Report on the activities and associations of persons ...


Transcript of Report on the activities and associations of persons ...

Page 1: Report on the activities and associations of persons ...









• of ..

"\' ,"

Submitted To




\ . ""~ ; -;, ,..., By

.. ' 'ARTHUR L. REUTER Aoting, Commisslone~ ot Investigation

i' ' "


April .23, 1958

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April 23, 1958

To His ExcGllency, Averell Harriman Governor s·f the St,3te of Nc1."l York

From Arthur L. Reuter Acting Commissicn er of Inv'c stignt ien cof th€~ Stat G cf Now York

Subjoct: The ActivitiGS .:1nd Asscciations of PersGI1s Identified es Present .:::t the Residence elf J,:,seph Borbnra, Sr., at Apt:llachin, No"" York, nn N)vember 14, 1957, r1ncl. the Reoscns for Their Prosonc e.



~:it about 3 :30 p.~.!T. em Ncvember 13, 1957, Sergeant

Edgar D. Crcswellcmd Trosper Vincont Vasisko of the NGt--! York

St,'3te Police were making a routine investigaticn CIt the P3rkway

Motel, on Route 17, Vestal, New York, concerning a bar. check

received by the proprietor of the motel. The Sergeant observed

Joseph Barbar~, Jr., of Apalachin (a suburb of Binghamton) in

conversation with l1rs .. Helen Schroeder, wife of the proprietor. \

After the departure 'of Mr. Barbara, Jr., Mrs~ Schroeder ,

informed the troopers' thc~t he had reserved three rooms for \

November 13 nnd 14, an~ instructed he r to charge the room

rent to the Cana da Dry Bottl:in g Cc)mpan y of Endic·.)tt, Nevi York,

of Which Joseph Barbara. Sr. was pres ident '" 'Mrs. Schroeder 'c'l • .

had Clsked B2rbnra to register fer the guests, but he said he

did nnt know wh3t men were Coming ,':md that they were han ng

a con vent i,')n of Canada Dry ~. Later in the evening

Sergeant Creswell and Trooper Vasisko drcve up to the home

erf Joseph Barbara; Sr., a~ Apalachin, New York. They

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observed the following automobiles, the O\'merships of which

were later identified by them through teletype messages:

1. A Lincoln automobile ~dth license plate 62 JL, o",med by James L.9 Duca;

2. A Pontiac automobile with liconse plate 211.]1645, owned by Patsy Turrigiano;

3. A Cadillac automobile with Ne"i"! Jersey license plate Frl4821, o\'med by Alfred Angelicola.

The r"roopers thereupon connnuniceted with .\gents

Ruston an d Bro1'JU of the Alcohol an d Tobacco Tax Unit of

the Treasury Depa rtment, stationed in Bingh3mton, New York.

Later th3t evening they revisited the Parkway

Motel where they observed a Cadillac automobile, bearing

license number mJi373 , which they lator identified a s the

property of the Buckeye Cigarette Service Co., Inc., of

Gh;veland, Ohio. (John Scalish)

,30rgecmt Crosl'lell nnd Trooper Vasisko asked

:larren Schroed~r, the proprietor of the P:1rkway IvIotel, to t he guests in one of the rooms reserved by young

B8rbnra to sign the registration cards. Rov,rever, Mr.

Schroeder was told by one of the guests that ffJoei!

(Barbara, Sr.) would "take care elf it h the next ffi'irning, :md

trot they would net sigp the registrntion cC1rcts.

The Trocpers left the motel but returned shortly

2ftor 12:30 A.M., at which time they observed the Lincoln

2utomobile o\,rned by James La Duca and "Thich they hed seen

park ed the previa us night at the res idence of Barbara 1 Sr.

The Troopers remained n t the metel until 2: 30 A.lvI. They

did not observe anyone arri ve or occupy the rooms previous ly


At about noon on Nov ern ber J4., Sergeant Croswell an d

Trooper Vasisko returned to the Parkway Motel with an c;gent

from the Alcohol nnd Tobacco Tax Unit of the Treasury Department,


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and observed the Cadillac automobile with the Ohio license

number, HM 373, was still there, but that the Lincoln

automobile, registered in the name of Mr. La Duca, was gone~,

Six guests who had oocupied the three rooms reserved by

!~. Barbara, Jr. had departed. The troopers drove to the

plaoe of business of Barbara, Sr. in Endicott (Canada Dry

Bottling Company) and, noting no activity, continued on to

his home in Apalachin.

This residence is located in an isolated area

near the end of a dead-end road on a hil~top, southeast

of Apalachin. There are two entrance drives. The main

drive leads into a large parking lot and a four-car garage

at the rear of the main house; the other driVe leads south

of the main house to two tenant houses and a barn.

As the troopers and the government a'gent approached

the garage, they observed six to eight cars pat-ked in the

space in front. While recording the license numbers of these

automobiles, ten or twelve men appeared from tho rear of the

garage, follpwed by others coming from the d:i.rection of the

driveway ,in back of the garage. Addltionai autom~biles,

parked in the rear of the garage, were also observed.

At this point Sergeant Croawoil of'lled from his

automobile for Sergeant Kennedy at the Vestal Stntion of the

New York State Troopers to meet him nt the Apalachin lo(:'p.t;ion~

H$ also communicated with Inspector Robert E. Denman at

Sidney hendq'Ll.arters of ,the New York State Police and

advised him of the situation., A road block was set up at

the only exit leading from the Barbflra residence and

assistance f;rom all the uniformed troopers in the area was



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As reinforcements arrived, the roads and woods

in the vicinity of the Barbara house were combed and a

number of guests who held so~ght to evade the roadblock by

proceeding across the countryside on foot were rounded up.

In addition to the physical search of the

participants at the meeting,all vehicles were searched. any other incriminating eVidence was ,-/,,"T>"

found by the S"':.ate Police. Prior to ~leasing the

participants, the State Police determined that these men

were neither wanted within New York State nor within the

jurisdiction in which they resided.

As a result of the roadblock and search of the area

made by the troopers, it was established that the individuals

listed in Appendix "AI' hereto annexed were present at the

residence of Mr. Barbara, Sr., on November 14, at the time

of the arrival of Sergeant Croswell.

During the roundup and questioning, discussions

were had between Sergeant Croswell and his superiors as to

whether any section of the Penal Code was violated by the

participants, either collectively or individually. In the

opinion of the State Police personnel there present, there

was insufficient legal basis upon which to detain the

pfiJ·!~it:' the interrogations were terminatedo

asked the purpose ,f his visit, stated th~t he h0d come to

visit Joseph Barbara, Sr., because he had been ill.

Despite the inference that the meeting was for an

unlawful purpose, I agree with the conclusion of State Police

officials that there was insufficient grounds upon which to

detain and charge the Apalachin visitors.

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Penal Law, Section 722, subdivision 11, provides

that "any person who. with intent to. provoke a breach o.f the

peace"or whereby a breach o.f the peace may be occasioned,"

~Tho "is engaged in some illegal occupation or who bears an

evil reputation and 'with an unlawful purpose consorts with

thieves and criminals" is guilty of the offense of disorderly

conduct. Under subdivision 12, the fact that the defendant

is engaged in c:m illegal occupation or bears an evil reputa­

tion and is found consorting with persons of like evil

reputations, thieves or cr~1inals is prima facie evidence

that such consorting was for an unlawful purpose .•

While it might have been possible to prove that

Apalachin guests bore evil reputati::ms, there was a complete

absence of competent proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, that

any were presently living as thieves or criminals. If such'

proofs \'JGre in the hands of authorities, the individuals

concerned would have long since been cenvicted of the ferm

of thievery or ether crime to. which such proof related.

The Court of Appeals of this State has stated bluntly:

"The legislature does not say that one who has been convicted

of a crime is thereafter to be considered a criminal, or that

consorting with such a one is an offense. The persons must

be presently living as thieves and criminals, Such is the

wording, such must~ be theroeaning. tr }1eopleJ.. Pieri, 269 1\1. Y.

315, 325.

It is probable that some of the guests escaped the

roundup... Had Sergeant Croswell been able to appraise the

situation a day earlier and detained the mon at the Parkway

Motel, or had more troopors been available at the start of the

roundup, additional participants might possibly have been bagged.

But even after the.most successful battle~ arm-chair

strategists can easily devise moves which might have made for

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a still more docisive victory.

In my opinion, Sergeant Croswell and thE:.: State

Police acted vigorously and well and deserve high



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On November 15, 1957, Your Excellency directed

me to conduct an investigation into the activities and

associations of the persons participating in the Apalachin

meeting,_ To that end I took the following steps immediately:

(1) The State"Police reports on the event were requisitiono(l,

(2) State Police files were examined with respect to all

information therein concorning the known participants at the


(3) The district attorneys of tho 62 counties of the State

were requested to forward to me all data in their files

concerning such persons.

(4-) Similar requests were made of fedoral authorities and

authorities of the states in which participants resided.

(5) An examination was initiated of pistol permits extant

outside of the City of New York in order to determine

whether any of the Apalachin guests held such permits,

(Police Commissioner Kennedy of Now York City initiated a

similar review of police permits within the city.)1

1. Our investigation revealed that pistol pel'mits were held by the following persons known to have participatod in the Apalachin meeting:

Dominick D'Agostino Joseph Falcone SalVatore Falcone Carlo Gambino


Sam Lagattuta Sam Nonachino John Montuna Patsy Sciortino


As a result of telegraphed requests by this office to the district attorneys and county judges having authof~ ity in the premises, most of these permits were revoked,


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After questioning Sergeant Edgar Croswell on Novem­

ber 27, 1957, I conferred with Honorable George Boldman,

District Attorney of the County of Tioga in which county the

Apalachin meeting occurred.. I pointed out to District Attorney

Boldman that only a Tioga County grand jury could conduct a

full-scale investigation into the circUITlstances, purposes, and

agenda of the Apalachin meeting. Nr. Boldman agreed that it

was his duty to initiate such an investigation, but stated

that he had no assistants and no investigative staff, and that

the expense of so wide an investigation would be prohibitive

for Tioga County which '\o'.Tould, in effect, be carrying out a

state-v-Tide function in such an investigation.

Legal end investigative assistance could be

supplied by one of two means:

(1) The Governor could direct the Attorney-General to

appoint a special prosecutor, in which event the expenses of

the special prosecutor and his staff would, by law, be charged

to Tioga County; or

(2) the Commissioner of InvGstigation could furnish

staff assistance to the District Attorney pursuant to the

provisions of Section 11 of the Executive Law and defray the

expenses and salaries of his staff out of the budget of the

Commissioner's office.

The second course was obviously fairer to the

Tioga County taxpayers.

Follo1...ring further telephone conferences and a

JnGBt,ing wltJl t.hp Attorney at OVlego, New York,

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on December 4, 1957, the District Attorney and I formally

exchanged letters of agreement, copies of which are set forth

in Appendix nBff hereto annexed, whereby, 'Va th your approval,

the assistance and cooperation of my office in a grand jury

investigation were extended to the District Attorney.

On December 9, 1957, members of my staff met with

District Attorney Boldman and the Honorable Francis J. Clohessy,

County Judge of Tioga County, for the purpose of arranging for

the impaneling of a grand jury.

The Board of Supervisors of Tioga County made

available to my staff, rent-free, adequate space in the County

Courthouse at Owego. Equipment Wc'.s procured and paid for by

my office.

I assigned First Deputy Commissioner Harold Mayer

to direct the operation of the Tioga County office. His

permanent staff included:

Associate Counsel Chaunc3Y E. Wilowski * Special Associate Counsel Samuel Bernstein

Chief Investigator Hyman Rosenb.latt Investigator John Brackun ' Investigator James Sullivan

Other members of the staff were assigned for servicef'rom t,jme

to time, as required.

On January 3, 1958, a Grand Jury in and for the

County of Tioga was convened, and an investigation entitled

"P8ople of the State of New York against John Doe, et al"

to determine whether the crimes of conspiracy, bribery of

--------------------------- ---- - - ------------ - -- -------------------------------------------------------

* JY'lr. Bernstein, a fr;rrner District Attorney of Broome County and a resident of Binghamton, was appointed to the staff for this investigation.


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public officials" and viOll?,tj"on of JZ;~c t.ion 340 of the

General Business Law were cQ.rrt1'litted 1.n said County of

Tioga, WaS COIr.Ji16nced •.. This Grand Jm:-y first heard testimony

on January 14, .1958 and has bOen in continuolls session since

that time.·

The Grand Juryfs·term"which was to expire on

April 14, 1958, has boen continued by the court to

October 15, 1958.

Our investigation, in cooperation with, and

as an aid to, the aforementione d grand jury inquiry

concerned itself with the following ffcets of the Apalo.chin


and the bnckground of such indiv.1.duals.

2.~ To deterrriihe the purpose of the meeting at

tho home of Joseph Barbb.ra, Sr. I '

3~ To determine the cfiinieSj if tiny; bohkittet1

at such meotirig~

4J· To dete1t'tnine the bf'.ckground, associntions,.

and business activities of those attending,

this meeting Hnd thei1" x·olntionship to er,-ch

other or to crimes aJxoady cOlTuni tt<).d,-.~wbicb.

may be the subject of other pending

investigations .'


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50 To correlgte all ~ata, records, and informa ..

tion in possession o,fstat e and federal lnw

enforcement and others concerning

these individw3ls.

6. To m.':!ke suggesti:)ns and rec0frmendations

to the Govern or cenc ern in g pos $i ble

lepislDtkn?ndncti(:m by Gcvcrnor Harriman

to cc'mhat orgrmi ze'1. crime in ]\Je~! York Stat e

sn r1. t~') prevent (" rep8titinn of such meetings

ltJith kncvm criminal records and police


7. To indict :my of the in rlivid ua Is for

substantive crimes committed within the

jurisc.iction if the evidenc e so warranted.

In addit icn to the cooperation rec eived from the

Nsw York State Police enrl law enforcement agencies 2JUtside

of this state, our office obtained vc:rious reccrr1.s ,mc'l ~t3ta

from the f6llowins::: 3F"encies. in our state:

Buroau of Criminal InvGstigation, New York StE:1tC Troopers

State Departmen t cf Cc)rrection, Division of Ic1entificatic:n

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,State Liquor Authority

Police Department of The City of New York and other municipalities

County sheriffs of several counties

District attorneys of various counties, and particularly the district attorneys of Ne~1IJ York and Broome Counties

Sub-comrnittee of the Joint Legislative Committee on Gover nmen t Opera tion s

United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

Federal Bureau of Investigation, U. So Department of Justi ce

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, U. S. Treasury Depa rtment

Federa 1 Bur sa u of Narcotic s.

In the· course of the Grand Jury sessions, and

through the efforts and cooperation of this office, sixty-

three witnesses have thus far appeared before the Grand Jury,

were S\AlOm, and eith er test ifie d or rc:fus ed to testify on

the ground trt~t any answer voThich they might give would tend

to inc riminat e them:

(a) 20 witnesses, who weTe mc:mbers of the New York

State Police, had a pert in the roundup of the

indi viduals suspe cted of being pa rt icipa nts at

the meet ing;

(b) 16 witnesses, who were other than 8 ctual participcmts

8t the meet ing ;

(c) 27 witnesses, who were actml participAnts at the

meetin g. (1)

(1) The appe a ranc e of !nthony Peter Riella, a participant \Alho resided in the Stete of New Jersey cmd was not subject to our subpoena, vms obtained under the reciprocal state statutes. Throuf?P an order of the SuprelTE Court of the State of Ne\Al Jersey, this witness vlaS ordered to appear before the Grand Jury. Though granted immunity, he refus(;d to testify,snd wes indicted for c.~.~·'·:+·· c_·y.'r~"~'. ~: <:, 1." ")~~"'~-;-~, :'-'.:~;_ ft,~~~:~ ~~.~d..-i "':;:" ~·",':.~:,:·1 . .,

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Of the 62 or more actual participants at the moeting,

to date 3-4 have been served ",lith subpoenas.

In addition, scores ~Jf witnesses were quosticnc;d,

beth formally and informally, ,'-md hundreds of pc.gos of official

records wore examined by members of the ·staff of the Commissioner

of Investigation in an effort to discover fruitful avenues of

inquiry into the purposes of the mooting.

Of the 27 pC:trticipants who were served "Vvith

subpoenas and who have c.lrcc.dy appeQred and were sworn,

20 refused to answer questions on the ground th2.t any e.ns'ltlCrs

they might glve would tend to incriminate them and thereby

asserted their privilege agc:dnst self-incriminaticm.

In order to secure material testimony despite these

refusals, it was decided to effer iImnunity to certain

participants. A ""itness who f::tiled to answer pr0per questions

after having been granted immunity could be cited or indicted

for contempt. In or,der to avoid hampering any investigation

being conducted by other district attorneys concerning such

witnesses, we communicated with those district attorneys

co~cerned and obtained their agreement to our procedure.

To date, four witnesses have been offered immuni·ty but have

refused to testify. As E' result, the fol1cwing proceedings

~avo b00n instituted:

(1) FRANK Z1TO - C'his witness was detained and

released in $500 bail as a material ",litness.

A motion by the District Attorney

before County Court Judge Francis J. Clohessy to summarily

punish Zito for contempt which, after several hearings,

is still pending, has been adjourned to May 20, 1958 upon

the application of Zito on the ground that he is ill.


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(2) ANTHONY PETER RIELA - indicted for contempt

*(17 counts) on F8bruary 25, 1958 and released on $1000

bail pending trial. Trial has been set for May 21,


(3) ROY CARLISI - indicted for contempt

*(15 counts) on February 27, 1958, and arraigned and

released on I-larch 7, 1958 under a $1000 bail bond.

(4) DOMINICK D'AGOSTINO - indicted for contempt

*(7 counts) on April 8, 1958, and arraigned and released

on that date under a $1000 bail bond.

As of this date, a n~~ber of witnesses are scheduled

to appear or reappear before the Grand Jury. Efforts are

being made to locate missing witnesses. Additional indictments

must be anticipated should any other witness who is offered

immunity refuse to testify.

':< On each count, the defendant, if convicted, is liable to· a sentence of one year's imprisonment and a fine of $500. Thu~, Riela facos the'possibility of 17 years and a fine . of $8500; Carlisi, 15 years and a fine of $7500; D'Agostino, 7 years and a fine of $3500.


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I TT ...... J.



The Meeting was Planned in Advance.

Employees of Armour & Company, Binghamton, New

York, testified that a large order of meat products,

totaling $432.S1, was ordered personally by Barbara, Sr.,

on November 5, 1957, with instructions that the meat would

be picked up on NovGmber 13, 1957.

On the morning of November 13, 1957 Barbara, Sr ..

accompanied by Tornabe, was observed at the Binghamton


That mornirig, T. ViTo A. passengers ilGordon l1 and

lILarocca lf arrived at Binghamton at 11:17 from Newo.rko Scheduled

to return on November 14, they had given the airline the

telephone number APalo.chin 6-2711 for verification of their

reservations.. The number is listed to Joseph Barbara, Sr.

At about 3: 00 p.m., }·1ichael Genovese and John

Larocca of the Coin Distributing Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.,

registered at the Arlington Hotel in Binghamton, sharing

rooms g52, g54 and 856. Both men's bills were charged to

Barbara's Canada Dry account. Laroe ca, hovwvor, was not

among those stopped and identified in the State Police


On November 14, 1957 Barbara, Sr.'s scvsn- passenger

Cadillac and two other automobiles at the airport to

meet Flight 211 of the Mohawk Air Lines, which arrived at

10:59 a.m. from Newark. An unusually large number of passengers


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deplaned at the Binghamton Airport on that flight. None of

the names on the passenger list of the flight belong to

kn~wn Apalachin guests, but three passongers had given the

airline the Newark telephone number HU 2-1539 for verification

purposes. This number is listed to one John Lardioro, who

has a New Jersey police record. Two others listed the

telephone number of one UToto", bcdieved by New Jersey' Stc,te

Police to be a waterfront associate of participant Catena.

Though all of these individuals had tickets to return to

Newark later on November 14, none made the return flight.

