Relativity, what is wrong?

Time is up 13.05.2005 Relativity, what is wrong? Hartwig Thim Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria


Relativity, what is wrong?. Hartwig Thim Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. Overview. · Principle of relativity (Galilei-Transformation) · Measurement of speed of light (or microwaves) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Relativity, what is wrong?

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Time is up 13.05.2005

Relativity, what is wrong?

Hartwig Thim

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

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OverviewPrinciple of relativity (Galilei-Transformation)

Measurement of speed of light (or microwaves)

Medium for propagation = „Ether“ (fundamental frame of reference - Maxwell, Lorentz, Larmor, Ives, Marinov and many others)

Ether: Measurement of Michelson/Morley using interferometry 1881 wrong interpretation: W. Voigt (Göttingen) warns already in 1886

Einstein 1905: there is no ether, therefore light propagation is isotropic with respect to any inertial coordinate system: c = 299.792 km/s

Lorentz -Transformations (space and time are connected to each other)

Consequences: time dilation, length contraction, twin (clock) paradoxon, Cosmic Microwave Background, GPS, relativistic Doppler shift, etc.

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Principle of relativity: two trains leave a railway station


EAST station WEST Earth (railway station) moves from west to east (at 462 m/s)

If all previous accelerations would be recorded a fundamental frame of reference could be defined!

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z S y P x v x = v.t

A point P (f. e.: a train) moves at v in x- direction.

In its own coordinate system S‘ the point does not move.

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Galilei – Transformationen

The point P (the train) moves at v in x- direction

In its coordinate system S’ the train does not move

Seen from the coordinate system S’ the system S moves at -v in the opposite (-x) direction (mechanical principle of relativity)

In both coordinate systems clocks tick at same rate (t = t‘)

z z’ v t x’ S S’ y y’ P v x x’ x

vtxx ' yy ' zz ' tt '

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Measurement of velocity v• Using light or radio waves (sound is too slow))

• Is there a medium for propagation of em. waves? Before Einstein (1905) everybody agreed: there is a stationary medium, the so-called „Ether“, in which light propagates isotropically at c = 299.792 km/s.

• Does the ether follow the earth‘s motion?

• Michelson und Morley built in 1982 an interferometer in order to detect an „etherwind“ on earth

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Michelson – Morley - Interferometer

mirror etherwind semi-transparent mirror mirror observer

2Δt = L/(c-v)+L/(c+v)=2Lc/(c²-v²)

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Michelson – Morley - Interferometer




2Δt = L/(c-v)+L/(c+v)=2Lc/(c²-v²)

Transversal: v²Δt² + L² = c² Δt² —>

²²/22 vcLt

J. P. Wesley (2005): phase velocities must be considered! The square root is wrong! Etherwind cannot be detected IN PRINCIPLE by this method even if one exists!

Woldemar Voigt (1887): Both beams travel at equal times!

NULL – RESULT is observed!

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Michelson – Morley Null result is a classical Doppler effect

J. P. Wesley:

L y x L tc


w a v e i n r e s t f r a m e : )sin( rkt

p h a s e v e l o c i t y : 2/ kkc

G a l i l e i - t r a n s f o r m : tvrr


w a v e i n m o v i n g f r a m e :

]')sin[()]'(sin[(' rktvktvrkt

c l a s s i c a l D o p p l e r s h i f t : vk

' p h a s e v e l o c i t y i n m o v i n g f r a m e :

2222 11/''








l o n g i t u d i n a l :


vcc 1' , o u t a n d b a c k :





t r a n s v e r s a l :














Two-way phase velocity is isotropic! An ether cannot be detected by this method!

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W. Voigt 1887:

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)(' vtxx

222 /1/)(' cv

cvxtt zzyy ','

skmccv /000.300/1 221

2222222222 ''''0 tczyxtczyx

22 /1/)(' cvvtxx

vtx / vtx '/'

)''( vtxx

vtxx ' tt ' Galilei-Transformationen

Lorentz - Transformations

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Lorentz-Transformations: The Consequences

• Length contraction (Ehrenfest-Paradoxon)

• Time dilation (Clock- or Twin-Paradoxon, symmetry)

• Transverse Doppler Effect

• GPS (traffic guidance)

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Length contraction

• Moving rods are shorter

• 1. question: a rotating disk should break (Paul Ehrenfest)

• 2. question: which rod contracts? (Car or road hole?)

²/²1' cvxx

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Time dilation

• Moving clocks tick slower

• Moving twin ages slower Question: Which one of the two?????

• Contradictions disappear, if

a) Δt‘ = Δt (Galilei-Tr.) are used or b) absolute frame of reference is used



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Transverse Doppler-Shift Rotating antennas

metallische Ringleitung verbindet die Antennen

f f f’’’

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Mikrowellenexperiment circulator 33 GHz monopole antennas disk 1 rectangular wave guide pick-up disk 2 drive 1 attenuator sliding short mixer magic tee drive 2 diode isolator oscilloscope low pass filter (LP)

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Experimental result

Transverse (relativistic) Doppler-shift is not observed, although the sensitivity of the apparatus is found to be sufficient. One measures:





ffff ''' instead of

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• Relativistic (transverse) Doppler shift and, hence, time dilation does not exist

• The Lorentz-Transformations are not ap-plicable, special relativity has been refuted

• A simple experiment is missing which all physicists can reproduce and understand

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Further falsifications • Penzias und Wilson observed already in 1964 an

absolute frame of reference, the so-called Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (our solar sys-tem moves at 360 km/s towards LEO)

• Speed of light is isotropic and equal to c only in the CMB, according to Arno Penzias. The CMB coincides with the center of all masses in our universe. That has been ignored up to date!

• The „simple“ experiment is still missing, for ex.: The measurement of the one-way velocity of light! Michelson has proposed such an experiment already in 1887!

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Measurement of the one-way speed of light Marinov 1975

General Relativity and Gravitation, vol. 12, No. 1, pp.57 – 66, 1980

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GPSG r a v i t y :








A b r a h a m , H a s e n ö h r l : 2cMW o P l a n c k : fhW

G r a v i t y : 10











S p e c i a l r e l a t i v i t y ( S R ) : 102






C o r r e c t i o n t e r m a c t u a l l y u s e d : 1010465,4 G r a v i t a t i o n a l e f f e c t s a r e m u c h l a r g e r t h a n S R e f f e c t s . C l o c k s a r e d a i l y a d j u s t e d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Mass Increase (W = mc2) absolute effect (Hasenöhrl 1904, Annalen der Physik)

A A td


tddW 22 )()(

dmcMdvvdvMvMdvsdtdvMdsdFWd 22)(/)(

22 /1/ cvMMmdMd o

.........//1/ 24832

212222 cvMvMcMcvcMW oooo

The wave is absorbed by a body with mass M. The energy W of the body is increased by dW and its mass M by dm:

A body with mass M is irradiated by an electromagnetic wave:

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