RELATION BETWEEN ACCELERATION , INTRUS ION AND PASSENGER LOAD IN LATERAL COLLIS IONS - RESULTS FOUND THROUGH NON SOPHIST ICATED SIMULATION MODEL H. Rau, H . Appel Institute of Automotive Engineer ing Technische Universität Berl in (Germany) ABSTRACT A one-dimensional , four-mass mode l was used to investigate tendencies of several parameters on passenger acce leration in a motor vehicle struck from the s i de . The passenger is represented as a single mass. The parameters are the speed, the rig idity of the external structure of the striking and of the struck veh icle, the hardness of the interior door cush ioning , the th ickness of the door, and the distance between passenger and the interior door cushioning upon initia tion of the collision. INTRODUCTION Until now, litt le attention has been paid to the latera l collis ion, in comparison with the work done w ith frontal collisions (1). There are several reasons for this: 1. The frontal co l lis i on is the most common type of acc ident, with the highest rate of injury. The focal point of such study, however, could now we l l shift to the lateral collision, especial ly in view of improved safety belt app lication. 2. Due to the sma l l path of deformation, the poss ib ilities of reducing loads on the passenger are less ·favourab le than with the frontal' collis ion . The possibilities which do ex ist are very expensive . 3 . The definition of the latera l col lision is more complex than that of the frontal co llision. 4. The knowledge of vehicle characteristic values is necessary for mathematical s imulat ion . These values are, however, on ly available to an insufficient degree. Precisely because the possibi lities for reduc ing the dangers of a latera l co llis ion are l imited, it is necessary to optimize the coordinat ion of the most important parameters . First of all in this regard, one may gain basic knowledge of the relationship between lateral rigidity, intrus ion, and loads on the passenger. 32 2



H . Rau , H . Appel Institute of Automotive Engineering Technische Univers ität Berlin ( Germany)


A one-dimens ional , four-mass mode l was used to investigate tendencies of several parameters on passenger acceleration in a motor vehi c le struck from the s ide . The passenger is represented as a single mas s . The parameters are the spee d , the rigidity of the external structure of the s triking and of the struck vehicle , the hardne s s of the interior door cushioning , the thickness of the door , and the distance between passenger and the interior door cushioning upon initiation of the col li sion .


Unti l now , little attention has been paid to the lateral collision , in comparison with the work done with frontal collisions ( 1 ) . There are several reasons for thi s :

1 . The f rontal collision i s the most common type of accident, with the highest rate of inj ury . The focal point of such study , however , c ould now we l l shift to the lateral collision , especially in view of improved safety be lt application .

2 . Due to the sma l l path of deformation , the possibilities of reducing loads on the passenger are less ·favourable than with the frontal ' collision . The possib i lities whi ch do exist are very expensive .

3 . The de finition of the lateral collision is more complex than that of the frontal collision .

4 . The knowledge of vehi c le characteristic values i s necessary for mathematical s imulation . These values are , however , only availab le to an insufficient degree .

Precisely because the possibi lities for reducing the dangers of a lateral collision are l imited , it i s necessary to optimize the coordination of the most important parameters . First of all in this regard , one may gain basic knowledge of the re lationship between l ateral rigidity , intrusion , and loads on the passenge r .


The basic relationships and the necessary direction of future ef fort have become apparent in the s imple vehicle mode l f or simu l ation of the lateral collision described below .


The accident situation investigated is shown in Fig . 1 . The striking vehicle has the velocity v0 , and the s truck vehicle is

· standing sti l l . The longitudinal vehicle axis of the striking vehi c le intercepts the center of gravity of the struck vehicle , as wel l as the resulting impact force . The two vehicle longi­tudinal axes are positioned perpendicularly to each othe r .

Fig . 2 shows the simulation model . The entire mass mf o f the f ronta lly-striking vehi c le is supported over a mass less spring with a modulus of elasticity CF . In addition the constant braking force FRF is e f fective over the tires . The mass of the laterally-strucK vehicle is included in m8 , with the exception of the mass of the door , mt . The door mass mt is supported directly against the vehic ie mass over a spring with modulus of elasticity c combined with a damper . The distance between the exterior metä1 door surf ace and the interior door cushioning is indicated by d . The interior door cushioning has modulus of e lasticity c . 0 The passenger is simulated by the single mass m , which is locgted at dista.nce 1 from the interior door cushionin� . The movement of the passenger ' s head is not considered in the construction of this mode l . The passenger support due to seat friction is s imulated by the constant frictional force FJs · The struck vehicle is also supported over a constant frictional force FRs · All springs have a linear path of force charac­teristic . The modulus of e lasticity of a l l springs during expansion is greater than that during compression by the factor of 1 00 . Nearly fully plastic behavior is thereby simulated . The model is suitable as wel l for simulation of a lateral impact onto a rigid obstacle .


A special problem is involved in determination of the spring modulus of e lasticity , especial ly for the vehicle side and for the interior door cushioning , s ince there are only a few investigative results available in this area ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) . Side rigidity is in modern vehicles c losely re lated to vehicle mass . For this reason , three vehicle masses ( L = ligh t , M = medium, S = heavy) were used , with equal frontal and lateral rigidity in each case . By means of combination of vehicle masses " light against heavy " , or "heavy against light " , the influence of various l ateral rigidities can be inves tigated in spite of the predominant influence of the mas s . The value for the thickness of the door i s l ikewi se linked to the mass of the vehicle . The parameter values choosen are given in table I .

