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July - September 2020 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF PSA-RSSO I I Loco S tat Volume 5, Number 3 U ndersecretary Claire Dennis S. Mapa, Ph.D., Nat ion al Statistician and Civil Registrar General (NSCRG) of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), visited the 4th Level Training classes for the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH) in La Union on 24 August 2020. He informed them that the data to be collected will be used by the Local Government Units (LGUs) and the National Government in crafting government plans and policies for the betterment of the Filipinos. He also stressed to the 2020 CPH staff that they must observe health and safety protocols during the enumeration. He reiterated that the enumerators must practice physical distancing during interviews and personal protective equipment such as face mask and face shield must be worn during enumeration. Usec. Mapa also met with various local government officials in the province. He paid a courtesy call to City Mayor Alfred Ortega. Both officials discussed the conduct of the 2020 CPH in the City of San Fernando, La Union. In addition, he also had a virtual meeting with Provincial Governor Francisco Emmanuel Ortega III and discussed the preparations for the conduct of 2020 CPH and Philippine Identification System in the province. IN THIS ISSUE Usec. Mapa conducts field visit in La Union for 2020 CPH Usec. Mapa visited the 4th Level Training classes for the 2020 CPH in La Union on August 24, 2020. Editorial 2 Ilocos Region’s employment rate... 3 PSA kicks off July 2020 CES... 3 1st Semester 2020 Chicken Situation... 4 PSA RSSO I Conducts Virtual Consultation Workshop... 5 PSA – RSSO I Welcomes New Personnel... 5 1st Semester 2020 Swine 6 PSA – RSSO I Conducts Virtual Presser... 7 Ilocos Region’s Palay and Corn... 8 2020 CPH Enumeration... 10 Ilocos Region’s Fisheries Production... 11 CSS Infographics 14 2nd Quarter 2020 Birth Statistics 15 2nd Quarter 2020 Marriage Statistics 17 2nd Quarter 2020 Death Statistics 18 Human Resource 20 Partnership and Linkages 21

Transcript of LocoStatrsso01.psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/Ilocos Region's 3rd... · 2021. 1. 5. · Corona...

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ILocoStat Volume 5, Number 3

U n d e r s e c r e t a r y

Claire Dennis S.

M apa, Ph.D . ,

N a t i o n a l

Stat ist ic ian and Civ il

Registrar General (NSCRG)

of the Philippine Statistics

Authority (PSA), visited the

4th Level Training classes for

the 2020 Census of

Population and Housing

(2020 CPH) in La Union

on 24 August 2020.

He informed them that the

data to be collected will be

used by the Local

Government Units (LGUs)

a n d t h e N a t i o n a l

Government in crafting

government plans and

policies for the betterment

of the Filipinos. He also

stressed to the 2020 CPH

staff that they must observe

health and safety protocols

during the enumeration. He

r e i t e r a t e d t h a t t h e

enumerators must practice

physical distancing during

interviews and personal

protective equipment such as

face mask and face shield

must be worn during

enumeration. Usec. Mapa

also met with various local

government officials in the

province. He paid a courtesy

call to City Mayor Alfred

Ortega. Both off ic ial s

discussed the conduct of the

2020 CPH in the City of San

F e r n a n d o , L a Un i o n .

In addition, he also had a

virtual meeting with Provincial

G o v e r n o r F r a n c i s c o

Emmanuel Ortega III and

discussed the preparations for

the conduct of 2020 CPH and

Phil ippine Ident if icat ion

System in the province.

IN THIS ISSUE Usec. Mapa conducts field visit in La Union for 2020 CPH

Usec. Mapa visited the 4th Level Training classes for the 2020 CPH in La Union on August 24, 2020.

Editorial 2

Ilocos Region’s

employment rate... 3

PSA kicks off July 2020 CES... 3

1st Semester 2020 Chicken

Situation... 4

PSA RSSO I Conducts Virtual

Consultation Workshop... 5

PSA – RSSO I Welcomes New

Personnel... 5

1st Semester 2020 Swine 6

PSA – RSSO I Conducts Virtual

Presser... 7

Ilocos Region’s Palay and Corn... 8

2020 CPH Enumeration... 10

Ilocos Region’s Fisheries

Production... 11

CSS Infographics 14

2nd Quarter 2020 Birth Statistics 15

2nd Quarter 2020 Marriage

Statistics 17

2nd Quarter 2020 Death Statistics 18

Human Resource 20

Partnership and Linkages 21

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Parammata Bldg. C, Diversion Road,

Sitio 5, Brgy. Biday

City of San Fernando, La Union

(072) 888-4804/ 607-0247

888-2582/ 682-9611

[email protected]




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T he Philippine Statistics Authority is committed to its

mandate to deliver timely and relevant statistics

even in the middle of the pandemic. The agency

would like to acknowledge its statistical frontliners

because without them, there will be no figures and

numbers that will speak about the state of our nation.

Thank you for working from the sunniest days to the

darkest nights. We appreciate your dedication to gather

important information even if it is raining. It is no easy feat

to visit somebody's home and the possibility of being

infected and yet you manage to get up everyday and

perform your functions with flying colors. It is not unusual

for you to climb the steepest mountains and go into boat

rides to island barangays. With these experiences, we

salute you. Your dedication and hard work is

commendable. We honor your struggles, your sacrifices

and your passion to serve for the country. Thank you

because you took part in an undertaking that will benefit

all our countrymen.