Since guests J::unes Colletti of Pueblo, Colorado,

and Frank Zito of Springfield, Illinois, were registered c.t

thG Newark Airport Motel, managed by guest Anthony Petor

Ricla, on November 12, 13, and 14, it must be presumed that

Colletti and Zito were among those who arrived at Binghamton

by air on tho morning of November 14, 1957 and were taken

to Apalachin in a Barbara automobile. This presumption is

supported by the fact that Colletti emd Zito l.'lere on foot

when stopped and questioned, having, appC!.rently, no other

means of transportation. Others who depecrted on foot, :md

may havo arrived by air, were Larassc, Lombardozzi,

Bonventre, Bonanno and Santes. Vito Genovese, Catena, Ida

and Olivetto returned by air after they were released.

Simone Scozzari and Frank Desimone clf California,

Russell Buffalino of Kingston, Pennsylvania, and James

La Duca of Niagara Falls 1 stopped in New York City on their

way to Apalachin.


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Scozzari and Desimone stayed at the New Yorker

Hotel on November 11; Buff'alino staye~ at the Hotel

Lexington on November 11 and 12; La Duca was at the

Lexington from November 7 until November 11.

On November 13, La Duca checked in at the Parkway

Motel at Vestal (near Apalachin). Also at the Parkway

were Carlisi, De Marco, Scalish, and Charles Montanal

of Buffalo.

Castellano, Gambino, Rava and Miranda stayed at

the Wright Hotel, Kirkwood.

Natale Evola of Brooklyn, and Jerseyites Louis

Larasso and Frank Majuri, were at the Carlton Hotel in

Binghamton on November 13. Larasso and Majuri did not

check out of the Carlton until November 14.

Charles Chiri of Bergen and Joseph Riccobono

were known members of a party of three who stayed at the

Dell Motel in Binghamton on November 13.

I Not to be confused with John Montana. Charles was not identified in the roupdupo Charles Montana stopped at Utica on his way to Vestal~


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Vito Genovese, Civello" and Filardo were at the

ArlIngton Hotel.,

The fo11o'V'd,ng t:::b1e shows in surm:t1ry form how the

assembly wa s concerted:

Alaimo ) Osticco ) Sciandra)

\ Euffnlino DeSimone Civello, ScozzBri Ic1,a

) .


Bonvcntre BC'nanno

Carli si) D ,-Jvr "Y' C,.... )

<:,;. "':- \".'

."; ]. h) ':iC.") .lS

La Duca)

J.)c~r ) , I


car r:[riven by Scalish

C[ Gambino ) C2r driven R.':'\va ) bv Viranda ) C~stellarto

M8gaddino ) Montana's Ivlc'ntann ) c:\r

Guccia - truck

Civello, Filardo

No) )

Cucchiara ) L,:;mb::)rcLozzi) Riccobona ) Evola )


Dt,~ "0st-': no \ ..... c~ .~. .J.. "- I

Falcone, S.) Falcone, P.) Ln gt~ttut:J ) Mancuso )

Magliocco Prof,"!ci

Gunrnicri 'I'urrigia no


by car

by car

by CDI'


Hotel :'ccomo,-l'2tio.l1 s

Zicari's residence

Buf fnlino - 11/13/57 p,.." i rl b iII fe r 5 D t Hetal Casey, Scranton, PCI.

~'lright JI.!ct 01, Kirkwool h a a


:~rlington Hotel b - «

Del Motel 11/13/57

Del I'JlOtel 11/13/57

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Arri v,ru.

Genovese, lift.) car driven Genovese, V'.) by M,:mnarino ) Mann~rino

Mona chino, S.) Monachino, P.) by car SCiortino, P.)


Rao - C3r

Omento ... car


V8.lenti, G.) by cnr Valenti, F.)


Zito ) Coletti ) probably Olivetto) by plane

Tornabe - cnr

LaRosso ) car driven Majuri ) by Majuri

Cannone - Q~m car

Rosato - car

Hotel Acconunodotions

;~rlington Hotel

\\Til ten Hot e1

The convergence of theSe men, mnny from considerable

distanq0s, at Apalachin on November 13 and 14, clearly indicates

n plannc(1. meeting. Their accommodations were reserved. in

advance by tho Barbaras; their food was crdered in advance.

The fact tha t severa! traveled by nirline under false names

ll"1clicates t hat their purposes·. were secret.


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The sixteen months prior to the November 1957

convention had vii tnessed several smaller gatherings of the

guests at Binghamton.

Profaci, Barbara, and three others, were registered

at Binghamton's Hotel Arlington on July 9, 1956.

Louis Volpe, Frank Garafolo, John Benventre,

Joseph Bonanno and Barbaro were regis tered at the Arlington

on October 17 nnd 18, 1956. (It wo.s im.rnedintely ofter this

meeting thnt Gnr[',folo, CD.rmine Gnlente, and nn unknown were

apprehended for speeding on the road beck to Now York.)

On M[lrch 18, 1957, Angelo Sciandra, Russell

Buffc.lino nnd three other men signed in at the Arlington.

Louis Volpe, John LaroccD., Patsy Sciortino, and

Sam;: Patsy, AI, and Joseph 11onD-chino were all r.t the

Arlington on June 26, 1957.


The Probable Purposes of the Meeting

In order to determine the probable purposes of

the meeting, the records of official agencies across the

country hn ve been cOIllbedj the informntion therein recorded

as to the known nnd suspected activities of the Apnlachin

visitors heve; been assembled [',nd Q re set forth in Appendix "C".

Twenty-five of the Apnlnchin "guests" are rclntGd

by blood or marriagG, and se verr'..l nre. reIn ted to other noted

underworld figuros:

Joseph Barbarr, Sr. Ignatius Cannone (nepheW of Mrs. Joseph Barbnra) N.~,tale Evola (godfD.ther of Ignatius Cnnnone)

Johh Bonventre Joseph Bonanno (nephew)


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(1 )

( 1)



Joseph F. Civello )) cousins Fre.nk De Simone

Vito Genovese Michael Joseph Genovese

Joseph Profaci Joseph Magliocco (cousin and brother-in-law)

Joseph Rosato Carlo Gambino Paul Castellano (brother-in-law of Carlo Gambino)

Joseph Falcone ) b th Salvatore Falcone) ro ·ers

Sam Monachino ) Patsy M~nachino } brothers

Frank Valenti ) b othp Contenze Velenti) r~ _rs

John Montana Stephen Magaddino ) Anthony Magaddino ) brothers James V. La Duca


The relationship of Vi to and IvIichael Genovese is

established, but the precise degree is unkno't'v'Tl.

( 2) Profaci and Magliocco are second cousins. Profacits

daughter, Carme11a, was married to Anthony Tocco, son of

William Tocco, Detroit mobster, at the Shrine of St. Bernadette

Church in Brooklyn on June 4, 1955. A luncheon "'Tas held that

afternc,on for 100 guests, and a reception was held at 8:00 P.M.

at the Hotel Commodore, in Manhattl'ln. Amone the guests

attending the luncheon or reception or both were the followtng

underworld figures:

LIVORSI Frank DIO GUi~DI, Thomas DIO GUARDI, John (Johnny Dio) ODDO, John BONASERA, Anthony (alias tfChieftt) ANASTASIA, Anthony (alias !tTough Tony") ANASTASIA, Albert MUSSACCHIO, Salvatore (alias "The SheikH) Di BRIZZI, Alex


", .,t.

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>'.c GENOVESE, Vito * M!Rfd'JDfq Mit:hael ~~ ORME:NTO; John * BONANNO, John *~ BARB.ARA, Joseph Sr. * BUFFALINO, Russell * CHIRI, Charles * GiJ:~IBINO, Carlo

GARAFOLO, Frank >:': IDA, Joseph

LUCCHESE, Thomas (alins "Three-finger Brownff )

~~ IvIAGLIOCCO, Joseph >:~ RA. VA, Thomas * TRAFFICANTI, Santos * RIELA, Anthony )~ TORNABE, Salvatore

* Attended Apalnchin meeting on November 14, 1957.

Another daughter of Profaci is married to a son

of George Zirilli, another Detroit mebster.

(3) A sister of Thomas Lucchese (flThree-Finger Brown lf )

is married to Joseph Rosato.

A daughter of Lucchese is married to Thomas

Gambino, son of Carlo Gambino.

Carlo Gcunbino is a brother-in-law of Paul Cnstellano.

John IVlontana'snephew, Charles, is married to a

daughter of Stephen Magaddino.

Another daughter of Stephen l\1agacldino is married

to James V. La Duca.

About; hail 6f' -·tho-ApalachIn pnrtictp&nts'>are

iiati ve~b0'rn:3A.meric'a'n~:I'~ :~"T:he' ;eIlla.inder~ _f3~";:wcrc born ::In' -

Italy.i::-O:C;::·these~t.h6r.majori ty are natives of Sicily.


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Appendix liD" is a composite of the police records

of the Apalachin participants showing 153 known arrests and

74 known convictions, including:

18 arrests and 1 conviction for Homicide

8 arrests and 7 convictions for Narcotics Violations

17 arrests and 15 convictions for Gambling Violations

35 arrests £illd 22 convictions for Illicit Alcohol

Investigation has thus disclosed that the following

participants in the meeting have a record6f associations

with professional gambling (including lottery, policy, or

boo kmaking) : Gambling Gambling

Name Arrests Convictions -Cannone, Ignatius 1 1

Catena, Gerardo 2 2

Cucchiara, Frank 2 2

Guarnieri, Anthony 1 no disposition

Lombardozzi, Carmine 6 6

r.1a juri, Frank Thomas 1 1

* Mannarino, Gabriel 2 2

Rava, Armand 1 1

~} Santos, Louis .. Scozzari, Simone 2

.z~ Up to and including 1955, Gabriel I1annarino was the owner of the San Souei Hotel in Havana Cuba. The alleged present owner of that hotel is Louis Santos, another participant at the Aps.lo.ehin I-1eeting. Sc,ntos came here from Havana, Cuba, to attend the meeting. Louis Santos is presently being sought by the District Attorney of New York County for questioning in connection with the Albert Anastasia murder.


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Investig.?tion h')s dis closed th.-::t the following

partici p,Jnts hcn!e Cl history of ass(;cietion vlith ill i cit

Activi ty in narcotics:


Ci vello, Joseph'

Cucchi8rC'!, Fra nk

D'Agostino, Dominick

Ormen to, John

*Bonnnno, Joseph'

Coletti" James

Genovese, Vito

l\1ircmda, l'ifich ele

Rao, Vincent

Ne,rcotics [ ... rrE)S~.





Narcoti c·g Convictbns



1 (Reversed on



Major Violator List #130, Narcotics Bureau, U.SeTreasury Deyartment

Major Viol~tor List #229, Narcot i csBureau, U.S. Treasury Depertment

HecD rd of cent acts l,ri th John Ormentc implicCltes Rao

* Bonanno is believed by Federal 8 uther it ies t C:o have extensive narcotic interests and to be Dssociated v.rith James Celetti uf Pueblo, Coloredc-, in maintaining a distribution point fcrn"1rcctics in the Unitocl StC':tes thrcugh Cc,Jetti's Coloracl,; Cheese Comp.'my.

B:~'n3nno W2S Pt ('Ine time arrested, ""ith r:thers, and chr>rged. with trClrlsporting mnch:ine guns to members of thE:: C,3ponn g;-:ng in Chic3g0.


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Inv8stigati:'n has disclosed that the following

Apalachin participants have a history of activity in the

illicit manufacture, distribution or sale of alcohol:

Alcohol Alcohol Name Arrests Convictions

Alaimo, Dominick 1 1

Barbara, Joseph, sr. 1 1

Carlisi, Roy 1 dismissed

Civello, Joseph Francis I 1

Cucchiara, Fra.'1k 3 I

Falcone, Joseph I dismissed

Falcone, Salvatore 1 dismissed

Gambino, Carlo 7 3

Guccia, Bartolo I no disposition

Magliocco, Joseph 2 I

~lajuri , Frank Thomas 3 3

Osticco, Anthony I 1

Mannarino, Gabriel I no disposition

Turrigiano, Patsy 2 1

Valenti, Frank 6 4

Zito, Frank I 1

""5 ~.

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Investig8ti(m he s clisclosf.:d th8t the fcllcVI,ring

p:::rticipEmts in the meeting are cr have becn engaged in

13bor uninn Cictivities:

Alaimc, Dnminick: CcmmitteemEm, Local 8005, United Nino Workers, Pittston, Pennsylvania.

G.3mbino, Car 10: 1:"b·~)r Cr"";TIsult-:mt--Schriller, Gambinn & Salzste:ln of 141 En st 44th Streot, Nevi York, N. Y.


La Duca,

~~a juri,

Louis A.: Trus tee, Local 394, Int ernat ionel Hod Carriers Building Emd Ccmmon 1 0 borers Union, Eliz[lbeth, N. J. Larasso resigned December 15, 1957 efter the ApalClchin incident.

J2mes V.: Secretary-Trea surer, Hotel & Restaurant Workers Union, Buffalo, N. Y. La Duca reSigned after the Apalc: chin incident at the request of the members of the union.

Frank: Vice-pres ic,ent, Labor Local 394, I'llorris }i.venue, Elizp,beth, N. J. (Intern~1timEll Ho·::l Carriers em c1 Com.rr~c.m 1."1 borers Union). Returned to prison as G parole viol:ltor as a result elf his attendance at the Apalachin meeting.

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The analyses &low that, according to police records,

the Apalachin deleg9.tes had the following common interests;

In Gambling 10

In Narcotics . 9

In Illicit Alcohol 16

In Union Racketeering 5 other information indicates that many others of the group

may have similar interests.

Forl~inst9.nce, on June 17, 1957, Frank Scalise of

211 Kirby Street, City Island, New York (telephone, City

Island 8-1856), was shot and killed by two unknown men in front

of 2380 Arthur Avenue, Bronx, New York. Scalise was associated

with Lucky Luciano and was active in narcotics circles;

furtherm0re, he wa.s reputed to be an important member of the

Mafia for the Bronx, New York area. His death is believed by

the police to have been occasioned by a struggle within the

Mafia for the control of the importation of narcotics into

New York City and the distribution therefrom.

On January 12, 1957, while Joseph Giammona of

Downey, California, and Frank Desimone, an attorney, also

of Downey, occupied rooms 3017-18 and 19 in the New Yorker

Hotel, New York City, a call was made from that suite to

Son_lise l s home, City Island 8 ... 1856.

Frank Deslmone and SlmoneScozzari (also a

CaliforniR resident), also identified at the ApalaChin

meeting, have, on other occasions, occupied the same suite

at the New Yorker Hotel on May 8-11, 1956, August 7-10, 1957,

and November 11-15, 1957 (Apalachin meeting).


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.'-•• <,,'

From the fact that Giammona and Desimone occupied

occupied two rooms of a three-X"oom suite, it is reasonable

to assume, from the aforemeritioned relationship of Desimone

and Scozzari, that the other occupant, though not registered,

was Simone Scozzari.

Scozzari, when apprehended at the Apalachin

Meeting, had $lO,GOO on his person; when asked his occupation

he answered "unemployed."

A significantly large proportion of the

Apalaohin participants are engaged in what appear on

J the surface to be legitimate activities connected with

the garment industry, namely, as manufacturing wholesalers,

contractors, truckers, labor "consultantsfiand union


They are key figures in the non-union garment

industry existing in Pittston, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

sweat shops, lTIUSClf'lr-pr-otRct0d.· t;L'unktng bOS~HS ond--double­

dealing union officials have collaborated to undercut the

1og.,tt.~mo.t·~_ tln::t.on:t lZBd gA'l~lIlAnt ,industry of' New York



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It must therefore be inferred that the purpose of

the meeting was to discuss problems relatin~ to these illicit

activities. Such problems would presumably' incltide:

Division of territories

Division of proceeds

~ayoffs and protection

'~rangements ~n~ expenses.for Idbbying, ~ncluding pol~t~cal contr~butiooQ .


-"--Manipula tion of labor grievances, and~ -"~ , extension of infiltration into labor unions, ~Ji th particular re.f·D~·once to the s trike in the Pennsyl \1a.l.(ia women t s c.pp8X'el . .indn .. "!t:.ry.

It has been speculated in the press that the nl'tl~'der

of Alber·t. An[lsta~la and . the attempted assassination of Frc..r.ik

Cos tellom.ay·ha ve .. beenon_~hG ·agenda.

'Certafnly the pre'vlous activities of certain

of the guests .. wb1l1\Q 'not rule out that possibility.

For ins tanc:e, in March, 1955 an automobile carrying '"

O!'mento nnd one Salvntore LoProto of 213 East l07th Street,

New York City,. was stopped nnd searched by NOllT York ·City.

pol5,.ce. T.wo hours ot senrch re venled a secret compartment

locp-too in the upholstery nl<mgside the driVer's sect. The

compartment eo-nt2ined two 8.utomlltic pis tols with s:i.lencers.

By turning ont:wo electrical appliances on the dashboard

and then pro;.~sin;g-[l_ button" concenled under tho upholstory

between the' dri vcr"s legs ,'the front portion of the right

seat would spring forw8.rd nn~ thus ronke the:, wenpons n vnilable~. ~:~':" ;;' ~

In and nround the corners of ,tl::J.e conccQle~ box there proved to

be a residue of white 'powder, he'roin, nl though no quanti ty

could bo found in the car.,' . .~

A short time nfterthis in.eident, the brother-

~n.,.law of Salvatore Loproto wa;s involved in an accident in \,",.'i,': :

-: - ~

, "- '~"


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the state of New Jersey and his wife was killed. The force

of the car collision drove t1+e front seat forward, and an

exact duplicate of the first concealed box was disclosed.

~palachin guest Joseph Bonanno, a narcotics suspect

and one of the persons who attended the 1956 meetin~ at the

Arlington Hotel in Binghamton, visite~ Italy in October of

1951 where he conferred with'Santo Sorge and "Lucky" Luciano.

On October 10, 1951 Bonnnno was observed at the

Excelsior Hotel in Rome and in various night clubs. in that

ci ty.· During his stay in Rome he used the al ias of tlDi Bella".

In his compnny were four unidentified men. On October-13

Bonanno was observed with these men at the Compani Airport.

On October 25, 1951 Albert Anastasia was killed at

the Park-Sheraton Hotel in New York City,. and, shortly

thereafter, Bonanno appeared at the Apalachin meeting in

New York.

Joseph Barbara, the host, was arrested in 1931

by the Pennsylvania state Police, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, charged

with suspicion of murder.

Calomero Collogaro of Montedoro, Sicily, a~rived

in Pittston, Pennsyl vani2.~,on December 31, 1930. On Je.nuary 4,

1931, at ,about 8:00 p.m., Callognro was walking along

Railroad Stroet, Pittston, when he was overtnken by two men,

one of whom fired six shots at him. The\1'lot.:i..min 'hJ s .

dying deolaration accused one Tony Morrcnle of shooting him

because of difficulties between the victim and Santo Volpe,

Sam Volpe, and Chnrles Buffo.lino. __

It was as tablished thn t Bnrbr.ra wns a frequent

visitor at the home of Carmel Morree.le, a brother of Tony.

Upon his anprohonslon •. Tony Morref'.le claimed that at the time


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of the murder he was working at Old Forge at a still owned

by Barbara. Barbara was arrested on suspicion of being the

second man; however, he was discharged when witnesses could

not identify him.

Later in 1931, Barbara was arrested by New York City

Police charged with violation of Section 1897 of the Penal Law

. (gun). Barbara had been stoClpod at c. rOB.d block in Brooklyn

during a hunt for Vincent Call, a New York gangster who was

la tel' murdered. When Barbara Wp.s see.rched, a pis tol wns found

in his possession. In court ~e produced n permit signed by a

judge in Broome County, New York. He was then disch2.rged.


On February 10, 1932, BC.rbcra wr:s tnken into custody

in Scranton, Pennsylvo.nic. nnd charged with suspieion of murder.

He was not booked on the aforementioned chQrge; the arrest

does not show on his criminal record.

Harry Steinberg, alias Jack Lewis, a New York

Ci ty pnrolee, in compnny with EdWard vioiss of Scrnnton, wns

wnl king down Muncy Avenue in Scr.~tnton when a c['.r, oporr.t ing

in the s rune direct ion, 0 vortoolt; them. The occupnnts of the

cnr started, shooting and, ccs n result, Steinberg W8.S killed

and Weiss was wounded and later recovered. When taken to

the hospital, Weiss identified Barbara and Nick Ross as the

killers'. They woro both arrested and t-~ken t.o tho hospitnl.