Vehicle Mass Character ist ic Width of Door [ k g ] of front and lateral do

Structure CF, C s Ccml [ 105 N/m l

L 870 6.1 10 M 1 1 00 7.7 15 s 1 400 9.8 20

Distance between Passenger and Door - Padding 1 Ccm l : 2 , 5,8 Cushioning of Padding cp CN/mJ : 7, 10 ' 13 Velocity vo Cm/s J : 7 ' 10 ' 13 Friction FRF, FRs C N J : 7000, 8800, 11 200 Mass of Door mt CkgJ : 5.5 Value for Damping IP t C NS/mJ : 2000 Coefficient of Seat- Frict ion : 2.0

ILM Tobte I

TU - Berlin Values of Parameters


Fig . 3 shows the typical progress of the accele ration , velocity , and path of the single masses with respect to time . The maximum value of passenger acce leration was selected for evaluation of the results . The variation . of the parameters has revealed two essential limiting qualities for the magnitude of the passenger acce leration : the re lationship of frontal and lateral rigidity , and the rigidity of the interior door cushioning . Fig . 4 shows the pas senger acceleration with re­spect to the penetration depth of the door for the various vehicle mass cornbinations . The further parameter values are v0 = 1 3 m/s , c = 7 · 1 0 5 N/m, and 1 = 5 cm . C learly apparent is the rise inPacceleration with decreasing lateral rigidity of the external structure . If the light vehicle with its low lateral rigidity is struck by three different heavy vehicles , then the value for aJ doubles from the most favourable cornbination " light against light" up to the most unfavourab le cornbination "heavy against light " . With the heavy vehicle , the value of passenger acceleration increases only about 2 0 % from the most favourable to the most unfavourable cornbination .

Although the mass influence predominates over the influence of lateral rigidity , one can see by means of analysis of the course of time-dependent curves that the leve l of acceleration for low rigidity results from the fact that the passenger is directly struck by the only s lightly delayed front of the penetrating vehicle .

Fig . 5 shows once again all combinations of masses for three · di fferent rigidities of the interior door cushioning . One can

see that only for the " light against heavy" and " light against medium" combinations does the passenger acceleration remain under 4 0 g , also for the smallest value given here , c = 7 · 1 0 5 n/m . For the most unfavourable combination "heavy ag�inst light" , the value is 5 0 % greater and increases with greater cushioning hardness up to almost 75 g . Although the absolute numerical values may scarcely be compared with the usual limit value s , the tendencies are recognizable . Fig. 6 shows how soft the cushioning would have to be for the most unfavourable combination " heavy against light" in order to maintain a value of acceleration comparably as f avourable as for the most f avourable mass combination . The necessary de formation path of the cushion then becomes 8 cm when the rigidity is 3 · 1 05 N/m.

The other parameters such as distance between passengers and cushioning, ve locity , and door thickness show the expecte d , if considerably lesser , influences on the course of the collision . Only when the distance between passenger and cushioning is zero and the passenger takes immediate part in the comparative ly low vehi c le acceleration , do especially low acce leration values result .


The calculations with the simple mode l for investigation of lateral collisions have resulted in the following :

The most favourable loading values result when the lateral rigidity is sufficiently great to prevent. the direct collision of intruding vehicle parts upon the passenger with bare ly reduced velocity . The thereby increasing re lative ve locity between vehicle and passenger and poss ible load peaks would have to be compensated for by means of a thick and re latively soft interior door cushioning . The other parameters have considerably lesser significance .

It rnust be borne in rnind that the rnovernent of the head itself was not sirnulated in these investigations . The basic findings of this investigation should be exarnined by rneans of a rnore sophisticated rnode l which also al lows f or the evaluation of head rnovernent and loading .


( 1 ) Burgett , A . L . ; Monk , M . W . Car-to-Car Side Impacts Computerized Crash Reconstruction 1 9th Stapp Car Crash Conference San Diego , 1 9 7 5

( 2 ) Seiffert , u. Prob leme der Automobi lsicherheit Dissertation TU Berlin , 1 9 7 5

( 3 ) Rau , H . Investigation of Vehicle Side Impact Sti ffness - Comparison of Static and Dynamic Tests SAE Paper No. 7 2 0 2 2 4


t v = O km / h

a a ._.__ V = v a

a -+-�--IE:-+-·-+- ·-----<t--


a Striking Car F

Struck Car S

Fig. 1 : Situation of Impact



Fig. 2 : Mechanical Model


TU-Berl in

-z- 2 "1 -.) "/

-20 L__j_ _ _L_..L::::::=:Jt:::::::d:�:...L.--1 -> < 15 r---"T"""-�---.--r--...,.---,--...., >­'g Cm/sl � 10 1--�+-�-+�-4�...,.-l--�+-�-1-�-1



)( 0 <J 25 c: „ � [cml u 0 20 ö. VI 0

><t-><s � .......

V ........

15 / V 10 J

V 5

0 7 --. � ><r><s .------5 0 10 20 30 40 50 t emsl 60

Acceleration, Veloci t y and Displacement

depending on Time

Fig. 3

: X' 60 c .2

-0 Cgl ... QI Qi u u <(


0 5 10 1 5


vo = 13m/s cp = 7 · 105N/m l = S em

20lcml25 Intrusion

ILM Passenger Acceleration depending __ F_ig_._4_-'

T U - Be rl in on Intrusion andMass-Combination

� (°" 1-"\ _.:> :L, _. :1


� vo = 1 3 m /s l = S em

-� 70 t------t---_,_----l�----4-------1 "ii u u


ILM Possenger Acceleration depending Fig. S

T U - Ber l in on Mass - Combinat ion and Padding - Characteristic

vo = 13 m/s l = S em

40 --���������--'-����--' a... 8 ,.....---r---r-------..,.------)(

Cl c: � cE S


0 5 10 C 105 N/m l 15 Characteristic of Padding cp

ILM Passenger Acceleration and Compression Fig. 6

TU - Berl in depending on Padding - Characteristic

33 1