Reporter MACHINERY W. F....

Danbury Reporter PEPPER BROS., Editors and Prop's. MARCH 15, 1911. It is only a question of time when the public roads of Stokes willbe worked by taxation, and when we will have good roads through every neighborhood of the county. Sentiment is grow-; ing stronger all the time for good roads, and the coming genera- : tions will enjoy them. When we are out sleeping under the pines, and somebody else is enjoying the fruits of our self-denial, good roads willbe a blessing to the county. Mr. J. E. Shelton, of Sandy | Ridge, Stokes county's biggest tax payer, is in favor of good roads, and stated the other day in paying his taxes that he would ' be willing to be double-taxed to get good roads. Mr. Shelton pays about $l,lOO taxes, and would not object to paying SI,OOO more. No one will charge Mr. Shelton with being unwise in his ideas of 1 county economy. He is our most I successful citizen. On the piece of road known as the poor house hill, about three miles south of Danbury, there are places which render it dan- gerous to human life to cross. We do not know who is the over- seer of this road, nor who are the supervisors. We do know- that they should be, and doubt- less will be sued individually for damage if some person or stock should be hurt in attempting to jump that dangerous hole. Court will convene in a few weeks, and it will be the sworn duty of the grand jury to indict these men for flagrant disregard of the law and the rights of the public. It is all right for a private in- dividual to be careful and econo- mical in the management of his own affairs, avoiding debt and shunning obligations for the fu- ture. But this rule, when applied to great corporations or common- wealths or counties, works differ- ently. No one would consider seriously a railway company that tried to extend its lines on its net earnings, without borrowed cap- ital, obtained at low rates of in- terest. Without bond issues, the Southern railway company CDuld never have opened the South to its present enormous developments. Without bond is- sues, the Panama canal would be only an interesting dream and never a reality. Without bond issues North Carolina would have no capitol at Raleigh, no insane asylums nor penitenitiary, j while without the benefits of borrowed funds Stokes county! would have never built the court j house, jail and bridges. The policy of paying as you go when applied to county improvements, is a false policy. It would mean that we should never "go," but remain a backwoods and pov- erty-stricken section, shunned by capital and investment, and pointed at with scorn by the outside world. Mr. Robert Critz was knocked downed by a bicycle yesterday evening outside O'Hanlon's, ridden by Mr. John Shipley. He was quickly attended by Dr.E. A. Lockett, and 'ater taken to his home on Spring street. He was not seriously hurt. ?Journal. 7th, Congressman Charles M. Steadman has appointed a young attorney from Alamance county, J. Elmer Long, as his private secretary. Both of these gentleman wiP leave for Wash- ington about the first of April to attend the opening of the extra session of congress. We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it?and stop there: lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove lid again?and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one any more. ? Mark | Twain If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it prop- erly. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks and it will not if you take Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all dealers. Our New Spring Stock is now in and ready for your inspection. We are in position to sell you anything you want in clothing and furnishings for men and boys at prices that can't be beat. Lewis & Simmons, Pilot Mtn., N. C. Dress Goods. Boyles Mercan- tile Co. Boys suits. Boyles Mercan- tile Co. Lime and Cement. Boyles Mercantile Co. Wire stretchers. Boyles Mer- cantile Co. Blanks For Sale. Blank Land Deeds 25c. dozen, j Deeds in Trust 25c. dozen, Chat- | tel Mortgages Oc. dozen, Land Posters Oc. dozen. Postage ' paid by us. Address DANBURY REPORTER. DANBURY, X. C. MACHINERY ACT PASSED BY LEGISLATURE Time For Listing Property Is Changed From June Ist to May Ist?Other Changes. The machinery act