Confronted by them, Weiss recanted his previous story and

stated that they wore not the men. Bf'rbarc. and Ross were

s-ubsequently rclens.ed.


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In 1933, Barbara was arrested by the Scranton,

Pennsylvania police, on suspicion.

At 7:00 p.m., on February 16, 1933, the body of

Samuel Wichner, bootlegger and hi- jacker, viaS found in the

rear trunk of a car on Meridian Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania. was caused by strangulation. There was a noose about

the victim's neck and the rope was fastened to the victim's

knees, in typical gangland fashion.

Two men had been observed leaving the victim's

car and entering a black Buick sedan occupied by two other


The victim had informed his wife that he had

been to Barbara's home on a previous night for a conference

on a bootlegging venture with Barbara, Santos Volpe, and

Angelo Polizzi and had been instructod by Barbara to return

at 9:30 p.m. the following night without informing anyone

as to where he was gc,ing.

During the investigation, calls were traced from

Barbara's home to Utica 4-0613, listed to Salvatore Falcone

and Brothers, 550 Bleeker Street, Utica, New York.

On the failure or the witnoss. who had observed

two men leav1ng the. victim's car, to identify either Polizzi

or Barbara they were discharged.

On june 24, 1933, at 10:00 A.M., the Gotham shoe

factory in Bingbamton, New York, was held up and robbed of a

payroll in the sum of $4775 by two men using a Buick sedan,

New York license 2L452~, registered in the name of James Hart,

1114 Park Place, Brooklyn, New York. An operatorfs license

issued to one James Richmond of 282 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn,

New York, was found at the scene; this proved to be fictitious,


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The Buick sedan was found abandoned with the

motor running at about 11:00 a.m. the same date, about one

mile from the scene of the robbery. One hour prior to the

robbery, a Chrysler sedan bearing Pennsylvania license #69Z12

was seen in the vicinity where the Buick was later found.

Only the operator was in the Chrysler sedan. At 11:00 a.m.

this automobile was again seen in tho same vicinity and was

alleged to have picked up two men. At 2:00 p.m. the same auto­

mobile was alleged to have picked up two other men in the

vicinity, making a total of five. 'rhe Chrysler was checked

out to be registered in the name of Joseph Barbara of 717

South Main Street, Old Forge, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.

On the date of the holdup, Joseph Barbara was

married to Josophine Vivona of 4 Garfield Avenue, Endicott,

Now York, with many known New York gangsters at the wedding.

On July 9,1934, Barbara was quostioned by the

Broome County authorities in connection with the murder of

Joe Morreale on July 4, 1934.

On June 13, 1946, B9rbara was arrested by the U. S.

Marshal in violRtion of the OPA, illegal acquisition of sugar.

On June 27, 1946 ho was found guilty and fined $5000 in the

U. S. District Court in Utica, Now York.

It has been speculated also in tho press that the

gathering was a meeting of the so-cn.llod "MafiR.," ·::>f which

at least eight of the participants are identified, in

various law enforcement agency files, as leading members.

The Nafia's traditional penalty of death to

informers has thus far effectively prevented the penetration

of the veil of secrecy which surrounds this reputed cabal.

Its membership and organization have been the subject of

many books and reports based almost entirely upon information

short of legal evidenc e, which permits of reasonable


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inference or speculation but upon which no official finding

can be properly made.

Although there is obvious support for the theory

of what has been disclosed, a contribution by this report to the

mass of speculation without competent evidence would serve no

useful purpose.


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"-., ".



Criminal Prosecutions of AEalachin ParticiEants

Although a parade of witnesses have appeared

before othol' grand juries, both within and vlithout the

State of New York, and before a Legislative Committee,

all of these investigative qodles have reported that no

material evidence was given by an.y of the delegates

rela ti ve to the true purpose or purpos es of tho meeting

in Apalachin. To date, no 0ffort has been made by these

agencies to counteract the invocation of the privilege

made beforo their bodies. Only in the instant investiga~

tion wore any criminal prosecutions initiated as a rosult

of tho November 14 meeting,

The threat of a prison term is the only possible

moans available to tho Grand Jury to securo the Bvidence vital

to the successful conclusion of this investigation. However,

should the threat of prison not prove sufficient to unseal the

lips of the recalcitrant witnesses, at least the ends of

justice will be served in that witnesses who continue to

defy tho Grand Jury will suffer the law1spenalty.

Should these -witnesses, or anyone of' them,

·-\1~.tiJnJlt()ly _ bow to the law and testify either before the

trial of their ca ses or aftor, a grand jury will then ha ve

bofore it for the first time facts necessary for it to

determine what crime or crimes, if any, were planned or

cOtrI1rli-'l.ted in Apalachin, Now York, on November 14, 1957,

Gr pe'r"~o:na'-va ··Hil.j:r~+. thp •. :p~-tU4-"'n of' indi~tments for substantive

crimes ...

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Correlation of Information - Unfinished Work

The action take~ by this office has resulted in the

accumulation in one place of priceless informa.tion concerning tf,le

Apalachin participants and their activities and associations

which was hitherto dispersed in the. archives of various law

enforcement agencies both within and without this state. To this

fund of information has been added the results of individual

investigations undertaken by my staff.

The indexing and evaluation of this material, which

will be turned over to my successor agency, the Commission of

Investigation, on May 1, 1958, will require several weeks. It

will then be available for use by the Commission and by other

law enforcement agencies as authorized by the Commission.

The questioning of witnesses by. the Grand Jury has not

been completed. Additional indictments are in prospect for

witnesses who have refused to testify.

The Tioga County District Attorney will require further

assistance;· in order to enable tho Grand Jury to conclude its

work. Many New York state pnrticipaltlts remain to~. be found.

The attendance of additional out-of-state witnesses must be

compelled by proceedings in their homo stntes. Witnesses who

have failed ·to respond to subpoenaes should be cited for contempt.

Investigation to identify participants not included in the

original round-up, already fruitful in disclosing the presence

of John Larocca, Charles Montana,. and Neil Migliore (see

Appendix "A" page 3) at the scene, should be continued, The

pending contempt indictments must bo tried.

Respectfully submitted,


t:/; (k;'~A {ZLZ:") ARTHUR L. REUTER

Acting Commissioner _.of "\Investigat;ton

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APPEND~X UAf~ - Page 1


1. *Bonanno, Joseph Brooklyn, N. Y.

2. *Bonventre, John Brooklyn, N. Y.

3. Cannone, Ignatius Endwell, N. Y.

4. Carlisi, Roy Buffalo, N. Y.

5. Castellano, Paul Brooklyn, N. Y.

6. D'Agostino, Dominick Niagara Falls, No Y.

7. Evola, Natale Joseph Brooklyn t N. Y.

8. Falcone,Joseph -Utica, N. Y.

9. *Falcone, Salvatore Utica, N. Y~

10. ~~Gambino, Carlo Brooklyn, N. Y'.

11. Guarnieri, Anthony Frank Johnson City, N., Y.

12. Guccia, Bartolo Endicott, N. Y.

13. LaDuca, James V. Lewiston, N. Y.

14. *Lagattuta, Sam Buffalo, N. Y.

15. *Lombardozzi, Carmine Brooklyn, N .. Y.

16. Magaddino, Antonio--­Niagara. :Falls, N.. Y.

17. Magliocco, Joseph East Islip, N. Y.

18. *Mancuso, Rosario Utica, N. Y.

l:9. fMig1iore, Neil 211-01 - 75 Avenue Bayside, No Y.

20. Miranda, Michele Al Forest Hills, N. Y.

21. Monachino, Patsy Auburn, N. Y.

22. Monachino, Sam Auburn, N. Y.

23. Montana; John Charles Buffalo, N. Y.

24. Ormento, John Lido Beach, N. Y.

25. Profaci, Joseph Brooklyn, N. Y.

26. Rao, Vincent Yonkers, N. Y.

27. ~~Rava, Armand Thomas Brooklyn, N. Y.

28. Riccobono, Joseph Staten Island, N. Y.

29. *Rosato, Joseph Jackson Heights, N. Y.

30. Sciortino, Patsy Auburn, N. Y.

31. ':':*Tornabe, Salvatore New York, N. Y.

32. Turrigiano, Patsy Endicott, N. Y.

33. *Valenti, Contenze Peter Rochester, N. Y.

34. ~~Valenti, Frank Joseph Rochester, N. Y.

35,. Zicari, Emanuel Endicott, N, Y.

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APPENDIX nAIi - Page 2


1. ~:< Ala.:l!mo, Domini ck Pittston, Pa.

2. Buffalino, Russell Kingston, Pa.

3. *Cqtena, Gerardo Vito Orange, N. LT.

4. *Chiri, Charles Salvatore Bergen, H. J.

Civollo, Joseph Francis Dallas, T(:3xas

6. *Colletti, Jamos Pueblo, Colorado

7. *Cucchiara, Frcmk Boston, Mass.

8. DeMarco, John Anthony Shaker Heights, Ohio

9. *Desimono, Frank Los Angeles, Calif.

10. >:<G enov es G, Mi cha 01 <..T am es Gibsonia, Pa.

11. ':<Genovese, Vito Atlantic Highlands, N. J.

12. *Ida, Joseph Highland Park, N .• J.

13. *Larasso, Louis Anthony l,inden, N. J.

14. 'nvr.::.juri, Frank ThomCls Elizabeth, N. <..T.

15. *Mannarino, Gabriel New Kensington, Fa.

16. *Oliveto, Dominick Camden, N. J.

17. ~:<Osticco, James Anthony Pittston, Pa.

18. Riola, Anthony P8ter Hest Orange, N. J.

19. *Santos, Louis, Cuba

20~ Scalish, John Cleveland, Ohio

21. ':<Sciandra, Angelo Joseph Pittston, Pac

22. *Scozzari, Simono San Gabriel, Calif.

23. Zito, Frank Springfield, Ill.

24. (a) Filardo, Joseph Kansas City, IvIo.

25. (a) Civello, Nick Kansas City, IVIo.

* Not served with Grand Jury Subpoena.·

):<':< Dead.

(at These men were not picked up at the roadblock, but entered a public building in the vicinity to telephone for a taxicab and proceeded to the Binghamton railroad station, and are presumed to have been present at the Barbara house g

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APPENDIX if An ... Page 3

I- On November 15, 1957 at 8:00 p.m., Neil iVIigliore, while driving an automobile, License No. 6!73glNY, in Bingh(~..mton, collided vdth an automobile op'3rated by Thomas Palenic of Bingha,Inton. '.['here were several men in the Migliore car. IvTigliore offel"ed Mr. Palenic immediate payment of d3lJlages in order to prevent report of tho accident. Migliore hes been missing from his home since the Apalachin ~eeting. From ip:;."'crmation received from a source, i':' is boliGved th':1.t IvIigl:i.ore came to Binghamton to ctJ.'::'.- ve other participants'in the Apalachin meeting to Now York City. It is not believed that he attended the meeting.

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APPEN~IX "BI!_ Page 1

Arthur L. Reuter, Esq. COlTh'7lissioner of Investigations 27n Broadway New York City, New York

Dear Cot1.1'!lissioner:

December 4, 1957

Following my conference with you at your office in New York City on November 27, 1957, and following our conversation of this afternoon at l:ly office in Owego, New York, I a~ most willing to accept your offer of as­sistance and cooperation, pursucmt to Section 11 of the Executive Law, in the conduct of a proposed Grand Jury investig,Qtion of the so-called Apalachin incident which occurred on November 14, 1957, in the Town of Owego near Apalachin, New York. .

It is :my understanding that I will be in full charge of this prosecution, and that you nost graciously volunteered y:)ur assistance and such files which you may have pertaining to the matter.


Very truly yours,



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APPENDlX ffBff Page 2


Hon. George Boldman Tioga County District Attorney 27-29 Lake Street Owego, New York

Dear District Attorney Boldman:

December 4, 1957

I acknowledge receipt of your request for assistance from this office, pursuant to Section 11 of the Executive Law, in connection with the proposed inquiry by a Tioga County Grand Jury into the facts and circumstances involved in the recent meeting at the home of Joseph Barbara, Sr. at Apalachin, New York.

With the approval of Governor Harriman, I gladly extend such assistance which will include the following: one or two attorneys as required, including salaries, maintenance, traveling expense and other incidentals; one to three investigators who may be members of the State Police, all of whose expenses for travel, maintenance, salaries and other incidentals will also be defrayed; rent of necessary quarters as agreed upon; all expenses for communications, lights, heat; travel necessarily involved in the investigation; process serving, and necessary office equipment for the use of the staff. In other words, all expenses for the foregoing services will be borne by my office.

Personnel assigned will be subject to your direction .' tlu'01-1.ghout the conduct of the investigation.

Very truly yours,


Act.j_ng Commissioner or Investigation


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A)?PENDIX. i1Ctl ... Page .1







.A.T. U.

State Police

Police Department

Division of Criminal Identification, l,raw York state Department of Correction

Fedoral Bureau of Investigation

Harrison Narcotics Act

Alcohol Tax Unit, U.S. Treasury Department

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Reputed llssocio..tes:



iJ.PPENDIX "Gil - Eage 2

DUHINTCK .ALAlHO 6 Cherry Stroot Pittston, Pa.

Jnnunry 28, 1910, in Pittston, Pa.

Co-owner and m2no..ger of Jnno Hogan Dross Co., Pittston, Pa. Acts as cormnitteo1l1c.n for local 8005, United Hine Workers of Amorica.

Herman Stromberg (narcotics suspect) Angelo Scio.ndro., of Pittston, Pa. ~~ss:ll Buffalino, of Kingston, Pa. J lTln,lle Doyle Frcmkie Garbo Eillc.nuel Zicari Jt:tmes Ji. Osticco, of Pittston, Pa.

D.C.I. #654700X 12/17/32 - Robbery (Scro.nton, Pa.) Not guilty

1/30/33 11/6/33 - Suspicion (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) 8/16/4{) - Vio. Int. Rev. (Wilkes-Bo.rre, P,,,_.)

1 yr. S.S., Probation.

Subj oct was riding in car "vi th E:rl1('muel Zicari of Endicott, N.Y. Questioned on highway seven ,Giles 'vest of Vestal, N.Y. and released.

Subject st:l.ted he came to Apalachin with Jc~mes Anthony Osticco and lillgolo Joseph Sciandra.

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APPENDIX "C" - Page ,J


Apalachin, New York

Born: March 2.4, 1936

Occupatj"" ... :-' '- - A~ft~-,-l'year _~ college, subject went to work . , for his father, Joseph Barbara, Sr.



During the. past 3 yearo', Barbara, Jr. has been activpin his father's Canada Dry bottling pJ..:ult in Endicott, N.Y.: he drove a truck

'and worked in the bottling room of the plant.

When his father suffered several heart attacks in early 1957, subject assumed the duty of operating the company.

No known criminal record.

On November 14, 1957, Barbara, Jr. drove from the Endicott plant to his home for lunch. In doing so, he went through Sergeant Croswell's road block. Upon arriving at his home, he did not have his lunch but turned around to drive back down the road. At the bottom of McFall Road he was stopped by the road block.

On November 13, upon the request of his father, he made the following reservations (and picked up the keys):

Community Motel, Binghamton - 1 room Parkway Motel, Vestal - 3 rooms

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ltXrosts $

Reputod ~ssociatesi

APPENDIX Itef! ... Page 4

JOSEPH B.lJ\B.&iR4~; SR. Apalachin, N. Y.

August 9, 1905 - Cnstol1~nrG Dcl Golfo. (S1ci1y)

Naturalizod 1926.

Joseph Barber - Burbnro

Prosidont, Endicott Cnnadn Dry Bottling Cae, Ince, of Endicott, N.Y.

1 • SP Wyo!ning, Po.. #2954 - 1/5/31 ... suspicion of l~urdor - DischClxged

2. PD-NYC #E8~91 - 8/1/31 - pt - Ruvolvor -DisrJissed.

3. PD Scrc,1'ltont Pa. #3146 - 2/21/33 - -Suspicion Qf Murder - Dischargod.

4. U.SI'\ Mrtrshal - Utica, N.Y .. #7864 ... 6/13/46 - Offico of PricE! .:ldmlnistration ... illugalacquis1tion of suger - 6/27/46 -$5000 fino.

Jasepn :Hangino Pasqunlo Turrigiano, of Endicott, N.Y.* Vincent Coppola . Tony, Carmol ~nd Joseph MorrealB (in

connoctiDn with suspicion of murder in Wyo~ing, Pat on 1/5/31.)

Santo Volpe nnd ilngola Polizzi (in connection with suspicion of murder in Scrnnton; Pa. on 2/21/33.)

.At subjoct I s wedding, o.utoLl~)biles rogistered in the following no.rncs were identified by Stute Police, Now Milford, Pa.:

Louis Consurgo Joseph Genovoso Ernest Sessa Joseph Ciliborto Nic~)la Gonoveso Sor..'l Gc.lcnte Vincent la-cori GUisoppo Polizzi Joseph Pinto Pa.squale IIPntsyU Turrigiono

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Business . 41ssoo1ntos.


Notes dtioaocordihg

ChariasBuftalino Louis Consc.rgo Louis P~griott1· ilhgelo Polizzi Santo Volpe Josephina Barbara Louis Pieieno

to corporate bookst

$ 2,,00.00 . 5,000.00

10,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00

5,000.00 2 t 71lt.25

713114' 7/31/45 7/31/lt,

'c 7/31/45 7/31/45 2/28/46 It/3tJ1ltB

Johh and MatthGw Vivona (brothers of l..u-s.· Joseph Barbara)

19nazio Co.nn~)nc (nophew of Mrs. Joseph B::.rbarn) ...

Matthew and Marz Vivona (nL58,)~ 6 Oarfiold Place, Endwoll, N.Y. (brother-:-in-law by marriage).

Persons RecorJr.10ndod for Gun Percits by Subjectl

Jamos Tedesco, Old Forge, Pa. Thomas Curey, Old ll'c'rge, PD.. hmoricoRogo, Old Forgo, Pat Primo Casare, Old Forge, Pa.

* Subjoct is oo"si~ner ()f Turrigiaho I s prol~:issory note in ~-nQunt 'Of $49\:56.00 .

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Criminal Record:

~~LVIN J. BLOSSOM R. D. 1 Apalachin; 'N .. Y.

July 16; 1920, noxon, Pennsylvania

Employed as caretaker for Barbat'a Properties.

Claims that he did not participate in the meeting, but was employed on the Barbara property.,

Finge:rprinte::d June 19, 1956 N. Y. state A.B.C, Law as an employee of the Barbara enterprises.

. None ..


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Roputed Occupation'


Reputed Associatos:

APPgDIX ne" -Page 6

JOSEPH BONANNO 1726 DeKalb Drive Brooklyn, Now York

& 1847 East Elm St. Tucson, Arizona

January 18, 1905 - Italy Citizen 5/17145

Colorado Cheeso Co., Trinidad, Colorado, with John Spadaro nnd Robert Dionisio.

Formerly, ptu'tnG~ in B & D Cout Company, 47-55,Th~os St., Brooklyn,'N.Y., and 480,Johnson AVo_, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1/1936 - 8/1942, manufacturers of women's conts. -

DCI #117101X 9/16/30, NYC Gl~D.nd Lurco!'lY and possossion of r~volvor. (With two men in tho truns­potting of machine guns to Capone mob 1n Chicago.) acquitted.

12/10/lto, alien rc;gistrD.tion.

1/12/42, Brooklyn US Marshall - V~(llation Wage & Hour Law - Fine $400 2/27/42. Suspended Sentonce o..nd,18 months probc.tion.

3/6/42, Brooklyn US Murshc.ll - Conspiracy (4 counts), ;/1/42} count 1-$50 fine paid, 2-S8; 3-S8, 4-88, (:) months probc.tion.

Joseph Berbaro.' John Bonnventro (uncle)

. LoUis Volpe Frank Vincent DePnsqunle Piotro Bonvcntr0 Charles DoBvnodotto Josoph Spadaro Cornelius Bortschinger John Tartnncllt'.. VincGnt Mnngnno Frank Go.rafalo Josoph PrQfCLCi Ann Junno (Tucson) Jrunos Colletti R:)bert Dionisio

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Deportation Procoedingsl


ltftENDIX UCi~ ... PaG@ 6"'a

Josoph Donartno

Believed to have travelled t~ Pulermo, Sielly. Passport #666676 (Guisoppi BOll.l:'.nno). Seon in company of Sunto S(Jrge in Sopt<..n1bor 1957.

