REPORT ON: CAADP, PAEPARD & CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING 17 … · 2011-01-12 · Overview of the PAEPARD...

1 REPORT ON: CAADP, PAEPARD & CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING 17-18 November 2010, Happy Valley Hotel, Ezulwini, Swaziland Prepared By

Transcript of REPORT ON: CAADP, PAEPARD & CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING 17 … · 2011-01-12 · Overview of the PAEPARD...

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Happy Valley Hotel, Ezulwini, Swaziland

Prepared By

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Table of Contents BRIEF INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4

Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 4 STAKEHOLDERS OR PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................ 4 OPENING .................................................................................................................................. 5

Opening Remarks................................................................................................................... 5 Official Opening: Bongani Masuku - The Under Secretary (Ministry of Agriculture) ....... 5

PRESENTATIONS FOR DAY ONE ........................................................................................ 6 The Role of FANRPAN: Fungayi Simbi .............................................................................. 6

Questions And Answers:.................................................................................................... 6 CAADP Progress In Swaziland by: Freddy Magagula .......................................................... 7

Comments & Questions And Answers: ............................................................................. 8 CAADP Best Practices & Enhancing Non State Actor (NSA) Participation: Fungayi Simbi ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Comments Questions & Answers .................................................................................... 10 Assessing the Vulnerability of Agriculture to Climate Change in Swaziland: Dr. A. Manyatsi ............................................................................................................................... 11

Comments, Questions and Answers ................................................................................ 12 Conservation Agriculture (CA): Fungayi Simbi .................................................................. 12

Comments, Questions & Answers ................................................................................... 13 GROUP DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................................................... 14

Private Sector ....................................................................................................................... 14 Civic Society Organization .................................................................................................. 14 Government Sector .............................................................................................................. 15 Academia ............................................................................................................................. 15

Comments, Questions and Answers ................................................................................ 16 RECOMMENDATIONS AND WAY FORWARD FOR CAADP IMPLEMENTATION IN SWAZILAND .......................................................................................................................... 16 PRESETATION FOR DAY 2 ................................................................................................. 17

Overview of the PAEPARD Project: Sharon Alfred ........................................................... 17 Comments Questions and Answers ................................................................................. 17

Presentation: PAEPARD Questionnaire Analysis: Mr. Ndlanagamanadlla ........................ 19 Comments, Questions & Answers ................................................................................... 19

Presentation: Case Studies on Partnership - Freddy Magagula ........................................... 20 Comments Questions and Answers ................................................................................. 20

ACAT Experience Working with EU -Case Study : Mbongeni Nkabinde ......................... 20 Comments: ....................................................................................................................... 20

GROUP DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................................................... 20 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 24 ATTACHMENT ...................................................................................................................... 25

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List of Tables Table 1: Explanation as an African Partner ............................................................................. 20 Table 2: Priority Ratings .......................................................................................................... 21 Table 3:The Main Focus for the African Region ..................................................................... 21 Table 4: Selection of Success and Failure Stories ................................................................... 22 Table 5: Suggestions for Mobilization/ Identification and Mapping ....................................... 22 Table 6: A List of Organizations to be Approached by FANRPAN ....................................... 23 Table 7:Experience with Regards, to Credibility and Institutional Governance ..................... 23 Table 8: List of Participants for Day 1..................................................................................... 25 Table 9: List of Participants Day 2 .......................................................................................... 26 Table 10: List of Participant for Day 2 .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is a brain child of the African Union. Under CAADP, African governments are committed to increase their national budget expenditure on agriculture to atleast 10 percent. The programme agreed by heads of state at the 2003 summit of the African Union, expects a six percent growth rate in agriculture every year. The overall goal of CAADP is to help African countries achieve food security and higher economic growth through agriculture-led development. In order for countries to access the funds, countries need to have undergone through the CAADP process, which includes designing national investment plan which contains detailed and fully-costed programmes and signing a CAADP compact. Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FARNPAN) explained that CAADP has four pillars which guide governments on sustainable and water management; building trade and marketing infrastructure; increasing food and nutrition security; and promoting research in agriculture, extension and training for adoption and dissemination of new technologies. FANRPAN, a network of researchers, farmers and governments presently covering 14 Southern African countries, is coordinating the implementation of the programme at the national and regional levels in the sub-region. Many countries are now linking their agricultural programmes to CAADP. However, there’s need to complement national level priority interventions with priority regional investment programmes. (I P S 2010) The government of Swaziland held a two day meeting on the 17th to the 18th of December 2010, at Happy Valley Hotel, Ezulwini, to deliberate on the programs and progress of the CAADP and FANRPAN initiatives in Swaziland. This two-day meeting was attended by the Government Sector, the Private Sector, Civic Sector and Academia. This report, thus gives an overview of the deliberations and recommendations crated during these two sessions.

1.1 Objectives The main objectives of the meeting were as follows:

2.0 STAKEHOLDERS OR PARTICIPANTS Participants were mainly from the following sectors:

Government Academia Private Sector Civic Society

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Please refer to Table 8 and Table 9 on attachments for the entire list of participants.


