Relinquish Black Knight & Dark Slayer Symbolism

Relinquish Black Knight & Dark Slayer Symbolism A quick article that explains a bit more about Relinquish's title, and why he is called this in the first place. _________________________________________________________


A little article explaining Relinquish's title.

Transcript of Relinquish Black Knight & Dark Slayer Symbolism

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Relinquish Black Knight & Dark Slayer Symbolism

A quick article that explains a bit more about Relinquish's title,and why he is called this in the first place.


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Relinquish is occasionally referred to by Kurome as her "Black Knight"& or "Dark Slayer." An intimidating, and, as much as I hate saying this word... Edgy title. But it does seem to suit his character, does it not? But why is the question? Is there even a reason then to just make him sound cool....? Why yes there is.

Relinquish is a character full of little bits of hidden messages and symbolism I've created for him, just for those who are a tad more interested in the more "deeper" aspects of his character. There are very, very little things I add to his persona without reason, thought, or research—this title is no exception. I say we get started on that with a little history.

The Black Knight was first popularly portrayed in media from the British legends of King Arthur as a mysterious, and deadly enemy. The Black Knight was a former, proud warrior fallen from grace. Someone who broke the code of honor, and rules of chivalry. Therefore he was exiled from the kingdom as a "Fallen Knight." Or perhaps, in some cultures; "Black Knight." This Knight has no code. No honor. And is loyal to nobody but his own passion as well as emotions. I would like to refer you to this paragraph from the legends of King Arthur which shows the Black Knight's first introduction.

"There sat a knight all armed in black harness, and his name was the Knight of the Black Laund. Then the damosel, when she saw that knight, she bade him flee down that valley, for his horse was not saddled. Gramercy, said Beaumains, for always ye would have me a coward. With that the Black Knight, when she came nigh him, spake and said, Damosel, have ye brought this knight of King Arthur to be your champion? Nay, fair knight, said she, this is but a kitchen knave that was fed in King Arthur's kitchen for alms. Why cometh he, said theknight, in such array? It is shame that he beareth you company. "

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Seeing any resemblance here to the relationship Relinquish has with two certain characters...? Let's break it down.

.First of all: The Damosel is a metaphor for Kurome.

.Second: Beaumains, the proud Knight, is a metaphor for Wave.

.Third: The Knight of Black Laund is a metaphor for Relinquish.

Fourth: That paragraph is all a reference for the relationship the three characters have.

Relinquish is, without a doubt, chaotic. He respects laws, but is certainly not bound by them, and will disregard these laws without a care if he wills it. Before the start of the series he has nothing to live, nor care for in his eyes. It's all just a game to him. To paraphrase him, life is just a messed up game of cards. But one day, one odd day, he begins to meet someone that he cares about; Kurome.

He longs for her affection and touch, but is a Knight with no code. The concept of the "code" is a symbol of Relinquish's emotions and personality. He is the Black Knight because he is sadomasochistic, and obviously has a few mental issues.

Wave, however, is the White Knight. He is dubbed this because he is mentally stable, and has a code of honor of sorts. To be more simple with a Dungeons and Dragons reference.

Wave is Law—Relinquish is Chaos.

... But, chaotic neutral. While he may have more than a few screws loose, Relinquish is not without some form of discipline. He will not attack those who are innocent unless ordered to, and will only follow the order if it benefits his journey to reaching his true goal (Kurome). He has a rather sick, inhuman way of looking at the world, but does not

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force this belief on others. He cares about others, but not himself. Before the series he just does his own thing, living his own life without meaning behind it.

Now once more in regards to Wave, Beaumains, the White Knight, is how Relinquish views Wave. He even directly says so once in the writing "We Are The Jaegers." Proud. Happy. Steadfast. But also stopping him from reaching damosel. The polar opposite of himself, and his most powerful obstacle on his quest to finally have meaning in his life.

Relinquish looks at Wave, and he pictures him wearing Grand Chariot right at the final step that leads to Kurome at the top of the tower, after all the others he has traversed in order to get this far—he is not going totake that. Wave pushes Relinquish not just to his physical, but mental limits at the climax of the two characters relationship. He is the only man in the world who has challenged him this much. In that sense, as said before by him, yet rarely ever out loud, Relinquish respects Wave. He doesn't envy him. And, while the angriest he has ever been in his entire life, has never hated him. That is also why he is comfortable withdying by his hand. If Wave was able to do all of this to Relinquish, this much damage, this much fear, all of these feelings inferiority and inadequacy—“Then I deserve nothing less than to fall to you. The only one in this world who I can truly call my friend!”- Relinquish

Also, here is another interesting bit. In the story of King Arthur, Beaumains defeats the Knight of Black Laund, but he will not give up. The Black Knight is driven by passion, and will not admit defeat, Beaumains is forced to slay him. Relinquish, just like the Black Knight,is extremely stubborn. Hell, I'd go as far to say the most stubborn character in the series. He is the unstoppable force to Wave's immovable object. No matter what Wave said to him, no matter how much he tried with just words, he would never have talked Relinquish out of wanting to fight to the death with him. It's not in his nature. If he

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did so he would have felt that he gave up the one thing in the world he cared about, and so easily. Talking was never an option. The two wouldhave had to have some form of physical confrontation for Relinquish tobe sated.

Relinquish has such a drive, such a burning black flame in his heart thathe will never give up—but will get put out of his misery. He even says that when he truly desires something the only way to stop him is to literally kill him—just as Beaumains had to do to the Black Knight in the legend. Relinquish will not yield or arrest, even if it breaks his own code.

I believe I have fully covered why Relinquish is a Black Knight during the series, but why is he still one when he has finally reached his goal, and stands by Kurome's side? Because that same passion lies in protecting her. No, not just protecting her, but loving his. Treating her nicely. Being happy. Making sure she lives the best life he can possibly provide her. That blackened flame of his has not been put to shadow—just put to a different use. Still, that's not to say he hasn't lost his touch...

“When his rose is threatened, when someone dares to touch her, dares to put a blight upon the rose of divine—the Black Knight will take up his blade—and protect the rose in a hellish display, slaying the minions of darkness that wishes harm upon their perfect gray.”

And that is why Relinquish is Kurome's darling, loyal, Black Knight.



.Relinquish shares the title "Dark Slayer" with Vergil from the Devil May Cry series.

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.Also, in the anime universe ending, Relinquish is now only referred to as a Dark Slayer by Wave, and not a Black Knight at all. This is because he no longer has anyone to be as loyal to as he was to Kurome,except Wave, but he is not loyal to him in... "That way." (>_>)

.In a One Shot story I made that involves both Relinquish and Wave, Grand Chariot, for some reason, becomes possessed. It's animated on it's own, and starts walking as well as using abilities of its free accord without Wave using the Teigu, then starts causing a rampage throughout the town. Without Wave as its user the armor becomes black, and develops a dark purple aura around it. It's now up to Relinquish to stop it, with Akame not being able to help too much because, even if she were to pierce the armor, there is no flesh beyond it to damage. Relinquish's first words to the animated Teigu are; “Hey, buddy! I don't know what the hell Sailor's been thinking while using you, but I'm the only Black Knight around here!”

.Grand Chariot in this state was referred to as "Nero Grand Chariot." Nero is Italian for black.

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.Relinquish has other forms of symbolism regarding his relationship with Wave as mentioned before such as the irresistible force paradox.(A.K.A immovable object vs. unstoppable force) Law and Chaos. Apollonian and Dionysian. Etc


*Obligatory Gag*

Akame & Wave: ... The edge—

Relinquish: SHUT UP! -_-+
