REPORT SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop …

REPORT SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop “Adapting KOSEN Educational System in Indonesia Vocational Schools” 11 – 13 August 2016, Aston Imperial Hotel Bekasi, Indonesia Hosted by Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia DRAFT AS AUGUST 22 nd 2016

Transcript of REPORT SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop …

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SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop

“Adapting KOSEN Educational System in Indonesia Vocational Schools”

11 – 13 August 2016, Aston Imperial Hotel Bekasi, Indonesia

Hosted by Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia


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Contents Page PART 1 ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Background ....................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Overall Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 4 3. HOST ORGANIZATION AND PARTNERS ......................................................................................... 4 4. THEME ............................................................................................................................................... 4 5. DATE AND VENUE ............................................................................................................................ 4 6. PRIORITY AREAS .............................................................................................................................. 5 7. PARTICIPANTS .................................................................................................................................. 5 8. EXPECTED OUTPUTS ........................................................................................................................ 5 9. FUNDING SUPPORT .......................................................................................................................... 5 10. RESOURCE PERSONS.................................................................................................................... 6 11. RAPPORTEURS ............................................................................................................................. 6 12. COORDINATORS ........................................................................................................................... 7

PART 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 PROGRAM AND HIGHLIGHTS ....................................................................................................................... 8

1. Opening Ceremony ........................................................................................................................... 8 2. Session 1: Introduction of KOSEN Educational Model ................................................................... 8 3. Session 2: Guideline for Participation in SEA-TVET KOSEN Schools Model ................................ 9 4. Session 3: Conclusion from session 2 and session 4 guideline of discussion ............................ 10 5. Session 4 & 5: Group Discussion on Curriculum .......................................................................... 11 6. Session 7: Implementation Strategy .............................................................................................. 11 7. Session 8: Wrap up and Closing ..................................................................................................... 11

PART 3 .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 RESULT FROM CURRICULUM DISCUSSION .............................................................................................. 12

1. Mechanical Engineering ................................................................................................................. 12 2. Electronics Engineering ................................................................................................................. 13 3. Electrical Engineering .................................................................................................................... 14 4. Chemical Science ............................................................................................................................. 16 5. Computer Science ........................................................................................................................... 18

PART 4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 RESULT FROM IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY........................................................................................ 22 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................... 23

1. List of Participants .......................................................................................................................... 23 2. Programme ...................................................................................................................................... 31 3. Group Discussion: List of Participants .......................................................................................... 32 4. Curriculum of KOSEN and Indonesia 4 years Vocational School ................................................ 40 5. Summary: Participants Implementation Strategy ........................................................................ 57

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1. Background National Institute of Technology or Koutou Senmon (KOSEN), was first founded in 1962 in response to a strong demand from the industrial world for engineers to support Japan through its period of high economic growth starting in the mid 50's, and cope with further development of science and technology. The country first established 12 national KOSEN and 2 public KOSEN, Tokyo Metropolitan College of Technology and Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronautical Engineering. Currently, there are 57 KOSEN nationwide.

The educational system of KOSEN is different from that of universities as it offers five years of consistent, practical and professional education for junior high school graduates at an earlier age, or seven years for those who chose to continue further study in the advanced course, in order to foster engineers capable of playing mid-level roles in the production sites in the industries.

In its regular program, the students are offered both general education and specialized education, more general education in earlier stages and more specialized education in later stages. Gradually increasing the focus on the specialized education from the first grade will allow them to naturally acquire specialized knowledge and skills of around the same level as universities.

In its advanced engineering course, the students will learn, on top of the basic engineering knowledge they acquired in the regular program, even higher and more specialized knowledge and skills which will make them innovative and practical engineers.

Regular course graduates are awarded the title of Associate and advanced engineering course graduates who passed reviews by the National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation can earn Bachelor's degrees.

Every seven years, KOSEN go through a certified evaluation and accreditation by certified evaluation and accreditation organizations in order to confirm its quality of higher education. This helps KOSEN to assure the quality of its educational activities, make efforts to maintain and improve its education and research levels, and facilitate unique and diversified development.

Considering the uniqueness of KOSEN Technology Education Model and due to the market demand of skills labor to welcome The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Indonesia as part of AEC needs to improve the Technical and Vocational and Education and Training (TVET), it is important for Indonesia to strengthen the human resource development through education and training. It is also part of seven priority areas of SEAMEO to promote Technical and Vocational Education and Training in the Southeast Asian countries to accelerate industrialization, paradigm shift from labor-intensive industry to technology intensive and highly value-added one. The development of TVET human resources from the “Technicians” to “Engineers who are well equipped with theory and practical training” is also one of the crucial and urgent key issues of the Southeast Asian region.

The KOSEN model to be expected to help Indonesia improve the quality of TVET Education, particularly in the technology and engineering programmes, and prepared the high competitive human resources both in skills and knowledge under Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE), Ministry of Education and Culture. Indonesia has more 12000 vocational schools with two types of teaching learning process: three years programme and four years programme. To enhance quality of TVET graduates of four years programmes educational school, DTVE initiated to

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have partnership and possibly adapt KOSEN models.

The discussion on collaboration between KOSEN and Southeast Asian region through High Officials Country-Level Workshop on SEA-TVETin Japan, 14-15 July, Tokyo, agreed to conduct workshop on SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop in Indonesia, 11-13 August 2016. And with the support of the Ministry of Education and Culture – Indonesia, The SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop will be organized on 11-13 August 2016 in Bekasi, Indonesia.

2. Overall Objectives

The SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop in Indonesia aims to:

1) Share KOSEN Educational Model and Curriculum for Indonesia and other Southeast Asia TVET


2) Discuss the possibility for improving Indonesia and other Southeast Asia TVET institutions by

adapting the KOSEN Educational Model and Curriculum.

3) Plan further strategy on implementation of SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Programme in

Indonesia by having discussion among KOSEN experts, TVET policy makers, Vocational Schools,

and Polytechnics.


Host organization : Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia

Supporting partner : Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic

of Indonesia

National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Japan

Regional partner : Secretariat of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization

(SEAMEO Secretariat)

SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC)

4. THEME Adapting KOSEN Educational System in Indonesia Vocational Schools


11-13 August 2016

Hotel Aston Imperial, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia.

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Indonesia has 6 priority majors of 4 years vocational school programs namely: 1. Metal Fabrication Engineering and Manufacturing 2. Automotive Engineering and Maintenance Management 3. Mechatronics 4. Industry Automation Engineering 5. Analytical Chemistry 6. Information System, Network and Application

Those priority majors have been mapped with KOSEN five priority study areas. 1. Mechanical Engineering 2. Electronic Engineering 3. Electrical Engineering 4. Chemical Science 5. Computer Science (ICT)


The SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling Workshop was participated by:

● 72 Indonesian participants that came from 54 Vocational Schools, 1 Community College,

and 8 Polytechnics nationwide.

● 6 Thailand participants from Minburi Technical College and Eastern Technological College.

● 1Malaysia participant from Sekolah Vokasi Kuantan


● Mutual perception on educational model and curriculum in the field of mechanical,

electronics, ICT, and chemical science in KOSEN and Indonesia TVET institutions.

● Identification of potential activities such as study visit, curriculum development, quality

assurance, assessment, student internship, teacher and student exchange, and research

sharing between students and teachers in Indonesia and KOSEN Japan.

● Implementation strategy between KOSEN and Indonesia TVET institutions.


● Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia contributes in accommodation of a sharing

room for 2 nights at Aston Imperial Hotel Bekasi (Check-in 11 August and Check-out 13


● Local transport for KOSEN, Thailand, and Malaysia delegates was provided by SEAMOLEC.

While local transport for Indonesians supported by their respective institutions.

● The airfare ticket and allowance for participants are borned by their respective


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● Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia

■ Drs. Mustaghfirin Amin, MBA, Director of Directorate Technical and Vocational


■ Dr. Bakhrun, Head of Curriculum Division, DTVE, MoEC

■ Dr. Junus Simangunsong, Head of Evaluation Section, DTVE, MoEC

■ Mr. Taufik Damarjati, DTVE Officer, MoEC

■ Dr. Putut Subijantoro, Expert, Vocational Education Development Centre (VEDC),


■ Mr. Sodikin Susaat, Expert, VEDC Malang

■ Dr. Miftahu Sholeh, Expert, VEDC Malang

■ Dr. Arie Eric Rawung, Expert, VEDC Malang

■ Mr. Wismanu Susetyo, Expert, VEDC Malang

● National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Japan

■ Prof. Isao Taniguchi, NIT President

■ Prof. Masashi Yoshida, NIT Ube College

■ Prof. Hiroyuki Odagawa, NIT

■ Prof. Kazuhide Sugimoto, Head of Global Strategic Planning and Promotion Office, NIT

■ Prof. Katsumi Katakura, NIT Nara College

■ Prof. Tsutomo Matsumoto, Vice Director, Centre of International Exchange, Kumamoto


● Secretariat of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization

■ Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat


● Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia

■ Ms. Kokoy Siti Komariah, DTVE Officer

■ Mr. Al Bahri, DTVE Officer

● SEAMEO Secretariat

■ Ms. Piyapa Su-angavatin, External Relation Officer

■ Ms. Pimratchada Patanasuthikul, Executive Secretary


■ Ms. Cahya Kusuma Ratih, Research & Development Manager

■ Mr. Dona Octanary, R&D Officer

■ Mr. Aggry Tiharapitra, R&D Officer

■ Ms. Zahrani Balqis, R&D Officer

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● Ministry of Education and Culture, DTVE, Program and Evaluation Division.

■ Mr. Yoni Utomo [email protected]; +62 81388728665

■ Ms. Kokoy Siti


[email protected]; +62 85723233636

● SEAMEO Secretariat

■ Ms. Piyapa Su-


[email protected]; +66 6623910144


■ Ms. Cahya Kusuma


[email protected]; +62 81398426293

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1. Opening Ceremony

Opening remarks by Drs. Mustaghfirin Amin, MBA, Director of Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education, Ministry of Education

On his remark, he said that in order to face the ASEAN economic community (AEC), Indonesia need to enhance the quality of young generation, especially the quality of the vocational schools (SMK) graduates. In order to enhance the quality of 4 years SMK, DTVE collaborate with KOSEN, Japan to have a partnership and possibility to adapt Kosen modelling curriculum. He hopes that after this workshop, the exchange program between Indonesia – Japan and Indonesia to other Southeast Asia countries can be conducted, either for the teacher or the professor. The cooperation between those institutions will be increase, and the quality of the young generations will be increase as well. He hopes, SMK in Indonesia will be well prepared to build the cooperation with KOSEN and other educational institution from Thailand, Malaysia, and Polytechnic in Indonesia.

Opening remarks by Prof. Dr. Isao Taniguchi, President National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Japan

Prof. Isao mentioned that NIT (National Institute Technology, Japan) or KOSEN not only teaches high technology, but also the basic knowledges, such as Mathematics, economics, physics, etc, in order to produce a “Treasure of Society”. NIT has a concept, that the engineer is a social doctor. Therefore, they should be highly educated.

Opening remarks by Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, Thailand

During his remark, Dr. Gatot expected that after this workshop, 4 years SMK in Indonesia can adapt the Kosen curriculum. He wish that every selected Indonesia vocational schools can have special class that adapt KOSEN curriculum and materials. There are many potential activities as follow up action of this cooperation, such as teachers and students exchange, assistance from KOSEN /Japanese companies experts as part of institution development, joint research, and also credits recognition from Indonesian Community Colleges/Polytechnics and KOSEN. He also hope that this kind of workshop with KOSEN can be conducted too in Thailand, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries

2. Session 1: Introduction of KOSEN Educational Model

KOSEN is stand for Kouto (Higher), Senmon (Profession), and Gakkou (School). It was established in early 60 due to high demand of engineers with good academic knowledge and practical skills. KOSEN is highly evaluated by Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education and has been categorized in the same level with university. While at vocational school, students learns much practice and in the university learn much theory, KOSEN tries to cover all the theory and practical skills thoughts. In KOSEN, after junior schools, 16 years old students who have interest in science and technology can continue for their 5 years compulsory study in KOSEN. They also have

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possibility to continue study in KOSEN 2 years advance course to get bachelor degree.

