs fur each un iovrry vinl i i l io t i thereof.

Haoiion H. lliat t h i n Or.liimnco nlmll Inltoeffect Itmnodiutoly after i t f l paHHiigo.

S1IC11AEL K. IJOYEU,• Chairman of Town Cou-.oll.

J. I,. O'UONKUI.L, Town Clerk.

Wagon BuildingRepairing

and Paintirg1

Now and" Sccoml-hfiiul WngoriHA good Hccotui-lmnd

hand.upgy M«I


Herbert G. Henson/ ALI, THE


PERIODICALS.Stfttioncry & (Jonft



FRESH FistEvoiiy

tultonboforo 10

Monilny i nd

At Baker's karlcot.


N. J.

Friday I


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....Vf«t Colllng»»oo.l1| HmlJon Ili-ln1.ltOrV.'..... I.nnre:"

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U|p ni-nili i i i imltlloli learn At lun l l r nl'iV.'.'i ii.iii., Ili i l i i l i l i i i i l i i i i T.(M, l'lill.i.l.l|:hl,i .'.'.i.Hnni lny nl^lit uxiirrim up li. l tTi'n Allniu|«; 7.:!i), KKK Harbor 7//,. l ln i t i i i i i> i i ton K . l l . rr i ir1

Wm.kiliiy i - v r n l r i K i'i|irr«j i l r .Mii lm\t-. I 'hl lui ln. ill 7.18, I r l l l u i / t > n l lnii ,ui>ii t , . i i |.i.r.l-ni

W.'d. HKH|.l:it.Ot.n.Hll|it. . KIIMO.N J. U ' » l | i h (I, ii.

t I ' lllln, II.OII.

Philadelphia Weekly Pressand tho .'

Sou*h Jersey Kepublican( two papei'H cncli \v(u-k), (or $1 nO n you-

to any u d d r t - H H in thin county, or $1.5 n i i t H i d i > .

New York Tribune Fanner



Km H i x l y y n i i f K t,|io JV«u '}'<»£ It'orili^ Tnlxina linnlu'i'M u i i n ' l i n i i L l wcclclv iii'tvH^ii|iin-, i d , i l i i i i n i i H i Kiitlrolyl>y I ' n i i i H I H , » i )< l lutn in JujTil tli i O ' M i ' M l n n o i i mil l mippni tc T ' l i n A M I O I liViii |)i)ii|i|ii ton <ln)(ii!o iiovni' i i tutlnud byany n l i n l l i i i ' luibllantlon. l lm

Now York Tribunu FarmorIn miidci i i l iHi i ln to l .y dii- fiinniiiii .niicl ih i i l r f.uiilHiw. The. 'U I H I . i i i i l i i l i n r WHH iHtiijoil Noy.|7tli, 11)111,

ICvi iy ilupnVtinin^. ut ngr lo i i l t i in i l i i i i l u n u y In iiinvorcilliy x | M ' i i l n l i io i i l i l l i i i i i i i 'H wild iv io Imti l iu 'H in i lu ' i r inojico-l ivo H I I I I I , mill tlio t'ribvnt l!'nritirr w i l l IMI In r v i > i y M,nuo 'u lil«li n l u n H , i ip-ti i /dult) , l lvD, i i n l n i p r l H i i i t t <>f{i l i ) i i l t i i rHll»i |>nr , i i iofi iMily l l lu i t tu i lu i l wi l l ) |m;lmim ol l ivnnlook,inni ln l (nun bnlldliign mill lionivu, in i iu l i l iKi ry , oh)

l('iiinii'i-ii' nlvnn, HOl.fl llliil <lniij; l i i(i in wi l l Il iul npuolalp|il<«M I'm' t l iu l r onliii tuliiiilenL. ',

It t iRiil i if prloi), (il i>or your, lint you miii (my I t 'wlthyour fnv i i r l t i i l i M H i r \viioltly nowiipitpor,' tlio Novth J</rieu

both 01111 yniir for


Hunt your alibnorli ir l i in mill iiioiiny to lloyt & Hon.Iliuuiiioutoii, N. J. ,

your iiiiinii mill mlilruna to tlin New fork Trititinntntr, Nnw York (JHy, unit u fioo diunji lu oiiity will

Ixi innllcil Id you.

We have just received

a large

"""""cb'nsi iSenfoF'"' "

/ / . • ' / • - • \* * / >i j f *' '^Science has established that alcoholdestroys first and moat those partswhich a?e most delicate, and moat re-cently developed. These, are thosewonderfully delicate brain-cells, uponthe proper formation of which thedifference between men an'd beastschiefly depends.' _ . • •

These delicate structures are un<je-veloped in the very young child, or



We are going to sell

them, for the present,

_^at unheard-of prices.

This is a good time to lay in a

stock of these goods.

The; child is at first, therefore, defi-cient Jn.. speech, reasoning power, in-tellection, judgment, and all highermoral sensibilities which govern ourthinking, feeling, and willing.

How the drunkard, by paralyzingthese brain structures, can sink to thelevel of the animal, and lower, is well.known. Whoever, then, gives wineand beer to a child, injures these deli-catejtructures in their formation, andthoughtlessness, flightihess, "''passion^coarse sensuality, and all base charac-teristics 'attain domination. . ' '


^/ TWo Price of a Drink.. x^;5,,,.,- ••— • • . - • ' . -J!Flva cents aj:lnBSl"_ Does any.onji thlnt.Tbat tEotis rcaiiy'theprloe of a dflSk?"Flva oonls B Blo.M," I hear yoa any,"Why, that Isn't very much to,pny."Ah, no.ludoed;'tlaa very amnll snm-You-ttre'passlnc over'twlitflngor and thumb;And If tbat were all tbat yon gavo.oway,It wouldn'trbo very much to pay. -Tbo price of n drink? Let mo decideWbo hiie lost, bis courage oud lost filu pride,And Huso groveling bcnp ol clay,Not far removed from a beast,Thp price of a drink ? tet tharoife tell"Wfio Bleeps to-night In a murderer's cell,And feels, wlibln him the flres of hell.

All the glory and prldo or youth,Hopes of mahhood, ibe wrefitb of &moHigh endeavor und noble aim,These are the treasures thrown awoy^AB theflrloe of a drlnft, from day to day.,

Ho'Five cents a glass!" How Satan laughedAs over the bar the young man quiffe_dThe beaded liquor; for the demon knewXbe terrible work thacarlak would do I


Consumptionond all

BroDohial Affections

PERUNA restores200,000 each year.|

• ' " , 85 cts.

Dr. King's New _Disco very]has made many

wonderful cures. 45 cts.

Young -People's Societies.This space Is devoted to the Interests ol •tne Young Peoples Soolotles of the variousCharcbes. Special Items of Interest, andannouncements are solicited.

Y. P. 8. O. E.,—Presbytorinn Church:Meets Sunday-eveniD(TriaMJ:3().——Topic, "Missions : the. missionary

awakening. In my heart, my

With his life-blood' swiftly ebbing away ;Anil tuai TV-US the price bu paid, alas!For the pleasure of talcing a social glass.The price of a drink ? If yon wanjjo-knpwWhat some 'are willing 10 pay for 1MJ6Through that wretched tenement over there,With illngy windows and broken stairjWhere, foul disease, llfcea vamplreLora.wIsWuh outstretched wings o'er mouldy walls.There povertydwells with her huncrybrood.Wlld-e^eS demons for lack of food;There shame, In a corner, crouches low ;There violence deals Ha cruol blow ^ ___ " ______Aud Jimffcent ones are thus accursed • -

ay tbe.prlc&of nnother's-thlrstr'^ -

and all7 Stomach Troubles :Guts, Burns, Bruises'.-_'..and-Sores—

strengthens, and tones upthe whole system. _ 45 cts.

Buckliu's Arnica Salve,;.-;,. 20 centsor'3 boxes for 50 ctSi-:


Dr.25 pills for 7 cts-i 50 for 12 cts., 100 for 20 ctsi:)

"Five oeuts a ({lass !" Oh, If that were'all,The sacrifice would Indeed be small !Jiut moueVe worth U the least ambimt

Cbnrcb>ijr^ri8lV^hurch._jBTOry-wbere." Bom. 13: 10-14. Led byMissionary Committee.




Funeral DirectorsAll business in their linepromptly and carefully

attended to. .

Embalming SpecialtyOffice and Residence,

208 Peaoh Street,Fbono 1-6 Hamraontpn-

;C. Er^Baptisf Gbarch iMeets Sunday evening, at 6:15.Topic, "Missions: 'the missionary

ID my heart, in my

... •ffhetei?)......gom,_ IF:uccmtlou.) Leader,

-•- Jr.-C. E., Sunday afternoon at 8:00:Topic, "Make tho beat ol things."

Phil. 4: 4-7, 11, 12. Leader,Evelyn Gilbert.

Epworth League,—M. E. .Church;Meets Sunday evening, at 6:80.Topic, "A great awakening ID my

heart, my Church, Christ's Church• every whore," , Rom. 13 : 10-14.

Leader, A. L. Jackson..: Junior League on- Sunday afternoon,

at'3 o'clock.Y. P. 0. U.,—Univewaliat Church:

Meets Sunday evening, at 0:80.

A cordial invitation Is extended to allto attend those meetings,


House, Sign^GarriagePAIHTEE

Dealer in Paints, Oils,and Varnishes.

J Imvo n largo ntook of

John T. French'sPure Oil PaintH,

i I Ktinrantoo to botlio liont pnlnt nvor mold.

0ooond nnd 1'limniuit Btroota,

OhaB, Cunningham, M.D.Physician and Burgeon.

.-, W. Hooond (U',, Iliuuiiioutoii.Offloo Hotiri, 7:110 to 10:00 A.M.

1 ;00 tn 11:00 nnd 7iOI) to 0:00 i-.u.

Pay for tho S. J. H. to-day.

Church Notices.Topics In tho vnrloun Churches to-

morrow will bo as follows :M. E. Ohuroh,—Rov. V. L. Jowott,

Pantor. 10.110 A. M,, "Conflict andvictory." Reeponalva Pnnlm 0. 7.16IMI., "Tlio rich man and Luearua."EvanRullktlo naootlnga continued ororyevening, oxoeptlnn Saturday. •

Baptist Ohurohr-Itov. II F. Loomla,Poator. lO.SOA.u., "ItollRlouB tuotlon."7.16 P.M., 'iOnly two." IliiptlHtn ot thinaorvlon ICxtra mootliinn ovory nightduring tlia wonlt, oxoopt Himirilny, withspcolnl iminlo at onoh norvion.

We pay.; and whoever will keep acBuuflt ..-=_Will learn"the^ terrible waste und bllglitThat follows the ruinous appetite. ' •

.Fine Toilet .Soap, "Apple Blossom,". . , . V6 cents per cake, 3 cakes for 15 cents*

Supe'rior Black Ink, 4 cts. per bottleSewing-Machine-Qil^-7-cents perboitie

Tooth BfuBliesT^C'ologne, CombsTine Boxed Candies " '

"FlveppiataaglassI" Doeaa: _ _ _Tbat thill ls~rcally the price ol a drluk"?


To the Sunifaygchoot TFbrkers 'oj Atlantic .GoiintyrJf.J. -~^--

The work'of another year is closed.,"sniui iio~upnnTy tsuiraay tscnooFAsso?elation' hna complntoH lt« ''

Tliounanda Sont into Kxilo,Kvory j«-nr a Inrgenunilinrof poor onf

forora wl»mo lungs nrn noro ami rnokoiiwill) ooii«bs uro nri^oct to uo to utiothornllmnUi, lint tliln la oontly ni\t\ not nl-wayn Hum. Don't bo mi oxllo vrlion Dr.Klng'n Now Dlnoovnry (or Oonniimptlonwill euro you at liomo. It's tha inont In.falllbln inixllolno forfldiiKlix'onldu^nd Mlthroutttnd |UI>K dlnonsnt on mirth. Thaflrat <l<in« brlngn tullof. AnlotindlnuOiircH ninnlt from pornlntciit IIHI-. Tilnlbottlcn fion nt.l, H. HoKurn', I'rlno ft()o,and (1.00, ICyory bottla


Oo mill nnk your printers.

reports 82 schools in the County As-sbclatloUj with reports from 80.

There are .0(J5.ofllceiB and teacshers,7,753 Bcliolare, with a total enrollmentIncluding Home Department irfcrnbpraof 9,234,—.a gain of 1,348 over IDOO^ '

391 liuve Joined the church, a gainof 01. 57 of the Bchoola contributed$114.83 toward county, state arid inter-nntional,work.

Jfho Spring conference wna ,h6Td atCentral Church, Lin wood; attend-ance WIH goqtl. Tl»e addresBCSi.nndconferences were helpful. TownshipuHsoclatlonx were held, with onooxcop-tlon, and, tho meetings were means ofRoclal gatherings und exchange ofmethods of worlc.

There was much <llfllculty experi-enced In getting Borne of tho reports.It Is hoped that the onicoro will assistthe Township and District Booretnrlesniul make prompt reporto.

Tho County Convention, belli- inFirst Preshytorlau Church, AtlanticCity, Nov. Hth, WUH a spiritual conven-tion. Thn Hpeakcm were llov. L. O.ManohoHtor, Miss Jouephlne ltai(i\Vin,8Utto Bupt; Primary Work, Ilov. J.W. l.,yoll, 1). 1).. Itovl 13. MorrlH Fur1-gUHHon, iif»<l lUiv. lillllanl (Siige. ThoImlloH of At lan t ic (Ml.y furnlsliod 011-(orlalnnici i t In Odd Follows Hall.

Tho plaiiH for ' 1(102 liavo Iicon out-Iliiod i>y tlio I'rcBhUnit und HeoroTaryat u ooiil'oromio lu-lil Duo. Ill, 111(11, andwd link for your pniyorw iiud co-opem-tlon. . n'

Wo want tin InnroaHo of niirollinunt;a homo ilo|>iirti i i()ii( . In nvory noliool ;mom eonviirHloiiH among tho n<ih<»lnrn;a larger aUmidauttM at, Hprlng donfor-

und i i i i i i i iul ( ionvoli t ion ; t \v<>liy <m«li


Hair Brushes

Successor to Crowe

Wagon Building


New and Second-handA good second-hand

Buggy~on handr:


I's Pharmacy.

—-iyford Beverage— •Hota*^: FuMic

tenders bin services.jwxrai T-m«v"'"*o—UJ*\J\1 urn

Hammonton.N. J.

Herbert G. HensonALL THE


PERIODICALS.Stationery & Confectionery.

317 Bollovuo Avo'nuo, ,

Hammonton, N. J.

KanlKi^loii ; |)ni|jn>t roport und llhunilcollcntlon from > ciuih Hiiliool toxyart!(lounl.y tuid Htnto work.

Tlio olllnorii aro anxloini toaiioom-pllnh l ir t ldr ri'iiulln thin y<'ui- thii i l iiToriioforo iittiilnrd. Wo wi l l aiiditpt U(,Y.I-li>(loli« to (idciKl iuo<illii|{n throughouttlio county, and will (tlvo «ur mirvlootifroiof cluH'K" toward th(iit<lvuiimiuiiit i tof tlio HuiHluyHoliool work In AllanttoCounty.

VVo wiiiit, your liolp, Hfuy xvo havoit? Voiirn trtlly,

JO. 1). Hii.uv,

PEESH PISHEvery Friday!

Orders takenbefore 10 a. m.,

Monday and Thursday

At Bakerfs Market,Kli H. GIiancIlaiN

Attorney&Counselor' At LawArlltz Dnlldltix, llninmonton,

UoomB 2B-U7 U«nl JC«t. A L»w' H'ld'g,Atlitntlu Oily.

OHJolnl Town Attorney.In Hiinuiioiitoii <n'<-ry l''rl<layI'rnotlou In all Oourta of tlio Btuto.

Money for firnt mortgage lonno

Atullaooortmontof hand and raaohlnmade,—for work or drlvlug.

OPrunks, Vallsos, Whips,Hiding SaddloH, Notu, oto,

Hammonton. N.J.

Confectionery1 ;

Only the choicest;.

Bread &Alwaysthe^besli

J. B. SMALL,Cor. Second and Bellevue^


you are looking for'

Wagons, Surreys,Buggies,)

Spring Wagons,and Road Oarta,

now or ancond-lmnd, call uti ,1« i

F. A, Lehman's Sh©f>

Oil Stoves

Repair-by '

WILLIAMLSo. 26 Third Street.

Hammonton. --.

SSj;;mhi :'. tglaaaaauaawiaHgagggg**?** ' ^

Page 2: REPUBLIC AH OilStoves ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. Eepaired · SOUTH Eemorkablo Cure of Croup. I. nave a fow.wordn to soy regarding Chamberlain's Cough Komody. " ;It saved my little boy'a

3i7* Tj -


• flow Charles Bellamy Played n Joke| . on.tho Sprlneflcld Republican. ' ' >

Charles Bellamy, a brother of the lateEdwnrd Bellamy,, of "Looking Back-'|

I ward"funieriuH? also proprietor of the- , Springfield, Mass.; Daily News, in tbe

Hoa Planned Comfortable Apartments, way of recreation Is fond of playingfor People of Limited Means—Hero practical Jokes on his friends. Hero lathe Bachelor ofKHher Sex May Live' ono which he was responsible for and

••ot which Samuel Bowles, the editor ofthe Springfield Jlepubllcan, was, the vic-tim: . • • ' . ' • _

.... . . . . . . . . . . „ , „„„.-, ' Tuo lattcr had for several'days keptFrederic Vllllers, the well-known war "who bns a design for an apartment UD » strong .editorial flro ogalnst_the

__, . L_L ".. „_ -l~—.——«•-• . ± r .—-• firmer/i—*-lvit»-:—»vtlT—;..«ul^—rr^ _ — TTTt-.i. _ ~ »_ "~HtP(V*t TniTHfV'IfiflM, ftfi'/l f IVrtli*™ Ina'tmtintnntti

'•irark Twain,,tells a-story of a manWho received 'a. telegram telling himthat his mother-in-law had died; and•asking: "Shall we embalm,, bury,--or•cremate her?" Twain says bo wiredback: "Yes, and If these fail.'try dla-


• Nicely-in-one -Room;"";

"I have nn anarchist friend," said tb'eman who knows a good many people,

- ^ ^ In ffwJtTnustcIfins •:saw the follbwlng sign In n prominent acc°n>mo'dations for those persons who of tortnrc, the~TTanl3 organ, the hurdy-- - - - ' ' " 'hotel In an'Australian town where wa- cannot nfford to have more than one 1" **<* the. squeaking-violin.ter was scarce: "Please don't use soap(vlieti°wash'lng, as the water is required


• Peter Cunningham was telllhg oneevening where he had been dining andwliat he got. "We had a thing I never«aw before— a- soup made, of cajves"•tails." ''Extremes meet," was the re-•nork of Douglas Jerrold, at that timethe prince of wits In England.

Douglati Jerrold, the., English wit, was

room. .He has fitted up an aptrtnjent TMr


Alorc than Half the Ken and Half the, Wonaen Unwcdttecl..

It Is a mere truism to say that thewelfare of the Individual, of societyand of,the stAte,-is"best served by mar-riage, and bj1 early marriage, too, says


Cyrus 0. Adams In Aluslce's.fact has been established foryears that the death_rate>among_nHmarried men over 20 years of age Isless than -that among unmarried men,and that the -death, rate among all

consulted with several of his

•once sitting with George Henry LewisJ550LiLaqet_nam.c.d. Hcraud, who was wjde, with a flue large window at one

In Jils own house nsja_sample, and It !'riendsinnd. In one corner of the Nayreally-promiscs'-amazlng results.—I-wasJ nsset -Club the. joke was .hatched—Atalking to him the other evening on tho i C0lnnllttee was appointed to Journey toproblem of city living for people of j uo lta)ln° " "small means, bachelors and bachelormaids, and that kind principally, when.he<asked rno to come with him and seewhat he had evolved on that line. Wewent up to his third floor—he is able toown a house of'his own—and he ush-ered me Into an apartment which was.about twenty feet long and ten feet

•something of a bore and a good deal [end and a small door at the other. He

of the city and engage all the musicians and their Instruments. They were all instructed to ap-

"Have you.ever seen Heraud's Descent | looked around a minute to reach a con-Into Hell?'; "Xo; but I should like to."tersely replied the wit.

elusion.""If"was nicely carpeted. There was

An actor-named Wright, who was j'one. chair, and there was a two-lightunce Impersonating the First Grave-1 chandelier about the center of the ceil',iirrn-or ir. -Womio* " r,ror,nn>^ tn tub-o ing.. The room was nicely papered on

one wall and at the ends, but the oppo-site side wall was entirely wainscoted,as I thought I told him It looked all

"Hamlet," prepared to takeIbe house by storm by incaslng-his per-son -within a dozen or more waistcoatsof all sorts of shapes and patterns.W.hen about to commence the opera-1 right for a sitting-room for one, but

rH^n of digging the grave for the "fair beyond that its usefulness seemed tome to be somewhat restricted. Helaughed - and "asked ~ :me: ifr Ideallythought so, and going over to the wains-

married .women over.25 J^nra of_nge_Is 7ess than that aiiiong unmacrleiTvi'o-riien. The home being the cornerstoneof civilized life, society Is enriched by

Keeps tho SoapWhen n c«ke of soap boglna to slid*

sronnd in the shaving cup It make Itdifficult to obtain a'good lather, and

the owner Is nprto"replacorvthe?- eafco -with a new one be-fore the old one la

If used. It la to"p'rovent-thls^waBte—nnd retain the soapuntil It Is almostused up that the

Invention shown in the Illustration has


The soft lamp gilds my desk to-night;My books stand all a-row,

I turu them-o'eryimd to my sightThey seem to sorrow'so! ' .

The ancient rhymes of love and death,-T-hat-were-suelwjonifortorn.-

Seem to know some living breath

presses against the surface of the cake)t soap Is'made of porcelain Preferably,, - ------- „,

the multiplication of homes and Ini- i s!tnough aluminum :may be utilized,•jfoyerisbed when they are not in nor- ' antl to InBare » perfect flt around the

Only within the last few years hasworld-wide attention been drawn tothe starting fact that the well-beingof a mighty nation is the

France are unmarried, the forelgVImmigration Into France is to-daygreater than the natural increase of

publican and to play continually Inspite of all objections which should bemade, and they were all well paid fromthe subscriptions wblcu.nnd'been madeup to carry out the Joke. . .