passed by the legislature, which provides the machinery for levying taxes is different from former acts in several particulars. In the first place, the time for which' property on hand shall be listed is changed from June Ist to May i Ist, and the date on which county | commissioners shall meet to | levy taxes is changed from j from June to August, so that all the property for assessments shall be in before the tax levy is made. Heretofore taxes were levied before the assessment was made. The principal changes from the old law are in sections 15 to 25. It is provided that the state tax commission?which is the cor- poration commission shall appoint one county tax assessor, a resident freeholder of the county, and the county commissioners shall appoint a tax assessor for each township, to be known as assistant tax assessor, who shall begin their work May Ist and continue until July Ist. Heretofore the commissioners appointed a tax- taker for each township and every fourth year, when real estate was to be assessed, two assessors were appointed to each I township to assess the real estate. Under the new arrange- I ment the tax assessor appointed ; for the county will visit each township and with the assistant- tax assessor appointed for the township will make the assess- Wa «B' is for \mk Bliao stands for \u25a0 best?beet family fJw. \u25a0 medicine. Bliss Native Herbs I strikes at the root of I diseaso by purifying Ujy H the blood. H It restores wasted \u25a0 tissues; strengthens JW every organ. A tablet at night; H next morning feeling H Faithfully used will \u25a0 banish Rheumatism, \u25a0 Constipation, Dyspep- I sia, Kidney anil Liver W Jp Disorders. \u25a0§& fig Bo sure you secure HB MB tho genuine Bliss Native I Jm Heron?in u yellow box M bearing the portrait cf HE H| Alonzo O. Bliss. M 200 tablets SI.OO. Money back if not JBSV MB satisfied. jMM mm Ask the Bliss jjgj? JAMES F. KING, N. C. ROURE 1. ???????? ???????««?? l BLUE BLUE ? ? # We mean BLUE SERGE SUITS, for men, £ ? young nen and boys. Absolutely the lar= gest shipment of fine BLUE SERGE SUITS, 9 ever brought to Winston=Salem. |§J W These were purchased in a large deal, and we A guarantee every suit to be from 15 to 25 per A cent, cheaper than the regular price. J Suppose you give them a look. J ? f. ? BOYLES BROS. COMPANY ? 5 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. S ment. The county assessor and the | board of county commissioners constitute a board of equalization for the counties, their work being subject to review by the state tax commission. The county assessor is to be ap- pointed by Apr. 1 and he can devote his entire time for three months of the year to his duties at , not more than $4 a day. The assessing of property is to begin May 1 instead of June 1. The county assessor is to visit all the townships and confer with the township assessors and in- struct them in their duties and the work of the township assessor to be gone over jointly Iby him and the county commis- sioners and the assessment revised. All assessments are to be made as near as may be to the true value in money. The county boards of equalization ' meet on the second Monday 'in July for the performance of their duties. Section 42, with reference to bank taxation, is changed so as to allow banks "also to deduct accrued and unearned interest, unpaid taxes, an amount exceeding five per cent of the bills reciveiable of said institution ito cover any other bonds or 1 installments of debts, also an amount equal to the value of any : shares of stock owned in other North Carolina corporations upon I which the tax is paid by the jcorporation issuing same." Mr' i Doughton, chairman of the j finance committee, explained that i undrr ] resent law the banks | weiv paying more than ; their share of taxes, and the added exemption was a rec- ! ognition of this fact, and while | the banks had asked for much ; more concession than this gave : them, he thought it was fair [land just to adopt the section. II Section 43, reports from corpora- ! tions permits corporations to de- duct "the value of the shares of stock legally held by such ' corporation in other corporations ! incorporated in this state and ' paying taxes on its capital stock in this," etc. An un- successful effort was made to