KOSEN students required to get 167 credits. 1 credit in KOSEN consists of 30 hours of lessons or 20 hours of lessons and 10 hours for self study. Active learning approach is used by KOSEN, so that students can learn from each other to get deeper understanding. In Kosen, the number of liberal art modules such as Japanese language, English, History will be higher in the early years, but it will be less in thereafter years. On the opposite, only some of technical modules available in the early years, but it will increase in years thereafter. More than half of KOSEN courses offered are experiments in laboratory, exercises, or practices. By following those classes, KOSEN students learn how to connect their knowledge with their personal experiences. Doing research is mandatory for KOSEN students. Most of students start research in their early age (18 years old). All of them need to find and solve real problem. Idea of the final project could be come from local company. KOSEN has close collaboration with local company through many activities such as technical consultation, research and development collaboration, internship program implementation, and as part of external evaluation for administration purposes. Around 30% of teaching staffs also have industrial experienced. KOSEN graduates goals are to become social doctor that can help society to find solution from social problems.

3. Session 2: Guideline for Participation in SEA-TVET KOSEN Schools Model

In this session Dr. Junus informed participants regarding his impression during visit to KOSEN, Tokyo College and encouraged participants to be part of school modelling. During 5 years of study, KOSEN produced engineer as social doctor through the five major departments; Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Information and Communication Technology. As a social doctor, the Kosen students have to be a problem solver. They solve the society problems by producing any product that fit with the society needs. He also

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explained about Spiral Curriculum concept that has been implemented by KOSEN. In this concepts, students need to meet certain level of mastery and then provide linkages between each lesson, so that students can ‘spiral upwards’ in their study. He impressed also with the research project in KOSEN. It is follow engineering design process, started by (1) Asking problems, (2) Brainstorm ideas, (3) Planning, (4) Following the plan, (5) Improvement of implementation. He wish that Indonesia Vocational Schools can adapt this concept. Dr. Junus also mentioned concept of vocational schools with 4 year programs. General subjects will be taught in year 1 to year 3 students, basic science and skills in year 1 and year 3, and starting at year 2, students will more practical subjects including experiments and industry experience.

4. Session 3: Conclusion from session 2 and session 4 guideline of discussion

In this session, Mr. Taufik informed all participants summary of the session 2. He emphasized that vocational schools (SMK) that will be part of school modeling program with KOSEN are excellent SMKs that will implement 4 year vocational education, have close relationship with Japan industry and located near industrial area. Special class that will adapt KOSEN curriculum will be assisted by KOSEN and DTVE during implementation. Cooperation with polytechnics is also important,so that they can recognize credits of 4 years SMKs and implement seamless education like in KOSEN.

During this session Mr. Taufik also guide participants to have further discussion with KOSEN and DTVE experts. He suggested that in each group discussion it will be started by discovery of KOSEN Curriculum by KOSEN expert, presentation of Indonesia 4 years SMKs curriculum, discovery polytechnics curriculum, and closed by discussion, finding the gaps between curriculums and identify further strategy/mechanism of collaboration.

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5. Session 4 & 5: Group Discussion on Curriculum

Result of session 4 and 5 is presented on PART III : Result From Curriculum Discussion.

6. Session 7: Implementation Strategy

During this session, Dr. Bakhrun, DTVE Head of Curriculum Division and Mr. Taufik, DTVE Officer delivered presentation and speech regarding strategy that will be conducted by DTVE. Both of them were encouraging participants to be part of school modeling program, and asked them to take initiative and prepare an action plan in order to prepare their schools to be involved in this program. During this session, an implementation strategy form had been distributed and any institutions that voluntarily join this program need to fill in those forms. Summary of implementation strategy from each institutions is attached in appendix.

7. Session 8: Wrap up and Closing

Wrap up of all sessions was delivered by Dr. Bakhrun, Head of Curriculum Division, DTVE, MoEC. He reiterated thatDTVE promote Vocational Schools (SMK) with 4 years program based on government regulation PP No 17 Year 2010 to have partnership with KOSEN, Japan. There are 6 majors that has been mapped with KOSEN curriculum and the result there is only 5 majors that its contents have more than 60% similarities between KOSEN and Indonesia Vocational Schools. Further discussion and coordination needed to get deeper look on the curriculum not only based on subjects but also syllabus. DTVE will continuously support this school modeling program with KOSEN.

Prof. Isao Taniguchi, KOSEN President delivered his deeply appreciation to Indonesia, Ministry of Education. There are some differences between KOSEN and Indonesia Vocational Schools curriculum. KOSEN will support the process of curriculum adoption between Indonesia Vocational Schools and KOSEN. Dr. Gatot, SEAMEO Secretariat Director also delivered his closing remarks, by announcing and facilitating weekly online meetings with participants. Those meetings aim to identify which schools are well prepared in this program. He reiterated that those schools need to have close collaboration with Japan industries. He asked schools to invite experts from industry to partially teach students in related subjects. Those experts will be link as network to the related industries. Mathematics is mandatory for world class engineer, so he suggested that vocational schools need to equipped students with suitable mathematics materials. Currently is perfect time for Indonesians to enhance vocational education, since Indonesian President is mainly support vocation education. He suggested that schools need to spend their operational budget carefully, not only for infrastructure but also for scholarship for students.

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1. Mechanical Engineering

A. Metal Fabrication Engineering and Manufacturing.

1. Curriculum in Metal Fabrication Engineering and Manufacturing of 4 years Vocational

Schools can adopt 28 subjects ( 61 credits) from 56 subjects (98 credits) available in KOSEN.

2. In KOSEN, students need to concern in Mechanical Technology. It is shown in Mechanical Technology Basic of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Elementsthat its credits

numbers higher than others. Meanwhile Workshop: Lathe Machine Works,Welding, Cast

and Wrought, Milling Machine Works, Grinding Machine Works, in Indonesia

curriculum intend to give more practical study to students so that they can solved many

problems during industry placement.

3. Based on the Indonesia curriculum, it is indicate that Indonesia curriculum equipped

students to be able to be operator or maintain the machine, but not an engineer that will be

machine designer as KOSEN graduates will do.

B. Automotive Engineering and Maintenance Management

1. From 22 subject available in KOSEN curriculum, SMK Indonesia curriculum only has 6 subjects

match with KOSEN curriculum.

2. Based on the curriculum analysis between Automotive Engineering and Maintenance

Management curriculum in Indonesia and Kosen’s Curriculum, there are only 22 % of them

match with KOSEN, such as :

a. Physics b. Basic Chemistry c. Technical Drawing d. Basic Automotive Technology e. Product Development / Project Works

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2. Electronics Engineering

1. Teaching and learning in Indonesia Vocational Schools and KOSEN: There are different situations between Indonesia Vocational Schools and KOSEN for instance: - One hour lesson in KOSEN is equal to 90 minutes, while in Indonesia is 45 minutes.

Since the frequency of the meeting is higher, learning time of Indonesian students in class are higher.

- In KOSEN one class consists of 42 students, while in vocational schools consist of 36 students and 24 students in Polytechnic.

- More than 90% teacher has a doctoral degree, so that student can follow their research projects.

2. Curriculum Comparison on Electronics Subject.

During discussion, Information and Communication Electronics Engineering Curriculum Kumamoto College was used as reference. Overall students need to take compulsory subjects as below: Year 1: a. Basic electricity b. Information literacy c. Electronic communications basic exercises d. Electronic communications engineering foundation e. Elective course: specialize courses application first f. Specialized courses application second g. International project

Year 2: a. Basic electricity b. Computer engineering I c. Programming I d. Electromagnetic I

Year 3

a. Electromagnetics I b. Electrical circuit science I c. Electronic circuit science I d. Electronic Engineering e. Electronic measurement f. Computer Engineering II g. Programming II h. Etc.

Year 4, student has an internship program (1 week to 1 month)

Year 5, student has less lecture class and doing more research

The additional year in Year 6 and Year 7 (advance course), there will be an internship. In year 6. internship will take 3 months and do overseas internship

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3. Electrical Engineering

Since Mr. Sugimoto is coming from KOSEN Headquarter and has limitation to inform detail content of electrical engineering curricula, discussion topics were revolved about education model in KOSEN.

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Differences between KOSEN and SMK Curricula

Students need to take 167 credits to study in KOSEN for 5 years , while SMK students only take 137 credits for 4 years. So it means that there are 30 credits differentiation. Mr. Sugimoto mentioned that it is impossible to implement all KOSEN competencies in 4 years learning. Junior high school graduates apply to KOSEN college for 5 years study and they can continue 2 years for bachelor degree. Learning in KOSEN is very strict if student fail in examination will be drop out from KOSEN. To reach the gap, it was proposed 4 years program in SMK that consist of 3 years in SMK with modified curriculum and then continue their study in KOSEN from KOSEN as diagram below. The student can take CORE certification so they have standard for industrial requirement.

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4. Chemical Science

Curriculum of Chemical Science from KOSEN, Nara College and Analytical Chemistry Curriculum for 4 years program of Indonesia vocational school has been used as reference during discussion (see appendix). Below is summary of the discussion. 1. In Chemical Science department, KOSEN aims to produce high level engineer, while 4 year

vocational school in Analytical Chemistry aims to produce skilled worker that able to

conduct analysis as a routine work in laboratory.

2. Many subjects in liberal’s studies are almost similar with the vocational school curriculum

(Group A and B). But Geography and Biology are not available in vocational school

curriculum and Mathematics in KOSEN are distributed into Mathematics, Calculus, and

Algebra & Geometry.

3. Total subjects being taught are more than 30 in KOSEN curriculum, while vocational schools

only have 22 subjects.

4. Composition of technical subjects are slightly different between KOSEN and Analytical

Chemistry. For instance: in KOSEN curriculum, there are Inorganic Chemistry, Organic

Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, while those subjects are not available in vocational school


5. Ratio of theoretical and practical hours in Analytical Chemistry curriculum is 50:50. In

KOSEN every credit consists of 20 hours of lessons and 10 hours of self-study. During

those self-study time, students can conduct many experiments and practice by them self.

6. Students at KOSEN should conduct some researches, while Indonesian students do not use

to do it.

7. The instruments at KOSEN are mostly advanced instruments

8. The internship at KOSEN only takes 1 week, while in Vocational Schools, it will take 4-6


Based on those discussions, there is still possibility to synchronize the curriculum between KOSEN and 4 year vocational school, because the content is almost similar. However, further discussion in needed.

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Group photo

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5. Computer Science

There were three parts of curriculum discussion:

1st Part: Overview of KOSEN Educational Model ● In the 1st,2nd, and 3rd year, all KOSEN Colleges almost have same curriculum, but in

4th,5th,6th year there are slightly different between colleges in term of curriculum based on each college interest area and expertise.

● 167 credits is needed by each students to graduate from KOSEN. Students study 55hrs a week from 9am to 4pm.

● Internship/ industrial attachment period in KOSEN are ○ 1-2 weeks during break for 4 year students in the ordinary course ○ 2-3 months for advance course students

● Next step for curriculum adoption: ○ Ministry of Education Indonesia need to have discussion with Japan Ministry of Education,

Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). ○ “Joint Committee” is needed to assist this program. ○ Curriculum development

■ Both parties need to check syllabus, rather than only subject’s name. ○ Teacher training ○ Recognition from company (especially Japan company) regarding graduates of this model.

2nd Part: Comparison between KOSEN Curriculum and Indonesian Vocational School Curriculum

a. KOSEN Curriculum One KOSEN college that has computer science department is Tokyo college. In this department, students will gained knowledges and skills related to computer-aided technologies to control robots and machines, to create system running through internet/mobile devices, and to develop system integrated with artificial intelligent.