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T he preliminary results of

the July 2020 Labor

Force Survey (LFS)

p o s t e d a n

employment rate of 88.9

percent in Ilocos Region. This

was lower by 6.2 percentage

points compared to the

employment rate of the same

quarter a year ago at 95.1

percent. The July 2020

e m p l o y m e n t r a t e

went up by 11.2 percentage

points compared to the

record low of 77.7 percent in

April 2020.

Meanwhile, the employment

rate of the country was

recorded at 90.0 percent in

July 2020, an upturned of 7.7

percentage points from the

employment rate recorded in

April 2020 at 82.3 percent.

The July 2020 figure of the

country was higher by 1.1

percentage points compared

to the employment rate of

the region in July 2019.

In terms of Labor Force

Participation Rate (LFPR) of

the region, it increased by

2.4 percentage points from

62.3 percent in July 2019

to 64.7 percent in July 2020.

The country’s LFPR in July

2020 was recorded at 61.9

percent, lower by 2.8

p e r c e n t a g e p o i n t s

compared to the LFPR of

the region in the same


The underemployment rate

of the region in July 2020

was registered at 15.8 percent.

This was higher by 0.7

percentage point compared to

the underemployment rate

recorded in July 2019, but lower

by 4.9 percentage points

posted in April 2020.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e

underemployment rate of the

country in July 2020 was higher

by 1.5 percentage points

c o m p a r e d t o t h e

u n d e r e m p l o y m e n t r a t e

of the region in the same

period in 2019.

Among the 17 regions,

Bangsamoro Autonomous

Region in Muslim Mindanao

(BARMM) registered the highest

e m p l o y m e n t r a t e

in July 2020 at 96.2 percent.

Meanwhile, National Capital

Region (NCR) recorded the

lowest employment rate at 84.2

percent. Ilocos Region ranked

fourth with the lowest

employment rate in July 2020.

P SA-RSSO I , in

collaboration with

the Bangko Sentral

ng Pilipinas (BSP),

conducts the July 2020

Consumer Expectat ions

Survey (CES) enumeration

commenced on 01 July 2020

and ended on 14 July 2020.

The CES is a household-

based survey on consumers’

assessment of their family

income, financial situation,

a n d t h e e c o n o m i c

condition of the country. It is

a complementary survey to

the Business Expectations

Survey (BES) of the BSP.

The PSA’s responsibility is to

undertake the data collection

and encoding of the

questionnaires while the

generation of tables and

analysis of the results are done

by the BSP.

(Continue to page 13)

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increases in chicken

inventory in all provinces.

Likewise, the total chicken

inventory as of April 1 and

July 1, 2020 increased by

8.73 percent and 1.56

percent respectively. The

increase in ch icken

inventory as of July 1, 2020

was cont r ibut ed by

increases in inventory in

Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and

Pangasinan. However, a

drop of 6.66 percent on

chicken inventory as of July

1, 2020 was noted in La


By provincial breakdown,

Pangasinan contributed the

highest share of 54.64

percent to the total chicken

inventory in the region as of

July 1, 2020. Far behind

were Ilocos Norte at 19.61

percent share, La Union by

15.97 and Ilocos Sur by 9.28


The number of chickens

dressed in Poultry Dressing

Plants (PDPs) in 1st semester

2020 was estimated at 13.89

million birds, a meager growth

of 0.002 percent over last year’s

level of same period. Dressings

in PDPs during the first quarter

2020 posted increase of 27.33

percent. In contrast, dressings

of chickens in PDPs in 2nd

quarter 2020 decreased by

23.95 percent over last year’s

level of 7.40 million birds. The

decrease can be attributed to

the limited movement within

and outside the region due to

C O V I D 2 0 1 9 E n h a n c e

Community Quarantine (ECQ)

during the period.

The average farm price of

chicken native live for 1st

semester 2020 was PhP160.24

per kilo liveweight. This was

higher by 4.70 percent than last

year’s price of PhP153.04 in

same period. The monthly

average prices during the 1st

half of 2020 were generally

higher than the price levels of

2019 except in May 2020,

wherein there was a meager

decrease in price of 0.10


T he total volume of

chicken production

from January to June

2020 was recorded

at 43,812 metric tons

liveweight. This was 3.64

percent higher than the

42,272 metric tons liveweight

chicken production in same

period of 2019. Chicken

production for both 1st and

2nd quarters increased by

5.77 and 1.60 percent


Ilocos Region contributed

4.90 percent to the national

chicken production of

893,718.89 metric tons

liveweight in 1st semester

2020. It ranked 6th among the

chicken producing regions in

the country.

As of 01 January 2020, the

total inventory of chicken in

the region was recorded at

10.68 million birds, higher by

6.31 percent from the 10.04

million birds recorded in the

same period of 2019. The

increment was contributed by

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o f a g r i c u l t u r e . T h e

Agr icul tural Accounts

Division (AAD) of the

Macroeconomic Accounts

Service (MAS) from the PSA

Central Office headed the


Atty. Sheila O. De Guzman,

Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of

PSA – RSSO I, welcomed the

participants and expressed

h e r g r a t i t u d e

to the stakeholders for their

participation amidst the

Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-

19) pandemic.