3.1 Opening Remarks Each meeting session was opened by word of prayer.

Program Coordinator’s Remarks: Freddy Magagula- Ministry of Agriculture: Thanked the participants and presenters for attending and requested maximum participation from all. Further gave a brief outline on the meeting, participation logistics and expectations.

3.2 Official Opening: Bongani Masuku - The Under Secretary (Ministry of Agriculture) Welcomed all members. Requested members/participants to make valid and sound recommendations to ensure the success of the meeting. Further stated that Swaziland is a registered member of CAADP and has also signed the Compact Agreement. Also indicated that Swaziland is a member of SADC and COMESA. Towards his closing note, the Under Secretary revealed that Swaziland has drafted an Agricultural Development Plan (SADP) and an Investment Plan. On the latter document, it was stated that Swaziland was being assisted by consultants from WFP and other stakeholders.

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4.0 PRESENTATIONS FOR DAY ONE A number of clear and organized presentations were offered by the different presenters. Each presentation was followed by a brief question and answer session, to ensure comprehension and participation by participants.

4.1 The Role of FANRPAN: Fungayi Simbi In summary, this presentation mainly focused on the formation of FANRPAN; the direction of the organization; the key stakeholders; the operational strategy of FANRPAN and its current achievements. See attachments (presentation) for full presentation.

FANRPAN was called by SADC Ministers in 1994. It was then created in 1997, and registered in 2002. The main focus of the organization includes the following:

Improving policy research, analysis and formulation on key SADC priority themes.

Developing human and institutional capacity for coordinated policy dialogue among all stakeholders.

Improving policy decision making by enhancing the generation, exchange and use of policy-related information.

The long-term vision of the organization is to have “A food secure Africa free from hunger and poverty”. The organization aims to achieve its vision through promoting effective Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) policies by:

facilitating linkages and partnerships between government and civil society, building the capacity for policy analysis and policy dialogue in southern Africa,

and supporting demand-driven policy research and analysis

FANRPAN informs policy processes through: partnerships, multi-stakeholder policy dialogues, international advocacy engagements, electronic/digital media and print media The presentation also stressed the need for having a development strategic plan, which basically aids in:

Guiding countries in terms of priorities Assisting countries in investments priorities

4.1.1 Questions and Answers:

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a. Participants wanted to know why the presentation indicated that Swaziland has a draft Compact, yet earlier on it was stated that Swaziland has signed the Compact Agreement. Answer: It was cleared that Swaziland signed the Compact, save for that the presentation had not been corrected.

b. CAADP and the stages or events: Should there be a chronological series of activities on how countries do things? Answer: There is no proper order to be followed in the series of events. Countries are only advised by CAADP, but their activities shall follow their investments plan. Some countries had their investment plans before CAADP. Hence those countries followed their activities based on their plans, but then adapted certain issues from CAADP.

4.2 CAADP Progress in Swaziland by: Freddy Magagula Steps on CAADP implementation, future steps, stakeholder engagement, challenges faced by Swaziland and recommendations, were some of the topics discussed in this presentation. (See attachments for full presentation).

The following steps have been followed in implementing CAADP in Swaziland: a. Appointment of National CAADP Focal Point b. Appointment of CAADP Country Team c. Appointment of stock taking report consultancy d. Stock taking exercise e. Stakeholder consultations and review f. Stock taking and report finalization g. Development of SD Investment Options h. Stakeholder engagement - CAADP Roundtable & Compact Signing (3 – 4 March


It is of great importance to state that a report on what has been done in implementing CAADP in Swaziland is also available.

In order for Swaziland to fast-track the implementation of the CAADP program, the following recommendations were presented:

a. High (Improved) prioritization of agriculture by Government b. Ensure stakeholder commitment and participation in the implementation of the

CAADP Initiative. c. Enhance CAADP awareness creation. d. Vigorous campaign for CAADP support by cooperating and development partners

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4.2.1 Comments & Questions and Answers: a. Regarding reports on safety nets, the presenter said that the government is still

awaiting a report from WFP, and also a report from FAO on the Terms of Reference. Were there no clear timelines and terms of reference on the tasks given to WFP and FAO? Answer: There were timelines and terms of reference. We are currently aware that these two organizations are still working on the tasks at hand, and we definitely hope to get good reports from them.

b. Do you have the terms of reference clearly spelt by the country team, and are members well aware of them? Answer:

c. What is the balance in terms of composition of the country team? Answer: It is well balanced, since the ministry of economic planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Employer Federations, Non Governmental Organizations, Academia and other relevant stakeholders are involved. In fact the composition involves the Government, NGO’s, Private Sector and Academia.

d. Are we talking about a team in CAADP or stakeholders? What is the role of the team? Answer: In the CAADP structure we talk of key stakeholders who form part of the CAADP Country team. E.g. in Swaziland we have the key stakeholders who are key in the Agriculture Development in Swaziland.