Early next morning" half a dozenhurdy-gurdies, as many hand -organs

DaTTdCJFYal?lb'tts'*otli^r™Tn8Frumeljt"8"'wIertimaking things lively directly under thewindow of Editor Bowies' sanctum.The noise was deafening. The Italianssoon discovered there was a Joke underway and they entered Into the schemewith Increased spirit. From the win-dow of a building opposite the.plottersviewed the effect, nnd from one part of once of their country as n world pow-the town to the other the news of -the, cr Is not^growlng. Their International

~la#8~rajrt>ehTndThnt Of oth--

rubber-Packing ring -la-—fitted In a groove-on the. edge. Thetendency of, the water to soften theouter edge of the coke Is preventedby this-plate, as the: contact of the' irusb-lB-llmlted-to-the-^mall—cfpen:

half the men and half the women of lng8' bit^flufflclent soap for a good• cr ls easlly obta'ne<J, and as the

i cak« wears beneath the openings theplato '*Jnrned to a f«"csh position andPressed lower In the cup to hold the

Story and. fable, quaint and good,.They speak BO bitterly!

Not OS the band that penned them would" ~ " ~ ~ ^

A little comment scribbled fine,A; finger print, a bit .

Af folded paper at some line, •Tells how we talked of It.

"~XHKe~the poet aFd~tblTiage7 ~Gold-edge and russet-brown—

A penciled word upon a page,A corner folded down I

-Th&-glamorTof-the--vcrse-is-flown;-'flio cut leaves seem to bleed.

In the dim light I read aloneThe books she loved to read.

Its own people. The excess of birthsover deaths in any year among those .cake ln prace' Gcor«e M- Muller. of

•Ophelia," Wright began to unwind by-taking off 'waistcoaat-after waistcoat,which caused uproarious laughteramong the., audience. But as fast as coting he turned up a little handle-rhe, blmself of one waistcoat, really

f Mendicant Musicians" wasnoised.- Soon .the neighborhood, adjacent

_tp_ the newspaper .office suggested con-_dl tlons on a circus day.

| Face after face appeared at the win-

a door. It revealed a„, tof the m ,offices-faces

Paul Bedford, who was playing the j closet big enough-to-accommodate-all-Second Grave-digger, Incased himself i the clothes an ordinary person would

.... Inline cast-ofT vests, .which lncreasedrcare-to have. Below-lt-there^was-rrthe salvos of laughter, for as Wright , drawer for shoes and that sort.

,-jvas-gettlng-thinner-Paul: grew- fatter ( "Then -he: went right-on with bisand fatter. Wright, it Is said, seeing revelations, leaving me to stare" at him.himself outdone, kept on the remainder j He turned down a nice bed similar to

• of the waatcoatiC and_went on with his , the sleeping our \-nrloty;

j iSfFqulte crestfallen.As a young man, Paul Kruger was

was a chiffonier with half a dozendrawers in It and a glass at the top.

regarded as an. authority 'on psalm ,'hegl^8^lns concealed by a lid which J-^p tnls t,me- tlle edltor"lal 8nnctumsulnglng, and the farmers used to come dr°PPed down.jnaklng.a-shelf-for toiletto him to learn the key-note for start- nicies.; Beyond was a wash stand4ng-the^>salms at the next Sunday's••service.. Kruger, even In those days,

._ ^was noj3ejlevejrjn_the poljcy of_ giving-anything away—not even a note of

opening up.In .the same way, with wa-ter tank, bowl, slop Jar and all., In an-other place was a door that fell down.

adorned with beards, made gray withthe time spent In studying and writ

nat nre , _Njew_ Yprk__pol I tles^_ _ _ __Wail street finances and anti-Imperial-ism: There wns_.niueh- gesticulating ofarms to drive away the source of theagony. But each musician only stoppedlong cnough'Jo change a .tune whenjje.discor-red that one of the others wasplaying the same one. All day long untildark tbe grind continued. But Jong be-

,w c „ _s making a small" table, and revealing:muslc-so he had a uniform charge of n cupboard where dishes and food.-u double-handful of dried peaches for !mlsht be, kept; In still another, a slmi--hls Instruction.' Even-tbirfact that the I l f l r »^dr6pplng-mado-a-wrlttog-taWerwork was in th» not-vlee of relln-Ion ! and revealed space and shelving for ain'the service of religion j and

Jre.Te';1^ ^pace and shelving

®F^m7iroWTi8bBlri!'=^o^w^1^^Hoot OTelerstrategy, for he miide a point of elvlQg

.pens .an(L such-.-.thinga,--.- A half-dozen

_ appllcan.t _:result~when~the~l[)Ious

note."Doppers at-

)tempted to raise their voices in sncretl•harmony next Sunday may be imngln-•ed. The result was that each man con-cluded he bad lost the key, and had tpreturn for a further lesson. "I nearlybankrupted them of their dried.peaches," sold the President,

-A. certain Congressman who had In-istructed his butler to say to nil un..'desirable_ callers - that bo was In thebath and could not be seen, was re

. cently visited by a constituent with agrievance to exploit. Ho called every<lay at tho house, .but no matter at•what hour hovprcsciitcd himself lie wasInvariably Informed that the Congress-man was bathing. "I must see him,":ho finally said one day to the servant;/'my business Is most Important; I'll•wait until he Is through with his bath.""Da's no use," replied tho negro but-'ler; "gen'lcmnn done waited fob hours• de udder day; be wa'u't through den."

.Whereupon the disappointed conaltuentIs said to have written (his upon bincard: "You may Hticeecd, If you per-severe, In getting your body clean one'(if theso days; hut if you Hhould upend•tho rent of your life In u bath- tub It"would not purify your coiiHclence oryour political record.''

8hoi> HnnlH In Ijoiuloii.With tho gradual Improvement In tlic

fltrnnd rents hnvo been utvatll ly ad-viuirlng, but the. prlc.'CH realized liy iin1

w'.iopH under tho new building of HieHotel Cecil appear to have touched thehigh-water mark.

There aro In all twelve, Mlio|m, and, t hu iippllcHtloim for them havu linoiiliumerotiH, inul £ H ( K ) - n i u l iUOO a yeiitwil l be, paid for HIOHU tif uornuil B|/.C4iud pimltlon, wl i l lo £l,,r.OO a year IH tlicrent of t l i o 'Hhop at lb« corunr of I IIP.liotul <>nlrnni!o. Tliruu MliopH ur« onlytwelve feet wide, .but us much an llf ly-Hlx foot deep, and hnvo n frontngo bothIn the, Htraiid and ' In tliu court yut'd orthe hotel.

The tt'nmo high rnto prpvalln, oven\Vl tb ) (lie nnii i l lcnt nliopn. There arefwo Hiich, inciiHiii'liig no iporo than ninefcot threo Inched wlitu nml olt{h(«eiifeet deep, nnil yet a rent of'IROO u yearll lining cluHU-fully [iiiM for tluun, Noraro tint leancn IOUK, beliiK for tho conrnioii perlodH of m»vuii, fourteen andtwenty-Olio yearn, duturiulnablo by tti«(cniuit at t l io oml of ttvery woven 'yonrn.—London Mall.

scats were hidden Inway, ready to be pulled down

for use, and behind each of them wasshelving, the depth of the wainscotingbeing about two feet Above the boiland elsewhere about tbe wainscotingwere-drawers and shelves, room for utrunk, and little cubbyholes for staringthings, until really In that one wall,twenty feet long and ten feet high, WIIHroom for more stuff than nlne-tentlmof peophi have.""'•I forgot to say that the Inside of thehigh closet for-clothes wns a mirror '2feet by <1 feet In lulze, arid hung Justright to see one's self In when lie wasready to go out. I looked nt the lay-outof household conveniences In amaze-ment, nnd when ho had Hhut It all upagain, leaving the handsome, well-light-ed Hlttlpg-room, I could scarcely realizethat I WIIH not In tlio homo of u nintr l^Man who touched tho wallu.uud broughtforth what ho wished..,...My friend toldmo ho hud more conveniences In mindfor rather larger rooms, one being uHhowcr hath to tnko thi) place of tin)

Htand. He mild II!H Idea WHH. thai-thin kind of n room could be uHed In

of any kind,- hut he, dcHlKned IICHpcclally for tho apar tment house, oftho future, where In small spnco a manor n woman might get Homo of tho cqm-

'we're empty exeepFTor the ofllee boys,who enjoyedJhejmasic nnd thelr^unex-pccted hblltlayv

The Jokers and their olUs carried theday. says the NewJfork Times, and thatown Is still whlstllug.the.latest popu-lar melodies. ,;

majy mlllloMjimountsJa^onFHairtie populaTion' of Newark,; N. T "sntUfled irtth ThenwelTcs:J. The result is that, while other nn- ( T h e Haitian lovea to play at being atlons of Europe are rapidly Increasing "" - - - - -In population, France Is almost sta-tionary. While a century ago:French- __.„ comprised a fifth of the European mlngo, to push the ironlier^betweenpopulation of the world, they now "the states farther nnd farther to the*orm only a tenth of It The Import^ westward without offering -ibe sllght-mnn nt th.i,. mn**~ „_ - -—i., .Mt objection. Here ,„ .ft conversation,

reported by Hesketh Prichard betweenThree consequential Haitians, clad fe-~

loldler, HejJellghts in uniforms and,(told lace, military titles and displayret he allows his .. nelghbor,__SandOjfe_

er leading nations. How empty l8.'tUe__J^_M._.._^i^ii_=I_^^..3=tJu.__tm.-__.^.boast of orators that France will some torms thickly netted over "with goldda'y-glorlouBly avengfr Seddn-wben-shecan add only 300,000 conscripts .a the army, while 500,000 recruits oreannually enrolled across the Uhlne!France Is to^dnv nn' nhjPet

ON'T you give us some of youracting this evening, dear Mrs.Sterling?" •

' Through the window we could see therain sweeping over the lawn, as It baanever ceased to do for the last forty-eight hours., and my guests lounged

- aoout-tue- ulg, -uncomrortamo- nan invarious stages of ennui.

which the whole world may derive

_ "General," remarks the bine one. '"Whot,. my general f respond .tho

>thers. i '—I-anHlred.—

lay! What a'spectacle!"Jvarning-^ind-lnstructlon on-the-tjucs---—"O-ho!ILcrIcs-theT)ink-general. "Aa-tlons of marriage and the family, thosegreatest of social Influences."


onnit Doctor's Hopefulneu StrongerThan Dolefalneae of Finance*.

In \Vest HCtb street. New York, nhopeful youns sawbones, fresh from a

luredly a great spectacle!". "Without questrdn.'r'Buys the greengeneral, "the most magnificent spccta-:le,that one could Imagine.1;

—"I watt much Interested."

They fiaa~beea discussing the' vital-^<inestlon of how the evening was to be

got through. Music, suggested by ourWagner enthusiast; dancing, by thewaltzing girl, had been gloomily, re-.

"Jected. Arid then suddenly, as thougli'smitten by ah Inspiration, the little

—blonde-wldow-had turned on me, and• burst ont:

"Won't you give us some^of your act-,Ing to-night. Mrs. Sterling?*

Charlie Flcetwood asked when we meiin the (lliilng-room.

"Don't ask (luestlons!" I answered"liet It be a plensaiitsurprlse for you.1

Aftcn\-ard both' question and anaweiproved to Uavo a strange sl^ilflcan

AVe were sitting in the drnwlng-roonrjjftcc-dumeE. _ F-ellXLJvaa.talklng_to_the.blonde widow about a curious book o:

nwraETry he HaU'BcerTfea'dlng. He solihe would show her the volume in questlon, and rose to, go to the library tcJetcli It ..: . . ..; _______

been accustomed to take each year forthe sin i.Mng season, consists of un imposing central pile, with two long wingsextending east and west. The housewns too big for our requirements; cou-¥e<futjnTIy~wo~oceupIed.,only the -centernnd tho west wing. But It was Into theeast 'jvlng that my; iiusband hnd nowgone, tlie llbjary being there.—He-hiid-scarcely-JefU-ho-room .whenI recollected that the book he wantedwas.not In tbe library nt all; and; trsave him the futile task of looking forIt, I rail after hlim,

I crossed the hall and plunged dov.tbe narrow corridor leading to the east'wing. My cjrarae.^was^unillujmined.^B.a.v.p"f'oFtiie"dim™inooullg'ht 'that penetratedthe mullloned windows; but I knew myway well jnquglu_and marched alonwithout hesitation.

I passed through tbe lofty picturegallery. Out into a second passage Idark, and smelling of musty tapestry.

Suddenly, ns I was:groping my wayalong, I saw a slight movement In frontof me; and there, but u few feet awny,

"Felix, is that you?", I said. And I-wonH-bfrposltlve-that-there-was notthe-

o^ji_quiyer In my .voice.There came no answer to the ques-

tion, and the figure commenced to glidedown the_pasage --------------------- , ------------- --.-

Without waiting to get thoroughlyfrightened, • -I -followed It, quickeningniy pace a little. The mysterious formdid the same.

Along and along we went, r twistingand turning among .the .labyrinth of

the Englishman."Our army Is composed 'of bravo

men," soya the .blue. .-!iOur_-troop3-ar««--the-flnest—4n—the-

poSFgrauuSte course at St Luke's Hos- - mor& DO you not think so. mon-pltai, opened nn office eight or nine ; fleur^"mouths ago. He had been engaged for j »i have seen none like them," agreessome years to marry a Harlem girl, and ; ae Englishman, with cnrrtlon.the


Black Cat Hoodooed I! la Costecount ot a Critical I'l

forts of n homo In a room that wouldcost only &in u month rent, nnd sflll hoa good Investment for (ho renl estntoowner. Tin- i.or,| only known whenthat Ko ' id ' t lmu IM eomlng." eoiielmled I .,n(VV>the talker, "hut thouxamlH ,,re walling '"'•"""•for It."—Now York Hun.

While eating his luncheon In the cozjcorner of n downtown restaurant lustFriday the t6IIer of a New Vork banktold an Interesting experience tlmt heluuljmd the day prcvlouH.

"I never had such a fright In my lifebefore," he said. "-When I left homeIn the morning I planned to hnvo mywife .meet me nt tin? hunk at 4 o'eloek.when we were to start on n little spree-have a dinner nt the Waldorf and at-tonrt tho theater nrhight.

"I took n coat nnd wore n »Ilkhat, HO M M to he all ready to start whenshe cumo. The lint was placed on ashelf above my window, and from thebeginning I planned to be nil readywhen my wife called. I kept tub' onmy clieckw and my i-anb In mich shapetlmt but little time would be requiredto. balance my aa-oimts when \ve cloHcdnt U o'clock.

"Matters went along uu umial, except-ing that a black cat kept In the bankfume! to visit me uhortly af ter lunch-'Con. Jumped on tho wholf am! knmy hut down on my clieckH andYoti know that black eatn arc MU|>|M>HC<!to bring bad luck.

"Well, 3 o'clock came, ami I hurriedwith tho closing of my accounta. Anfotu would hove it, for tho Unit time Inweeks there wufl nn error. I won ?10,-000 short. Then I , was frigntcnexl. 1went over everything nffaln with th*name rcMtilt. Ifour o'clock nnd my wlf«came, nnd I could not account for tlio

the .doctor's Income grew bigenough to support a wife on. ThatHme still seemed far distant .The K|r|nni oaiied76FIBeTiiin(lredtb time to seothe cttice. qewnBatl l l very Hniigulne;.sue lucllneario be despondentT'TIrBTo;nil t»rlp<l hcrto tlit» wlntln^-loolrin^ nnt

conquered.Irove them out.

_wc are here always.becn^canquerej." . .. :

Tho English foughti--Bnt-TCe~ivo-We have never

The truth was. In the days pf |)er, Passages, and then at last, comin

on 110th stf-irt VJectrli? cars whl/zcdeiwt and.wcst on the double track,far away the 8th avenue surface caraspeeded north nnd south, and Justabove tho Munhnt tnn elevated railwayreared Its stilted pathway. '-"Cirimd locntlou for nnotllcc. Isn't it

MndgeV he exclaimed gleefully, j ' It require* no-expcrionce !»dye with rui-

'6f" Turkey "a|.most nil tbe doctoring lit still done bywomen. In Constantinople there ar<laws nsnlnst.thpsu ueulorn. but they/flourlHh iiovcrthelesB. '

."Tbousnnds of people KO by here every HAJI

. • • - « . : * ) d

Knnlly I'lt-iiHe-d."Dniigliter, In your Inmhatid iiniln

bloV""Well, inn, I l i i 'H ' J i iHt exac t ly l lkn p i ;

wli i- i i Im Ket« bin own way ithout (,vei-y't l i l l i K he'n Jnnt purfectly lovely " -IIe|ter» Welt.

Proved Ho \Van Mu |£,,,OI.t.(!yellHH-Yoil lunnt bo an expert r|,|ei

:iy this tlnio?

W« will lulmlt Hint there are n()m,pifiiplo to whom wo would imvi-r glv.Ho\vern, nnlrnn It wan to uond tbinii titheir funeral. <

I rather fnncy | aminoeke.1 n nuui down at the erminlim

to-day. <(;ycllaa-WeH7 I don't noo thn 1 ( .IVdall--Don't you? If | i,,,,,,,., ,„,„„

sir mttiert rider I Hlmiild hnv« lo,a myiiervo hint dismounted. Hiray Htnr l im.

"John," nh<> nnlil,' "do you think youcnn afford u now gown for moV

Ho looked nt her nlnlriily."llavo you ordered It?" bo nnlicd."XeB.""TlMin," ho (inld, with a nlKb of rentB.

nation. "I can afford ll/'-Ohlcnvo I'ont

"I Haw trouble, with u probable nc-cumitloii of embezzlement There, winno leaving tlio bank with muttcra In(lint condition, HO at It I wont ugnlti-wltb tlio miinti rcHiilt. Then 1 (old tinItreHldent of the nlliiiitlori, and he nnnlonn of tfio t)OoUltec|XTii to amilnt mo.W<> went over uverjrtliltifr, and yet tb«?10,0()(» could not lio aro»iiiitc<1 for.

"My wlfo WOH patlonlly w/illlng foiinn, and when 0 o'clock en me I dovliicdto KO with her to dinner, nnd conic Ifncknftirwnrtt to ronew Il io ncnrch for tinorror. I renchixl my hat from tlio nbnlf,and au I wan placing It on my head outof It fluttered n check for $10,000, Tli«black cat wan rertixniHlbln for nil injtrouble."

A Ijinor'u Mntnl AVork.The bpllor tiilitm o« n Ilnor, If plnccil

In a etralirlit line, ivonld ronch nnirljrten inllcn. iind tbn t.-oiulonitor ttibcnnuira than twoiity-Dva mllca. The totaliMiinlii'i1 of nupiiruto jtlcccn of etool Intho inulii ntrnctiii'11 of tlio Bhlp la notloua than •lO.OQ'V

|,our.""I'd be better, pleased, Dlclc," she re-

pllod with U B i K h r "|f fcvcclT went DJ"and more stopped to come In."

Not to be discouraged, Dick; turned tothe Interior, and, pointing out n nowflmlr that be Imd-Just bought on the In-Ktnllnient plan, Haid: ''

"\Vlint do you think of (lint coalr.Madge? Just the thing for my wnltlngroom, don't you think V"

"Why. Dick," sb,o replied. ptx-vlHlily,yhln IH not your wnltl i iR room. Yo\ijfnvpn't got n wnltliif, ' room for yourfmtlentH. This IB your otllco. I treat me im If I were a child. \Vnlt-liiK room, Indood!" .

"Oh. well," excinliiicd "tiin"ii iinimiii7i»rrI>lck cheerily, unyn the N«w York Trl-

DIES. Hlmplf. bolllnc- your

"It'H tho room where I wait formy putli.-nts, Isn't it?"

Soodainthodyelaiai that U necewuiry. Uold

-—Thtt-lji|ilan(ler«a\-erago-four-fc«t,-elev«n-mchei 'in height, and are tbe nhortcst LCOplo In i-uropc. .

Catarrh Cannot n» Coreil.With locnl ftppllcntlonn, an they cannot reachtho »e»t of tto dlai'iue. CaUrrh U a blood orconstitutional tllnoaie nnd in ortlerto cure Ityou moot tnko Interim! roniciiloa, Hnll'n Cn-iarrh darn In taken IntornaUf.nndaotiidlrect-ly on the blood nnd imifon/i nurfnoo; ijall'aCftturrh Cnro In not a quaok medicine. It wasprcacrlbod by one of the bent phyalclani intbl» country for yenm, and In n regular pro.•crlptlon. It la i.-omiiodcil of the bent tnnlciknown, combined wlili tl»o beit blond pnrlfteri,aoJIiiR directly on the mucoijn iurfao«i. Th»porfoct .-oinblnntfon of the two Ingrcdlenta Uwbat pi-odnc«w niioh wonderful rwnKa in our-

eatarrh, Hcnil for tcntirnonlnla, free.F. J. Oi(BNKif ft Cii,;Proii«i,Tolijdo,O.


\ BruggUtu, price. 7<!o.Hair. lf«mily 1'ill. «r« t|,,

." iH.youc, family prominent In thoiclgliborliood?"

"Well, I Ki'«'«"l My fatber 'n In Jail,me llt t lo nlMter broke her arm, an' I gotAn miimpn,"

OlTliiK Hint tlie Tiim-Diiwn.Ho—Now, don't bother to help me on

with my coat.Hlio—It'n no bother. It's n plcnauro.--

Town Tonlca. :•

OIIQ Opinion,Wlutt'n nour Indlvlduull Wlint'a li«

atxiut, nnywny?"Ol ho complaint! tlmt ho Immi't KUI

what Jio ilenorvuii In thla world,"l.ahould tliluk, liu'd havo fnnno („

rojolco on tlmt account."•-rhlliidcluhlu

ID lienl.

A nca anenionn tnken from the Firth atI'orth in IBl'.H lived and lloiirlaliej in cup-Uvity until 18H7.

oiily'ii'oullible:- will quarrel wliu tin.Htaieniont that ovvry iiiaii jvorhu for uHvliiK. ThtiHu who do not aro tho.ex-coptloim proving the rule, ami they nroexceedingly unhappy. And no manworks 1 m I'll cr than tlio millionaire, towhom tho i!lKht-hi>nr law iiffonla no r«-llof whutuvcr, Tlio oxtroinu peiinlty offlnaliclnl law ban beon Imiioiied uponhim—ho In ifonteiicod to llniuu-lnl tiurvl-tude for life.

1'ITH pcrraanoiitlr ourod. No nu or ncrvom-nctioftor llr«t d«T«uioof Dr. Kllno'i Qr»tNerva Jtootoior. »!l trial tnltlo nnd trontlio f rooDr. II. H. KMK*,, H8I [Arnhm., I'lilla. l'».