T he Philippine Statistics

Authority – Regional

Statist ical Services

Office I (PSA – RSSO I)

hosted the virtual Regional

Consultation Workshop with

Stakeholders in Agriculture

and Fishery Sector on 07 July

2020 at the PSA- RSSO I

Conference Room, City of

San Fernando, La Union.

The workshop aimed to solicit

important information in

agriculture related to the

revision and rebasing of the

valuation of the performance Atty. Sheila O. De Guzman, OIC

of PSA – RSSO I, delivers her message to onsite and online participants of the

consultation workshop. (Continue to page 13)


welcomed 39 newly

hired Contract of

Serv ice Worker s

(COSWs) for the Philippine

Identification System (PhilSys)

Coordination Team (PCT.)

Senior Statistical Specialist

(SrSS) Engr. Arturo S. De

Sola led the virtual briefing

a n d o n b o a r d i n g

orientation of the COSWs

where he discussed about

the PhilSys and various

policies of the agency. The

newly hired COSWs from

the Regional Office and PSO –

La Union attended onsite at the

PSA – RSSO I Conference

Room, City of San Fernando, La


All onsite attendees were

required to practice social

distancing and wore face

masks in the entire duration of

the orientation.

The PCT will be responsible in

coordinating with the Local

G o v e r n m e n t U n i t s i n

establishing fixed and mobile

registration centers. The team

will also provide administrative

support to the fixed and mobile

registration teams.

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of July 1, 2020. This resulted

to regional drop of

inventory as of July 1, 2020

by 6.84 percent over last

year’s level. The contraction

can be attributed to

African Swine Fever (ASF) as

more backyard raisers

slaughtered and sold their

stocks during the first quarter

due to scare that their swine

will be afflicted with ASF.

Moreover, the death of some

stocks due to ASF and control

measures (pre-emptive culling

to prevent spread of disease)

done by the Department of

Agriculture in coordination with

the Provincial Veterinary

Offices in Pangasinan and La

Union may have also

contributed to said contraction.

The total number of hogs

slaughtered during the 1st

semester 2020 decreased by

6.33 percent over the 1st

Semester 2019 level. Lesser

stocks were sold directly to

slaughterhouses during the 2nd

quarter 2020 which can be

attributed to limited animal

movements within and outside

the region due to COVID 2019

E n h a n c e C o m m u n i t y

Quarantine (ECQ) during the


The average farm price of hog

for slaughter in backyard farms

from January to June 2020 was

PhP117.76 per kilo liveweight.

This was lower by 0.49 percent

than the 1st Semester 2019

price. The lowest price

recorded during the period

was Php113.29 per kilo in

February 2020 which was lower

by 2.24 percent over same

month last year. The average

price peaked up to PhP124.14

per kilo liveweight in June 2020.

T he total volume of hog

production in IIocos

Region for January to

June 2020 reached

49,724 metric tons liveweight.

This was higher by 0.02

percent compared with the

1st Semester 2019 level. Slight

production growth was

contributed by the 1st quarter

2020 increase in production

of 8.45 percent. In contrast,

production during 2nd

quarter 2020 decreased by

7.66 percent over last year’s

level of 26,014 metric tons


Ilocos Region contributed

4.44 percent to the national

production of 1,118,690

metric tons l iveweight,

ranking 9th among the hog

producing regions in the


The total headcount of swine

in Ilocos Region as of January

1, 2020 was 663,086 heads. It

increased by 5.62 percent

from previous year’s inventory

of 627,816 heads. However,

swine inventory as of April 1,

2020 of 600,974 heads

decreased by 6.86 percent

over last year’s level. It further

contracted to 586,344 heads

as of July 1, 2020.

All provinces decreased in

the headcount of swine as

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Key officials from PSA – RSSO I answer queries about the 2020 CPH during the virtual press conference.

the enumerators, team

supervisors and census area

supervisors will be the priority

of the agency. In addition

to this, she shared that the

PSA will work closely with the

Local Government Units

(LGUs) in identifying high risk

areas to avoid possible


Engr. Rivera stated that

there will be a total of 53

questions that will be asked

from the respondents. He

said that the enumeration

will take around 15 to 30

minutes only.

CSS Yabes mentioned that

there will be an alternative

modes of enumeration such

as phone interview or

through e-mail. He also

shared that there might be

a possible adjustment on

the enumeration period due

to localized lockdowns.

RO IV Beltran pointed out

that standard protective

personal equipment such as

face shield, face mask,

disinfectant alcohol and other

sanitation supplies will be

provided to the enumerators in

the conduct of the census.

The PSA appeals to the public

to cooperate and support the

conduct of this once-in-a-

decade CPH. The office

assures everyone that all census

teams are in good health

condition and will follow strict

physical distancing.

The PSA reassures the public

that all information gathered

will be held strictly confidential

and shall not be used as

evidence in court for purposes

of taxation, regulation or

investigation as provided

for in RA No. 10173 or the “Data

Privacy Act” and RA 10625.

Data generated from this

census will be disseminated in

statistical summaries without

reference to any individual

person or household.

P SA – RSSO I kicked

off the enumeration

period of the 2020

C e n s u s o f

Population and Housing (2020

CPH) by conducting a virtual

press conference with its

media partners. The said

activity is also available for

viewing on the official

Facebook account of the


The panel for the virtual press

briefing was headed by

Off icer- in-Charge (OIC)

Atty. Sheila O. De Guzman.

