Remote transformer Monitoring Services - Mistras

Specificaons subject to change without noce. Copyright © 2013 MISTRAS Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. One Source for Asset Protection Solutions Products and Systems Application Brief #200A-15102-01 2015 OVERVIEW MISTRAS Remote Transformer Monitoring Ser- vices offer complete, equipment-inclusive, monitoring soluons to complement our ad- vanced line of Acousc Emission (AE) services for power equipment. Our Remote Transformer Monitoring Services operate in conjuncon with our online monitoring system (SHIII), allowing users to monitor the status of power equipment assets from on & off- site locaons. The system includes around-the- clock monitoring from trained power specialists and regular condion monitoring reports, detailing the integrity of power equipment. Remote Monitoring Services include: Cost effecveness and ease of installaon of AE equipment Accessible summaries, stascal data, and asset metrics 24/7 online monitoring of asset status and condion monitoring Analysis of AE data, correlang with operang parametrics Flexible monitoring & reporng schedules of asset condion with engineering soluons Reportable history of asset acvity ONLINE MONITORING MISTRAS’ Remote Transformer Monitoring Services incorporate online monitoring services, available to customers through a private and secured web page, displaying specific customer informaon and asset condion. The customer’s private summary page (Figure 1) is only available to authorized site operators and MISTRAS monitoring specialists. The customer summary web page illustrates each monitored unit, providing informave management summaries about the asset, operang parameters, and monitoring equipment. The summary screen provides me-monitored AE system stascs for the latest monitoring period, or specified reporng frequencies. On the summary web page, users can view informaon related to installaon and general acvity of monitored power equipment. Menu choices allow for the viewing of acvity graphs shown in (Figure 2, on back). The graph also illustrates acousc acvity, in addion to operang parameters such as load, temperature, LTC current, pump current, etc. Reporng features also include channel acvity, graphs of acvity per sensors, sensor posions, Remote Transformer Monitoring Services and two-dimensional views of acousc acvity (Figures 3 and 5, on back). (Figure 3, on back) illustrates a typical diagram of sensor locaons, which can provide one or mulple views for varying locaons on the transformer. This helps the customer idenfy where data is gathered and the source of a problem area. Independent parameters can be displayed. The selecon box allows many different parameter selecons including; viewing acousc emission hits, events, event groups, counts, energy, ASL and or parametrics (operang parameters reading) versus me. The user can also select any specific me period for review. The channel acvity graph (Figure 4, on back) can be monitored over a selected period of me and mulple variables. Selecons include recent and cumulave hit acvity per channel, ASL per channel, first hit of event per channel is available. Figure 1: Site Summary

Transcript of Remote transformer Monitoring Services - Mistras

Page 1: Remote transformer Monitoring Services - Mistras

Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 MISTRAS Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

One Source forAsset Protection


Products and Systems Application Brief

#200A-15102-01 2015

OVERVIEWMISTRAS Remote Transformer Monitoring Ser-vices offer complete, equipment-inclusive, monitoring solutions to complement our ad-vanced line of Acoustic Emission (AE) services for power equipment.

Our Remote Transformer Monitoring Services operate in conjunction with our online monitoring system (SHIII), allowing users to monitor the status of power equipment assets from on & off-site locations. The system includes around-the-clock monitoring from trained power specialists and regular condition monitoring reports, detailing the integrity of power equipment.

Remote Monitoring Services include:• Cost effectiveness and ease of installation of

AE equipment • Accessible summaries, statistical data,

and asset metrics• 24/7 online monitoring of asset status and

condition monitoring• Analysis of AE data, correlating with

operating parametrics• Flexible monitoring & reporting schedules of

asset condition with engineering solutions• Reportable history of asset activity

ONLINE MONItORINg MISTRAS’ Remote Transformer Monitoring Services incorporate online monitoring services, available to customers through a private and secured web page, displaying specific customer information and asset condition. The customer’s

private summary page (Figure 1) is only available to authorized site operators and MISTRAS monitoring specialists.