NCIT Xculund'i neui'cit nciglihor l« Aus-tralia, IttH) inlloa awny.

Mn. Window'! Hoottdng llyrap forokllilronleethlng, gotten tho fftiini. rodnoeii tiifluiuoiftitlon, alUyniialn.ourin wind iiiilln. iiflo » bottlo.

Ani'lilnnil, tlio inont lni|i«rtnnt town InNew Xrithinil, Imn ()(I,0(K) InlmMtimln.

1'iio'i Ouro for ('uniuniiiltou In miliifclllbl*medlolneforoouHhiitiKluoliti.— N.W.IUuum..<)il«nn'0(ojro. N.£., Fob. 17, 1W)0.

till|il)»ry ountoinor< aro ofton to bo foundila uliua utiin-u,

All Hurprlnnd,llooiiln— 1 wan mifprlaud when Mr

DnnlitolRli nuked mo to marry him.TC»H|O— IDveryhoily nine, want— Ohli

Otnto Joiirnnl. '

I'ooplo differ an to wlmt'H Hood; noiuimen Uko A dirty old pluo.


maidenhood, the wife of Hen. FelixSterling had toured three years as lend-ing lady of a provincial comedy com-pany. And now. she still occasionally'tfinuHPd~her~frlcud(rwltir8ucliIngs of thu histrionic art an she pos-sessed.

"O. yes. Please act for us!" came Ina trhorUH from all parts of the hall.And young Charlie Flcetwood excited-ly sprung up nnd offered to Improvisen temporary Btngo If I would consentto perform on It.

I would not nrnlu- any rush promisesund tho Hiibjeet was Htl l l under discus-sion when ten \VIIH brought In, midwith Its fragrant presence carried our'thoughts nwny from things theatricalto the more Important matter of satis-fying tlio "cravings'of physical -naturor

• • • • . * • •Over tho sodden lawn, battling with

tho wind nnd rain, half n doiien cnger-iiion advanced und tttcc,rcdfor tho entrance ponih.

Wo watched their progress In mildBurpi'lue. mill then mxldcitly my c»rl<>H-Ity WIIH whetted by recognizing tho

i foremost of the six IIH 0110 of thu keep-cm nt the big lunutlc imylum whichHtnndH, grim und silent, about a lengiiofrom WliiHtoii lodge,

Thin mail u linrly, liard-fneed York-Hhlrennin—anked to see Mr. .Sterling.My hutihiiiid hi/.ll.y rose and went withhim to tho door.

The keeper Immediately commencedto ta lk to him In a loud, excited voice, -no Ipuil, In fnet , that wo could not avoidoverhearing part of \vfcnt ho unt i l , Andthat had tho effect of th rowing myKiii-Hlti In to t iomclhl i iK lllio a pimle, fortho keeper hpolto of u Imintlr who hadeneaped froni the HH.v|mn Hint i i iornlnnafter nearly uuTrderlng un n t l e n d i n i t ,The h inu t l e W I I H Ht l l l ut lni'itc, and hudbeen HI-IHI , not: half nn hour ago, I n r K l i i KIn n p lan ta t ion nmr our lioime.

"Hadn't \vn -hadn't \vo better huvi iall (ho doom lucked and boltedV" tin)\vnlUliiK l.'lrl HUKUt>ale<l, with n iiluul-

" \Vl iut Hurt of u chap IN he?" weheard li'ellx MN| , |MK the lieeper.

"Tall chnp, ulr. Thin, unow-wli l t i 1

hair, faeo i lealhly iinle, i-yeti Illui Urn."" I l inpUr No, ' wo h n v o not neon ill

heard i i n y t h h i K ol' him, I f wo do, \v<will let you leilu\v nt oure,"

* « * » • * #"Well, havo you prepared your pro-

pound a sharp corner, there wns a shaft"f-Jlgtit' through aJtol£Qpen_door of the library, where my husbandwas,

I^darted forward. feelliig^qulte_brav-fenow that I was in the vicinity of Felix.But I was too late. The form gildedInto the room, silently closing the door,and I heard tee key turning In the lock.

I. tried..the door. It was Bcctrrely.oclced^V. few yards down^the.passage,high up In the wall, was a small win-dow looking Into the library. Directlyuuderfiea'nrirwas a Heavy oaR tableTOn to that table 1 scrambled, nnd glucrtmy eyes to the dust-'dlnTnicd'i

T*cllx, turn around! I^oolH"ttlo ^-hr^n:I ghrli.l.-r-/l

gram '<>'• in n l H l i t , Mm. Hlm-llnit?"t

ilnshed my bnrc hand through the wln-dowrand withdrew It, bleeding.

And my warning was not u momenttoo noon. AH my husband knelt In :icorner oycr n pile of books, the tnll.white-haired figure was already closeon him, an'upraised, weighted stick inhis band, the raglbg tire of Innun l tygleaming In his eyes)

Hut I was Just In time. On hearingmy voice my liiiHhund sprung around,

on II!H iirin,and closed with his adversary lu a fear-ful life and death Htruggle.

With a cry of encouragement to myhimbnnd, I HpnuiK down, hunched upmy Hkl r tH, and raced buck uloiig theptiRHiigc. I run an I never hnd run hefore. I knocked nguhmt furnltnrer Intho dnrkncxH; 1 Htunihled und fell, hutHtl l l , Impelled by n nupornuturu l force.I nifllH-d oil.

1 must hnvo looked n remarUnlilellguro us I rushed In mygiieHt.i. My bund wus blooding, nndIhu blood hnd stuluod my whltq oven-Ing gown, My ba|r wus half down, mydross wns torn. But what did appear-uiiees mutter to mo?

•"rhoiuudmiinV" I giiKped, | i ; i n l l i i K forhrenth. "Tho cm-aped n iadnian! l iehtm got Into the east wln;j, nnd 1'Yltxmy liiiHlianil—.- \Ve inini t IMII -KI thedoor open. (Joine! Come!"

All eyes wl>ro turned upon me. hutnot a Honl offered to move.

"Don't yon iiudei-Htand meV" 1 cried,wringing my ImiulH In my Imiint lence."Then> IH not a moment to |ONI>, Myhi iHlmnd IH l lgl i t l i iK for hln l ife! \Vliyilon'l you couieV Mr. Fleetwood. youhear inoV Hnvo pity- have pity!"

I H | M j i n K to Churl lc li'leetwood undMlrovi 1 to drug h im from the room bymain force. U'linl illahn||eal Hpi - l l po»

them al l t h a t they \yiv lii i l l l l 'er-cut to my appealV I t all neonicd l ike ahorrible dream unreal . Ki 'u tcHi |Ui- .

"Yon will he too lute!" I iiornmicd, Ini lierl'eet frenj'.y. "IVlIx will he ili-ad"li 'nnitlcd hy t h a t i n i K l i i i a n ' H IliuioniHli ' i ini:led, Ml rankled I"

I l ie jd in to reel, c lu tching t l eHpcrn le lynl the nlr. And then, of a m i d i l i - n , at tranire, l i a l f - r e iu f in ln - r i d i-nunil rl| pledI h f o U K l i tho ronni—n Miund ter r lh le tol l t i l cn to at l l l ' M f , yet chilli; me 111 till'cml nn Inhll i i i ; ol' t in- t r u l l i ,

i t WIIM the Hound of h a l l i l N r lnpplni ;hi npplnuiu ' . They lho i i ; ;h l I W I I M acl

I i i lorniei l and raved anil Hln- le l ied aniinrely no ae|re»ii cnnld or would, I enI r i M i l e i l nnd hnplori i i l and ntni|;i;lcil t hewhi le w i t h the feeling of f a h i l n e t m andi inn ih i iomi t h a t W I I M t i lea lh iK over mn.

And Ihc i i at le i iKlh tieelnu Hint myI V i i r l M to In i i l to them nqdernlani l woro

summoned up a smile as I listened totheir applause nnd congratulations.

Somehow or other I : Induced'them tofollo^f me from the room, telling themthat I had Bomcthing to show tliom Intho east wing—n further entertainment,which my husband rind I. bad prepared.

consented to daw.dle along'behind me,laughing nnd chattering the while. '

Only when they heard Hint lasi de-jpalrlng cry of Felix did Fleetwood andone or.two of the other men_beglnjo_gnln'n glimmer of. the truth. It waswith "ever-increasing alarm that theyhurried forward nnd tried to. force tbelibrary door, and, finally, using the oak'table as a ram, burst It opeiu

I-have a vague memory j)f lookingInto the room hnd seeing several per-sons there nnd n struggle going on. Ican-recall the sight of Felix j-unnlngout, palb and Ifmplng', but smiling, and-of-hls-holdlng-out-hls-arms to me.— Iwent to meet him, nnd then—I swoon-ed.—Utica Globe. :'. •'•'"


Dealer Rccojrnizcd a Stolen Volume

It was a°n old bookshop. A man, came(n and offered for sale an odd copy, onevolume-of- rather a -rare- book., which,when complete, is much sought fofbjrsollectors. He was a slovenly dressed,illiterate Aersbn, with a peculiar hang-dog expression. His offer was' nottaken and be departed with .the bookunder bis arm.

"Do you think that was a stolencustomer askeda rnvoreu customer asked or

;he wlsehend of the place, according tofe New York Mall and Express."No;-probably not- My experience^.of

book thieves Is that they are — moreoften than not sleek, well-favored In-dividuals. X)ne of tbe most audacious[ ever encountered .during a good mauyyears In this business was a fellow who

here one morning, large as life,

llograpbical Decameron.' It was a bookwhich I happened to know belonged to

gentleman in Chicago, who knewbooks when he saw-them—Gen. Me-

"I took and looked-it"OTer,-made some talk,about the price he nsk*-id-for-lt—a-rattilng price, too—and atast asked him to look In ab'out 3 o'clockn the afternoon and I would let himiave my answer. Then I made thewires hum to Chicago. I bad details'rom Gen. McClurg all In hand beforemy smart- book-peddler1 arrived-JHesauntered In as, if he owned the shopundjnqulretl: '. „ - ~_

" 'Well, have you decided to buy myi)QOk.!L - :

"Pcrhnps-niy tone of voice made him''stk'HB, for he upoke ruthur ijulokty

os he said: 'Where Is it? I'll take Italong, then.'

•No, yon won't,' said I. 'Ttyit books going back to Gen. McClurg by ex->ress as soon na I can get time to do It

up properly to send! . If you want toexplain how you got It to n police-man ' put by that time he was up

I nnd out, and shaking the dust of myplace from bis shoes as fast as hecould."


How the ItiiBBlnim Pitch-Thelr Tcnte—Sturdy uiul Huppy Men.

On the Sunday morning when all thochurch bells were dunging nnd goodHltiKovcHteheiiHk folkti wore Iiastenlng,anui'il with prayer books, to worship,1 took a solitary walk along the AmurHide. On th" way I passed through thecamp wl." .- nro stationed Home 3,000Holdlera It waH well h(tuatud u u u r ' uwooil. Tho.olliceru'..quartern \v«ire oftimber, painted white, and (here \nirc

rnKgy gnrd«'iiH In front. Thero \\jurugreat long HhedH for tho troopH, Jbut

i iHt of the men were under cnnvax.Tholr tents were pllehed pu . . i iu l tu n

dlf lerent plan to t ha t adopted by l lr i(-|K!I tniops. There wad llrtit built up n

iiniv of Kods. not unllko a uporifi.'I I I I I I I ' H Hhelter y i iu Hee on the moom athoi i i i>, w i t h nn eiil i-nuee nn one Hide.On the lo|i of I h l H W U H llxed Hie tent,wh ich wan iviilly n norl of H<| i iur«> fan-VMM lid whleh would throw the rainheymid the h u n k , In eaeli were HlxliedH and ll iere W I I H plenty of room -to

l imi t up, A t rvci'y | i i i ln t WIIH a HO)-dlcr oi i , i jguard. bni;leN were enn i lnn -

-ly Hi i l in i l ln^ , nlUcem and the i r order-H were K a l l o p l l i N ' about, "Foivlgn-

WIIH, of roui-hi!, tiliinipi-d all over. and, n l l l i o u K ' l i I received n i n n y

i ' l i i im ^Inni-ex, I HI rolled where Ii iNed,. w i th never a word of hind

vi in i - i - ,T l l i>He I t u m l a n w h l l e - h l i i i i H e d Tom I

mien were J I I H I MM "larky" IIH the i rr rd-J i i r l i r l rd I'i'li i idn MI Ahler i ih i i t , Hiiyi iI ('i)| 'i '('i.|)oii(lriit i i f the I .nl idon NCWH,In one oj' iwo pliK.-eti mtiu wi-ns lan out>n pnrade, b u t I I H I H I o f t h e m weiv'pi'iullni; Hielr iMimln.v an they pli-nnrd.I I ' I ' I I M I i i i i i u r of t h e l e n t i l eaine Ike l i l i ' i i li f n i - i - o l ' i l h i i i H i n n d . V I I I I I I K f e l l o W H weremil l i l i i K n n O ' n l i i H l i i K . 'l'!'."n I ea in i 'i r roHt i a )ii'"i\|i | I I IV!HH \ v n < H l l h u 'in i | l< ' l ie i i ; ne\t co'iile yoiniK IVlhi\ ; '\vel'n l i ' i i l l H K I bell ' j u m p i n g )>ii \veri .( l ien ci'onpH H i | \ m l l c d In t lm xluule oftb ' t treeii Hiniildng and K0|4iilplii|(, Iiiiuat nay t h a t thi'.v were all M t u r d y ,w»|l nut and h i ' i i l l hy men. clean nin'i

Lively Gome for Indoors.Toe painter, and the colors Is an

amusing Indoor game. The leader litbe 'painter.- The rest of the,;.each taking, green, etc.— to which he mustrespond directly it is mentioned. Be-yond this there ,ar.e four words whichmust be answered in various .•ways.

—- When-the-palnter names" the palettorall except the painter cry out, "Colors,colors!". When he speaks of colors In'general, all cry, "Here we are!" Whenof his pencil, the answer exacted Is,"Brush! -brush!". Finally, when henames, turpentine, general consterna-

accord exclaim, "Help, help!"Any "color" mentioned by name must

Immediately name another "color" ofthe party. -The latter replies simply,"Here, sir." Any mistakes or hesita-tion in giving replies Is punishable bya forfeit.

Herejs an example of the game:Painter— I am -commfssloncd by my

noble patron, the Marquis of Carabas,to-print a picture of HamletnmoVepfae^ -mIla. I have made my design and shallbegin to set my palette.—All the-colors—Colors!—Colorst

Painter—I Intend astonishing; the crlt-!cs_bythe brilliance of myjcolQjral__J,:-

A1I—Here-we are]:".'•"""Pointer—I can't employ you all at

once—too heavy a tasl;~for a singlepencil. • • ' . . .

All^Brusb!—Brush!Painter—Silence, or I'll exterminate

you with a dose of turpentine!All—Help! Help!Painter—Be quiet, or I won't employ

one of you! I'll begin' with thg

:orpedo. It Is hardly necessary to saythat this phenomenon is caused by. Sbc-pressure of the elastic substancff' of.'Its Interior, which overcomes the re-•slstnnce of Its baril outer ahell; :^ .

Th6 frultAisually Bpllts.openr ledgth- •ivlse. If plucked before maturity andallowed to ripen In a warm spot, ttopens gradually from apex to tKJSevmaking, as It were, a pair of diverging 'horns starting from the same polnt^If, jleft to. ripen on the plant, since the prx>-ecas is fluiclcer and Jhe lntj!rnnl_|nola^ture greater, the opening Is sudden andaccompanied with n slight noJ*te, ^though this Is much less than that ^which takes place when It has beenplaced In water. In this cose the 'dry jbut porpugjlssue of the surface of tha _ _;fruit quickly absorbs the liquid, ^es-pecially at'the grooves caused by :tn» ;

junction of the two valves or outer sshells of the fruit. The internal tls^e,-being; very-elastic, exerts upon the -lat^'ter a tension that soon results In theviolent bursting already described. Thacurious property of explosion Is given

the little plant for the disseminationbf Its seeds, which would otherwisestand a poor chance of propagating id.

• IPapa'e.ldea of Heaven."Mamma," sold small' Tomnty;

"hasn't papa got a queer Idea of heav-en?" • -^

"I'm sure I don't know, dear," replied'his mother. "Wby do you think, .heh a s ? " ; . . _ . - "

"Because," answered Tommy,. "%esaid the two weeks you spent at

Wanted the Lord to Persevere. -Much to the astonishment of her"*ber-a-little-4-yenr-old-m!ss recent-

ly concluded her evening prayer-as

Ophelia— They-ought-to-be-blackr- (Ifthe 'painter names a color not in thecollection he pays a forfeit.).

Block— Green! Green! 'Green— Here, sir!Painter— No. She was^ called ."thelr^ Ophelia." Her eyes must have

heen blue. _ '_ __ _ • _____ 'Blue^OrahgeT-Orange! -L ~ -.- ' - -- -Orange— Here, sir!

:heeks ought to be pale,, almost white.:.WJiiteTrBurple-and.cherry-colorl ------

All the colomAll—Here we are!Pointer— —of the rainbow shall be

employed, etc.And so -the game goes on, another

member of the party taking the placeof the painter when one of them makesa mistake.

An Amnulnic Match Trick.Procure a box of matches, out of

which select 14 as perfectly cut as pos-sible. Take one of these.,and lay It onHie match box, placing It BO that oneof the ends protrudes over the edgeas shown In the accompanying Illus-ration. They lay 12 matches across It

In the manner shown, being careful to

make both Hldon oven. When you havodnnol t h i n lay tho fourteenth mutcliright on the top of tho bottom one, onlyII wil l not rent on 11m latter, but on the.1'J upper oneH, being careful not to lotIt protrude over the, edge, of tlio box:.Then carefully nil eh liohl of tho bot-tom mulch, l i f t It gently, and If youhuvo done the tr lek correctly you willIind that you linvo been enabled to l i f tIH ninlclicM with one.

low8T—"Plehser£oFd^Tnake"me-a'good-girl,- and if at first you don't succeed,try, try again.'-' - ^

Financier in Embryo. _Mamma—Now, Willie, -here's yout

medicine, and here's the dime .yojuipapa left to pay you for taking it.

Willie .(aged 5)—Mamma, you tak«the medicine and I'll give. y'p'aJialf-tbjLmone

Etbel'8 Moist £yes.One day little Ethel was watdilng:

her father grating horseradish, whea.she suddenly, exclaimed: '"I "Can'twatch you any longer, papa; it makes,-my eyes sweat." . . "

A New Definition.

watched her transforming one of bis[father's j>ld ,coats .into a new one forhimself, "Is tnnVwhat they call a cuta-

ul ter ly uiieleiiH, I i i i iddeli ly nloppod and neat, nnd iiulte halipy.

,' An ICxiilonlve I'riilt.' A very eurloiiH rhilt hnu liuon <UHCOVered growing wild In l lntuvln, und uiiamiile \\i\p heen HCIHI to n French pro-fimwor of holuny at i'nrlo, It iippoimito he n iipeeloi of lu-iin, reHenibllnp nclirur hiith In form and color, thoughonly about an Inch In length, dm nlinn n liei'iillnr ehnriK^orlHll i - t lmt fen-

| doI-M It n very nnhiuo and hitobject, und |hla li. Hut oxeonllllKlyei 'Kel l i r i i inni ier In whloli I t m-attoi'ii U NiieedH. If ohn of thetio l l t t lo f r u l l n hoth rown Into U Imnln of water, It willrent quietly un tlm niirfueo for fromtwo to live nilnnteii , then It will ex-nlodo w i t h violence, hurllii(( nuiiit of Unroi i le i i ln Inlo tho air wi th a nolun and

'•x-li fur all tho world llko a

Bcmlniacences of Good Times Boy*Used to Have. .

"Boys don't see fun In winter nowa~days, as we used to,"nn elderly farmer-lawyer, or lawyer-farmer, maintained."Why. when I was n boy, out in tlia "country, we used to set snores, and "-catch as many as twenty rabbits ev-ery night. I remember one prank Iplayed with rabbits' heads about thattime. My uncle had a blacksuilth'ji •shop and I had to work nearly all dajrIn li Just making horseshoe nails—awfully tiresome work for a boy wtto,would rather bo .out In the woods sot-ting rabbit snares. -

"One day I had thirty rabbits' heads•tho proceeds'of two nights' snaresj.

not quite as many as usual. I had.,heard my uncle- say turit Itarmcfilobbs was coming In tho afternoonto get his horue rough shod. So atthe noon hour I slipped off down thoroad, out of sight of tho^Hliop, tnklnS

rb"uie~.IoTc3ra~b'u'Iffi^[u the rond I nindo a'big pyramid oftlioHe. headH, the long cars all sticking,•lit 'every whleli-a-woy.1' It didn't look. •Iko aiij'thlng that human, eyes had

over hehe.ld—It rather scared, HUN I. re-iK'iiibi-r. altboiiKli I know I hml nuido 't inywjf. Theii 1 hliV lii tli i> fence•ornor—old rail fence., mlutl you—and.waited for Fanner IlohliH, 1 Uiipw10 rode, a n i the r< tdc l t t lHb l l t l lu hlaclciinre--Kltty."Well, ulr, Ki t ty eamti piu-li iK ulor

nry decently, und all of a'nmldc.n HI)Hlooil ou her hind legH and pawed thoulr, then Jumped off the i-nnd Hide-wuy-H. then whirled nrouiul. anil triedto run a way. farmer Hohliu hnd a,,hard time, of It. . Ho whipped. Kil ty'and ho mild bad wortln at her. hutgo ahuad Him wouldn't and. didn't Uuhad to dismount, tin bur to tho feucu—thu very corner behlud which IcrflDobed, milckorlng In a wlil«pi-r.:

Then ho walked up tho- rood, to tlin rab-bit moimtrotdty, which ho Innpeetcd,and then kicked all to pk-ceii. Hayingmore, had wordili lOvun then Im I'oiiMu'tlend tho inaro punt tho Heattered rnb-bllH* liendii, HO ho had to He her upntfi i ln, unti l he had picked tlii-ni nil upanil hlilden them In the woodn.

"Of courtie," contlnui'd tlio fnrint'r-Inwyer, neniril lng to tlm Detroit Kilio.1'retin, "1 idld olT t h r o U K h tho IniHhotfan i l wan hard at work nnikliii; IHHIU-Hhoe n i l l lH long heforo he not tu lliynnele'ri nlio|i."