change this section. I NEWS OF KING. High School Boys Beat Dalton at Ball ?New Depot Almost Com- plete?Personals. The King High School boys played Dalton last Saturday, the game going in favor of the King I High School boys. > The new depot is almost com- : plete. i Quite a crowd of girls and boys went to Trinity to preach- | ing last Sunday. Miss Ola Siddle, of Locust , Hill, visited Misses Ruby and ' Daisy White the past week. Miss Emma Hutchins went to ( Raleigh last Saturday, where jshe will spend a few days. \ i Messrs. Kerner Allen and ' I Will Wall called on Misses Ruby . i and Daisy White last Sunday I evening. Mi's. W. W. Leak, of Peter's (| Creek, Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. R. Pulliam. . this week. Born to Mr. and I i Mrs. G. R. Pulliam a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, i Misses Ola Siddle, Ruby and ' Daisy White went to Pilot Mtn. last Saturday. i' The King High School is ' | progressing nicely with about , 75 enrolled. } j Miss Eva and Mr. Herma I Linville visited friends at Wal- k nut Cove last week. )! We are looking forward for a 'ball game between the Pinnacle i and King High School boys ' I next Saturday. J R. C. and S. C. ) I Rhode Island Red eggs k; for sale. Price SI.OO *! per setting of 15. Special prices on large amounts. ) R. L. NUNN; ' I | Westfield, N. C. W. F. BOWLES Offers For the Next Two Weeks : Calico, 5c per yard, Percal, 8c per yard, Bleach, 8c per yard, White Goods for Waist, cheap, $1 Pants for 75c, 50c Shirts for 35c, Underwear and Blankets at cost $4 Shoes and Slippers for $2. Your friend W. F. BOWLES Walnut Cove, N. C. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE TO GRAVELY & COMPANY I Commission Merchants DANVILLE, VA. References furnished on application. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. R. ROGERS J. I. FULTON ROGERS & FULTON, LAWYERS. Offices Jones Building, Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C. DR. H. V. HORTON, Dentist, Is now back in his old location, corner 3rd and Main Streets, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours : 9to 12:30, 2to 4 and by appointment. REID P. JOYCE, Liveryman, WALNUT COVE, N. C. Good Safe Teams and Careful Drivers. DR. R. A. FRY, Dentist, Office in Bank Building. PILOT MTN., N. C. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. \Y. Kendo JoluiHoii. Fiiil M. I'niTlsli. JOHNSON & PARRISH, Attorneys and Counsellors At-Law. Masonic Temple. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Will practice in both State and Federal Courts. CHAS. O. McMICHAEL. J. E. SAINTSINO. Wentworth. Reidivllle. M'MICHAEL & SAINTSINO, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts. All business given prompt attention. Chas. O. Mc- Michael will be in Madison on Saturdays, at his old office over the post office. PETREE, EAST & CO., Real Estate and Rental Agents, WALNUT COVE, N. C. THE DANBURY REPORTE* Fourth and Last Round For the 1910 Taxes!- 1 will inwt the people (or the purpose of collecting their taxes for the yenr litlO, at the following tlines ami places : j. H. Wright's store, Xhtirs., .Meh. 2, lIHI. it a. ni. to p. in. Francisco. Frl., " 8. " " F. K. Nelson's Store. Sat.. " ?», * Walnut Cove, lat Hank t, Moil., " " Pine Hall, Tuep«. M 7, " 1 " Germenton, Wert., " s , " " " "?! " XJ Kin,', Thnrs., «? !», " " rinnaclc, Frl., " 1". " " " "" " Dnnhury, Sat., " 11, " * " Sandy ltldjre, (Shelton's Store), Mon. " IS, " " " " " " G. W. Neal'n Store (Lackey old Store). Tues. " 14, " " " " " " G. W. Hart & Son's Store, Wert. " 1">, " " " Lawsonville, Thnrs. " 1<», "" " Dillarrt, ? Fri. " 17. Prestonville, Snt. " I>S * " " Wilson's Store, Mon. " - 1 ". " " Mlr.pali, TUCH. " 21, * .1. Walter Tnttle's Store, Wert. " 22, Capella, Thnrs. " 23, " " " " Less than one-thtrrt of the taxes for the year 1010 have been paid, and 1 have made quite a number of appointments above HO as to make it convenient to every body to meet me ami pay, and unless paid on this round, books will lie placed In the hands of the deputies, with instructions to proceed at once to collect, and cost will be added. The people had I belt* pay up on this round, and save cost and trouble, for I meani to collect in accordance with law. Feb. Bth, 1011. Respectfully, ' C. M. JONES, Sheriff. Page 2

