Rekod Latihan Bebanan Set1

Rekod latihan bebanan set 1: 1. Bent- over Fly 3kg (20 kali) Shoulder and back strengthening exercises: Shaping your back and shoulders isn't just about looking hot in a halter top. By strengthening your spinal extensors, rear shoulders, triceps and upper and middle back , you'll accentuate the back's natural V shape, which offsets a thick waistline or big hips to make you look better proportioned. Plus, a strong back will keep you from hunching over and good posture will help you look longer and leaner. Integrate this exercise into your workout routines and you'll be proud to bare your back in no time. To set up this upper body workout, which strengthens your back and shoulder muscles, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a 3- to 8-pound dumbbell in each of your hands with your arms down at your sides and your palms facing in. Bend your knees, then flex forward at your hips until your torso is parallel to the floor. Your arms should be hanging at your sides with your elbows in a slight arc and your palms facing in. Make sure you contract your abs to tighten your core throughout the exercise. Squeeze your shoulder blades down and together as you lift your arms up and out to the sides until they reach shoulder height. While maintaining control, lower your arms. Repeat the motion for 8-12 reps for effective shoulder and back strengthening exercises . 2. Leg Press 40kg (6 kali)



Transcript of Rekod Latihan Bebanan Set1

Page 1: Rekod Latihan Bebanan Set1

Rekod latihan bebanan set 1:

1. Bent- over Fly 3kg (20 kali)

Shoulder and back strengthening exercises: Shaping your back and shoulders isn't just about looking hot in a halter top.

By strengthening your spinal extensors, rear shoulders, triceps and upper and middle back, you'll accentuate the back's natural V shape, which offsets a thick waistline or big hips to make you look better proportioned. Plus, a strong back will keep you from hunching over and good posture will help you look longer and leaner. Integrate this exercise into your workout routines and you'll be proud to bare your back in no time.

To set up this upper body workout, which strengthens your back and shoulder muscles, stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Hold a 3- to 8-pound dumbbell in each of your hands with your arms down at your sides and your palms facing in. Bend your knees, then flex forward at your hips until your torso is parallel to the floor. Your arms should be hanging at your sides with your elbows in a slight arc and your palms facing in. Make sure you contract your abs to tighten your core throughout the exercise. Squeeze your shoulder blades down and together as you lift your arms up and out to the sides until they reach shoulder height. While maintaining control, lower your arms. Repeat the motion for 8-12 reps for effective shoulder and back strengthening   exercises .

2. Leg Press 40kg (6 kali)

Two types of leg press machine are in common use: the standard horizontal leg press and the 45 degree leg press.

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Muscles worked: quadriceps and hamstrings of the thigh, gluteus (butt).

Body Position

Sit on the machine with your back and head against the padded support. 

Place feet on the foot plate about hip width apart, ensuring the heels are flat. The legs should form an angle of about 90 degrees at the knee with a little variation either way as long as the heels sit flat on the plate. 

The knees should be in line with the feet and neither bowed inward nor outward.

Your bottom should not be raised from the seat platform. If it is, and the legs are at too sharp an angle, then you need to adjust the seat back until the correct position is enabled. You can recognize this poor position when the knees seem to be in front of your eyes and you feel cramped.

Grasp the assist handles.

3. Bench Press 5kg (6 kali)

Preparation : Lie supine on bench. Dismount barbell from rack over upper chest using wide oblique overhand grip.

Execution: Lower weight to mid-chest. Press bar upward until arms are extended. Repeat.

Kesan ke atas otot : Pectoralis Major, Sternal

4. Abdominal Curl (ikut keupayaan sendiri)

The standard pilates abdominal curl should be a basic part of any pilates routine. The abdominal curl is a very big part of the the fact that pilates is known for building "core strength".

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With the shorter and slower movements this exercise concentrates on the deeper muscles in the stomach which, while is not developing the muscles seen in a six-pack, the result is a flatter stomach and definitely for strength from this region.

Starting Position:

Lay flat on the floor flat on your back. Knees up and bent so that the hip is approximately 45 degrees. Your shoulder blades should be on the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your neck. This is not used to lift but rather to

abtain the correct body weight balance for the exercise.

The Exercise:

Take a deep breath. While slowly exhaling, slowly lift the chest from about midway up the back. this

movement should only be slight. At the end of the movement slowly inhale again while returning to the starting

position. Repeat ten times.

5. Lateral Pulldown 30kg (6 kali)

A lateral pulldown machine consists of a long bar suspended by a cord that is attached to a stack of weights, and a chair positioned directly under the bar.

Sit upright on the chair and extend your arms overhead to grasp the bar with your hands wider than your shoulders and equidistant from the middle of the bar.

To perform the exercise, lean back slightly, pull the bar in front of your face to your chest by flexing your elbows and lowering them toward your ribs.

Then reverse back to the starting position. The lateral pulldown exercise strengthens several muscles in your upper back and arms.

Kesan ke atas otot: Latissimus Dorsi,Teres major- Humerus bonePectoralis major- Clavicle and Sternum

6. Leg Extension 30kg (6 kali)

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How to Do the Leg Extension Exercise - Setup and Movement

i. Sit on the padded seat provided. (See image.)ii. Initially, select a light weight from the stack.iii. Hook the feet under the bar. Adjust the bar so that it rests comfortably at the

lower end of the leg.iv. If the machine in your gym does not have leg length adjustment, don't use it

because an uncomfortable position might cause undesirable forces in the exercise movement.

v. When set, choose a weight that enables you to extend the legs straight with effort but not too much strain. Don't use this exercise to test your maximum leg strength for example.

vi. Hold the head steady, grip the bars firmly at each side. Brace and breathe out on exertion and in on recovery.

vii. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions each.

Kesan ke atas otot: Hamstring tension

7. Push Up (ikut keupayaan sendiri)

8. Step Up (20 kali)