On Fobruary 6, 19,3, deportation procGodlngs were institutod agnlhst subject omnnntlng from the "Koto.'UV'orn Sono.tu InvGstlgntlng Committee. Subject 1s bolluv~d to have entered the U. Be illegally.

W2.S f)und in a. corn riGld on McF,"Adden Road o.djoining the Barburo proporty and br')ught to Vostal,Station c.nd questioned by Stato P01ice. Adwitted. being at meeting and ;'10.5 UvisitingU JCSGph, 81'" In his possession was businoss card of Jnmes V. LnDucu J Sccrctary~tronsurcr, Waitors Union Loenl 06.

He was registered on October 17; 1956 at­th,,) Arlingt)n Hotel Binghnmton, N" Y. (chnrgedto Canada ~ry Bottling Company; Inc., Ehdicr)tt) with.

Joseph Barbara (Endicott) John B~nvcntre (Brooklyn) Frank Gnrnfulo (NYC) Louis Volpe (L. I. City, N.Y.)

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Roputed Occupations:




JoHN BONVENTRE 115 ClevGl~nd Street Brooklyn, New York

April 18 l 1901; Cn.stollamUTGt Trapani, Sicily; onterod U. S. from Cuba 5/10/40 and was naturalized 8/6/46

Guisoppe Boncnno Peppino Bonanno Joseph Bonnvontre Joseph Bonavontura J0hn Bonventro

Undertakor; Choose and oil businoss;Pinta Clothing C:mpnny, nnd Lovine & Bc:nvcntr~, ladies C'.Xlt c')ntrnctors.

Renl snlcsmc.n f"r Jnsoph A. Bivona, 404 Contral Avenue, Br:~)~)klyn, N & Y.

N:~no kn:,wn.

Joseph Bonanno (nephew) Carmine Ga10nto

Picked up in corn fiGId on NcFaddcn Read adjoining Barbara Pr.)pcrtiGs by Trooper Sackel and br)ught toVestnl Stati::mo Bonvontr~) said he Cal:lO tip \-lith J:--seph Bonanno "to visit Josoph Bnrbu:ru who was sicke" Idontifiwd through S;:;cinl Sccuri ty card 094-12-9610. 41 porsrJn of this nllrJo, gi vinO' the same .

. address, . under Pussp'Jrt #861454 ontored the United States October 2, 1956 at New York City frorr. ItnlY9

Stayed at ilI'lington Hr; tel, BinghD.I:1t~.iO, N.Y., October 17 Md 18,1956 with Frank Garafalo a.nd L::mis Volpe vlho was rogistered for October 16, 17, 18 & 19, 1956 - ch~rged to Cnnndn. Dry Bovern.go C:mpc.ny. Joseph Bonanno and Joseph Bn.rbara ,",ere registered at this hotel on October 17, 1956.

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Associates I

'APPENDIX "C" - Page 8

RUSSELL J. BUFF ;.LLINO 304 E. Dorranco St. Kingst~n, Pennsylvania

1903. The U. SOl IrJr:1igrati~m auth'Jri ties c;Jntend thnt subject wns bc·rn in Sicily. Subjoct contends he WLl.S b~rn in Ponnsyl­vnnia. lvbnth c.nd date are unlcnown in regnrd to his birthG . DQP~rtution pre,ceedings ponding.

Owner of Penn Drepe &: Curtain Compnny, 161 South Mnin Stroet, Pittston, Pa.

BelL:ved to be C:cti ve in Pennsylvania Garment Industry, 0poruting non-union shopse

Subjoct with J:::ui10S Osticcow8ro guests of Atlas Chain & Manufacturing Ccnpnny, W. Pittston, Ponnsylvania, at B1r.1ini l British Wost Indies in ~pril 1956 and frOl71 thore went to Hotel Nnciono.1, Havana, May 2, 1956. .

Subject stayed at H:)tel Froderick t Endicott, N.Y., 6/1/56 with son ~\ngelo and stated on registration that he was represent1ng Medico Industries, Inc. Room charged to Conad'a Dry.

FBI #691-589 NY State DCI #656155X PD Buffalo 2/4/27 CriL1innlly receiving stolen

property PD Buffalo 1/22/33 Possession of oachinory

with sorial numbGr filed otf - no bill (auto) PD Buffalo 6/13/3, Crio1nally rocoiving

stolen property Violation U.S. fur.1igration Law 12/16/,7


Joseph Barbara (~pnlachin, N.Ye) John C. (Buffc.lo, tieY" uncle of subject) Santo Volpe (Pennsylvania) Dominick AlallJo (Pennsylvania) l~gelo Scinndra (Pennsylvania) J or:lOS Plu.~eri al.ins Jlr.ll'ny Doyle eN. Y.C ~) Horn['.l} Stror.i.borg alias Nig Roson (N.YeCo) J chn Orr-lonto as Big J ahn eN. Y • C .) SalvlJ.t~re Loproto (N.Y.C.) .:..nthony Guarnieri (Johns:in City, N.Y.) iJlgolo P')lizzl (Ponnsylvania.) S,'X".1uel Do BolIn (Businoss pc.rtncr in Pittston) l-iodosto LoQuasto (Pc.mnsylvnnin)

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"'~Ssoc1o.tos i (cont'dtl )


oiWPENDIX non ... Pege §-n Russel J. Butfa11no

Castra Gu~onto alias CupPio (Ponnsylvnnla) Jack Paresi (N.Y~C. & Pennsylvania) Albert ~~astasia (docoased-nurdorod 10/2;/57) John Dio (N.Y~C.)-sorving tU.lEl tor extortion

Arrl ved with DeSil'June, Civello and Scozznri in eotor vehicle owned by Wil11no Modico alias Graco - ownor of Medico Eleotric . Motor Co~ipuny, Pittsburgh, Pn.o, wh:J .1s reputed to have boon ongo.god 1n illicit liquor truffle 1n 1928 to 1933.

':i.t tho tir:o tho No,", York stnto Tro:pors checkod his oar, 1957 black, Chrysler Ioporio.l, (PaG r~gistro.tioh #256SJ). the following occupants woro With h1r.l . on 11/1 5'/5'7:

Vito Gonovoso, 68 West Highland ~v~ntic, J~tlantl0 Highlands, N.J.

Garard;) Catono, 21 Ovurh11l Hoad, South Ornn50, N.J.

DOl:~inick Oliveto, 1157 Mo.gnc)lia 41venuo, Car.1don, N.J"

Joseph Ida, 108 L1nc81n Avenue, Highland ?ark, N~J.

Subject stayed at l:xlington Hotel, B1nghanton, New York, on March 18~ 1957 with Josoph Barbara, Vincenzo Ost~cco and Amgelo Sciandra - bill charged to Cnnada Dry Beverage Conpany of Endicott, Now York.

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Reputed Associates:



APPENDIX nO" - ~ago 9

IGNATIUS C~NON~ 3634 Rath Avenue Endwell, New York

November 12, 1925 - New York City

Owner of: "Natts" Place~ 400 North st .. , Endicott, N.Y.

Plaza Lounge, 1 End\,Tell Plaza, Endwell, N" Y.

Subj€lct 2 arrests 20 years ago, both for Disorderly Conduct; 1 involved a fight in Endwell, tho other was r.ll" shooting dice for which he was fined $2. Tho latter was_in Now York City.

Josoph Barbarc(

Mrs. Barbara (nee Vivona, subject's aunt)

Natale Evola (Subject's godfather) ( (Mrs. Joseph Barbara's cousin)

Subject trav01ed to Barbara's home alone in his own car.

Broome County'authorities have noted subject's automobile at places where crap games were believod to be in progress.

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Reputed Associa.tes:


APPENDIX itO U ..... Paga 10

ROY CARLISI 20 Anderson Place BUffalo~ No Y.

Ap~il 10, 1909 - Chicago~ Illinois

Owner Club 97 (l3uffalo) Restf~urr:tnt

FBI #1434575

Chicago; 1111n('i5 - #15913 .. 12/30/37 .... Violation Internnl HovenuQ Act -dischargod •.

SOS Wqr Department #40 C. W. B. Trial 1/4/43 - No dispcsiM.on.

Samuel Pitt1si John Termini Sam Dra.go Concorta Acquisto Michael Constcmt 0 Joe Romano

Cl.:.-imed to have been picked up by John Scalish, 11706 East Har~ington Street; Cleveland, and John fmtht)ny DeMarco, 3536 Hidane Street, Shaker Heights, Ohio, and James La Duca, Dana Drive, Lewiston, enroute to N. Y. C. on busi­ness and pleasure trip. Claimed he was not at Barbara house.

Brought to Vestal StatiGn by Trooper Fo A. Tiff'lny in car, license Nc. HM-373 Ohio ownod by John Scalish. Had ~300 on person.

Indicted for contempt (15 counts) by Tioga County Grand Jury on February 27, 1958~

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Reputed Associates:


APPEND!X ItOH - Page 11

PAUL CONS'I'ATINO CASTELLANO 1737 East 23 Street Brooklyn, N. Y.

April 6; 1912 - New York City

Butcher Owner EMCEE Barkets (6 s"toI'es) Office headquarters at 140 Fort Greene Place;

Brooklyn; New York.

FBI #824-437 NYC B#125933

·NYS DCI #653525X

PD NYC 7/3/34 ... 1897 P. L.-(1:fanted in Connecticut)

PD Hartford, Conn. 8/12/34-Robbery with violence-1 year jail - Supreme Court.

Armand Rava . Carlo Gambino (brother-in-law) MikE.: Miranda

Subject stated he was invited by Carlo Gambino, his brother-in-law, to drive him to Joseph Barbara's house. Gambino borrowed an auto from one Peter Ferrara. He was introduced to Armand Hava and lUke Miranda and drove them all upstate on November 13, 1957.

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Boton: .



Reputed Associates:

ApPENDIX flO WI. - Page 12

"GERARDO VITO CAT~O 21 O.erhill Road. So. Orange 3 N~ J.

January 8j 1902 - Newarkl N.J.

Employee and stockholder: Rurtyon Vending Sales Co. 221 FrelinghUysen Ave. Newark, New J'ersey

Presently (10/22/56) Personnel Director (formerly vice president) of! Maroal Manufacturing Co.

. . East Paterson, N. J.

, Former partner: Public Service Tobacco Co. Hillside, N.J.

Reported to have formQrly been an officer of: Kool Vent Metal Awning Co. of New Jersey and -gelaware.

Del #194089 X

a/ll/2J-Newark, N.J. - Shooting crap -Suspended Sentence 8/13/23

12/9/23-11ewark, N.J. - Gambling - Paid #.2 tine . on 12111/23

10/26/24 .... Nowark, N.J ..... Interfering with officer -2~yr. probation 1/26/25 - $50 1st wk,

$ 1 weekly the~

7/27/2'-Newarkt'N .. J. - Suspect - jatcrial witness $750:bai 'for Grand Jury, 7 28/26

8/5/26 - Harrison,NJ - Robbery -Indeterminate term Rahway Reformatory 1/19/2S

1/15/27-Newark, N.J .. - Grand Larceny (truck) . 9 months Essex County Penitentiary 4/11/27

l/~4/28-Rahway, N.J .... Robbery - State Reformatory; transferred to Ann Reformatory 1/28/29 Max .. 1/19/43

11/19/3 I-Newark , N.J. - Material witness in Pacelli murder case. Turned over to prosecutor's office 11/30/30

11/3/, N.J. - Loi~ring .. . 60 days suspended sentence 11/3/33

1/23/34-Hammonton S.P.,NJ - Bribery Federal juror-$1000 fine and 8 months County Jail 3/12/34

Albert Anastasia l Anthony Anastasia brothers Eugene Catena: Frank Catena ) . brothers Frank Costello Joseph Doto (alias "Joe Adonis") James 0 'Connell Joe Stracher Sa.lvatore "Lucky" Luciano (believed to havo met

Luciano in Havana after hie .deportat.ion trom Unitc;i-} States to Italy' '. ... .' '. .

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Associates: (co!'lttd)


l~palachin :

APPENDIX "C" ... Pago 12,!!

Albort Anastasia Anthony Anastasia Eugene Cntena) Frank Catona )brothers Joe Adonis James O'Connell Mike Mirnnda l .. nthony Guarino Angelo lYGyp" DoCarlo Joseph Barbara Vito GenoveSe Russell Buffalino Joseph Ida Dominick Oliveto Abner "Longie" Zwillnw.n Al Dugan Richard Bordiato Frank Cardinale, Hoboken 9 NJ

(Dec. 21, 1957) During th~ past eight mOfiths j

Subjeot made numerous trips to Havana~ Cuba. where he is alleged to havo large financial interest in g.'lmb1ing concessions at the Riviera Hotel ..

Information indicates that some of the funds used by C~tena wero suppliGd by Nevada gambling interestse Special note should be made of Catena's former ass0ciation with Joe Str~cher, who is connected with gambling·oporations in Nevadn.

Subject is mentioned 66 times in report of "Kefauver Committee.!V

Catena W:l,S riding in car driven by FLussell Buffalino checked at road adjoining Barbara property.

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APPENDIX ItGIl - Page 1)

CHM~tES SALVATORE CHIlU 2 Bridle Way Palisades, New York.

August 10; 1898 - Paler~o. Italy; citizenship status unknown.

Automot! ve Conveying Co. of N. iT.; Inc. Tl1ahwah ~ N. J.


12/26/40 - alien registration - no charge or disposition shown.

Mentioned three 'times in U. 3. Senate Committee for the Investigation of Organized Crime.

Registered at Del Motel, Binghanitoi'l. with party of three guests on November 13, 1957.

Brought to Vestal Station and questioned by Trooper R. C. Goer,. \fho identified subject through operator's license #0600974 NJ.

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ReputeQ. Associates:


APPENDIX tiO'· ... Page l~

JOSEPH FRJ1NCIS CIVELLO $)11 Denton Drive Da.llas~ Texas

February 3, 1902 - Fort Allen. Louisi~ha

Importer of food and liquor.

DC! #655196X

Dallas, Texas, PD #7265 - 7/14/28 ... Murder­exonerated.

Dallas, Texas, 1928 - served hO days in county jail for violation of liquor law.

Dallas, Texas; #7265 - 7~2g - violation of Harrison Narcotics Act and conspiracy.

Dallas, Texas J 117265 - 1/8/37 - violation of Harrison Narcotics Act - sentenced to 15 years in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary and 5 years probation. -

John Ormento Rocco Pellegrino Frank Desimone, California attorney (cousin)

Travelled from Scranton, Pa. to Barbara's in c~r operated by Russell Buffalino.

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Reputed Associates:


APPEND!! lYe It ... Fa/ge 15

SMilES cotLETT! 1415 dlaremoht AVenUe Pueblo t Colorado

October 3, 1897 - Itniy

Owner of the Colo:r<?do Cheese Gompnny of Pueblo, Colorado $

PD NYC &#8884

10/7/27 - Received stolen goods • dischnrged on 5/1/33

Jersey City PD #B7149 no disposition.

Disord~rly Person -

Robert Dionisio of Trinidad, Colorado John Spadaro of Brooklyn, New York Joseph Bonanno Fr,::mk Garafolo Carmine Galente John Bonvontre

Picked up by Trooper TenEyck and Trooper Smith on Little Meadows Rand, west of Barbara property, and brought to Vestal Station. Identified from Registration 2-17992 Colorado, 1954 Cadillac; 4-door sedan; operator's license K2-15791 Colorado. Supposed to h~vo flown to Binghamton and believed to have left by plane.

Registered at Airport 1'-1otel;Inc., Port Nc;wark, New Jersey, on l'JovGraber 12, 13, and 14, 1957.

(Frank Zito also registerod thore onthf~se dates. )

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APPENDIX nOli - Page 16

FILNK CUCCHIARA 228 Common street Wntertown; Mass.


March 29, 1~95 - Italy Naturalized on l.ugUst 10, 1931 ... Bostoh, Mass.

Treasurer and reputed owner of controlling irttorest in Purity Cheose Company, 55 Endicott Strectj since 1938, Boston., Mas.s.

FBI #4477 NYS DCI # 654319X

Boston, Mass., 9/28/15 - Asstlu1t and Battery -Discharged

Boston, Mass.j 3/26/25 Unlawful of morphine and dynamite. 4/11/25 - Not Guilty

Concord Court, 7/15/25 - Spe'


Boston Municipnl Court, 10/20/25 ... Lottory· ... $50 Paid _

PD Boston, Mass., 1/1/32 (alias Frank Caruso) Murder ... 7/1/32 - No bill

Boston Ivluni~ipa1 Court; 7/30/32 - Conspiracy to set up lottery

Concord Ccurt, 7/15/41 - Stop sign - $2 Paid

Manhattan, 10/19/23 (as Frank Cohnra) - Grand Larceny - 6/27/24 Suspended sentence

N. Y. C~, 11/26/26 (as Frank Cucchiara) -Selling n~rcotics - 12/28/26 - 1 yuar nnd 1 day

PD NY, 5/1/30 (as Frank Cohara) - Forgery-5/16/30 reduced to Grand Larcony in the second degreo - Suspended sentence

PD NY 2nd Div., 12/20/34 (as John Pcrnaci) Possession of still

Alcohol Tax Unit, 5/15/36 (as John Maio) -PossGssion of still - 8/4/36 - 9 months, $1000 fino (Newburgh, N.Y.)·

Alcohol Tax Unit, N.Y., 10/11/38 (as Joseph Pizzo) - Possession of still - Disposition unknown

NY, 12/16/40 (as Joseph Pizzo) - Conspiracy to erect still -5/11/41 - 6 months

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ReputGd Associates:


APPENDIX "c tt ... Page 16a

Christoforo Robina 114-31 - 221st Stroot Cambria Heights_ L. I., N. Y.

(Fugitive in narc~)tlcs cnso since 1955)

Carlo Gambino F'ranki e Carbo Philip Br'ucola (who. visitc;d Charlos r'Lucky" and Joseph Dote in Italy in 1957)

Subject claimed he came ,").lono to Barbara t s by train from Bcst('')h to B1nghainton; and then by cab to l~palachin.

Other evidence indicates that subject may have Conic with Carmine Lombardozzi, Joseph Riccobono and Natale Evola.

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Reputed Associates:


APPENDIX "C" ~ Page 11

DOMINICK D'AGOSTINO 2226 Ontario Avenue Niagara Falls, N. Y.

December 7, 1891 - Italy

ul1egediy unemployed, although believed to own a bakery in Niagara Falls; - Oht~rioi

( DCI #222824X

Buffalo, 11/2/30 - Harrison Narcotics Act and Conspiracy. Sentencod to six months in Erie CotlntyPenitentiary on conspiracy. Sentonced U. So. District Cctlrt to 4 years and 4 days in i~tlanta Prison, and sentGnce suspended and probation on four additional counts of assisting in concealment of . drugs, sale, and failure to pay federal tax.

Sam Lagattuta Rosario Mancuso

Joseph and Salvatore Falcone travelled from Utica with subject to Barbara house.

NOTE: Subject was indicted by Tioga CoUnty Grand Jury, .ipril 8 J 1958, on seven counts of criminal contempt.

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Reputed Associates:



APPENDIX liCit - ,tage 18

JOHN ANTHONY De MARCO 3536 Hidana Street Shaker Heights, Ohio

February 14, 190) - Italy - citizen

Real estate broker.

DCI #654684

12/13/26 - Detroit, I'1ich. - Robbery 1/28/27 Nolle prossed

7/)1/30 - Cleveland, Ohio ... Investigation -Nolle prossed

8/13/39 - Cleveland, Ohio - Convicted of Extortion - 8/10/42

9/15/42 - Columbus, Ohio - Convicted of 31ackmai1 - Sentenced 9/29/43 - 1 to 5 years

~ :

~/Z3/48 - Cleveland, Ohio - Investigation connected with bombing. No further record.

John Scalish

Riding in car wperated by John Scalish. Subject stayed at Parkway Motel with Scalish - Joe Barbara, Jr. making reservations.

Subpoena served for subject's appearance bofore Tioga County Grand Jury. He failed to appear.


