Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins...


Transcript of Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins...

Page 1: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular
Page 2: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

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Volume 1C


D.G. Roberts*Dept of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London,

Egham, Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM.*[email protected]

A.W. Bally*Dept of Earth Sciences, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA.

*[email protected]


Page 3: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular


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Page 4: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

1133Tyrrhenian Sea

D. Scrocca,* E. Carminati,*,{ C. Doglioni,{ D. Procaccianti {

*Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria – CNR, Roma, Italy{Dipartimento Scienze Terra, Universita La Sapienza, Roma, Italy

{Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita La Sapienza, P. le A. Moro, Box 11 –00185,

00185 Roma, Italy

13.1 IntroductionThe Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular shape with a tight angle in the north

where the extension is lower. It is a Neogene to Present basin (Fabbri and Curzi,

1979; Mauffret et al., 1999; Zitellini et al., 1986), and it is the easternmost

basin of the western Mediterranean boudinated backarc lithosphere in the

hangingwall of the Neogene to Present Apennines-Maghrebides subduction.

The Apennines subduction retreated “eastward” generating the arc that can

be followed from the northern Apennines down to Sicily, and continuing

westward to Morocco. The eastward migration of the arc was and still is accom-

panied by the backarc extension. The extension started in the Provencal and

Valencia troughs and progressively moved to the Algerian and Tyrrhenian basins.

Therefore, the Tyrrhenian basin cannot be analyzed as a stand-alone rift (See

Chapter 11). The basin is asymmetric in any respect: the extension is larger in

the south; the extension and the related magmatism migrated in time from

west to east (e.g., Bigi et al., 1989; Kastens et al., 1988; Sartori, 1989). In cross-

section, the asthenosphere is shallower in the east. The extension evolved to ocea-

nisation in two main areas from west to east, that is the Vavilov (7–3.5 Ma) and

the Marsili (1.7–0 Ma) sub-basins (Bigi et al., 1989; Marani and Trua, 2002).

The asymmetric pattern persists in the heat flow values, which are higher in the

eastern side (Della Vedova et al., 2001; Mongelli and Zito, 1994; Zito et al.,

2003). Subduction-related magmatism also occurs in the Tyrrhenian basin to form

the Eolie islands (e.g., Savelli, 2002).

Common evidences indicate that the extension in backarc basins such as the

Tyrrhenian or Pannonian basins are related to the rates of subduction retreat.

The average rate of the extension deduced by comparing the subducted slab

length (>500 km), western Mediterranean backarc basin width and its age

(about 20 Ma) is in the order of about 2.5 cm/a.

Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps DOI:10.1016/B978-0-444-56357-6.00012-3

Copyright © 2012 by Elsevier B.V. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 473

Page 5: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

The Tyrrhenian rift opened slightly oblique to the pre-existing Alpine orogen.

In NE Corsica relicts of W-vergent Alpine serpentinised ophiolites-bearing

Eocene thrust-sheets are west of the northern Tyrrhenian basin, whereas to the

south the rifting cuts the front and the foreland of the Alpine nappe stacking.

13.2 GeophysicsThe map of the Moho depth (Nicolich, 2001; Scarascia et al., 1994) shows

values lower than 15–20 km for the bathyal plane, and two minima of 10 km

centered on the Vavilov and Marsili basins. It is worthwhile to note that these

minima coincide with the highest values of the heat flow.

The Tyrrhenian Sea shows high Bouguer anomaly (>250 mGal) and heat flow

values (Cella et al., 1998; Zito et al., 2003), both indicating shallow hot mantle

and thin crust. The highest values are shifted in the eastern side, indicating

asymmetry of the rift and possibly of the underlying mantle (Fig. 13.1).

Beneath the central southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Panza et al. (2003) recognised a thin

lithospheric mantle and an asthenosphere with relatively low S-wave velocity

(4–4.30 km/s). Close to the Vavilov seamount, the Moho is very shallow (about

7 km deep) and the lid thickness is less than 10 km, with Vs about 4.1 km/s.

Below this lid, there is a very well developed low velocity layer, centred at a depth

of about 20 km, with Vs about 3.0 km/s and thickness of about 8 km. This value

of Vs is consistent with about 10% of partial melting. The Vs just below this very

low velocity layer, about 4.1 km/sec, defines the uppermost asthenosphere.

