Reli & Chelsea

Reli & Chelsea In Honor Of Akame Ga Kill's 6th Volume Release A quick story with Reli & Chelsea, in honor of Akame Ga Kill's 6th volume official translation. ^_^ _________________________________________________________ Despite the oh-so popular belief, I do not hate Night Raid. Like... At all. Not in the slightest. I know I'm supposed to, it is sort of my job, but I just can't find it in myself to do so. They're simply fighting for a cause that I view as pointless, but they do not. And they don't seem like people I would dislike. I mean, sure, they killed Doc, but the bastard was probably going to betray us anyway. His heart was fickle, tasted like bad fruit. Still, I wonder why I'm walking next to this member of their little "Night Raid" down the streets of the Capital... And not killing her. "So.." I began, speaking to the young woman next to me. Based on the way she is plowing through those lollipops I would say she and Kurome are related, maybe cousins? "'Chelsea'. Right, love?" "Yeah." She simply replied. Not even looking at me. Only furthering my belief that she and Kurome are somehow related...


A quick story with Reli & Chelsea in honor of Akame ga Kill's 6th volume release. ^_^

Transcript of Reli & Chelsea

Page 1: Reli & Chelsea

Reli & Chelsea

In Honor Of Akame Ga Kill's 6th Volume Release

A quick story with Reli & Chelsea, in honor of Akame Ga Kill's 6thvolume official translation. ^_^


Despite the oh-so popular belief, I do not hate Night Raid. Like... At all. Not in the slightest. I know I'm supposed to, it is sort of my job, but I just can't find it in myself to do so. They're simply fighting for a cause that I view as pointless, but they do not. And they don't seem like people I would dislike. I mean, sure, they killed Doc, but the bastard was probably going to betray us anyway. His heart was fickle, tasted like bad fruit.

Still, I wonder why I'm walking next to this member of their little "Night Raid" down the streets of the Capital... And not killing her.

"So.." I began, speaking to the young woman next to me. Based on the way she is plowing through those lollipops I would say she and Kurome are related, maybe cousins? "'Chelsea'. Right, love?"

"Yeah." She simply replied. Not even looking at me.

Only furthering my belief that she and Kurome are somehow related...

Page 2: Reli & Chelsea

"Ah, great. Thank you, lolitart."

"Don't call me that." At least her eyes darted towards me a bit, but her face was aimed right in front her.

"Sorry." I apologized. "I'm sort of one for nicknames. You don't care for it?"

"Considering how you just called me a fancy term for 'whore', I guess not." She... Winked towards me? Truly?


I do hope she's not coming on to me, I'm taken with lovely. Even if Kurome doesn't know it yet..

How did she know about that term?

"Don't think you're the only one who knows a bit of slang." Chelsea tossed the stick of the lollipop in a trash nearby before almost immediately bringingout another, and placing it in her mouth.

"Very well." She saw through the nickname I had given her so easily. Not many are familiar with the slang 'tart'... I wonder where she was raised? "How about... 'Love'? That work for ya?"

"It's better." Perhaps she finally conceded? "You could just call me by my name though."

"Names don't exist, Love." I bluntly replied. "They are metaphysical concepts made by mankind to make their lives easier. In reality you're nothing but walking talking animated pieces of bone flesh fat and gristle."

She simply sighed.

I swear to god she is related to Kurome! She even shrugs me off the same way!

"And pardon me for asking, Love- but why aren't I killing you right now?" I asked while adjusting my gloves.

Ah, look at that, she finally looked towards me. Talking through that damn lollipop in her mouth. "I think Takahiro wanted to do something special to advertise the manga's 6th volume release in the States."

"Ah... I see." That's a lie, don't tell her. "So... We're the two characters

Page 3: Reli & Chelsea

advertised for it, in a sense?"

Chelsea nodded.

"But I'm not even that popular. Why not get Captain or your Red Eyed Killerfor this?" I asked.

"Because I'm on the cover. And you're decently popular." She shortly explained.

".... Really?" I questioned her with a suspicious tone.

"About as much as me, at least." Chelsea began to pull out another one of those lollipops from her bag. Maybe she is going to take two of them on at once?

.... Reli had a pervy thought.

Disregard that.

"Want one?" She held the lollipop in front of me.

... And all similarities with Kurome are destroyed at that moment.

"One moment." I answered.

I concentrated on my eyes, turning them green. And began to stare at her chest for just a few seconds.



"Is there a reason you're staring at my chest?!" She halted our pace, and retracted the lollipop.

"I'm tasting your heart to see how honest it is." I explained. "Just a bit longer...."

"It's not poisoned..." She tried to tell me while wrapping one of her arms around her breast, most likely trying to get them out of my gaze.

"Oh, honey." I began, gaze still focused on her chest. "That's not gonna work. I can see everything, but don't worry about it. I just don't wanna be poisoned by some damn assassin."

"There's a truce!" She retorted.

Page 4: Reli & Chelsea

"Truces were made to be broken, Love." I did the same. "Now calm your decently sized betties down, we're almost done! And.... Alright, you check out. Your heart has an interesting flavor, but the overall texture is not too bad. You seem like a decently nice gal. I'll take that lolli-.... H-Hey, don't walk away from me!"

Chelsea just walked off, ignoring everything I said.

"I-I wanted that lollipop!" I pleaded for the sweet. "Do you know how long it's been since I had a sweet with Kurome around?! Even I buy one for me it's gone when I get back to base!

"Too bad, pervert!" She did not turn to face me, yet I heard her laughter.

I do hope this special doesn't last long. This girl could get very annoying...



Relinquish: You know what they say, love? You are what you eat. :)

Chelsea: What does that mean...?

Relinquish: Oh, nothing. Just be careful out there while you fight us. You may have your head on a stick by the end of it! XD

Relinquish & Kurome: *Giggle and whisper under their breath* ;)

Chelsea: What the hell are they talking about? =.=

Natala: Nothing.... >_>

Relinquish Kurome & Chelsea: ..... YOU CAN TALK?! O.o