e. What is the difference between the Swaziland Agriculture Development Plan (SADP) and CAADP? Answer: CAADP is not a programme on its own but a framework which is based on five key principles i) effective leadership; ii) good quality planning; iii) effective implementation including accountability iv) setting clear targets and v) measuring results. These principles embrace inclusiveness of all stakeholders as a basis for evidence based, inter-institutional poverty oriented approach to agricultural development and economic growth in Africa. It is possible that the SADP was drawn by the senior planners in government without involving other key stakeholders such as researchers/academia, private sector, civic society organisations, media, farmers unions, labour unions etc. The SADP plan can be aligned to CAADP by ensuring that the views, concerns and opinions of other stakeholders are considered through roundtable meetings where key priority areas for investment in Agriculture can be discussed, agreed and then implemented.

f. Is there a subcommittee that could work on the CAADP issues? Answer: Currently there is no subcommittee. We only have Mr. Bongani Masuku who ends up doing everything on his own in his office. This could be a good suggestion for the future. But please be rest assured that Mr. Masuku is currently very capable.

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g. What is the role of the media and Financial Institution in this initiative? Answer: The media is very important. Not having them today was a slight omission. Not having them is a problem. The financial institutions are only brought in when monetary issues are discussed. For today, we felt we could do without financial institutions.

h. Is there a way of getting funding for country CAADP team, for publicity purposes? Answer: Answer: A cost effective way of increasing publicity for CAADP is through posting proceedings from this roundtable meeting on the FANRPAN Secretariat and Node (CANGO) websites so that we can reach out to a wider audience. Also involving the Print and Electronic Media sector in the CAADP roundtables helps to increase awareness because they will be equipped to report correctly.

4.3 CAADP Best Practices & Enhancing Non State Actor (NSA) Participation: Fungayi Simbi This presentation was mainly focused on three sectors:

a. How to boost Non State Actor participation in the CAADP process? b. Guideline standards for participation of Non-State Actors in CAADP c. Recommended interventions to boost participation of NSA in CAADP A number of sub-topics were presented to compliment and further simplify the presentation. See attachments (presentation) for full details. The main goals and purpose of NSA participation in CAADP were summarized as follows:

1. Planning Improving the quality of strategy setting, policy development and investment

planning due to their input, expertise and buy-in. Evidence-based advocacy for stakeholders

2. Implementation aligning human and financial resources behind priorities acting as service providers

3. Accountability holding CAADP partners accountable for delivery on behalf of target

beneficiaries In boosting NSA participation in the CAADP process, it was presented that NSA needed to have clear roles. Among some of the roles, the following list was presented:

Policy development and investment planning Implementation Accountability

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Key issues limiting the participation of NSA in CAADP were also presented. The points below were brought forward.

Legitimacy Resources Capacity - process & technical Awareness Standards Accountability - platforms and parliamentarians Balance of interests - gender, grassroots and comprehensiveness (all pillars) Leadership and co-ordination

In terms of guideline standards for participation of Non-State Actors in CAADP the following key points were discussed:

To establish a clear benchmark for quality participation, with detail on who, what, when and how.

To provide a model for stakeholders to adapt to their own context. To build on other reference documents e.g. implementation guide, post-compact

guidelines, donor guidelines, mutual accountability framework. N: B as you bring in stakeholders for the Country team makes sure that those stakeholders come from existing organizations.

4.3.1 Comments Questions & Answers a. How do we perform the M & E in the Country team?

Answer: NEPAD might help country teams with M&E. Private Consultants or specialist can always be of great help in developing and implementing the M&E process.

b. Is it possible to have a CAADP Secretariat in the country, even if it’s one person? Answer: It is important to have a CAADP Focal person, for day to day issues. The country team has to have that person, with clear Terms of Reference. For CAADP, there is a budget for having a National CAADP person.

c. We are just not able to bring development/ donor partners in the right table. How can we bring them in the initial stage, so that there is no problem during signing? How best do you bring development partners? Answer: Prepare a schedule of your meetings and present it to the development partners, so that they can know beforehand. Engage them even during draft stages, seeking their inputs, before the final draft. Attend some of their gatherings and meetings so that you are clear on what they’re doing. Surf Internet to know what they’re doing.

d. Agriculture is an important thing yet a playing field for politicians. Has the CAADP process influenced policy direction? Answer: When the member states agreed to implement CAADP and invest at least 10% of their national budget on agriculture development so as to attain a

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minimum 6% growth in agriculture productivity; that was the beginning of a policy shift. However, due to the wide audience for CAADP, targeting decision makers and increasing their awareness of CAADP can be the entry point to influencing policy direction. When the different stakeholders in a country begin to meet and discuss common issues related to increased agriculture production and consequently food security, a platform that is conducive to formulation of good policies is created. Advisory notes from this roundtable can also be passed on to cabinet ministers and parliamentarians. A food secure nation is also a politically stable nation, hence it augurs well for the politicians to embrace CAADP.

e. How serious is this process taken within the government policy framework? Answer: One needs to first increase awareness, so that key people can understand and favour CAADP. Awareness to Parliamentarians and other senior people in the country is key for the success of CAADP.

f. How do we fit the representation of government and NSA? How do we come with a good balance in Swaziland? How do we ensure 50% representation in the country team for Swaziland? Answer: It is very important to have a good balance in the participation. As a country, you need to come together and work on the issue of representation in the CAADP Country Team by ensuring that all the key stakeholders are represented and participate effectively.

g. How do you define farmers in Swaziland, especially when talking about farmer representation in Swaziland? Answer: In some circles, a farmer is defined as a person who produces surplus food beyond his family requirements, is affiliated to a farmers union, pays levies, taxies and observes the laws of the country. Swaziland is yet to define a farmer.