Joining her were the following

key officials of the PSA - RSSO

I: Chief Statistical Specialist

(CSS) Juanito Y. Yabes,

Registration Officer IV (RO IV)

Camille Carla U. Beltran, and

2020 CPH Regional Focal

Person Engr. Divino Amor P.

Rivera, Ph.D.

Atty. De Guzman discussed

during the virtual press

conference that the safety of

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P alay production in

llocos Region in 2nd

quarter 2020 grew

by 2.94 percent. The

volume of production was

recorded at 163,467 metric

tons, higher than the 158,805

metric tons output in 2nd

quarter 2019. The harvest

area expanded to 34,062

hectares from 33,228 hectares

due availability of seeds and

free fertilizers, and repair of

irrigation facilities. Likewise,

the yield per hectare

improved from 4.78 metric

tons to 4.80 metric tons. All

the provinces, except La

Union, posted increment in


The province of Pangasinan is

the highest in terms of palay

production in llocos Region in

the 2nd quarter 2020 with

72.16 percent share. The

production was recorded at

117,967 metric tons, higher by

1.95 percent from the output

in the same period in 2019.

The harvest area expanded

to 25,046 hectares from

24,464 hectares due to repair

of irrigation facilities along

service areas of the National

lrrigation Administration (NlA)

palay production in 2nd

quarter 2020 with 6.05 percent

of the total palay production in

llocos Region. From the output

of 10,303 metric tons in 2nd

quarter 2019, it went down to

9,882 metric tons this year due

to shifting to seed and young

corn production. Thus, the

harvest area decreased from

2,396 hectares to 2,167

hectares. However, the yield

per hectare grew from 4.30

metric tons 4.56 metric tons due

to increased usage of high

quality seeds.

llocos Sur recorded the least

volume of palay production

with 5.51 percent of the total

palay production in the region

in 2nd quarter 2020. Palay

output of the province during

the period posted positive

growth of 35.30 percent. From

6,658 metric tons production in

the same period last year, it

grew to 9,008 metric tons this

2nd quarter 2020. Harvest area

increased from 1,288 hectares

to 1,741 hectares due to shifting

from cauliflower and cabbage

and additional area from fallow

land. Yield per hectare was

almost stable at 5.1 7 metric


(Continue to page 9)

in the eastern part of the

province. However, the

yield per hectare went

down from 4.73 metric tons

to 4.71 metric tons due to

insufficient water during the

reproductive stage. The

province of llocos Norte

followed far behind with

16.28 percent share to the

total palay production in

Ilocos Region in the 2nd

quarter 2020. lts output of

26,610 metric tons was

higher by 1.84 percent

compared with the 26,130

metric tons output in 2nd

quarter 2019. The harvest

area increased from 5,080

hectares to 5,108 hectares

due to availability of seeds

from the Department of

Agriculture-Regional Field

Office I (DA-RFO l) and

Local Government Units

(LGUs). The yield per

hectare likewise improved

from 5.14 metric tons to 5.21

metric tons due to

increased usage of high

yielding varieties, availability

of free fertilizers from LGUs

and sufficient water supply.

The province of La Union is

third highest in terms of

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C orn production in

llocos Region

posted positive

growth of 9.06

percent in 2nd quarter 2020.

From the production of

154,200 metric tons in 2nd

quarter 2019, it grew to

168,176 metric tons this 2nd

quarter 2020. Expansion of

h a r v e s t a r e a a n d

improvement in the yield per

hectare were noted. The

increased demand for 'nilaga'

and grilled corn, coupled with

the movement of harvest

from 1st quarter 2020 resulted

to the 8.58 percent increase

in area harvested from 26,651

hectares harvested last year.

The yield per hectare also

improve from 5.79 metric tons

to 5.81 metric tons due to

increased usage of high

quality seeds and presence

of favorable rains during the

vegetative and reproductive


Pangasinan ranked first in

t e rm s o f v o l um e o f

production with 58.66 percent

share to the total corn

production output of llocos

Region in 2nd quarter 2020.

The province's output

reached to 98,656 metric

tons from 91,344 metric tons

production in 2nd quarter

2019. The harvest area

increased from 15,561

hectares lo 16,747 hectares

due to movement of

harvest from 1st quarter

2020. The yield per hectare

likewise improved from 5.87

metric tons to 5.89 metric


llocos Sur shared 24.67

percent to the total corn

production in the region in

2nd quarter 2020. lts

production grew from

35,083 metric tons in 2nd

quarter 2019 to 41,497

metric tons this year.

Additional plantings to

catch up with the increased

demand for "nilaga" and

grilled corn and movement

of harvest from 1st quarter

2020 expanded the harvest

area by 18.63 percent from

the 6,114 hectares reported

in the same period last year.

On the other hand, the yield

per hectare went down

from 5.74 metric tons to 5.72

metric tons due to smaller

cobs harvested.

llocos Norte accounted for 9.83

percent of the total corn

production in the region in 2nd

quarter 2020. l t s corn

production of 16,527 metric

tons was 3.84 percent higher

than the production of 15,916

metric tons in 2nd quarter 2019.

lncreased plantings from fallow

land, use of high quality seeds

and occurrence of favorable

rains contributed to the overall

gains in production. Both the

harvest area and yield per

hectare registered positive

growth of 0.93 percent and

2.88 percent, respectively.

