REGULATION of the contest “Emergency Area”

Transcript of REGULATION -



of the contest “Emergency Area”



I. Terminology

Military and special equipment (MSE) – all the weaponry and special

equipment, as well as the means of its use (vehicles, instruments and equipment).

Vehicle – special and transport vehicles used to move people and cargo of various


Instruments – rigs, materials, tools, instruments and other equipment.

Equipment – outfit, load carrying equipment, personal protection means, etc.

Outfit – uniform dress with insignia and necessary garniture.

Load carrying equipment – equipment for carrying weaponry and other

belongings (ammunition, entrenching tool, etc ).

Road is a strip of land intended for passage, it must provide favorable conditions

for the movement of vehicles with a certain weight, as well as their safe driving at a

given speed mode, regardless of weather conditions and time of day and year

Shoulder (hard shoulder) - two side lanes directly adjacent to the carriageway

and used for emergency stopping of vehicles.

Pit-stop – a temporary pause, which is used for monitoring procedure of the

actions executed by the team or in case of the MSE malfunction.

II. General provisions

1. This Regulation on the “Emergency Area” Contest (“Regulation” hereinafter)

for the best emergency response unit (“Contest” - hereinafter) states order and

conditions of the Contest, methodology of results evaluation and the judges commission

work. Any possible changes and additions to this Regulation due to objective and

subjective reasons shall be discussed with all the interested parties and formalized with a

referee commission protocol before the start of the Contest.

General governance of the Contest shall be done by the Acting chief of the 12th

Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

2. The Contest is conducted in 3 stages:

Stage 1 – Special Obstacle Course;

Stage 2 – Relay race;

Stage 3 – Race to Victory.



3. Each team consists of 15 members:

coach - 1 person;

crew - 14 members consisting of:

crew leader - 1 person;

crew members - 10 members, at least 2 of them should have driver license for


spotter -1 person.

reserve members (substitutes) - no more than 2 persons.

Equipment: military uniform, L-1 light individual protection suit and PMK-3 gas


4. The following military and special equipment (MSE hereinafter) or its

analogues shall be used for the Contest:

KamAZ-5350 special vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, overall dimensions

of 7850 mm * 2820 mm * 3200 mm (at most; length, width and height respectively),

with a maximum engine power of 154-191 kW (210-260 hp) at most and carrying

capacity of 5000 kg at most;

KamAZ-5350 transport vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, overall

dimensions of 7950 mm * 2550 mm * 3110 mm (at most; length, width and height

respectively), carrying capacity of 6000 kg, gross weight of at least 15400 kg;

SRZ 50062 coupling belt for fastening boxes;

couplers for fastening a cargo model from a set of a special vehicle;

recoil devices from the vehicle kit;

UMK-LK universal multi-turn mount;

AC-6.040 fire tank installed on KamAZ-5350 with water capacity of at least 6000

l, foaming agent capacity for a of at least 300 l and pump capacity of 40 h/p

(NTsPN-40/100 pump type);

firefighter combat clothing BOP-1;

fireman helmet ShK-PS;

pressure head fire hose with connecting fittings №051 (from the AC-6,040 fire

tanker kit);

GPS-600 foam generator of average multiplicity (from the AC-6,040 fire tanker




a baking pan for lighting a fire;

L-1 lightweight protective suit;

PMK-3 gas mask

НРС-2/80 two-stage manual pump;

TsGS-2/80 double-acting cylinder with two rods;

RSGS-80 extender medium;

3-section metal staircase;

“Compact-III” protective helmet;

"Universal" safety system (from a mountain rescue equipment set);

“Classic Eight-figure” brake device (from a mountain rescue equipment set);

climbing dynamometric rope with 11 mm diameter (from a mountain rescue

equipment set);

"Iremen 2200" large climbing spring hook (from a mountain rescue equipment


"Taiga-245" petrol-powered saw;

RP-1 cutter attachment to the "Taiga - 245" petrol-powered saw;

tarpaulin sanitary stretchers;

hemostatic tourniquet;

medical bandage (elastic) (Змх8cm);

Cramer splint for upper or lower limb;

cotton gloves;

IMP mine detector;

red metal signal flags for indicating metal fragments;

blue metal signal flags for marking the site for the search and collection of metal


signal tape for marking the site for the search and collection of metal fragments;

wooden boxes;

special stretchers with separate cells for collecting metal fragments;

hand grips for collecting metal fragments;

metal fragments;



wooden bars for moving the cargo model;

cargo model weighing at least 400 kg;

mannequin from the set of a "Labyrinth" universal simulator;

"Hunter" signal launcher;

9-mm PM Makarov pistol;

a clip for 9-mm PM Makarov pistol;

6B45 bulletproof vest;

OZSh6B47 protective helmet;

ADP 2.2-230VLB portable diesel generator (with a grounding pole, a grounding

wire, a sledgehammer);

SPS1 special pneumatic frame construction;

UN-1300 inflation device;

"Sparky MBA2001” angle grinder 2000 W;

sapper shovel (58 cm long);

OU-5 fire extinguisher.

5. To provide objective appraisal (results) of Contest participants and teams, the

Referee commission is assigned:

the Contest Chief Referee (assigned by the Contest Chief);

Referees (one from each team);

Secretariat (composed by Secretariat chief (Secretary), two technical workers,

interpreters if required, without right to interfere with referee commission work);

field arbiters (their number is decided by the Contest organizer).

Refereeing is held according to this Regulation and Regulation for Refereeing.

To provide objective refereeing video control means are installed on the lines.

The Referee Commission is located at management point building, where they

monitor fidelity of conducting elements during Contest stages.

While teams are going through Contest stages, Referee Commission members are

prohibited to be at the lines.

6. If any arguments appear, Referee Commission members are to investigate

photo, video and other materials from video control means. Final decision is made by

the majority of votes with minutes done. Referee Commission members are using photo



and video materials The Referee Commission decision stays beyond further discussion

and appeal.

When team is going through the Contest stage and argument appear, this team

Referee does not have a vote.

The Contest Chief Referee has a casting vote in case of equality of votes.

7. In case of Referee incapacity (due to illness etc.), team proposes the other one.

Referee replacement could be done only once during the Contest and is reflected in the


8. When Referees fail to perform their functional obligations, the following

sanctions could be imposed:


removal from refereeing;

disqualification for a certain term.

9. Sanction to Referees are implemented by the joint decision of the Referee

Commission with minutes made.

All minutes are approved by the Chief Contest Referee.

10. For defining Contest MSE malfunction reasons the technical commission is

assigned. Its composition is defined by the Contest Chief.

11. Team coach and reserve participants remain on platform. Replacement of

crew member with reserve one is done with the Chief Contest Referee permission after

coach official appeal to the Referee Commission. Replacement could be planned or

forced. Planned replacement is implemented before the stage starts Planned

replacement is implemented before the stage starts, forced one – in case of crew

member gets injured and is not able to continue the contest. Replacement fact is

reflected in minutes.

12. The spotter stays before the rock-climbing wall while his team is going

through the stage, other time he remains on platform.

Ш. Contest terms and conditions

13. Just before the draft procedure team coach makes an application (Appendix

1) to the Secretariat for participation in the Contest with documents which confirm

qualification for driving a truck (international driver license).



After reviewing teams’ applications, the admission protocol (Appendix 2) is

done and confirmed by the Chief Contest Referee.

Before the Contest starts the draft procedure is held to define start numbers,

team pairs, performing order and directions of races for all the stages. Draft procedure

is defined in Appendix 3.

Upon results of draft procedure minutes are made.

Teams are provided with the Contest symbols and indication signs.

14. Russian-made MSE is allowed to the Contest. Experiment MSE pieces

produced in limited series are not allowed in the Contest. Making improvements to

MSE during the Contest is prohibited.

15. Decision for using MSE not included in the Regulations is made by technical

commission before the Contest starts after examining its technical characteristics. If

MSE is not in accordance to the requirements stated, correction coefficients will be

enacted (Appendix 5).

Results of MSE investigation and correcting coefficients are reflected in the

technical commission protocol, teams and Referee Commission members are informed

about its contents. Decision upon MSE usage in the Contest is made by Chief Contest


16. Just before next contest day crew members are making the control checking

and accept MSE as well as training and contest facilities by signing it in “the register of

delivering MSE” (Appendix 4). After contest day is finished MSE maintenance is

executed and then MSE is given under security of the Contest organizers.

Vehicles are received by drivers from the Contest organizers under supervision of

the technical commission with transfer and reception protocol made. Drivers must

represent truck driving licenses.

Team prepares MSE and training-contest facilities for each Contest stages by its

own with protocol made. Maintenance, repair (in required) and refueling is performed

on special areas by teams and Contest maintenance group.

17. In case of MSE malfunction during Contest stage, it could be replaced from

the reserve. Reserve equipment is placed on special area which allows rapid

replacement. Replacement is executed by Contest maintenance group. Reserve MSE



piece is delivered via beforehand stated route. While MSE replacement is done, team

gets a pit-stop.

18. During pit-stop Contest participants are not making any actions, MSE should

not move. Pit-stop duration is stated by field arbiter in control list (Appendix 6) with red

and white flags raised in one hand.

Teams are informed about possible conditions for pit-stop before each Contest


19. On “Special Obstacle Course” stage pit-stop could be enacted in following


while replacing MSE if malfunction appeared;

during checking for proper protection means wearing;

during checking for proper equipment fastening in vehicle before starting


when firing failure appears;

in other cases, according to field arbiter decision to prevent emergency situations.

On the second “Relay Race” stage pit-stop could be enacted in following


while replacing MSE if malfunction appeared;

when firing failure appears;

in other cases, according to field arbiter decision to prevent emergency situations.

On the third “Race to Victory” stage pit-stop could be enacted in following


when replacing MSE if malfunction appeared;

when checking for proper first aid procedures;

when checking for proper protection means wearing;

when checking for proper equipment fastening in vehicle before starting


when firing failure appears;

in other cases, according to field arbiter decision to prevent emergency situations.

In each case crew leader in order to perform a pit-stop raises his hand and orally

reports to a field arbiter: “PIT-STOP”.



20. If MSE malfunction is not caused by team actions, then replacing time is

taken off from team practical time for a stage performing.

21. For reviewing practical issues concerning MSE usage, technical commission

is involved. After contest day finished, MSE trials can be done to define technical

characteristics if required. The results are included in technical commission protocol

and issued to teams and Referee Commission members before contests on the next day.

22. Field arbiter raised white flag stands for an “ATTENTION” command

(preliminary command which means that executive command is coming). White flag

descending stands for executive commands: “START PERFORMING AN EXERCISE”

and “GO”. When firing, white flag raising means that firing is over.

23. Field arbiters state crew member mistakes in control list with simultaneous

raise of a red flag. Permanently raised red flag stands for a common danger signal which

means that a team disobeyed safety rules or MSE is malfunctioned in a way, which

prevents contest continuation. After this command all crew members must stop any

actions or vehicle movements.

Each field arbiter can raise a red flag by his own decision or Chief Contest

Referee command.

24. When crew is ready to perform actions, crew leader raises his hand and orally

reports to a field arbiter: “READY”

25. If team has not participated in at least one stage, it is not included in total team

scoring, but included in the separate nominations.

26. Team is disqualified from the Contest if it actions have caused emergency, led

or could have led to people injures or casualties as well as damaged MSE or polygon

equipment. Team also is disqualified in case of failing to pass any obstacle on route.

If disqualified, team gets the last place among the other teams.

27. In case of any violation team gets penalty time.

Teams are informed about possible cases for getting penalty time before each

stage of the Contest.

28. When calculating total team time for a stage, penalty time is added to practical

one and pit-stop time is taken out.

29. Any protests to organizing or holding the Contest are given by crew leader at



the same day not later than 7 p.m. (local time) (Appendix 7).

30. Preparing field for “Search and Collection of metal fragments” is performed

by maintenance group. Items (metal fragments) to be found are placed in the 10x10 m

field on no more than 3-5 sm depth and not closer than 50 sm to field borders and 3 m to

each other.

Ш. The Contest Program

31. During the Contest, contest days are assigned, as well as days for examining

the MSE and training-contest facilities, preparation of Referees and field arbiters, team

preparations for Contest stages and recreation and cultural events.

32. The Contest starts from solemn opening ceremony.

33. The first stage of the competition is “Special Obstacle Course”.

The composition of the crew:

a crew- 12 members consisting of:

a crew leader – 1 participant;

crew members - 10 members, at least 2 of them should have driver license for


the spotter - 1 person.

Equipment: military uniform, lightweight protective suit L-1, gas mask PMK-3,

safety system "Universal" from a set of mountain rescue equipment.

Initial position: the team is on the START line. Armed weapons and military

equipment used during the passage of the stage, inspected, tested for performance, filled

with fuels and lubricants, warmed up.