4.4 Assessing the Vulnerability of Agriculture to Climate Change in Swaziland: Dr. A. Manyatsi This mouthful presentation was explaining and predicting effects of climate change to Agriculture in Swaziland. A number of topics were addressed in this presentation. (See attachments for full presentation). The presentation indicated that life expectancy has decreased over the years in Swaziland. Land available for grazing has been drastically reduced in Swaziland. Harvested area of maize in Swaziland is expected to decrease due to land competition, yet the yield is expected to increase. It was further stated that production of sugar cane is expected to increase. Production of cotton in Swaziland is also expected to increase. The scary part of the report was that chances of Swaziland receiving floods are on the increase.

The following Implication and Actions were also brought forward:

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National Committee for Swaziland Climate change Committee should develop climate change policy and climate change adaptation action plan.

Climate change should be promoted and streamlined in national agendas and curriculum.

National Meteorological Services should produce simplified versions of seasonal weather forecast.

Upscale construction of small dams.

4.4.1 Comments, Questions and Answers a. Explain the issues of gases by developing countries affecting third world

countries. Answer: The green house gases are mainly from industrialized places and are then carried to other places, including the under developed places. The coal power generation plants in South Africa for example are affecting our water sources by making the water more acid.

b. Currently it has been said that 47% of the land has been affected by the invasive plant species. How much land is currently available for animal grazing? Answer: The alien invasive grasses were not considered in this presentation. Even if the alien invasive grasses were considered, the presentation would still show the same 65%.

c. What impact does climate change have in the terrestrial and aquatic areas? Answer: The future looks bleak. The area under cultivation will continue to be g reduced by the invasive plants. Poor land usage and low rainfall has led to an increase in the invasive plants.

d. We seem to be facing a number of disasters in recent years, what is happening? Answer: There might be no change in annual rainfall, but the amount received might be received in a shorter period, hence causing floods.

e. Comment: There should be reclamation of land that has been taken by the invasive alien plants.

f. Comment: Research needs to be undertaken to establish the effects of the new water bodies, since it is said that tornadoes normally draw their strength from such water bodies.

4.5 Conservation Agriculture (CA): Fungayi Simbi

In summary, the presentation was focusing on the following issues: a. Giving an understanding on CA. b. CA’s policy situation in Africa c. On how stakeholders can advocate for CA Policies in Southern Africa

(See attachments for full presentation on CA)

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4.5.1 Comments, Questions & Answers a. What was the purpose of introducing Conservation Agriculture in Swaziland?

Answer: It is mainly to bring awareness on soil and environmental conservation. It is also a form of Agriculture which could be used in line with mechanical Agriculture.

b. People are not really aware of Conservation Agriculture. Besides, it seems to be not well understood by people. What equipment or facilities are needed for conservation Agriculture? Answer: The Ministry of Agriculture does have the necessary equipments for CA. Swaziland has already signed agreements with the Brazilian government. All that currently works in Brazil under CA will definitely be brought into Swaziland. There is a need to do a lot research on CA and then pass appropriate recommendations to farmers that are applicable to the Swaziland farmers. .

c. Would it not be a good idea to promote CA alongside the promotions done by the seed companies in Swaziland? Answer: We have already started working with the seed companies in promoting CA. A number of demos will be seen this year, alongside the demos of the seed companies.

d. Is it true that cattle produce a lot of greenhouses gases? Answer: Cattle do produce a lot of methane. But that has always been occurring naturally. The problem has been exacerbated by commercializing cattle production. Especially under feedlots and night kraaling, that is where most methane has been realized.

e. What is the relationship between yields and CA plus food security? Answer: The benefits of CA cannot be derived from one season. A lot has to be considered for CA. In terms of long term food security, under CA, very little could be said at the moment. A lot of factors contribute in the issue of food security and yield production. But that does not change the fact that our environment is under stress and duress. In one way or the other we will have to adopt CA.

f. How much research has been done by the University on the CA? Answer: The University has been conducting demonstrations for the past 2 years. CA should work hand in hand with mechanization. Thorough research is good, but the amount of time spent on research or testing any new technology must be shortened to allow the new technology to be used otherwise it will be eclipsed by new technology before it is utilized.

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5.1 Private Sector a. How can you increase your engagement in CAADP?