The province of La Union

recorded the least corn

production in 2nd quarter 2020

with 6.84 percent of the total

corn production in llocos

Region. lts output decline by

3.04 percent from 11,857 metric

tons in 2nd quarter 2019 to

11,496 metric tons this 2nd

quarter 2020. The harvest area

decreased from 2,284 hectares

to 2,220 hectares due to shifting

to tobacco. The yield per

hectare also went down from

5.19 metric tons to 5.18 metric


Ilocos Region’s Palay and Corn Output..

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T he 2020 Census of

P o p u l a t i o n a n d

Housing (2020 CPH)

e n u m e r a t i o n

c o m m e n c e d o n

01 September 2020 in some

cities and municipalities in

Ilocos Region.

Delays in the enumeration

activity in some barangays,

cities and municipalities were

expected due to localized

lockdowns set by the Local

Government Units (LGUs.)

A total of 5,575 hired

enumerators, supervisors and

census area supervisors will be

deployed by the Philippine

Statistics Authority – Regional

Statistical Services Office I

(PSA - RSSO I) for this


All enumerators will wear

the 2020 CPH shirts and IDs.

They will strictly observe

health protocols and

guidelines set by the

Interagency Task Force for

the Management of

Emerging Disease (IATF-EID)

and the LGUs.

The 2020 CPH is the 15th

census of population, and

the 7th census of housing in

the Philippines since the first

country’s population census

conducted in 1903.

The PSA appeals to the

public to cooperate and

support the conduct

of this once-in-a-decade

CPH. The office assures

everyone that all census

teams are in good health

condition, will follow strict

physical distancing, and are

armed with standard protective

personal equipment such as

face shield, face mask,

disinfectant alcohol and other

sanitation supplies.

The office also reassures the

public that all information

gathered will be held strictly

confidential and shall not be

used as evidence in court for

purposes of taxation, regulation

or investigation as provided

for in RA No. 10173 or the “Data

Privacy Act” and RA 10625.

Data generated from this

census will be disseminated in

statistical summaries without

reference to any individual

person or household.

PSA-RSSO I officilas conducted field inspection during the enumeration of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing in La Union and Pangasinan.

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T he overall fisheries

production in Ilocos

Region increased by

10.86 percent the 3rd

quarter 2020 as compared to

same quarter of 2019 that is

from 25,253 metric tons to

27,996 metric tons this year. All

t h e f o u r p r o v i n c e s

contributed to the overall

fisheries production in Ilocos


All three fisheries subsectors

n a m e l y , c o m m e r c i a l ,

municipal and aquaculture

subsectors registered higher

production in the total

fisheries volume of production

of Ilocos Region in 3rd quarter

2020 compared with their

l e v e l s i n 2 0 1 9 . T h e

aquacul t u re subsect or

contributed 73.45 percent to

the total fisheries output. The

municipal fisheries accounted

for 18.90 percent while the

commercial subsector shared

7.65 percent.

In terms of provincial

distribution, the province of

Pangasinan shared the bulk

of production in the region

with 79.44 percent. The

o v e r a l l v o l u m e o f

production of the province

was posted at 22,241 metric

tons. The commercial and

aquaculture subsectors

contributed to the overall

per form ance of the


La Union followed with 9.72

percent share to the total

v o l um e o f f i s h e r ie s

production in the region. Its

output went up by 71.12

percent in 3rd quarter 2020

with an output of 2,721

metric tons from the output

of 1,590 metric tons in 3rd

quarter 2019. All the three

subsectors contributed to

t he ov era l l pos i t iv e

per form ance of the

province in terms of fisheries


Meanwhile, Ilocos Sur shared

5.51 percent to the total

volume of production in the

region. The fisheries production

of the province was recorded

at 1,541 metric tons in 3rd

quarter 2020, higher by 37.74

percent than the production a

year ago of 1,119 metric tons.

Higher catch in municipal

subsector contributed to the

overall increment in output.

The province of Ilocos Norte,

which had 5.33 percent share

of the total fisheries production

of Ilocos Region, recorded

higher fisheries production in

3rd quarter 2020 compared

with its level a year ago. From

1,085 metric tons production, it

went up to 1,492 metric tons

attributed to the higher output

of both municipal and

aquaculture subsectors.

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Stat News Commerc ia l F i sher ies

The commercial fisheries

volume of production in

Ilocos Region was posted at

2,142 metric tons in 3rd

quarter 2020. The output was

higher than the volume of

production in 3rd quarter 2019

of 1,632 metric tons. All the

three provinces recorded

increases in output due to

more catch from payaos,

presence of school of fish,

more frequent trips due to

favorable weather, and

bigger sizes of catch of fishery


In terms of provincial shares,

Pangasinan accounted for

81.55 percent of the region’s

commercial fisheries volume

of production in 3rd quarter

2020. La Union followed with

14.86 percent share, and

Ilocos Sur with 3.59 percent


The top five major catch in

the region during the quarter

were Roundscad, Skipjack,

Frigate tuna, Indian mackerel

and Threadfin bream.

Munic ipal F i sher ies

The overall municipal fisheries

production in Ilocos Region

went up by 29.72 percent in

3rd quarter 2020. The

production was posted at

5,292 metric tons, higher than

its output in 3rd quarter 2019

of 4,079 metric tons. Both

the marine and inland

municipal fisheries recorded

higher production.