Military and special equipment (MSE)

KamAZ-5350 special vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, overall dimensions

of 7850 mm * 2820 mm * 3200 mm (at most; length, width and height respectively),

with a maximum engine power of 154-191 kW (210-260 hp) at most and carrying

capacity of 5000 kg at most- 1 pc;

KamAZ-5350 transport vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, overall

dimensions of 7950 mm * 2550 mm * 3110 mm (at most; length, width and height

respectively), carrying capacity of 6000 kg, gross weight of at least 15400 kg- 1 pc;

SRZ - 50062 coupling belt for fastening boxes - 2 pcs;



couplers for fastening a cargo model from a set of a special car - 4 pcs;

recoil devices from the vehicle kit - 4 pcs;

AC-6.040 fire truck based on KamAZ-5350 with water capacity of at least 6000 l,

foaming agent capacity for a of at least 300 l and pump capacity of 40 l/s

(NTsPN-40/100 pump)- 1 pc;

firefighter combat clothing BOP-1 - 3 pcs;

fireman helmet ShK-PS - 3 pcs;

pressure head fire hose with connecting fittings №051 (from the AC-6,040 fire

tanker kit)- 2 pcs;

GPS-600 foam generator of average multiplicity (from the AC-6,040 fire tanker

kit)- 1 pc;

lightweight protective suit L-1 -11 pcs;

PMK-3 gas mask - 11 pcs;

НРС-2/80 two-stage manual pump - 1 pc;

TsGS-2/80 double-acting cylinder with two rods - 1 pc;

RSGS-80 extender medium - 1 pc;

3-section metal staircase - 1 pc;

“Compact-III” protective helmet - 3 pcs;

"Universal" safety system (from a mountain rescue equipment set) - 12 pc;

“Classic Eight-figure” brake device (from a mountain rescue equipment set) - 1


climbing dynamometric rope with 11 mm diameter (from a mountain rescue

equipment set);

«Iremen 2200» large climbing spring hook (from a mountain rescue equipment

set) - 13 pcs;

"Taiga-245" petrol-powered saw- 1 pc;

RP-1 cutter attachment to the "Taiga - 245" petrol-powered saw- 1 pc;

tarpaulin sanitary stretchers - 1 pc;

hemostatic tourniquet - 1 pc;

cotton gloves - 3 pcs;

IMP mine detector - 1 pc;



red metal signal flags for indicating metal fragments; - 3 pcs;

blue metal signal flags for marking the site for the search and collection of metal

fragments - 6 pcs;

signal tape for marking the site for the search and collection of metal fragments - 1


table - 2 pcs;

sapper shovel (58 cm long) - 1 pc;

wooden boxes - 3 pcs;

special stretchers with separate cells for collecting metal fragments -1 pc;

hand grips for collecting metal fragments - 1 pc;

metal fragments - 3 pcs;

wooden bars for moving the cargo model - 6 pcs;

cargo model weighing at least 400 kg- 1 pc;

mannequin from the set of a «Labyrinth» universal simulator - 1 pc;

«Hunter» signal launcher - 1 pc;

9-mm PM Makarov pistol - 5 pcs;

a clip for Makarov’s pistol (PM) - 15 pcs;

6B45 bulletproof vest - 10 pcs;

OZSh6B47 protective helmet - 10 pcs;

ADP 2.2-230VLB portable diesel generator (with a grounding pole, a grounding

wire, a sledgehammer) - 1 pc;

SPS1 special pneumatic frame construction - 1 pc;

UN-1300 inflation device - 1 pc.

The first line «Firefighting»

Initial state: firefighter combat clothing, fireman helmet are laid on the table Two

fire pressure hoses with connecting fittings 051 in the winded state, GPS-600 foam

generator of average multiplicity from the AC-6,040 fire tanker kit are laid before the

front bumper of the fire truck, the driver from the technical support group is standing

next to the single-stage normal pressure pump

When the chief of judges of the Competition announce the command: “Go”, the



field arbiter using a white flag signal gives a command to go through the boundary.

Three crew members participate.

Crew members are not involved in passage of the line are out of the line’s border.

The crew members start the passage in the following sequence.

The crew members move to the fire extinguishing site and perform operations in

the following sequence:

put on the firefighter’s combat clothing (sequence: pants, jacket, belt, firefighter's

helmet, gloves, lower the protective glass on the helmet);

carry out work with fire equipment (sequence: connect a pressure fire hose to a

fire truck, connect the fire hoses, connect a foam generator of medium multiplicity to a

fire hose);

the crew leader gives a command (signal) to the driver for water supply;

the crew members direct the fire hose to the fire and extinguish the fire;

the crew bring the equipment to its initial position (sequence: disconnect the foam

generator of medium multiplicity from the fire hose, disconnect the fire hoses,

disconnect the fire hose from the fire truck, roll up the hose, lay all the equipment in

front of the fire truck);

the crew takes off combat clothing and lay on the table;

the crew goes to the border of the line after all the members have taken off and lay

their firefighting combat clothes out.

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation) — 20 sec.;

the sequence of dressing the firefighter’s combat clothing was violated (for each

violation) - 10 seconds;

the sequence of dressing the firefighter’s combat clothing is violated (for each violation)

- 10 sec.;



for leaks in the places of hoses connection, the hose with high-pressure fire-fighting hose

and hose with tank bracket (for each violation) - 10 sec.;

the protective glass of the helmet is not brought into working position (for each violation)

- 60 sec.;

the fall of the firefighter's combat clothing from the table (for each violation) - 10 sec.;

re-ignition of the fire after extinguishing it until the operation at the next boundary - 60


gloves are not dressed (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

equipment was not brought to its initial position (for each violation) - 60 sec;

crossing the border of the next boundary with incomplete work at the previous one - 60


loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

Firefighter’s combat clothing, helmet of the firefighter, fire equipment from

the fire tanker kit remain at the line.

The second line «The blocked passage»

Initial position: metal structure platform is in the lower position, the crew

members which involved in passing the line wear protective helmets and cotton gloves.

The crew members which are not involved in the passage are out of the line.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Three crew members participate.

Crew members are not involved in passage of the line are out of the line’s border.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass the

line by signaling the white flag.

The crew members move to the metal construction with a suspended platform for

its lifting in order to provide the team an open doorway and carry out operations in the

following sequence:

put the glass of protective helmets in working position;

put the two-stage manual pump into working position, reel on the pressure hose



and drain hose all the way up;

connect the extender middle to a two-stage manual pump, check its working

capacity, lift the metal platform to its highest point;

install metal fingers(bars) in the holes of the racks to fix the platform in the first


put the extender middle into original condition: to couple the grips(jaws) with the

two-stage manual pump (the gap between grips 5-10 mm);

disconnect the extender medium from the two-stage manual pump;

connect double-acting cylinder with two rods with the two-stage manual pump,

check its working capacity, lift the metal platform to its highest point to ensure passage;

install metal fingers(bars) in the holes of the racks to fix the platform in the second


put double-acting cylinder with two rods into its original position by connecting

the rods thoroughly with the two-stage manual pump;

disconnect the double-acting cylinder with two rods from the two-stage manual


put the two-stage manual pump into original position, reel on the pressure hose

and drain hose all the way up;

go with equipment to the border of the next line into the opening (doorway) under

the raised metal platform

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The completion of overcoming the line is the passing into an open doorway with

equipment to the next line.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

the platform has been lifted without hydraulic tool - 900 sec.;

crew members did not pass through the doorway under the raised metal platform - 10


the protective glass of the helmet is not brought into working position (for each violation)



- 60 sec.;

gloves are not dressed (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

two-stage manual pump has been used before the assembly of the set-up - 30 sec.;

the working capacity of the medium expander and the double-acting cylinder with two

rods is not checked (for each violation) - 10 sec.;

the pressure and drain hoses of the manual two-stage pump are twisted - 10 sec.;

the equipment isn't laid and not given to a starting position (for each violation) – 30 sec.;

after lifting up the platform, the crew members haven’t come to the line (for each

violation) – 10 sec.;

crossing the border of the next boundary with incomplete work at the previous one - 60


loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The double-acting cylinder with two rods remains at the line.

The third line «Special Course»

Initial position: the elements of the special obstacle course are smoky, "Hunter"

signal launcher is charged, the spotter is in front of the climbing wall with the readiness

to spot for the crew members.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag. Crew in full composition with the equipment begins

to overcome a special course in the following sequence:

the crew leader gives a command "GAS" to crew units;

the crew complies the standard for putting on gas masks;

the crew leader gives a command orally or by his hand to overcome the special

course: “FORWARD”

elements of a special course are overcome in the following sequence:

the obstacle "Wooden fence" is overcome by jumping over the upper edge of the

fence, but no more than three members at a time (equipment is transferred through the



upper part of the fence from one member to another)

the obstacle "Wire fence" is overcome by crawling under it one by one with the


the obstacle "Stumps" is overcome by running through them one by one with the


the obstacle "Dilapidated building" is overcome through the window one by one

(equipment is transmitted through the window);

the obstacle "Trench and the course of communication" is overcome by running

through them with equipment;

the obstacle "Railway embankment" is overcome by running along it with


the obstacle "Blockage" is overcome by running over it with equipment;

the obstacle “Wire net on low stakes” is overcome by running along it with


the “Destroyed building” obstacle is overcome through a blocked window in the

following sequence: two crew members dressed in helmets prepare a three-sectional

ladder of the required height, set it to the blocked window opening and hold it; at the

same time, the members dressed in helmet checks the operability of the attachment

cutter, climbs the stairs to the blocked window opening and cuts off two metal rods,

muffles the attachment cutter, waits for the cutting wheel to stop and passes through the

window opening; the crew members with the help of a ladder overcome the window

opening one by one with the equipment or by transferring it through the window

opening to another member, crew members go down with the equipment from the back

side of the stairs stepping each stair step

Obstacles “Passage” is overcome by running through it with equipment. Upon

completion of the “Passage” obstacle, crew units independently remove gas masks and

place them in gas masks bags;

the obstacle “Moat” is overcome by jumping as a part of the crew with the


the obstacle “Labyrinth” is overcome by passing the holes of the labyrinth in the

column one by one, by bending all the elements (through transportation of equipment is



prohibited) with the equipment;

the obstacle “Tunnel” is overcome by passing inside the tunnel in the column one

by one with the equipment;

the obstacle “Suspension bridge” is overcome by passing in the column one by

one with the equipment;

the obstacle “Destroyed bridge” is overcome by passing in the column one by one

with the equipment. When descending from a destroyed bridge, it is necessary to step at

least one step;

the obstacle “Destroyed ladder” is overcome by passing the stairs in the column

one by one for each step with equipment;

the obstacle "Wall" is overcome by jumping over the top one by one with the

equipment (equipment is transmitted through the top);

the obstacle “Web” is overcome by crawling with the equipment under stretched

barbed wire inside corridor;

the obstacle “Climbing wall” is overcome by lifting the personnel of the crew to

the second-floor lending by the hooks one by one with a help of spotter. The equipment

is lifted one by one using a climbing rope to the 2nd floor only after belaying the crew

member that lifts the equipment, by fixing it through a safety halyard in the climbing

wall eyelet (the ladder is prepared of the required length for descending from the second

floor and is passed through the window opening of the second floor in the expanded

state without using a climbing rope). The last crew member climbs the hooks to the 4th

floor, shoots upwards from the launching device for the signal “Hunter”, and descends

to the second-floor landing with the help of the spotter. Crew members descent from the

2nd floor using the ladder, holding (belaying) the ladder when descending the first

member is carried out by the member located on the 2nd floor, subsequently the ladder is

held (belayed) by the descended member (descending the 3-section metal staircase is

carried out by one member at a time and on each step except for the last three) The

equipment is lowered piece by piece using a climbing rope or with a help of crew

members (sequence: crew member, lifting equipment transfers it to the crew member

that is on the stairs, disconnects it from the climbing rope, the crew member, being on

the stairs by one hand, holds it, and by other hand transfers the equipment to the crew



member below), all the equipment should be transferred in this sequence (except for the

stairs). No more than three people can be on the site of the 2nd floor

The crew members after going through the climbing wall bring the equipment to

its original state (wind and lay the climbing rope near the climbing wall).