Answer: FSE is a member of the CAADP country team but FESBC is not. Therefore there is need to come together, share information and filter it down to other members.

b. How to increase awareness of CAADP among the business community? Answer: Use traditional methods currently used by federations to communicate with members. These include radio, TV, emails, newsletter and meetings. Mobilize Government to increase awareness through the tax database. Government can pass the information on CAADP to all registered businesses.

c. What are the policy constraints that affect business growth or investment in Swaziland? Answer: Lack of new policies, lack of implementation of policies and lack of awareness of policies. Para-status have moved away from their mandate and are now competing with the business community (e.g. NAMBOARD, SEEDCO)

5.2 Civic Society Organization a. How can we increase participation and effectiveness in the CAADP process?

Conduct national, regional and community based awareness training. Appoint representatives from the different structures of CSOs – NGOs Consortia,

Farmers Union, Faith Based, Trade Unions, Women Groups, and Youth. Need for a clear structure for CAADP. Set up a CAADP Forum for CSOs. Receive formal reports from CSOs representatives. Organised dialogues and seminars on CAADP.

b. How can you assist with advocacy and increasing awareness on CAADP?

Integrate CAADP in our programmes. Prepare and disseminate CAADP publication. Dialogues with policy makers and communities. Mobilise the media to raise pertinent issues on CAADP. Advocacy training. Involving traditional authorities through dialogues and workshops. Sensitize and lobby Parliament.

c. How effectively do you represent your constituencies?

People should be appointed on their strength. Understanding ones mandate. Feedback to your constituency. Engage in discussions.

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d. What do you think must be done to enhance the CAADP process?

Engagement with donors, communities, CSOs, Private. Provide financial and material support to representative. Government should demonstrate leadership including resources allocations for

CAADP processes. A clear action plan approved by all stakeholders must be put in place. Establish a Secretariat.

5.3 Government Sector a. How can we increase Resources for CAADP Country Team?

Ensure political buy-in for the CAADP process Formalize (gazette) the CAADP Unit and resource it. Develop a National Agricultural Strategic Plan

b. How can we increase CAADP awareness in the Government Ministries? Increase publicity for CAADP process. Include representatives of the media in the CAADP team. Offer incentive for reporters on food security issues e.g. awards for best journalist. Prepare regular cabinet notes and distribute to the permanent secretaries and cabinet

ministers. Get somebody who will champion the CAADP process.

c. What should be done to enhance the CAADP process in Swaziland? Engage a NATIONAL Coordinator. Establish an independent CAADP Unit, headed by a director with direct access to all

structures. Mobilize structured sessions for key playmakers.

5.4 Academia a. How can your participation in the CAADP process be enhanced?

Improve involvement and participation through:

Institutional support at University for facilities related i.e. support for CAADP research, provide travel funds and incorporate CAADP work into the normal work activities at the University or ensure that there a formal release to attend to CAADP activities.

MOU between MOA and University detecting the role of academics to CAADP responsibilities.

CAADP feeder / awareness into institutions through activities and workshop - engaging the university.

b. How can your research outputs/ findings be targeted to priority areas in Swaziland?

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The University Research Council should be involved in assigning research related to CAADP otherwise CAADP will be left out. Their priorities should be in tandem with the national needs.

Finding for CAADP related research output. Advisory notes from research out puts.

c. How can you produce graduates that are CAADP relevant or generate new information to the CAADP process?

Review curriculum in relation to CAADP pillars / principles for relevance and understanding

Build capacity within institution on CAADP. Engage students in research related to the CAADP issues, and support from the

CAADP office is expected.

5.5 Comments, Questions and Answers a. What is the meaning of political buy inn in this context?

Answer: Political but inn is a clear commitment by Government, Whereby government endorses and implements, all endorsements. Walk the talk.

b. Will CAADP pump money into the CAADP program or is expecting government to pump money. Answer: We need to understand that CAADP is a framework from which African governments can easily communicate and speak the same language. It is country owned because it came about as a request by the ministers of agriculture at the Maputo meeting in 2003. In this regard, we expect government to also provide money to support CAADP implementation in the country. This will also show other stakeholders like the private sector and development partners that the government is committed to the CAADP process.


After the presentations and deliberations, the following recommendations were suggested: a. Have a coordinator or secretariat that will coordinate all CAADP issues. Worth noting

is that, currently there is a focal person who is driving the current CAADP program in addition to his normal duties.

b. Government should implement, show commitment – political buy inn. c. Establish a memorandum of understanding between government and the University, on

the research agenda. Such that resources are pumped into a clear research agenda which will further support CAADP.

d. Set up a CAADP Technical Team that will be a subcommittee and report to the Country Team.

e. Link SADP and CAADP.

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f. Improve awareness on CAADP.


7.1 Overview of the PAEPARD Project: Sharon Alfred The gist of the presentation was on how stakeholders or organizations can create partnership with FANRPAN. The processes involved in creating the partnership and benefits of such partnerships.