Specifically curriculum of Intelligent System Engineering was used as reference during discussion. In KOSEN, Intelligent System Engineering Department offers courses in the embedded system, as well as in the basic of software/hardware technologies, with the aim of developing engineers who excel in utilizing information and communication technology.

Each year, KOSEN students need to take +- 35 credits (1 credit = 30 hours) that consist of liberal arts and technical subjects. Liberal arts consist of Japanese language and literature, Mathematics, History, Economics, English, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Education, Philosophy, etc. While technical subjects consist of professional knowledge and skills, experiments, final research/project, etc. The proportion of liberal arts and technical subjects is illustrated in the picture below.

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For the intelligent system engineering department, proportion of liberal arts and technical subjects is illustrated below:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Liberal Arts +- 29 credits +- 26 credits +- 16 credits +- 19 credits

Intelligent System Engineering Required Subjects

6 credits (6 credits x 30 hours = 180 hours)

9 credits

(270 hours)

19 credits

(570 hours)

51 credits

(1350 hours)

From the illustration above it is shown that in KOSEN students are equipped with suitable knowledges and skills that are needed for its graduates.

b. Indonesia 4 years Vocational School Curriculum in Information System, Networking, and Application.

Directorate Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE), MoEC recommended Vocational Schools (SMK) with 4 year programs that will be KOSEN partner and adopt KOSEN curriculum. In computer science, 4 year SMK has “Information system, Networking and Application” program. The goal of this program is equipped students with the competency of (1) native, web, and mobile programming, (2) design, develop and administer computer networks. Graduates of this program may work in the software industry and any related industry that need information system.

In general students need to learn 48 hours/week. There is 16-18 weeks of effective teaching and learning process for each semester including experiments/practice time. The proportion of general and technical subjects is shown below.

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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

General subjects (Group A+B)

24 hours/week

19 hours/week 17 hours/week

Technical subjects (Group C)

24 hours/week

(24 hours/week x 18 weeks/sem x 2 sem = 864 hours/year)

29 hours/week 31 hours/week 48 hours/week

c. Summary of curriculum comparison:

1. Most KOSEN colleges has curriculum in computer science that equipped students with computer-aided technologies to control robots and machines and creating embedded systems rather than development of enterprise information system as shown in vocational school curriculum.

2. In both curriculum, programming skills are important and being taught almost the whole years.

3. Electronics and electrical related subjects and applied mathematics are fundamental for KOSEN students, while in vocational schools curriculum there are none of them.

4. Computer networking related subjects are being parts in vocational schools curriculum, but there are none of them in KOSEN curriculum.

5. Compared to KOSEN, vocational schools students already have suitable time to gain knowledge and technical skills. But the teaching and learning process need to be enhanced. Upgrading teacher knowledges and skills to prepare future students through research activity is needed.

3th Part: Based on those summary, participants try to discuss draft of proposed curriculum that aims to equipped students with knowledges and skills to:

1. configure and maintain computer network including security system (IT Support) 2. design and implement database system 3. design and implement enterprise information system

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Year Semester 1 Semester 2

1 Information literacy, scientific presentation and writing: (4 hrs) Computer System : Principle of computer hardware system (4 hrs) Logical circuit (2 hrs) Programming Language I (4 hrs) Human & computer interaction (4 hrs)

Operating System Data communication Data structure & algorithm Project work (6 hrs)

2 Object oriented software design & analysis Programming language II

Database system Software design Web Programming I

3 Computer Network System Human machine interface Multimedia

Applied Mathematics Applied Physics Mobile programming

4 Intelligent system Software testing Coding theory Final year project

Due time limitation, those proposed curriculum is not finished yet. Participants were agreed to conduct online meeting on August 24th, 13 pm.

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After have deeper look into KOSEN curriculum, meanwhile, it could be concluded that 4 years Vocational Schools curriculum need to have modification. Minor modification will be needed for (1)Mechatronics, (2)Automation Technology, and (3) Analytical Chemistry, while major modification is needed for (1) Information System, Computer Network, and Application and (2)Metal Fabrication. Automotive engineering and maintenance management only has small portion of similarity.

Based on those discussions, DTVE need to reconsider and determine the goal of Indonesia Vocational School graduates that will be a model of KOSEN curriculum adaption. Adaption of KOSEN curriculum must be enhanced competency of 4 years Vocational Schools graduates to be able to work in related industries especially in Japan industry that available worldwide. Graduates of KOSEN school model, could also continue his study in KOSEN, Japan or Indonesia Community College and Polytechnics.

Further meetings and discussions are needed to finally determine majors and its curriculum that will adapt KOSEN curriculum. DTVE will form task force to develop 4 years Vocational Schools as KOSEN model and proposed memorandum of understanding that need to be signed by Ministry of Education from both countries.

During this session, participants were also asked to fill in implementation form . Most participants, after this workshop will do socialization to have mutual understanding about this program between teachers, school committee members, local educational office, industry partners, students and also parents. They will prepare their school including facilities, conducting students selection, and upgrading their curriculum and content.

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1. List of Participants

a. NIT, Japan

No Name Institution Email Mobile Number

1 Prof. Isao Taniguchi

President of KOSEN

[email protected] +81-90-7150-0254

2 Prof. Dr. Tsutomu Matsumoto

Vice Director Center for International Exchange, Kumamoto College

[email protected]


3 Prof. Katsumi Katarkura, Ph.D

Professor of Department Chemical Engineering. Nara College

[email protected]


4 Prof. Hiroyuki Odagawa, Ph.D

Professor of Department of Information, Communication, and Electronics Engineering

[email protected]


5 Prof. Masashi Yosida, Ph.D

Department of Mechanical Engineering. Ube College

[email protected] -

6 Prof. Kazuhide Sugimoto

Head of Global Strategic Planning and Promotion Office

[email protected] +81-80-5186-0750

b. Malaysia

No Name Institution Email Mobile Number

1 Miftah bin Surif Principal of Sekolah Teknik Kuantan

[email protected]


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c. Thailand

No Name Institution Email Mobile Number

1 Mr. Atthapol Sangkavasee

Director of Minburi College

[email protected] +66817803361

2 Mr. Phongsin Rattanaudom

Director of Minburi College

[email protected]


3 Ms. Pattarawan Wannabumphen

Director of Minburi College

[email protected]


4 Dr. Samruay Mahapram

Director of Eastern Technical College (E.TECH)

[email protected] +66814912345

5 Mr. Narongkorn Seejan

Director of Eastern Technical College (E.TECH)

[email protected]


6 Mrs. Rattinan Boonyasitwikul

Director of Eastern Technical College (E.TECH)

[email protected] +6689307605

c. Indonesia

a) Polytechnics and Community College

NO Name Institution Email Mobile Nuber

1 Sodikin Susa'at, MT

P4TK BOE - VEDC Malang

[email protected]


2 Dr. Putut Subijantoro, M.T.

P4TK BOE - VEDC Malang

[email protected] 08155513316

3 Dr. Arie Eric R., MT

P4TK BOE - VEDC Malang

[email protected] -

4 Dr. Drs. Miftahu Soleh, M.Sc

P4TK BOE - VEDC Malang

[email protected] 081944815303

5 Drs. Wismanu Susetyo, MT

P4TK BOE - VEDC Malang

[email protected] / wismanu@gmailcom


6 Drs. Ir. Abdullah Helmy., M.Pd., PhD

Politeknik Negeri Malang

[email protected] [email protected]


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NO Name Institution Email Mobile Nuber


[email protected]


8 Rizki Priya Pratama


[email protected] 085334860235

9 Nur Cahyono Kushardianto

Politeknik Negeri Batam

[email protected] 08122186711

10 Rahmat Widia Sembiring

Politeknik Negeri Medan

[email protected] / [email protected]


11 Eko Julianto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS)

[email protected]


12 Rusminto Tjatur Widodo

Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

[email protected] 081330232468

13 Maya Komariah Akademi Komunitas Multistrada

[email protected] 081399980415

14 Anggitya Dewi Wulandari B.Sc

Akademi Komunitas Multistrada

[email protected]


15 Dr. Isnandar, MT

Politeknik Kota Malang (POLTEKOM)

[email protected]


16 Tony H Silalahi Politeknik Manufaktur Astra

[email protected]


17 Tonny Pongoh Politeknik Manufaktur Astra

[email protected]


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b) Vocational Schools

NO Name Institution Name Mobile email

1 Abdul Basit, M.Pd

SMKN 4 Jakarta 08129917208 [email protected]

2 Ejon Sujana SMKN 1 CIMAHI 081321088984 [email protected]

3 Dr. Wardani Sugiyanto, M.Pd

SMKN 2 Klaten 08122987834 [email protected]

4 Heru Karyana, S.Pd.

SMKN 2 Klaten 085728219718 [email protected]

5 Suratna, S.Pd., M.Pd.

SMKN 2 Surakarta 081548437879 [email protected]

6 Drs. Purwono, M.Pd.

SMKN 1 Temanggung

08121577765 [email protected]

7 Drs. Nisandi, M.T

SMKN 1 Magelang 081534960569 [email protected]

8 H. Harudin, S.Pd., M.M.Pd

SMKN 1 Purwakarta

0811128056 [email protected]

9 Imam Kusnodin, M.Pd

SMKN 3 Medan 08126504120 [email protected]

10 Akmal, S.Pd SMK Kartini Batam

082174896370 [email protected]

11 Drs. Kholil, M.Si SMKN 4 Jakarta 085216055636 [email protected]

12 Widodo, M.Pd SMKN 1 Cilegon 081311049678 [email protected]

13 Drs. Sentot Hargiardi

SMKN 1 Yogyakarta

082135102023 [email protected]

14 Drs. Syahrir, MM SMKN 5 Banjarmasin

082351242277 [email protected]

15 Andi Umar Patta, S.Pd., M.Si

SMKN 5 Makassar 082344754099 [email protected]

16 Agus Purwanto SMKN 56 Jakarta 08164832401 [email protected]

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NO Name Institution Name Mobile email

17 Herlyna Butar-Butar

SMKN 56 Jakarta 085779884956 [email protected]

18 Acep Suhandi SMKN 26 Jakarta 085880788208 [email protected]

19 Drs. Aragani MZ., M.Pd

SMKN 2 Depok Sleman

081328039713 [email protected]

20 Wawat Naswati, S.Pd., M.Eng

SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang

081287575676 [email protected]

21 Heri Hermawan SMKN 1 Cibinong 081283854572 [email protected]

22 Dafik Derajat, S.Pd., M.T

SMKN 1 Karawang 082122374399 / 089688964677

[email protected]

23 Nopriandi, ST., M.Kom., MM

SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat

08567851975 [email protected]

24 Sartono SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat

25 Dachlan Moersid, M.Pd

SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo

081329026038 [email protected]

26 Yuyun Syarifuddin

SMKN 1 Sumedang

081321929067 [email protected]

27 Rus Prihatini SMKN 35 081399111160 [email protected]

28 Yudi Lazuardi SMK Yasti 081288933337 [email protected]

29 Zainal Abidin SMKN 1 Cibinong - [email protected]

30 Dra. Tatik Kustini, MM

SMKN 5 Surabaya 082189403146 [email protected]

31 Djoko Pratmodjo

SMKN 2 Surabaya 081330333354 [email protected]

32 Imam Basuki SMKN 1 Punggung Mojokerto

08123092870 [email protected]

33 Asep Supriatna SMK Negeri 1 081315775883 asepsupriatnahadiri

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NO Name Institution Name Mobile email

Hadiri Jakarta

34 Muhammad Sirojuddin, S.T., M.T

SMKN 1 Cerme Gresik

081231344233 [email protected]

35 Lidiana Fitri, S.Si, M.Si

SMKN 2 Pekanbaru

081268848285 [email protected]