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

a gas mask was not worn during crossing the course (for each violation) - 60 seconds;

not all equipment was transferred through the window opening of the destroyed building

and through the 2nd floor of the climbing wall (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

gas masks are not packed in gas masks bags after overcoming the obstacle“Passage”

(for each violation) - 10 sec.;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

overcoming obstacles by jumping from one to another (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

crew members did not pass through the doorway - 10 seconds;

the protective glass of the helmet is not brought into working position (for each

violation) - 60 sec.;

the operability of the RP-1 cutter-attachment to the petrol-powered saw was not verified

- 10 seconds;

cutting wheel was not stopped - 60 seconds;

crew members not participating in the work were in the plane of the disk of the RP-1

cutter attachment to the gas powered saw closer than 1.5 meters - 60 sec.;

skipping of course elements (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

falling of crew members (for each violation) - 60 seconds;

jumping from the destroyed bridge without stepping on one step (for each violation) - 60




climbing to the climbing wall not in hooks (for each case), except for the passage to the

window - 20 sec.;

descent down the stairs without its holding (insurance) (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the lack of insurance for a lifeguard lifting equipment on a rope - 20 seconds;

unlocking carabineer when lifting personnel (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

falling the equipment during its ascent to the climbing wall and descent from it (for each

violation) - 60 sec.;

presence on the stairs for more than 1 person (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

the crew member located on the stairs during the transfer of equipment did not hold it

(for each violation) - 20 seconds;

jumping from a 3-section metal ladder from more than 3 spans from below (for each

violation) - 20 sec.;

descent down the stairs without its holding (insurance) (for each violation) - 10 sec.;

presence on the stairs for more than 2 person (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

the equipment isn't laid and not given to a starting position (for each violation) – 90 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The ladder, the climbing rope for lifting the equipment remain at the border

of the line.

The forth line

“Putting on personal protective equipment”

Initial state: the area for putting on personal protective equipment is free.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag Crew in full composition with the equipment begins

to overcome a boundary in the following sequence:

line up in two ranks on the area for putting on personal protective equipment with

equipment (area is marked by boundary lines);

put on a light protective suit and a gas mask (sequence: semi-overalls, a hooded

jacket, bags from personal protective equipment, a gas mask, gloves (pins on the



semi-overalls and on the hooded jacket should not be fastened before dressing)

two crew members involved in providing access to the locked door, put on

protective helmets over the hood from a light protective suit.

After putting on personal protective equipment with two crew members, the crew

leader reports to the field arbiter by voice about the readiness of the crew for checking.

The field arbiter provides the control over the correctness and completeness of

putting on personal protective equipment, compliance with safety requirements.

The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

Crew members put on personal protective equipment outside the designated area

the loops of the jacket of a light protective suit are not wearing on the fingers (for each

violation) - 10 seconds;

damage to individual protective equipment (for each violation) - 10 seconds;

the strap is not fastened with a peg (for each violation) - 10 seconds;

the sequence of putting on a light protective suit and a gas mask is violated (for each

violation) - 20 seconds;

gloves not tucked into the sleeves of a hooded jacket (for each violation) - 30 sec.

opened areas of the body (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The fifth line «Locked door and rescuing the victim»

Initial position: the door is blocked with metal rod, the victim’s leg (mannequin)

is under the rubble, wooden logs is on top of the rubble, wooden beam is next to the r,

crew members work in protective helmets with glasses turned into working position

with extender medium, two-stage manual pump and gas-powered saw.

The crew in full composition with equipment arrives at the border of overcoming



the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag

The border is overcome in the following sequence:

Two crew members participating in ensuring passage to the locked door launch

the RP-1 cutter attachment to the gasoline saw and check its performance;

using a cutter-attachment produce a cut of one metal rod, which is fixed in the

hinges of the door;

wait for the cutting wheel to stop completely on the cutter attachment;

open the door;

return to the border with the RP-1 cutter attachment to the gasoline-powered saw

and leave it there (the crew members that are not involved in ensuring the passage are

located outside the border, they do not help those who participate in overcoming);

The full crew goes through the doorway with the equipment (gas-powered saw,

tarpaulin sanitary stretchers, hemostatic tourniquet, portable diesel generator, extender

medium and manual pump) and starts performance of actions for extraction of «victim»

from beneath the rubble. And they do the following:

Crew member provides first aid (put a hemostatic tourniquet on the victim 's limb

and fix it (the tourniquet is putted in the following sequence: the wound is pressed with a

finger, a tourniquet is putted above the affected area);

take the logs from the rubble;

prepare tarpaulin sanitary stretchers;

put the two-stage manual pump into working position, reel on the pressure hose

and drain hose all the way up;

connect extender medium with two-stage manual pump, check its working

capacity and inform the crew leader about readiness;

lift the rubble until the victim’s limb is free;

put the gas-powered saw into the working position;

check the performance of a gas-powered saw;

saw off a wooden beam of the required length with the gas-powered saw;

bring the gasoline saw to its original position in the following sequence: muffle it,



put it on the brake device and put on a protective cover;

set the cut wooden beam beneath the rubble;

remove a victim from beneath the rubble and lay him on the tarpaulin sanitary


carry the victim on a stretcher through the doorway to the site for putting on

personal protective equipment and return to the rubble;

get down the rubble;

put the extender middle into original position: to couple the grips(jaws) with the

two-stage manual pump (the gap between grips 5-10 mm); disconnect the extender

middle from two-stage manual pump;

put the two-stage manual pump into original position, reel on the pressure hose

and drain hose all the way up;

carry the used equipment (gas-powered saw, extender medium and two-stage

manual pump) through the doorway to the border of the line;

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The completion of the line passage is the arriving of the crew to the border of the

next line.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the sequence of passing the line, putting a tourniquet, bringing the equipment to its

original position is violated (for each violation) - 20 sec;

the operability of the RP-1 cutter-attachment to the petrol-powered saw was not verified

- 10 seconds;

the working capacity of the extender medium is not checked –10 sec.;

the working capacity of the gas-powered saw is not checked –10 sec.;

the damage of the RP-1 cutter attachment to the gas-powered saw or disk – 60 sec.;

the damage of the gas-powered saw – 60 sec.;

the damage of the portable diesel generator – 60 sec.;

the damage of the extender medium or two-stage manual pump (for each violation) – 60




loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

the tourniquet is not fixed– 20 sec.;

Violation of security requirements - 60 sec., namely:

after the working of the gas-powered saw the break device is not shut down, the saw isn’t

taken off and uncovered; cutting wheel was not stopped;

the crew members, which are not involved in work, were close to the area of working of

the cutter attachment and gas-powered saw;

the lifting of the rubble without the extender – 180 sec.;

evacuation of the victim to the border of the line wasn’t carried out through the doorway

– 30 sec.;

the victim was not evacuated to the site for putting on personal protective equipment - 20


crew members did not pass through the doorway - 10 sec.;

falling of a stretcher with the victim (the victim from a stretcher) when carrying – 60


crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

Extender medium, two-stage manual pump, gas-powered saw, protective

helmet — 3 pc., RP-1 cutter attachment to the petrol-powered saw, stretchers,

hemostatic tourniquet remain at border of the lin.

The sixth line «Search and collection of metal fragments»

Initial position: a platform of 10x10 meters, covering of sawdust and sand

mixture with a depth no less 0.3 meters, equipped with a mine detector, a table, hand

grips, special stretchers, wooden drawers for each metal fragment, three metal

fragments, signal flags of blue color - 6 pcs and red - 3 pcs, with pioneering shovel,

signal tape, a special pneumatic frame construction and inflation device. Metal

fragments are buried at the platform.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.



Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag The crew members start searching and collecting of

metal fragments in the following sequence:

divide into groups, and at the same time perform the actions;

First group:

carries out marking (tracing) of the place of searching for metal fragments in any

convenient way using six blue flags and a signal tape;

at the same time, with marking of the place, the crew members look for the

fragments by eye;

the search for fragments (time – 5 minutes) is carried out with the mine detector

with the coverage area about 2 meters by passing inside the designated platform;

upon detection of metal fragments, the crew member raises the left hand up and

sets a red signal flag;

after setting the signal flag, the remaining crew members follow it, stop, remove

the red signal flag, use a sapper shovel to dig out a metal fragment and put it using

special grippers in special stretchers;

after detection and collection of all three fragments, they are delivered in a

special stretcher to the identification point;

at the point of identification, the crew member takes one be one all fragments

from the stretchers, put them in wooden boxes and lock the boxes;

Carry wooden boxes to the special pneumatic frame construction (boxes are

carried one by one by the effort of two members)

The second group:

delivers the special pneumatic frame construction and portable diesel generator to

the border of the platform of searching and collecting of the metal fragments;

deploys the special pneumatic frame construction, prepare for work (check the

availability and closing of valves);

prepares the special pneumatic frame construction for usage (sequence: drive a

grounding pole into the ground, unroll a grounding wire for all length, connect

grounding wire with grounding pole and portable diesel generator);

starts up the portable diesel generator, connects the inflation device, check its



operability and turn it off (muffle);

after finding all three fragments (or after finishing time - 5 minutes) by the first

group, it starts up the diesel generator and the inflation device for inflating a special

pneumo-frame structure (inflation is performed before the bleed valve is triggered, if the

valve did not work, wait 6 minutes);

puts the portable diesel generator and inflation device into original position

(sequence: take off the inflation device, switch off the portable diesel generator,

disconnect the grounding wire from the grounding pole and portable diesel generator,

coil the grounding wire and remove the grounding pole);

carries and puts the equipment in special pneumatic frame construction (portable

diesel generator, grounding pole, sledgehammer, grounding wire, inflation device),

wooden boxes with metal fragments and wooden bars for moving the cargo model;

goes through the special pneumatic frame construction as a full group, with that

takes out bars and wooden boxes with metal fragments from the special pneumatic

frame construction and forms a rank to take off the protective means;

take off light protective suit (all the pegs should be unfastened), gas mask and put

in the stowed position (put them in the bags (bags are buttoned and dressed on the


The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The completion of the line passage is the arriving of the crew with logs and boxes

to the border of the next line.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

fragment not found (for each fragment not found) - 60 sec.;

the fall of metal fragments on the surface of the earth during their collection, packaging

(for each violation) - 30 sec.;

fragments allowed to touch each other during their transfer in a stretcher - 10 sec.;

delivery of metal fragments to the identification point one at a time - 30 sec.;



carrying (moving) a wooden box with metal fragments is carried out by one person (for

each violation) - 30 sec.;

after laying of the fragments in the stretchers the signal flag isn’t removed (for each

violation) – 10 sec.;

a special pneumatic frame construction is not inflated until the release valve is triggered

- 60 sec.;

a special pneumatic frame construction is inflated (inflated) until three fragments are

found or before the time expires (5 minutes) - 300 seconds.;

crew members did not pass through the doorway - 10 seconds;

equipment failure during overcoming the milestone (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

portable diesel generator was launched without preliminary grounding - 30 sec.;

the equipment isn't laid and not given to a starting position (for each violation) – 20 sec.;

light protective suit and gas mask are not put in the stowed position (for each violation) -

20 sec.;

removing a light protective suit with buttoned pins (for each violation) – 20 sec.;

removal of grounding before stopping the operation of a portable diesel generator - 30


crossing the border of the next line during the incomplete work on the previous one (for

each violation) – 60 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

All equipment remains at the line except for the wooden boxes with metal

fragments and bars for moving the cargo model.

The seventh line «Emergency container»

Initial state: the cargo model is located at the border of the boundary, the vehicles

are installed with the tailgate to the ramp, put on the parking brake, the engines are

switched off, wheel chocks are installed, the tailgate is uncovered, the couplers are

prepared and laid on the front wall of the special vehicle, the coupling belt for fastening

the wood boxes is in the back of a transport vehicle.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.



Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag According to this signal, the crew members begin to

move the cargo model in the following sequence:

crew is divided into groups;

First group:

by efforts of seven crew members moves the container along the bars to the

vehicle installed on the ramp;

two crew members shift freed bars forward under the cargo model;

loading of the cargo model in a special vehicle is carried out by crew of no more

than 6 people;

fastening of the cargo model is carried out in the cargo compartment of a special

vehicle with 4 ties to the mooring knots.