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Reputed ,\ssocintes:


APPENDIX ?'C" - faga 19

FRANK DESIMONE 1f138 Adoree Streot Downey. C.~liro:rnia

July 11, 1909 - ?uebio, Colorado


No reccrd.

Michael Polizzo (Detroit) Russell Buffnliho

Sl.lbject mentioned in the repDrt of U. s. Senate Oommittee for investigation of Organized Crime.

'fravelled to .'~pn.lachin with Buffl1iirto, Give!lo nnd Scozzari.

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Reputed Associates:


APPENDIX "CI~ .. 'page 20

NATAliE JOSEPH EVOLA 792 Bay Ridge .. Parkway Brooklyn, N. Y.

February 22, 1907 - New York dity

President-Treasurer of Belmont Garment Delivery Company; 242 West 37th Street, New York City.

President';" Amity Garment Delivery Comparty) same addres s.

Operates Frateli Berio Distributing Company.

Subject is believed to exercise control OVer the shoulder pad industry with the, backing of Stracci, alias "Joe Stretch " and Harry Strasser throUgh the existence of a shoulder pad association which manufacturers arl:: required to join.

DCI #l98655X 8/1/31 .. NYC.,; 1897 P. L. - discharged 8/7/31

fj/5/32 - [\]"YC - Coercion - acquitted 9/13/32

Carmino G.31ente Frank Cucchiara - Boston; Mass. Ignazio Cannone - subject's godson Harry Strasser Joseph Straeci, alias "Joe Stretch ll

John Tartanello - V.P. Belmont Garmont Del. Inc. Joseph Barbara Nicola Cruppo Joseph Riccobono Carmine 1ombardozzi Alfred Angclieola - Paterson, N. J. Joseph Profaei Vincent Rao - Yonkers, N. Y •

. Charles B. Chiri - Pali'sados, N. J. Joseph Bonanno ~ Brooklyn, N. Y. John "Big John ii, Ormonto - Lido Boach, N. Y. Joseph Ha.glioeco

Subject picked up at roadblock on highway adjoining Barbara's propdrty. Driving 1957 Cadillac sedan owned by Alfred Angolicola of 600 Market Street, East Paterson, N. J. Did stay nt the Carlton Hotel, Bingh,':li1lton, N.Y. on November 13, 1957. With the subject at the time he was picked up was Frank Cucchiara of Boston, Massachusetts.

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APPENDIX "9 it, -Page, 20a

Sub ject callie to Ap?lachil1 with Cttrmine Lomb~rdozzi; Joseph Riccobono and Frank CUcchiara in Riccobonois ca~.

On November 14 sUb,ject with Louis tarnsso and Fr~hk Majuri stayed at the Carlton Hoto1 in Binghamtonj N. Y.; leavihg November 15, 1957.

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Reputed Associates:

APPENDIX ftC" - page 21

JOSEPH FALCONE 1623 Mohawk St. Utica, New York

January 27, 1902

r.'lanager of liquor st()re.

FBI #1697613 DCI #653 529X

u.s. Marshal Utioa - 1/24/39 Violation of Internal Revenue Liquor Tax -found Guilty 6/17/39 - sentenced 2 years - Penitentinry to be designated - $7500 fine to stand -Conviction reversed on appeal.

r~ .

In 1939 the A~T.U. agents of tho U.S. Treasury Department 1Clunched a lc..rge-scale investiga­tion of stills in the Utica area.

Salvatoro Falcone was belioved to be the head of all the illicit alcohol manufacture in this arec,. He also reputedly headed the Italian lottory in tho Utica e.rea. He was reported to control the shoe rop~irmen in Utica and to operate a monopoly in that field. It was reported th~t othor bootleggers operatod stills in this area, but were required to pay a tribute of $1.00 to Falcone for every can of bootlog alcohol made.

Joseph Falcone was believed by the A.T.U. investigators to be Salvatoro's chief aide.

The A.T.U. agents failed to secure proof. Salvatore ~ver appeared upon the scene of any illegal endeavor; ho never visited any of his stills; he never bought any of tho necessary products for the making of e..lcohol, nor did he ever visit any of the Italian lottery drops.

Tho A.T.U. agents estimated in 1937 th'lt Salvatore Falcone was worth from one to five million dollars.

In 1936 Salvatore visited Italy and made a large contribution to some public fund and was cited publicly by Mussolini. Upon his return from Italy, he wns met in New York City by his brother Joseph and by John Montana.

Salvatore and Joseph Falcone have invested in many legitimate enterprises in the Utica area.

Salvatore Falcone reputedly is an important leader in the Italian underworld. He now resides in Florida, 1652 N.W. 62nd Street, Miami ..

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APPENDIX "e ff - Page 22

SALVATORE FALCONE 1652 Oonkling Avenue Utioa, New York

August 17, 1891 - Italy

Operates grocery store 1n Miami, Florida

FBI #1697794

u .. S. Marshall, Utioa, N.Y. - 1/9/,39 Violation or Internal Revenue Liquor- '/17/39 found guIlty - 6/21/39 sentenced to 1 year and 5 months. Penitentiary to be designated and $1000 tine to stand eomm1 tted. Reversed,.

In 1939 the A. T. U. agents of the U. S. Treasury Department launohed a large-soale investigation of illicit stills in tho ' Utioa area.

Salvatore Faloone was believ6d to be th0 hoad of all the illioit aloohol manufaoturo in this area. He also reputedly headed the Italian lottery in tho Utioa aroa. He was

~', rep;rtedrto OO'ntrol the shoe repairman in Ut10a and to operate a monopoly 1n that r1eld~ It wns reported that other bootleggers operated stills in this area, but were required to pay a tribute of $1.00 to Faloono for every oan of bootleg alcohol made.

Brother, Josoph Faloone, was believed by the A. T. U. inVestigators to be Salvatore's Chief £tide.

The A. T. U. ag~nts failed to seouru proof. Salvatore never appeared upon the soehe of "Lily illegal endeavor; he never visl ted any of his stills; he never bought any of thf; neoessary produo'ts for the making of alcohol, nor did he 0ver visit a.ny 'of the Italian lottery drops.

The A. T .. U. agents est:lmated in 1937 that Salvatore Faloone was worth from one to five million dollars.

In 1936 Salvatoro visited Italy and made a large contribution to some public fund ond was oi ted public 1y by Mussolln1. 'UrO!} his return from Italy, he was met 1n New York City by his brother Joseph and by John I1ontana ..

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APPENDIX 'i'e'i - Page 22-a:


Salvatore and Joseph Falcone have invosted 1n many legitimate enterprises in the Utica area.

Salvatore Faloone reputedly is an important leader in the Italian underworld. He now l'.esides in FlorIda, 1652 N.· W. 62 Street, Miami.

Salvatore Falcone was ono of the partioipants at the Apalachin meeting· on November 14, 19,1, arrIving at tha meeting in an automobile operated by his brothor, Joseph, and ocoupied by Dominic DtAgostino; Sam Lagattuta and Rosario (Russell) Mancuso. . .

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Reputed Associates:

Apalachin: .

APP~NDIX "C" - Page 2)

CARLO GAMl3ItiO 2230 Ocean Parkway Brooklynj No~ York

AUgUst 24, 1902 - Palermo. Sicily; Italy (alien) .

Associated with S.chriller, ... G~bino & Salsteih 141 East 44th street,N.r.c.

. (laborrelatiohs consultants),

Reputedly has financial interest in Carrol Paper Pr0ducts Company 412 - Jrd Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.

FBI #334450 PD' NYC #B 128760 . NY 001 114675761

LS'Wrence, l\.Iass .... 11/13/31 - Stlspicicn case dismissed.

Brockton, Mass. - iO/9/34 - Grand Lar'ceny • Nolle prossed - made restitution $1000.

Phi1a., Po.. - 6/17/'37 - Violation Internai Revenue Act (Still) - 22 months in Lewisburgh, Pa. Federal Penitentiary.

Subject has several fede'ral alcohol tax arrests, most of which have been dismissed.

Santo Sorge Josepb Bonanno Thomas Lucch()se (alias "Throe-fihger Brown")

Subject's son is married to Lucchese's daughter.

Charles ftLucky" Luciano (deported to Italy) Jl.1ike Miranda Paul Castellano (~rother-in-Iaw)

Subject's brother, Paul Gambino, fled to Italy to avoid prosecuti0n in ,a Federal alcohol case.

Subject was suspected by immigration authorities to bo involved in smuggling aliens into Phil~dclphia, Pa., May 1948.

Subject went to Apalachin in borrowed car with Armand Rava, Mike Miranda, and his brothor­in-law Paul Castellano. .

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. Occupation:


RepUted Associates:


APPENDIX "ott .. Page 21t


Gibsonia, Pat

April 9, 1919 - Pittsburgh; Pat

Owner of Archie's Auto Car Wash

FBI #4373362 .DCI #654686x

Pittsburgh, Pa. - 9/14/36 - Robbery 2 years - Probation.

PD Youngstown t Ohio - 6/16/45 - Concealed 'despon - Indicted 9/13J45 - arraigned and pleaded Not GuIlty 11/21/45. Nolle proseqUi.'

Gabriel Nannarino Frank Valenti Vito Genovese (relative) Sam Russor Pittsburgh, Pa. Gyp Conta do » Anthony Visco n Chuck Teemer f, Ralph Arcadia. " Boots Bellini tI

Danny Bellini " Noon Mullins " Richard Ambrose " James Pecora u

Joseph Suxia u Charles Brusco n Anthony Febraro " Arthur Rocca tr

John LaRocca " Anthony LaRocca " Edward Trunick " Fiore Genovese " Chester Grassi fl·

Subject was identified in the same car with James Osticco, Gabriel Mannarino and Angelo Sciandra.

Registered at Arlington Hotel, BinghruntoIl, N.Y. 11/1)/57 with John LrUtocca of Coin Machlnc Diet. Co. Registration made by Joseph Barbara 11/12/57 and charged to Canada. Dry Bottling Company. .

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APPENDIX "ott ... Pngo24a

Ai'ehie' s Auto Car '~'ashf Pittsburgh; Pa.

In 19561n partnership with John La Rocca . in the L &. G Amusement Compr,ny( coih­. operated machines), Pittabui'gh; Pa.

In 1956 waS employed as' a salesman by the North Star Cement Company, Pittsburgh. Pa.

Alleged to be hend oj' "numbers" racket in the East Libe~ty district of Pittsburgh, ra.· ,.'

A1leged to have concealEid interost in .. Genovese Cocktail Lounge, 412 Larimer

Avenue; East Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Concetlled.interest·in tho notorious' , ,iClub 30," restaurant and gambling ba.sino located on Routo 30, just west of the Pennsylvania state line inChestor; \'lest Virginia.

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APPENDIX ftC" - Pago~£2

VITO GENOVESE W_ Highland Ave. and A"e. d Atlantic Highlands, N.J.

(Formerly 130 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Highlands, N,J.)·

Borh: November 2lt 1897 - Resiglino, NapleSj Italy

Naturalized: November 25, 1936

Denaturalized: November 1953; on charges he had conceaied his criminal record.


He is scheduled for deportation trial in Federal Court~ Newark, New Jersey.

Waste Paper Removal, 106 W. Houston St.,N.Y.C.

Erb Strapping Company, 180 Thompson St.i NaY.C.

General manager of Colonial Trading Company (Rags and Waste Paper) 527 Hudson St., N.Y.C ..

Other Activities &. Interests Reported: Said to receive $20,000 weekly from Italian


policy operation in Now Jersey;

Believed to have dog track interests in Montauk Beach, . Virginia, and South Carolina; and a stake in the Monte Carlo lottery iIi Europe.

Reputed to have financial interests in:· Moroccan Village - 23 W. 8th St., N.Y.C. Caravan Club - 578 W. Broadwcy, N.Y.C. Savannah Club 66 W. 3rd St;" N .. Y.C. 82 Club - 82 E. 4th St., N.Y .. C.

Alleged to have financial interests in: Sea Coast Liquor &. Beer Distributing Company of Fairhaven, N~J., operated by his son, Phillip Genovese, and the latter's wife, the former Rose Marie Ca1endri11o ..

Reputedly possesses interests in legitimate power plants in Italy.

DCI #166 080

1/15/17 - N.Y.C.-1897 P.L. (Gun) 6(4/17- 60 days Workhouse

4/23/18 - Queens IN. Y. - Felonious iLssault 4/30/18 - Discharged

4/25/24 - N.Y.C$ - 1897 P8L~ (Gun) 4/26/24 - Discharged

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Arrests: . (cont'd)

APPENDIX ftC..!!. .. 'page 2.5a


5/13/24 - BrooklYn; N.Y. - Homicido (A~to) 6/3/24 - Discharged

1/11/25 - Hoboken; N.J. - Disorderly Person -1/20/25 - Disch~rged

7/25/25 - N.Y.C. - Burg1ary 7(25/25 - Discharged

10/10/25 - N.Y.C. - Homicide (Gun) 10(13/25 - Discharged

1/9/27 - Brooklyn, N.Y. - 1897 P.L. 1/21/27 - Fined $250 nnd 30 days

1/13/31 - Jersey City, N. J. - Gtl.rrying dan~erous wenpon -2/3/31 - No indictment - Dismissed

12/4/34 - Brooklyn, N.Y. - Homicide (Gun) (See below - same case.)

9/28/44 - N~Y.CG - Wanted for murder Apprehended (See below - same caso.)

6/2/45 - N.YeC. - Murder, 1st Degree 6/10/46 - Discharged .

Genovese. is reputed to have fled to Italy to escape prosecution for the murder of Ferdinanc Boccia, Brooklyn gangster.

During World War II, Genovese acted as interpreter for numerous American military governmont officials in Italy. At the same time, he was also active in the black market: stealing U.S. Army trucks, driving them to supply depots; loading them with flour, sugar, and other supplies; the truck was then driven to a place of concoalment and unloaded. The trucks wore then destr~'yed.

He was arr8sted by Army officers but never tried on tho black market ch~rge. He wns returned to the United States and turned over to offici.::tls of Kings County, to stand trial for the Boccia killing. Tho witness had died -Genovese was E!.cquitted. The witness, Santos, was murdered in the Flatlands section of Brooklyn 0

-NOTE: Genovese is #130 on the United StntesNarcotics List of

major violaturs.,

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Reputod, ' 1,a$jciates:


]"palachin:, '


Mike Miranda Johii, Caputo Frank Cc)stello uoseph,Profaci RUss~ll Buffalihd Sal vat~)re Chiri' VincorttRao Thotrtas Luccheso Jerry Catohn Anthony Pnt8rno Salvatore Moretti' Poter'La Placa

, i~bn0r Zmllman JrunesLyhch George Smurrn J ohnR:Jbilotto Albert Anastasia \1illiam Cardinale (chauffeur) Charles (Lucky) LUci,:lnc iLngolo (Gyp) De Carlo , Tony Bondor;a/k/a/ Strollo Joseph Doto (Joe ~dortis) , " ' l~ndy Richards (ower of bar and package st'")ro

in Atlantic Hiehlands, N.J.), "

Carmine Genov,' ese '(brother,) - Asbury Park, N.J. Michael Genovese (brnth<:;r)- 131 Riverside Drive,

N.Y.C~ , Philip Genovese (son), -, married, to Rose Mario

" Onlandrillo whn operatestheSoaCc'nst Liquor tr.. Beer Distributing 00.; Fair Haven, N.J. '

Subject was picked up ut roadbldck on highway adjoining Barbara's prcporty)ridirtg with

'" , Buffa1ino.

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Reputed Associates:

Apalachin, 11/14/57:

APPENDIX HC" • Page 26

ANTHONY FRANK UOOV" GUARNiERI 3619 Royal Road Johnson Oity; N.Y.

May 1, 1910 - Utica, N.Y~

Dress contractor

Vice president of.Tri Oities Dress COe, Inc., Binghamton; N.Y.

President-Treasurer of Owego Textile Co. OWego, N.Y.

FBI #5073273 NYC PD B#319216 NY DCI #20B194X

Broome County Jail- 3/13/4$ - Illegal possession of firearms .. -- Reduced to niisd.. . 11/19/52 - Sent to Broome County Jail-for 4 m6nths - $300 fine

PD Binghamton, N.Y. - 12/5/45 - 974 P.L. (tottery) Disposition unknown

NYS Police, Sidney, NDY. - 3/12/4$ - Lottery -Final charge; Sec. 5$0 and Sec .. 1376 P .. L. 5/2/48 - Fined $1500 . .

PD NY 16 Pct. - 10/)/52 - Felonious Assault, reduced to Assault, 3rd Degree 10/7/52 - Dismissed

Russell Buffalino Louis Stromberg (brother of Herman) Herman Stromberg (alias tlNig" Rosen) Patsy Sciortino Joseph Profaci Louis Marconi Mike Blandia Angelo Sciandra James (Doyle) Plumeri Nick Alaimo Joseph Barbara Joseph Lapadura

Friedman's Express, used by Owego Textile Co. '0 transport goods to N.Y.C., is reported to be owned by Abraham Chait, formerly of the Bronx j

a questionable character reputed to be a "muscle" operator in the underworld.

Contacts have been established between Buffalino and James (Doyle) Plumeri, a notorious under­world character.

Subject was apprehended in a 1957 Oldsmobile, operated by Patsy Monachino. Other passengers were Sam Monachino, brother of Patsy both from Auburn, N.Y., and Joseph Profacl of Brooklyn, NeYo .

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Occupation: .



APPENDIX ftC ,; - Page 27

BARTOLO GUCdlA 202 Oak Hill Road Endicott, N. Y.

December 28; 1891

Fish peddlor. self-e~ployed.

DCI #699

1916 Workhouse, N.Y. - Possession Revolver 3 months

3/30/17 - Carrying weapon - Ind. Sent.

1923 - Reported by N.Y. Co. Pen. Bank Robbery

1/2/23 - Binghamton, N.Y. - Breaking and entering

1924 - Reported by N.Y. Co. Pone Bootlegging

10/22/)6 - Bath, N,Y. - Murder, 1st Degree

10/24/36 - Bath, N.Y. - Violation Sec. 1044 P.L. Not Guilty

12/28/36 - Bath, N.Y. - Violation Sec. 1044 P.L.

Picked up at roadblock on highway adjoining Barbara's property.

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Reputed Associates:


APPENDIX "0 ft ... 28

JOSEPH IDA 108 Lirtcoln i"i. ve. Highland Park, N.J.

July 26, 1892 - Tuitnare, Italy

Automobile s.!11esman for DeAngelis Brothers, New Brunswick, N.J.

F.B.I. #23312A D.C.I. #654343X

Palisados Park, PD #21169 - 8/g/36 Section l5-B .Ch. 114 P.L. - 1935 $1D fino and $3 fine

Ralph Sarceno Alfred DeMarrco Mike Clemente Rocco Pellogrino

Stopped at roadblock in automobile with Russell Buffalino. Trnvel1edfrom Apalachin, N.Y. with:

Joseph Oliveto Gerry Cateno Vito Genovese

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Reputed Associatos~



APPENDIX ttd" .. P:lge 29

J AII1E$ V. La DUCA DnnA Drive Lewiston 1 N.Y.

October 19,1912 - BUffaloj N.Y,

Secretary and Treasurer of Hotel and RestaUrant Workers.Unfonl Buffalo, N.Y. (Resignedafter Apalach1n 1nc1dent.)

Secretary and Treasurer of Magaddino Memorial Chapel; Inc.

In 1939; chauffeur employed by Van Dyke Taxi Co. (owned by JoJm C. Montana) ...

Alleged to have had a concealed interest in _ Charles Distributing Company, former holder of wholesale boor license, Niagara Falls, N.Y. through his wife, Angelina Magaddino La DUca.

Steve Magaddi:lo (La Duca's father-in-law) Willie Moore (New jersey hoodlum) Paul Palmeri (New Jersey hoodlum) Joe Di Carlo of Yotingstown, Ohio and Buffalo, N.Y. John C. Montana

DCI #653535X

Twice for traffic infractions in Buffalo, N.Y.