Questions by the Presenter:

1. Can you have partnership without money? Response: Yes: 14 No: 0 Indifferent: 5

2. Can you have a beneficial successful partnership with your partners without getting money from your partners? Response: Yes: 12 No: 4 Indifferent: 1

3. Of all of you here, who are members of the FANRPAN Net work? Response: only 4

4. Off all of you here who are not members and why are you not members of FANRPAN Network? Response: We never knew of the FARNAPAN Net work. We currently do not know whether our organizations are affiliated or not. Probably there might be lack of communication, within our organizations.

The presenter further requested all participants to touch base with their organizations to establish whether or not their organizations were members of FARNAPAN. Sharon further requested that those interested to be members must contact Mr. Ndlangamandla from CANGO.

Fungayi Simbi noted that there is a communication breakdown within the affiliated organizations and members of the organizations. There was a request from all participants to inquire more about FARNAPAN in their respective organizations, so that they understand the benefits of being part of FANRPAN.

There was a further notation that members of FANRPAN should not focus on only receiving information from FANRPAN, but since FANRPAN encourages partnership, then members should also update FANRPAN in case they have new information.

7.1.1 Comments Questions and Answers a. Financial input: Is FARNAPN focusing on mobilization of financial resources for


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Answer: Yes. The budget includes capacity building and mobilization. b. What kind of assurance is there that the organizations will leave to its promise on

delivering? Or it will be all talk and zero delivery? What will be the difference in this partnership? Will it be a relationship between a big partner and a small partner, where the former detects terms to the latter? Answer: The budget is currently limited. But there will be a good platform where the calls for proposals will be made and there, we think benefits will then come as time goes on. But the key thing for organizations should be to establish the partnerships in order to build relations. Partnerships are not only about getting money, but information sharing, intellectual partnership is also beneficial. There might be no money now, but once the trust is built amongst members, then spin-offs might come. The issue of being senior and junior will soon fall out if members have clear directions and are willing to stand up and work.

c. What issues are covered by FANRPAN for research? Answer: Participants have to state the institutions or sub-sectors that are needed to improve agriculture in Swaziland. The key sub-sectors must be within the Millennium Develop Goals. Anything that contributes to the alleviation of hunger stands to be supported.

d. What has the FANRPAN Network done in Swaziland? Answer: Drawn a strategic plan. The main strategy is to commission studies related to food, policy and agriculture. The evidence drawn is used for policy influence. Very few dialogues have been organized. Recent conference was on climate change, so as to advise government in that direction. There was a study on crop input vouchers that was also commissioned.

e. What is the Role of CANGO in FANRPAN? Answer: CANGO was initially established to work hand in hand with NGO’s in Health. There after it increased its function and now there are about 70 active members. CANGO’s mandate includes the following: coordinate, mobilize and lastly act as a voice of the voiceless in the communities of Swaziland. CANGO host the Swaziland FANRPAN Node.

f. Is there a synergy between what SADC does and FANRPAN? Answer: It is true that SADC is also doing research on agriculture and food security. There is communication between the two organizations. The two organizations complement each other. Currently FANRPAN has a very good data base of researchers and human Resources, such that for anything that needs to be done, FANRPAN knows who can do it and how. There is a good collaboration between the two organizations.

g. Comment: The farmers union in Swaziland is a member organization of FANRPAN, but there are a number of budgetary and mobilization constraints. Farmers in Swaziland have lost trust in being unionized. Comment: Unionizing and grouping organizations in Swaziland is a difficult thing. Most people and organizations are individualistic. Answer: So long as the key organizations do not address the “what is in it for me?” then members will be difficult to unionize. Why are the financial

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cooperatives successful in Swaziland? Simply because they address the “what is in it for me?”. It is not about organizing people. Having clear directions and good delivery is what people are looking for.

7.2 Presentation: PAEPARD Questionnaire Analyses: Emmanuel Ndlangamandla This presentation was updating participants on the current PAEPARD Research, which is facilitated by CANGO. The presenter outlined two main challenges faced by the research. These being receiving none response from stakeholders and incomplete questionnaires. The aims, expected results and target institutions were as listed below: Aim of the assessment

Improving the involvement of African non research stakeholders (NGOs, FO) and private sector institutions in conceptualising, implementing and evaluating research projects

Identify partnerships that various non-research stakeholders have developed with other non-research and research institutions in Europe

Expected result

An improved number and improved quality of African non research stakeholders African research stakeholders more open to balanced participation of non research

stakeholders in ARD partnerships Targeted institutions

NGOs Private Sector Farmers Organisations Academia

(See attachment for full presentation)

7.2.1 Comments, Questions & Answers a. Plea: A plea was made to the effect that all the organizations within the workshop

return the forms/questionnaires. b. Suggestion: It was suggested that the best way to get the information was by

conducting self administered interviews, other than emailing the questionnaires, since some of the questions were unclear.

c. Request: FSE&CC requested that the form be resent to them since they did not get the form.

d. Suggestion: The forms need to be sent to the people who have or know the information, for accurate and quick response. Though protocols need to be

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observed, but making copies to the knowledgeable members would assist the exercise.

e. Comment: As participants, we are only involved in responding to the questionnaires and we never get to see the feedback. Secondly some of the questionnaires are very identical, such that one would suggest that the studies need to work in collaboration.