The second group:

by efforts of four crew members, wooden boxes with metal fragments packed in

them are delivered to the vehicle body, the boxes are transported one by one by two


boxes are loaded into the body of a transport vehicle; fastening is carried out by

two coupling belts;

the crew leader controls the loading, the reliability of fastening the cargo model

and boxes with metal fragments;

Crew members bring the special vehicle to the stowed position (they close the

doors, the side, do rope fastening of the tent of the special vehicle for all its eyes) the side

of the transport vehicle is closed, while the wheel chocks are not removed

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation) – 20 sec.;

cargo model is not securely fastened - 300 sec.;



Cargo model is touched the ground (for each violation) - 10 sec.;

presence of crew numbers in front of a moving cargo model (for each violation) - 30 sec;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

carrying or moving a wooden box with metal fragments is carried out by one person (for

each violation) - 30 sec.;

the cargo model is not securely fixed (there should be no sagging of the screed by more

than 20 mm) (for each violation) - 30 sec.

rope fastening of the tent of the special vehicle for the eyes (for each violation) was not

carried out - 10 seconds;

wooden boxes with metal fragments are not securely fixed in the transport vehicle (the

box is pulled out from the screed with a little effort) - 30 sec.

the leader of the crew did not control the reliability of cargo securing in vehicles (for

each violation) - 30 sec.;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The eighth line «Shooting range»

Initial position: on the firing emplacement there is one pistol with 3 charged clips

on the table, one clip has three rounds, two other clips have one round for each, the

bulletproof vests and protective helmets are on the initial line, the pop-up targets are in

vertical position. Pistol shooting is carried out by single shots at targets. Each crew at the

firing line performs an exercise from 5 directions in 2 turns, the number of shooters is 10

crew members. Position for shooting - standing. The sensitivity of the pop-up targets is

adjusted by the performing team, but when they fall from rain, wind and other external

factors - it’s considered as a miss.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag Upon the signal, the crew members begin to perform

the exercises in the following sequence:



put on body armor and protective helmets;

the first five crew members, on the command of the shooting leader, approach to

the line of fire, after taking up a firing position, they report to the leader on the shooting

site that they are ready for combat;

they fire at three special targets (poppers) at a distance of 25 m, the amount of

ammunition is 5 pieces (3 main, 2 spare rounds), when using three main rounds and

without hitting the target, they use two additional rounds;

at the end of the firing report to the senior leader at the firing site of its


after inspection, the weapon is laid on the table, the crew members move to the

starting line;

the second turn performs the exercise in a similar way;

After that all crew members arrives to the initial line, takes off the bulletproof

vests and protective helmets, forms a rank.

At the emergence of delays in shooting, the person informs a range officer, when

all members in the shift finishes shooting, the staff gives the pit stop to establish the

reasons of delays and eliminate them on the place.

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

the weapon is not locked at the end of the shooting (for each violation) - 10 seconds;

for each miss - 30 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

opening fire before the command of the shooting leader (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

opening fire after the shooting leader’s command to stop it (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the weapon is aimed at people, to the side and to the rear of the shooting range,



regardless of whether it is loaded or not (for each violation) - 60 sec .;

shooting at wrong (other people's) targets

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The ninth line «Ring road»

Initial state: the vehicles are installed with the tailgate to the ramp, put on the

parking brake, the engines are switched off, wheel chocks are installed, the tailgate is


The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag According to this signal, the crew starts to carry out

activities in the following sequence:

takes up seats in a transport vehicle (six crew members take up seats in the back

of the vehicle, two crew members remove the wheel chocks for standard places and sit in

the cabin), in a special vehicle (one crew member sits in the cabin, two crew members

remove the wheel chocks for standard places and sit in the cabin);

start the engine;

at the command of the field arbiters (raising the white flag), movement along the

route (total length of 800 meters) is carried out in the following sequence:

the first to start moving is a special vehicle with a cargo model, followed by a

transport vehicle;

overcome a stretch of terrain with an obstacle "ford" (depth 0.5 m, width 5 m,

total length of the element 20 m), while:

stop the vehicles so that the bumper is between the marked lines in front of the


when overcoming an obstacle, a constant rotation of engine shaft is maintained;

enter the vehicle in water smoothly, in low gear;

Do not go beyond the indicated ford borders;



do not make turns, abrupt changes in the frequency of rotation of the engine shaft,

the vehicle stops;

overcome a terrain with an obstacle “hill” (length 40 m), while:

it is not allowed to go beyond the designated boundaries of the route;

ascent to the hill (elevation), the descents of vehicles are carried out at a speed

with the switching on the lower gear in order to prevent loss of controllability and

stability of the vehicle, braking is carried out by the engine and the brake system;

overcome the terrain with an obstacle "comb", while:

stop the vehicles so that the bumper is between the marked lines in front of the


when overcoming, a constant engine shaft speed is maintained;

Do not go beyond the designated boundaries of the site;

do not make turns, abrupt changes in the frequency of rotation of the engine shaft,

the vehicle stops;

after passing the mentioned distance, the vehicles stop on the designated line, put

on the parking brake, the engines are switched off, wheel chocks are installed;

the crew members unload the wooden boxes with metal fragments before the

transport vehicle;

the crew members form a rank and at the command of the crew leader go to the

FINISH line.

To avoid jams and other things, which prevent the overcoming of the ford by the

next team, the field arbiter rises white and red flags up at the entrance. After excluding

the cause of the stopping, the field arbiter rises the white flag up, turns to the side of the

movement and lowers his hand in the direction of the movement at shoulder level - gives

the command «GO»(marsh)

The field arbiter monitors the correctness and completeness of the work,

compliance with safety requirements.

The completion of the line passage is the crossing of the finish line by the last

crew member.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;



vehicle stop while fording (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

rolling the vehicle into the water when leaving the ford (for each violation) –10 sec.;

gear shifting when overcoming the ford (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

going outside the roadway with at least one wheel (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

engine stop (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

rolling the vehicle from the hill back to a distance of more than 0.5 m. (for each

violation) - 30 sec.;

march along the ring road without stopping the vehicle in front of the obstacle (except

for the hill) (for each violation) - 50 sec.;

vehicle stop outside the designated area (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the beginning of movement on the vehicle before the signal of the field arbiter (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

any violations, which have led to injuries, incapacitation of the equipment – 300 sec.

The winner of the first stage of the Contest is determined by the actual time

recorded from the moment of START line to FINISH line, together with the penalty

time and time for a pit stop.

Until work is completed at the turn, crew members not participated in the

stage are not allowed to cross the border of the following boundary.

The crew member, in case of not passing (incorrect passing) obstacles

(individual elements of the boundaries), returns to pass it once again , and the crew

gets a penalty time for violation of the sequence of passing the boundary.

34. Second stage of the competition – «RELAY RACE».

The composition of the crew:

a crew- 12 members consisting of:

a crew leader – 1 participant;

crew member - 10 persons of which drivers of category "C" - at least 1 person;

spotter -1 person.

Equipment: military uniform.



Initial position: crew members are in a specially designated corridor. Armed

weapons and military equipment used during the passage of the stage, inspected, tested

for performance, filled with fuels and lubricants, warmed up.

Military and special equipment (MSE)

KamAZ-5350 transport vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, overall

dimensions of 7950 mm * 2550 mm * 3110 mm (at most; length, width and height

respectively), carrying capacity of 6000 kg, gross weight of at least 15400 kg- 1 pc;

recoil devices from the vehicle kit - 4 pcs;

L-1 lightweight protective suit - 5 pcs;

PMK-3 gas mask - 6 pcs;

НРС-2/80 two-stage manual pump - 1 pc;

RSGS-80 extender medium - 1 pc;

3-section metal staircase - 1 pc;

“Compact-III” protective helmet - 4 pcs;

"Universal" safety system (from a mountain rescue equipment set) - 2 pc;

“Classic Eight-figure” brake device (from a mountain rescue equipment set) - 1


climbing dynamometric rope with 11 mm diameter (from a mountain rescue

equipment set);

«Iremen 2200» large climbing spring hook (from a mountain rescue equipment

set) - 2 pcs;

"Taiga-245" petrol-powered saw- 1 pc;

RP-1 cutter attachment to the "Taiga - 245" petrol-powered saw- 1 pc;

tarpaulin sanitary stretchers - 1 pc;

hemostatic tourniquet - 1 pc;

"Sparky MBA2001” angle grinder 2000 W. -1 pc;

cotton gloves - 2 pcs;

IMP mine detector - 1 pc;

red metal signal flags for indicating metal fragments; - 3 pcs;

blue metal signal flags for marking the site for the search and collection of metal

fragments - 6 pcs;



signal tape for marking the site for the search and collection of metal fragments - 1


sapper shovel (58 cm long)– 1 pc;

wooden boxes - 3 pcs;

special stretchers with separate cells for collecting metal fragments -1 pc;

hand grips for collecting metal fragments - 1 pc;

metal fragments - 3 pcs;

mannequin from the set of a «Labyrinth» universal simulator - 1 pc;

«Hunter» signal launcher - 1 pc;

9-mm PM Makarov pistol - 2 pcs;

a clip for Makarov’s pistol (PM) - 2 pcs;

protective (anti-splinter) glasses - 2 pcs;

anti-noise headphones - 2 pcs;

unloading vest of any type - 2 pcs;

radio station - 2 pcs;

individual first aid kit - 2 pcs;

pistol holster - 2 pcs;

6B45 bulletproof vest - 2 pcs;

OZSh6B47 protective helmet - 2 pcs;

ADP 2.2-230VLB portable diesel generator (with a grounding pole, a grounding

wire, a sledgehammer) - 1 pc;

SPS1 special pneumatic frame construction - 1 pc;

UN-1300 inflation device - 1 pc.

The first line of the relay race «Assault strip»

Initial position: the elements of the strip are smoky; the crew member is equipped

with a gas mask bag with a gas mask.

When the chief of judges of the Competition announce the command: "MARSH",

crew member begins to overcome the elements of the assault strip.

One crew member takes part in the passage overcoming obstacles in the following

sequence and manner:

obstacle "Moat with water" on two tensioned ropes;



obstacle "Wall with a net" by climbing on a rope net;

before overcoming the obstacle "Wooden Fence", puts on a gas mask;

«Wooden fence» obstacle by jumping over the top edge of the fence;

«Wire fence» obstacle by crawling under it;

«Hemp» obstacle by running over them;

«Dilapidated building» obstacle through a window opening;

«Trench and the course of communication» obstacle by running through it;

«Railway embankment» obstacle by running through it;

«Blockage» obstacle by running over it;

“Wire on lower stakes” obstacle by running over it;

"Destroyed building" obstacle by running through the doorway;

"Passage" obstacle by running along it;

upon completion of overcoming the “Passage” obstacle, the crew member

independently removes the gas mask and places it in the gas mask bag.

The field arbiter monitors the correctness and completeness of the work,

compliance with safety requirements.

The completion of the milestone is the transfer of the relay in a specially

designated corridor by touching the hand of his teammate.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

not wearing a gas mask when overcoming the strip - 60 sec;

relay transfer was carried out outside the special corridor - 30 sec.;

gas mask damage - 10 sec.;

gas masks are not packed in gas masks bags after overcoming the

obstacle“Passage” - 10 sec.;

skipping the elements of the assault strip (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

loss of equipment when passing the line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

falling of crew members (for each violation) - 60 seconds;

water touch by crew member when overcoming a moat with water (for each

violation) - 10 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.



The second line of the relay race «Lifeguard special course»

Initial position: the starting device for the signal “Hunter” is charged, the spotter

is in front of the climbing wall with the readiness of insurance, the crew member is

equipped with the “Universal” safety system from the set of mountain rescue equipment.

In the milestone takes part one crew member with overcoming obstacles in the

following sequence and manner:

"Monkey bars" obstacle by passing over it with his hands, clinging to the

crossbars (when falling from the obstacle "Monkey bars", the participant returns to the

beginning of the obstacle and starts to pass it again);

the obstacle “Moat” is overcome by jumping;

"Labyrinth" obstacle by passing through the openings of the maze, enveloping

structural elements;

"Tunnel" obstacle by passing inside the tunnel;

«Suspension» bridge obstacle by running along it;

“Ruined bridge” obstacle by passing along it (when descending from the

destroyed bridge, it is necessary to step at least one step);

“Ruined Ladder” obstacle by passing through each step;

«Wall» obstacle by jumping over the top edge of the wall;

“Web” obstacle by crawling in a plastic way under a taut barbed wire inside the


"Climbing wall” obstacle by climbing the hooks to the 4th floor, shoots upwards

from the launching device for the signal “Hunter”, and descends to the second-floor

landing with the help of the spotter.

Descent from the 2nd floor is carried out by a 3-sectional metal ladder, one at a

time and using each step, except for the last three.

The field arbiter monitors the correctness and completeness of the work,

compliance with safety requirements.