No kno\<n1 criminal record

La Duca was stopped on highway noar Binghamton, N • Y. on Route 17, by Troopem F. A. Tiffany and C.F. Erway, and brought to Vestal Station. Identified through chauffeur's license 7026569 NY and registration 62 JL (NY) for 1957 Lincoln coupe. Subject's car was observed at Barbara's residence on November 13 and at the Parkway l\10tel on November 13 and 14. Hotelroceiptsfound in wQstepaper basket in motel for J9.mes V. LaDuca from Lexington Hotel, N.Y.C., for November 7-11, 1957, and Utica Hotel, November 12, 1957. .. . .

While at tho Lexington Hotel, hophbned Joseph Falcone on 11/9/57, 11/12/57, and four calls on 11/11/57. .' '. .

'La Ducat when picked up on Route 17 after raid, was r1ding in car Registrcttion Hl\1 373 Ohio, . issued for 1957 Cadillac sedan to Buckeye Cigarette Service Co., Cleveland, Ohio. In the car were John Scn1ish of 11706 E.Harring­ton St., C1evoland, and John Anthony DeMarco of 3536 Hidana 3t., Shaker Heights, Ohio, both of whom were subpoenaed by this office to appear before the Tioga County Grand Jury I but did not appear ..

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Reputed Associatesf


APPENDIX 't~ - 30

SAl,mEL Lli.GATTUTA 555 Lafuyette St. Buffalo, New York

April 7, 1897 - Italy

Painter ;0; solf-empl'Jycd

FBI #1348437 bCI If12945~ .

PD BUffalo, #301$1 - 4/3/33 ... Arson, 2nd Degree •. Indictment Dismissed

PD Buffaio; #30181 - 8/13/37 - Inv~ of murder -11/24/37 DischCci.rged by City Court, Bl.1~falo

PD Buffalo, #30181 - 8/14/37 M 1897 P.L .... Indi<?tm0nt.Dismissed

.JoM Montana Rosario Mancuso Joseph Falcone Salvatore Falcone

Subject travelled to Barbara meeting with the Falcone brothers, Mancuso, and Joe bi Carlo. (identified with rackets of tho 1920's).


..,- .. "

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Reputed Associates:

Apalachin: .

LOUIS MJTHONY LARASSO 115 Dohaldscn Place Linden, N .. J.

Novetnber 13; 1926 - Elizabeth, N. J.

Labor foreman. Formerly Trustee of Local 394; COllirron L~borers L3nd Hod Can-iars. Resigned 12/15/57.

Ahthony Rieia Vito Genovese Joseph Ida Dominick Olivetto Emanuel Rj.ggi . Albert Doyle

Registered ~t Carlton Hotel! Binghamton,' N. Y. at midnight on 11/14/57 with F~nk Majuri nrtd Nat81e Evola.

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AFPENDIX "e" - P,jge 32

Ci.R!-lINE LOMBARDOZZI 114 Stratford Road Brooklyn, N. Y.


February 8, 1913 - New Y.::>rk City

1951 - Stevedore, Brooklyn Dock Monti ~~ClrinEJ Corp.


10/1/29 6/13/30

6/22/31 6/5/31

11/3(1)/41 6/1/45 1/12/42 8/3145 . 1/7/46 6/2/48 10/11/51 10/28/52

King StrcEJt & Best River Brooklyn; N. Y •.

(Reput edly off iIi at cd· wi t h f>Jh bile Power Co., 624 Coney· Isl::md, Brcok1yn, N. Y.

and. Suporicr Tra ding Corp. )

DCI /,l114397

Brooklyn Brooklyn Kings Co. N.Y.O. Brooklyn


Homicido (auto) Burglary Unlawful. Entry Dis. Con. ;~bduct ion -HI) p e

11/21/29-dis char ged 6/24!30-t "

S.S. 6/25/31 - 3 days

Ccmnlaint t.:1ken fer' vngre.ncy, 9/6/31 - 20 days

1897 P.L. Dismissed 986 P.L. $75 fine

Brccklyn Brooklyn Applic:mt Bror'klyn Brc·-klyn Br,_' (- kl yn

fer Co·~st Guard Explosive, Card. 986 P .L.JtlOO or 60 days

Brook lyri N.Y.C.

986 P •. L. Jr150 or 60 d2YS 986 P .L. . ,;p150 cr 60 deys CO~TOnGambler 60 days - 4/15/52 Dis. Con1. 30 cbys in


RGputed :\.sScci::1te s: Joseph Klein (B87856)

/.ngel0 Russo; 1015-63rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Al Newm::m ~1ichael Scnndififl

. Lou is De Fil1ippo Htlro1cl. .. \.1 terman ;.rigo Goara sso Joseph Riccobono Frank Cr-ruso . Joseph !.gone GeorgEJ Smurra (B70745) Frank (The Bug) Caruso· (B73604) Pat Esposito SabQto Muro MC1X Ttmonbaum Gina Lospina Natale Evola Frank·Cucchiara Roc co Pellagriho Frank Tierri

, )

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in the 1940'b subject :l.s ro!.!utedt0 h~ve bCf)n eng ,1 ge d in bev: kro king ..

Betweon 1938-1943 subjoct w~s hirih~ boss ~t the,:i.rmy t·':lse~t 58th Streot ::md First iNontie, Brook lynj N. Y if

SUbject WQS able to settle Inbor trouble d.uring 1950-1952 when l'Tcnti f/;arino Co. \-"38 inve:lv cd in th :~ m::dntun::lhc e le,c.:1l on West Sido c:f New York.

!ri 1953subj cct ·W!) s investigated by Brcoklyn Or':') n.4. Jtiry ,!1 S pos s1 ble Pl1 yoff man fo r ' gamblors -jUring tho ::-erind 1946~1952.

Subject is br:Jlioved tc have rn.:;de sizable lo~ms to bookmakers and policy oper<:1tors -

, ce· tlT';)11 int s of Shyl~.cking ':.'n thG waterfr0h t , hewe been n\!l de agbinst him, but not

, SubstAntic;'lted. ' '

Cnme t ('I Bnrbar.9 t s wi th ~btale Evola. His c,~r [lIse cnrried, Jcseph RiccobC'no '

, mt d Fran k Cucchinrn.

Went to Utica, N. Y. with 'l.ony Anastasia to attend the wedding of Anastasiats nephew Antonio. ' ,

1954: C'onneated with Hi-Tone Amusement Company, Brooklyn; New York (coin-operated machines).

Publio relations ,man with the Gray Steamship Lines, Pier 51,· North River; New York.

. '

Owner 'ot Mao Phi to.N'I; Brooklyn, New York (brass platers).

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·\sso ci ates:



;\i't'P.:NDIX lid lt - Page 33 ... a

9t.ephon M£lgar:1.dinC', brcther of Anth"'my, is 2r'Csldent; rtirect( r,m-l st('ckhcl(~.e:r of t'('\rlor City Distribut inr: Gel ..

stephen Hngadrlino h.? s a son Peter who is inarriorl tc [\ niece cf uohn C. llilontana. Stephen rvia;.:-a rldinr t s daup:ht er is ITa rri ed to Charl es r..rontana; a nephew cf John C. Ml")ntanEl; an0ther daUghter is tnarriet1. t(l James V. La DUca.

San Scre Frank V('11onti Domin ick D t i.r:ostitlo R '~;y C,Jrlisi--Joe Di Carlo (~lob lor:c~er cf Youngst(:·wn, Ohio -

fermor ly of Btiff£llo, N. Y.) w'illio Moore), . Paul Palmeri) New Jersey rackoteers.

J.nthony Mag,](ldino was picked up cn BcF~o.(1.en Rond near Barbara property by Troopers Sackel 2nd Nuthy, ~mr:1 brc·u.zht tr) Vestal Statirm ."Incl. quest irme d by Tro0p or Vasiskc •

. :mthrn y cl' 0. he came t·, visit t.Toseph BArbarEl, .sr. \'n th Jrhn C. rJIr:ntnna.

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Foreign Criminal Record:


Af."lrfHONY (:lNTON±O) Ml~Gj.DDINO 1528 Whitney Plnco Niag~r8 Falls. N.Y.

June 18, 1897, Castel1emereL Italy. Entered United States on Nrvcmber 1, 1923 -·9. oS.. PC1tria

Nnturalizen - Niagarn Falls, N. Y., on June 21, 1948


Vice-president of M[1gDddino Memorin1 Gh[1pel,Ince, Niagara Street and Portage Rd., (2404 South . Avenue) Niagara Falls, N. Ye

Fing7erprinted at Ventimiglia, Italy on 2 29/16 on charge of falsifying a passport und,er the nnme of l...ntonio Giovanni MDrgardino.

, In custody at· Ventimiglia, Italy on 3/15/16 for clandestine actiVities - Released

. 4/16/16.

Arrested Dt CDstellemare, Italy on 8/14/16 for Homicide. He was discharged on 7/23/17; insuff icient evidence to prosecute.

January 29; 1929, Magistrate of Trapini -Receivo~ amnesty for using false pDssport.

June 19, 1928, CDstellemare del Golfo -denounced fer Rnbbery, Rapo and Extortion committed in 1924.

Mttrch 1, 1930, TribunAl of Trap[1ni Court 0 f J.i.p1')e{11s - traveling with:>ut a passport -Rele a serle

Magad:linCl's older brother, Pietro Magaddino I was shot and killed by the Buccillato brothers in Italy - particulars not known.

FBI #947466

U.S.I. & Nat. Service - 2/21/35 - Violation U.S. Immigration laws - no disposition.

!.nthC'ny cmd .3tephen Magaddino "lere requested to appeAr before the Federal Grand Jury in 1952 [It Buff[~lo N. Y. - Ro: Gamblm g con­ditions in the ~ity of Niagara Falls, N. Yo

Anthony invoked the Fifth Amendment before the SLA 12/19/57.. . ' .

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Born :

Occup t:'It ion :


Reputed Asso clates!

Hela t fv()s : .

Ap~l:1chin: .

APPENDIX liOtl - Page 34

JOSEPH MAGLIOCCO. Bay View Avenue East IsliPi N.Y~

June 29J la98 ... tri11abot~, Palermo, Sicily, Italy~ .

Snteredthe United states in ·1924 - Adtnitted to U. S. citizenship in Brooklyn, N. Y.·

Pri'or to 1933, Mag110ccowas in the olive oil business~ In 1933, he coinmenced operating Sunland. Beverage Co e .,

wholesale 'beer distributor - licensed , sine e June 14; 1933,; He is sole' stockholder.

DOl t164l15X

No'vember 20, 1930- fot' transporting wine. Convicted. in F~dGral Court; Brooklyn, N. Y. ~ fined ~l.OO , ' , '

. . . '.

1928 - arrested for poss~ssion, of a gun and 6 ounces of alcohol. Produced gun permit. Both charges dismissed.

Joseph Profa ci . ,. . Sebastino Nani (Internc?tional List of

Fed,eral N~rcotics, Bureau) Salvatore. MezzAsalmo ' ) John M. Balsamo ) Emanuel Cammarata' , ). Sal vt)tore (Lucky) Lucil:lno) Narcotics.' ". Santos Traffi.cante, Sr.) '. Suspects:

(Tampa, Fla.) , ),

Subject fs sister iSTMrried to Joseph ProfacL " .

l~agliocco ~ttended Clove1:md meeting of r.~afia in 1926 lAl'ith Jos6ph Profaci. . .'

Sub jo ct registered ~ t Hot el Sterling,. Filkos-B<1rre, p[;!., on November 14 ' ~nd 15, 1957, following Apalachin meeting •

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APPEl\TDIX IIC" .. Page 34 ... a

SUbject' is a stockholder in the i','ard Trading Cbmpany, 170 Lawrence Aveet Brooklyn, N. Y • This is a holding

. company which comprises Alpine Vine & Liquor; Rsmapo !,'line &. LiqUor; .. ' '.' .....

. Universal, Liquor Corporaticri; i:iebstet • • . '. Lawrenc e &Cotnpany , "Inc. ; , 181 Lawrence

'. hVenue Corporation; andth(}i~rrowLinen . ElupplyPorporaticn •. The aforementioned

., irtter.;.rolated,butthe, . sub je ctshows a s.~ stcc kholder iri .

. Ill"row Linen" Supply 0nly~ ,'rrrot.lservices '. most ofthenirpt clubs, rcstnurohts t

one! bElts in New Yorkqity. .'

FrankBonfiglio~ flJrmeromerof Arrow . and its prcsCJJt sales m;:mager, is clos(;lyossoci~t ed ,,,,i th Frank .

'. Oostello.· Bonfiglio h,?d dinnor with Costello the evening that he, Costello, W3S shot.

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, APPUiTDIX li'C,,1 - :page 32

FHANK 'I'HOHAS I,UJURI 629 SbuthBrc.:1d St. 'Eliznbbth, . N. J •

. April 18, 1909- Ne~T Yorkvity

Occup~t1crU '. V1C0 president ofLt~bor Loc:11 i?361I-j' . ' .. Morris Ave., Elizabeth; N.· j. ..'


Construction Hcrkc.r fOr O. F. Braun, Linden, N. J ..

FBI 1~110 23 g6 NY S~ate DJI ;:355 325X

l'D,Dunellon; )r .. j~ . 3/3/33 ·..;;i:ls "iIi'rimk .' M~uii"i t( - G0hspiracy to Oommi t Rob b ery

6/16/33-' no, b i11

. . .

PDj'LongBranGh,N.J it ~O/12/J5- IllegCll . ...... .' '. .t"ossess ion of Liquor

.10126/35"';'fined ~\ .


r~cnmouth COlmty,.. .' 5/11/36- 'Vi~latiQn" . Jail, .... ,of S co. 4e ~1lld 84 of

10/2/)6 - 3 years . , probation; .' ..

F:reeho1d,N. (J;; .the LBC Act and C0ntempt

I"':i.ned~~500 .

ibrtfcrd, donn. 12/30/37 "';'as iiFrahk ·Gaga1inno" -Illicit. m..-:'nufacturo cf alcohol

3/11/38 -g mos. joi1; fined $200

· ,1I1ith int ent to sell · .". . . .

'NYSP, TrbopC , . . Sidney , N.Y. .

· '5130/50-DisordEJrly . . 'Conduct . . ."

. . ..

. Fined $50' . . . '., ..' -'. ,.- .:.'

. .

. ~DJ . Lindeti .,.N.~·J .... '10/27/54- Boc;km.:lkirig . ,'·rj/31/56:-1':to . .2 .• yrs •. pro- '.

bationi' '.' .. ......•.. . fined:jjl)OOO


Reputed .. ', Associntes: .

Apalach:in :

. Because of the raid in Aptllachin, this' '. .subjectwns·· found in· vlolntion 'of his

.... NetrrJersoy p~bjtion Emcl is ,at present· . in New ,Jersey State Priscnta' serve his . . rem~ii1:ingprobnticn term ns of ·12/3/57."

Lc;tiis!i.. Larrasso', New Jersey

'Nataie Evo1tl went to .Apalachin withsubj€ct .. ' .. <:ind b~th registered <: t the Carltcn I-kitel, .

'. Binghamton,N., Y. ~ 11/14/57 midnight,· with ~~nthcny Larrasso 'f!he has no known

. crimin eol record.

"', ..•. Subject "was'stoP?ed"near . B~rb~ro t s .home6n · ·.I~OFtlddelt Rd., driving .a 1956 Chrysler; '.,>

. License . No. UC 5997 NJ, registered tc,James Mer10,35 Loomis St., Elizabeth, N •. J~

. - ".,~l':" 0".

;'-' .

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\ Occup3ti(~n:

j~rrest :

Reputed Associatc)s ~

":~p~ 1a chin :


HO:3:.RIO H:.N CU SO 926 .:.rthur St. UticCl, l~. Y.

Jan Uc: ry 29, 1907 - Bufftllc, ~T. Y.

Ccncret\~ bus inc ss

FBI /!731-025A

H~rtf0rd, CeM. (jj22~26), 3/25/51 -Assault with intent t,:) commit murdor. Disposition, 4/17/51, n"t less tron 2 ncr ml'.r (; t hnn' 5 yo~ rs

SEd. v:->t r rc FDl co ne Jc seph Fn lcr;n€J ,Jnmos La Duca

Mnn cuse has o<:3en invcstig,9ted in ccnnoc­tion with g,1mbling nctivities in tho Utic09 area, [1S well as at lar~8 contr3ct()rS' :;rojocts in varil'us loctlities in New Ycrk State.

Travel€Jd to Barbara's with Uoscph F:11ccn0, Salv,::'tr:;rc Falcone, J nd Samuel La g8tt uta

Subject h'JS (;vn~c1 sorvice cf su1:po~na by Tioga C:,:'unty Gr~nri Jury, ,"'nel, hJ.S prE) sent whero2b,-uts C1re unknown.

In November of 1953 elected president of Local 186, International Hod Carriers and Common Laborers Union of America. Anthony Falange was elected secretary-treasurer, and Carl Giardino elected business agent of above union. The territorial jurisdiction of this union extended to portions of Essex and Franklin Counties, as well as throughout C linton County.

On December 4, 1953, after a complaint by Thomas R. North, District Attorney of C linton County, New York, ,to Fred Melito, state traveling representative of tho Hod Carriors Union, Melito obtninedthe reSignations of Rosario Mancuso and Anthony Falange, officers of Local 186.

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G,'.BRIEL MANN:,RINo 540 Gh:;r1cs Ave. New Kensingtcn, Po.

Octe·ber 31, 1916 - New Konsini;ton; I'd it

Occtipaticn : Self - Ken Ir·:m & StE!(;l Co.


sr GreenbUrg, Pa.

pn Pittsburgh,Po j ,

DCI l6594l6X

7?:~5137 - 3/31/31 - Gnming - F &: C

§30307 - 11/18/34 ~ Vi01aticn of the Liquor LtlWS - rJot Guilty

SF Greonburg,l'a. #A5l37 - 4/20/36 S~' Rcbb. -Dischnr<?,cd

;¥167g .... 4/27/43 - Fire .\rms :.ct -Nc (lispnsit ien

SF Groenburg, F.g j (!fl5137 ~ 9/12/45 - Lottery ... l~. .

US Marshal, Pittsburgh; Pa.

Reputed J\SSc:ci1tes:

\ 1 h"· ;~pa a c J.n.


;t>25 .-mdcosts

/~14901 - 5/22/56 .- Obstructing Justice - .i.cquittcd.

G1brie1 Hnnn,grino':'nrl his br~\thers ()~;ned the Stms Sellci Hc,tel, Hav";lna, Cut-a, p tonE; t ime • Th e prose nt 0WTI er, LOOIS St.NTOS, W:1S nlso::lt /lp81achin, N. Y. (Lett ('~ry) .

v~'hen stop~ecl nt i\palachin, N. Y.,. l'iicm 01 Genovese was in suhjec~ t s ct.11", l!ITith .\ngelo Scirm(~r9 and J dmes Osticco. .

Owner of Nu-Ken Novelty Company, New KenSington, Paw (operators of slot ' machines, juke boxes, and cigarette machines.)

Subject and his brother S.':1..muel nre reputed to bathe controlling gangsters in Wcst­morelo.nd County, Pa., operating various lotteries, pools, and bookmaking.

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:~PFENDIX ltC" - P<1ge 38

HICHELE ,',L HIR.·,I':D/. 167 GrCGnw2Y, No. Forest Hills, N. Y.

629 E. OliVE; St. L0ng Bo~ch, N.Y. (Summc,r Residen.ce)

Oc CUrc!l t 1m :

Jul~ 26, 1896 - San GUise:,pe tJo6uvi.1nc, Italy

i.utc s.:11esml':ln fer HUnt·:;cn & Raffo, 238 l4es t 55th 3t., NYC

7~lO/15 ,5/,6/17

. 2/23/18 lOi5J19 5 12(20 1 /9/)4 9/16/.46 6/2/4-/52

(Cadi11ncs an~ used cnrs -Cadillac hO:1rsos, ambu1::mccs, flot'l"er nn'i sc:rvice nut')Ji'lol:i1es)

FBI f91524

Manhattan Beston, l'·'bss. Buffalo t N.Y. Sprinp:fiGlr'l, M.3SS. l' it ts bur gh )_ l a • Brooklyn, N. Y.

\ir If

Los ~ngeles, Cal.