(liiulU Nof Htiuill Clum-olCou.An edueittitd Imlliui girl hun left Inn'

huidiniid nnd returned to mivnijory hoeniinn bo woulu pcnihit 111 ninoklnj; >•!•Kur i i l teH. How ciirlonuly doe.'i Urn font-Inli io mind workl-Uuffalo lONpretin,

Page 3: REPUBLIC AH OilStoves ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. Eepaired · SOUTH Eemorkablo Cure of Croup. I. nave a fow.wordn to soy regarding Chamberlain's Cough Komody. " ;It saved my little boy'a



One Step at a Timeis the secret of all .progress.

The first step towards a

successful life is often the

application for a policy

of Life Insurance in

TJ n •rrr'-irf^i-rf'

Insurance Co. of America

JSewark, Mitf«'. JOHN P. DRYDEN, President.LESLIE DrWARD, Vioe-Prestr;

• . . . . • . . .QEO. S..TRUNOBR, Asst. Supt, Williamstown, N. J.

I Entered as second olas» matter. ]

SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1003.

Who Shall Supply Water?Next Wednesday, Jan. 29th, is

the day appointed for th'e specialelection, when all legal electors 7 inthe Town -of Hammonton will havan opportunity to vote for or agains

Liberal ReductionsIn Goods left over firom.


''. \^c\ £sU*J7V .. 2^Kfc&

of IheI provisions of an act entitled 'An actI to enable towns to supply the ioliatI itanta thereof with^pnre "and ~wholesome water,' and -a proposition tobond the Town in. a sum not to

I exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars"HfSU^OrO 6)", t6"carry"out the prbvllonlJof said i act"

The regular. Election Board willconduct the election, polls will beopen from six 'o'clock in the morninguntil seven in the evening, at theusual place in each precinct Officialenvelopes and tickets (which the lawrequires) are already provided, andthe usual revision of the registrylists was made on Tuesday last.

Now, why all this trouble andexpense? Just this: pur TownCouncil have long been .convinced.

our Holiday stock. ;

You will find bargains among them. ' • ' '

K£ Wells; Comb 'and Bruph getfl; Toilgt^ietB, " N

Cloth BiuBhes, Manicur^article^ both, in ebony and

sterling silver, Pocket-books, Chatelaine Bags, '

^Ladies' Combs, anything in the Silver Novelty line.

WE ARE BEADY ta give your repairing prompt

attention. We fully guarantee all our work.


Mail Time.'Mails will close at the Hammonton

Pout Office as follows: r-;-LEAVE- ' ' ' • '

DOWH UP!):10 A;U. 7:10 A.M.

1>35 P.M. 12:20 P.M.< 3:50

—ARRIVE-"'5:58 A.JC. :•..'• 7:25 A.M.fl:22 ....• -. .... 4slO P.M.6:48 P.M. ' • • ' " . • ' ' . ' .

Eyes examined;..glasses fitted/day or evening.

STEEL, --Jeweler and Optician,

that Hammoptbd needs more pro-tection in case of fires than is afford-

its but Clothmf Store to your-vcty Aar


\' i You pay excursion railroad or trolley fare. Come to our[Store; buy your Clothes, your boy's, your girl's, ypur wife's.Same price to everybody. - Show\your railroad ticket for

!iare paid. We pay you exactly its cost if you buy a certain•amount. How much ? -Can't tell—deperi ds upon, your carfare.

<•-.: -"-

Wanamaker&S Brown-<*«•«•«• ~^^S2;^


public cisterns. ' .Twice have tHey^granted^ water

franchise . to companies •who promisedto provide sufficient water, withmains in the puWic streets ; but^ifaeach case the parties failed to keeptheir agreement, because no capitalist

Bicycles and


BSf Council meeting to-night.

ESF Miss LurenojCompbell is visitingHatnmooton friends. " .

.Jtgy Chronothanatoletrbn, Feb. lltb,TJniyerealist Church. "

SMALL BlttinR-room Stove for pate. •• '. , 218 WimbJDgton St.

SOT Vote for the water bonds.B@»Tbo electric lights came on in

good shape last Saturday, and werewelcomed. How if they would givethem to us a half-hoar earlier each eve-ning, they would 'save eye-strain in theprinting office, and please all otherpatrons. - • . .JS* ThOLsecond: trial of Bpnaflglio;

the' Italian who was convicted of themurder of a countryman at Absecon,has been postponed until April 1st, be-cause oi the ; absence of certain papersnot received from the Court of Errorsand Appeals. " ' . . .

B®" The late Frank McNaney, whodied Jan. 8th, was a member of Doric-LodgerSbield-of-Honori-of-tbia-townrThis, week, Mrs. McNaney received acheck for five .hundred dollars from theorder, the amount due on his member-ship certificate. ' ' . , . ' '

Votft, for 'public water-works tobe ownod by the Town.

.J8@- John A. Dodd eptnt last Sundaywith' friends" in Hummonton.

4©- Rev. W. K. MdSinney spent4bis week at Princeton Junction.

SEVEN BOOM HOUSE fbr rent, near thestation. Flrst-claes condition.

, ....... - . . .-.£!» Washington St. ...ote, next Wednesday, and vot?

an favor of the proposed water bonds.:Egy- Don't miss the Cbonoibanatoler

Iron in the Fasnacht Klatch," Feb. 11.J6S?* There will probably be baptism

iSporting Goods of every description.

-would-invest moiiey-in the enterpriseunless the Town agreed to buy ~ andjnaintain-a-certain—uu m her—of—firehydrants. These would cost theTown from $1200 to $1500 everyyear, and more as the pipe lines wereextended and the number of "plugs"increased. Council has the power tomake such a contract, and taxpayerswould be compelled to pay the bills;but do_so, believing.that it-would bo.better for the-Tbwn- SJfeat rent from pHvate consumers, an

• ' i ' '

NOW Mrs. Jones does not spfeak to Mra. Smith,simply because ahe knocked for i long time at Mrs.

Smith's door and no one came to let her in ; while, iniriith. no one heard her knock. But tad there been anelectric bell on the house, the life-long-lit lends would never-have parted. For all such ills, apply \6 the

Electric Light, Heat and Powor Company,.and a speedy cure is guaranteed.

S. L. PANCOASil, JR., Manager.

ex*House, Sign,"


Ornamental Painters, G\ia,inK,

Paper Huni*Iii|r.

Baminonton, N. J.

Chas. Woodnutt1 JUSTICE of the PEAOE

(Olnlmnoollooiccl.)1 'Commissioner of Doods

Inouranoo 6t Boal Eotuto Aftt.<jnioo at residence. 405 IJollovuo Avo.

In answering ftdvertinementB,oi'.y "1 saw it in tho SOUTH•<' r.imuv RKP'UHMOAN."


•Undertakerand Embalmer

''I'vrrilltn Ht., Imtwoen rallroado.

Ki uimontoii, N. J.v\ l l nrmnKctnfinta for buriala mado

t.uiil oaiofullv oxaoutod.







Insurance AgentNotary Putilio,OommlBsioner of Deeds,

Office, 101 Railroad Ave.Ilammonton.

Wo will try to,, fill every orderHatiBfujBtorjly.

JOS. H. GARTOW,Justice of the Peace,

Hammonton, N. J.Onioo at Roa'ldonoo, Middle Hood.

using as few or many plugs as werdeemed desirable.

[ This matter has been persistentljagitated for years, until now, by thCouncil's action, and a vote aspecial.Town meeting, tho questionwill bo finally nnd legally settledwhether the Town shall suppy wateror pay others to do so.

It is currently rumored that somevoters, who reside beyond tho proposed line of water-pipes, will voteagainst the proposed bonds, becausethey will not bo bonefltted. To thesewo will say that properties withinsaid piped territory pay more thanhalf of tho taxes every year, includ-ing highway tnx. Few of these menhave teams, yet without a murmurooo a largo proportion of their taxes

:d to build and maintain rondswhich are mostly imed by those whocall themselves "outsider*),"

This IH too siimll u community tohave divided lutoreutH, Kvery build-Ing destroyed by lire dednets ItsValue from tho taxable property intown,'and liddsjust that amount toothers. A flro might quickly destroyllfly thousand dollum1 worth in thobiiHli iCHH Hcctlon, and ,t,ho conHcqiuin-COH bo seriously felt by other tuxpayers.

We hope to sou all sectional foolingdropped, next Wednesday, nnd agood majority of votes mat in favorof publio wator-workti.

Men with oxnnricmic in tlui Imrii-IIOHH Hay that In live yoaru tho wntor-rentii will bring u liinidnoino prolll. totlul owner,—wluithor tho ToWa or ujnrlvnlo company,

O.A,OA«rw)«i.i.«. A. O

H.HOUI.I.iniplinll A; (Jo.,

Estate & Inouranoo.Money to lo«n oA niorliruao. fnrtlan Imvlm

liouncm lo rtnu or |>r<>|iBUIo« for nila or «jx-almng*. vrllf «to well i<t cull, or write u».

Avo., AtluntloUlty.

Blown to yvtomu,| Tlio nld liloa tlmt die body Bomfltlmen

npvila H |iownrliil, drnntla, pnrifatlvo pillhkn IKMIII exploded j for Dr. King's NewMfo I'lllo, whloli nrn perfectly liarmlotn,

lljr Ntliniilnto llvor and bownlo to ox..polaonona matter, olennfa the ayatem

•IK) nhaolutoly curooountlpnUon and nloUhinduobo. Only l)Bo. At J. H, Ho^oro'dl ug oloro.

crapplof Jersey Pork.

We have two grades of Mince Meat, 10;and 12 c.Chow Chow, Pepper Sauce, Pickles, and HorseRadish. Home-made Sour KrOUt.

Orders received and delivered.309 Bellevue Ave.





A Fine Herd of SteersHUH juHt been rooivod at ICckhardt'a furm.

You can ooo thorn, drccoed, at

Eckhardt's Market,"' . ' 240 Hollovuc Avonuo.

P. S. Nico young ohlckcno, drooned, Ho. pr pound.

?•**&, <t.itets.

to-morrow night, in Ihe-Baptiat-Chnrch.

WOMAN WANTS WORK by the d»y orboar. Good washer and Irooer. baser

~3»l<MioUBO clean err-Veryji cat nndJJtcan. ri.—Address Box 132.

jESy-Rov. Henry T.: Taylor visitedfriends in Baddonfleld arid Camden,last week.

J5SJ- The Postmaster has added a new•writing desk in the north window! of the

-Post-Office.1- —______ _BSf Twenty cents takes you to the

Kaanacht Klatcb, Feb. llth, in theUniveraalist Church./"i ODD working Horse for gale. Cheap.'

->.jf@r Don't bp» clam, and lie be-•calmed while the world moves on over

^y6u. Vote for progress.• While chopping wood, Wednes

afternoon.badly, nearly severing a toe.

H. E. Leah, of Boston,

S&~ A Camp of the Patriotic Spns ofAmerica is to bj>'orsabized la Ham-monton, with a good number of mem-bers. It is a ..beneficial order, with adeath benefit provision. 'The first meet-ing will bo hold in Bed Men's Hall onFriday evening, 31st, at 7.30.

jg^1 Claude Brown, the • three year-old son of John Brown, got hold of abottle of household ammonia, Wednes-day morning, and swallowed a smallquantity of it. -Fortunately, Dr. Bitlerwas able to reach the-honse in. a fewminutes, and-by-prbmpt-measnres-re-lieved the little fellow's intense sufferinga n d KeTWiirrecover. • - , . . ' , '".""!."*

jgy The Republican members of our


Mr. Wm. MacSparrow, a'good oldScotch veteran of the civil war; whohas resided ID tola town for a numberof years, died on Monday mornlDR last.The kindest thoughts remain for this•good-hearted jovial man, who faced thebattles of life with a cheerful spirit andan open Bible. "The fnneral seovicewas hold^Vednosday afternoon, • • .

Miss Bertha Barren, Mr. Roberta and'Mr. and Mrs. Shermer, of Philadelphia,were late guests of'Mr. Thos. Barron.

Mrs. Pond is visiting her SOD,, JohnD. Carver, and family.

Mr. Wm. Beckloy, a Winer residentof Elwood.-employed.on^ the BeadingRailroad, met with a Boribus accident afew days ago. The freight train wasmaking a fly leg, switch. The enginepassed, and. Mr. B. turned the switch,

TmlTberore hTrpoufirgetfout of "pjefway"the: car they were shifting strack him,cutting his bead very badly. He is nowreceiving treatment at a hospital.

A.parEy of- our yoonaf pebplOfent'toPleasant'Mills last Saturday night, toskate.' They found the ice In good'con-dition, and had a very enjoyable time ;but they did not enjoy the wetting theyreceived coming home. --• ; ;

We have hoard no more about thatmysterious light, so think it must havebeen an optical delusion. • ' u.

day afternoon; to nominate a IT. 3.<.,. __ NipeteenJmlkita-wero-takonr

resulting in the nomination .of Mr. JohnE. Dryden, of Newark. The decisiveballot resulted as follows : John F.Dryden, 32 ; Edwin C. Stokes, 29 ; J.W. Grlegs, 2. , •

S®~ Many a man, and many a town,Jay—dormant. with little .sign of life.

Joseph-37Garton,'Jnafloe oftbif fence, on' Wed-nosda, Jannnry '22nd, 1902, Nicholas

rrBeronatozandrJbannalBossi^_botb, ofHammonton'. JT. J.

until roused by some outside ehock, andin desperation they stepped forward,even into debt for what was needed fordevelopment, and prosperity followed.Hammonton will grow but little untilmoney id invested in public improve-ments. Now is the time to begin.

"I will not forsake theo,''asa-cred solo by H. W. Pe trie, 'published inthe January number of t bo J.W. PepperPiano Music Magazine, is alone worththe price to all those who appreciate

morrow mornlDR end evening.. YIRGAN WAJJTED. Muat bo ffood. and- X/ obcap. • "Oriti»n,"tmaonloo.

jE@rJobn W. Stokes was up fromAtlantic on Wednesday. He looks well,

. and is pleased with his position.fiST B. Cordrcy, of film, announces

an auction aalo ot household goods andfarm tools, on Wednesday, Feb. 5th.

«®~ Pension-day, Tuesday, Feb. ith.Comrade Beverage will bo In tho officeopposite the Poat-Offlco all day, to ex-ecute vouchers.TViAf) HORHKfl BOUGHT —at «1.25caa bSJ L1V« liorrcn up to M.

DAVID A. 1'lOltNA. Middle Iload.Formerly John Mlllor'a farm.

BST Hpcclul services will bo hold Inthe. BnpllatjDhurch QveryJSYeDlDR^noxt•week except Saturday. Attractive mu-wlo will bo provided.

BSy A very heavy rain and windotorm visited us ou Tuesday night. It•WDB florco for. several .houra, .and aniromenae quantity of rain foil;"'"" " "•"

tOF Mra. Cullamoro, an ngod ladyTbnown to many, died at tho ronldunce ofliur oOn-lu-law, Hcott Duurr, aud was

, -juried on Tuesday, Huv. F. L. Jewutt' vofllclatlng.

NOTICIIC. Tnxoii not paid on or tiofora Jan.Hint wi l l lioruUirmid Ki tlioDoiintyClorU

unit niuil ui a nrnt lion on III" properly ttllhnddlllonal oonUi. A. II. DAVm, Oolloolor,

BQy- That picture entitled "Longingfor Homo," olforod by drugylat HoRora,•was won by Mr. Out)mitt, a frequentvisitor In Ilammonton, maiding in Wll-

. inlngton, Del. <

t®~ 1 boroby tender my thnnka to, Dorlb Lodgo, tihlold of Honor, and to

nlI thoBO who attainted mo, for klndnooamid aympalhy during my roceut bo-toavomont. Ki.LnN MoNAMBY.

jC4ir On Tuoxlay, ne A. K. Mlllardwan curlnR for bin borao, In tbo burn, bouttemptod lo eroaa to tlio opponlto aide

'•of tbo aUll, whon bin homo ntoppod buckuudduiily, bla lof, ulrlklng Mr. Mlllard'aleft kneo, dlfllooatluir. tho kimo-cap,dlaplaolng It badly. It la n imlnlulinjury, nnd tokos n long time for ri'cov-«ry- Dr. Crowell U attending him. ,

AhVICKTlHlCUl'JNTti In UiU nlio typn. iiunliulf ounl ptir word for e&oli Iniierlloii.

No <)li«r«» IIIM tlinn 10 o«nln,

Inauro with tbo \. II. 1'bllllpu Uo.,J1U16 AUantlo Arc,, Atlantic City.

word B. Nothing bettor baa appearedin its paces. The magazine also in-cludes twenty-two pages of entertainingmusical literature and half-tones. 21complete pieces for the piano— 10 eonge,11 instrumental— 25 cents, For Bale byall newsdealers.

Hampton, Va., paper, In itsaccount of a -recent concert given inOld St. John's Episcopal Church parishhouse, in that city, has tbla to say ofMiss Emma Prcssoy ; and every onewill bo pleased to read so pleasant newsfront Hammonton'B favorite singer :

"Miss Pro'sBoy, of Hammdnton. N.J.,Who Is tho guest of her brother, Dr. J.U. Presaoy, mado her Initial appearanceboforo a Hatppton audience, but shewill now probably find herself delugedWith Invitations to sing. Miss Proaeoypossesses a raro contralto voice, of doupvolume, which she controls with perfect.ease. Mlsa Preoaoy was forced to re-spond to two encores, aud the audiencetried very hard to Induce her to respondtoatbirtb" ------- — ----

JGr Tho Union and Red Men basket-ball teams came together on Wednesdayevening, In Union Hall, which resultedIn the dntcat of the lUid Men by a scoreof 20 to 0. Tlold Roul?, UofiRoy 4, Oor-dory 8, Slack 6, Koyeor 1, French 1.Oflbnao Ronls, CoRgoy 4, Cordory 1,Kaysor V. OffunBce, Ooggoy 1, Ander-son 1, Cordory 1, K«IK 5, ICoyser 2,Gllllnnham 0, Iker 4, French 2. Rof-oroo, Herbert. A xamo waa played,llrst, between Hammonton, Jr., nndUuion, Jr., With u ecora of 10 to 0 Infavor of tho latter. A Rood-nlxod andl-onco wltnostod tho uamoa, nearly halfof them being ladlun.

tST I'lnt ot unoitllod-for lottorn In thoIlammonton I'ont Oflloo on Wednondny,Jan. l!2nd, 1U(W :


r<o|f lovunn Hulrno(llnvivnoHitvIno

KrunnnuooHimito, '1Antonio (llufno

' AnRula JluulluixiTan oonto luxtngo iluo <m oaah of Iliafollow! UK i

> Hnhtmto IMuimlclln( Uotmro Onnino

l'*<»i> Hnocu\, IIAlunumlr<> Dlvnoa

1'oroona calling for nny of tho aboveloiter* will ploaoa ntuto that U haaboon odVortlaed.

M. L. JAOBOOW, 1*. M.

Borrowing is sorrowing; and so islending, half the time. •

Have something to say ; any it, andstop when you're done.—Earnest moral prtncipleJa_thfl_ba!ajjcewheel of character. It. regalates andkeeps the whole man in order. .

Worry is much more apt to kill .thansmall-pox. " ~ .

At the close of the fiscal year 1900,there were 76,088 poal-offlce in theUnited States, or one to every 1,000inhabitants.

_________ A Cure For Lumbago. ____W. O'. WUIiamson, of Amherst, Va.,

says: "For more than a year I suffered

laln'a Pain Balm and it gave me_ ontirorelief, which ail oilier remedies had lai'to do." Sold ty J. S. Rogers.

It Girdles the fame of Buoblon's Arnica Solve,

oa the beat In the world, extends roundthe earth. It's the one perfect healer ofcuts, corns, barns, braises, sores, 'scalds,bolls, ulcers, felons, aohos, pains, and allakin eruptions. Only infallible pile euro,26o. a box at -T. 8. Rogers'."

*'8omo time ago my daughter oanghtasevere cold. 8ho complained of pains inher cheat and bad a bad oongh. I gaveCbamborlaln'aCongh Remedy, accordingto directions, aud in two days she waswell and able to go to school. I haveused this remedy In ray family for thopast aoven years and have never knownit to fail," says Jaraon Prondorgaat, mer-chant. Annato Bay, Jamaica, VYcat Ind'uInlands. Pains in, tho clioet indicatedauappronohlnft 'attack of pneumonia,whiob In tbla luatftnoo was undoubtedlywarded off by Ohambarlaln'a CoughRemedy. It countoraota any tendency ofa cold toward pneumonia. Bold by J. S.Rogers. • •

W. C. JONESWatchmaker and Jeweler

• Flno Hopairing a Specialty

Dollovue Avo., - Hammonton.


Horoonod nnd delivered. Ordorarooolvod by L. MONFOHT,


SPEOIALJBLEOTIONNation U horoliy «L»on to lean! yolorii (if Iho

Town of Ilnuimiinlon, (Jouiiljr of AtUntla,(lint a ipoolnl oloptlon wil l l>o hold In tlio 'MilTown on

\Vo<liioH<luy, .Tun. 'M, 11MH3.flat Uio purpunt of vothiK .

KOIl or A O A I N H T ITlio ni lnptlun liy Ilila Town of IIio iirovln-

IOIIB u f nu not cnllllmt "An not lo onulilalovnx to >U|iply tho InliuliltaliU lli»r«of wltUpuro and vrholoflunio wntar." Anil A propual t lon(o bond ib« Tunu In K HUM not to exceedThirty Tliouoaiul Ilollrvre, to oitrrj out tlioprnvliloni of i«W ««t.

Tlio Klr.t Trtolnot I'olln wil l b« In lli«Town Counoll lloou>,, tloooud I'rMlnol I'olli In Hit btoemant ofUnion Hull. '

Th. 1'olla will bo «]>on «t ilx o'olook In Ihomorning, and olono nt BOT'OII o'olook In IhoiTenluff,

lly order of llm To"" Oouunll.J. I,, O'DONNia.I,. Town Clork.

IlMumoutou, N. J., J»u, 19, 1U01. ,

iff ypur Bicycle is

or if it mere ly requires cleaning,

Take it to

Headquarters for Pocket-Knives.

isaGoo^Investment for you,. A big QUARTER'S worth, both

—Hnrquantity1 can good Corn

1 can good Peas . —— all for 25 cents

Another hew article, and something very fine, is aGlass Jar of Honey, part strained and.part inthe comb, at 25 cents.Sure to giv« satisfaction to all lovers of, pure honeys

~ Oranges, from 15 cento to~3t> cents per dbzenT

" • ^ i"" ~ ' ' ' ' "'" Stovesand Heaters

. are our specialties this month.

a low as twenty-five cents; Step in and Bee toTem.

in shape- now to render our own Lard

and iHiiko our own

14 centsj

Sausage, 12 Gents

Try Bomo of each, and you,will HOP jihat tlioy aro 'nuporior to any other.