The completion of the milestone is the transfer of the relay in a specially

designated corridor by touching the hand of his teammate.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;



relay transfer was carried out outside the special corridor - 30 sec.;

skipping of course elements (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

loss of equipment when passing the line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

falling of crew members (for each violation) - 60 seconds;

falling of crew members from the obstacle“Monkey bars”(for each violation) - 40


jumping from the destroyed bridge without stepping on one step - 60 sec.;

climbing to the climbing wall not in hooks (for each case) except for the passage

to the window - 20 sec.;

unfastened carbine - 60 sec.;

jumping from a 3-section metal ladder from more than 3 spans from below 20


descent down the stairs without its holding (insurance) (for each violation) - 10


any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The third line of the relay race «Locked door»

Initial position: the door is blocked by a metal rod, the border is equipped with a

portable diesel generator, ground wire, ground stake, sledgehammer, protective helmets,

angle grinder, calculation numbers are equipped with light protective suits and gas


Two crew members take part in passing the line in the following sequence:

put on a light protective suit and a gas mask (sequence: semi-overalls, a hooded

jacket, bags from personal protective equipment, a gas mask, gloves (pins on the

semi-overalls and on the hooded jacket should not be fastened before dressing)

put on protective helmets over the hood from a light protective suit;

carry a portable diesel generator and angle grinder to the door;

prepares the special pneumatic frame construction for usage (sequence: drive a

grounding pole into the ground, unroll a grounding wire for all length, connect

grounding wire with grounding pole and portable diesel generator);

launch a portable diesel generator;



connect the power cord of the angle grinder to the power socket of a portable

diesel generator;

check the performance of the angle grinder;

with the help of an angle grinder cut one rod installed in the hinges of the door;

open the door;

the portable diesel generator and the angle grinder are brought to their initial

position (the angle grinder is turned off, the disk is stopped, the portable diesel generator

is turned off, the ground wire is disconnected from the ground stake and the portable

diesel generator, the ground wire is wound, the ground stake is removed);

take off helmets;

pass through the doorway;

take off light protective suit (all the pegs should be unfastened), gas mask and put

in the stowed position (put them in the bags (bags are buttoned and dressed on the


The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The completion of the milestone is the transfer of the baton by touching the hand

with the last crew member that entered (ran into) a special corridor to its teammate.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

relay transfer was carried out outside the special corridor - 30 sec.;

the efficiency of the angle grinder is not verified - 30 sec.;

mechanical damage to the angle grinder or disc - 60 sec.;

equipment fall during border crossing (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

Violation of security requirements - 60 sec., namely:

the cutting wheel is not stopped or is stopped forcibly;

the sequence of putting on a light protective suit and a gas mask is violated (for

each violation) - 20 seconds;

equipment is not restored to its initial state - 30 sec.;

light protective suit was removed with fastened pegs (for each violation) - 30 sec.;



light protective suit and gas mask are not put in the stowed position (for each

violation) - 20 sec.;

gloves not tucked into the sleeves of a hooded jacket (for each violation) - 30 sec.

removal of grounding before stopping the operation of a portable diesel generator

- 30 sec.;

portable diesel generator is not restored to its initial position - 20 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The forth line

"Search and collection of metal fragments"

Initial state: Initial position: a platform of 10x10 meters, made of sawdust-sand

mixture with a depth of at least 0.3 meters, equipped with a mine detector, table, hand

grippers, special stretchers, wooden boxes for each metal fragment, three metal

fragments, blue signal flags - 6 pcs. and red - 3 pcs., a sapper shovel, signal tape, a

special pneumatic frame construction and a device for inflation. Metal fragments buried

on the site, crew members, equipped with light protective suits and gas masks.

Three crew members take part in passing the milestone in the following sequence:

put on a light protective suit and a gas mask (sequence: semi-overalls, a hooded

jacket, bags from personal protective equipment, a gas mask, gloves (pins on the

semi-overalls and on the hooded jacket should not be fastened before dressing), then

begin searching for metal fragments, for which:

carries out marking (tracing) of the place of searching for metal fragments in any

convenient way using six blue flags and a signal tape;

at the same time, during marking (tracing), crew members conduct a visual search

for fragments;

the search for fragments (time – 5 minutes) is carried out with the mine detector

with the coverage area about 2 meters by passing inside the designated platform;

upon detection of metal fragments, the crew member raises the left hand up and

sets a red signal flag;

after setting the signal flag, the remaining crew members follow it, stop, remove

the red signal flag, use a sapper shovel to dig out a metal fragment and put it using

special grippers in special stretchers;



after detection and collection of all three fragments, they are delivered in a special

stretcher to the identification point;

at the point of identification, the crew member takes one be one all fragments

from the stretchers, put them in wooden boxes and lock the boxes;

The crew proceeds with the deployment and installation of a special pneumatic

frame construction, for which:

deploy a special pneumatic frame construction;

prepares the special pneumatic frame construction for usage (sequence: drive a

grounding pole into the ground, unroll a grounding wire for all length, connect

grounding wire with grounding pole and portable diesel generator);

launch a portable diesel generator;

they connect a blower device and inflate a special pneumatic frame construction

(blowing is performed before the bleed valve is activated, if the valve does not work,

wait 6 minutes);

Carry wooden boxes to the special pneumatic frame construction (boxes are

carried one by one by the effort of two members)

puts the portable diesel generator and inflation device into original position

(sequence: take off the inflation device, switch off the portable diesel generator,

disconnect the grounding wire from the grounding pole and portable diesel generator,

coil the grounding wire and remove the grounding pole);

they bring the equipment into a special pneumatic frame construction (portable

diesel generator, grounding count, sledgehammer, grounding wire, blowing device),

wooden boxes with metal fragments;

pass through a special pneumatic frame construction in its entirety and line up in

one line to remove protective equipment;

take off light protective suit (all the pegs should be unfastened), gas mask and put

in the stowed position (put them in the bags (bags are buttoned and dressed on the


The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety




The completion of the milestone is the transfer of the baton by touching the hand

with the last crew member that entered (ran into) a special corridor to its teammate.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

relay transfer was carried out outside the special corridor - 30 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


fragment not found (for each fragment not found) - 60 sec.;

the fall of metal fragments on the surface of the earth during their collection,

packaging (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

fragments allowed to touch each other during their transfer in a stretcher - 10


delivery of metal fragments to the identification point one at a time - 30 sec.;

carrying (moving) a wooden box with metal fragments is carried out by one

person (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

after laying of the fragments in the stretchers the signal flag isn’t removed (for

each violation) – 10 sec.;

a special pneumatic frame construction is not inflated until the release valve is

triggered - 60 sec.;

gloves not tucked into the sleeves of a hooded jacket (for each violation) - 30 sec.

a special pneumatic frame construction is not inflated until the release valve is

triggered - 30 sec.;

crew members did not pass through the doorway - 10 seconds;

equipment failure during overcoming the milestone (for each violation– 60 sec.;

portable diesel generator was launched without preliminary grounding - 30 sec.;

light protective suit and gas mask are not put in the stowed position (for each

violation) - 20 sec.;

removing a light protective suit with buttoned pins (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

removal of grounding before stopping the operation of a portable diesel

generator - 30 sec.;



the equipment isn't laid and not given to a starting position (for each violation) –

20 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The fifth line of the relay race «Universal labyrinth»

Initial position: the universal "Labyrinth" simulator is prepared for passage, it is

located on the boundary of the line (the extender medium, the "Taiga-245" gas-powered

saw, the RP-1 cutter attachment to the "Taiga-245" gas-powered saw, the tarpaulin

stretcher, a two-stage manual pump , hemostatic tourniquet, wooden bars), crew

members are equipped with protective helmets and cotton gloves.

Two crew members take part in passing the line in the following sequence:

check the performance of the RP-1 cutter attachment to the gas-powered saw;

prepare for operation the extender medium and a two-stage manual pump;

check the performance of the extender medium and the two-stage manual pump;

3 rods are cut with the help of a RP-1 cutter attachment to the gas-powered saw

installed in a cassette with horizontal reinforcement;

carry the RP-1 attachment cutter to the gasoline-powered saw on the line near the


begin to overcome the sections "Blockage" and "Plate" using a manual pump and

a extender medium (if necessary, use wooden bars), overcoming obstacles, move deeper

into the universal labyrinth to help (lay a tourniquet on the injured limb) to the victim,

evacuate him and lay him on stretchers for which:

crew member provides first aid (put a hemostatic tourniquet on the victim 's limb

and fix it (the tourniquet is putted in the following sequence: the wound is pressed with a

finger; a tourniquet is putted above the affected area);

with the help of a extender medium and a two-stage manual pump in the “Fallen

Plate” section, the victim is freed by raising the plate and fixing it with a wooden bars;

two crew members remove the victim from under the rubble and evacuate him

from the universal labyrinth, put him on the sanitary tarpaulin stretcher, take him to the

specially marked corridor;

check the performance of a gas-powered saw;

return to the labyrinth universal for further passage of sections;



using the extender medium and a two-stage manual pump, the plate is lifted to a

height that allows it to be stabilized, a wooden bar is installed and fixed with a safety


with the help of a gas-powered saw they overcome the “Passing” section, in

which a cassette with a bar is installed by sawing it;

jam and put on a protective cover on a gas-powered saw.

with the help of a extender medium and a two-stage manual pump, they overcome

the “Collapsing Structure” section, raise the collapsed structure to a height that allows it

to be fixed with a safety bar;

lead to the initial position of the armed weapons and military equipment for


using a two-stage manual pump, the jaws of the extender medium are brought

together (the gap between the jaws is from 5-10 mm);

disconnect the extender medium from the two-stage manual pump;

winding up the pressure and drain sleeve of a two-stage manual pump;

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The completion of the milestone is the transfer of the baton by touching the hand

with the last crew member that entered (ran into) a special corridor to its teammate.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the sequence of passing the line, putting a tourniquet, bringing the equipment to

its original position is violated (for each violation) - 20 sec;

relay transfer was carried out outside the special corridor - 30 sec.;

a check of operability of the armed weapons and military equipment was not

carried out (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

damage to armed weapons and military equipment (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

during the passage of the labyrinth, one of the sections was not passed (for each

section) - 100 sec.;

the tourniquet is not fixed on the victim - 30 sec.;



blows (touching) of the victim about the design of the maze or equipment are

allowed - 30 sec.;

Violation of security requirements - 60 sec., namely:

after the working of the gas-powered saw the break device is not shut down, the

saw isn’t taken off and uncovered;

cutting wheel was not stopped;

the crew members, which are not involved in work, were closer than 1.5 metres to

the area of working of the cutter attachment and gas-powered saw;

lifting and moving sections of obstacles was carried out without the use of a

extender medium and a two-stage manual pump - 60 sec.;

equipment is not restored to its original state (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the victim is not evacuated to a specially designated corridor -

20 sec.;

falling of a stretcher with the victim (the victim from a stretcher) when carrying –

60 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The sixth line of the relay race «Shooting range»

At the sixth line, an exercise in army tactical shooting (army tactical and shooting

multisport competition) "Repelling attack on an emergency rescue formation" is


The exercise is performed by two members (1 and 2 shooters) from each team.

Initial state: upon arrival at the initial line of the military shooting range, two

shooters are equipped and receive ammunition (1 loaded magazine) with eight rounds

for each shooter, body armor and protective helmets are placed at the initial line, targets

(poppers) are in a vertical position. The vehicle is installed with the tailgate to the

flyover, put on the parking brake, the engine is muffled, wheel chocks are installed

under the wheels, the tailgate is sheathed.

The sensitivity of the pop-up targets is adjusted by the performing team, but when

they fall from rain, wind and other external factors - it’s considered as a miss.



To get permission to perform the exercise from the officer in charge of firing

exercises, the shooters must be equipped with:

bulletproof vest of the 5th protection level, equipped with armor plates;

protective helmet;

protective (anti-splinter) glasses;

anti-noise headphones;

unloading vest of any type;

radio station;

individual first aid kit;

gas mask;

a holster for a pistol (hip, waist or on an unloading or armor vest. The shooter's

holster must be fastened if a fastener is structurally provided);

pistol 9mm PM and at least 2 magazines to it (the pistol is in a holster, the

chamber is empty, the magazine is in a pouch, equipped with 8 rounds).

After completing the equipment, the shooters report to the officer in charge at the

site about their readiness to perform firing exercises. The officer in charge of firing

exercises makes sure that the shooters are properly equipped and gives the command

"To battle!"

Shooters, having received the command of the officer at the site "For battle!"

perform the exercise "Repelling attack on a rescue formation" in the following


they move to the line of opening fire in zone "A", place behind an artificial

hideout and get permission to open fire from the officer at the "Fire!" section, the

shooters remove the weapon from the safety lock and using the hideout hit poppers - 4

pcs. at ranges of 20 - 25 meters;

after shooters hit 4 poppers in zone "A", 2nd shooter puts the weapon on the safety

lock and moves from zone "A" to zone "B";

upon arrival of the 2nd shooter in zone "B", he removes the weapon from the

safety lock and, using a hideout, hits 2 chest figures (targets No. 6) at ranges of 15 - 20




after hitting 2 chest figures (target No. 6) in zone "B" 1st shooter puts the weapon

on the safety lock and moves to zone "C" where he hits 2 chest figures (target No. 6) at

ranges of 20-30 meters, while between the targets is located penalty target (which means

dangerous goods).