DCI "~l66078

Discrclerly C::ynduct, )0 rl elyS Suspici person Vngrrmcy-Qrdored. oUt (:·f tcwn

II Disch3rged 9uspici ..... ·us porson .. Dischn rgecl Homicide (run)-Dismisscd

it .- ,. H

Invest igr-ticn-Ko rlisp c sit len

Suspocted :.ct1 vi t1es: N!'rcotics (Intcrnati-"nal Ihrcctics List

#229) an~ gambling

Reputcrl Asse ciAtes:

J~pa In chin:


Vito Gcn0vese Gus Frnsco ~~nth(1ny Strollo .~nthony Cirillo Frank Russc

Picked up en McFD ~lden Rel., n.::.')r Barb~r~'s property. Clma to Bin~hamtcn by tre in with G!J!!'lbinc, C!'1stel1.:lne" ~n(l Ravn, .gn d t·-'.'k a cab tr. Barbor:3' 5 rGsiClence.

Son, A. Michael, is in insurance business as consultant in union welfare and pension funds.

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. Reptitcrt'ci.!.ltes:

!.pa1.~chin :

f' ,tS3Y UONJ'.CHINO 14 01"cha 1"(\ .St. : .. ubul"n j N,; Y II

JDnU'll"y 3; 1907- Itnly NAturalized 2/8/41 0t Auburn, Nil Y.

ttfu0lesa1o beer bus:l.n ess ... Super p.evert'1~e 00.; . !.ubtirn, ~r •. y.. ( Perth or with brr"th ElI' j .

Sam Monachino) .

Me:- knol'tn ro Cbr n

Sa lvtlt~:rc Fhlcch e .Jr:seph Falcone l"DtSY Scicrtinc Jcseph Profn ci

3ub je ct was riding :in a SuPer Beverage Co. ca~ when stopped. .

. Registered on June 26, 1957 at Community I~lct e1, Rt. 17, Binghamtcn as l'at Monichino; ..:'Luburn, N. Y.; alsc on Mnrch17, 1957.

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Natura1i zed:



Reputed Associates:


APpgKDIX IIC n ... Page 40

S}jJ~ MONACHINO . 11 Orchard 3t.

Auburn, N. Y.

February 14, 1894 - Sicily, Italy

Fay 28, 1927 - l~uburn, N. Y.

Partner with brother Patsy in the :3uper Bever.!1ge 'Jo. 229 1:'1. Genesee St. AUburni N. Y. .. . .

Beer vVho esal·ars & Distributors (SLA .J1 C 2488)

No record of arrests

Joseph' ( Socks") L.:mza Joseph Barbara·

Prints file d at .1Uburn Prison on g/20/46 .. in connection withapp15.cation to visit· Josep h Lanza.

Subject claimed he drove to Barbarats house -vrith his brother Patsy and a friend, P~tsy Sciortino, C1bout matter connected with business of Super Beverage Co.·

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bCbtipation: and


Reputed' Associa.tes:

. Arrests:


APPENDIX r,C tt - Page 41

JOHN CHARLES MONTMlA 340 Starin Avenue Buffalo; N.Y_

June 30~ 1893 ~ Italy

July 7,'1921

President - Van Dyke Taxi & Transfer CO~i Inc. " - Van Dyke Airport Transport Corp. " - Van Dyke Baggage Corp_ ' " - Van Dyke Property, Inc. . if .. Fron~ier Liquor Corp., Inc,; ,t _ Buffalo Beverage' Corp. . . 't' _ lJiontana Motors (discontinued 1956) .

Controller - Empire State Brewery Corp. (closed1940)

Chairman - of the Zoning Board of the City of Buffalo in 1942

Delegate - N~Y.S. Constitutional Convention-1937 Director of the Buffalo Baseball Club

" - bf the A~S.P.C.A. in Erie County Elected to City Council, Buffalo, in 1927.

Served in that office for 4 years. Director - of the BUffalo Ball Park Member - of the Buffalo Club, City of Buffalo

In 1956, subject received tho award from the City of Buffalo as "fJIan of the Y car ,tt an annual

. presentation made by the Erie Club and sponsor­ed by the Buffalo Police Dept •

. ... -----------Montana is reputed to be high in Mafia circles

in tho Buffalo area.

Upon the r.eturn of Salvatore Falcone from Italy to New York City in 1937, JohnC. Montana camo from Buffalo to moethim. . .

Montana was closely associated with Joseph DiCarlo. DiCarlo was associated with labor and union rackets and the distribution of lottery tickets' in tho Buffalo area. DiCarlo was a power in Buffalo politics , and it is alleged he backed John C, Montana 1n all his political moves.

Joseph Barbara Russell Buffalino Joseph Falcone James LaDuca Samuel Lagattuta Anthony Magaddino Peter ~Iagaddino

No known record.

Subject assGrted that because of automobile trouble, he stopped at Barbara's home with

. Anthony Maga.ddino enrouto to Pennsylvania.··.· ., .: .

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Reputed Associates:


APPENDIX "C·9 ... Page 4;2

DOMINICK OLIVETO 1157 Magnolia Ave~ Camdert,New Jersey

January 7, 1907 - Camden; N.J.

}\'1amifacturer: Forest Products . Alntonesson, N.J.

FBI #2935549

PD Camdeni N.J. - 11694 - 1/12/37 -Crimina Registration-No disposition

Delaware TO\Amship #12 - 8/7/42 -Criminal Registration -No disposition

Camden County N.J. #618 - 11/17/30 -Volstead HO~Rrt Enforcemont Act-illicit alcohol Fined $)00 (Alias "James De II'!arco")

Felix De Tullis

Louis C C'.mpboll

Angelo Bruno

Alfred Iezzi

Marco Reginalli (vice and racket king)

When stopped, subject WPs in an automobile with: Russell Buffalino Vito Genovese Gerry C a teno Joseph Ida

NOTE: Subpoena served, Tioga County Grand Jury; subject failed to appear.

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Reputed Associates:


ApPENDIX tfO" ... Page 4J

JOHN ORMENTO 118 AUdrey Drive Lido Bench, N.Y.

AUgust 1_ 1912 ~ New York City, ~.Y.

Self-employed ~ Long Island Trucking dOe 240 West 37th Stroot New York City, N. y~

Prior to 1952, subject w~s partner in the Roxy Gas Station; No\-, York Oity; for a number of

Russetl Buffalino Natale Evola Vincent Rno Joseph BarbarA. John Dio Rocco Pellegrino

Salvc..tore Santora ) , Joseph Vento ) Heroin and Opium smugglers

Leader of the East 107th Street lVlob

Anthony Guarnieri

DCI #575371 X Alias: "Big John"

Subject has been convicted for violation of the Federal Narcotics Law on 3 sep~rRte occasions during the past 20 YGars: '

1937 - Ot'rnento was convicted of violating the' Harrison Narcotic Act and was sentencod to a 3-yoar prison term."

1941 - Ormento was again arrestod,for viola­tion of tho H~_rrison Narcotic Act, convicted and sentenced to an a-year prison term.

1951 - Ormento was ngain arrested and sub­scquently convicted for conspiracy to violate the Herrison Narcotic Act, and was sentenced to a 2-year prison term.

In addition to narcotics conviction91 Ormento was convicted of Bookmaking in 1945, and finod $50.

On March 1$, 1955, Ormento lJITflS -srrestod in New" York City with Salvatore Lo Prate in possession of 2 loaded pistols, one a .38 caliber and the other a .22 co.libor, equipped with a silencer.

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APPENDIX "e" - Page 43a


Both WD~pons were concoaled in a secret electrically-controlled trap built iilto tho front seat of a 1952 Chrysler; boaring New York license 1952 - P.B.3730, listed to­Betty Lic~tto, 2073 - 2nd AVo., N.Y.C. This woman is Lo Pruto's sister. .

Chargos agRinst Ormento were dismissed when Lo Prnto allQged the guns b010nged tn him.

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Reputed Associ.9.tes:


APPENDIX ite tt - h4I:

JAMES ANTHONY bSTICCO 156 1/2 glizabeth St. Pittston, Penl1sylvania

Transportation manager for: Medico Industries, Inc~ Pittston, P.etlnsylvanin

. DCI #659415X

St.!lte.Policej WY0ming; Pa. - 2/3/31 Violation ,of the liquor law-5/5/)1 - 3 months -

state Police, Wyoming~ Pa. - 11/25/47 Conspiracy -- No disposition

Dominick ii.laimo

Joseph Barbara

Russell BUffalino

Anthony Guarnieri,

Angelo Sciandra

Subject, with Russell Buffalino;were guests of Atlas Chain & Mfg. Company, W. Pittston, Pa. i at Bernini, British West Indies in April 1956, and from there ,went ~o the Hetel Nacional, Havana, Cuba, on May 2, 1956. ..

Subject drove to Apalachin with Dominick Alaimo and Angelo Sciandra. When picked up, he was with Michael Genovese, Gabriel Mannarino and Angelo J. Sciandra.

The motor vGhicle was owned by William Medico, alias "Greco" and "Medirico", ownor of Medico Electric Motor COe; Pittston, Pa. who is reported to have been :i.n illicit liquor traffic. in 1928-1933. '. '

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Foreign Record:


APPENDIX "C" - Page 45

JOSEPH PROF./1.CI 8863 - 15th ;~VO. Bro(:klyn, N. Y ..

October 1, 1897 - Villabati, Italy

September 27, 1927 - Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mama.-Mia Olive Oil Co., BrGoklyt1; N.Y.

G & P Coat Co It, Br:)oklyn, N.Y.

United Uniform Co.rp., 1578 - 86th St., Brooklyn

Fratelli Berio Co., 1402 - 65th st., Br':)oklyn

Cnrmelln Mia Packing Co., Brooklyn, N. Y •.

DCI 1J219180 FBI #362142 A

4/18/16 - Sicily, Italy - Theft-Violation of a domicile and attemptod rape ~ Dismissed

11/23/20 - Palermo, Italy - Theft and False witness of a public documont -1 year in pri~on

9/19/34 - Investigatod in connection l'Jith murder of Ferdinand Boccia in Brooklyn, N.Y., with Vito GennV8se Michael Miranda Sebastiano Nami Gus Frasca Joseph Smurra Petor DeFeo

Subj8ct was not arrested.

12/5/28 - Cloveland, Ohio - Investigation -Discharged

5/9/46 - BroJklyn, N.Y. - Forgery (J.uto Regis­tration) - Acquitted

4/7/49 - Brooklyn, N.Y. - Violation of Food & Drug Act -Pleaded Guilty - Suspended sentenco -Probation 1 yoar.

10/27/52 - Br::lol;:lyn IN. Y. - Violatl(~n of Food & Drug Act - Fined $4000 .

. 9/21/53 - Brooklyn, N. Y .. - Evasion of Income Tax

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Reputed Associates:



~pPENDIX "e" - Poge 4~a


Vinconzo Mangano (Disa.ppoared). Philip Mangano (rf!urdered). Joseph Mngliccco (brother-ih-law) Salvatore "Lucky" Luciano Michael IvIirahda Frank Costollo John Oddo Josoph Bonanno Vito· GenovGse Sebastiano N ani Gus Frasca J0seph Smurra Peter DeFeo Joseph Rinaldi Nicblo Impastato

On June 4, 1955, Profe-ciis daughter Carmella married Anthony Jos0ph Tocco, son of William and Rosalina Zirilli. Tocco.

Another daught~r of Frafnci is married to the . son of Gecrge Zirilli of De:tI"nit, who is a brother of Rose.lina Tocco, mothor of J:;seph Tocco •

.i~t Carmella's wc.:dding to Jr.:soph Tocco, the following tUldGrwcrl(~ figuI'GS ",ere present:

Frank Livorsi John Odo (alie.s "Bath Boach Johnny") Anthony Anastasia (alias "Tough Tony") John D1¢gqardi (alit\s "J0hnny Dio") .. Salvat~)ro Mussaacho (ali~.s "Tho Sheik") Inolla Ercolo (alias "Mr Ii T") Vito Gonoveso Peter Liquerao Angelo Polozzi

. Mike Miranda Dominick Ferrato John Ormento Angelo Mel! Michael Robino

Subjoct was picked up at roadblock on highway adjoining Barbara property •

. Subject with Joseph Magliocco stt1yec~ at Hotel Sterling, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. on November 14 and 15, 1957.

Subject regi'stored at Arlington Hotel 7/9/56 with Jesoph Barbarn, J0seph Barrocino, John Culuicca and Gilo Gelont1 l and charged to Canada Dry Beverage Co. or Endicott, N.Y. Culuicca and Gelont1 were also registered on 7/10/56. .

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Occtip .. ~tir-n :


VINCENT RAO 192 Dunwocdic St. Yonkors, N. t.

June. 21, H~98 - Gcrlc0ne, F'rovince (If r~lormc, ItAly .

Ov.rnor (Dec. 1957), - Fiv8 BGr'rUg-hHCist:l.rlk Cc. J 218 B. l16th St.; NYC", .' .... (1"thinr: c(~ntr[l ctcr - In lethh?ist ihg· business;.. hr,ists 1'1thcs f,>i:' ell1 l"thinc": c0ht r2ctC'rs) .

o".mor .. Rac's Gar,::ge &, l~~:tk:ingL)tj E:; st Gunhil1 Rcl.

Owner - f·~ur-st:;ry tIt 2010 Thir:} .\. vo., NYC. ( Loe nt o'J ,"'t thisCldr~ress is Rognl Nine &. Liquor, Inc.', )imCC~ ry subject'S son-in-lm"', J('so;)h Vonto. Fc,rmcr1y loc<ltorl at 2006 Third' .. ve.)

Recently, er m~y still be,' cf'nnected with:

Frcsi\-~cnt - Vin-Sens Prd.nt Cc., 309 E. 167 St., NYC. !\'larcy Rac Fuel Oil Cc. Rol"' Sports '/enr, 47 ~;,,.

T'Jh it e 1) 1[1 in s N. Y. " . " , Liquor Str re, 1821 Fir st /\ve., NYC

(1952 ",rith brrthor Ch,'1r1es R~lO) , TurClb Renlty Corp., 1937 Third Ave.,

NYC ' G,:.\rage, 22.;.23-25 E. 107 St., NYC

(sinc 0 rlcmclished) . ., V&'C RCCllty C0rp. (beli evcr1 tr- stClncl

i'r;r Vincent nnd Charles) , , Vin08r Corp. (believed to st3ndfor

Vincent. Q-[l-r -- Rao bClckwards) 307 E. 107 Stroet C~rp. Gando1f: lktors, 1909 Bruckner' Blvc~~,

Bronx, N. Y. In ck lAJyn Realty Corp. 203rcc ,ri.vcmue Realt y Corp. Earinc t s RestE1urant, 716 Lexinr;ton .'.ve.,


NYC Fn £;;;4857

1919 - Grand Larceny - dismissed 1923 - r'ossessic:n ()f gun - dism issed 1925 - Possossion "f gun ,- dismiss ed 1938 - Violation Workmen's Qr·mL). ;~ct ,-


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Reputed Assoc iat e s :

APPENDIX "C lt - Page 46-a

Alloged to have attended 1952 Mafia meeting in Florida

In 1945 Ralph Bel1uscio who at that time was a prospective 'son-in-law ('If Vincent Rao J opene d Regal ~lline & Liquor, Inc., ~t 2010 Thirri .;'ve, j NYC, with on invest­lOOnt of $77,000, cf which ,~~69,OOO' wos borrowed from Vincent Rao.

,1946 to 1948, Joseph Vente, of . Vincent Rao ,\\bo is marrl ed t.o Rao t s .

daUr-hter, Nina, work-ed as a clem in this store. . .

In 1947 ,Bellu8cio, on two occasions i ne deapplicat ion for A corporation'

.. liquor lice.nse together with Vincent Rao t s wife j Millto! as a partner and stockholder (clet3i s are not clear). Both applications wered~nied.·

In 1948, the SLA ap:')rc-ved a corporation liquor license with Bel1uscio as. pres.iden t-tret:lsurer , holding 100 shares, An~ ... Joseph Vento as secretary, ·holding no shAres. This arrangement was made . so business could be c Critinued as usual in t he event of Bel1uscic's illness. At this time, Be1luscio owed Vincent Rao $34,000 on the orir;1nal loan of $69,000. As of 1953, the corporation ewer. Rao ~U, 854.64.

Salvatore Speciale (nephew) .:. narcotic perl.d1er. .

Joseph Gagliano Ufixthe Blen~" narcotic \delator l'lmhun1! himself in Bronx . Oounty JaiL,' .

John Ormento Joseph Rosato Thomas Luchese Thoma s Pappadio

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Reputed Associates:

Apala chin:

ARMAND RAVA Ilea Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, N. Y.

January 7, 1911 - New York, N, Y.

Manager of New CornersRestaurant~ 2201 eth Ave.; Brooklyn; N. Y.

NYC Bi)t.73155·

2/1/29, Extortion ;5/S/29,acquitted 7/27/39, Policy; 9/28/39, suspended

sentence 5/27/39, Violation of.' Internal

. .. Revenue Law - no disposition 12/3/4l~ Vagrancy~ 12/22/41; discharged

. Anthony .Coi.)pola Joseph "Gus" Colozzo Joey Randazzo Albert Anasta sia Josep h Profeci

Stopped in car with Crtrlo Gambino

Subject has not been seen7lt his residence or place of business since November' 14, 1957.

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Reputed Associate:


APPF.ND!X "oif ... , Page 46

JOSEPH RlaOOBO~rO 781 Peltm Ave. 'Jtatcn Island tN. Y.

April 23, 1~94 - Itgly

Dl-mer of dross shops: Chri.stine Dresses 750 Grand st. Brooklyn, N. Y.

NYC rDB #228590 ~YS DCI b653526X FBI :1321523

Toni Belle Dresses 1720 Bron dway Brooklynj Nii Y.

PD Jersey City, N.J_ t 10/31/30 - Concoaled woapon. 1117/30 - ho bill

PD NYC, 11/17/44 ,- Extortion 3nd Con­~piracy. 1/3/45 - Pleaded Guilty to Ext()rtinn .... :3 year~ ,prob::ltion .

SUbjo ct was pnrt of the Louis Buch~ltor (alips tepke) and J9cob Shcpi~ (alins Gurrah) mobs.

Chr:rle s Salvatore Chiri

Subje ct drove to Joseph Dprb?ra t s home with Carmme LombC1rdozzi an d Natale EV0la. Frenk Cueehinra probably C1me to BinghClmton by tr(lin but stayed at :I mc)tel 0vornightClnd '''''as picked up in t hG m:)rning by Hiece-bono.

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t.rrests t

Reputed Asscciates:

;~pa In chin:

C0Urt ilcticn!

ANTHONY RIELA 7 Benvenue Ave. llest Urange J N oj J Q

:~ugust 5, 1896 - Italy

Owner ot Airport }'kte1 1 Newf:lrk, N. J.

NYS nCI ;:1:654342X

PD New3rk, N. J. i?67510 ... 11/9/55 ... mnintainlng n nuisance and permitting prostitut ion I'm premises. Dismissed by Grcnd Jury on Feb. 1, 1956.

Gert'y C["teno Vito Genovese Jcseph Ida

Ri€:la was undoubtedly (me (',f, those who travelled to Binghamton on tho mJrnmg of November 14, 1957 by nir­plane from Newark ;dI'port and was met by Joserh Barbara, Sr.

1/29/58 - Order t c Shol" Cnuse filed with ;~ssex Ccunty, Now Jersoy, for R.iela's oppeertlnce befere the Tioga CCUlty Gr:lnd Jury.

2/3/5$ ,-3ubp':"lcna t,rd(;r siWed by Alexander p. liliaugh Judge of Supe:rior Court of hew- Jersey

2/25/58 - Indi ctment ,:'f Ticlga C:--unty Grand Jury filed, vioJ£ti~n of Section 600, subd. 6 of the renal Law

2/25/5$ - Surety bon d for $1000 filed an d defendnnt r eleose from Shcr.iff's effi ca.

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OCCUp[1 ticn:


Reputed : ... ssoci [lte s :

.t..pala chin :

.\PF END !X "' 0 If ... j?~ go 50

J05BnI ttosATO 34-31 .. 8lst St. Jt:lckson rteights, N.Y.

Alias: "Joe ~~lis~desR

OtJl1Gr (.if tl:'uck:l.n g C r;~;::-~h ies t .3 & R Trucking 460 I;ost 35th st. Now Ynrk, Nfl Y.