The lithospheric boudinage proposed by Gueguen et al. (1997) is suggested to be

slightly asymmetric by the gravimetric reconstruction of Cella et al. (1998), being the

continental roots of Corsica-Sardinia shifted to east with respect to the higher topogra-

phy. This would suggest the presence of a migrating asthenosphere fromwest to east.

The Tyrrhenian Sea can be divided into three parts, that is northern, central and

southern areas. The southern one is the widest and more stretched area; it is the

deepest part of the Tyrrhenian Sea (>3500 m) being subdivided from west to

southeast into sub-basins such as the Vavilov, Marsili and Paola. It is also the area

of highest heat flow values (>200 mW m�2) in some spots of the south-eastern

part (Zito et al., 2003). The central part of the Tyrrhenian Sea is rather charac-

terised by the lowest heat flow values of the basin (�100 mW m�2). Moving into

the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, close to Tuscany heat flow values are high again

(>160 mW m�2). Stretching in the Tyrrhenian Sea decreases from south to

north, and therefore, there seems not to be a linear relation between total exten-

sion and heat flow. However, there appears to be an evident correlation between

active magmatism and heat flow, and the magmatism is directly correlated to

the activity of the subduction rate and composition of the slab in the Apennines.

Mantle tomography and Q values confirmed the presence of a shallow astheno-

sphere below thewestern Apennines (Doglioni, 1991;Mele et al., 1997; Peccerillo

and Panza, 1999; Piromallo and Morelli, 2003) and eastern Tyrrhenian Sea.


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 6: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

Figure 13.1 Main physiographic and geophysical features of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The location of the crustal cross-section and of the CROPM-2A seismic profile, displayed in Fig. 13.2, is also shown. (A) Bathymetric map of the Tyrrhenian Sea. (B) Moho Isobaths Map (after

Scarascia et al., 1994). Three different Moho can be recognised: a new Neogene-Quaternary Moho (with low velocities) below the back-arcbasins (Tyrrhenian Moho), an old Mesozoic Moho in the Adriatic-Ionian foreland areas (Adriatic Moho), and another old Moho below theSardinia-Corsica block (European Moho). (C) Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map (after Mongelli et al., 1975; Morelli, 1981). (D) Heat Flow Map(modified after Della Vedova et al., 2001; Mongelli et al., 1991).4













Page 7: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

Seismicity is concentrated in the southeastern part and it is deepening moving

from southeast to northwest, down to more than 500 km, depicting the slab

(Selvaggi and Chiarabba, 1995).

13.3 The CROP M2A profileA new picture of the structural setting in the Tyrrhenian Sea is provided by the

new data acquired within the framework of the Italian deep crust exploration

project (CROP Project). The Tyrrhenian Sea is crossed by several CROP seismic

profiles (Scrocca et al., 2003); one of them, the CROP M2A is a composite

section, and we interpret part of it here (Fig. 13.2).

Figure 13.2 The crustal structure of the Tyrrhenian Sea is shown along a regional cross-section, built along CROP M-2A seismic profile. Heath flow and Bouguer anomalies areshown along a longer cross-section. Note the higher heat flow and Bouguer anomalies inthe eastern side of the basin. The original uninterpreted seismic profiles are available inScrocca et al. (2003). (1) Plio-Pleistocene hemipelagic deposits; (2) Messinian evaporites:the upper evaporite unit (a) overlays the halite-bearing lower evaporite unit (b),characterised by the development of diapiric structures; (3) Upper–Middle (?) Mioceneclastic deposits; (4) Upper Triassic continental clastic deposits and Jurassic-LowerCretaceous shallow water carbonates; (5) Late-post Varisican sedimentary and magmaticrocks and Varisican Basement; (6) Unmetamorphosed Ligurian Units and Ligurian–Piemont metamorphic units; (7) Acustic basement (Issel Saddle): shallow and deep watercarbonates, siliciclastic rocks and low- to medium-grade metamorphites; (8) Oceaniccrust: perodotites, gabbros, and tholeiitic basalts; (9) Volcanic edifice, presumed frommorphology and magnetic anomalies; (10) ODP well site; (11) Undetermined fault-a,normal fault-b, thrust-c, dashed where inferred; (12) Seismic marker; (13) Inferred Moho.


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 8: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

The seismic profile interpretation has been calibrated by analysing and compil-

ing the available data related to the seven ODP Leg 107 wells, sites from 650

to 656 (Kastens et al., 1988), and by considering the other available geological

and geophysical constraints.