Transcript of Reporter MACHINERY W. F....

Page 1: Reporter MACHINERY W. F. · Danbury Reporter PEPPER BROS., Editors and Prop's. MARCH 15, 1911. It is only

Danbury ReporterPEPPER BROS., Editors and Prop's.

MARCH 15, 1911.

It is only a question of timewhen the public roads of Stokeswillbe worked by taxation, andwhen we will have good roadsthrough every neighborhood ofthe county. Sentiment is grow-;ing stronger all the time for goodroads, and the coming genera- :tions will enjoy them. When we

are out sleeping under the pines,

and somebody else is enjoyingthe fruits of our self-denial, goodroads willbe a blessing to thecounty.

Mr. J. E. Shelton, of Sandy |Ridge, Stokes county's biggesttax payer, is in favor of goodroads, and stated the other dayin paying his taxes that he would 'be willing to be double-taxed toget good roads. Mr. Sheltonpays about $l,lOO taxes, andwould not object to paying SI,OOOmore.

No one will charge Mr. Sheltonwith being unwise in his ideas of 1county economy. He is our most Isuccessful citizen.

On the piece of road known asthe poor house hill, about three

miles south of Danbury, thereare places which render it dan-gerous to human life to cross.We do not know who is the over-seer of this road, nor who arethe supervisors. We do know-that they should be, and doubt-less willbe sued individually fordamage if some person or stockshould be hurt in attempting to

jump that dangerous hole. Courtwillconvene in a few weeks, andit will be the sworn duty of thegrand jury to indict these men

for flagrant disregard of the lawand the rights of the public.

It is all right for a private in-

dividual to be careful and econo-mical in the management of hisown affairs, avoiding debt andshunning obligations for the fu-ture. But this rule, when appliedto great corporations or common-wealths or counties, works differ-ently. No one would considerseriously a railway company thattried to extend its lines on its netearnings, without borrowed cap-ital, obtained at low rates of in-terest. Without bond issues,the Southern railway companyCDuld never have opened theSouth to its present enormousdevelopments. Without bond is-sues, the Panama canal would beonly an interesting dream andnever a reality. Without bondissues North Carolina would

have no capitol at Raleigh, noinsane asylums nor penitenitiary, jwhile without the benefits ofborrowed funds Stokes county!would have never built the court jhouse, jail and bridges. Thepolicy of paying as you go whenapplied to county improvements,is a false policy. It would meanthat we should never "go," butremain a backwoods and pov-erty-stricken section, shunnedby capital and investment, andpointed at with scorn by theoutside world.

Mr. Robert Critz was knockeddowned by a bicycle yesterdayevening outside O'Hanlon's,ridden by Mr. John Shipley.He was quickly attended by

Dr.E. A. Lockett, and 'atertaken to his home on Springstreet. He was not seriously hurt.?Journal. 7th,

Congressman Charles M.Steadman has appointed a youngattorney from Alamance county,

J. Elmer Long, as his privatesecretary. Both of thesegentleman wiP leave for Wash-ington about the first of Aprilto attend the opening of theextra session of congress.

We should be careful to getout of an experience only thewisdom that is in it?and stopthere: lest we be like the catthat sits down on a hot stove lid.She willnever sit down on a hotstove lid again?and that is well;

but also she will never sit downon a cold one any more. ? Mark

| Twain

If you have trouble in gettingrid of your cold you may knowthat you are not treating it prop-erly. There is no reason why acold should hang on for weeksand it will not if you take Cham-berlain's Cough Remedy.For sale by all dealers.

Our New Spring Stock is nowin and ready for your inspection.We are in position to sell youanything you want in clothingand furnishings for men andboys at prices that can't bebeat. Lewis & Simmons, PilotMtn., N. C.

Dress Goods. Boyles Mercan-tile Co.

Boys suits. Boyles Mercan-tile Co.

Lime and Cement. BoylesMercantile Co.

Wire stretchers. Boyles Mer-cantile Co.

Blanks For Sale.

Blank Land Deeds 25c. dozen,jDeeds in Trust 25c. dozen, Chat-

| tel Mortgages Oc. dozen, LandPosters Oc. dozen. Postage

' paid by us. AddressDANBURY REPORTER.



Time For Listing Property IsChanged From June Ist to MayIst?Other Changes.

The machinery act passedby the legislature, which providesthe machinery for levying taxesis different from former acts in

several particulars. In the firstplace, the time for which'property on hand shall be listedis changed from June Ist to May

i Ist, and the date on which county

| commissioners shall meet to| levy taxes is changed from

jfrom June to August, so thatall the property for assessmentsshall be in before the tax levyis made. Heretofore taxes werelevied before the assessmentwas made.