36 Umi Ani Faridah SMKN 1 Kota Bekasi

081310352260 [email protected]

37 Lea Lindrawijaya Suroso, M.Pd

SMKN 1 Batam 081261450997

38 Komalasari, S.Pd SMK Wikrama Bogor

08130346423 [email protected]

39 Effi Ramadhani SMKN 1 Percut Seituan

082273173268 [email protected]

40 Nurlailatul Hidayah

MKN 2 Kota Bogor 081389846269 [email protected]

41 Tita Heriyanti, S.Pd

SMKN 13 Bandung 081321062932 [email protected]

42 Netty Pietersina Engel

SMKN 7 Semarang 081391022122 [email protected]

43 Dr. Anne Sukmawati KD, M.Pd

SMKN 11 Bandung 082130874910 [email protected]

44 Amalia Sari Ghani

SMK - SMAK Bogor

081380444510 081932132232

[email protected]

45 Dwika Riandri, M.Si

SMK - SMAK Bogor

08129475316 [email protected]

46 Nurali, S.ST, MT SMKN 3 Buduran Sidoarjo

08155200933 [email protected]

47 Heru Eko Pramono, S.Pd, M.Si

SMKN 2 Palembang

08127891679 [email protected]

48 Widodo, S.Pd, M.Eng

SMKN 3 Tanjung Pinang

081372362540 [email protected]

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NO Name Institution Name Mobile email

49 Agus Muslihin, S.Pd, M.T

SMKN 4 Bandung 085722569621 [email protected]

50 Deni Ruswandi SMKN 2 Subang 081322854528 [email protected]

51 Oceng Kurnia, S.Kom

SMK Sukapura Kota Tasikmalaya

085223532871 [email protected]

52 Drs. Didik Sugiharto

SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo

081553240879 [email protected]

53 Doni Tri Prasetio, S.Pd

SMKN 1 Singosari - Malang

0812656195 [email protected]

54 Taufik, S.Pd SMKN 1 Sidoarjo 081330186189 [email protected]

55 Sigit Purwanto SMKN 1 Balik Papan

0812599217009 [email protected]

56 Moch. Lukman Hakim, S.T

SMK PGRI 3 malang

08123308440 [email protected] [email protected]

57 Drs, Hari Mulyono, M.T

SMKN 8 Malang 081252358030 [email protected]

58 Isa Sidharta, S.P SMKN 1 Purwosari

081334864279 [email protected]

59 Dr. Raswa, M.Pd SMKN 1 Cirebon 085322440476 [email protected]

60 Yerri Kardiana, M.Pd

SMKN 1 Kediri 08155632044/081333907444

[email protected] / [email protected]

61 Drs. Gatot Sukarno, M.M

SMKN 1 Kediri 081335154264 [email protected]

62 Dedi Suryadi,S.T SMKN 11 Bandung 081322716981 [email protected]

63 Dr. Asep Tapip Yani, M.Pd

SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang

08179603099 [email protected]

64 Dr. Wadib Su'udi, M.M

SMKN 4 Bandung 0812232559688 [email protected]

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No Name Institution Mobile Number E-Mail

1 Dr Gatot Hari Priowirjanto

SEAMEO Secretariat +66818453162 [email protected]

2 Piyapa Su-angavatin

SEAMEO Secretariat +66951655002 [email protected]

3 Ms. Pimratchada Patanasuthikul

SEAMEO Secretariat +66-8-9491-6554 [email protected]

4 Dr Abi Sujak M.Sc SEAMOLEC +6287882425373 [email protected]

5 Dr Abe Susanto M.Sc

SEAMOLEC +6281222401237 [email protected]

6 Cahya Kusuma SEAMOLEC +6281398426293 [email protected]

7 Mr. Dona Octanary SEAMOLEC +628568307021 [email protected]

8 Aggry Tiharapitra SEAMOLEC +6285718958904 [email protected]

9 Zahrani Balqis SEAMOLEC +626282227692390

[email protected]

e. DTVE Committee

No. Name Institution 1. Triwuli Nilawati Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 2. Sondang Natalya N. Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 3. Sartono Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 4. Wari Lastari Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 5. Hendra Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 6. Dimas Raditya Trilaksono Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 7. Lilis Listriana Lestari Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 8. Meidhi Alkibzi Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 9. Asep Edi Direktorat Pembinaan SMK

10. Nur Nugrahani Setiawati Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 11. Rafiudin Safaa Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 12. Samin Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 13. Nataniel Yerusa Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 14. Wilasari Kreistanti Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 15. Suharto Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 16. Taufik Damarjati Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 17. Bambang Budi Susanto Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 18. Is Kismiyanti Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 19. Ery Wibowo Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 20. Nanang S. Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 21. Sutardi Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 22. Syarifuddin Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 23. Herdiana Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 24. Agus Wibowo Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 25. Kokoy Siti Komariah Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 26. M. Hamzah Direktorat Pembinaan SMK

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No. Name Institution 27. Dadan Direktorat Pembinaan SMK 28. Albahri Direktorat Pembinaan SMK

2. Programme

Day 1

11 August 2016 Opening Ceremony and Introduction to KOSEN Educational Model

12.00 - 14.00 Check in and Registration at Aston Imperial Hotel, Bekasi - Indonesia

14.00 - 15.00 Opening Ceremony

- Welcome remarks by Mr. Mustaghfirin Amin, Director of Directorate of Technical Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), Republic of Indonesia.

- Opening remarks by Prof. Isao Taniguchi, President National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Japan

- Opening remarks by Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, Thailand

15.00 - 15.30 Coffee Break

15.30 - 17.00 Session 1: Introduction of KOSEN Educational Model by Prof. Dr. Matsumoto,

Vice Director Center for International Exchange, Kumamoto College

17.00 - 19.00 Dinner Reception

19.00 - 21.00 Session 2: Guideline for participation in SEA-TVET KOSEN School Modeling

Programme (only for Indonesian participants) by Dr. Junus Simangunsong, Head

of Evaluation Section, DTVE, MoEC

Day 2

12 August 2016

Discussion on Curriculum and Industry Immersion

08.30 - 09.30 Session 3: Conclusion from session 2 and session 4 guideline of discussion by Mr. Taufik Damarjati, DTVE Officer

09.30 - 10.00 Coffee Break

10.00 - 11.30 Session 4: Group Discussion on Curriculum and Industry Immersion

Participants will be divided into 5 groups according to the priority areas: Group 1: Mechanical Engineering

- Facilitated by Prof. Masashi Yoshida, KOSEN and Dr. Dr. Putut Subijantoro, VEDC Malang

- Rapporteur: Ms. Piyapa, SEAMES and Ms. Kokoy, DTVE officer. Group 2: Electronic Engineering

- Facilitated by Prof. Hiroyuki Odagawa, KOSEN and Mr. Sodikin Susaat, VEDC Malang

- Rapporteur: Ms. Pimratchada, SEAMES and Mr. Albahri, DTVE Officer

Group 3: Electrical Engineering

- Facilitated by Prof. Kazuhide Sugimoto, KOSEN and Dr. Miftahu Sholeh, VEDC Malang

- Rapporteur: Mr. Dona Octanary, SEAMOLEC. Group 4: Chemical Science

- Facilitated by Prof. Katsumi Katakura, KOSEN and Dr. Arie Eric Rawung, VEDC Malang

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- Rapporteur: Mr. Aggry, SEAMOLEC and Ms. Sani, SEAMOLEC Group 5: Computer Science (ICT)

- Facilitated by Prof. Tsutomo Matsumoto, KOSEN and Mr. Wismanu Susetyo

- Rapporteur: Ms. Cahya, SEAMOLEC

11.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break

13.30 - 15.00 Session 5: Continuation of Group Discussion

15.00 - 15.30 Coffee Break

15.30 - 17.00 Session 6: Presentation of group discussion result (15 minutes / group)

Moderated by Mr. Taufik Damarjati, DTVE Officer

17.00 - 19.00 Dinner Reception

Day 3

13 August 2016

Presentation on Implementation Strategy

08.30 - 10.30 Session 7: Implementation Strategy facilitated by Dr. Bakhrun, Head of Curriculum Division, DTVE, MoEC and Mr. Taufik Damarjati, DTVE Officer

10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break

11.00 - 12.00 Session 8: Wrap-up and closing ceremony by Prof. Isao Taniguchi, KOSEN President and Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, SEAMEO Secretariat Director

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch

13.00 Departure of Participants

3. Group Discussion: List of Participants

a. Group 1: Mechanical Engineering

No Name Name of Institution/Orga


Email Address Mobile Number

1 Miftah Bin Surif Sekolah Teknik Kuantan Penang-Malaysia

[email protected] 46013-9300248

2 Agus Purwanta SMKN 56 Jakarta [email protected] 08164832401

3 Herlyna Butar-Butar

SMKN 56 Jakarta [email protected] 085779884956

4 Asep Supriatna Hadiri

SMKN 1 Jakarta [email protected]


5 Rus Prihatini SMKN 35 Jakarta [email protected] 081399111160

6 Dafik Derajat SMKN 1 Karawang

[email protected]


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No Name Name of Institution/Orga


Email Address Mobile Number

7 Sartono SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat

[email protected] 08999910448

8 Acep Suhandi SMKN 26 Jakarta [email protected] 085880788208

9 Sigit Purwanto SMKN 1 BPN [email protected]


10 Abdul Basit SMKN 4 Jakarta [email protected] 08129917208

11 Wardani Sugiyanto

SMKN 2 Klaten [email protected]


12 Nurlailatul Hidayah

SMKN 2 Kota Bogor

[email protected] 081389846269

13 Effi Ramadhani SMKN 1 Percut Seituan

[email protected] 082273173268

14 Umi Ani Faridah SMKN 1 Kota Bekasi

[email protected] 081310352260

15 Tatik Kustini SMKN 5 Surabaya [email protected] 082189403146

16 Nisandi SMKN 1 Magelang [email protected]


17 Heru Eko Pramono

SMKN 2 Palembang

[email protected]


18 Zainal Abidin SMKN 1 Cibinong Bogor

[email protected]


19 Samruay Mahapram

Eastern College of Technology (E-TECH)

[email protected] 091-491-2345

20 Attaphon Sangkhawasee

Minburi Technical College

[email protected] 0816897289

21 Pattarawan Wannabhumphen

Phisanulok Vocational College

[email protected]


22 Putut Subijantoro

P4TK VEDC Malang

[email protected] 08155513316

23 Djoko Pratmodjo SMKN 2 Surabaya [email protected] 081330333354

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No Name Name of Institution/Orga


Email Address Mobile Number

24 Iman Basuki SMKN 1 Punggung Mojokerto

[email protected] 08123092870

25 Akmal SMK Kartini Batam

[email protected] 082174896370

26 Widodo SMKN 3 Tanjung Pinang

[email protected] 081372362540

27 Suratna SMKN 2 Surakarta [email protected] 081548437879

28 Dachlan Moersid SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo

[email protected] 081329026038

29 Sukatno SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo

[email protected]


30 Sentot Hargiardi SMKN 2 Yogyakarta

[email protected]


31 Widodo SMKN 1 Cilegon [email protected] 087808910737

32 Doni Tri Prasetio SMKN 1 Singosari [email protected] 08121656195

33 Tony H Silalahi Politeknik Manufaktur Astra

[email protected]

b. Group 2: Electronic Engineering

No Title Name Position Name of Institution/Organ


Email Address

Mobile Number

1 Mr Prof Dr Hiroyuki Odagawa

Project Leader of Centre for International Exchange Director of Innovative Research Centre Dept of Information, Communication

National Institute of Technology, Kumamoto College

[email protected]


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No Title Name Position Name of Institution/Organ


Email Address

Mobile Number

and Electronic Engineering

2 Mr Tonny Pongoh Deputy Director

Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic

[email protected]


3 Mr Syahrir Principal SMK N5 Banjarmasin

[email protected]