Interpretable seismic signals can be recognised down to 9–10 s TWT or more,

well below the usual limit of previously acquired seismic data, sometime making

available a seismic image of the Moho discontinuity both in the continental and

oceanic domains.

The interpreted segment of this profile starts north of the Sardinia and, running

NW-SE, cuts across the whole continental Sardinia margin (Fig. 13.2). The most

significant part of it is shown without interpretation as Fig. 13.3.

In its western side, a Mesozoic sedimentary cover has been interpreted

between the Upper Messinian reflector and underlying units that can be

ascribed to the Varisican basement and to Late-Post Varisican sedimentary

and magmatic rocks (outcropping in Sardinia and Corsica). This Mesozoic

sedimentary cover, up to about 600 ms TWT thick, is likely made up of Upper

Triassic continental clastic deposits and of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous shallow

water carbonates, as suggested by outcrops in the eastern side of Sardinia

around the Orosei Gulf.

The eastern margin of the upper slope of the Sardinia margin is characterised by

the presence of several N–S trending basement highs. One of them is the Monte

Baronie ridge; a slightly asymmetric horst bounded by faults on both sides.

Within this block we have tentatively interpreted the position of the western

front of the Alpine thrusts based on some seismic evidences and as suggested

by dredging (Colantoni et al., 1981).

In the two basins adjacent to Monte Baronie ridge, below the well known strong

reflector that characterises the top of the Messinian evaporitic units, a large

thickness of the “pre-Messinian” sediments can be observed above the acoustic

basement. This seismic unit shows a quite clear wedge-shaped reflectors

arrangement that suggests a syn-rift interpretation.

The onset of the rifting processes on the upper Sardinia slope is a matter of sci-

entific debate. On one side, it is generally accepted (and also well documented)

the syn-rift evolution during Upper Tortonian-Messinian times (e.g., Mascle and

Rehault, 1990; Moussat et al., 1986). On the other side, being the upper Sardi-

nia slope not interested by any ODP drilling, no direct dating is available for

these pre-Messinian deposits. As a consequence, a Serravallian–Early Tortonian

has been proposed for the rifting process in this area by Malinverno and

Ryan (1986). In our interpretation, an age older than Upper Tortonian has been

considered for the base of these pre-Messinian deposits, taking into account

their thickness and in analogy with the correlatable sedimentary cycles on the

outcropping Sardinian margin, and the earlier Miocene dating of the rifting to

the north (Pascucci et al., 1999).


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 9: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

All along the Cornaglia Terrace, a strongly reflective horizon is present

representing the top of well-developed Messinian evaporites. According to Curzi

et al. (1980), an upper evaporite unit overlying a halite-bearing lower evaporite

unit have been distinguished; several diapiric structures related to the uplift

Messinian salt can be observed.

In the western part of this profile, at about 10–11 s TWT, some strong west-dipping

reflectors are recognisable; moving eastward, they became shallower, being at

about 8–9 s TWT below Monte Baronie and at 6–7 s TWT in the eastern side of

the Cornaglia Terrace (Figs. 13.2 and 13.3). These reflectors have been interpreted

as the seismic evidence of the continental Moho and confirm the sharp thinning of

the continental crust of the Sardinia margin moving towards the Tyrrhenian basin.

In the south-eastwards prolongation of the CROP M2A, the section intersects

the “Central Fault”, and runs through the Vavilov Basin, the Issel swell, and the

western portion of the Marsili Basin.

East of the “Central Fault”, there are no evidences of the typical Messinian

acoustic facies and, as documented by sites 652 and 656, the Messinian deposits

show a sub-aerial and lacustrine facies (Kastens et al., 1988, 1990).

Further to the southeast, a sharp transition between the stretched continental

domain and the oceanic one can be inferred. The top of the acoustic basement,

interpreted as the top of the oceanic crust, has been represented; no differentia-

tion has been possible between the serpentinised peridotite and the lava flows

and basaltic breccias drilled by the site 651.

The Issel swell shows a faulted acoustic basementmade up, according to dredging

(Bigi et al., 1989; Colantoni et al., 1981), of shallow and deep water carbonates,

siliciclastic rocks and low- to medium-grade metamorphites; the first one may be

Mesozoic while the other is of undefined age.