If 2nd shooter in zone "B" did not hit 2 targets, then 1st shooter moves to zone "B"

and hits targets in this zone, and then moves to zone "C";

at the end of the shooting, the shooters report to the officer in charge of firing

exercise about its completion;

after inspecting the weapon, lay it on the table and drop off to the transport


remove wheel chocks on regular places, sit in the cabin;

start the engine;

at the command of the field arbiters (raising the white flag), movement along the

route (total length of 800 meters) is carried out in the following sequence:

overcome a stretch of terrain with an obstacle "ford" (depth 0.5 m, width 5 m, total

length of the element 20 m), while:

stop the vehicles so that the bumper is between the marked lines in front of the


when overcoming an obstacle, a constant rotation of engine shaft is maintained;

enter the vehicle in water smoothly, in low gear;

Do not go beyond the indicated ford borders;

do not make turns, abrupt changes in the frequency of rotation of the engine shaft,

the vehicle stops;

overcome a terrain with an obstacle “hill” (length 40 m), while:

it is not allowed to go beyond the designated boundaries of the route;

ascent to the hill (elevation), the descents of vehicles are carried out at a speed

with the switching on the lower gear in order to prevent loss of controllability and

stability of the vehicle, braking is carried out by the engine and the brake system;

overcome the terrain with an obstacle "comb", while:

stop the vehicles so that the bumper is between the marked lines in front of the




when overcoming, a constant engine shaft speed is maintained;

Do not go beyond the designated boundaries of the site;

do not make turns, abrupt changes in the frequency of rotation of the engine shaft,

the vehicle stops.

FINISH is carried out on a vehicle.

At the emergence of delays in shooting, the person informs a range officer, when

all members in the shift finishes shooting, the staff gives the pit stop to establish the

reasons of delays and eliminate them on the place.

To avoid jams and other things, which prevent the overcoming of the ford by the

next team, the field arbiter rises white and red flags up at the entrance. After excluding

the cause of the stopping, the field arbiter rises the white flag up, turns to the side of the

movement and lowers his hand in the direction of the movement at shoulder level - gives

the command «GO»(marsh)

The field arbiter monitors the correctness and completeness of the work,

compliance with safety requirements.

The completion of the milestone is the intersection of the finish line.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

the weapon is not set to safety when moving at the firing range (upon finishing of

firing) - 10 sec.;

for each missed (non-fired) target (popper) - 30 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


opening fire before the command of the shooting leader (for each violation) - 30


opening fire after the shooting leader’s command to stop it (for each violation) -

30 sec.;

hitting a penalty target - 120 sec;

shooting at wrong (other people's) targets

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20




opening fire before the command of the shooting leader (for each violation) - 30


opening fire after the shooting leader’s command to stop it (for each violation) -

30 sec.;

the weapon is aimed at people, to the side and to the rear of the shooting range,

regardless of whether it is loaded or not (for each violation) - 60 sec .;

shooting at wrong (other people's) targets

wheel chocks are not laid on regular places (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

vehicle stop while fording (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

rolling the vehicle into the water when leaving the ford (for each violation) –10


gear shifting when overcoming the ford (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

going outside the roadway with at least one wheel (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

engine stop (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

rolling the vehicle from the hill back to a distance of more than 0.5 m (for each

violation) - 30 sec.;

march along the ring road without stopping the vehicle in front of the obstacle

(except for the hill) (for each violation) - 50 sec.;

vehicle stop outside the designated area (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the beginning of movement on the vehicle before the signal of the field arbiter (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The winner of the second stage of the Competition is determined by the actual

time recorded from the moment of START to FINISH taking into account the penalty

time and time for a pit stop.

The crew member, in case of not passing (incorrect passing) obstacles (individual

elements of the boundaries), returns to pass it once again , and the crew gets a penalty

time for violation of the sequence of passing the boundary.

35. The third stage is the “Race to Victory”.

The composition of the crew:

a crew - 12 members consisting of:



a crew leader – 1 participant;

crew members - 10 members, at least 2 of them should have driver license for


spotter -1 person.

Equipment: military uniform, lightweight protective suit L-1, gas mask PMK-3,

safety system "Universal" from a set of mountain rescue equipment.

Initial position: the team is on the START line. Armed weapons and military

equipment used by crew members during the passage of the stage, inspected by

technical commission, tested for performance, filled with fuels and lubricants, warmed


Military and special equipment (MSE)

KamAZ-5350 special vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, overall dimensions

of 7850 mm * 2820 mm * 3200 mm (at most; length, width and height respectively),

with a maximum engine power of 154-191 kW (210-260 hp) at most and carrying

capacity of 50000 kg at most- 1 pc;

KamAZ-5350 transport vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, overall

dimensions of 7950 mm * 2550 mm * 3110 mm (at most; length, width and height

respectively), carrying capacity of 6000 kg, gross weight of at least 15400 kg- 1 pc;

SRZ - 50062 coupling belt for fastening boxes - 2 pcs;

couplers for fastening a cargo model from a set of a special car - 4 pcs;

recoil devices from the vehicle kit - 4 pcs;

firefighter combat clothing BOP-1 - 2 pcs;

fireman helmet ShK-PS - 2 pcs;

a baking pan for lighting a fire - 2 pcs;

L-1 lightweight protective suit - 11 pcs;

PMK-3 gas mask - 11 pcs;

3-section metal staircase - 1 pc;

“Compact-III” protective helmet - 2 pcs;

"Universal" safety system (from a mountain rescue equipment set) - 12 pc;

“Classic Eight-figure” brake device (from a mountain rescue equipment set) - 1




climbing dynamometric rope with 11 mm diameter (from a mountain rescue

equipment set) - 1 pc;

«Iremen 2200» large climbing spring hook (from a mountain rescue equipment

set) - 12 pcs;

"Taiga-245" petrol-powered saw- 1 pc;

RP-1 cutter attachment to the "Taiga - 245" petrol-powered saw- 1 pc;

tarpaulin sanitary stretchers - 1 pc;

medical bandage (elastic) (Зm х 8cm) - 1 piece;

Cramer splint for upper or lower limb- -1 pc;

OU-5 fire extinguishers - 2 pcs;

UMK-LK universal multi-turn mount - 4 pcs;

cotton gloves - 3 pcs;

wooden bars for moving the cargo model - 6 pcs;

cargo model weighing at least 400 kg- 1 pc;

mannequin from the set of a «Labyrinth» universal simulator - 1 pc;

9-mm PM Makarov pistol - 5 pcs;

a clip for Makarov’s pistol (PM) - 15 pcs;

6B45 bulletproof vest - 10 pcs;

OZSh6B47 protective helmet - 10 pcs;

The first line is "Moat with Water"

Initial state: the moat is filled with water; two ropes are stretched.

When the chief of judges of the Competition announce the command: “MARCH”,

the crew in full composition with equipment arrives at the border of the beginning of the

boundary crossing.

All crew units take part in boundary crossing in the following sequence:

one at a time, they begin to overcome the ditch (from beginning to end) with water

using two ropes and transfer equipment (from beginning to end) using a suspension

device (made by yourself from rope and climbing carabiners). The equipment is

transferred individually, taking into account the presence of no more than one weapon or

military equipment above water;



after the transfer of all equipment, the suspension device is dismantled and

remains at the boundary.

The field arbiter monitors the correctness and completeness of the work,

compliance with safety requirements.

The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

equipment damage is allowed (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


the presence of more than one person on the rope (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

overcoming obstacles by crew members and equipment not from beginning to end

(for each violation) - 20 sec .;

the passage on the rope crossing is not liberated (the suspension device is not

dismantled) - 20 sec.;

water contact realized by crew crossing the moat with water - 10 sec.;

water contact with transmitted equipment (for each violation) - 10 seconds;

equipment transfers without using a suspension device (for each violation) - 30


any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The second line of the final "Wall with a net"

Initial state: the net is stretched.

All crew units take part in boundary crossing in the following sequence:

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass the

line by signaling the white flag one by one they begin to overcome the obstacle along the

rope net and transfer equipment using a suspension device (made by yourself from rope

and climbing carabineers). The equipment is transferred individually, while there is no



more than one military equipment on the obstacle (there is no more than one person on

each side of the obstacle);

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes through

the wall with a net.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

equipment damage is allowed (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


the presence of more than one person on the rope (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

equipment transfers without using a suspension device (for each violation)

(excluding 3-section ladder) - 30 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The suspension device remains at the boundary.

The third line is “Blocked Passage"

Initial state: the metal structure is sheathed with woodenbars, crew units in

protective helmets and cotton gloves.

The crew in full composition with equipment arrives at the border of the access

line using the equipment.

Two numbers of crew take part in passing the line.

Crew members are not involved in passage of the line are out of the line’s border.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass the

line by signaling the white flag The crew units move to the metal structure to make the

passage to the next boundary in the following sequence:

prepare a petrol-powered saw for work;



make a passage in a wooden construction along the indicated contour;

bring the equipment to its original position, for that they turn it off and put on a

protective cover;

go with equipment to the boundary line.

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes into the

formed passage to the following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

the protective glass of the helmet is not brought into working position (for each

violation) - 60 sec.;

gloves are not dressed (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

crew units didn’t arrive at the border line after making the passage - 10 seconds;

crossing the border of the next boundary with incomplete work at the previous one - 60


loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

crew members did not pass through the doorway - 10 seconds;

the damage of the gas-powered saw – 60 sec.;

Violation of security requirements - 60 sec., namely:

after the operation of the petrol-powered saw, the brake device is not lowered, the

saw is not turned off and the protective cover is not put on;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The petrol-powered saw remains on the line of the beginning of the bounder.

The forth line is "Special Course"

Initial position: the elements of the special obstacle course are smoky, "Hunter"

signal launcher is charged, the spotter is in front of the climbing wall with the readiness

to spot for the crew members.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of



overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a comm and to pass

the line by signaling the white flag Crew in full composition with the equipment begins

to overcome a special course in the following sequence:

the crew leader gives a command "GAS" to crew units;

the crew complies the standard for putting on gas masks;

the crew leader gives a command orally or by his hand to overcome the special

course: “FORWARD”

elements of a special course are overcome in the following sequence:

the obstacle "Wooden fence" is overcome by jumping over the upper edge of the

fence, but no more than three members at a time (equipment is transferred through the

upper part of the fence from one member to another)

the obstacle "Wire fence" is overcome by crawling under it one by one with the


the obstacle "Stumps" is overcome by running through them one by one with the


the obstacle "Dilapidated building" is overcome through the window one by one

(equipment is transmitted through the window);

the obstacle "Trench and the course of communication" is overcome by running

through them with equipment;

the obstacle "Railway embankment" is overcome by running along it with


the obstacle "Blockage" is overcome by running over it with equipment;

the obstacle “Wire net on low stakes” is overcome by running along it with


the “Destroyed building” obstacle is overcome through a blocked window in the

following sequence: two crew members dressed in helmets prepare a three-sectional

ladder of the required height, set it to the blocked window opening and hold it; at the

same time, the members dressed in helmet checks the operability of the attachment

cutter, climbs the stairs to the blocked window opening and cuts off two metal rods,

muffles the attachment cutter, waits for the cutting wheel to stop and passes through the



window opening; the crew members with the help of a ladder overcome the window

opening one by one with the equipment or by transferring it through the window

opening to another member, crew members go down with the equipment from the back

side of the stairs stepping each stair step

Obstacles “Passage” is overcome by running through it with equipment. Upon

completion of the “Passage” obstacle, crew units independently remove gas masks and

place them in gas masks bags;

the obstacle “Moat” is overcome by jumping as a part of the crew with the


the obstacle “Labyrinth” is overcome by passing the holes of the labyrinth in the

column one by one, by bending all the elements (through transportation of equipment is

prohibited) with the equipment;

the obstacle “Tunnel” is overcome by passing inside the tunnel in the column one

by one with the equipment;

the obstacle “Suspension bridge” is overcome by passing in the column one by

one with the equipment;

the obstacle “Destroyed bridge” is overcome by passing in the column one by one

with the equipment. When descending from a destroyed bridge, it is necessary to step at

least one step;

the obstacle “Destroyed ladder” is overcome by passing the stairs in the column

one by one for each step with equipment;

the obstacle "Wall" is overcome by jumping over the top one by one with the

equipment (equipment is transmitted through the top);

the obstacle “Web” is overcome by crawling with the equipment under stretched

barbed wire inside corridor;

the obstacle “Climbing wall” is overcome by lifting the personnel of the crew to

the second-floor lending by the hooks one by one with a help of spotter. The equipment

is lifted one by one using a climbing rope to the 2nd floor only after belaying the crew

member that lifts the equipment, by fixing it through a safety halyard in the climbing

wall eyelet (the ladder is prepared of the required length for descending from the second

floor and is passed through the window opening of the second floor in the expanded



state without using a climbing rope). The last crew member climbs the hooks to the 4th

floor, shoots upwards from the launching device for the signal “Hunter”, and descends

to the second-floor landing with the help of the spotter. Crew members descent from the

2nd floor using the ladder, holding (belaying) the ladder when descending the first

member is carried out by the member located on the 2nd floor, subsequently the ladder is

held (belayed) by the descended member (descending the 3-section metal staircase is

carried out by one member at a time and on each step except for the last three) The

equipment is lowered piece by piece using a climbing rope or with a help of crew

members (sequence: crew member, lifting equipment transfers it to the crew member

that is on the stairs, disconnects it from the climbing rope, the crew member, being on

the stairs by one hand, holds it, and by other hand transfers the equipment to the crew

member below), all the equipment should be transferred in this sequence (except for the

stairs). No more than three people can be on the site of the 2nd floor

The evacuation of the victim from the 2nd floor is carried out only after everyone

has gone through the climbing wall, by the last two crew members, which prepare a

device from sanitary tarpaulin stretcher, rope and climbing carabiners for his


at the same time, a rope track is equipped with the effort of crew members located

at the bottom;

evacuate the victim (the victim should be evacuated with his feet down)

provide first aid to the victim, for this:

impose Cramer splint for right lower limb;

With the help of a medical bandage, Cramer splint is fixed over its entire length;

transport the victim to the place designated by the flag.