Jackson & Son

fjgl Tun

Page 4: REPUBLIC AH OilStoves ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. Eepaired · SOUTH Eemorkablo Cure of Croup. I. nave a fow.wordn to soy regarding Chamberlain's Cough Komody. " ;It saved my little boy'a




' I

Bei. Dr. Talmage.OabJtioCi Ooil Dne*'tho Imponalble—Some

•Wondem of plvlno l'ow«r«.Buperlor toSJ»e«7"tMf of Natur«r>'WliIch HoMatte For Mankind.

WASHINGTON, i). C.—In this discourseDr. Talmngc makes practical USL> of an oc-,currenco in the Orient which-has aeldoa{attracted particular Attention; text, IIKings vi, 0, "The iron did swim."

A tbooloffical eeainary in the'valley .,polms near the River Jordan, had becomejeo popular in the time of Elisha, the p>o-*hot, that more accommodations' wereJaeededJfor the students. The classrooma

"and the'dormitbriea^ must'be enlarged.oran entirely new building constructed.\Vlat will they do?'- Will they send up toJerusalem and solicit contributions forthis undertaking? Will they send outojents to raise the money for a new thco-iogical seminary? Having raised the

"money, wnrtn"ey~Mffd"'anon arid.marble from the quarries wheretahab got the stone for the pillars andWalls • o£ his palace? No; the studentspropose, to. build it themselves. Theyffirere rugged boys, who had been brought

. tip in the country and who had never{been weakened by the luxuries of city life.fAll they ask is that Elisha, their professorAnd prophet, go along with them t* theWoods and 'boss the job. They start foi(he work, Elisha add his students. Plentyx>f lumber in those.regions along the Jor-

• '.dan. The sycamore is. a «tout, strongtree and good for timber. Mr. GlaSstoneasked me if I had seen in Palestine- anySycamore tree more beautiful than the one»e stood under^t "Hawarden. -1 told himI had not. ,

The sycamores near the Jordan arenow attacked by Elisha'a students, foi

—^they-must^have-lumber-for-thtt-neTV-theo'-ilogical seminary. I suppose some of -thestudents -ninfle an awkvard. stroke, and

were extemporized' axemen. Stand

- ThdM studcrilariri CEif.valley of palmsby the Jordan had a pliyeical strengthand hardihood , that would' help them , intheir mental and spiritual achievements.We who are toiling for the world's-bbtter-men$ need brawn aa well OB' brain, strongbodies an well' as' illumined minds and con-secrated eoulfl. Many of those who artnbw'VloihB'the "best" work in "church andstate got muscle and power of endurancefrom the fact that in early life they worecompelled to use axe or plow or flail otnamraor." while many : who were- , broughtup in the. Jnxuries of life give out beforethe battle is won. They are keen andsharp of mind, but have jio physical en-durance. They .have the axe head, but, noittndle. The body is the handle of theoul. • , •Do not feel lonely because your nearest


neighbor may be miles away, tho

id another and another. But somethinghappens so wonderful that the occur-'will tax the cTedullty"6Ttn'e~'age8, so"

,dcrful-that-many-still-think-it-neverippened at all. One of the students, not8le"to~own an axe, had borrowed'one.rqu most remember.that while the axe of

time was much like our modern axe,.. - eied in the faet that instead of the'helve or handle being thrust Into a socket& the iron head the head of the axe wasfastened on the handle by a leatherntljong, and so it might slip the helve. A

- Student of the seminary waa swinging hisase against one of those trees, and whetherit was at .the moment-he-made his firstetroke -and the chips flew or was after hecad cut the tree from all sides so deepthat it was ready to fall we are not told,Imt ..the Luxe head and. the'handle parted.

- Being near the riverside,'7the."axe head_• . ^ dropped into river and sank to the muddy—'-~ - bottom. "Great was the student's dismay.

If it had been his own axe, \t would haveteen bad enough, but the axe did not ba-ling to him. He had ng means to buy an-

' otter for the kind man -who had loaned it_2." to him, but~God helps through some-good

• frid BVTnpathetie~soiupandTln thig-caseHtwas Elisha who was in the woods and on

My subject also reminds ui of the im-portance of keeping our chief implement;or work in good order. I think that young - - - - - ^

jhjiaJ^e^lj»^h.n^Miltfj_QfcjTnri. 4t*^Jilie=fionEse^made-of-dry-grassrand~

flhown .the place where it went down intohmltp nfF « hrancn

of B tree and threw it into the water, and'the axe head rose from the depths of the

• river and floated to the bank, so that thostudent had just to stoop down and takoup the restored property. Now you seothe meaning of my text, "The iron didswim."

- Suppose n hundred yearn ago some onebad told people the time would came whenhundreds of thousands of tons of ironwould float on the Atlantic and Pacific-iron ships from New York to Southamp.ton, from London to Calcutta, from SanFrancisco to Canton. The man makingsuch a prophecy would have been-sent taan asylum or carefully watched as incom-petent to go alone. Wu- have all in ourday seen iron swim. Now, if man canmake hundreds, of tons of metal float, iam disposed to think tliat tho Almightycould malce an"nx"o head "float.".

'• .'.'.WllA1," says aomo ono, "would he th«uao"or Bueh a miracle?" Of vaat, of infi-

_nU?i._pf_etcrnal importance. Those Htu-dents were preparing for the ministry.They had joined the theological neminaryto get oil ita'advautagcaV'Tlicy needed to

- have their faith utrengthened; they needed-,to bo persuaded thnt God can <lo every,thing; . they needed to learn that Godtakc« noUfie of little thinK«: that there inno CmCVguiitff of life where He is not will'

,iriuth of the continent may separate yourom the place where your cradle waaockedj and your father's grave was dug.Ve'akeh'eS though you i 'may be by lionsoar or panthers ecrcam. God will helpOIL, whether at the time the forest aroundou raves in the midnigat'liurricane or younffer from • something quite .innignificant,he the loss of an arc head. 'Take yourible out under the treee. if the weatherill iHiriuitrgnd-after-yon-havc-listencd-toic solo of a bird in the tree tops or the>ng meter psalm of the thunder, rendlose words of the Bible, which must liavp

o'en written out of doors: "The trees ofle Lord are full of sap, the cedarn of

jebanon which He hath planted, where10 birds make their nests; as for theork, the fir trees are her house. The higli»lls are a refuge for the wild goats andle Tocks for-tHe conies. Thou rankestarknesB. nnd it «* night, wherein nil theeasts of the forest do creep forth. Thelung liona rdar after their prey and seek,efr meat .from God. The sun ariseth,ey gather themselves together and lay

them down in their dens. Alan gocthForth unto his work and to his l>bor jmtilthe evening. O Lord, how. manifold areThy works! In wisdom hast Thou madeill. The earth is full of Thy riches." How

that I would like :. • r--» non. «.the conversion of tEat boy, for he wnnever be' anything but a boy .to.though you should, live to see him ' _.„rears of age. DId__vou ^ay his heart isfrordf-'How hardf -Hard as stone? "Yes,"rtm say, "harder than that. Hard 04iron^— But-haro .is. a-"God— who— ean-lifithe coul that bos been deepest down.

Here ia a Qod can raise a soul oulof the blackest depths o£ tin and wretch-edness. - Hero is n Godvwho can mnke ironswim, the God of Elisha, the Qpd of theraung student that; stood in dismay on thebanks of the Jordan at the tune of the lostixe head, lay hold of the Lord in-a pray-er that will take .no denial. . ..--.

Alas, there are- impossibles before thou-lands of peppier-called to do work thnt itis impossible for them to do. called to bearburdens that it is impossibtq for them tobear, called to endure'suffering that it isimpoBSlblb for them to endure. Read allthe/gospel promises." rally all your faith,and,, while you":will 'always 'be called -towor.ihip the God of hope, to-day, with all'the concentered energies of. my soul, I im-plore you to bow down nnd-'worsnip -.theGod, who can turn the- impossibles intothe possibles. It was no trivial purpose,bjit for grand and glorious lisos I havespoken-to-you-to-day-of-the borrowed,-the-tost and tho restored axe head.



','"" : " "BON."", '•''".'". ""•""


Acts 8: '. .(Read . Actaversos: 0-8.'

3.) Memory

Golden Text: The Lord Is my 'Btrerikthatl? B"nS, nnd he Is become my salvation.•" •

THE LiiSSON OUTLINE.The Picture o/-a Soul's Salvation. \

. _ {• A SINNER'S CONDITION.1. Dcrormedr ....•.«.,.Lame from his mother's womb (v. 2.)"'• ' <le.l>

. .thins LKpm,_~. . .

2. Needy: • ,•To ask alms ot them that entered (v. 2.)

1 n e 1 C h d - - - - a n t ? o o r - a n < S

(• uutalde Qod'a House: ' . 'dally at the door of tho temple (v,


Sport that Una Been Enjoyed Time Outof Mind in Hawaii. »,

In .one form or another coasting Isamong the. most ancient and universalof amusements. Incongruous as itBounds, this has been a favorite sportin Hawaii time out of mind. Theauthor of "Hawaiian America" de-scribes the possibilities of coasting Inthe tropics. , -

It seems impossible that .anyjjpeedcan-beTfbtained "with the iong"~native"sledges without the aid .of snow; andyet there Is abundant evidence to prove

ue before he lifted it that day against ntree—He-cbuld-in-a-moment-have_£aiind3ut^ whether _the helve and the head wereBrmly "fastened^ Tlie simple foct^ was thatthe axe was not in (rood • order • or triestrongest stroke that seat the edge intothe hard sycamore would not have -leftthe implement headless. So God bos givensvery one of us an axe With which to hew.

Let us keep it in good order, havingbeen sharpened . by Bible study andstrengthened _ by prayer. The reason wetome times fail in our work is because wehave a dull axe or we do not know howiright to swing it. 7he_liEAd is not arighton the handle. At the time we .want the

brium we lose our head.' We expend inuseless excitement the nervous energy thatwe ought-to have-employed-in -direct,itraightforward work.

Your-axe-may—be-a-pen-or-a-type-or-ayardstick or a'ecalea or a tongue which inegislative hall or business circles-or Bab-mth class or pulpit is. to speak for Godand righteousness, but the axe will not)e .worth much until it han 'been sharp-med-on-the grindstone-of.affliction^—~_

Go right through the world and go

smooth^tones, wSs laidof a steep hill, and the pace attained

1. Scel'ng^ SEEKER'8 FINDING.•Sceinic 5?eter and John <v. 3)".

Now is the.. of salvation (2 Cor. 6:

2. Asking: .Asked to receive an alms (v. 3).

Ask, and It- shall, be. given you (Matt. 7:

S. Helped: - ' • ••• •°° 11™. .by .'the' right hand (v. 7).-

- nlm....Be • thou made cleaniUi- 3). .. <• '


Received strength (v. 7).Jn Christ, .he Is a new creature (2 Cor.

2.' -\Vorshlp: ' •Entered with them Into the temple (v.

Feliow-citlzens -with tho saints (Epb. 2:— Jo, -33), ----- .--..^... ----------- _ . ._ _ ____ _3 . Praise: • : . ' . ' ' • •

9)he people saw him. ...praising God (v.

Thanks unto the J*athcr.... made us meet~ ------ — ~ ........ ------- —

greatly wondc.-m-- i-

Th&2, That ho helped the helpless'Church must bo like Its head-

3. That the blesAlnKB'.pt. -God should beeed '- case, his vervr


.acknowledeed.veriemence-wnihe-people. Every

.In this

seat the coaster quite a distance acrossthe plain at the. foot of the runway. _.

In my travels over the Islands' i no-ticed these old courses, very plainlymarking several precipitous hillsidesand suggesting a 'considerable amountof toll In their .original making. .Thesledge was 'only six Inches wide bythree Inches deep, and about twelvefeet long, made very stoutly- of— hardlwood. . _ . . - , - - • -

the'river bank at the Hmn. TT.. did not [right ihroilgh,all the past ages, and showsee. the axe head fly off. and so" He asked ne pne man or worii-ji who has done any-

vhoae axe was not ground on 'the rcvolv-ng" wheel of mighty trouble. -- It waa- not

the banlui of tlmt Jordan,tho^c utndcnts of thnt day of tho recalledoxo (lend hnd their fiiitb ru-enforced, andnothing tlmt they found out in the elnnn-rppmo of that lenrneil i n f l t i l n t l o n had I'vi'rdo'ne morp in 0;c way of f i t t ing them fortheir coming profession.' --.».,-.—«-—•*•

I bear from different nourccH tlmt tlu-ieis a great deal of infidelity in «omo of tlietheological seminaries of our day. The)think that the Garden of 1'Mcn ia an nlle-ftpVy, and that MOSGS did not write theBftnttteuoh, and that tlin book of Job inMy a' drama, and that the book of Jonah

an unreliable flub ttory, and that water« not turned into wlno, nlthaugb thertcnder now by largo dilution turnit

e into wator, and that moot of the no-lled miracles of the Old and thu New

ti wero ' wrouiibt, by nutnr.xl

?ou»ca. When tlionu jnlltU'lii urndinaeroin the tluiolngical uomiimry nnil tulce

the inilpitn i)f America nx ex|)onnileni ottin) Holy Kcri|itiir«'H, \y-bnt n i lvocntcH theywill be (if t lmt goHpnl for the t ru th olwhich the iniir tym dinl.

Hail tbu I'olycarpH nnil l ln^ l i l,atiini'ninnd John Knu::en uf the I - , \ i - n l i e t h con.tiiry, belliivinii the l,lih|(! in tr im in »pi)jnlWnulil In ( t n i l t lmt n i i i n i i ((lent revival ofreligion n t ln l i l «\vee|i thniunh nil (11(, J)i«>,1/miortl Hi'iliinavifii of Ib in limit, I 'onHrmlnijthe f a i t h of I In- eoinl i i - r ux | i , ,uni le ia of nnentire Ilible!

Fni th i lmore , In t h n t n - e i i e of tho textOod n n n e l l o i M borrowint; nni l niUn fort l lthe iiniMiruni-!! ol le ta ra lng . 1 do notthlnlt then would l i n v u liet'n any mlrndl.ipiil-foi 'iiii-tl I t the yoiin(; man bail owned-till) axe t h a t itllppetl HIM llelve, Tlie yoilli||mnn ( f l e d not, hi the1 Imir i i in 0[ ()io pro.phot. "Ainu, i n n n t e r , for it \vnn borrowiiill"Ila luul n riiibt to borrow. Them nrutlineu when we Imvo mil only n riubt toborrow, but It In n d u t y l", .Tlirre»r« tbiicn when we qiinbrio lend, fur (/'hrlntin l l i t i rerinoii on HIM iiignnt. declared,"Ki-oin blni Hin t woiiltl borrnw of theo turnnot thoil nwny,"

It in rlHht (bu t nno borrow tbo ninnniiof gottlnn nn mhieiiUon, nn tbo yoilim ntu-dont of my texl borrowed t he aie. It UrJAht to IIOITOW nii-aiin fur tlin forwni 'dlnuof ooini iHini lnl-eni ln. Mont nf t l in vnnt for-tlineu tlmt now nvuruhnihiw tha bindImtclieil out of a borrowed dullnr .

Jiwid, for he was dethroned and hounded>y unfllisl Absalom. Surely it was not'nul, for he \vaa shipwrecked: and whippedwith thirty-nine stripes from rods of elm-(vood:on his way to oehesdment. •

Surely it was not Abraham Lincoln,lalled by every vile name that humanind satanlc turpitude could invent and de-lictcd by cartoonists-with more mcnnnf««han-any- other man ever.,suffered, on the

iray to meet a bullet crashing through hiseraplesf'-But I have come to the foot of the Alps,

which wo must climb before we'can seeho wide reach of my subject. Bee in nilhis thcnio how tha Impossibilities may>e turned into possibilities. That axelead waa sunken in the muddiest riverhat could be found.' Tho alarmed student

if Eliaha may know where it went downind may dive for it and perhaps fetch itIP, but can the sunken axe head be liftedwithout a hand thrust deep into the mudt the bottom of the river? Mb) that ismpoBsible. I admit, eo far an human po\v<r it) concerned, it is impossible, but withJod all things are possible. After thereo branch was thrown upon the surfacef Jordan "the Iron did «wim/^~•*<—Some" one aslta me, ."Did'you ever eco

ron' swim?—..[JTcs, yes: many a time. Iiaffi_fl.-5i)l!LJia0«" J \iiitu"notliiii[{ could,imkc It lifljruerT"'''. AJ1 styles gf mil had.plied..thnt «'oul. It wiTs petrified 37.10 M3110 fueling. It had been lianTcimig furth'rty years. It Jiod gono into tbo deep-jut depths. It hnd been given up nq lost.Flio father had given'it tip?" Tlfil mother;

57tu ilay !n aiimvZT to uomo lirSVef tx bralTcli)f tlio (liufolinKcd tree of C'nlvnry wasthrown into tbo dark and milieu tttream,ind tbu aunkcu soul ri'uwmdecl to itn pow-:r and rote into tho light, and, to tbu ax-Uinlalinic'nt of the clmrch and the world,'tlin iron did swim." I Imvo HCCII him-:lrci(l« of CIIBCB Ulco tlmt. \Vlien tbo ilyinntmndlt on tho cross beside C'liriat wns cnn-fertcd. VVhnn Jerry McAuloy, it rulllanjnulimjo of Hili(i Hliif] |>rln<in, wild rlliillgi'ilinto n great uvnnguliitt , no uuoful in rt'olii-nintinn of wundi-rinit men nnd women tlmttho niarcliimt prinmi of, Naiv YorK rntab-liulu'il for him tbu Water atrcct anil Cru-iiiorno iiilimionti nnd-mourned nt biti burial,mini tlw lanic'iitntiomi of n city. WhenNmvtoii, Hi" l i lnHphurnli iu Bailor, iinib'i- tbupower of tlui t ru tb \vn» )iriait(lit to Chrlntmid liunimu ono of tho miKl i t i cn t piTiichem)f tbu Kii'l 'fl Hint |'J,U((|IIIH| over nmv.

Whim .liilm Jliim-fiii, whose i-iiini-niboeUod evdii tbo pibtaiio (if tbu flnb iiiur-Itut, wan »o cbaiiKud In buur t and life that1« could write t lmt wouilorfiil drcnni, "TlioI'ilniliii'u Program," in »u<'li ft wnyV'i't un-counted thoiimuiiU hnvo found through ittliii roml from lliu "eltv (>( ilcutriictiou" totbo "c«li!utlul I'lly." In nil tliemi cmoa Il l i ink iron ivtm ninibvtii uwl in . 1 wornhlpill" Ooil who run do tbu llnportt i l l i lc.

You IIIIM- u \vny wiiril buy. Only nodknown bow you biivu crleil over him, YouI m v u t r ied cverytblnu for bin riifornuUion.Wli i ' ru In bn now In th in ci ty, In thin:o,intry, or l ian h« crimind the m 'uV "Oh."foil n iy , "1 do not knuiv wlicru bu in. J inivnut invny In tin' niillm und d l t l not nuyivbcro . bn \VIIH fiolnu," Vim bavu tibout]|iuli '/u|> your mini! that you will novur!iri\r Hum bini ni/abi. jyut ly btii'd pay bu jf l v i i H you fur till your Kliulm' t i i and t l iuiluhlt i vim nnt up w i t h li lni wlii-a bn wanlicit , I'urbnpit hu Htriidi you onn ilny whenroil wcru tryinu to poi-uinulu him to do but-ler. How mffnrrnt will! tlio fepl ln j i of tlmtiinr.1 lint nuni imt your fai'p from bin l l t t lnlin'nd In hifniioy i int t l i iK your clici'rlcll''atlii*i'l Mother! Tbnt la an imiionulbbt

the Bport ofcoasting still lives In Hawaii, andserves^to keep alive the native .skill ..ofthe Inhabitants. This Is surf-riding Inn-canoc-or-on a onlnl. " . . ; ' .

The Is a board made of the fa-mous koa wood about twelve to elgb..

• CRITICAL NOTES. ' •—-VerseXr-Peter=and John were going up:

Jogother" oolongs'-tb~ch"ai>1«!r~Z:~n':~Bea"Notes" on that verse—into the teniplo:

Compare 2: <6.—The nlrith hour: At thotime or the evenlnu sacrifice; the otherhours ol prayer wero tho third and sixth;that la, 9 A. JJ. ana noon.

Verse 2;—Was carried: While Peter andJohn wero going up.—At the door: "date"In verse 10.—Beautiful: The Greek wordsuggests freshness und bloom us much oabeauty. On the locality see Lesson Sur-roundings.

Verse 3.—About to go: They would passthrough this gate .to reach the usual placeof prayer.—Asked-to-r<celve-an-almsi_SQ_the Greek. .More literal than the Authorized Version.—Walk: The best authorities omit "rlfloup' and." - '

-Verse 7.—Took him: The term Is oftenrendered "seize," or "take hold_jin."—Feet: Literally, "steps" then tho meansof -WH]»imr^ReccIved^strcngtri: Literal-'

Tho account Islike Luke, would

ly, "were made llrm.such as a physician,write.

teen inches wide nnd.from six to eight ^^S^^^f^ff^,-^^^the verse.—And_:jie entered: TMs wns n,sequel to the cure; - -

Verso 10.—Toolc knowledge ol him: As;tho-vcrb—is—often—rendered.—Beautifulgate: See on (verso 2, The word "Goto"isihere ii .proper name.authorities.—In the porch: Or. "portico?'One of several long ' ' '

feet long,, of ten wJth.a flat surface, butusnally wIth~T)onrsfde8~slIghtIy round-ed. Pushlng-the-boards-bef orc-theni-the natives swim beyond the breakers,

'proniable Incoming wave. When u big onecomes, they He on the board face downward, nnd paddle with both bands andfoet shoreward, until the wave over-takes them, when by, expert manipula-tion tho onlul Is kept on the face of thewaves and coasts toward the shore atsteamboat speed. As the board restson the face of the wave at n considera-ble angle, some Idea may be hnd of theuklll required to keep It there duringthe quarter-mile rush, for shore, yetsome of tlie natives become HO expertthnt they ut-nnd upon the hoard -duringthe steadier periods of Its (light..