Marine Mun icipa l

Production of Marine

Municipal Fisheries in Ilocos

Region grew in the 3rd

quarter 2020. Its output was

posted at 4,461 metric tons,

higher by 27.95 percent

than the output in the 3rd

quarter 2019 of 3,486 metric

tons. All the provinces,

e x c e p t P a n g a s i n a n ,

contributed to the overall

increment in the volume of


The province of Pangasinan

contributed 31.66 percent to

the region’s marine municipal

fish catch for the 3rd quarter

2020, followed by Ilocos Norte

with 31.54 percent share, La

Union with 20.11 percent share,

and Ilocos Sur with 16.69

percent. The dominant catch in

marine municipal fisheries of

Ilocos Region during the period

were Roundscad, Yellowfin

tuna, Squid, Threadfin bream,

and Cavalla.

Inland Municipal Fisheries

Production of Inland Municipal

Fisheries in Ilocos Region grew

by 40.15 percent in the 3rd

quarter 2020. From the output

of 593 metric tons in the same

period last year, it went up to

831 metric tons this year. All the

provinces except Pangasinan

registered positive growth in


In term s of prov inc ial

distribution, Ilocos Sur ranked

first in the volume of production

of Inland municipal fisheries

during the 3rd quarter 2020 with

54.49 percent share. La Union

followed with 25.13 percent

share, Pangasinan with 15.68

percent, and Ilocos Norte with

4.70 percent.

The top five major catch in the

region during the period were

Tilapia, Oyster, Freshwater

goby, Mud crab and Lobster.

Ilocos Region’s Fisheries Production..

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John Michael Sarabia and Wilson Mapugay conduct an interview to sample respondent about the CES at Dariwdiw,

Batac, Ilocos Norte.

Stat News Assistant National Statistician

(ANS) Vivian R. Ilarina of the

MAS presented the Overview

of the Overall Revision and

Rebasing of the National

Accounts of the Philippines.

She discussed about the

Basic National Accounts

principles, framework of the

Systems of National Accounts

(SNA), Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) and the need

to rebase the National


Ms. Maria Carol G. Duran,

Chief Statistical Specialist

(CSS) of AAD, presented the

Overview of the Performance

of Philippine Agriculture and

the Per form ance of

Agriculture in Ilocos Region.

S h e d i s c u s s e d t h e

c o v e r a g e , d a t a

requirements and services,

l i s t o f h i g h l i g h t e d

commodities, estimation

procedure and the content

of the Performance of

Ph il ipp ine Agr icul ture

Report. The percentage

shares of crops, fisheries,

livestock and poultry to the

total agriculture at the

national level and for the

I l ocos Re g ion were

presented. The Top 20

commodities for crops and

fisheries in Ilocos Region using

the 2018 base year were also


Ms. Teresa B. Olarte of PSA –

RSSO I presented the workshop

mechanics while Mr. Reynante

A. Santos and Ms. Manuela S.

Nalugon of AAD facilitated the

workshop. The stakeholders,

together with the PSA, identified

commodities in the region to be

highlighted in the regional


A total of eight (8) stakeholders

attended the virtual workshop,

with four (4) stakeholders

attending onsite.

PSA RSSO I Conducts Virtual Consultation Workshop...

The CES is conducted on a quarterly basis

and is administered on a sample basis at the

household level drawn through a stratified

multi-stage random sampling with a total

sample of about 5,000 households. In Ilocos

Region, the CES was carried out in Ilocos

Norte, La Union, and Pangasinan with about

196 sample households enumerated.

PSA kicks off July 2020 CES...

Aquacul ture

Aquaculture production of

Region I posted a production

of 20,563 metric tons in 3rd

quarter 2020. This is 5.23

percent higher than the

production in 3rd quarter

2019 of 19,541 metric tons.

The factors that contributed

to the positive growth in

o u t p u t in c l u d e t h e

availability of fingerlings,

residual harvest, lesser

weather disturbances, and

bigger sizes of produce.

The province of Pangasinan

shared the bulk of

aquaculture production in

3rd quarter 2020 with 92.17

percent. By culture type,

aquaculture in Ilocos

Region was dominated by

Marine cage which accounted

for 72.20 percent of the total


Milkfish production in 3rd

quarter 2020 registered at

19,654 metric tons, higher by

5.63 percent than its output in

the same quarter last year of

18,605.69 metric tons.

Ilocos Region’s Fisheries Production...

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Civil Registration

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Civil Registration

T h e n u m b e r o f

registered live births in

Ilocos Region during

the second quarter of

2020 summed up to 15,996

with a decrease of 31

percent from the same period

in 2019.

The daily average birth

registration during the second

quarter of 2020 was at 176


June was observed to have

the highest average daily

births at 215 babies.

The highest number of

registered live births during

the second quarter of 2020

was recorded in June. The

percent share of the total

births in June to the quarterly

totals were 40 percent in


April was observed to have

the least number of registered

live births in the second

quarter of 2020 with 3,736

births. While in 2019, June

posted the least number of

registered live births with


Pangasinan registered the

highest number of births in the

second quarter of 2020. Its

share was more than half (60

percent share) of the total

registered births in Ilocos


La Union ranked second

with 2,583 births (16 percent

share), followed by Ilocos

Sur with 2,052 births (13

percent share) and the

province of Ilocos Norte

with 1,803 births (11 percent


Among the cities/municipalities

in the region, Dagupan City,

Pangasinan registered the

highest number of total live

births with 2,253 births in 2nd

Quarter 2020.