The crew members simultaneously with the evacuation bring the equipment to its

original state (wind and lay the climbing rope near the climbing wall).

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.



The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

a gas mask was not worn during crossing the course (for each violation) - 60


the protective glass of the helmet is not brought into working position (for each

violation) - 60 sec.;

the operability of the RP-1 cutter-attachment to the petrol-powered saw was not verified

- 10 seconds;

cutting wheel was not stopped - 60 seconds;

crew members not participating in the work were in the plane of the disk of the RP-1

cutter attachment to the gas powered saw closer than 1.5 meters - 60 sec.;

not all equipment was transferred through the window opening of the destroyed

building and through the 2nd floor of the climbing wall (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

gas masks are not packed in gas masks bags after overcoming the

obstacle“Passage” (for each violation) - 10 sec.;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


overcoming obstacles by jumping from one to another (for each violation) - 20


crew members did not pass through the doorway - 10 seconds;

skipping of course elements (for each violation) - 60 sec.;

falling of crew members (for each violation) - 60 seconds;

jumping from the destroyed bridge without stepping on one step (for each

violation) - 60 sec.;

climbing to the climbing wall not in hooks (for each case), except for the passage

to the window - 20 sec.;

descent down the stairs without its holding (insurance) (for each violation) - 30


the lack of insurance for a lifeguard lifting equipment on a rope - 20 seconds;



unlocking carabineer when lifting personnel (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

falling the equipment during its ascent to the climbing wall and descent from it

(for each violation) - 60 sec.;

presence on the stairs for more than 2 person (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

presence on the stairs for more than 1 person (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

the crew member located on the stairs during the transfer of equipment did not

hold it (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

jumping from a 3-section metal ladder from more than 3 spans from below (for

each violation) - 20 sec.;

descent down the stairs without its holding (insurance) (for each violation) - 10


the equipment isn't laid and not given to a starting position (for each violation) –

90 sec.;

Cramer's splint is not fixed to the full length - 60 seconds;

during the evacuation of the injured, a change in his position was allowed which

lead to degradation in his health (moving upside down, shock, fall) - 60 sec.;

the victim was not evacuated to the site for putting on personal protective equipment - 20


any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The ladder, the climbing rope for lifting the equipment remain at the border

of the line.

The fifth line is “Putting on individual protection equipment”

Initial state: the area for putting on personal protective equipment is free.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass the

line by signaling the white flag Crew in full composition with the equipment begins to

overcome a boundary in the following sequence:

line up in two ranks on the area for putting on personal protective equipment with

equipment (area is marked by boundary lines);



put on a light protective suit and a gas mask (sequence: semi-overalls, a hooded

jacket, bags from personal protective equipment, a gas mask, gloves (pins on the

semi-overalls and on the hooded jacket should not be fastened before dressing)

two crew members involved in providing access to the locked door, put on

protective helmets over the hood from a light protective suit.

After putting on personal protective equipment with two crew members, the crew

leader reports to the field arbiter by voice about the readiness of the crew for checking.

The field arbiter provides the control over the correctness and completeness of

putting on personal protective equipment, compliance with safety requirements.

The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

Crew members put on personal protective equipment outside the designated area

the loops of the jacket of a light protective suit are not wearing on the fingers (for

each violation) - 10 seconds;

damage to individual protective equipment (for each violation) - 10 seconds;

the strap is not fastened with a peg (for each violation) - 10 seconds;

the sequence of putting on a light protective suit and a gas mask is violated (for

each violation) - 20 seconds;

gloves not tucked into the sleeves of a hooded jacket (for each violation) - 30 sec.

opened areas of the body (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The sixth line is “the Locked Door"

Initial state: the door is locked by a metal bar, crew members participating in the

passage of the boundary wear helmets.

The crew in full composition with equipment arrives at the border of overcoming



the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass the

line by signaling the white flag

The border is overcome in the following sequence:

Two crew members participating in ensuring passage to the locked door launch

the RP-1 cutter attachment to the gasoline saw and check its performance;

using a cutter-attachment produce a cut of one metal rod, which is fixed in the

hinges of the door;

wait for the cutting wheel to stop completely on the cutter attachment;

open the door;

return to the border with the RP-1 cutter attachment to the gasoline-powered saw

and leave it there, take off helmets (the crew members that are not involved in ensuring

the passage are located outside the border, they do not help those who participate in


the crew in full composition passes in the doorway;

take off light protective suit (all the pegs should be unfastened), gas mask and put

in the stowed position (put them in the bags (bags are buttoned and dressed on the


The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The completion of the line passage is the arriving of the crew with logs and boxes

to the border of the next line.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

the operability of the RP-1 cutter-attachment to the petrol-powered saw was not verified

- 10 seconds;

the damage of the RP-1 cutter attachment to the gas-powered saw or disk – 60 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

Violation of security requirements - 60 sec., namely:

cutting wheel was not stopped;

the crew members, which are not involved in work, were closer than 1.5 metres to the



area of working of the cutter attachment and gas-powered saw;

crew members did not pass through the doorway - 10 seconds;

light protective suit and gas mask are not put in the stowed position (for each violation) -

20 sec.;

removing a light protective suit with buttoned pins (for each violation) – - 20 sec.;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

Protective helmet, cutter-attachment RP-1 to a petrol-powered saw remain

at the border line.

The seventh line is "Firefighting"

Initial state: firefighter’s combat clothing and helmet of the fireman’s are laid on

the table, wooden bars for cargo model and OU-5 fire extinguishers are located near the

table, the fire burns in pans.

The crew in full composition with equipment arrives at the border of overcoming

the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag

Two numbers of crew take part in passing the line.

Crew members are not involved in passage of the line are out of the line’s border.

The crew members move to the fire extinguishing area, realize operations in the

following sequence:

put on the firefighter’s combat clothing (sequence: pants, jacket, belt, firefighter's

helmet, gloves, lower the protective glass on the helmet);

extinguish a fire using fire extinguishers;

bring the clothing and equipment to its original state for which: remove combat

clothing and lay it on the table, put the fire extinguisher or put it near the table;

take the wooden bars and move to the border of the line to the crew.

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety




The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

the sequence of dressing the firefighter’s combat clothing was violated (for each

violation) - 10 seconds;

the protective glass of the helmet is not brought into working position (for each

violation) - 60 sec. ;

the fall of the firefighter's combat clothing from the table (for each violation) - 10


re-ignition of the fire after extinguishing it until the operation at the next

boundary - 60 sec.;

gloves are not dressed (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

equipment was not brought to its initial position (for each violation) - 60 sec;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

Firefighter’s combat clothing, helmet of a firefighter remains at the line.

The eighth line is "Emergency container"

Initial state: the cargo model is located at the border of the boundary, the vehicles

are installed with the tailgate to the ramp, put on the parking brake, the engines are

switched off, wheel chocks are installed, the tailgate is uncovered, the couplers are

prepared and laid on the front wall of the special vehicle, the coupling belt for fastening

the wood boxes is in the back of a transport vehicle.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag According to this signal, the crew members begin to



move the cargo model in the following sequence:

crew is divided into groups;

First group:

by efforts of seven crew members moves the container along the bars to the

vehicle installed on the ramp;

two crew members shift freed bars forward under the cargo model;

loading of the cargo model in a special vehicle is carried out by crew of no more

than 6 people;

fastening of the cargo model is carried out in the cargo compartment of a special

vehicle with 4 ties to the mooring knots.

The second group:

by efforts of four crew members, wooden boxes with metal fragments packed in

them are delivered to the vehicle body, the boxes are transported one by one by two


boxes are loaded into the body of a transport vehicle; fastening is carried out by

two coupling belts;

the crew leader controls the loading, the reliability of fastening the cargo model

and boxes with metal fragments;

Crew members bring the special vehicle to the stowed position (they close the

doors, the side, do rope fastening of the tent of the special vehicle for all its eyes) the side

of the transport vehicle is closed, while the wheel chocks are not removed

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The boundary is considered completed when crew with equipment goes to the

following boundary.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

cargo model is not securely fastened - 300 sec.;

Cargo model is touched the ground (for each violation) - 10 sec.;

presence of crew numbers in front of a moving cargo model (for each violation) -

30 sec;



loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20


carrying or moving a wooden box with metal fragments is carried out by one

person (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the cargo model is not securely fixed (there should be no sagging of the screed by

more than 20 mm) (for each violation) - 30 sec.

rope fastening of the tent of the special vehicle for the eyes (for each violation)

was not carried out - 10 seconds;

wooden boxes with metal fragments are not securely fixed in the transport vehicle

(the box is pulled out from the screed with a little effort) - 30 sec.

the leader of the crew did not control the reliability of cargo securing in vehicles

(for each violation) - 30 sec.;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The ninth line «Ring road»

Initial state: the vehicles are installed with the tailgate to the ramp, put on the

parking brake, the engines are switched off, wheel chocks are installed, the tailgate is


The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag According to this signal, the crew starts to carry out

activities in the following sequence:

takes up seats in a transport vehicle (six crew members take up seats in the back

of the vehicle, two crew members remove the wheel chocks for standard places and sit in

the cabin), in a special vehicle (one crew member sits in the cabin, two crew members

remove the wheel chocks for standard places and sit in the cabin);

start the engine;

at the command of the field arbiters (raising the white flag), movement along the



route (total length of 800 meters) is carried out in the following sequence:

a transport vehicle starts moving first, followed by a special vehicle with a load;

overcome a stretch of terrain with an obstacle "ford" (depth 0.5, width 5 m, total

length of the element 20 m), while:

stop the vehicles so that the bumper is between the marked lines in front of the


when overcoming an obstacle, a constant rotation of engine shaft is maintained;

enter the vehicle in water smoothly, in low gear;

Do not go beyond the indicated ford borders;

do not make turns, abrupt changes in the frequency of rotation of the engine shaft,

the vehicle stops;

overcome a terrain with an obstacle “hill” (length 40 m), while:

it is not allowed to go beyond the designated boundaries of the route;

ascent to the hill (elevation), the descents of vehicles are carried out at a speed

with the switching on the lower gear in order to prevent loss of controllability and

stability of the vehicle, braking is carried out by the engine and the brake system;

overcome the terrain with an obstacle "comb", while:

stop the vehicles so that the bumper is between the marked lines in front of the


when overcoming, a constant engine shaft speed is maintained;

Do not go beyond the designated boundaries of the site;

do not make turns, abrupt changes in the frequency of rotation of the engine shaft,

the vehicle stops;

after passing the mentioned distance, the vehicles stop on the designated line, put

on the parking brake, the engines are switched off, wheel chocks are installed by the

driver and the senior of the vehicle (only after that the rest of crew members get out of

the vehicle);

the crew members unload the wooden boxes with metal fragments before the

transport vehicle;

crew members stay in one line in front of the vehicle

To avoid jams and other things, which prevent the overcoming of the ford by the

next team, the field arbiter rises white and red flags up at the entrance. After excluding



the cause of the stopping, the field arbiter rises the white flag up, turns to the side of the

movement and lowers his hand in the direction of the movement at shoulder level - gives

the command «GO»(marsh)

The field arbiter monitors the correctness and completeness of the work,

compliance with safety requirements.

The boundary is considered completed when crew is lined up.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

wheel chocks are not installed on the transport vehicle (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

vehicle stops while overcoming the ford (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

rolling the vehicle into the water when leaving the ford (for each violation) – 10


vehicle stop while fording (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

rolling the vehicle into the water when leaving the ford (for each violation) –10 sec.;

gear shifting when overcoming the ford (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

going outside the roadway with at least one wheel (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

engine stop (for each violation) - 20 sec.;

rolling the vehicle from the hill back to a distance of more than 0.5 m. (for each

violation) - 30 sec.;

march along the ring road without stopping the vehicle in front of the obstacle (except

for the hill) (for each violation) - 50 sec.;

vehicle stop outside the designated area (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the beginning of movement on the vehicle before the signal of the field arbiter (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for

each violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations, which have led to injuries, incapacitation of the equipment – 300


The tenth line is "Railway Platform"

Initial state: the engine of transport vehicle is switched off, vehicle is put on the



parking brake, wheel chocks are installed, the tailgate is covered, the engine of special

vehicle is started and vehicle is put on the parking brake.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag Four members are involved, the rest are at the front

bumper of the transport vehicle and do not help.