4 Mr

Phongsin Rattanaudom Deputy Director

Minburi Technical College, Thailand

[email protected]


5 Mr Abdullah Helmy Staff Polinema

[email protected]


6 Mr Sodikin Susa’at P4TK BOE Mlg

[email protected]


7 Ms

Lea Lindra Wijaya Suroso Headmaster SMK N1 Batam

[email protected]


8 Mr Al Bahri Dit. PSMK

[email protected]


9 Mr Rizki Lecturer Poltekom [email protected]


10 Mr Ejon Sujana Teacher SMKN 1 Cimahi [email protected]


11 Mr Andi Umar Patta Headmaster SMKN 5 Makassar

[email protected]


12 Mr Hari Mulyono Headmaster SMKN 8 Malang

[email protected]


13 Mr Narongkorn Seejan

Head: Electronic Dept E-TECH, Thailand

[email protected]


14 Mrs Maya Deputy Director AK-Multistrada maya@multis +62-813-

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No Title Name Position Name of Institution/Organ


Email Address

Mobile Number

Komariah 995-80415

15 Dr Asap Tapipyani Headmaster SMKN 4 Bandung

[email protected]


16 Mr Agus Muslihin Vice Headmaster SMKN 4 Bandung

[email protected]


17 Mr Widyarto Multistrada Community College

[email protected]


18 Ms

Rattinan Boonyasitwikul Head, ILI E-TECH, Thailand

[email protected]


c. Group 3: Electrical Engineering

No Name Institution Email Mobile


1 Dr. Kazuhide Sugimoto

National Institute of Technology Global Strategic Planning & Promotion Office

[email protected] 081944815303

2 Mr. Miftahu Soleh

PPPPTK BOE Malang [email protected]


3 Dr. Raswa SMKN 1 Cirebon [email protected]


4 Mr. Didik Sugiharto

SMKN 1 Sidoarjo [email protected]


5 Mr. Taufik SMKN 1 Sidoarjo [email protected]


6 Ms. Wawat Naswati

SMKN 4 Tangerang [email protected]


7 Mr. Yuyun Syarifuddin

SMKN 1 Sumedang [email protected]


8 Mr. Moch. SMK PGRI 3 Malang anggitya.wulandari@multsitrad 08119783360

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No Name Institution Email Mobile


Lukman Hakim

9 Ms. Anggitya Dewi W

AK- Multistrada [email protected]


10 Mr. H. Harudin SMKN 1 Purwakarta [email protected]


11 Dr. Rusminto Tjatur Widodo

PENS Surabaya [email protected]


12 Mr. Dona Octanary

SEAMOLEC [email protected]


d. Group 4: Chemical Science

No. Title

Full Name Position Name of Institution/ organisation

Email Address

Mobile Number

1 Mr. Drs. Aragani Mizan M.Pd.

Principal SMKN 2

SMKN 2 Depok Yogyakarta

[email protected]


2 Mr. Muhammad Sirojudin S.T., M.T.

Vice Dean of Curriculum

SMKN 1 Cermai Gresik

[email protected]


3 Mr. Imam Kusnodin, M.Pd. Vice Dean of Curriculum

SMKN 3 Medan

[email protected]


4 Ms. Lidiana Fitri, S.Si., M.Si. Head of Chemical Program

SMKN 2 Pekanbaru

[email protected]


5 Ms. Tita Heriyanti, S.Pd. Vice Dean of Curriculum

SMKN 13 Baru

[email protected]


6 Ms. Dwika Riandari, M.Si. Vice Dean of Curriculum


[email protected]


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No. Title

Full Name Position Name of Institution/ organisation

Email Address

Mobile Number

7 Ms. Amilia Sari Ghani Vice Dean of Curriculum


[email protected]


8 Mr. Drs. Purwono, M.Pd. Principal SMK Temanggung

[email protected]


9 Mr. Dr. Arie Eric Trainer P4TK Boe Malang

[email protected]


10 Mr. Dr.Isao Taniguchi President NIT [email protected]


11 Mr. Dr. Katsumi Katakura Dean of Student Affair

NIT [email protected]


12 Mr. Aggry Tiharapitra R&D Staff SEAMOLEC [email protected]


13 Ms. Zahrani Balqis R&D Staff SEAMOLEC [email protected]


e. Group 5: Computer Science

No Title

Full Name Position Name of Institution/


Email Address Mobile Number

1 Mr

Deni Ruswandi Teacher SMKN 2 Subang [email protected]


2 Mr

Oceng Kurnia Teacher SMK Sukapura Kota Tasik

[email protected]


3 Mr

Rahmat Widia Sembiring

Lecturer Politeknik Negeri Medan

[email protected]


4 Dr

Wadib Suudi Principal SMKN 4 Malang [email protected]


5 Mr

Heru Karyana Vice Principal

SMKN 2 Klaten [email protected]


6 Mr

Nurali Vice Principal

SMKN 3 Buduran [email protected]


7 Mr

Isa Sidharta Vice Principal

SMKN 1 Purwosari [email protected]


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No Title

Full Name Position Name of Institution/


Email Address Mobile Number

8 Ms

Yerri Kardiana Teacher SMKN 1 Kediri [email protected]


9 Mr

Nur Cahyono K Lecturer Politeknik Negeri Batam

[email protected]


10 Dr Anne Sukmawati Principal SMKN 11 Bandung [email protected]


11 Mr Dedi Suryadi Teacher SMKN 11 Bandung [email protected]


12 Mrs Komalasari Vice Principal

SMK Wikrama Bogor

[email protected]


13 Mrs Netty P. Engel Vice Principal

SMKN 7 Semarang [email protected]


14 Mr Heri Hermawan Vice Principal

SMKN 1 Cibinong [email protected]


15 Mr Gatot Sukarno Principal SMKN 1 Kediri [email protected]


16 Mr Yudi Lazuardi Principal SMK Yasti Sukabumi [email protected]


17 Ms Nurul Intan Pratiwi

Head of International Office

Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

[email protected]


18 Mr Wismanu Susetyo

Lecturer VEDC Malang [email protected]


19 Ms Cahya Kusuma R&D Manager

SEAMOLEC [email protected]


20 Dr Matsumoto , Tsutomo

Vice Director

NIT [email protected]


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4. Curriculum of KOSEN and Indonesia 4 years Vocational School

a. Mechanical Engineering

Curriculum in Metal Fabrication Engineering and Manufacturing of 4 years Vocational Schools

Details comparison:

No Subject Indonesia Vocational Schools


1 Matematika (Mathematics) 12 credits 4 credits

2 Fisika (Physics) 4 credits 4 credits

3 Teknologi Mekanik (Mechanical Technology)

6 credits 16 credits

4 Mekanika Teknik dan Elemen Mesin (Basic of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Elements)

4 credits 7 credits


Workshop: ● Teknik Pemesinan Bubut (Lathe

Machine Works) ● Teknik Las dan Fabrikasi

(Welding) ● Teknik Cor dan Tempa (Cast

and Wrought) ● Teknik Pemesinan Frais (Milling

Machine Works) ● Teknik Pemesinan Gerinda

(Grinding Machine Works)

48 credits

9 credits

6 Perancangan Teknik (Technical Design)

8 credits 2 credits

7 Maintenance dan Repair Electric (Electrical System Maintenance and Repair)

4 credits 9 credits

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Table 1. Curriculum SMK 4 years: Metal Fabrication Engineering and Manufacturing




1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Kelompok A

1 Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti (Religion) 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

2 Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (Civics)

2 2 2 2 2 2 - -

3 Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) 4 4 3 3 3 3 - -

4 Matematika (Mathematics) 4 4 4 4 4 4 - -

5 Sejarah Indonesia (History) 3 3 - - - - - -

6 Bahasa Inggris (English) 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

Kelompok B

7 Seni Budaya (Art and Culture) 3 3 - - - - - -

8 Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) - - 2 2 2 2 - -

9 Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan (Sport and Health)

2 2 2 2 - - - -

Jumlah A dan B 24 24 19 19 17 17

Kelompok C (Peminatan)

C1 Dasar Bidang Keahlian

10 Simulasi Digital (Computer Basics) 3 3 - - - - - -

11 Fisika (Physics) 4 4 - - - - - -

12 Kimia (Basic Chemistry) 3 3 - - - - - -

C2 Dasar Program Keahlian

13 Gambar Teknik Mesin (Mechanical Drawing) 4 4 - - - - - -

14 Teknologi Mekanik (Mechanical Technology) 6 6 - - - - - -

15 Mekanika Teknik dan Elemen Mesin (Mechanical Engineering Basics and Machine Elements)

4 4 - - - - - -

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C3 Kompetensi Keahlian

16 Teknik Pemesinan Bubut (Lathe Machine Works)

- - 4 4 6 6 6 6

17 Teknik Las dan Fabrikasi (Welding) - - 6 6 - - - -

18 Teknik Cor dan Tempa (Cast and Wrought) - - 6 6 - - - -

19 Teknik Pemesinan Frais (Milling Machine Works)

- - 4 4 4 4 6 6

20 Teknik Pemesinan Gerinda (Grinding Machine Works)

- - - - 6 6 - -

21 Teknik Pemesinan CNC dan CADD (CNC/Computer Numerical Control and CAD/Computer Aided Design)

- - 6 6 12 12 12 12

22 Perancangan Teknik (Technical Design) - - - - - - 8 8

23 Maintenance dan Repair Electric (Electrical System Maintenance and Repair)

- - - - - - 4 4

24 Penerapan Pengujian Mutu (Quality Control) - - - - - - 4 4

25 Pengembangan Produk Kreatif (Product Development/Project Works)

- - 3 3 3 3 8 8

Jumlah C1, C2, dan C3 24 24 29 29 31 31 48 48

Total 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

Table 2. Curriculum SMK 4 years: Automotive Engineering and Maintenance Management


Subject Matter

KELAS (class)


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Kelompok A (Group A)

1. Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti (Religion)

3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

2. Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (Civics)

2 2 2 2 2 2 - -

3. Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) 4 4 3 3 3 3 - -

4. Matematika (Mathematics) 4 4 4 4 4 4 - -

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5. Sejarah Indonesia (History) 3 3 - - - - - -

6. Bahasa Inggris (English) 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

Kelompok B (Group B)

7. Seni Budaya (Art and Culture) 3 3 - - - - - -

8. Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) - - 2 2 2 2 - -

9. Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan (Sport and Health)

2 2 2 2 - - - -

Jumlah A dan B (Total A+B) 24 24 19 19 17 17 - -

Kelompok C (Group C)

C1. Dasar Bidang Keahlian (Basic of Skill Area)

10. Simulasi Digital (Computer Basics) 3 3 - - - - - -

11. Fisika (Physics) 4 4 - - - - - -

12. Kimia (Basic Chemistry) 3 3 - - - - - -

C2. Dasar Program Keahlian

13. Gambar Teknik Otomotif (Technical Drawing)

4 4 - - - - - -

14. Teknologi Dasar Otomotif (Basic Automotive Technology)

5 5 - - - - - -

15. Pekerjaan Dasar Teknik Otomotif (Basic Automotive Works)

5 5 - - - - - -

C3. Kompetensi Keahlian

16. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Mesin Otomotif (Engine Maintenance and Repair)

- - 8 8 6 6 8 8


Perawatan dan Perbaikan Sasis, Pemindah Tenaga Otomotif (Chassis and Power Shifter Maintenance and Repair)

- - 6 6 6 6 8 8

18. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Kelistrikan Otomotif (Automotive Electrical Maintenance and Repair)

- - 6 6 6 6 8 8

19. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif 6 6 6 6 6 6

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(Body Maintenance and Repair)

20. Manajemen Perawatan Otomotif (Automotive Maintenance Management)

- - - - 2 2 6 6

21. Manajemen Sparepart Otomotif (Sparepart Management)

- - - - 2 2 6 6

22. Pengembangan Produk Kreatif(Product Development/Project Works)

- - 3 3 3 3 6 6

Jumlah C1,C2 dan C3 24 24 29 29 31 31 - -

TOTAL 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

b. Electronic Engineering

Curriculum of Information and Communication Electronics Engineering, Course: Basic Electricity Iat KOSEN

Week Teaching content and method


Previous term

1 week Guidance The purpose of this lecture, to understand the

summary and evaluation methods.