The principal changes from theold law are in sections 15 to 25.

It is provided that the state taxcommission?which is the cor-poration commission shallappoint one county taxassessor, a resident freeholderof the county, and the county

commissioners shall appoint a taxassessor for each township, to beknown as assistant tax assessor,

who shall begin their workMay Ist and continue untilJuly Ist. Heretofore thecommissioners appointed a tax-taker for each township andevery fourth year, when realestate was to be assessed, twoassessors were appointed to each

I township to assess the realestate. Under the new arrange-

I ment the tax assessor appointed; for the county will visit eachtownship and with the assistant-tax assessor appointed for thetownship will make the assess-

Wa «B' is for

\mk Bliao stands for\u25a0 best?beet family fJw.

\u25a0 medicine.Bliss Native Herbs

Istrikes at the root of Idiseaso by purifying Ujy

H the blood.

H It restores wasted\u25a0 tissues; strengthens JW

every organ.A tablet at night;

H next morning feeling

H Faithfully used will\u25a0 banish Rheumatism,

\u25a0 Constipation, Dyspep-I sia, Kidney anil Liver W

Jp Disorders. \u25a0§&fig Bo sure you secure HBMB tho genuine Bliss Native I

Jm Heron?in u yellow boxM bearing the portrait cf HEH| Alonzo O. Bliss.

M 200 tablets SI.OO.Money back if not JBSV

MB satisfied. jMMmm Ask the Bliss jjgj?


???????? ???????««??

l BLUE BLUE ?? #

We mean BLUE SERGE SUITS, for men, £? young nen and boys. Absolutely the lar=

gest shipment of fine BLUE SERGE SUITS,9 ever brought to Winston=Salem. |§JW These were purchased in a large deal, and weA guarantee every suit to be from 15 to 25 per A

cent, cheaper than the regular price.

J Suppose you give them a look. J? f.? BOYLES BROS. COMPANY ?


ment. The county assessor and the |board of county commissionersconstitute a board of equalization

for the counties, their workbeing subject to review by thestate tax commission.

The county assessor is to be ap-

pointed by Apr. 1 and he candevote his entire time for threemonths of the year to his duties at

, not more than $4 a day. Theassessing of property is to begin

May 1 instead of June 1. Thecounty assessor is to visit allthe townships and confer withthe township assessors and in-struct them in their duties and

the work of the township

assessor to be gone over jointly

Iby him and the county commis-sioners and the assessmentrevised. All assessments areto be made as near as may

be to the true value in money.

The county boards of equalization'meet on the second Monday'in July for the performanceof their duties.

Section 42, with reference to

bank taxation, is changed soas to allow banks "also todeduct accrued and unearnedinterest, unpaid taxes, an amountexceeding five per cent of thebills reciveiable of said institutionito cover any other bonds or1 installments of debts, also anamount equal to the value of any

: shares of stock owned in otherNorth Carolina corporations upon

I which the tax is paid by thejcorporation issuing same." Mr'

i Doughton, chairman of thej finance committee, explained that iundrr ] resent law the banks |weiv paying more than ;their share of taxes, and theadded exemption was a rec-

! ognition of this fact, and while| the banks had asked for much; more concession than this gave

: them, he thought it was fair[land just to adopt the section.II Section 43, reports from corpora-

! tions permits corporations to de-duct "the value of the shares ofstock legally held by such

' corporation in other corporations! incorporated in this state and

' paying taxes on its capitalstock in this," etc. An un-

successful effort was made tochange this section.


High School Boys Beat Dalton at

Ball ?New Depot Almost Com-plete?Personals.

The King High School boysplayed Dalton last Saturday, thegame going in favor of the King

I High School boys.> The new depot is almost com-

: plete.i Quite a crowd of girls andboys went to Trinity to preach-

| ing last Sunday.Miss Ola Siddle, of Locust

, Hill, visited Misses Ruby and' Daisy White the past week.

Miss Emma Hutchins went to( Raleigh last Saturday, where

jshe willspend a few days.\ i Messrs. Kerner Allen and

' I Will Wall called on Misses Ruby. iand Daisy White last Sunday

I evening.Mi's. W. W. Leak, of Peter's

(| Creek, Va., is visiting herdaughter, Mrs. G. R. Pulliam.