In a cnnoe with two strong pnddlorsnnd n helmsman.- of experience nndHklll , the Bport Is iiot less exciting. -Infront, the bow, cutting the water, sendsstrings of • Hprny linckwnnl nnd up-wnrd. At tho-stiorn-tho grcnt blue-green wall curls above nnd over you.Hid If yon nre'ri sentient creature, yourpulHC thr l l lx "'It'll nn cxbllnnitlon thnt10 other sport-can supply. It IH tohog-;nnlng without Its blinding.speed,


Wooed on Coiichen of Viirylnir Hcurccuof Comfort.

Kuroponn nionnrcliH have very d l f -fvrnnt notlonK of romfort n» ntRht.

Kiilncf \Vl l l lnn i IH IIH nnii i; n HoldlrrIII bed nn I HI IH out of II. lie Hlt - rp«on n |i'i 'i;nliitl<ni i-iitnp hod, Hiich IIH binulllcilrH of ten IIHC. nnd t h i > clutli lni; Icof t in) nniK'b i-i 'KliiK'l ' liil piitlcni. Heri ' l l fc 'H at 11 o'cliit-lc Hhni'p, nnd IH tipmid iln-HHi'i l HIIOII n f t c r 5 u. in.

Tbo (' of I t i iHii ln I I M H (lie KITII ICH)dl l l l rnl ly In Kf- t t l i iK n K"<"l n l K h t ' H rent.Ilo dl'i'lldH lint l l lKbl . HlH liedroolll IBnlwiiyn l i r l l l l i in t ly IlKhtcd, like a rt>ci>plion room. Hn ol'li'ii HiilTcfH from i N - i i i el i iHoni i i ln , nnd fr i ' i i i ient ly I I H I > H cblornl.

(Jlli 'cn Wl l lU ' l l l l l l in Kin'x lo b>'<! n b i M I I1 1 o'cliK'lc nnd K< ' lx up t -n r ly , On r ln l i i«H|IC InlK'H n Hti 'oll Mi 'o i i in l tbo purl; nndv l i i l l H t i n ' ntnl;len. HIT lieili-ooin IH oliiKiluiuientiil nl/.e.

l,\-o|iold I I I . , HID Kl i iK of Hit. I t r ti;lnnH, KI"'" to I"'1' b>ti*. Ho Hprndil hu l lt lui n lg l i t -worliliiK nnd rnidliiK. Iniitiuni; ronlniHt to bin nelKblioi'liiK >«iv<cri ' lKii, hn IIIIOH nn oi-(lliinry*|ii<diili ' iiil ,w i t h o u t nny olbcr l uxu ry tbn i i n ip i l l loV i iwii i iMdown. Ilo IH u very c l i l l l jinor ln l .

Thu K!HK of I t a l y riiiinot nbii1]) exei-pt upon n very li'ii'tl ln ' i l . He din|ielliieil wl l l i I l lo lint! of pl l loWH, II<uiieH nbeetn of Illo wry rimnieHI wntiuni t nb'i ' iiH l lko n lop.

IMIIKnry Hlto.• l l i i t iu lni i tiii|(liuitii-ii nro nx j i i i i ' lmui i i l i juw l l h n i n l l l t n r y lilto which }vlll, I t I nhoped, provo l lHofnl for ri . . . . . i n i o l l i t r l i l •(

tne temple courts.—Solomorchapter !,: 12; John 10:23. It was near tholicaullfiil CJatc, whatever tho locality ofthe latter—«reutly wondering: Placed lastfor emphasis..

Verse- li!.—At this mnn: Or. "thing." thoOceek pronoun admitting of tfltlipr BCIIHO.— b'ustvn ye yoiir 6ycs; Tho sanio verb asIn verso 4.—Godliness: So rendered every-where else In tho Authorized Version.

Verse 13.—The Ooil of Abruhiim: Manym<imi»erlo,tn repeat "tho God" lici'oro "oflunuc" nnd ."of Jucub," giving greateremphnala.—iinth fc-lorllleil: liy this tnlruclothere being no direct reference to tne ex-ultation of JCBUS.—Ills Servant Jentiu; or,"C.'hlld." The term- means, literally,"liny," and was npplled to children undiierviinta/ A different word In uncd In thophrano "Hon of Ooii." The rotereneo ID,(loul)tlenB, to the Old Teatuinetu phrn»e,"Servnni of Jehovah," which' tho Jewsaccepted »» a title of tho Messiah.—Whomye delivered up; "Yo" In cniphiitlo, niulcontroHted with "Oocl" in vcrae 15.—Dr-nlctl tiofore the tiico of Pllnte: Ileforo him'us iiulKe. • Bee tliu Goupel ncoountfl. untlnotice how each lictull adds force to 1'e-tcr's Indictment.

Vcrst l-l.—Hut ye: >\Kaln cniphiitlu.—The Holy"ii'ml'Idiihteuua One; A furtherdeitlKnullon o f - i b u - MeHHii ih ,—AMlnul lor:HtronH«r than "ileBlrud."—A munlorer:Literally, "a nuiri (i nii'rderer;" nuniely,LnrnWuis.—To tie grunti ' il unto you: Au uInvor, the verh niiKKe.stH.

Vorm> If..—Kllli ' i l thu 1'rlnco of l l f«: Tho•climax. Tho word IH runiluruii "Cniituln"nnil - 'Author" in llchrawt) 11:10 uni t 12:3.i 'n.tiahlv both ItluiiH urc combined .hero,l ie in ll in nourco of eternal life, nnd h«leiuln Into I t .—Whom (loil rained from thoneiid: In contrnat with what they hadtlol-e, IIH junt dcBcrlbed.

Verne 10.—Hy ful th In hln niinie: rutllrut In the Greek, The, mlruclo wanw i o u K h t "by" or "on the irrouiul uf,"fa i th In the namo of Jemia on tho part ufthe npootles, und nino of thu lame, nimi.—JttiUi hln numu muJo thlu nmii atnuiu:

Ilia namo" had bcon u»o<l (v. 0). "Miufo


American Bays Free- Btatc Murder*and Defrauds Native* Wholesale.Edgar Oanlslus, nn 'American, who

for five years was In the employ of theKongo Free State and of one of theconcessionary rubber companies, beingftsked-as tothe-poslttoTbf-affalrson the-^Kongo said: . . , ' - • ' • ' •

'Tlie recent statements df Copt Le-malro, missionaries, and others that thecondition of the country has shown;some Improvement of late are, .In a ./•\vayr tnier:-As-a-resuH-of tbe-agltatlon •;n the British and Belgian prosa certain

restrictions have been placed upon thecornpinnles working concessions In the .Free State which' b_ave brougb't aboutsome. amelioration aQhe condition of.he natives In the regions In which .'hose companies' oporiite, together with 'in Immense reduction In the supply of•ubber; but up to'the time I left the foruterlor In March last no taken place so far ns the operationsif the State Itself were concerned. Ihalleiige the aiithdrltles at Brussels '

to show -that" any Improvement Is pos-slble while the rubber traffic Is conduct-ed on the present Iniquitous lines.

— Wbat can be~expected7of .n-system ~under which the natives receive the^equivalent of one~penny per pound ".TTWtJTn mercnnnriistr-ynUied njMQQ per "'cent above lnvolce_prlce) for rubberwhich fetches three shillings a pound,

• AWFUtJ<BO/ 'I-V-brftloli Recbfccci

AfrlcA'tThe Horrotta^o

trado campBiabated.; Thehas marked',

" ginning .TufbM'ernmcnt to jadcr whichand childrVily Is to-be c

ihe rec6ncIn South Afjrjest chapters 'war. Bven\ Se


them.'oftlma 2,63^V^eife:;'ohildren. nrate for s|x &pnth8 approMn- • ' * !" '> '' - ' .•• -If


without rubber and-the natives will not'work. on such terras, except at the muz-zle of the rifle. "Thls^s the crux of thewhole business. Asjate as Novemberlast year In my own" district n forceof State troops, assisted by some of theMongala company's men, under thecommand' of Lieut. Brneckman. wentigalnst the Gwahq tribe forbring rubber to the post of LlbahzaT~7;Three weekirlster, voteb they returned,the Belgian officer himself told me thatSCO Gwakaa bad been killed. / ~

"They brought back forty or Jrftyprisoners, mostly women and.children.-. ;-These were'like skeletons -when .they ^.reached' my post, and I did my best to .'"provide "them" with food. One died ofstaryationjn my p^gt and thelothprfl • -when marched off toljic police post~of ""Bokula-werc-lndce_(l--pitlnble—objects.'Last year," continued >fr. Canlalua

waa on a rubber expedition: with Ma],jotlmlre, nud durlH^tho six weeks- Itasted 000 natives were killed nn1scores of villages burned. On one occa-sion during this Journey a young wom-an and n little boy who were prisonerswith (he column, were nsked the nameof n village through which wo werepassing. They replied thnt they didnot know—do Indeed was moat prob-able, seeing that they^wcro far distantfrom their own homes—but they were,taken out on the roadside and shotwhile tho column hnjtcd."

Tho Superfluous Baby.

BtroTiK" correapondsthey wero looking utwhfch IB thfpiifcji I^lm: 'i'nls

wltn "rcceivodDonald: Implying that

hlm.-Th_..- ful thfaith Ituiilf

waa Its autnorwaa "through him:" no- waa Its autnornil well nn Ito obloot,—Tlilo ucrfoct itouml-noun In trie prrnonco of you all: Thu hintphrnno dlffrra from thnt In vnrno 14. Thunccoufit of tho euro viuia buru, tbu npj i l l -catlon followa

I ' i

TIJACH1NU I'OINTH.'i'hlB world with Itn luwii, formln, liucr-

ac'tltiiiii,cli»ii|I')a irnin tli'iul lo llv« iniiltur,I I I IH lH'i-il pant our llnill i iK out. U In ynt .

Hut uii i l inilali ly thuru nii iHl liu a lilHli '-i 'realm of wlntloin unit power. No n-iilmn( t h in World IH nulllcli 'iil of l lnulf fori i i i n l i l f i l oriiln or uiiwi'""'1"! '•oiillnuiiii™.

'1'hi'i-u may I'd iivtmuloii. but tbiilni ' r i 'Hal la lcn n provloun Involu t ion froma miiicrl i i i ir noiin-u. (.'on»oHiiuilly, t-/ allMi - l i - n i l n t " , I l i l n ' i i i i lVKi-X" lii 'Ciin with onlyonn roni', n iu l t lm t til" l owun t i t lmt Idlirav'lialiidi. ,yl>vlnlinly ( It could not lin-( i i llm'ir nor t'liilil u iloxiii lilitlinr forcttH!„• i-viilv.-cl out o( Ihlu ""u "!"' U ruinaliii i in l lml l i ln l i i ' i l . , ,

A n-ipwlcr r«mlni l i«l»K iiiieuimiiry foro r lK lo mill i l i tvrl i i l i i i i i i i i l . w« may nxpi iutto bav» It v ln l l i ly lirmiK Int.i thlu wurltl

Tlmt ll Blioubl l'« wi'aiiloiinl. liiinl-li-iiholiiir rnciilar, bi ni'L-oiniiry to It", liclllt;

i nil. IV r«Kuhir. It |« }''>n"'> « l'ik a,,,Ino \vniitl">n»""l "' "ill"1 w i i M i H i n . ir nc-

i iHlo i i i i i . » I" " inhid-. i ivi iUoiuir , -ti Hunf mirpanul i iK liowiir and i iurni i iu i l l ly ,( M i r pc r n i H i a l l t y ( iv t i i ' i i 'Mi i iu rn tlio I I I W H

• ir i i i i - i ' i ' i i ' 'ally. 'I'" iintw.':' Iho irlilhrVii i - av i l - "I'limmi I I I I H I I t l in bllttor," Hi!.• i i r f l i l 1 ' i iiid't muni i ivoi- i i ini i t . i r m'uvl-v

al lon '•'" iiii ' 'Wi'i ' pniyora inoro nnn- ia li in i i ' i i v i ' i i l v T' l i - i-nt may i i v i i r m a n t M r ov-*,.y i ,w op i l i i i . i i i i lv i 'n in . 'I'll" in tu i t u n t i l -l-nl t i i l i i 'J bi till" wi ' r l i l In thu i i i i | . i i imi, i-

"'riic in lni r ln of tmiKU'-'i hiiil pullnl i>ntlm ilii'l l in i l i iH of mini. A mil" nlini oruomli'l v.n" iiri-rniiui-y. It I V u n not laiih-imr A iinw minium w u n In l)-i i i i -fanliml,I'l,,,,-,, -.vim no l i u l l to cull t l in mi'llniii 'u.Hut a mail wul l luiowii tu In u orl|i|iMfrom I'"" "Irlh, ""» "nimiui. lc,i|.|nu.niu l pnilii 'ii.i (Iml, wn» 11 l«r nun,. (i<j|.(.•lout < i . l ino lo imiUu all tlm Hoopla run


per 1,000; and If children alone be re-garded the death rate will exceed 400p e r l.COO. • - - . - • ' •

To nn English lafly, Miss Hobhonse.the modl^patlon of the system underwhich ao many unfortunate Boer -wom-en and children perished Is due. Thislady, who comes' of a" good and whbse-lirtcreats-ln-the-Bocr-

r^reconceuTrados^ls^iinsrely a fcellng~otIpure humanity, visited South Africalast spring and sought to amelioratetheir condition. She appealed to the

-Oovemmpntrto net and-lt-dld. It ei-pclled her from SouriV Africa. On herreturn home Miss Hobhousft again ap-pealed to tho Oovcrnmehtjto Interpose

-and end the system under Which. Boerprisoners, or penslonerfl. were belng^u-

—<liclnlly— murdered! Nothing came ofher appeals. She then' published the

Tacts sue uno N)u«<!livu m ouum ,-imv-unnd the result linn been an awakening


.Tjjr« 'lPea.citfal .Slumber of Lions,j '•:}'. 111- Tlafcra and Bears. 'I Therof/'is nothing odd or peculiar

ibout.,tHQ,BJ,ctepJof..tbe,Hons and..tlgcrs.(n caiMylty; they show the same In-

erftbccia? danger that they mani-fest; ra-hio jungle, and by'-day or nightwill7^1/jmbcr vthrougli an unusual tu-mult,'; un^nindful or unconscious of tho.nolsiel T Their sleep- Is commonly heavy

ears nro also heavy sleepers, butless; disposed than lions and tigersto; sluinber; In the daytime. GrizzlyBear's usually curl up under the rocks,/put; sometimes they crawl up to thevery top_pf? the rocks, and 'with frontpaws sprea'dTdround the Iron cage" bars

""Ifortable position; but bears netfer re-leaso tholr muscular grasp of anyVob--jc'ct when asleep.

The black bears will curl up amongthe branches of a tree when they havethe. opportunity and 'go to sleep-In thispeculiar position.- The polar • bears,show a peculiarity In the selection oftheir sleeping places. -They choose oneparticular :corner of' tlie cage for thepurpose,- and* In variably: seek this outfor the night's rest-' The high-strung, nervous animals, arethe most Interesting to watch at nightTuey" usually belong j) the huntedtribes, whose lives are In constantdanger In the forest, and they possesssuch 'a highly-developed nervous sys-tem that they ri&lly sleep with oneeye open. The slightest noise will In-stantly awaken them.

The prairie wolves merely seem toclose their eyes for nn instant and thenopen them again to see If all Is quiet.

"My mother was troubled with_ - . - ~

Ust she was given up to die. Thenshe tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,and was speedily cured."

D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y.

No matter, how hardyour cough or\ how longyou have had \it. Ayer'sCherry Pectoral is thebest thing you'can take.

7 ItVtdo risky"Ho waituntif youliave consump-"tion. If you are cbughingtoday, get a bottle orCherry Pectoral at once.

i:2ic.,50c..$l. Allfranliti.

Confnitronidoctor, Una un t*k« it.

g'&YuVtMn'. iW W«S°,!!*»„ It with him,,*, ar. wjnjnj^ j,^-

Good for Bad Teeth "

Not Bad for Good Teeth

._ hotograph-ttese animals--by-^flash-light and without exception the cam-era bao revealed the fact that_ono

yeTarieast^was-partly open.- -; _'_--The .day sleepers In the menageries

are foreome reason the heaviest slum-berers of all, nnd when they close theireyes in early morning they seem al-most as stupid as if drugged. This IsIn marked contrast to the light nightsleepers, who, on the approach of dan-ger; are Instantly.'. awake and _on jthealert—Penny Pictorial Magazine.


Keith's Philadelphia house has beenjammed to the doors and the assemblageshavjLcmbraced dally theatre parties fromthis and adjoining.cities.

B. P. Keith's Cycle Whirl Is the mostthrilling bicycle act ever presented onthe stage. Newspaper expressions follow:Sensational—Record.' One of the world'swonders—Press. Marvelous — Inquirer..AudJenco_wont wild—Item,—Greatest cardthaT Manager Keith has yet presented—Telegraph. Enormous audience rose to Itsfeet and cheeTed^NoTtrr'ATrserloaH:—NoT

of the British conscience. Tho Government felt constrained to take notice ofthe opinions and feelings created bythe publication of her pamphlet nndtho order WOH given for a chnngo In theconcentration system,


Itobliy—1H<I 1m <'oiiR) from hcavun,muiiiiua? f,

Mother—Yen, Hobby.Hobhr—Wlmt'H Ilio Milliter; did

milieu too much nolnn up tlicro?ho

\Vlir If" IXiln't Troinlilo.i i / i i i iHlcr l" Hlirli'licd tho

licrolnn «K H|IC polntnl a IOIIK, wlilto uc-L' l lHli i i t 'MiiKcr at tint iliinlili'-cycil rultliiil.

Hut tho vl l lnl i i didn't t rcinl i l f ,"You H|>ollt th« -wonc,"' lil/i»i<d tlio

licrolnc, wlii 'M they iitixul In tlui \V!IIKH."I rciilly roiildn't liulp It," njiolo/jlzcd

tho uiilinppy-iiiiiii. ,"Hut I've alwiiyn clnlnicd you w«>r<>

tint l irHt tri 'inlilci- ink tho iitiiicc." mild'HKI liri-olnc.

It \VIIH nwfi i l ly K''i»l of you," repliedtlio iielor, . .

Hut why couldn't you In-inli lo to

"It'ii I ' linlly cxiil-ilncil," n i i l i l I l in lu , " l l l lhcrlo I 'v i« i i lwayn pluynl HintHCCIUI wl lh my >v)fc!" -

l.lfu Nll l OHCA'l'i-ilikil Hivt-ct HMn,j,riinidii -Why, .Idl i i i , \vh|il tiro you «lu.

iK''tJu,'rny . ' 'Joh'n It bo too.wd lo wurii, KIII\I ' l i rmm-.-Wull j If I t ' l l loo w<it to work,

ivli.v iloii ' l you K" 1111111(1?John \\'cll, my old 'onmu, iilio d«

law HO! I'imclv. '

Wonderful Achievement of a lialtlmoreKnuravcr Kxcltea Surprise.

H. A. Houseal, an engraver employedjy George Walter, Jeweler, has accom-plished n tnsU In the engraver's artirlich eclipses tho engraving of theLord'a prayer upon u silver dollar,which wns supposed for a long time to90 tho triumph of line work In cngrav'ing. He has nmnngcd to engrave thoilphabct complete oh tho "tiead of a•orniuou pm.. Mr..'iIouBcal,..\vlio rarely38C3 a glnHH In II|H work, cnn read thoattorn with the nuked pye, nnd alEhotiRh there are few persons WUOHOsyeHlght In so strong, a common mag-nifying glnns nerves to inal<o them casl-iy dlHtlngnlshiible. Tho lettorH rangefrom loft to right nnd are nil capitals.

In tho drat circle nroniul tho edge of:ho head of the pin nro tho lettoru fromA. to M, InclUHlvc. Within thin IH ulai.'ond circle hngliiulng at N mid cudIng at /, and directly In tho center InIho &c uiarU. 'J'liu illnnuiter of tho pin-licad IH liaroly n Hlx tcd i th of an lurli,.mil It can ho undorHtnod how Hinnl l theIt'tti'ru miiHt hi1. Xhoy nro nbont one-fourth thu ril/.i> of tho U'thM-H In thol,on)'H prayer pnitraveil on n dollar.I'lic work occupied ahout un hour mid 11'tiilf. Mr. HoiiHi'iil ocoiiHlonnlly leavlnut to nttriKl to ciintoinvra lit tne ntoro.It wn» dono with nn ordinary cngrnv-tr/s tool.

"I luul heard of nonio man \vlio liiullone thU," nnld Mr, IIoi iHOul In oxpluln-n« liln deulgn, "Imt 1 did not bnllove It•onltl be ilonii, and di-lorinlncd to tryuyHolf, I Hrnt rntilicd the hend of t l inilu on un oil Htoiio to ohtiiln u Hat tuir-'ace. Then I heated tho ceniont nnho dlidt which we iino for holding michinmll urtlcleN. , 'AVhen the cemon^ cool-Mi I ucrowod thu dink tlt<"tly to t l initnml. Tho inowt dlllh'iltt pni't of thonutter to me wiin In Uiiiipliig track of;ho pin. 1 HHi'il a foiir-lnch Icim on thololl, hut I HIM not iK'ciiHtomcd to l inl i lKi ijliinH of any Mort, nnil fr*i«i\iently I'dOBO tho pin and K<> <HKKI»K nround liliot innn In tho darli. Hut I iiiiiiniRinl tocrop pretty well on UH truck."

Thn roKUlur l ty of thn l«.tt«u-» ns t>i«Jiro Hei-n under tho Klaim tniitlflfto tc;hln. Mr. llonnoal onyri ho will k«ni>

i ho pin un n mirloidty, Mr. Monacal la!tl youi-H of iiRO.--Ilaltlmoro Amerlcnn,

To fall out <>C lovn In Joy; Into Itnilaorv. To lovu la (liniault.

only thrilling, but seemingly'suicidal—In-nulrcr. Defying tho Jaws of gravitation—rrcsn. A performance BO perilous that Itfairly taken the breath of the audience—Ilullntln. ICntlro nmiemblnge literally onIts feet. Nothing "like It over beforeshown; nothliiK no exciting and successful—Tl/ni'S, AiipluiiHO such as has seldombeen heard In n local theatre—Record,

Clnqucvnlll. the world's greatest enter-tainer, la nlao an attraction, and thoNorth American Bpealin tlum of hln ouc-C-I-HH: A bacligroiina of standing-room pa-trons which would do honor to Calve's"Carmen." From a uox oftloo point ofview Itornhnrdt hcrnolf couldn't do more.