13.4 Extension in the Tyrrhenian SeaAlong the section MS1 of Finetti and Del Ben (1986), there are about 162

normal or transtensional faults. Fault spacing in the brittle upper crust has an

Figure 13.3Segment of theseismic sectionprofile CROP M-2Ain the northwesternpart of the centralTyrrhenian.Location in figure13.2.


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 10: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

average value of 4–5 km in theNorthern Tyrrhenian, and two peaks of 4–5 km, but

it raises to about 16–17when only themost relevant are computed in the southern

part. Internal sub-basins developed at different bathymetries, due to variable

stretching and sediment supply in the different parts of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The extension measured on the faults affecting the continental margins is

around 67 km. Then there are 186 km of oceanic crust summing the Vavilov

and Marsili interpreted sub-basins. Then the conservative amount of extension

measured in the central-southern Tyrrhenian basin in the seismic section MS1

is about 253 km (67 þ 186), along a section 640 km long (Doglioni et al.,

2004). This value does not consider the stretching of the pre-existing alpine

thickening and it is computed adding the horizontal component of the normal

faults plus the oceanic segments. In the northern Tyrrhenian basin and Tuscany,

where no oceanic crust crops out, a much smaller extension of about 25 km has

been calculated from Corsica to Tuscany, again disregarding Alpine thrusting.

The larger extension in the southern Tyrrhenian basins is in agreement with

the larger subduction of the heavier oceanic Ionian lithosphere (Catalano

et al., 2001) of the southern Apennines (Calabria) foreland.

The variability of the extension in the Tyrrhenian Sea is accommodated by frequent

transfer zoneswithdifferent orientation, obliqueor normal to thegrabens andhorsts.

A recomputation of the stretching factor in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea gives a

value of b > 5 (Zito et al., 2003).

13.5 MagmatismIn the Tyrrhenian Sea there are Subduction-related sources, MORB and OIB mag-

mas. A common petrogenetic feature of the magmatism of the southern Tyrrhe-

nian is that its ultimate source seems to be the mantle; anatectic magmas

derived from the partial melting of continental crust are in fact typically absent

in this area, in contrast to the northern Tyrrhenian region and Apennines where

they are conspicuous by their presence (Peccerillo, 1998, 1999; Serri et al.,


The erupted products form a suite with a variable affinity from tholeiitic to

shoshonitic through calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline rocks; K-rich alkaline

products are also present and characterise the most recent volcanics of Strom-

boli and Vulcano (eastern sector of the arc). Several seamounts older than the

Quaternary Aeolian volcanics and made up of rocks with an evident calc-alkaline

affinity have been described in back-arc positions, for example Anchise, Sisifo,

Marsili, Palinuro, and the Vavilov Basin.

Basalts at the Mt Vavilov are OIB–MORB type with an age of 4.1 Ma (Sartori,

1989), while the basalts of Mt. Marsili are also calc-alcaline (Beccaluva

et al., 1990), and the upper-lying sediments have an age of 1.8 Ma (Kastens

at al., 1988), indicating a very young basaltic crust.


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 11: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

Evidence of the oldest Tertiary arc related to the westward-oriented subduction

still remains in Sardinia, west of the Tyrrhenian Sea. In west Sardinia, during Late

Oligocene-Middle Miocene (32–13 Ma) calcalkaline lavas emplaced (Morra

et al., 1997), whereas alkaline to subalkaline lavas formed from Late Miocene

to Late Pleistocene (7–0.1 Ma) in the Orosei Gulf, Logudoro and the Mt. Ferru,

which is the biggest volcanic body of Sardinia.

Subduction-related magmatism is likely triggered by fluids released by slabs at

around 130–180 km depth. Magmatism is sensitive to composition of the down-

going slab, thermal state of the slab and surrounding mantle, dip of the slab,

velocity of the subduction, fluids content of the slab and possibly the thickness

and composition of the hangingwall plate and mantle. In the hangingwall of

the Apennines subduction, in the Tyrrhenian Sea and western Tuscany as an

example, there is volcanism fed by subducting both oceanic and continental


13.6 Geodynamic settingThe co-genetic link between the Apennines subduction and the Tyrrhenian

backarc (Scandone, 1980) is supported by the following evidences, such as the

coeval evolution of the two processes, the same “eastward” migration

(Fig. 13.4), the largest opening of the southern Tyrrhenian basin in corre-

spondence of the maximum subduction depth of the Calabria slab segment,

where oceanic lithosphere is present in the Ionian foreland and it is supposed

to continue north-westward at depth.