2 weeks

Ohm's law Ohm's law: to understand and solve the basic


3 weeks

Ohm's law Ohm's law: to understand and solve the basic


4 weeks

Series circuit, parallel circuit

The series circuit: can calculate the parallel circuit.

5 weeks

Series circuit, parallel circuit

The series circuit: can calculate the parallel circuit.

6 weeks

Series circuit, parallel circuit

The series circuit: can calculate the parallel circuit.

7 weeks

bridge Calculation: to obtain the components of the voltage

and current of the DC circuit network according to

the bridge circuit.

8 bridge Calculation: to obtain the components of the voltage

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weeks and current of the DC circuit network according to

the bridge circuit.

9 weeks

Midterm exam

10 weeks

Kirchhoff's law Calculation: to obtain the components of the voltage

and current of the DC circuit network according to

Kirchhoff's law.

11 weeks

Kirchhoff's law Calculation: to obtain the components of the voltage

and current of the DC circuit network according to

Kirchhoff's law.

12 weeks

Resistance of the conductor

Conductor resistors sectional area and length, and

being affected by temperature, it can be described to

understand the basic concept.

13 weeks

Resistance of the conductor

Conductor resistors sectional area and length, and

being affected by temperature, it can be described to

understand the basic concept.

14 weeks

Power and the amount of power

Understand the relationship between electrical

energy and thermal energy can calculate the power

and electric energy.

15 weeks

Routine test

16 weeks

Summary of the previous fiscal year

Reaffirm the things that I learned in the previous

fiscal year.

Late stage

1 week battery Understand the basic principle of the battery and

can be explained.

2 weeks

Static electricity Charging phenomenon through the learning of the

law of electrostatic induction and Coulomb possible

to understand description.

3 weeks

Static electricity Charging phenomenon through the learning of the

law of electrostatic induction and Coulomb possible

to understand description.

4 weeks

Static electricity Charging phenomenon through the learning of the

law of electrostatic induction and Coulomb possible

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to understand description.

5 weeks

electric field Electric force lines and electric flux, can be electric

field of strength, to understand the potential and the

potential difference in the electric field description.

6 weeks

electric field Electric force lines and electric flux, can be electric

field of strength, to understand the potential and the

potential difference in the electric field description.

7 weeks

electric field Electric force lines and electric flux, can be electric

field of strength, to understand the potential and the

potential difference in the electric field description.

8 weeks

Midterm exam

9 weeks

electric field Electric force lines and electric flux, can be electric

field of strength, to understand the potential and the

potential difference in the electric field description.

10 weeks

Capacitor To understand the basic mechanism of the

capacitor, it is the calculation of the synthetic


11 weeks

Capacitor To understand the basic mechanism of the

capacitor, it is the calculation of the synthetic


12 weeks

Capacitor To understand the basic mechanism of the

capacitor, it is the calculation of the synthetic


13 weeks

Capacitor To understand the basic mechanism of the

capacitor, it is the calculation of the synthetic


14 weeks

Discharge phenomenon

A discharge phenomenon to understand can be


15 weeks

Routine test

16 weeks

Late Summary Reaffirm the things that I learned in the late.

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Curriculum of Mechatronics at SMK 4 year

MATA PELAJARAN Subject Matters


X Year 1

XI Year 2

XII Year 3

XIII Year 4

Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2

Kelompok A

1 Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti (Religion)

3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

2 Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (Civics)

2 2 2 2 2 2 - -

3 Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language)

4 4 3 3 3 4 - -

4 Matematika (Mathematics) 4 4 4 4 4 4 - -

5 Sejarah Indonesia (History)

3 3 - - - - - -

6 Bahasa Inggris (English) 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

Kelompok B

7 Seni Budaya (Art and Culture)

3 3 - - - - - -

8 Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship)

- - 2 2 2 2 - -

9 Pendidikan Jasmani, Olah Raga dan Kesehatan (Sport

and Health)

2 2 2 2 - - - -

Jumlah A dan B 24 24 19 19 17 17 - -

Kelompok C (Peminatan)

C1. Dasar Bidang Keahlian

10 Simulasi Digital (Computer and Digital Media Literacy)

3 3 - - - - - -

11 Fisika (Physics) 4 4 - - - - - -

12 Kimia (Basic Chemistry) 3 3 - - - - - -

C2. Dasar Program Keahlian-

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13 Teknik Kerja Bengkel dan Gambar Teknik (Technical


4 4 - - - - -


14 Teknik Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika (Basic

Electrical and Electronics)

6 6 - - - - -


15 Teknik Pemrograman, Mikroprosesor dan

Mikrokontroler (Microcontroller and Programming Basics)

4 4 - - - - -


C3. Paket Keahlian

21 Teknik Pengendali Daya (Power Controller)

- - 2 2 - - - -

16 Teknik Kontrol Sistem Mekatronik (Mechatronics

Control System)

- - 8 8 8 8 9 9

17 Sistem Mekatronik Berbasis CAE (CAE-based

Mechatronics System)

- - 8 8 6 6 10 10

18 Sistem Robotik (Robotics) - - 8 8 8 8 10 10

19 Perawatan dan Perbaikan Peralatan Mekatronik

(Mechatronics Equipment Maintenance)

- - - - 6 6 9 9

20 Pengembangan Produk Kreatif (Product

Development/Project Works)

- - 3 3 3 3 10 10

Total of C1, C2, and C3 24 24 29 29 31 31 48 48

TOTAL 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

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c. Electrical Engineering

Curriculum of Kosen for Electrical Enginering

Spectrum of CompetenceElectrical Engineering 4 year vocational school

a) Powerhouse Engineering

b) Network Power Engineering c) Installation of Electric Power Engineering

d) Industrial Automation Engineering

e) Air Conditioning and Ventilation Engineering f) Electrical Power Engineering

Structure of Curriculum – Industrial Automation Technique

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Network Power


Installation of Electric Power





Electrical Power


sensor and actuator




digital control


power distribution


analog control


installation of electric

power engineering

and electrical energy



control systemPLC control system and


power drive and


creative product


creative product





Industrial and


General Subject

Basic Science and


Religion, Language, History, English

Culture, Entrepreneur, Sports

C2 Electrical Drawing Technique

Digital Simulation, Physics, Chemistry


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d. Chemical Science

Curriculum of Kosen for Department of Chemical Enginering

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Indonesia Curriculum Structure: Chemical Analyst


1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Group A

1 Religion 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

2 Pancasila education 2 2 2 2 2 2 - -

3 Bahasa Indonesia 4 4 3 3 3 3 - -

4 Mathematics 4 4 4 4 4 4 - -

5 History 3 3 - - - - - -

6 English 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

Group B

7 Arts and culture 3 3 - - - - - -

8 Entrepreneurship - - 2 2 2 2 - -

9 Sports 2 2 2 2 - - - -

A + B 24 24 19 19 17 17 - -

Group C


10 Digital Simulation 3 3

11 Physic 4 4 - - - - - -

12 Chemistry 3 3 - - - - - -


13 Analytical Chemistry Basics 5 5 - - - - - -

14 Basic Work of Chemical Laboratory 6 6 - - - - - -

15 Microbiology Basics 3 3 - - - - - -


16 Titrimetric and Gravimetric Analysis - - 12 12 - - - -

17 Organic Materials Analysis - - 6 6 8 8 10 10

18 Inorganic Materials Analysis - - 6 6 8 8 10 10

19 Chemical Analysis Instruments - - 5 5 6 6 6 6

20 Integrated Chemical Analysis - - - - - - 12 12

21 Microbiology - - - - 6 6 - -

22 Creative Product Development - - 3 3 3 3 10 10

C1+C2+C3 24 24 29 29 31 31 48 48

TOTAL 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

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a. Computer Science

KOSEN Curriculum: Intelligent System Engineering

Subjects Number

of Credits


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

















Differential Equation 2 2

Applied Mathematics 2 2

Applied Physics I 2 2

Applied Physics II 2 2

Information Literacy 2 2

Programming Language 1A 2 2

Programming Language 1B 2 2

Programming Language II 1 1

Programming Language III 1 1

Numerical Analysis 1 1

Data Structures and Algorithms I 2 2

Data Structures and Algorithms II 1 1

Information Engineering 2 2

Mathematics for Information Science 1 1

Communication Engineering 2 2

Logical Circuit 1 1

Computer Architecture 2 2

Foundation Engineering 1 1

Electronic Engineering 1 1

Electronic Circuits 1 1

Fundamentals of Mechatronics 1 1

Electrical Circuit Theory I 2 2

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Subjects Number

of Credits


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Electrical Circuit Theory II 2 2

Control Engineering I 2 2

Control Engineering II 2 2

Bio-inspired Informatics 1 1

Mathematics for Control Engineering 1 1

Dynamic Systems 1 1

Descriptive Geometry 2 2

Seminar on Intelligent System Engineering 1 1

Practice in Intelligent System Engineering I 3 3

Practice in Intelligent System Engineering II 3 3

Practice in Intelligent System Engineering III 3 3

Information Theory 1 1

Instrumentation Engineering 2 2

Electromagnetism I 1 1

Electromagnetism II 1 1

Operating System 1 1

Software Engineering 1 1

Experiments in Intelligent System Engineering 4 4

Creative Production & Experiments 4 4

Special Lectures 1 1

Internship 1 1

Graduation Research I 3 3

Graduation Research II 10 10

Subtotal of Credits Necessary for Required 86 6 9 19 51

E Intelligent Information Theory 1 1

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Subjects Number

of Credits


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
















Coding Theory 1 1

Software Testing 1 1

Signal Processing 1 1

Digital Communications 1 1

English for Engineering 1 1

Community-based Cooperative Training 1 1

Overseas Training 1 1

Subjects with Credits from Other Schools 4 4

Subtotal of Credits Offered 12 12

Subtotal of Credits Necessary for Elective 2

Total of Credits Offered 97 97

Total of Credits Necessary for Graduation 87

Indonesia Curriculum Structure: Information System, Computer Network, and Application


1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Group A

1 Religion 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

2 Pancasila education 2 2 2 2 2 2 - -

3 Bahasa Indonesia 4 4 3 3 3 3 - -

4 Mathematics 4 4 4 4 4 4 - -

5 History 3 3 - - - - - -

6 English 3 3 3 3 3 3 - -

Group B

7 Arts and culture 3 3 - - - - - -

8 Entrepreneurship - - 2 2 2 2 - -

9 Sports 2 2 2 2 - - - -

A + B 24 24 19 19 17 17 - -

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Group C


10 Digital Simulation 3 3

11 Physic 4 4 - - - - - -

12 Computer system 4 4 - - - - - -


13 Database 4 4 - - - 4 - -

14 Basic computer network 5 5 - - - - - -

15 Object oriented programming 4 4 - - - 4 - -


16 Fundamental web programming - - 6 6 8 8 10 10

17 Advance web programming - - 8 8 8 8 10 10

18 Design of computer network - - 6 6 6 6 10 10

19 Server administration and network - - 6 6 6 6 10 10

20 Creative product development - - 3 3 3 3 8 8

C1+C2+C3 24 24 29 29 31 31 48 48

TOTAL 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

5. Summary: Participants Implementation Strategy

No Institution Name

Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

1 Politeknik Negeri Medan

Reporting reporting and give brief description to Director of Politeknik Negeri Medan


Director Meeting Director of Politeknik Negeri Medan will arrange meeting 16-17 August 2016

