Report(how colonial mentality affects Filipino identity)




Transcript of Report(how colonial mentality affects Filipino identity)

  • 2. According to Constantino, colonial mentality, as commonly understood, encompasses our subservient attitudes towards the colonial ruler as well as our predisposition towards aping Western ways.
  • 4. MALAY -are one of the ethnicities who came and stayed in the Philippines. - Some sources state that they are quite nice and law-abiding. -The physical appearance of most Filipinos could also be traced to the Malays. - it is believed that the Malays are trained seafarersones who could brave the oceans where land bridges used to stand.
  • 5. Japan Japan conquered the Philippines for only a few years and was never truly embraced by the country. Historians point to the fact that unlike Spain they were only here for a few years and unlike the Americans, they were very harsh on the Filipinos. As a result, people did not want to be like them and their influence has been minimal.
  • 6. - One of the most important influences of the Spanish is Christianity where most Filipinos had peacefully accepted the faith. - the Spanish also changed our surnames and in 1849, Governor General Narciso Claveris implemented a systematic distribution of our surnames and a Spanish naming system. Thus, majority of Filipino surnames sound like Spanish names.
  • 7. -the Spanish also influenced our cuisine. Because of this, Philippine cuisine has become a flavorful and unique - Through the church, many Filipinos were also trained in agriculture, language, and the arts. They brought western architecture and facilitated the construction of baroque churches where Filipinos were able to express their artistry. - the Spanish taught us some of the little pleasures in life such as procrastinationalso known as the maana habitand the joys of having
  • 8. AMERICAN - as if they were saving us from another country (first the Spanish, then the Japanese), we easily loved the Americans and we embraced their culture quite well. - Western influence further entered our culture especially with the spread of education. Filipinos were taught the English language and we were able to learn and adapt it easily. -But perhaps one of the most evident influences that they have imparted on us is democracy
  • 9. -Americans basically made the country look like a mini-US. Today, the Philippines is very much westernized or Americanized. For the longest time, products would sell better if it were called stateside and imported. -Filipinos love a lot of things about American culture such as fast food, sitcoms and music.
  • 10. -Furthermore, most Filipinos can speak a little bit of English making it very easy to communicate even for foreigners. Hollywood movi es are flocked, Starbucks is always filled to the brim and the latest fashion is followed or replicated.
  • 11. China - China got intoPhilippine culture by way of mercantilism. - In terms of food, Filipinos love Chinese food such as siopao, siomai, taho and hopia. - Filipinos also follow some aspects of Chinese culture such as feng shui, dragon dances and even Chinese New Year.- Business . - One of the most important virtues that they have imparted on us is our close-knit family relationships. This can be seen by a strong patriarchal power in homes and a close relationship with extended families.
  • 13. The sense of national community has been eroded; the crass materialism imbibed from the North has produced a massive rat race where everyone thinks only of self. With the globalization of culture, Filipinos get inundated through the transnational media with images full of artificiality, inanity, sexism, violence and racism. The culture being institutionalized is alien in language, direction and content.
  • 14. Constantino once declared that the only true Filipino is the decolonized Filipino. But producing a decolonized Filipino is perhaps an impossible task. Even more than Filipino nationalism, decolonized Filipino is a contradiction in terms.