Extensional thinning of the lithosphere is often considered as related to stresses

generated by boundary forces related either to slab pull or ridge push, or collapse

of the orogen. However, along the Apennines slab beneath the southern Tyrrhe-

nian Sea compression, focal mechanisms indicate down-dip compression (Frepoli

et al., 1996) and are therefore against the slab pull force; on the other hand, the

ridge push effect is too low in theMediterranean basin.Moreover, being the rifting

oblique and even located in the “European” foreland of the pre-existing Alpine

belt, it supports an independent origin from the gravitational collapse of the

orogen or the convective removal of its roots. An alternative model relates rifting

to the differential drag exerted by an eastward migrating mantle, providing an

horizontal force able to also push down the “west”-directed slab. In this model,

in the rifting area the mantle has replaced the retreated and subducted

lithosphere, compensating the volume loss.

The Tyrrhenian rifting proceeded through jumps isolating thicker lithospheric

swells, generating a sort of boudinage of the lithosphere (Gueguen et al., 1997).

Corsica and Sardinia in the western side of the Tyrrhenian basin represent the

major lithospheric boudin in the backarc basin and their crustal and lithospheric

roots have an eastward offset with respect to the superficial topography, possibly


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 12: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

Figure 13.4 TheTyrrhenian openingoccurred in thehangingwall ofthe west-directedApenninessubduction. Therift generatedboudinage of thelithosphere and itis asymmetric,being morestretched andpropagatingeastward (after

Gueguen et al., 1997;

Doglioni et al., 2004).


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 13: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

related to the shear induced by the underlying relative eastward mantle flow

(Fig. 13.4). It is interpreted that the mantle that generated the oceanic crust of

the Provencal basin was depleted and consequently it became lighter; during

its eastward transit below Sardinia and Corsica the depleted mantle could have

generated the Miocene uplift of the continental swell.

Episodic backarc extension in the Tyrrhenian basin would suggest either that the

subduction rate is not continuous or, alternatively, the stretching in the backarc

is not continuous or uniform during a steady state subduction process.

The rifting opened mainly from W to E in most of the basin, but in the south-

eastern part it deviated to SE since late Pliocene (?). This could be related to

the encroachment of the Adriatic thick continental lithosphere east of the south-

ern Apennines, which slowed that segment of the subduction. Then the rollback

concentrated to the southeast toward the inherited Mesozoic Ionian ocean

basin and to the northeast in the central-northern Adriatic Sea. The kinematics

of the Apennines-Tyrrhenian system predicts diffuse right-lateral transtension in

the NW–SE-trending central-northern part, and left-lateral transtension in the

E–W-trending southern part, north of Sicily. The inland tectonic setting has the

opposite versus where it prevails transpression in the active accretionary prism.

Eastward mantle flow in the Tyrrhenian and western Mediterranean in general

is kinematically required by the slab rollback of the Apennines subduction: the vol-

ume left by the slab retreat is, in fact, filledby theuppermantle, regardless, thisman-

tle flow is the cause or a consequence of the slab rollback (Fig. 13.4).

An eastward flow can be inferred by shear wave splitting which tends to be E-W

trending in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Margheriti et al., 2003), possibly due to the

elongation of olivine crystals in the mantle. The anisotropy deviates to an Apen-

ninic trend underneath the belt: these data might be an indication of a

flow underneath the Tyrrhenian backarc where the crystals should parallel the

direction of mantle movement, and the encroachment with the subduction

zone underneath the Apennines where the crystals should reorient due to the

obstacle of the subduction.

The eastward mantle flow can account for the progressive eastward rejuvenation

and boudinage of the western Mediterranean basins, for example from the

Provencal to the Tyrrhenian, with the Vavilov, Marsili and Paola sub-basins

(Gueguen et al., 1997). The boudins and necks are also asymmetric: the base

of the crust and of the lithosphere are in fact shifted several tens of km eastward

relative to the topography of the basins and swells (Cella et al., 1998),

coherently with a shear between lithosphere and underlying mantle.

The higher heat flow in the eastern Tyrrhenian Sea relative to the western side

confirms the notion of an eastward migrating rift. The present heat flow appears

as a transient thermal wave that migrated eastward in time. Punctuation of the

Tyrrhenian backarc extension in lithospheric boudins is accompanied by


Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps

Page 14: Regional Geologyand Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins Roma, