RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ...


Transcript of RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ...

Page 1: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Page 2: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.

LA PIETA Media: Marble

The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he has been crucified and removed from the cross.

In the sculpture, Jesus is draped across Mary’s lap as she looks down on his body in grief. Whereas most Italian artists portrayed Christ during his crucifixion and emphasized his wounds and suffering, Michelangelo’s sculpture is calm, and almost tranquil, but still full of sadness.

Page 3: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Oil Paint

In Cana, Galilee, Christ is invited to a wedding feast during which he performs his first miracle. At the end of the banquet, when the wine is running low, he asks the servants to fill the stone jars with water and then offer them to the master of the house, who finds that the water has been turned to wine.

Page 4: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Fresco with Tempura and Oil

Illustrates the scene from the last days of Jesus Christ, as described in the Gospel of John 13:21. Flanked by his twelve apostles, Jesus has just declared that one of them will betray him. ("Verily I say unto you: one of you will betray me.") The picture depicts the reaction of each disciple to the news. Although on the surface it looks like a straightforward piece of Biblical art, it is in fact an exceptionally complex work, whose mathematical symbolism, psychological complexity, use of perspective and dramatic focus, make it the first real example of High Renaissance aesthetics.

Page 5: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Wood

The appearance of the Magdalen's body is frequently a subject of contention. Many scholars described her as psychotic-looking and skeletal or "half-mad", perhaps from years spent fasting in a cave in an attempt to fully cleanse herself of sin.

However, a closer look reveals much more. Slender though she certainly is, the Magdalen is not necessarily weak and emaciated. She clearly possesses a unique strength of mind and body. Her arms are surprisingly sinewy and even faintly masculine. Her hair, disheveled and probably unwashed, hangs like a blanket around her shriveled body.

Though her face evokes feelings of revulsion in some, there can be no doubt that her expression is one of fierce devotion and determination.

Page 6: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Fresco

The identities of some of the philosophers in the picture, such as Plato or Aristotle, are certain. Beyond that, identifications of Raphael’s figures have always been hypothetical.

Page 7: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Ink

Vitruvian Man is perhaps Leonardo da Vinci's most famous illustration. In this work, Leonardo used both image and text to express the ideas and theories of Vitruvius, a first century Roman architect and author of 'De Architectura libri X'. The Vitruvian ideas, presented by Leonardo, formed the basis of Renaissance proportion theories in art and architecture.

Page 8: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Oil Paint

On Herod's birthday, Herodias's daughter (whom Josephus identifies as Salome) danced before the king and his guests. Her dancing pleased Herod so much that in his drunkenness he promised to give her anything she desired, up to half of his kingdom. When the daughter asked her mother what she should request, she was told to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Although Herod was appalled by the request, he reluctantly agreed and had John executed in the prison.

Page 9: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Oil

After the crucifixion, some on Christ's followers (Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene) along with his Mother, remove Christ's body from the cross and place it in the tomb.

Good use of symbolism – lightness and darkness.

Page 10: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.

DAVID Media: Marble

The account of the battle betweenDavid and Goliath is told in Book 1 Samuel. Saul and the Israelites are facing the Philistines near the Valley of Elah. Twice a day for 40 days, Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, comes out between the lines and challenges the Israelites to send out a champion of their own to decide the outcome in single combat. Only David, a young shepherd, accepts the challenge. Saul reluctantly agrees and offers his armor, which David declines since it is too large, taking only his sling and five stones from a brook. David and Goliath thus confront each other, Goliath with his armor and shield, David armed only with his rock, his sling, his faith in God and his courage. David hurls a stone from his sling with all his might and hits Goliath in the center of his forehead: Goliath falls on his face to the ground, and David then cuts off his head.

Page 11: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.

MONA LISA Media: Oil

Valued at around $1 billion.

The general impression created by the Mona Lisa portrait is one of great serenity, enriched by a definite air of mystery. The serenity comes from the muted color scheme, the soothing sfumato tonality, and the harmony created by the sitter's pyramid-shaped pose and understated drapery. The mystery stems from a number of factors: first, her enigmatic half-smile; second, her gaze, which is directed to the right of the viewer; her hands which have a slightly unreal, lifeless quality - almost as if they belonged to a different body.

Page 12: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.

THREE WOMEN Media: Oil on Canvas

This painting represents a group of three reclining nudes drinking tea or coffee in a chic apartment. While the reclining nude is a common subject in art history, these women's bodies have been simplified into rounded and dislocated forms, their skin not soft but firm, buffed, and polished. The machinelike precision and solidity with which Léger renders human form relates to his faith in modern industry and to his hope that art and the machine age would together reverse the chaos unleashed by World War I.

Page 13: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Oil

In the painting, four clocks are prominently on display in an otherwise empty desert scene. While this might seem uncanny enough, the clocks are not flat as you might expect them to be, but are bent out of shape, appearing to be in the act of melting away. In classic Surrealist manner, this weird and unexpected juxtaposition poses a lot of questions right upfront. First off, why are these clocks melting? Why are the clocks out in the desert? Where are all the people?

Since the subject matter and content of the Salvador Dali's clocks painting seems illogical or irrational, one might be surprised by the very representational and nearly photographic quality of the painting, fitting well with Dali's own description of his art as being "hand-painted dream photographs." The concept of the "dream" is integral in understanding Surrealism and plays a key role in the meaning of The Persistence of Memory, as well.

Page 14: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Pencil and Paper


Page 15: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


Media: Pencil and Paper


Page 16: RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY WALK. LA PIETA Media: Marble The term Pietà refers to the subject of Christ in the lap of his mother, the Virgin Mary, after he.


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