Resulting & Reporting to SEA-TVET

Director of Politeknik Negeri Medan will send recommendation to SEA-TVET/SEAMES

22-26 August 2016

2 SMKN 2 Kota Bogor

Preparation held coordination meeting to analyze our strenghts and weaknesses


Preparing committee

establish committees and made a committee assignment letter


Programming the committees arrange the programme and discuss how about technical implementation


Socialization programme

socialize this program to the others school member, parent and student


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No Institution Name

Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

coordinate with the government

coordinate with educational department in our city about this program


selection the participant

select the students who wants joint this program and also select the teacher who which hold this program


Teacher training prepare teacher training to handle this programme Sep-16

coordinate with the industry

together with industrial relation to find the company that will joint with us


Do this programme

start this programme according with the timeline Sep-16

3 SMKN 4 Jakarta Desiminasi - Aug-16

Socialization Internship result to the staff/teacher Aug-16

Choosing Company

choosing competency department, which will be implemented as 4 year class


coordinating government

coordinating with local government Aug-16

Socialization sosialize this program to the others school member, parent and student, parent and industry partner


Selection Student selection Sep-16

Start - Sep-16

Guiden Sep-16

4 SMKN 3 Tanjungpinang

preparation preparation of teacher educators: the consolidation of the material and a visit to Kosen to upgrade knowledge, preparation of test device for the selection of students, MoU with partner institutions to support program (Japanese company)


socialization familiarization with related parties: parents of students, the committee, the local government to strengthen support program


Implementation monitoring program regulary by visiting Kosen dan DTVE, telekonference antarsekolah


controlling monitoring program by visiting Kosen and DTVE regulary, telekonference interscholastic, regular report to the concerned parties about the progress of the program, records the progress of Kosen / DTVE to review the course of the program


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No Institution Name

Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

Note: need announcment of the Japanese education ministry devoted to Japanese companies in Indonesia to support the program "Kosen", so that the school is easier to establish a partnership with a Japanese company partner institutions


5 SMKN 2 Palembang

Mechanical Machining

metal fabrication manufacturing will be consulted with staff

Mechatronics mechatronics will be consulted with staff

6 SMK Wikrama Bogor

Socialization of workshop

to teachers and supervisors and parents August

Socialization to students

students RPL, TKJ & Multimedia August

Selection of Students

held all of the students August

determination of room

classrooms and digital room August

The understanding of regulation and syllabus

workshop for understanding syllabus August

Training teachers of English language

workshop for teachers August

Determination of the teachers involved

workshop for teachers August

Search for Kosen alumni

workshop for teachers August

7 SMKN 5 Surabaya

Socialization Kosen SEA TVET program to schools in the Internal Team and provincial education office, parents, students and DU / DI (industry & business area)


preparation the formation of a team of developers, set the stage activities, curriculum development (synchronization), recruitment of students according to the criteria and requirements, forming the class frame, the arrangement teacher standards, teacher training, preparation of teaching materials in accordance with Kosen, adjustment Kosen class infrastructure


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No Institution Name

Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

Implementation KBM schedule preparation, teaching and learning process, providing facilities & infrastucture (sarpras), evaluation and monitoring


Monitoring and follow-up

coordination meeting team implementing, monitoring, and planning for follow up


8 SMKN 1 Cimahi socialization in school

develop Kosen team work August

dissemination to parents

parents of students of class XI August

curriculum review

synchronization curriculum that will be taken in cooperation with Kosen


teacher training Kosen class

teacher training based on selection -

inventorying equipment

prepare classrooms, meeting facilities

selection of students

Selection class X -

consulting DTVE & Kosen

consulting, coaching -

9 SMKN 1 Sumedang

socialization make the team work and working meetings, making curriculum standards


dissemination to parents

invitation with the parents, the socialization program SMK 3 + 1 (4 year)


reviewer validation of curriculum, Kosen curriculum synchronization


teacher training instructors, syllabus, learning model, mapping industry (DU / DI)


facilities and infrastructure

fulfillment facilities and infrastructure September

selection of students

selecting students September

consulting DTVE & Kosen

DTVE, Kosen September

10 SMKN Pungging socialization dissemination to parents, students, teachers and education department

15 s.d.19 August

curriculum develop curricula that will be applied 22 s.d. 26 August

facilities setup prepare the means necessary 29 s.d. 9 Sept

implementation of the program

carrying out Kosen program activities school 19-Sep

11 SMK Kartini Batam

socialization outlines the objectives and advantages of the program to the foundation and the school


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No Institution Name

Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

team building evaluate and assess the readiness and decide whether or not the program can be implemented

August-sept 2016

follow-up the decision will be submitted to the directorate september

12 SMKN 7 semarang

socialization program to management

the dissemination to the school management board, vice-principals


coordination with related institutions

coordinating with the education department of the city, the province and the school committee


determination of competency skills

set / competency expertise from existing expertise 9 competence


dissemination to parents, students, and industry

socializing with students, parents and indsutri selected according to its competence


selection of students

conducting a selection for all students who are already established expertise competencies


implementation of the program

modeling program implementation Kosen adjust

13 SMKN 1 Jakarta socialization program

socializing with staff and industry August-September

preparation of the TVET program

preparation of TVET programs based on preparedness competency membership package


program providers

explanation of the program to TVET october

coordination with the department of education

coordinating sub-department and agencies edu. Jakarta November

socialization program

socializing with students, parents / guardians and industrial partner


selection Selection of students who meet the program requirements TVET


start a program start a program to TVET January

14 SMKN 26 Jakarta

socialization program

socializing with staff and industry, formed a working group


preparation of the TVET program

preparation of TVET programs based on preparedness competency membership package


alignment program

alignment of programming packages available expertise with TVET schools


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No Institution Name

Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

coordination with government

coordination with the provincial government and district government


socialization for program

socializing with students, parents and industry november

selection selection of students who meet competency TVET program


start a program start the TVET program January

15 Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

reporting reporting the workshop result to the director PNJ 15th August

Management meeting

the director will arrange meeting with vice director, head department and other staff to discuss

18th August

the resulting KOSEN modelling school send recommendation to SEA-TVET

26th August

16 SMKN 1 Batam determination departments / training program

Preferred majors for 4 year vocational program as a pilot project: mechatronics


socialization for students and teachers

dissemination will be carried out during the school morning assembly


report / berkodinasi with pemko / provincial government

report / berkodinasi with city government Batam through the city education department, reporting to the provincial government through the education office kepri in Tajungpinang

18 s.d. 19 August 2016

inviting parents to socialize program majoring in mechatronics

schools create an invitation letter for parents provided through the student,


disseminating the program to parents 20-Aug-16

selecting students

if the instrument of selection of the DTVE no school will make the instrument itself based on the ranking of academic value and psycho test

1 week, 22-27 August

socialization programs to industrial partners

create invitations to Japanese industries 22-08-16

socialization (activities) 24-08-16

National curriculum evaluation with curriculum Kosen

study curriculum, hired by vice principal curriculum 24 s.d. 25 August

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report to Dir. PSMK

report on the implementation of programs ranging from socialization to teachers and students, the Department of Education and related institutions until selection of students, etc.


start program SMK 4 years

parallel learning begins after determining the classrooms and determination lay out a study room


17 SMKN 2 Pekanbaru

the dissemination of workshop

invite stakeholders, citizens vocational school for socialization program 4-year model Kosen


Vocational school agreement for the application of the model 4 year Kosen

take agreement on vocational implementation Kosen 4 Years models in SMK 2 Pekanbaru and program expertise will be selected and confirmed to DTVE


choose a program that will have vocational skills 4 year

determine the membership program which will implement a vocational 4 year models based on an agreement Kosen school


coordination with local governments to permit the establishment of programs 4 year

coordinating with the municipal government and the province of the planned establishment of vocational 4th


dissemination to students and parents, also industry and business (DU/DI)

inviting parents of students for the program sosiliasi frame, disseminate to Industry


selection of prospective students

the selection of prospective students with tests of interest / aptitude and math skill, In English


start of classes 4 year models Kosen

start of classes 4 years models Kosen January

18 SMKN 1 Cirebon

socializing with staff

school committee, vice-principal, superintendent of education, education department of the city, the mayor

15 s.d. 21 August 2016

socializing with the parents of students

Kosen determine the class of expertise Mechanical automation industry

22-26 August

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curriculum, syllabus and learning plan

workshop curriculum developer Kosen models 27-29 August

implementation - 1-Sep-16

19 SMKN 5 Makasar

selection of students

filter out students from all majors to take the highest value for each department


meetings with all the teachers

dissemination of the program frame, and the curriculum used to staff, parents, insdustri


Socializing with Industry

socializing with industry partners, head of education september

prepare the PBM teacher preparation, teacher preparation of industrial / guest


analysis analysis classrooms and lab / workshop september

20 SMKN 1 Karawang

socialization SEA TVET program Kosen: school staff, curriculum, public relation, parents and students of class X


the development team

the formation of a team of developers (executor), set the stage activities, set the stage curriculum


penrekrutan deliver program to students and parents of class X, selection of students according to the criteria, form a special class of 4-year program (Kosen with the number of students 32 people)


teacher preparation

upgrading / training Kosen classroom for teachers september

preparation of teaching materials

preparation of teaching materials appropriate framework customized Kosen (synchronization)


preparation of infrastructure

class infrastructure advice adjustment frame oktober

implementation class implementation sill (SMK 4 year) oktober

supervision monitoring and control oktober

evaluation evaluation and review stage 1 November

follow-up implementation and improvement program desember

21 SMKN 5 Banjarmasin

socialization 1 socialization workshop result to the staffs Aug-16

implementation workshop

agreed to implement workshop result and confirm it to DTVE


choosing Competency

choosing competency department, which will be implemented as 4 year class


coordinating with local government

coordinating with local government to get permission to implementation as 4 year class


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socialization 2 socialization to student, parent and industry partner Sep-16

selection Student selection Sep-16

22 Poltekom Whatsapp group creation

- 13-Aug-16

coordination with SMK

- -

develop curricula seamless

seamless curriculum in accordance with study programs in polytechnics + SMK


23 SMK sukapura kota tasikmalaya

socialization 1 socialization workshop result to the staffs Aug-16

implement workshop

agreed to implement workshop result and confirm it to DTVE


choosing competency

choosing competency department wich will be implement as 4 year class


Coordination coordination with local government (Dinas Pendidikan), socialization to student & parent, participant selection, implementation Kosen programs


24 SMKN 1 Cibinong

socialization socialization to staff and school management and office Aug-16

determine the competence

- Aug-16

socialization socialization to parents Sep-16

Selection of Students

- -

agreement confirmation to DTVE

25 SMK-SMAK Bogor

goal of cooperation

students internship at Kosen, student continuing study at Kosen

strategy: curriculum benchmarking

SMK-SMAK Bogor curriculum is mostly similar with Kosen's. the simalirity is on the type of subject, the credit required, the distribution of hours for experience/laboratory practice & theory class/basic science & skill, for further synchronization, there is still a need of a detail comparison of the content. this step can be done as soon as we have a complete curriculum document in English. the disscussion itself can be done through emails


student sleection SMK-SMAK Bogor will have to select the student, regarding to their academic ability, study motivation, english skill as a basic, and parents support


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learning process since the curriculum has been benchmarked in the previous step (step1), the learning process will be a regular learning process added with Japanese language class


document preparation & student departure

the documents needed for International cooperation should at least be completed 2 month before leaving

2 month before leaving

Notes: for further information, to assure the synchronization of SMK-SMAK Bogor curriculum & Kosen curriculum, please contact SMK-SMAK Bogor graduates that are now still studying at Kosen Japan: Abdul Jalil ([email protected]) Yonago Kosen-Majoring in Material Engineering, Muhammad Rizky Aprilla Saputra ([email protected]/[email protected]) Miyakonojo Kosen-majoring in material engineering