7.3 Presentation: Case Studies on Partnership - Freddy Magagula

7.3.1 Comments Questions and Answers a. On this partnership, who signs on behalf of government?

Answer: It was stated that local host institutions are reporting direct to regional host institutions. The regional host institutions report directly to ACTESA/COMESA.

7.4 ACAT Experience Working with EU -Case Study: Mbongeni Nkabinde The key issues addressed in this presentation were: a. The nature of partnership b. Major activities of the project c. Challenges faced d. Prospects of the future. The presenter shared the following key experiences that other stakeholders need to adopt, when in partnership, especially with international organizations, like EU: a. Any changes in the project must be approved first, following all the EU

procedures. b. Sound and prompt communication is key. c. All promises on implementation must be kept, or else communicate.

7.4.1 Comments: a. In a partnership, surprises are not expected. Organizations are expected to report

on time, as has been demonstrated by ACAT in their reporting.

8.0 GROUP DISCUSSIONS a. Based on the information you have received on the PAEPARD project, what

is your expectation as an African partner? Table 1: Expectations as an African Partner Academia:

Exchange programs for exposure to technological and skills transfer. Science & policy interface to ensure research for development rather than research and

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development. Private Sector: More quality partnerships

Partnership between African and European on Corporate social Responsibility I.e. not just on research.

Partnership towards micro- projects to reach I.P.s at lower level.

More quality partnership focusing on non state actors

Government Capacity building e.g. proposal writing Sharing of information among the partners Strengthening of the institutions Resource mobilization

Civic Sector Not to be subordinates to European counterparts Capacity building - grant management, EU procedures, fundraising strategies, research Resources Exchange programmes Everything should be clearly explained and understood by all parties

Case Studies & Research Themes

b. What is your priority rating of the following themes based on your organizations activities and level of engagement with other partners on a scale of 1 (most critical) to 5 (least important)?

Table 2: Priority Ratings Themes Academia Private Sector Government Civic

Sector Food Security Aquaculture Post-harvest Zoonosis Knowledge Management

1 5 1 3 2

2 3 4 5 1

1 2 2 2 1

1 5 1 3 2

Other Research Themes Natural Resources Mgt: 2

Climate change/ Agriculture: 1

State and other Research Themes 3

c. What do you think the main focus for the African region should be? Give

reasons. Table 3: The Main Focus for the African Region

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Academia Climate change mitigation and adaptation. Observed impact of climate change in

agriculture is critical Private Sector

Food security because level of food insecurity are so high in the region.

Government Food security. Impacts on climate change. HIV and AIDS

Civic Sector Community based research – most relevant to farmers as results are relevant. Knowledge management - using information to inform development Human development - skills capacity gaps are critical to the project and development Research for food security – evidence based programming , farming for community


d. How should the success and failure stories be selected within your sector? Table 4: Selection of Success and Failure Stories Academia

Based on the M&E reports for those who have excelled and the worst. Outcomes vs. targets Variance between targets and actual Degree of coherence

Private Sector No response from the group

Government Sector Impact, relevance and effectiveness

Civic Sector Partners should share information Publications Conduct evaluations Set up standards and an editorial body to analyse and select stories

Partnerships Brokerage e. What are your suggestions for mobilization/identifying/mapping of partners in

your sector?

Table 5: Suggestions for Mobilization/ Identification and Mapping Academia

Mobilize partners related to our immediate priority ratings- their present target theme in relation to our priority.

Partners Identify based on mandate of partners in relation to our priority rankings. Private Sector

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Sector based profile. Creating a database based on interests. Government

Bi-annual dialogues. Sector wide approach/common interests Civic Sector

Create stakeholder forum Send questionnaires Create a database

f. Can you provide a list of key organizations in your sector that FANRPAN should

approach for inclusion on the PAEPARD project?

Table 6: A List of Organizations to be approached by FANRPAN Academia

SIRMIP, National Research Council, UNISWA Research Centre, Agricultural Research Centre.

Private Sector Swaziland Livestock Technical consulting Federation of Swaziland Employers and

Chamber of Commerce, and Federation of Swaziland Business Community, SERPAL, Swazi Bank, FINCORP, Farmers Union, Business Women Forum Swaziland.

Government Sector Government Ministries and Parastatals.

Civic Sector World Vision, ACAT, SNAWU, SFDF, LDS, REASWA, BSRC, CARITAS, Conserve

Swaziland, ADRA, Community water developers, Council of Swaziland Churches and Conference of Swaziland Church.

g. What is your experience in regards to credibility and institutional governance of

partners? Table 7: Experience with Regards, to Credibility and Institutional Governance Academia

NGOs are best at sticking to project schedule timelines University is best in research project together with the Agric Research Centre.

