Reported Speech

Reported Speech


reported speech

Transcript of Reported Speech

Reported Speech

Reported Speech

Compare say and tell in the sentences:She sais (that)she lives in a small flatShe told me (that) she lived in a small flat

We say something. We do not say someone something.She said she was going to be lateIncorrect: She said me she was going to be lateWe tell someone something. We do not tell something.

He told me he was happy Incorrect: He told he was happyActivityChoose one of the places or situations below and tell your partner either what you said and heard in one of those places or situations or what people usually say in those places or situations:

In the metro, At the University, in a bar, in a football match, after a mid term exam, when people are drunk, after a breakup, in a stuck1.He told me that I couldnt come in because I was wearing trainers (= sneakers)2. She told me that I couldnt bring hot food on because the smell would annoy the other passengers.3. They told me that I had to study so much.