HALL & RUCKiL, 7K«w_-T«fc

Capsicum YaseH&ea • . ~~ : . . ' • •" •' ' .v ;.Pat up In Collapsible Tabes.

A BatxtUattfor ind Snpator 10 KasUid'or «rolbarpbitar, ujdwfll aoiUMgr Vt» malt tolleat*Gta. Tb» p>lm tlltrlng n>A carativ* anailtio* oftliti«rttcto«nwoDiteifaI. ItwUHtoptb»too»h«ctMoneik uid nllan lUKlaeb* ui idatioa.

Werscommend H u tlw ban and »afo«t mtmul«oont«r-liTlt«ntkno»n. ulto w «a wcicnul mMdr(or polni in Uwehttt and ftamichkndall rtmnn»tlc.

,.'A'ttlotwOIprarawtui molalm fta It, iad U will

Moptetay "It ta Uw be«t ot «ll ro" pnpanUoni."

erbr Mttliwtlil* »moaal to a In paatum «umpt•» «fll MDd JOT * tab* t» nun.

tt»can» cartel OBT l«tel. M otlionrtso U b no



Phono, I-42-60 A. PHILAConsignments Solicited.

liUHta nnutc Mi- tuc J.HILO,But Ootjgh Bjrup. TuteaOood,


Tho Orooiu W«n Forehanded.MlnlHters have iniiiiy Intercallng nnd

inuiHlnff csperlenei's,A local rlergyinnn wns engaged

;ouvorantlon with n nnniber of friends:ho other dny, when onch started stories of weddlngH ho had perforinod. One of the pnrty hnd thla tojffer:

Home t lni i ' HK<> » grout hlR fellow,roughly drowsed, nnd n wee mltc of nronng woman came to him. They hudno wltm'HHCH. mid, In fact, did not cureto liiivn any. Ni'vci-'tbi'li'HH, n hrldoti-maid nnd grooiiiHinaii ' \vero Hflectedfi-oiu tbo hoiihi 'holtl, and tho rei-cintin.vboRiin. They luul promised to lovo nndobey nnd. ni l ih t» rent of the m'rvli'e,when tho preacher nnm>iim'<'<l; "KlHntho bride,"

The groom, on bended knci!, brul t i i tedn Htilo, tried to miy Houu>tbl i iK anilfoiildn't. |

"KlnH tho lirhle," mild tho pnn(or."Why, pnrHon, I did, ufoix- 1 ci inii

hero at all," replied the Ki'ooin, whonefaco hnd tnUcn the color of u June re.HO

The ivItnei'jH burnt for th in laughter.\vhll i i tbo i.ilnhitcr bnd all ho could dito rotaln thn Nerlotm oxpi'cNHlon whir llio n lwnyn won- wln'ii wedding pi-opbv—JHi|ntli

Hln Moil of « l l « i lu«o ."It Hoeiiin f u n n y to Und u reolum- My.

IIIR right hero In t l in heart of n /(realcilly."

"\Vhiil do you imtniiY""l.liu'iin 1'i'li-r II. von Gonnler.""Why, ho'n not n rcirlimp,""l lo ' lun ' l , « h V Then why lumn't bo

A . tolrphono?" - Cleveland I ' lnln Denlnr,

Moiiuninnli «( (JnttynhurgiIII (ioltynbiirH 1'arlt tboro nro about

,-itlO inonuiiiclua, In hddltlon lo thin pat-r io t i c ) ornniiiontiitlon thorn lira U'.'Otnotintnd cannon and over 200 tuoiui-inontul tnblotn.



medy or illnrrlio-a,"Twcnev-Uvo (Junta n Bolilo,


lUllnctedt•ere cyc^ 21 Thompson's Eye Water

To Pronorvo OI<I Chapel.Tho lovofH (if tho lUitlquo and plctur-iiiH! n rob Itwt lire of former centurloH

In tl io City of Mi-xlco arc plctmcd ut thoiiimoiiiu't ' iuoiit tlmt an iincli'iit liuitl-nini'li, tho U t t l o ('Impel of 1-u Omcop-.'Ion, In not lo bo di'Ntroyod. It Ini-

i-n vnrloiiHly rlulincil for th lu irhnpi*-!thnt It inarUoil tho H|>ot whom (Iiuiiih-

ituf Hnrri'iidci'i'il to t 'orli 'rt, II|HO thinIt NVIIH tho Unit Cntliollc tciuiile Inwhich iniiHH WIIH Hiild In thn <!lty (itMexico, A recent l i i vcHt lKi i t lon of thcHcl i n i l i i H ainoi iK the lieHl i i i i t l iortt lcii nt:iiiclciit hlNtory of tlui cii |iltul did mil

mlnbllnh them poultIvely, but tho . l l l l l efha[ii'l )H wltb(i\it doubt ono of X,"Mirllent plncoM of . 'Ol i r lHt ln i i \voi-f.r.iimilt In tho city by the Himiilaiilit niulirolmbly In thu whole of North Ainei'en,Thn clmprl of I.n Concepelon now

ntnndn In the rather neitlei'tetl l l t t l ;ihlr.ii of the tnune name, which hi tinnilillc Htnnd for tho heavy cnrlii un i t

\vii|[0i>« llreinictl for biro. It IH to lietenoned from thin imromnntlc, iiur

indliiu, however, nnd a pnrli lalil outjbotit It. Tlio ehnprl will bo Klven nf«r\v needed rcpulrn and protrclcd by nntlltAhln rallliiff. It linn IK-IMI proponedlint tho new Kiirdr-n to lie culled JiirdlnIprrlosalial. after Mexleo'u Into i i i ln-«t«r of war.


flow the Indefatigable Iitfo-InanraaeoAgent Run Down Bl« Prey. .

A Jife Insurance agent who resides inthis iplace deserves great credit not onlyfor tho energy and persistency-'Vfltliwhich ho pushea ,hls bualnesg, but forhis punctuality .In keeping cngage»"ments.- He had been after a man whoresides la Anita for the past two years,and had received some encouragement.Ho called one day last week, 'and whenthe mah saw the Insurance agent ap-proachliig he.ran and hid. But the in-surance agent had caught a glimpse of.his floating form and was not to befoiled. He finally smoked bis man outand told him he had. come .to .talk In-surance. • ; — —~ -

•«I~am-too;busyi—said tho man; "caUagain when I have more time,"'

'When may I call, then?. Set youro-wn time, and I'll be there."

The man thought - a moment thenmade reply: " .

"You may call next Friday morningat .8 o'clock.". " v "

"I time." 'R'hea the appointed day arrived -our

indefatigable insurance man aroae at.1:30 .o'clock,-and. walked to Anita adistance of nearly flve miles, arrivingthere at 2:86. He'sat down on the :porchand waited until precisely 3 o'clock,then'rang the door bell. ~~~

•. "Whit's( wanted?" Inquired a femalevoice from an upstairs window.

"Is Mr. Jones aVhome?""He is."

~ "Tell'him "to come down right away.I have some very important businesswith him.".,Mr. Jones hustled downstairs In his

night shirt, and there, was the life In-

. ieJregaOiii!!aB_xon r»auested, to talk life Insurance.". Jones was somewhat astonished andbewildered, but, realizing that he wasup against it, said: ,

''Such punctuality deserves to be re-.warded. I surrender." ' '

And he gave him his application for apolicy.—Punxsutawney Spirit

Sir Henry and the Cabby.-Sir Henry Irving, -while filling • hisBrooklyn engagement, made his homeat-'the ~Ho!ei~HiaTgareT ~on -ColumbiaHeights, and It was his .custom 'everypleasant afternoon to -drive In Pros-pect Park, writes the New .York cor-ttfspondenfbf the London Express)

One afternoon^ the 'driver came withthe usual velilcle—a closed carriage—and set out ignorant of the fact that

>vho had climbed in was tho dlstln-ilshed-actor?In wbttt seemed to be a very Bhort

time for an .afternoon outing'the car

•he office looking • much concerned..With tho air of one imparting gravenews, and, jerking his thumb over, hisihoulder In the direction whither SirHenry had disappeared, be said to theilerk: '"The old lad Is dotty. - Shortly after

\vo got Into tho park I beard a groan-ing Inside, then I caught the words:Hates any man tho thing he would

not kill.' At that I drove out andbrought him back ns quickly as possi-ble. Ho was a klnd-lookln* old gent,:oo, but I didn't like that kind ofalk!"

Every time aman ects on war paint,ae ought to tfet into a fight; It wouldlo him good.- -— - -.. —-

'THREE CHICAGO DOCTORSFoiled to Do for Miss Mabelle 1.

laMonte What Was Accom-lished by lydia E. PInkbam'a

Compound. .

an awful stnto for nearly three yearswith a complication of female troubles ,which three physiciana called by dif-ferent names, but tho pains wero allthe same. I_ dreaded tho time of my

.«•>ffl8*V"-' _

iMABBtLElii:monthly'periods for it-meant a coupl*-of'dftys in bod'inTiw^ul7agotty. —tfinal-ly made up my mind that the gooddoctors', were guessing S and. hearing'from different^ friends -such good re-ports of tydla E. Plnhham's Veg^etable Compound)-I.tried that. Ibless the day I did, for it.was thadawning of a new,life for me, I usedfire- bottles before I w^is cured, butwhen they were taken I was a weuwoman ptfce more. Your Compound iacertainly wonderful;- Several of myfirlonds have used it since, and nothingbut the "beat~dcrl ever hear from itsuse."—Yours, MAUB.LJ.E TJ. LA.MOHTK, -•823-E.--31il:-Bt.-r^Gblcag'OpIll.—«5WO/or/«/f//W«t» tatlmtnlol' li not ftnulnt. .

If Lydia B. "Pinkhom's Vege-,table Compound could cure MisslaMonte—why not you ? Try itand see for yourself<

Mrs. Pinkham advises sick wo-men free. Address, Xynn, Mass.

?|rt°—^^ Storwnndtlie

CiCTIOIf] negenulneliKotice incrcaie of tola in table bcloai

I«»B««H9.»0» ran.

X> Sold byM DouKlMlebtstihoedealenereryivnera.iluireiuimeuulpricMm bottom

Business Hate Than OouWurf In four ttara.IBJRKAaONSl

.. .UDouHlJxi mines nnd wllamoro men's IIXO and83-W «li«.«llian »n» olhtr two ninn'I'n In tlio world.

W. U DoUBlu $3.00 nnd ihots placed «ldo byalia wllh 19.00 ami frJ.OO llinta of other innlttt,ureCounq lo bo just aa good.. They -irlll ontvrear, twopalra of ordinary $3.00 and $3.00 vlioea.

ftadt of tlit beit Imtltyt. Including PattntCorona Kid, Corona Colt, ana National Kartvaroo.

rut Color XiiUli »4 ilw.r. Buck llMtiBM*.n.i.Doo.iu n.ea "Uiii K<I« tu." wuoi b» >q»u>d.Hhoe«l,y mull 9Ac. extra. CntnloBaVec.


fifty C»nt» & TTo.r-tti, n*n * Vtnny * Number.

THE SOUTH'* LITERARY WEEKLYPublished At Atlanta, G*.—Circulation Over 50,000.

DM* SUNNY SOUTH Isttio Grciit* I^llorBry Wo«HI>- of theBoultl. •» li dovotod to Lit«r»lur«, Romanoa, Fnc* and rictlon.and olvoj tho boitofall that U curront In Hi n«ld. Amono Its contributor] Iho (hostnoted southern writers -4u«l Chandlar llnrrli. Harry still woll CdwardiandolhSn of arowlna famo. Sorlai'storlos from Anthony llopo, Mnurlco Thompson,Sidney R. Orockatt, Mrs, Oo >roo Corfiott and Ar thur W. Marchmonthavaoppoar-ed,ond others are in waltlno from the pan of authors of'national note. • A, shortstory conloit brouuht out nvKrlx flva Hundred nplandld «Hart•lorlo.. nil worthy a place In ma SUNNY SOUTH'S readable eol-uiniu. Ct l inroontnj l iareconlninnla la i l thatwl l laur i ie i j fu l ly exploit tha rtpenlnado iao f t a ' nn t th it i n ly neodssucli foatorlno to Illuitrnte the wealth that Ij iliy toaisort llaolf.

O»« SUNNY SOUTH lomiis wltn the llfo ofthogrentaoulli . Ttiooon-lal lunshinii warms nvnry tb lnu Intonr.tlvlly, anil the season Is never cold onouahto check tho hni iUoMiuluj t ry, Tlin paper comas fragrant wllh trio trcnlh of themaonollnnnil pine, and H . v o s o u t m n vnry air of Iheorar.oe, pa'm ind bay, Thobeau ty ,and pnthos, tlio rom nice tn<\ ni'yjtory of the land wluro tbocorn«toro> up thn gulden sunshine an I the cotton whitens In tha moonlight; will t>«Olvon In the wpll-f l l lod columns ol Hi Is faiolnatlno weekly.

the suhicrlptlon price Is Only Fifty C«nia a year, alike to all parsons,aoonls, nowspapo-s. |io>imn.iiersnnd ovoiy nne else. Clubs of rive, accompaniedby the lull 12,no, online thn cluh rfll.ior In tho paper one yoararalli. . • ,

i>»nd an « Po«likl C«r<t ttio names of six of your nolahbori whowould appreciate the opportuni ty taro.ida copy of The sunny south, and oneiamp!e will be mailed free. You 01 n got your club of five out of Ihese very people,

IW« OXJNNY SOUTH enters ovor 80,000 American homes now; anddurlnj iu(w is sure lo be wnlconnd In fully as many more homei, as Iho greatwe«hly feast of ( loodthlnoj , the southern I.I orary Weekly, .whoso column* for1001 will bo tne nioi l raadablaofal l tho paperi Itutcume loyuu.

Communication! to

CT/So SUNNY SOUTH. Atlanta. Ga.


BM^ ^HBriBBpjSf' SSt BSiipffimPW^TOSS

Page 5: REPUBLIC AH OilStoves ^/ TWo Price of a Drink. Eepaired · SOUTH Eemorkablo Cure of Croup. I. nave a fow.wordn to soy regarding Chamberlain's Cough Komody. " ;It saved my little boy'a

-^ —


Directory.•: . MITHIOIPAL.

CUSRK. J.L.O'Donnoll.

f^ The .only newspaper "printed in Hammonton1.35"a year> post-paid, '

; §1.00 in the county-

Well equipped for

in all branches-Pamphlets,


Posters-—— Dodgers -——

Bill-HeadsStatements •


____£_ Envelopes

JUSTICES. 'Cha» Woodnutl, Joa H GartooE I. Oaufman

OoNBtADUSB. G»o Bernihonao.O 0 Oombon^OyinBKRO HionWAYfl . Ellaa A .'onlyn,OvunBiBnoTTnB Poon. Goo.Bern»honsoHfionr POCIOB. Kobt McO Miller <ATIOMIET. ;JSTTOnandlor. "Fine CniBVB. S altber, H M Phillip.yotOBTBEB 'PiBB .Co. Di S.Cnnnlnglia

presldont; W m O Hoy t, secretary. Moots onSrd Monday orenlng of each month.

IndopondcntVlro Co. Meets first Wcdnoaday ovenlDR in-each montb.

;r"TpwifOonHOit.. 'Michael -RrBoyorrOhnuE W Batoholor, J E Watkis, W D Delay,Andrus E Holman, John Rothfna.. Meats lastSaturday eve ea«h month.' • . -

BOARD or EDDCITIOIT. 0. F, Osgood.preaident; D. 8. Canniugbam,clerk; Edwin Adams,J L O'Donnell, Mra J H Ransom, Mrs KirkSpear, Mrs E AlM&lyo, Thomos 0 Elvlns,Dr J A Waal. Meets first Tuesday eveningenoh month.

BOAED OF HBALTB. M. L; Jaoison, Presi-dent ; Dr. Charles Cunningham, Inspector;John T. Srenoh, J. C. Anderson, Win. Cun-ningham, Geo/BornshouBo, Joe. JI.Gartoa.

,OEDEB ar MOTUAI 'PnoTBonoji.

A P Simpson, M A.; A B Divls, Seo'yMeet> firat Tuesday evening in eaeh month inMechanics' Hall. \

WJHBLOW LODOB, NA40, I.O.O.F. ManlejAustin, N. G.; A. V/ <W., Setley, SecretaryMeets Wednesday evea. in Odd Follows Hal

SnAWiujMEiN TBIBB. Imp 0 B II. StovWoolbott, Sachem ; C h a s W Austin, Chief oKecorda . Moot every Tuesday 'asleep In BeHens' Hall.

M. B." TATLOK LODGE, P. & A. M. J) C-Herberg-Vr^MBBteT-rAlorttor B7TJavis7Beo'y3ndand4 tb Frtd

Better jjivea bind "No" than a snorl-irju.r'yiJB.". . - " • ; :

An oath is a prayer to the devil. .A lio noyer stops to put on its bat.A bad reputation Is a very hard thing

t o lose. • » • • , • - ;8urubbiii(5 a\ pig will never- tunko it

wllllDg'to jjivo up mod. • ' . .

A Deep Mystery.Itja-a toystory why women endure

baclcaohe, hoadaoho, rjorvonsnoss, slooploBsnoBa.molanoholy, fainting1 and dizzyhpells when thousnnds have proye'd: thatElootrlo Bitters will quickly core saohtroubles. "I saffored for years withkidney .trouble," writes Mrs. FhobeCherldy, of Peterson, la., "and a lamebnctrpained me so I ooald not dross my-solf, but Electric-Bitters wholly oaredmo, and, although 73 years old. I nowam able to do all my house work." .ItovorcomoscoDBtlpation/Improves'appe-tite, gives porfnot health. Only 50o. at

8. Rogers' drug store.

Sewing Machines"" ! ~ ....... ."' ..... ""•;•"' BOtD ........... "• "T-7~.-ii~~~

On Easy PaymentsLiberal JDiscount'for (^slr

Old machines taken. in exchange. • ' . . ' •A. fall lino of supplies on hand, ? ..

-._ ~— -^'NevfB llodm.


Reasonableprices charged, always.We will not do cheap . "

can't afford

--- ,-Coan.;— A^T.J>obloy, SecretaryMeetaevery Friday eve in Meohaf lot' Ball.

OEN. D. A.EnssktL POST, G. A. E. OttoflreijpPost^Commanderj — Ch»a— A— Leona-rdAdjutant; H. F. Kdsall,Q. M. Meoto IslandSrriSatarday nightairrMeobaaicallall.

WOUAK'S RELIEF CORPS. „.:..'.'- _________ ^GEN. B.'A. RaasctL CAMP Sens op Verm.

A«S, No. 14. Capt, Charlet 0 Combe; FirstSergt., Harry C Leonard. Meets 2nd and 4thMonday oves, ; Mechanics' Hall. --- - - 1 —

Little Ha Ha Council, No. 27, D. of PMrs Ida Bowles, Poeahontas; Mrs Carrie IKin-/, S.,o! E. Meets Monday evening in BedMen's Hall.

DoBKT LSWIBWorthy Master, Thoo Skinner ; B. S., JosHOarton. Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nightstheir bill. '

BELIGIOUS'BAPTIST. "BevH F Loomis, pastor; Snn-

daynerviDeB :P.reaohing 10:30 Sunday-school11.30. Junior 0. E..8.00 p.m.. Obrlatiai) En-deo.vor6.16. Preaching 7. 16.' Weokdayprayormeeting Thursday evening,7.80._ Rirnfta Hninn rrt.Htlnir- fnr ynan nnly. ?n

post-office bnilding, Sunday eve. 8.45 .

anto do good workfor nothing

nessa specialty. If wecannot do your workwhen you want it'done•we'll tell you so,and finish it"when we promise to1

The TribuneNew Yorlc, tho weeklyedition, and tho^Republican, for $1.25A pile of good readingfor a little money

PressPhiladolphiu, wc'okly, andthe Itepiiblicati, a yearfor.ftl.25

;P, P M,,Beotpf 8and»Jf WaB«e« at 8.30 and10.30; — Aflur ilia liitt Muflu, Beucdletron~rittrthe Moat lilteaed Sacrament. Boiary &n4Litany, at 4 p m On caob weekday, Maiiei at6.30 and Sam.

EPISCOPAL, ST.MABK'B. Rev. Edwin 0Aloorn,r«otor. Celebration of-Holy Enoharlitlit and Srd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Other San-day a, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany ,»ndSermon, 2nd and 4th Sunday! at 10.30a.m.ErenBon£7:08 p.m. Sunday School 9:30a.m.Friday Eveneong, 7.80.. Sain te Day Celebra-t!on,7:30a.m. Bpeoialaorvlocn In Advont&ndLent.

H, call or phone HH—

HOYT & SOH,JTOO-O Bolloruo Avo., namiuonton.

H«TnoDi9T EpuoopiL. Bevf Ii Jew«ttpastor. , Sunday aervlcei: elasi 9,30 a.mpreaohlng 10. KC, ganday-tohool U.OOnoonGpworlb League 6.30 p. m., preaching Taeiday and Wednesday evening"?. 30PjnycimcotlngThur«day 7.30 p. m.

PBBBBTTBRIAR. nev.WKMoKlnnty, pnntor.Sunday uorrloea: preaching, 10. 80 a m., Sun-day aobool 12.00 noon, preaching 7.15 p m.0, K. prayer meeting Sunday, 8 S O p . n l .Ohurob prayer meeting Thnraday 7.30 p. m. •

Million* at Folaom and DaGtrittr.'Italian Evangelical, llrv A Mluulllli,

Paitor. Bunday Holiool at 0:30 a m. Preach-ing at 10.80 a in. O K Bocloly at 0'30 p inPrcnithlng it 7:15. \

UitivinBil.nT. No paator.Prooohinjt at 10,30 a.m.; Sunday School,12:00 uoo. i Y 1' 0 U. at 7iDO v. m. Soolnbloaaltornxo Thuridnj cvonlngB.

Wouin'i Cniuarun TnMrnn*ncB Union.Mra. Uh»rle i> Smith, president, Mra M Dunno»r »ee'j, RH"n W.K (lonilyi reo «eo| lira P HTil ' on, IroiiBuror.


I!»ley Oruun 0<>, 1'hlUdaIt .) bmke .nonl i iK muoiilneiJanies linker, in on I marketKo.y«or ISmlhrri , pu ln lu rnJ, il. t iarlon, juii lco.Jus. T. Tnylur, |)uluicr.11, O, lllaok, Tolerlniiry Burgeon.Olian. W'loduull, juai lne.Hood A Him, undertakers .H N llilnler, KroaerloiiI, Ileverago, notary puhlloA I'. I'alteii, bloyoloi.

fi.°f\, Oordery, blayelea.uyt A Hon, publ l>h«r<, printer!.