San Carlos City, Pangasinan

followed at 1,556 births, then

City of San Fernando, La Union

with 1,337 births, City of

Urdaneta, Pangasinan with 996

births, City of Alaminos,

Pangasinan with 813 births, City

of Batac with 809 births, and

Laoag City with 723 births.

The rest of the municipalities

had registered births less than

six hundred. Of which, thirty-six

(36) m unic ipal i t ies had

registered less than ten births

this quarter.

Males outnumbered females in

terms of registered live births in

the second quarter of 2020. This

data resulted to a sex ratio that

translates to 111 males in every

100 females.

Pangasinan posted a sex ratio

of 113 which was higher than

the regional ratio followed by

La Union with a sex ratio of 111.

Ilocos Sur followed at sex ratio

equal to 108 and Ilocos Norte

with a sex ratio of 105.


(Continue to page 16)

of the total registered births in

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Civil Registration

O ut of the total

registered births

in the region for

t h e s e c on d

quarter of 2020, there were

14,787 live births attended by

medical practitioners, who

may either be a physician, a

nurse, or a midwife.

Physicians topped the list of

attendants at birth with 12,511

registered live births.

Midwives attended to 2,256

registered live births in the

region while nurses only

attended to 20 registered live


La Union had the highest

percentage of birth deliveries

t e n d e d b y h e a l t h

professionals with 98 percent

of the total registered live

births in the province.

Pangasinan followed at 90


There were 14,787 registered

births (92 percent) attended

a t b i r t h b y h e a l t h

professionals this second

quarter of 2020.

In Ilocos Norte, there were

1,704 registered live births (95

percent) attended at birth by

health professionals.

Health professionals in llocos

Sur attended to 93 percent of

the total live births in the


There were 1,164 registered

live births in the region this

second quarter of 2020 who

were attended at birth by

unlicensed midwives.

llocos Sur registered 111 live

births attended at birth by

unlicensed midwives. That is

six percent of the total

registered live births in the


Six percent of the total

registered live births in llocos

Norte were attended at

b i r t h by un l icen sed

midwives this second

quarter 2020.

La Union registered 52 live

births (2 percent) in the

province this quarter who

were attended at birth by

unlicensed midwives.

Thirteen percent of the total

registered live births in

Pangasinan were attended

at birth by unlicensed

midwives this second


The registered live births in the

region were born mostly to

parents who were aged 25 to

29 years old. The highest

proportion of fathers and

mother belonged to age group

25 to 29 years (26 percent and

28 percent, respectively).

The region registered a total of

1,514 live births who were born

to teenage mothers.

The median age of mothers

was 28 years old. This means

that half the number of mothers

was younger than 28 years old

and half was older than 28

years old.

The median age of fathers was

31 years old. This means that

half the number of fathers was

younger than 31 years old and

half was older than 31 years


There were 7,889 registered live

births in the region who were

listed as illegitimate. That is 49

percent of the total registered

live births in the region.

Illegitimate children were

mostly born to mothers aged 20

to 24 years.

Mothers aged 25 to 29 years

old had the highest number of

legitimate children at 2,550

who were registered in the

region during the second

quarter of 2020.

BIRTH CHARACTERISTICS 2nd Quarter 2020 Birth Statistics..

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Civil Registration

T here were 1,095 registered marriages

during the second quarter of 2020,

showing a decrease of 87 percent from

the 2nd quarter of 2019.

All provinces in the region decreased in the

number of registered marriages from second

quarter of 2019 to second quarter of 2020.

La Union had the biggest decrease in the

number of registered marriages (90 percent)

followed by Pangasinan at 88 percent. Ilocos

Norte and Ilocos Sur both decreased by 85


Pangasinan had the most number of

registered marriages for the 2nd quarter of

2020 that is translated to a 54 percentage

share to the region.

The rest of provinces in the region registered

less than two hundred marriages for the 2nd

quarter of 2020.

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Civil Registration The daily average number of

r e g i s t e r e d m a r r i a g e s

decreased from 2nd quarter

of 2019 to 2nd quarter of 2020

by 87 percent. lt was noted

that in 2019, the daily

a v e r a g e n u m b e r o f

registered marriages was at

96. This 2020, the average

was at two registered

marriages per day.

In April 2020, the daily

a v e r a g e n u m b e r o f

r e g i s t e r e d m a r r i a g e s

decreased by 98 percent

from April 2019.

The daily average number of

registered marriages in May

2020 dropped to seven that is

translated to 94 percent from

2019 to 2020.

In the second quarter of

2020, there were 1,095

registered marriages. Most

registered marriages were in

June (812 marriages).

In May, there were 209

registered marriages while in

April , there were 74

registered marriages.

There were 688 registered

marriages through Civil rites

for the first quarter of 2020.

The highest number of

registered marriages among

other types of ceremony.

Other religious rites followed

at 214 registered marriages.

Four Muslim marriages were

registered during the


There were 37 teenage brides

that were registered this

second quarter of 2020.

The median age of brides

based from the registered

marriages this first quarter was

at 28 years old. This means that

half the number of brides was

younger than 28 years old and

half was older than 28 years


The grooms had a median age

of 27 years old.