Ccunty G:.1l"mcnt Dull very L !nc. (Snme nddress as S & R Trucking)

FBI j!r.4165533 N!S DC! /!653524

PD NY 7/18/28. Homi~ide (gun) . 7/24/28 - Dismissed

Vincent Rao Q·."rlo Gambino John Ormento, nlifls. tlUig JC)hn" ue,hn Dioguardio j aIitls "Johnny Dio~r ThC'TThi 5 Lucchese, n liels 'f3-finger Brown"

(whose sister is the wife of subject)

Subj(: ct stopped at a r03 cl block ahd bro ught to the Voste.I Sttlte Folice Barracks; where ho was questioned by Lt. K. E. Deidenborner on 11/14/57 ..

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. Cccupat,ich~


. Ass~,ci.:ites!

iIORlvr.\N RUSSEtt Ap~1~ chih; N. Y ..

Octobett 19; 1915 ... renrtsy1vari1a

t!1b('re~ ... empioyed by B:trb~:rd . . .

rcm11syl'linn!:] State Police f~241198

4/11/39- Breaking t.lnd ehtet'irtg tli1d 18t'ceny (burg13t'y) .... Suspended st.nte11ee and costs

Ba rbo I'D familr LfJortColom:ln uncie of au bjeet t s wife)


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Occupat1r '11 :

.. \rrests ~

Ass<=' c int os:

Apala chin :

tOUIS SJlNTOS (;~li03s)

SANTO TR!.FF!C;'~TE Havana, . Cut'a

November 15; 1914 - Florido

Mnnfc'lger cf San Saucf, fbvnna, Cuba

FB! 1,(671194

PD NYC l~Bl14397 ... 5/15/33 - Grahd Lnreeny .. :C'le!1-te~ to I'ctty Larceny ~nc', .fined $100 ... 3 tnos;; ;?robntion ... Suspended

i?1)' NYd ... 6/1/3:3 - ~nlawful entry .. No 0. :tap osi t ion (wcrral1t)

S03ntos Tr~£r1eonte (fnther) - Tampa, Florian -suspected of lottery

Jne Rivers - ::lnr! un1cn ~ctiv1t1es ~dth subject in Cuba '

Subject picked w? in woc("1,s noar the Bnrbara pro;,:.'erty by Trc.o:?er Tiffany.

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Occupnti '"'n:

;.rrest s:

llc1:n.tted ~. . t · J.SSOC1.~ 0 s.


JOHN'3CALISH 11706 E. Harrinp.;tcn St.

Claval,incl, Ohic

Soptumber H~, 1912 .. C1<:>vGIC'r1:-1, Ohio

O:~cr~ t0r 0f Buckoye Cig~rcttcC("). at 11219 SurJcri')r .• ve., C1cvobnrl. Ohic

DC! ~:'654685

1/13/30 - Lor3in, Ohio - Investignti'"'ll .. Rclec? sed tn Cleveland I ()hio

2/5/31 - C1c:voland - Burg10ry - Disposi­tic'n unknown

4/4/32 .. Cleveland·- Robbery .. Disposi­ti:n unkn('vm

7/2~./32 - Cleveltmd - Investig~t1('n .... Disposition wlknCiwn

1/27/33 - Clcvelatl d - Robbery - 10-25 YCr-Irs; r "'r,~knc(l_ by Gcv. ~·.'hite 0n 1/15/35

John /.nthony t>eH[lrcc James V. L-1 Duca

. l' k d h' A.. , .... t 17 T., st f • 1.C e up en 1.£;,1.1 way, H. , ;.,e 0 Binghamton; with subject was James V. La Duca and John : •• DeMarc., Q

ReIjistered at lJarkway Motel, Vestal, 11,13/57.

NOTE: Subprena served, Tioga Ccunty GJ,"'anrl Jury, but subject failed 't;(l) a ppe a r •

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Ocru ration:

."!.rrests t

Reputed Asscciotes:


APP}l:NDIX'*C'* - Page 54

ANGELO JOSE!"H SCIANDRA 108 So.. J>lIa in St. ?1ttston, r~.

N(~v(.'mbOl" 26, 1924 ... turf'a10 tN. Y.

G~rment mantifncturer

FBI + 2185 5fJ)

FD Buffalo ;,.33957 - 7/12/35 .. Rape 1st rlogreoj reduced t:) J\ssault 3rd degree -'3ucponried sentence

Jeck Benfontie (union rtlokots) Modeste LoQu.::l stc (unicn ra ck~ts ) AnthcnyGua rnicri . , Mink Bonf::lnt i9 (union 1"0 ckets) Joe Bnrb,~ra (uni')n r,9ckots)

H3S connections with: Anthony Guarnieri Trl Cities Dress Co., Inc. Binghamt~n~ N. Y.

Travelle~ frcm Plttston, Fa., with D('minick !.laimo, .'.nthony Ostlcco 3n1 Russell Buffnllno

l~en stopped at Apolach in I subject was in snme oar wft,h I-.liKC G~n')vose, Gabriel M~nnarinn ~ncl James Ostiooo

Registored at Arlington Hotel, B:1nghamtC"'..ll, with Joseph Barbar3, Vincenz0 Ostlcoo rmcl Russoll Buffalinc on :fIklr'ch 19~ 19S7.

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F.e~utcd Asso ci~tes:

.\pal~eh in:

APPENDIX· .rett • rage 55


M~rch 5; 191$ - Itn1y . Naturalized 3eptonDer' 11; 1939

B1e~ch manti£~cturer (self omp1cye1)

FBI i;~769 201"~

PD Mlite l~L-':1ins :::6952 .. 7/9/51 -Vi01atim Immigrati""n ~:~ct G£ 1924

Sam itonachino (st~yed at. Hetel ~J~cirmal J

Hav~na I "lith subjoct 11/5/55) Trmy R:'1nclazzc. . Emanuel Zicarl Jchn CAstiglicne fatsy ~bnachino

Trnvclled tc .i~p."'lC)chin with Mcnnchino brot bors Sam r!ll~ :l'atsy. by autcmchile.

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:teputed Associ"1te s:

SlMom~ SCOZZ;'.RI 61112 No. I.'Iuscatel ;'.ve. San Qpbriel, CnIif.

Jnnunry 7, 1900 J ~)Pllerm0, Sicily (lilian)


DCI <::497230

11/19/42 - Los ~ngeles, Calif. -Sus~ici("n lvokrnnkmg - Tteleased 11/20/42

7/14/54 - Lc~ ·~w~eles, Calif. - Suspici()n B()r·krn:1kinl~- Hele ase0. 7/16/54

J. Cerrito J. Civollo JClrnes Lnnza Frnnk Dosimone Russell Buffnl1no Joseph Barbara Frank Vu1t,

~'icke1 up on LitU e Iviaadows Ed. Identified throur~~h nlicn ro,r:istrati8n c.:1rd t 511.3 55 5 8-27~2 t JU tn 'jt.; Los :Jlge les, Calif •. Had 'lfl1u,OOO in cash tll1d 11 check on j)orson for ~i8445.)0 (10/29/56). ::)ubject :!r':1bFloly cnma ry l)lenc (Tlt/A) to New Y0rk from California, hut similar nn~ cruld not be f0und on passcnper list.

On N.~v. 1), 1957, surject, in c3rrt'any ~Tith J. Cerritc'J J. C1vcl1o, ames Lanza, ~n'~ Frank DeSimone checko-:1 in at the Hatel Casey, 8cr2nt~n) Fa., ns ~U8Sts cf Russell Buffalino.

Tr~velled fr-:--m Scr.;lntcn t(' i.palachin with DeSimrnc, buffalino, Civello-- ann 1'0ssir.,ly with Lanze. "net Ccrritc.

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Reputed Associates:

Apalt1 ohin:

S;'iLVATORE TORNi.BE (c:eco[1sed) 1464 Seem d iLvenue New York, N. Y.

(;~li!)s iiSam Tcrnnbe")

Summer nesidenee: Off Route 9W, :fI'I.:lrlboro, N. Y.

May 27, 1896 ~ Italy -- Citizen

Doer s.31esman Sunlnn r1 Bcvernr~e Corporotirn

(0Nl1 ed hy Jcse:.:;h M::1r:liccco) 125 Lot-.rronce, Brorklyn, N. Y.

I':l)no. DCI {654 181

(New Ynrk State Liquor ,\uthority, /.lo13ny -Solicitor' s ~)ormit [14805. Subj oct C1:'mitted ·-lurin;:: 3Lft hU'lrin,D: ('n Nov. 28, 1957 th8t he h~cl been arroste rl for solling whisky to ~Jrohibiti('n 3.r;ent in 1921 - 15 er 20 days in jail.

Frank Mnjuri (629 Se. Bron~ St., Elizabeth, N. J.; a lse PI' esent at 11p[11~ chin meeting J

Joseph Nag1iocco

. SUD jo ct c1a imcc' t h~t he ",tent to ::1palnchin ",lith IJ c('ck by the name sf T~irGl10 or For e110 J :in tho C0". k t scar, 10 ~v:ing New York City from ?lst St. nnd Sec<'::nn. ",venue.

Suhje ct w~s pickod up :.1t ro,1r~block nenr the BarbarA property. 'ilion sto~red, subject he r1 .:'! scribbler1 net 0 in his p0ckot, prOSUIJk'1 hly reltlti ve to tho me at in?' cf which tho fo1lowinf. W3S lerib1e:

riCal1 G1ovnnino VEivre 5-9197 nnd r.;ct t~rether with Lillo Mendey -EN~icott 6-2711 - Go airport motel to take Jimmy and Zito - Rie1a take Mtldiqua and Johnny Nay - n.O 4-1418 Thursday AM fer Saturday Visitare Jerry Hose.rt

N.Y.Herald Tribune (Dec.6,1957) -Mavistrate JDm~s E. LoPicc0lo fi~ed Ch~r1es FrancGri~lia, age 26, J50 on each ticket, and 10 days in jail for 10 parking tickets on TornGbe's car. Tornabe seid, "I don't ~rive for two ye~rs. I'm sick." (Torn2bo p[drl the fino.)

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Occup atL:n :

'.rrest s:

I1.cputed ~:.ssccir1t oS:

l'ATSY 'I'URRIOI.\NO 3015 :i.'JtSr~n Dlvrl. En:'ticott, N. Y.

J.u,r:ust 6, 1906 - Italy

Gro cery clerk fr;r son-in-l(H'1 J Josoph Ccnvcrtino) but believer'! sub jo ct n\'!lS the busanoss

DCI i:'312357

For'. Ccrr. Inst., Dnnbury, Ccnn. -(7519 - 4/19/50 - Opcrntinrstil1, etc. -$ m~s. .

Cc_ rIofew-1'11 ts ''''ere: Er":. Cack"'rlSiri ('~i',Tier e,f f"lrm) Nunzi )()cc':',ne (wcrker) Chester S':'chD ( of electricity

Emi w3ter) S?ntr, Lr;Sc, ... lzc (wcrk'3r) fhi1ip Lr.Sc~lzc (v.,\rkor) Dnminick J~.l(")isio ('\!!/Crker)

Jcs,,{)h D8rbara EITh-1nuGl Zicnr1 Irnntius Crmhone Joseph Genovese

On Iviny 7, .1957, subject phe'nec.. Jrso;?h Genovese ~t 2717 Royal Creck, Tucson, ;.rizono (Ei. 5-4397) from his home r1 t En ~~ i e ct t,N. Y.

Subject filed D petitien in bmkruptcy in 1952.

Tot31 li1hilitios $15,456.55; assets $200. Tho schodulo show;:.; c1 n. ,lebt t-:-i Chester .'3ccha fer repair s tc the bnrn wh ieh hod been used fer n still

Subject is n rnemher of The Sllciety of Concer dia; C[lstcllam~rE: Dol Golfo, Inc., En~~.ic0tt) N. Y. Zicari ~nr1. Cannone' n ro momb or s cf this () rp;C1n i zat i.-m I t no •

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APPENDIX"C" • Page ~2

CONSTENZE vALENTI 79 Bellevue Drive Rochester, New York

February a, 1926 - Roohester; New York

Produoe business, Valenti Brothers, 202 Hamilton st q Roohester;. N.Y.

Subjeot has been in numorous restaurant . businesses in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area

No known reoord.

Anthony Guarnieri l"rank Valenti - brother

Drove to Barbara's with his brother Frank.

Subjoot has reoeivod tickets on so-oalled "Treasure Lottery" from Anthony Guarnieri of Endioott for distribution.

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APPENDIX "CU - Page 6q

FRANK JOSEPH VALENTI 13~4 Highland Avenuo Rochester, New York

Septembor 14,1911 - Rochester, New York (Spent most of his lifo in Pittsburgh, Pae)

Produco business with brothor, Contonze, 135 South ,Avenue, Rochester, N. y~

FBI in 52390 (alias "Larry Costello")

HYS DCI #05$46X

(Alias liJosuph Jncksonil) Pa. State Police #111256 '

PD Pittsburgh, Pa~ - 2/3/33 - S. P. Invest. J~25 or 30 days in jail, Commuted.

PD Pitt sburgh, Pa. - 2/1/34 - Possession lmd passing counterfoit :$20. 2 years U. S. P. Lowisburgh, Pe .•

PD Pittsburgh, Pa. - 8/10/34 - Suspt. Forgery, discharged,

PD Pittsburgh, PRo ~ 9/24/36 - Blackmail -disposition unknown.

PD Pittsburgh, P::l. - 5/19/38 - EB &. Lclrceny clothing store- disposition unknown.

Pittsburgh, Pa. - 1/12/42 ... Violation Intormll Revenue Laws - 1 vear 1 day in Federal Penit ontiary. .'

Pittsburgh, Pa. - 6/22/44 - Assault & Battery with intent to commit rape - dispOSition unknown.

Pittsburgh, Pa. - 7/19/44 - Invest. Robbery -Releasod •.

Pittsburgh, Pa. - 6/13/46 - Wanted: for accessory before the fact to murder - two chargos - Cancelled.

PD Pittsburgh, Pa. - 6/26/46 - Ace. to murdcr-11/17/47 Case nollepro3sed.

U. S. Marshal, Pittsburgh, Fa. - 3/21/47 Conspiracy to violate Selective Servico & Training Act .. Disposition unknown.

U. S. Marshal, Pittsburgh, rae - 1/30/4g Conspiracy & violation Sol. Training ~ct 1940 - Dis~'Jsition unknown.

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APPENDIX "C" - Page 60a

John Montana, Buffalo, New York Joseph Barbnra, Apalachin; New York

At the ~palachin meeting, subject was driving a 1955 Cadillac ml 95-44 NY (1957) with his brother, Ccntonzo, as pnssenger.

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Reputed l.sscc illtos:


E}1ANUEL, ZIC~·.H.I 10) Squires i~ve. Zn1icott, N.Y.

Febrw ry 10,' 1900 - Italy N~tural izod 1925' ,

Sh~G worker

FBI #777-025 DOl {!464075X

I'D Binp.:hamton ~:(2328 - 3/14/34 - Vi')L3ticn ' 263 3n~ 2q5, 1it1e 1, U.s. C~1e . '

US I':Clrshal, Uti en, f\~Y #2153 - 4/2/34 - ' Crunt or feitinr,. l'1eade~,~ilty 3/26/35 ~mrl, s0nton'coc.i t,~ 30 ~t~ys in Broome C:,unty Jni1', ,

g,')m l'Ionfl ch in r)'

rntsy r/!.-;nnchin,c. r~tsy ,Scir'rtinc i

Joseph Ba,rbara( Employer at one t iDle )

Note: Subject is t. member "f th e , :)0ci6ty C(',nc~rdia Cnstellmare 1)e1 r.f En rlicott, N. Y •

. r-

, '


i' .

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Occu:~ntion :


Hc::mt eCt :css 0C in to s :

ll.pala chin:

;.rrENDIX nc" - l;:eo 62

FH..\NK ZITO 1801 Illin! Rd. Springfield, Ill. (Town cf 5nn Scn',)mi)

Fobru2ry 24, 1$93 - Italy f';r,turnl izerl 9/11/45

Ol..mer nnr.l r:~cr!:" tor rf l'.!c rlem Distributinr Cr:., S~r5,nr'fielr:1, Ill. (juke 1--'oxes)

Su'bjcct stntcs he :i.s rctire(l,

FBI ,;11777995

us Pcnitenti.qry Lcavcnw"rth 3/1/33 -ConspirAcy to violnte prohibition laws -2 ye:lrs. 9/6/34,l!:xI'.

Jflmes Colletti (~'uoblr::, Col""r,; do)

Subject stayed Dt !tiela's mutel with Crllett i just before t rnvelling to : .. pa 1£1 ch in J N. Y ..

(Hegistercd at Airport M-:.:tel, Inc. J

.i)ort Newnrk, N.. J., November 12, 13 flnd 14, 1957.)

Picked up on Little Meoc.:"ws .iir' .• , ncar DClrbara rroperty.

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APPENDIX "li" - .fa1.~ 1

B m"il C IIlL; N.tiRCCTICS G./i.t~J3Ln1G li.LCOHOL MISC. FELIyS. TOT.b.1 Mlst-Conv. .t~ st. -Conv. i.rt s t-C onv .. J&r'st-Conv. ...!!<r' st-Conv. ar'sts-Conv.

Alaimo ,Dominick 1 1 1 1

:B~barat Joseph. Sr. 2 0 1 1 1 0 4 1

:Bonanno. J ose'ph 4 2 4 2

Bonventre, ~ohn 2 0 2 0

.cannone •. Igna.tius 1 1 1 1

"Carlisi. Roy 1 0 1 0

Cflstellano, llaul 1 1 1 1

Catena, Gerardo 2 2 3 3 5 5

Clvello,J oseph 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3

Cucchis.r~.Fre;Jl1: 1 0 2 1 2 2 3 J 5 4 13 10

V.ti.gos tino ,Domini ck 1 1 1 1

Dei-Jareo, John 5 2 5 2

Fal~ne. J oseJih 1 0 1 0

Falcone, .splvatore 1 0 1 0

OP-mbino. Ct"xlo 7 3 7 3

Genovese, Michael 2 1 2 1

Genovese. Vito 2 0 7 2 9 2

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~!mIA liD" - Pnge 2

Rm·!IClDE NARCOTICS ~~ffiLING ALCOHOL MIse. FEL' YS 'l'OT4IL I"ri st-Conv. Art st-Conv. . Ar' s t~C onv • Ar'st-CoE!.!. ~r'st-Conv. Ar' sts-Conv.

Guernieri. 4nthony 1 1. 1 1

QJccl8"Bl'..rtolo 1 0 1 0 J 1 5 1

L1'g&.ttuto., Sf'JIlIlel 1 0 2 0 J 6

Lomba.rd.ozzi, Carmine 1 0 6 6 4 1 11' ?

~1no. Anthony 2 1 .4 0 6 1

k'..g11occo. Joseph 2 1 2 1

~Jurl, ~T. 1 1 J J 4- 4

Iff'.ncuso. 2 1 2 1

Mannerino. Ge.briel. 2 2 1 0 J 0 6 2

H1rE'..nda. Michele 2 0 On tnt'l. 2 0 Nc.rc. List

(229) Qs~icco, . .AnthoIJ7 1 1 1 0 2 1

Ormentoll John 4 4 1 0 5 4

. Olivet to. Dominick, Joseph 1 0 5 2 6 2

lU1.o t Vincent 2 0 2 0

R~_ve.,~.nd 1 ·1 1 0 2 1

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.ii.PPEIIDIX Un" - Pnge 3


Ar'st-COllV. M'st-Conv. .rlst-Conv. Jirlst-Conv. .Jr' s __ -Conv • Artst-Conv.

'Rieco"bono. Joseph 2 1 2 1, Joseph 1 0 1 0

Bnssell, Norlllnn 1 1 1 1

Trnffict'.nte, Sf'.nto 1 1 1 1

Scalish, John 3 1 J 1

Sc1endrA~ 4ingelo 1 1 1 1

Scozz~,ri. Simona 2 0 2 0 S~1 vr"t ore 1 0 1 0

'Tu.rrigieno, P?tsy J 3 3 3

Valenti,Frnnk 3 0 6 4 6 1 15 5

Zicm-j., 'Eme.nuel 1 1 1 1

Zi to, 'Frank 1 1 1 1

18 1 8 7 17 15 35 22 75 29 153 74

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