The customer summary web page illustrates each monitored unit, providing informative management summaries about the asset, operating parameters, and monitoring equipment. The summary screen provides time-monitored AE system statistics for the latest monitoring period, or specified reporting frequencies. On the summary web page, users can view information related to installation and general activity of monitored power equipment. Menu choices allow for the viewing of activity graphs shown in (Figure 2, on back).

The graph also illustrates acoustic activity, in addition to operating parameters such as load, temperature, LTC current, pump current, etc. Reporting features also include channel activity, graphs of activity per sensors, sensor positions,

Remote transformer Monitoring Services

and two-dimensional views of acoustic activity (Figures 3 and 5, on back).

(Figure 3, on back) illustrates a typical diagram of sensor locations, which can provide one or multiple views for varying locations on the transformer. This helps the customer identify where data is gathered and the source of a problem area.

Independent parameters can be displayed. The selection box allows many different parameter selections including; viewing acoustic emission hits, events, event groups, counts, energy, ASL and or parametrics (operating parameters reading) versus time. The user can also select any specific time period for review. The channel activity graph (Figure 4, on back) can be monitored over a selected period of time and multiple variables. Selections include recent and cumulative hit activity per channel, ASL per channel, first hit of event per channel is available.

Figure 1: Site Summary

Page 2: Remote transformer Monitoring Services - Mistras

Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 MISTRAS Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Local Presence, Global Reach!Visit our website for an office near you HEADQUARTERS:195 Clarksville Rd • Princeton Jct, NJ 08550 • USAT: +1.609.716.4000 • F: +1.609.716.0706E-MAIL: [email protected]

#200A-15102-01 2015

Remote transformer Monitoring Services

When a change in the acoustic profile is observed that might indicate something of significance is happening on the power equipment, MISTRAS specialists will perform further analysis in this area and report back. This is done continuously in order to help identify and understand the behavior of problem areas.

Analytical reports are regularly generated by MISTRAS monitoring analysts. The user can download the report to their computer for personal review, archival, in addition to on-site review. During monitoring periods, MISTRAS monitoring specialists collect raw data and perform detailed analysis using the latest location analysis, clustering techniques and pattern recognition tools to spot trends, find and locate possible problem areas on the transformer (Figure 5). These reports summarize the data in a management summary, incorporating graphics for easy understanding, observations, analysis

results, conclusions and recommendations. Acoustic activity is graded and an intensity analysis is performed to determine if the source is negligible, minor, medium or significant.

REMOtE CONtROL ENgINEERINg SERVICESIn addition, MISTRAS’ Remote Transformer Monitoring Services, includes remote control engineering solutions to help ensure the system is being fully maintained and that all system settings are kept appropriately. Using remote connection capabilities, system parameters can be modified as required or requested to ensure the system remains as sensitive as possible for the accurate detection of transformer activity. This feature is cost saving and reduces on-site visits.

INStRuMENtatION aNd INStaLLatIONRemote Transformer Monitoring Services offer customer remote maintenance and diagnostics,

accessible by MISTRAS technical administrators, who can troubleshoot the system remotely and schedule cost effective repairs for the customer. MISTRAS can also upgrade software remotely and install new software options as requested by the customer or as needed depending on monitoring results. Remote Transformer Monitoring Services ensures safe operation of critical power transformers while replacement units are built as well as monitoring during the first hours of operation after new/repaired/ replacement units are installed.

SuMMaRYMISTRAS’ Remote Transformer Monitoring Services cuts down on the need to constantly travel on-site, ultimately saving significant time and money. Additionally, MISTRAS’ services offer convenience for the management of power equipment, and safety assurance of an assets integrity.







Figure 2: Dual Axis Time Plot

Figure 5: Event Location By Bin

Figure 4: Channel Activity Graph Screen

Figure 3: Sensor Locations