26 SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo

socialization teams, committees, foundations, education service district., parents & students

week 3 of August

choose cooperation program SMK-Kosen

Analysts competence, infrastructure and Dudi week 3 of August

creating vocational curriculum Kosen

synchronization curriculum, preparing reference books week 3/4 of August

Kosenclass selection

the selection frame graders smk week 4 of August

began SMK kosen learning

the realization of a kosen class according to the chosen program of kosen adoption


27 SMKN 1 Cerme Gresik

socialization guardians of students of class X and the Department of Education


Preparation establishment of partner institutions, the establishment of the curriculum that will be used, training prospective teachers teaching, preparation of tools that will be used, and the formation of special teams

october-november 2016

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28 SMKN 1 Sidoarjo

being socialized to all academicians, including students, teacher and parent of SMKN 1 Sidoarjo

the informations about the new curriculum for vocational school that is improved and adapted from "Kosen" curriculum education model from Japan

very soon

coordinating with Sidoarjo regional education office

as being mentioned above at point 1 very soon

waiting the curiculum that is being improved by DTVE

29 SMKN 3 Buduran

reports report the results of the workshop to Principals August

coordination majors / competence, the realization of the program 4 year


find information Kosen

seek education program detail information Kosen 5 year August

ICT curriculum awaiting the results of collaborative ICT curriculum 4 year

August-september 2016

decision surrender completely to the principal for the implementation of the ICT program 4 year

30 SMKN 1 Purwosari

coordination and consolidation

the coordination of school management, school committees and teachers PK, decree preparation of the implementation team


socialization school community and parents / guardians of students 18-Aug-16

preparation of work programs

work program SMK 4 Years 15-18 August 2016

Preparation of material

curriculum, syllabus and learning materials 18-31 August

synchronization curriculum

sync curriculum with Kosen 24 August 2016-December 2016

Selection of learners

selection test smk 4-year target of 32 students 26-Aug-16

procurement of equipment / sarpras

building and learning equipment September-December 2016

implementation learning process August 2016-July 2020

monitoring and evaluation

review and evaluation Jan-17

repair and follow-up

preparation of a follow-up program Jan-17

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industrial cooperation

10 industries / companies Japan december 2016/July 2017

transfer / upgrading level

with Japan Kosen January-march 2020

31 SMKN 1 Bekasi socializing workshop result

socializing the program to the principal, the teachers, the students, the parents


socializing the programme to the students


Define the competent teacher

Meeting with the teacher August

Define the alumni of Kosen

Choose the student to join Kosen programme August

32 SMKN 1 Kediri Socializing Technology of Computer Network in Komli

Inviting computer and network technology teacher and staffs


building a team based on selection result and train the teacher

socializing to parents

inviting parents and teacher August

socializing Kosen's programme

Reviewing curriculum

syncronizing curriculum september

Creating a study schedule

Kosen class selection

Finishing X grade by test and interview december

Having a consultation with KOSEN

consultation december


open one class to adapting the Kosen curriculum 2017

33 SMKN 2 Surakarta

Socializing to parents

Inviting parents and the students to have a socialization about KOSEN


Meeting on specifying school quality

making policy and doing competency selecting August

Informing to Dinas Kabupaten Kota dan Propinsi and asking permision to start one class

coordinating with institution dinas kabupaten kota dan propinsi to start a Kosen class program


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Specifying the competency


socializing to parents and building cooperation through MOU


Selecting students

Adapting Kosen model September

Implementing Kosen

34 Poltek Negeri Batam

Finalizing curriculum of 4 year SMK

4 year smk curriculum must be in final decision especially for the program which will be matched with Poltech curriculum

depends on

comparing 4 year SMK curriculum with poltech curriculum

comparing the credit and especially in the field of cognitive process dimensions and knowledge dimension

2 weeks-1 month after step 1

matching the curriculum

polytechnic will make a curriculum lay out according to the comparison result in step 2

1-3 weeks from step 2

deciding curriculum in poltech

Polytechnic will decide final curriculum for 4 years SMK to continue into the 2nd year and 3 year poltech programme

1-2 weeks from step 3

35 SMK Negeri 1 Percut Situan Socializing to staf

Conducting a management meeting to socialize Kosen program and 4 years SMK programme


Aggreement on implementing programme and confirming to DTVE

Sending the aggreement to DTVE which told that the school aggree to implement the 4 years SMK and adapt Kosen's curriculum


Specifying competency

Conducting a meeting with the expert (person who is competent)in order to specifying which departments are suitable to be conducted as a 4 years programme (TKJ)

Coordinating to goverment

informing to the Dinas Pendidikan that the school will implement 4 years programme


Socializing to students

Informing to the students about the 4 years programme

informing the students about the selection of 4 years SMK programme


selecting students

The students will be selected based on their mathematics and physics test


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Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

Coordinating with industries

coordinating with vice dean of public relation of the industries to syncronize the 4 years programme


Implementing the programme

Implementing the 4 years programme sept


Socializing the programme

Socializing the programme to school principal Aiugust

coordinating with related institute

coordinating with school august

specifying the competency

specifying one of competency in Kosen School and 10 competency which is running


socializing to parents

socializing to students, parents, and industries sept

selecting the students

selecting the students who are interested in Kosen modelling School


Implementing the programme

Implementing programme sept

37 SMKN 2 Klaten Socializing Programme

Socializing to staffs and teachers august - september

Announcing the TVET program

announcing tvet program based on the competency sept

syncronizing competency

syncronizing school program with tvet programme oct

coordinating with government

coordinating with province and district november

Socializing Programme

socializations will be conducted to parents, students, and industries


selecting students

selecting the students which meets to TVET programme requirement


Starting the program

starting the TVET programme january

38 VEDC Malang preparation online discussion members of ICT group --> curricula August

comparing curricula between 1st -- 3/4 th year kosen with smk 4 year


support teacher training, TNA etc, for indonesia kosen school modeling teacher


consult the school who will be joint in kosen school modelling


39 SMKN 13 Bandung

Socializing about adapting curriculum

socializing the programme to management staff SMKN 13 Bandung


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Brief Details When

Aggreement kesepakatan management smkn 13 bandung untuk melaksanakan adaptasi kurikulum kosen dan menyampaikannya ke dirjen psmk


specifying the competency

SMKN 13 Bandung choose the chemical engineering to adapt the Kosen curriculum


Coordinating with government

Coordinating with the government oct

Socializing to the students

socializing the programme to students and partner sept

selecting students

The students will be selected based on the mathematics, science, and english test


implementing adapting curriculum jan

implementing curriculum lead by DTVE jan-selesai

40 smkn 2 depok Socializing socializing programme sea tvet - kosen to school staff August

development team

building implementing team August

arranging the schedule sept

requiring socializing programme to parents sept

selecting students which meets to requirement sept

building a kosen class sept

teacher preparation

kosen class teacher training sept

composing learning material

syncronizing kosen curriculum oct

facilitation preparation

adapting school facilitation with kosen programme facilitation

implementing implementing Kosen programme oct

supervision monitoring programme

evaluating evaluating and reviewing dec

following up running the programme

41 smkn 2 yogyakarta

Socaializating the programme

TVET - Kosen programme socialization august

selecting building implementing team sept

arranging the programme

selecting the students

grouping the students

implementing arranging the schedule sept

learning process

preparing facilitation oct

monitoring and following up

implementation coordination meeting dec

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monitoring programme

following up

42 SMKN 1 Cikarang barat socializing socializing to school august/sep

building development team

building coordination development team august/sep

arranging the steps of adapting the programme august/sep

reuquiring syncronizing curriculum sept

socializing programme to parents

selecting students who meets the requirements

building a Kosen class

preparing the teacher

selecting the competent teacher sept

training for teacher

composing the teaching materials

composing teaching materials that is suitable wuth Kosen curriculum


Facilitation preparing the facilitation sept

Implementing implementing Kosen class oct

monitoring monitoring

evaluating evaluating and reviewing

following up running the programme

Meeting meeting with school teachers and comittee august

43 smkn 3 medan socialization socializing programme to the student august

socializing to the parent

socializing the programme to the industries

selecting the students to join the Kosen programme

selecting 20 students to be joint to Kosen class sept

training for teacher

English teaching to Kosen programme students

basic competency and main competency analysis training august

Implementing january

44 SMKN 2 Subang socializing socializing programme to school commitee august

aggreement to join Kosen programme august

specifying competency

selecting the suitabled programme to hold in school august

coordinating coordinating with local government sept

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socializing programme to local government sept

selecting the participants sept

implementing sept

45 SMKN 1 Purwakarta socializing socializing august

selecting selecting the students august

building a Kosen team at school

meeting to build a Kosen programme implementing team august

evaluation meeting



46 SMKN 11 Bandung socializing sosualization to management and school comitee august

exploiting industries as a facilitator at the Kosen programme

selecting any department which suitable for implementing Kosen programme


socializing to student, parent, and industry partner

socializing the programme to the students

sosialiasasi to the strudent to the selected student about the program

sosialisasi to the parent

sosialisasi industri

selecting the students

The students will be selected based on their mathematics and English test

implementing 4 years school with 4 years national curriculum

47 smkn 1 cilegon Internal socialization

socializing workshop result to the staff august

aggreement and confirmation

aggreeing to implement workshop result and confim to dtve


specifying the competency of the department

specifying the competency of the department which will be implemented as 4 years department


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Brief Details When

coordinating with local government

coordinating with local government to get an approval to open new competent department


external socialization

socializing the programme to students and parents august

selection student selection august

start implementing

starting to implement 4 years class using 4 years national curriculum structure

48 smkn 1 balikpapan

socializing Kosen programme

socializing the programme with the school committe and students


socializing the programme to the X grade students august

socializing the programme to the Dinas Pendidikan august

socializing to parents august

arranging the programme august

syncronizing the curriculum

syncronyzing Kosen curriculum with SMK curriculum august

quality enhancement

enhancing the quality of the teachers sept

preparing the competent teacher sept

selecting preparing the selection instrument sept

selecting the student sept

implementing implementing the programme sept

monitoring the implementation programme okt

49 smkn 35 jakarta Socializing inviting teacher and school's staff august

Building a Kosen programme implementing team

Socializing to parents

inviting the parents of grade X students sept

socializing the programme to the parents sept

reviewing curriculum

curriculum syncronizing

arranging the study schedule sept

Training for teacher

training the teacher oct

preparing the facilitation

preparing the room for equipment

selecting the students

students will be selected through the interview dec

consulting with Kosen

consultation dec

couching dec

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Implementation Steps

Brief Details When

opening the Kosen class

opening the Kosen class 2017

50 smkn 1 magelang Socializing socializing the programme august

building the implementing team

building a team

arranging the programme august

writing the proposal

writing the proposal regarding implementing Kosen programme


looking for approval

looking for approval to conduct adapting Kosen programme at school


preparing the human resources

training the teacher feb

preparing the administration

composing syllabus march

preparing the facilitation

Preparing the place and any equipment required march

socializiing to society

socializing the programme apri

meeting with teachers

inviting the parents and socialize the programme may

students admission


implementing socializing the programme to the stake holder and government


51 smkn 1 temanggung

socializing Kosen programme

socializing the programme to school august

building the implementing team

assigning the team to implement the programme sept

arranging the programme

writing the proposal regarding the coordination between Kosen and SMK


stabilizing the programme from government

providing the legal formal letter from government oct

fixing the personal of the team

preparing the team (teacher, administrator, etc) to run the Kosen programme


socializing the programme to parents

inviting the parents to prepare the programme dec

submissions selecting the students june-july

implementing implementing Kosen class at school july

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52 smkn 4 tangerang socializing inviting teachers and staff august

building the team

socializing to parents

inviting parents to have a socialization of this programme


reviewing curriculum

socializing the curriculum

arranging the study schedule sept

training for teacher

training the teacher based on the selection result oct

preparing the facility

preparing the room and facilitation

providing the materials and the equipment dec

selecting students

Student in X grade will be selected by their test result dec

consulting with Kosen


coaching dec

implementing implementing