ICIt 11. Olianiller, attorney.John 1'rnoli, Jr., iimlortaker.Wm.Dakfr , tlnimlth.Robert Mteol,) ovrolor.Jaoknon A Hon. moat ami productI,, W. Oddity, hnrneio. tW. II. lleriinluiuBe, notary, ooin. (UoilaDr.J. A. VV«.«,(lonilatJohn MurdooU, ahooi, 'Oeorge Hiring, dry Koodi^rooerloa/Bl*.Jaoob llokburdt, ineitnml proilnoe. 'Gh»i.Guimlni{liam,phxaloUni>ndinirgoon.J . I I .Hual l . baker and aonfootlonerH. Ii, Molntyro, meat and prodiioe .Wm,r.. Dlaok.dry good., grocer lol, oto.

Eaninonn Orfianhixtlonn,Hammonion Loan and l lu l ld lnx Annolatlon

W.H.TIIIon leorelary. < M o e t i every litThurxUyln inremon'. 11.11.

WnrklnKmon'* I.nan ani| Iliilldlno; Aiiaotatlan,W . l l , llarnihonio, (oarolnry. Mteti avorrlnlMouday In Klronuii'. Hall .

1'nnult'i llank, W. It. Tllton oaahter.

Eemarkable Cure of Croup.I have a few words to say regarding

3harrjberlaln'a-Q»jBgb Remedy. It savedtoy little' boy's life and I feel that I oao-noD praiBO, it enough. I bought "a bott'eof it ftotn-A E. Bteere^of (?o<>dwio, B.D.ind when TljofTiome mthTf the pooria,by could hardly breathe. I gave the

medicine as directed every ten minutesnntil lie "threw up1' and then I thoughtsnre he'was poing to choke to death.Wo; bad to pall the phlegm oat of bismouth la great long strings. I am posi-tive that if I had not got that bottle ofcough medicine, rnyboy would not bo onearth today.—Joel Detnontj ID wood,Iowa. For sale by J. 8. Rogora.

_TLANTIC_COUNTY-OBP BANS'ConH. December Term, 1901.

_jCTn• Application forJtule to —

--E11 H. Chandler, ftjnflnistratorol1 Wil-liam D. Arliiz,' deceased, having exhib-ited to this Court, under oath, a juct and

' ~ "debts of Raid deceased, whereby it ap-pears that the personal estate of the saidWilliam D. Arlitz is insufficient to payhis debts, and requested , the aid of theCourt in the premises ;_ It is ordered that all persons interest-ed 'in the lands, " tenements, and realestate of the said decedent, appear beforethe Court, at the .Court Honae in May'sLanding, on the eleventh day of M archnext,-toflhow cause why up mu'oh'of the'said lands, tenement;, hereditaments,and real estate 'of 'said decedent -shouldnot be sold as will, be sufficient to payhis debts or tbo residue thereof as thecase may require. '

A true copy from the minutes.J. S. HI8&EY, Surrogate.

Date^December.lOth1_1901,_ _j ___ __

Anrdna eondlna • vkotcb end dracrlDqulcklr aioortaln our opinion tnt iInvention la probablr tmtonuble. C_™mu.v.,UonitUtctljroonOdontlaL Handbook on menusent freo. Oldest apenoy for ««cn«nir - •^!a"M

, Batanu taken tEroogh Mnnn *"tftciat neUct, without ebargo. In tho

-Torat, MB -

a Good Stock! Order je-Specialty, and fulj

eatisfa&Wn is guaranteed.

ring done.E;J. DRAKE, Agent.


We have just received

_;— -:a, Jarge r~r~- — ----- -----• ' - ' • ' . consignment of — —

Gbld Medal^These time-tables are correctr

R(Schedule in effect Oct. 7,1001

BOWK-IRAKIS.— ___Subject to change.

——- Pf TAcc.p.m.


is not the direction you giveyour printer, but

"Make a good job of if

The Paper may be right,The Ink may be right,But the Job won't look right,Unless it is Done right,And at the right place.

HOYT & SOM,Printers.

4304S844S45.5S 055105->25 SI






101710 SO





a 1155 105 17

5285416010 10A 3d8 42



Ace.». m.

10451052110311 1011 2011 32H S8I I

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4 M K7 31 4 M7 21 4 Jft~«HIT

*•«»-- • • Slope only on notice to«<iSnduot.or or iigcnt, or t^i plernl.ExpnuleavingFbiladii. «t8.18 p.m. letsofinamtnonton-iitofi BCI»at65ii.

POWK TBMKB.TBunoay. .jueo. a, IBUT-.'•'•.-'-'.-.::'-.'BulJtct to duuigg"..' '

p. m.

6 126 10527J540614B S Dfl 02iooaiII IS!I) 100 250 31!0300 47n mTill!



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....Wlllla Juno.,....Ctdir Brook

Blno Anclior... Wlnilow Jnnr. (I'm)...

Hdijimonton +.....„ ,...EI«ood.

....Xfjj Ilaibor... ...0 <H, Drlimliili • Jnnr1110 .7,-rlraiantllllrlOllil AllantlrCIt)

t)2T>0 li005S6I


106 16a 116 0 6 8

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fl 25 « 85 0 28 i~2&U 1 0 0 441)14614

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21) H!\i.'7 AlU ISIII A 61.74443010 . —'• — '

0 038 55S40S .1(1B 2H621B 1(1 ..(I 10(1

' 3 I

Ilammonton, N. J.

AN ORDINANCE to regulate tliorate of upend of hornolHnw vohlolcn,

Kinimonly called nutomobllca, ID thoatrooUi of Ilammonton.

Introiluceil November 30th, 1U01. >Pntiod I)o.-«uilior Sfllli, 1901.Do It orilalnoil by tho Town Council of tie

Town of Iluinuionton,—Rootlon 1. Tliut tt ahul l bo unlawful for

ny horaulofltf vohlolo, comionaly knonn oflulnn ibtlot, propollad bj gleam, nloolrloltj,

Ka<, or other inollvo |i(iwor, to be drlvonlirough, on, or over any of tho «troot« orondi In the Town of II immontnr i ut n greaterate of Bpoe<l than ten mllea |>or hour.

Heo i lonZ . Tl iut nnjr pornon who iholl lieonvloluil of a vlolitll'iii ill tieotloii 1 of lh l>rr l lnnr ioo ilmll be iloemoil giulcy of nn nlTcnoo

anil limit bo nulijont to u duo of Ton Dullnrn>r ImjirUoiimcnl fur (on (lu/tf fur eaoli K r idivvry v lo lu l l on ihoro'if.

Houll.m )l. That tliU Or.llimnoo ihnll t iko(foot linmaillatoly alter llo pumufio.

M Kill A It I, K. I IOVKll ,Ohnlriuuii of Town Omu.oll.

. 1,. O'DuMMMi.i . , Tumi Olnrk .

A. H. Phillips Co.

Fire Insurance.—MONEY—

. r.lTOH

Mortgage Loans.Gorroapomloncu Holloltad.

OIK Atlantic Avonuo,

Atlantic City, N. J

ej Pbll«Joli)lil> n.m., DtapiilDK «t llimmionton it 0.47.Accommadttlon UIVM Fkllxlit, M 8.00 | reafliliig Ilmumonton ul O.I 1.Dp accomnio<lHtlon Iravcn Ilmninotiton at A.HA^ffrQi., rcdrlilng I'lillii(U. at fl.fAl)p nccotnmodatlon {nan Atl int lc at 11.26,, Jlurniiionlon 7.0H, riilla<l»l|'hl« H.'il,Buoilay nlgliteipro» up l«*m Atlantic 7.SO. Kga llattwr 7A"i, l lanimuntun H.ll,rractilnWeokitay aT«nlng oxproat tlown It-aTfH I'hllmla. at 7.1A, Irl t lnR; cfl HnDimi>ii t t ' l i iidttcn

W. O. IlKSLKIt, Oon.flupt. '' • KllfON J. WKKKH.r i rn . I'niirngor

, n.OO.

l . ' ..

Philadelphia Weekly Press

South Jersey Republican(two papers each week), for $1 60 a yt'.nr

'to any nddresa in| thln.county, or ^1.5' ontnido.

Mew York Tribune Fai mer



For nlirJ'.y yourn tho Nt<o Yoik WeMu Tribune \\w\IICIHI n nnllounl wonkly ncwn|.ii|inr, roiiil u l innNi uiitlrelyby funncrw, ami linn onj'iyoil t l i ' C 'Hi ' l i ln i iu>i und nuppoitof tlio Aiiinrlonii |ioo|ilu to it (lii^rou imvor ritiitliiod byliny Blmllnr piibllnatlon, I lin

Now York Tribuuo FarmnrTlioIH inndo ntmuhuoly (or fui-iiiiini uiul t l iulr fuiiilllcid.

Hin t nuniliof ,Wmi lnniin(( MOV. 7lh, 10111,Kviiry ilopnrtmont of i i K i l o i i l i i i r u l imlnntiy Is oovnrod

by pjn'iilnl contrlbiitoro who nui luiulurn In tlictir ronpoo-t lvo Ilium, und thu Tritium Ji'urt/ttr will 1>» In nvvry ronoou lilulM'limUr Mli-to-ilato, llvo, viilinpi'lnluir ii|[iloiiltiirftlpaper, profutuly.UhinlriitiKl wi th piatinosol llvonlbok,inniliil I'nrin Uiilldlngn uiul luinino, iniuililuory, u lo , •

FuinmrH1 wlvon, NOIIP uiul <lniig|ir»rn will Uiul njicclftl|>ui(na for tliotr uiltortttlnniuiit . /

Hoerulur iirloo, $1' por your, but you imn buyyoui-fftv(i|-ll<i li >ma woolcly iiovrn[a|)ur, tli

(tcnn','>W>i\\ <mo y«nr tin t,l.n(>.Hoia your nnbearl|itlnu uiut nionoy to Moyt & Bon,

Uiitnnioiiton, N. J.Rond your natnii uiul nililroun to tbu JV^ui fork

Mariner, Novf York Oily, mill a fmo anliiplo ot)j;ybo inallud W you.

• I

We are gcing to selli them, for the present,1 at unheard-of prices.

This is a good-time to lay-in aj "• •'. ' ' ' . .

j stock of these goods.-Meets Sunday eveninp, at'6:30. .

Topic, "Christian Eadeavpr. Day."(Twenty-first birthday.) Matt. 25:

__31=46._ Leader, Rev. W. K. Me-Kioney. Union service at 4.00.

Y. P. S. C. E.,— Boplisl Church :— Meets Sundfty-ovenioc.-ftUUla -- __

Topic, -"Cbrietion-^EDdeayor -Day. "-' (T_wenty-Qr8t birt'bday^) Matt. 25;

31-46. LcaderT^i N. "lyftan.

Jr. :Or.E.y8pndaY. afternoon at 3:00:

Wx4, A. HOOD & SON


Funeral DirectorsAll ibuainesB in their linepromptly and carefullj

\[• . r- - - ' ~

Embalming a SpecialtyOffice and Residence,

208 Peach Street,Phono i-o Hiijnmonton,


House, &ign,Cari iagePAIHTER

Dealer in Paintn, Oila,and V

J Imvo it lurpo ntook of

/John T. 1'ronch'HPure Oil PuintH,

T»Wfll> I Kiirtrantou to bo.' tlio bout pulut over Hold.

Boootul nnii I'lnannnt Htroot.n,IIAMMONTON,

Ohaa, CunninghaBfi,M,D.Physician and Surgeon

W> Hiiflond Ht,, Ilivniinoutoii.IlnurM, 7:110 to lOiOO A.M. '1:00 to It iOO innl 7 :<IO to 0:00 i-.M.

Pay for tho S. J. It, to-day.

W.C. T.U.Tbo ladles have tnhon this space by theyear, and tiro responsible for all that tt

"may ^ —-1—

A western city is in the midst of aone-sided, temperance crusadb that isgood as far aa it goe?,, and ' that is {hotearing.down of partitions in* saloonsand-roBtaurunts,--de8troying w.hat arecommonly known as "wine rooms,",but' which every one knows, whoknows anything about, it, have beenused for moat Immoral practices. It5s by the mayor's! order that these par-titions are being removed, and papersreport the order us being "generallyobeyed.^'-' ,

"•Wine room" is the quasi.respecta-ble.term applied to/a private apart-ment in the "higher toned" saloons,into which 'young women have beendecoyed and ruined in such numbers,that even loyal supporters of saloonsiiUV6~been~Bb:ockedr~attd—the— mayor-has beW compelled to demand thatthe proprietor, whose city liccnae says

The Safest Safety Wheel, xLife, my boy; IB o bicycle path, .-~tj" , ."~-~—And "Work" Is tlnrwhoel^ou shall rlUe .—If you would mount to tho orest of tho hill

And coast dpnrn tho other Bide.'Just oil the machine with cheerfulness

And see that the parts aro trlrrji •• " oThen nraildle tho naddle and pedal on

With ready, steady vim. -Don't start with a rush up trie hill of life,

Just pedal ft medium-gait; 'Hemuniber tliat those who "Bcorch" at first

Are.llKelytonnlsh late.Grasp the handle bars of tho wheel of Work: With n firm hold, not too tight, ^_

Then straighten up like a man. and push-Push for the road that's right 1 .

You may wobble a bit,and punctures, too.May cause you to dismount;

But plug up the boles' with smiles and pluck;They ore the'plugs Hint-count/ "

There are other makes of ranchl nes thanWorkThere's the"Idle," the "Lazy." tho •'Rest,""

And hosts of others of templing style,But the one called "Work" Is host.

It'sn-low-gcaE-whieJLoLhoinely frame.

put these dens of .vice, "which are thelegitimate accompaniment of the li-quor business. -


Young People's Societies.This upane is devoted to the Interests ottlie Young Peoples Societies of the variousChurches. Special Items of Interest, andannouncements are solicited.

. .3. 0. E.,—Preabytemri-Gbutuh-;

Union servjco at the M. E. ChurchEpworth League,—M. E. Church :

Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30.Topic, "luttKtuuch." Matt. 25 : 31-

4i>. Lender, Mlsa Laura-Davison,Unlou sorvlco In this Church at 4.

Junior Loaguo on Sunday afternoon,at 8 o'clock.

Y. P. O. U.,—Unlvoraulist Church:Meets Sunday evening, ut 0:30.

A cordial Invitation la extended to allto attend thcBQ

Church Notices.Topics In tlio viulotis ChnrolioB to

morrow will bo on followH :M.E. Church,—Rov. F. L. Jowott,

Pnator. .10..'!() A . M . , punching by Hov.Q. L Dobbins, Presiding(Klrlor.>V.M., "Tlio rich mun nnd Lnzarua."Kvnn^cllntlo rnootlngs onntlnuotl ororyevening, uxocptlnft Hutui'(l.*y.

Baptist Cluirqli,—Itov. H V. Loomis,Pa»tor. . 10.!t() A. M,, "Tho graatOH''Order,' wll l i tho KrcllUmt bouolltB.'Communion after Hdrnioii. DuolHlnii ilityin ilm Humlny Holmol. 7 .1f) r .M, , Hov.B. Pnul ..Ii-flii«ou will pri'iioh. Kxtruinoialn^B »V(ii-> nielli d i i r l ' iK tho woolt,oxcnpt. Hulurdiiy, with »l»'oli»l iimiilo utonoli tuH'.viui).' -

rroflbytorlnn Church,—lt«v. \V. 1C.MoKlniicy, PiiVttir. l O i M D "Anhnni««l ofCliilHt." 7,1ft I'.M , "Nniiniiin H«> l« ' l><>olonnBiid." DnioTolont ofl'nl-liiK f"r

DoiiKlol AulfctaColtoff1"1111'!' Anndornlos.

Thouimnda Sent into Exilo.Kvory jour u lui'KO iiuinlini ' of pii t ir »uf

forui'M wliimo liui|{B nro B I I I I I ivml ritoliiMlw l t l i <»>ii|{liB nro nruiiil to K<> t» nnotliorallmnlo. Hut tills IB oOHlly unit nut nl-wik}h Mini. Don't bn un nxllu wluui Dr.KIIIK'B Now Dlduiiyofy lor Contiiiniptliiuwill iiino you ul luiinii. H'B tlin mottl In-fill l lblnimidlal im fdroouglic, (it.hrout t t i id I U H K tlliwiiBort on < M V I I I I , TlioIliBt (i(n.(i | II!DKB uillnl. A n K i i i n i l l n uoiiroB rduiilt 1'iiiin purBiHiiuil I IHI- , '1'ilu!bottlnn froo nt >l. H. Honui-n'. 1'ilmi TiOo.un<l $1.00. ICvnry bottlo

But ll'B safe, and euro, ;jnU strong.And the man who rides It pcrslatlngly

never In Ilfigoi-wrong.—___—_So straddle fbo saddlepf ••W6rlJ?rmy boy.

And push It along with pride,Till you.get to the top of tliehlllof life, •

Then you'll coast down the other side.

£S5™ Hammontqn team won at n well-played same of basket-ball last Satur-day nigtu, between the Shield of Honorand EMS Harbors, by a score, 16 to 1C'Wolneid'er, Egg Harbor's attack, wasdisqualified for assaulting Wm. Small.The S. ot H. apparently had thingstheir own way, and it is expected they_will run a bit; score to-night. 'The hall.not being ready,. the teams will line upto-nicbt at Union Hall for the robber,each having won one same. Admis-sion,-15 and 20 .cents. Junior teamswill pluy lifsl. Music by the S. of U.T5rcheBtra~which~wlll he-appreciated^yall. """

The~ manjtvbojaltcs care of the loco-

(iacb one out as noadcdyia:called thehostltir. Tbo other day hostler Staggbrought out a locomotive on the main

track jusmnime to ruu into~tho onglnrof an express traiu wbicb was ton min-utes, late. Bulb engines wuro badlywrecked, and one: of llib onuinuers waftecriously injured. Tlio houtlur said hothought thu es|)rtB8 had goou-by. 'ontime. But the- Sup'uriDlcndunt replied :"It is not your bueiucss to think, but tokuow." Thoro are a jjreat many peoplelike that hostler. What they think is80,1 hoy hello v« must be BO. A conceit-ed critic thinks that it big flab did uotswallow Jonah, and that euttles tliomutter wltb him. Now we all oughtto think, and to think more than wo do.Jiul wo must baau our thinking ou whatwe know. If that hustler had foundout, a B ho easily could, that the expresshad not puBHitd yot, hu would certainlyhave thought that hu ought to wait forit. l'(»or follow I hu uot only wreckedtwo uuglneB, but bis own prospects for||lu, by thinking.that lit) know', when hodidn't.

It QirdK-8 tho Globo.Tlio fitmu ul' linoklon'B Aiuloa Halvo,

HH I IKI ln-ni In t i l l- world, nxlondB roundtho unrth. II.'H tlio onn vni'fuot liuitlor oloutx, oonin, buri iN, biulii('i), B>>ruB, nonldi),hollH, ulnorB, fuUii in , nohoH, jmlnB, i indullvltlu uruptloiiB. Only Infalllblo iillouuro,afio. » box ill. T. H.

"Homo 1 1 mo :>KO my ilikiightornoviifo cold, him uoinplnlnO'l of p;ilim Inlior oliout and lui'l u liuil ooiiK1'-t!h[>nili(M'li»lii'«('oii|;li Hnmody,to illriioijoim, und In two dayn nlioWoll mill iililn to «<> to Buhool. "I liuvonnoil th in rommly in my l iv in l ly for tho

IHint Hcivnu yiiiuii mill hitvo mivor knownt, to f.ill," HU.VB Jf t iuoB I 'rnuilorKUHt, iiuir-

dl innt . Aiinnto Hay, J.unulnii, Went. IndInliiniln. I'liliiii in tin) ohoHl liidliiiitodun uiipninnliliiif ultiiolc of pnoiimoiilit,wliltili 'lii lliln liiiiliviioii \VIIB iiudonlilodlywurdod oil' by Ulmfnborlnli^n CntighItiimoify, rtiiniiiitoruntBiiiiy to'ndnuoy ofit nolil toward pnoiimoiila. Hold by .1 . ri,



iulv«rt.iH«m«ntH,"I HUW it, in tho Sotmi


How to be

Call for FREE Booklet uW. *V, Hooil;8, aoH Poach 3t

Kogers Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarhottndor White Pine will cure a fresh cough ; and if the.cough is old arrd deep-seited, King's New Discovery

,. will relieve and cure all stubborn, hacking^coughB.Sample bottle free. ,

Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets, cure in 21 hours..If ttsed according to directions, money returned if

not cured. 35-tablets in each box, for 25 'jents. . "Sample free. . -——?;.

Peruna, for Catarrh. 85 cents.Electric Bitters, for Biliousness, 45 cents.

Successor to Crowell's Pharmacy.

THE REPUBLICAN OFFICEIs well equipped for any kind of . . .


Wagon Building


New: and .Second-hand1 WagonsA good second-hand

Buggy on hand.


Herbert G.- HeflsonALL THE '


PERIODICALS.Stationery & Confectionery.

217 Bollovuo Avonuo,

Hammontdh,^. J.

FRESH FISHEvery Friday!

Orders taken ' . .before 10 a. tn.,

Monday and Thursday

At Baker's Market.Kli H.

Attorney&CounselorAt Law

ArllU I tn l ld l t iKi Iliiinniniiton,HoomH i!B-U7 lioiil lint. «t I-»w U'ld'R,

AtUntlo C'Hy. ,Ofllolal Town Attnrnoy.

la llainiiionton « V«T.V FridayI'motloo in nil UourtB of tho Htato.

Moiioy for firwt mortynjjo lounc

A lullaeiiortmoutof hnndiiiid maohlninudo, — for work or driving.

Trunks, Valises. Whips,Hiding SnddloH, Note, oto.

Hammonton, N.J.

Lyford Beverage"

for Now Jersay,; tenders his services. • > •__

Pension voucher8_execnfe3.~^rHammonton.W. J.—

ConfectioneryOnly the choic'-st.

Bread & CakesAlways the bes(

J. B, ; SMALL,;Cor. Second and Bellevue, -


,you aro looking for

Wagons, Surreys,Buggies,

Spring Wagons,i and Road Oarta,

now or s<i(!ond-hnnd, call at .

F. <A. Lehman's Shop

Oil Stoves;

Repaired-fcy ;

WILLIAM BAKER.'No. 25 Tl.ird Street,