. this week. Born to Mr. andI i Mrs. G. R. Pulliam a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White,i Misses Ola Siddle, Ruby and' Daisy White went to Pilot Mtn.

last Saturday.i' The King High School is

' | progressing nicely with about, 75 enrolled.

} j Miss Eva and Mr. HermaI Linville visited friends at Wal-

k nut Cove last week.)! We are looking forward for a

'ball game between the Pinnaclei and King High School boys' I next Saturday.

J R. C. and S. C.) I Rhode Island Red eggs

k; for sale. Price SI.OO*! per setting of 15.

Special prices onlarge amounts.

) R. L. NUNN; ' I| Westfield, N. C.

W. F. BOWLESOffers For the Next Two

Weeks :

Calico, 5c per yard,Percal, 8c per yard,Bleach, 8c per yard,White Goods for Waist, cheap,$1 Pants for 75c,50c Shirts for 35c,Underwear and Blankets at cost$4 Shoes and Slippers for $2.

Your friend

W. F. BOWLESWalnut Cove, N. C.



ICommission Merchants

DANVILLE, VA.References furnished on application.



LAWYERS.Offices Jones Building, Liberty St.

Winston-Salem, N. C.

DR. H. V. HORTON,Dentist,

Is now back in his old location,corner 3rd and Main Streets,Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.building.

WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.Rooms: 301, 302, 303.

DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS.Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.

Office 405-7 Masonic Temple,Winston - Salem. N. C.

Hours : 9to 12:30, 2to 4 andby appointment.




Good Safe Teams and CarefulDrivers.

DR. R. A. FRY, Dentist,

Office in Bank Building.


JOHN D. HUMPHREYS,Attorney-at-Law,

DANBURY, N. C.Prompt attention to all business

entrusted. Will practice in allState courts.

\Y. Kendo JoluiHoii. Fiiil M. I'niTlsli.

JOHNSON & PARRISH,Attorneys and Counsellors

At-Law.Masonic Temple.

WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.Will practice in both State and

Federal Courts.

CHAS. O. McMICHAEL. J. E. SAINTSINO.Wentworth. Reidivllle.


Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,

Practice in State and FederalCourts. All business givenprompt attention. Chas. O. Mc-Michael will be in Madison onSaturdays, at his old office overthe post office.


Real Estate and RentalAgents,



Fourth and Last Round For the 1910 Taxes!-1 will inwt the people (or the purpose of collecting their taxes for the

yenr litlO, at the following tlines ami places :

j. H. Wright's store, Xhtirs., .Meh. 2, a. ni. to :« p. in.

Francisco. Frl., " 8. " "

F. K. Nelson's Store. Sat.." ?», *

Walnut Cove, lat Hank t, Moil., " "

Pine Hall, Tuep«. M 7," 1 "

Germenton, Wert., " s ," " " "?! "


Kin,', Thnrs., «?!»,

" "

rinnaclc, Frl., " 1". " " " " " "

Dnnhury, Sat., " 11, " *"

Sandy ltldjre, (Shelton's Store), Mon. " IS, " " " " " "

G. W. Neal'n Store (Lackey old Store). Tues. " 14, " " " " " "

G. W. Hart & Son's Store, Wert. " 1">, " " "

Lawsonville, Thnrs. " 1<», " " "

Dillarrt, ? Fri. " 17.Prestonville, Snt. " I>S * "


Wilson's Store, Mon. "-1". " "

Mlr.pali, TUCH. " 21, *

.1. Walter Tnttle's Store, Wert. " 22,Capella, Thnrs. " 23, " " " "

Less than one-thtrrt of the taxes for the year 1010 have been paid, and 1have made quite a number of appointments above HO as to make itconvenient to every body to meet me ami pay, and unless paid on thisround, books will lie placed In the hands of the deputies, with instructionsto proceed at once to collect, and cost will be added. The people had

I belt* pay up on this round, and save cost and trouble, for I meani tocollect in accordance with law.

Feb. Bth, 1011. Respectfully,' C. M. JONES, Sheriff.

Page 2