Private Sector UNDP, ILO, Common Wealth Secretariat, COMMESA (good experience but different

approach with COMMESA). Government Sector

Successful and implementation of project e.g. rural electrification and LUSIP. Civic Sector

Have functional boards, Have professional staff Some policies and procedures Have programmes on the ground

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Registered h. What are the most crucial capacity straightening needs in your sector in relation to

the project? Academia

Project planning management and evaluation. Project impact assessment. Project monitoring and evaluation. Technological skills transfer

Private Sector Proposal writing and responding to call for proposal M & E and RBM.

Government Sector Project development proposal writing. Project management. Project development. Project procurement.

Civic Sector Research Corporate governance Grants management Management systems

Managing partnerships

9.0 CONCLUSION The workshop was a success. Presenters were well organized and members were actively participating. As indicated earlier on there is always a need to include the media in such gatherings.

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Table 8: List of Participants for Day 1 NAME POSITION ORGANISATION Email Address 1. Sharon Alfred Project

Manager FANRPAN [email protected]

2. Fungayi Simbi

Project Manager

FANRPAN [email protected]

3. Godfrey Z Khumalo

SNAU President

UNISWA Agriculture [email protected]

4. Henry N. Mndawe

Agric Economist

Ministry of Agriculture [email protected]

5. Nozipho P. Maphanga

SNAU Officer SWD National Agric Union(SNAU)

[email protected]

6. Henry Dladla Agric Economist

SWD National Agric Union (SNAU)

[email protected]

7. Absalom M.Manyatsi


UNISWA Agriculture [email protected]

8. Johnson B. Mabuza

SNAU President

SWD National Agric Union (SNAU)

[email protected]

9. Lungile Mhlanga

Research Officer

Agric Research [email protected]

10. Ambrose Dlamini

Agromet Ministry of Agriculture [email protected]

11. Nozipho Motsa

Lecturer UNISWA [email protected]

12. Siboniso Mavuso

CANGO [email protected]

13. Mphiyakhe M Ntuli

Managing Director

Mnemonics Consultancy

[email protected]

14. Emmanuel Ndlangamandla

Director CANGO [email protected]

15. Anna Tallant Consultant WFP [email protected] 16. Isaac Dladla Eco Scientist S. E. A [email protected] 17. Bongani

Masuku U. S. Ministry of Agriculture [email protected]

18. Sipho Shongwe

Manager SWD Livestock [email protected]

19. Daisy Dlamini

Lecturer UNISWA [email protected]

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20. Name Position Organization Email Address 21. Simon Tsela Statistician C.O.O. [email protected] 22. Daniela Isola NS E U daniela.isola2ec.europa.Eu 23. Blessing

Dladla Economist MEPD [email protected]

24. Nelson Mavuso

Senior Agric Officer

Ministry of Agriculture nelson [email protected]

25. Shongwe Mduduzi

Lecturer UNISWA, ABE [email protected]

26. Seyama Eric S

Meteorologist MTEA-Meteorology [email protected]

27. Tammy Dlamini

Food Sec. Coord

World Vision [email protected]

28. Mbongeni Nkabinde

Program Manager

ACAT [email protected]

29. Freddy Magagula

SAO-F Ministry of Agriculture [email protected]

30. Lungile Mzizi Project Manager


Table 9: List of Participants Day 2

Name Position Organization Email Address 1. Henry N

Mndawe Agric. Economist Ministry of

Agriculture [email protected]

2. Johnson B Mabuza

SNAU President SWD National Agric Union

[email protected]

3. Nozipho P Maphanga

SNAU Officer SWD National Agric Union

[email protected]

4. Simon Tsela Statistician Central Statistics’ office

[email protected]

5. Ambrose Dlamini

Agromet Ministry of Agriculture

[email protected]

6. Isaac Dladla Eco Scientist S. E. A [email protected] 7. Mphiyakhe M

Ntuli Managing Director

Mnemonics Consultancy

[email protected]

8. Sharon Alfred FANRPAN [email protected] 9. Lungile

Mhlanga Research officer MOA-Agric.

Research [email protected]

10. Tammy Dlamini

Food Security Coordinator

World Vision [email protected]

11. Sipho Shongwe Manager FESBC [email protected]

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12. Cliff Dlamini Research Fellow UNISWA [email protected] 13. Meshack

Dludlu Research Fellow UNISWA [email protected]

14. Seyama Eric Meteorologist MTEA-Meteorology

[email protected]

15. Fungayi Simbi REG LAAP WORLD

FANRPAN [email protected]

16. Lungile Mzizi Project Manager FSE&CC [email protected] 17. Nozipho Motsa Lecturer Agric. UNISWA [email protected] 18. Dlamini Daisy Lecturer Agric UNISWA [email protected] 19. Mbongeni

Nkabinde Manager ACAT [email protected]

20. Freddy Magagula

GAO-F Ministry of Agriculture

[email protected]

21. Blessing Dladla Economist MEPD [email protected] 22. Anna Tallant Consultant WFP [email protected] 23. Emmanuel

Ndlangamandla Director CANGO [email protected]