The crew of the four members starts to carry out activities in the following


the vehicle commander, at a safe distance, rules the loading of a special vehicle

on the railway platform by giving signals with white and red flags

the driver pulls into railway platform at speed that ensures safe movement along

the ramp, without stops and a sharp change in the frequency of rotation of the engine


after arrival at the railway platform, two crew members and the driver fasten the

vehicle to the railway platform with a prepared universal multi-turn fastening, without

fixing the installed linings with nails (the driver presses down the front and rear

universal small-sized mounts by driving a car on them);

after installing a universal multi-turn fastening, the driver of a special vehicle

breaks it with a parking brake, switches off the engine and leaves the vehicle;

the vehicle commander controls the reliability of the fastening;

crew members move to the boundary line and, upon the command of the crew

leader, go to the following boundary.

The field arbiter monitors the correctness and completeness of the work,

compliance with safety requirements.

The completion of the line passage is the arriving of the crew to the border of the

next line.

The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

sequence of passing the stage is violated (for each violation)–- 20 seconds;

engine stop or sliding down of the vehicle from the ramp - 30 sec.;



the car is not securely fixed (the wheels of the front and back axles do not fit

closely to back stops and the surface of the railway platform, there is a gap between the

wheel and the lining) - 120 sec.;

the movement of the vehicle without the command of the vehicle commander (for

each violation) - 120 sec.;

the car was fixed by more than four people (for each violation) - 30 seconds;

deviation of the lateral and transverse axles of the platform from the lateral and

transverse axles of the truck more than 20 cm. - 20 sec.;

the car was not put on the parking brake (for each violation) - 120 sec.;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The eleventh line is "Shooting Range"

Initial position: on the firing emplacement there is one pistol with 3 charged clips

on the table, one clip has three rounds, two other clips have one round for each, the

bulletproof vests and protective helmets are on the initial line, the pop-up targets are in

vertical position. Pistol shooting is carried out by single shots at targets. Each crew at the

firing line performs an exercise from 5 directions in 2 turns, the number of shooters is 10

crew members. Position for shooting - standing. The sensitivity of the pop-up targets is

adjusted by the performing team, but when they fall from rain, wind and other external

factors - it’s considered as a miss.

The crew in full composition with the equipment arrives at the border of

overcoming the boundary.

Field referee after the readiness of the crew members gives a command to pass

the line by signaling the white flag Upon the signal, the crew members begin to perform

the exercises in the following sequence:

put on body armor and protective helmets;

the first five crew members, on the command of the shooting leader, approach to

the line of fire, after taking up a firing position, they report to the leader on the shooting

site that they are ready for combat;

they fire at three special targets (poppers) at a distance of 25 m, the amount of

ammunition is 5 pieces (3 main, 2 spare rounds), when using three main rounds and



without hitting the target, they use two additional rounds (when hitting one's own targets

or not hitting them, it is prohibited to shoot at other people's targets);

upon completion of the exercise, report to the senior leader at the firing site about

its completion;

after inspection, the weapon is laid on the table, the crew members move to the

starting line;

the second turn performs the exercise in a similar way;

upon arrival to the starting line, the crew in full composition goes to FINISH.

At the emergence of delays in shooting, the person informs a range officer, when

all members in the shift finishes shooting, the crew gives the pit stop to establish the

reasons of delays and eliminate them on the place (shooting after elimination of the

reasons for the delay is made during the pit stop).

The field arbiter exercises control over the correctness and completeness of the

work, bringing the equipment to its original state, and compliance with safety


The penalty time is charged for which of the following violations:

the order of overcoming the line is violated (for each violation)– 20 sec.;

the clip was not left at the firing position at the end of the shooting (for each violation) -

30 seconds;

the weapon is not locked at the end of the shooting (for each violation) - 10 seconds;

for each miss - 30 sec.;

loss, fall of equipment crossing the boundary line (for each violation) - 20 seconds;

opening fire before the command of the shooting leader (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

opening fire after the shooting leader’s command to stop it (for each violation) - 30 sec.;

the weapon is aimed at people, to the side and to the rear of the shooting range,

regardless of whether it is loaded or not (for each violation) - 60 sec .;

shooting at wrong (other people's) targets

crossing the border of the next line with incomplete work at the previous one (for each

violation) - 60 seconds;

any violations which have led to injury - 300 sec.

The end of the third stage of the “RACE TO VICTORY” is the crossing of the finish



line by last crew member.

The winner of the third stage of the Competition is determined by the actual time

recorded from the moment of START to FINISH, taking into account the penalty time and time

for a pit stop.

Until work is completed at the boundary, crew members not participated in

the stage are not allowed to cross the border of the following boundary.

The crew member, in case of not passing (incorrect passing) obstacles

(individual elements of the passage), returns to pass it once again , and the crew

gets a penalty time for violation of the sequence of passing the boundary.

V. The procedure of determining winners and prize-winners

36. The winner of the Competition is determined by the least amount of time

spent to pass all three stages.

37. In case of taking the same time, the winner is determined by the number of

occupied I places, then II and III places in each stage of the Competition.

38. In case of equal number of occupied places (I, II and III), the winner is the

team that showed the least penalty time.

39. At the end of the final part of the Contest, the Contest is closed at the venue.

40. Winners and prize-winners of the Competition are invited to the closing

ceremony of the Army International Games

41. Precise dates of stages of the Competition are appointed and can be changed

by the decision of the chief of 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the

Russian Federation.



Annex № 1

REQUEST for participation in the Competition «______________»

______________________________________ (participating team)

№ Position Military




Series, passport number

(officer identification card,

military ID)





Used armament and military equipment*.

*It’s necessary to declare all tactical and technical characteristics in case of using own

armament and military equipment.

Main team coach __________________________

(participating team)


(military rank) (signature) (Surname, initials)

«____» _____________20__

Annex №2



Annex №2


Main judge of contest

«Emergency area»

(Contest name)

(military rank) (Name initials, Surname)

« »___________________ 20__


Of access to the Competition

«Emergency area»

«____» _______ 20__ judicial commission of the Competition «Emergency area»

(further – contest) in composition of:

Main judge of contest

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Contest secretary

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Team judges:

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

has studied the requests for the participation in contest «Emergency area» and has determined the

composition of participating teams:

1. From __________________________ (participating team)

№ Position Military




Series, passport number

(officer identification card,

military ID)







2. From __________________________ (participating team)

№ Position Military




Series, passport number

(officer identification card,

military ID)





3. From __________________________ (participating team)

№ Position Military




Series, passport number

(officer identification card,

military ID)





There are no claims and comments on the composition of the teams participating in the "Emergency

Area" among participants and representatives of the teams.

Present protocol is composed in two copies:

Copy №1 – Army Games Chief Judge Secretariat

Copy №2 – Contest Chief Judge Secretariat

Main judge of contest

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Contest secretary

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Team judges:

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)



Annex №3

The draw is carried out by a panel of judges:

chairman of the Commission - Chief Judge of the Competition;

members of the commission - one representative from each team (state) of the

Competition on its presentation;


Team captains and a coach are invited to draw.

A meeting of the commission shall be considered competent if at least 70% of the

members of the panel of judges are present at it.

The draw is held in accordance with the rating of the previous year (the team that

won first place further in descending order and after the team taking part in the

competition for the first time) in 3 stages:

1st Stage: determination of team numbers

The representative of the team, who won the first place, independently takes out

one ball, opens it and shows the inscription with the number assigned to this team for all

participants in the draw.

For example: according to the rating, the representative of the 12th Main

Directorate of the Ministry of Defense team is invited for the draw, who takes out a ball

with the inscription 5.

The assigned team numbers are entered in the protocol by the secretary of the

commission (table No. 1).

2nd Stage: determination of team pairs in the first two stages of the Competition

There are balls of team representatives in two lottery carts.

The team representative is invited by invitation to determine the first pair of teams

of the first stage. He takes out one ball and shows the inscription for all participants of

the draw.

Then he takes out the second ball in the same order, the first pair of teams is


The contest secretary makes it in the draw protocol (table No. 2).

For example: the leader announces the draw by definition of the first pair in the

first race at 1ststage of the “Special Obstacle Course”, the representative of the

SC Rosatom team is invited to draw the ball with the name of the team, then the second.

The determination of the second pair in the second race and so on is carried out


The draw for the 2nd and 3d stages of the competition is carried out similarly to

the above procedure.

3rd Stage: determination of direction numbers at all stages of the Contest.

In the lottery drum there are balls with numbering of the directions “1” and “2”.

The team representative at the invitation goes to determine the direction of his

team in the race at the appropriate stages. He takes out one ball and shows the inscription

for all participants of the draw.



The secretary of the commission makes it in the minutes of the draw.

Directions for pairs of 3 stages are determined based on the occupied place

according to the result of two stages (1 place 1 direction, 2 place 2 direction).

For example: The direction number is determined in the first race at the 1st stage

“Special Obstacle Course”, the representative of the Vietnam team who draws the ball

with the inscription “1” is the first to be drawn for the draw. Accordingly, the partner

team is assigned the direction "2".




Main judge of contest

«Emergency area»

(Contest name)

(military rank) (Name initials, Surname)

« »___________________ 20__


Of participating teams draw

«Emergency area»

«____» _______ 20__ judicial commission of the Competition «Emergency area»

(further – contest) in composition of:

Main judge of contest

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Contest secretary

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Team judges:

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

A draw was held to determine the starting numbers of teams for participation in the contest:

№ Participating team name

1 team

2 team

3 team

4 team

Table № 1



There are no claims and comments on the order and the results of the draw for the

contest participants and team representatives.

Present protocol is composed in one copy:

Main judge of contest

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Contest secretary

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Team judges:

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

5 team

6 team

7 team

8 team

9 team




Main judge of contest

«Emergency area»

(Contest name)

(military rank) (Name initials, Surname)

« »___________________ 20__


Of participating teams draw

«Emergency area»

«____» _______ 20__ judicial commission of the Competition «Emergency area»

(further – contest) in composition of:

Main judge of contest

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Contest secretary

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Team judges:

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

A draw was held to determine the pairs of teams in the stages of the competition:

1st stage «Special Obstacle Course»

Date Direction Team

Table № 2



2nd stage «Relay race»

3rd stage «Race to Victory»

There are no claims and comments on the order and the results of the draw for the

contest participants and team representatives.

Present protocol is composed in one copy:

Main judge of contest

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Contest secretary

(military rank,Surname, Name)

Team judges:

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)

From (team) (military rank) (Surname, Name)


Date Direction Team

Date Direction Team


Annex № 4


accounting for the issue of equipment







1. Team of 12th Main Directorate of Ministry of Defense of

Russian Federation ……………………………...……………3

2. SF Team…..………………………………………………...5






___________________________ (name of team)

Name of material assets

(serial number, type, brand). unit






date amount

note of

receipt and


y, surname

date amount

note of

receipt and


y, surname















Annex № 5



Annex № 6



1st line


Normative Violation Penalty time Penalty

Fire extinguishing using a fire truck

The order of overcoming the obstacle is violated (for each violation)


The presence of leaks at the joints of the sleeves, sleeves with a hose, sleeves with a tank bracket


The order of dressing the firefighter’s combat clothing (pants, jacket, belt, helmet, mittens) is violated


Protective glass of the helmet is not brought into working position


Re-ignition of the fire after extinguishing it 00:20 20

Mittens not wearing (for each violation) 01:00 Equipment and outfit not restored to its original position (for each violation)


Crossing the border of the next milestone with incomplete work at the previous one (for each violation)


Equipment failure during overcoming milestone (for each violation)


Any violations led to injury 05:00

Penalty time 20 sec

Pit time 30 sec

The essence of the violation There was a re-ignition of the fire after extinguishing it, until crossing

next line

Field referee Major S.Sidorov



Annex № 7 PROTEST

upon organizing, holding and defining contest results

_________________________________________________ (Contest name)

from ______________________________________________________________ (team coach) (First Name, Last Name) (Team)

_______________________________________________________________ (Stage) (Data) (Time)

Short description of a claim.

Which rules or Regulation statements were

violated? Suggested solution and its


Consideration results



The decision, its justification

Signature of the person who made

the decision

I am informed about Referees’ decision,

«AGREE», «NOT AGREE» ________________________________

(line through irrelevant) (Date, time, signature of protest maker)

Referee Commission decision

Chief Referee:

Referee Commission members:

(Date, time)

I am informed about Referee Commission decision (sign, last name, date)

* Other necessary data can be added into the content of the application in accordance with the Regulations on the
