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...Instinctively you hunch your shoulders, your leg muscles stiffen up, your heart is racing as it's never done before, you're losing concentration, your mind is blurring, you can't control your body anymore...

A shocking picture, isn't it?You're aware that violence of all sorts

may occur anywhere – in your home or on the streets of the city you grew up in, and no one is ever completely safeguarded against it: neither your relatives, nor your immediate family, nor you yourself. Nevertheless, you keep hoping that there’s nothing to worry about for you personally since such things can happen to anyone but you. Still, violence is happening right now, it's everywhere, even in the city you live in – it happens hundreds of times each


day. Oh, but it happens to someone else, not you, right? Right. Until it happens to you.

You may think you’re so special that you’ll never end up falling victim to physical violence. If that is so, you may carry on with your wishful thinking. Alternatively, you may do what thousands of smart people just like you have already done and make sure you’re prepared for any unforeseen situation. In a bit we’ll tell you about the most efficient way to do it by taking advantage of Alexey A. Kadochnikov’s unique know-how.

His best practices have proved their efficiency and reliability in a vast variety of dangerous and unexpected contexts. Alexey Kadochinkov has devoted 57 years of his life to improving personal safety techniques and practices of survival in extreme situations. Scores of people have learned the “science of survival” he teaches. For lots of them, Kadochnikov’s system has been a life-saver, a tool safeguarding

Just imagine ...

Five Key Concepts of Effective Self-defence

Task Assignment Scheme For Effective Self-defence

04Five Key Concepts of Effective Self-defence

their health and making each of them feel confident no matter what happens.

Alexey Kadochnikov is much more than number one expert in the sphere of personal safety and effective self-defense. He is a man of scope, a legendary figure, a natural role model and a source of practical wisdom, experience and spirituality. Kadochnikov’s System is quintessence of efficiency in its approach to preparing a man to face any kind of contingency he may have to deal with in the world we live in. His system embraces a unique combination of simplicity, accessibility, reliability and efficiency. In this article, we will tell you about the five principles of effective self-defense as taught by Alexey Kadochnikov. He recommends following these principles if you want to be able to come out of a critical situation safely and with dignity, even if your life or health is in danger. Here are the five rules:

Rule №1. Never join combat unless there are no other ways out.

Rule №2. If you are in combat, don’t stop. Use all means to achieve your ends. Every enemy is dangerous. Even a wounded or surrendering enemy poses danger.

Rule №3. Don’t waste energy. Use your enemy’s strength against him.

Rule№4. Don’t fall for stereotypes. In every situation follow this sequence: situation – problem – objective – task – solution.

Rule №5. Be autonomous. Rely only on yourself.

How does one apply these rules in real life? This is exactly what Alexey A. Kadochnikov training is aimed at.

Training always starts with rule №1. No, it’s not what you think, not empty pep talk. It’s special preparatory exercises. You need to be prepared for violent conflict if you want to avoid it. You need to know you’re ready to go all the way to the end. And you need to be keep in mind the worst that can happen.

Teaching his combat algorithms, Alexey Kadochnikov starts off with the ad contrario method, in other words, the worst possible outcome. If your opponent swings a stick at you, imagine you’ve already been hit. From that point start thinking about how you could have avoided it, that is breaking down the negative impact of the strike into parts. This is done by a combination of linear and angular velocities.

What we do then is fending off the strike in the plane of the swing, and then imparting acceleration to the weapon by turning our forearm in order to throw the opponent off balance. There’s much more to it but we’re already jumping ahead of ourselves.

If you aren’t ready to go all the way down this road until the situation is resolved, your opponent will sense your “fear fluids,” this is something non-verbal. Indeed, the

first thing you need to learn to handle is your own fear.

If you think there’s a magic pill that’ll help you do it – you’re not too far from truth. You can easily harness your fear if you put some effort into it. Here’s why it’s really possible. You know already that fear is a natural emotional reaction to a real or imaginary threat.

The controlled sense of fear is a powerful survival tool in critical situations. When we experience fear, the level of adrenaline in our blood shoots up helping us mobilize our body’s resources to deal with the threat. In this case fear is our friend. However, if you find yourself in perpetual tension, if you feel insecure, anxious about every little thing (by the way, most of them aren’t even real, they are entirely imaginary) your nervous system will be too slow to return back to normal failing to neutralize that much adrenaline.

As a result you feel shaken and nervous no matter where you are. You get accustomed

to living under pressure. However, instead of solving the problem, the habit of living in fear aggravates it. Because of fear your body feels increasingly tense, especially in your neck, shoulders, legs, and back muscles.

Muscle tightness makes you feel even more stressed out. The tighter your muscles get, the more neurotic and distressed you begin to feel. Naturally, if you’re unable to control your body’s small reactions to fear in everyday life, how do you know you’ll manage to be on top of the game when you find yourself in a tight spot?

That’s why to start working on eliminating fear, we need to alleviate tension in some parts of our body following a certain sequence of actions.

This will help us let externalize the consternation, get rid of the chronic anxiety (whether reasonable or not) and gain a sense of unperturbed confidence. It’s important, though, not to let it turn into smugness as you hone your skills. This

Use minimum force

06Five Key Concepts of Effective Self-defence

is the first stage of training and you aren’t yet ready to face every threat; however, you start feeling quite a different person in your everyday life as fear and apprehension vaporize.

Instead, you get more confident as you notice more attention from members of opposite sex, you start getting on better with people because your body has launched a program that overhauls the internal processes responsible for reaction to external events.

You’re beginning to adapt much faster to the changing circumstances in life: you learn to make right decisions in a split second and act more assertively, your nervous system turns more stress-resistant and you’re no longer distracted by snags both from inside and outside.

As you perfect your skills, you learn to be in harmony with your own body, you

get in touch with the real world instead of your phantasm of the world.

Trivialities will no longer bother you and no more will you be distracted by what used to trigger fear and negativity in you. Now you feel cool and calm. When your body is relaxed, the command goes through to your brain telling it to chill and enjoy life. Now you’re ready to learn rule №2, keep training and perfecting your body while preparing yourself for any emergency that may arise. You’ve finally got up from your knees and learned to live like a free person.

You may think the exercises that helped you squeeze fear out of your body and boost your confidence are something abstract, like aerobics on TV.

This is not so. There’s not a single element in Kadochnikov System that isn’t loaded with meaning or can not be applied in real-life situations like combat.

Use your opponent‘s force against himself

07Five Key Concepts of Effective Self-defence

The basic physical skills you obtain as you train with Kadochnikov comprise universal combat algorithms that easily astonish an unprepared onlooker.

This is one of the secrets that make Kadochnikov System so unbelievably effective and stunningly beautiful in its simple charm of masterful body control.

And here’s the secret: in order to tackle complex concepts we need to start with… no, not just simple but very simple notions. We’re talking here about your movement trajectories as well as the speed with which you perform them.

The thing is Kadochnikov System doesn’t really teach you new moves. Instead, you’re trained to perform movements that are essential and inherent from the point of view of physiology and biomechanics.

However, lots of what felt natural to our ancestors has become alien to a person living in a modern world of sedentary lifestyles where nearly 80 percent of the global population do mental work, even more so in developed countries.

That is why we have to reinvent the wheel by working on small muscles that are not often used in our everyday lives. Indeed, without these muscles our movement becomes jerky and lacks fluidity. In contrast, we want them to be swift and smooth if we want to be able to attain the optimal speed at the right moment.

“Sex life” (as Alexey Kadochnikov jocularly calls preparatory exercises performed on the floor) turns out a unique fitness machine that allows us to restore the necessary body functions in very short time, the capabilities that we’ve lost as technology advanced.

Kadochnikov’s secrets and know-how have empowered thousands of people to attain mastery of their own bodies; many of them had never even believed they could be any good at self-defense at all. In this article, we’ve given you a sneak peek at the incredible world of personal safety techniques, the product of over five decade-long work by Alexey Alexeyevich Kadochnikov, who has generously shared his knowledge with anyone who is willing to acquire the unique and priceless skills that bring you safety, confidence and a sense of security.

We encourage you to leave you comments and questions here: Your feedback is very important to us.

The next report, which you will receive in a few days, will talk about why “Intelligence is worthless without practical wisdom” as legendary Russian battle commander Suvorov used to say. In addition, we’ll discuss reasons why it is crucial for effective self-defense to be able to counter your opponent while avoiding the use of brute force.