Most brides belong in the age

group 25 to 29 that is 41

percent of the total number.

The highest number of grooms

was also from the age group 25

lo 29 that is 43 percent of the

total number.

I locos Region registered a

total of 8,505 deaths for

the second quarter of


Pangasinan topped the

highest number of deaths in

the second quarter of 2020.

Its share was more than half

(59 percent) of the total

registered deaths in the

region at 5,003 deaths.

La Union ranked second with

1,293 deaths (15 percent).

Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte

followed with 1,181 deaths

(14 percent) and 1,028 (12

percent), respectively.

The registered deaths in

Ilocos Region decreased

this second quarter of 2020

from the second quarter of


Among cities/municipalities

in the region, Dagupan City,

Pangasinan registered the

highest number of deaths

with 865 deaths in the

second quarter of 2020.

San Carlos City, Pangasinan

followed at 485 deaths; then

City of San Fernando, La

Union with 481 deaths; City

of Batac, Ilocos Norte with 306

deaths; City of Urdaneta,

Pangasinan with 269 deaths;

and Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

wilh 212 deaths. Other cities/

municipalities in the region had

less than two hundred

registered deaths.

Males (4,597) outnumbered

females (3,908) in terms of

registered deaths in the second

quarter of 2020.

In all provinces, there were

more deaths in males than in


2nd Quarter 2020 Marriage Statistics..

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Civil Registration Pangasinan had the most

number of registered male

deaths with 2,733. La Union

followed at 717 registered


Most registered female

deaths were also observed in

Pangasinan with 2,270

deaths. Ilocos Sur followed at

583 female deaths.

Deaths that were not

medically attended by

m e d ic a l p r a c t i t i o n e r s

reached up to 4,062.

In the region, medical

practitioners attended to

3,899 deaths.

La Union had the highest

percentage of recorded

deaths attended by health

profess ionals with 63

percent of the total

registered deaths in the


In Ilocos Norte, health

professionals attended to 45

percent of the deaths in the


I n I l o c o s S u r , h e a l t h

professionals attended to 44

percent of the deaths in the

province while 42 percent of

the deaths registered in

Pangasinan were attended by

health professionals.

Among provinces, Pangasinan

had the most number of deaths

assisted by health professionals

at 2,102 deaths. La Union

followed at 815 deaths, then

llocos Sur at 519 deaths, and

llocos Norte at 463 deaths.

2nd Quarter 2020 Death Statistics..

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Human Resource

T he Philippine Statistical Research

and Training Institute (PSRTI)

conducted a training on data

visualization and basic tableau

workshop via Zoom and was participated

by employees from PSA and PSRTI. The

said training was conducted on 22 to 24

July 2020 for the first batch and 29 to 31

July 2020 for the second batch. It was

attended by Ms. Karina G. Aragon and

Ms. Michelle Mae J. Esperanza


Ms. Kristine Briones served as the resource

speaker for the said training. The training

aimed to enhance the data visualization

skills of the participants using the Tableau

Public. Understanding Data Visualizations,

Creating Visualizations and Tableau Public

Workshop were the topics for the training.

P SA RSSO I conducted its 2020 Mid-

Year Performance Review on 30 July

2020. The activity aimed to: review

the QM processes; review each

division’s contribution to the attainment of

PSA’s goals and commitments; and make the

necessary adjustments to their targets for the

second semester based on their performance

in the first semester. The activity seeks to

identify the best practices, innovations, and

other issues and concerns encountered in the

implementation of the programs and activities.

Thus, each personnel can come-up with better

solutions and strategies.

Virtual participants took a class picture during the Training on Data Visualization and Basic Tableau via Zoom.

SOCD and CRASD employees during the 2020 Mid-Year Performance Review on 30 July 2020 at PSA-RSSO I Conference

Room, City of San Fernando, La Union.

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Partnership and Linkages

P SA – RSSO I organized a Social

Responsibility event and Information

Dissemination on Statistical Activities,

Civ il Registration and Phil ippine

Identification System (PhilSys) on 14 September

2020 at Paringao National High School (PNHS),

Bauang, La Union.

The dissemination was attended by teachers and

faculty of PNHS. Brochures and primers were

distributed to the attendees.

Mr. Ely G. Dumrique, Principal III of PNHS, gave his

welcome remarks and encouraged the

participants to listen and participate in the

discussions. Mr. Juanito Y. Yabes, Chief Statistical

Specialist (CSS) of PSA-RSSO I SOCD, presented

the background of PSA in his opening message.

Presentations about statistical activities, civil

registration services and PhilSys were tackled by

the presenters. AS John Michael S. Sarabia

discussed the 2020 Census of Population and

Housing (2020 CPH). Engr. Divino Amor P. Rivera,

Statistical Specialist II (SS II), presented the Laws on

Civil Registration. Finally, SS II Ms. Maura B.

Florague discussed PhilSys in behalf of Mr. Joseph

M. Severo, Information Systems Analyst I (ISA I).

Before the activity ends, advocacy materials like

alcohols, disinfectants, disposable facemasks and

school supplies such as bond papers, ball pens,

inks for printers, etc., were donated to PNHS as

part of PSA-RSSO I’s social responsibility.

SS II Florague, in her closing remarks, thanked the

participants and the faculty members of PNHS for

their attendance despite the pandemic and

advised them to be safe by wearing prescribed

health gadgets and following health protocols.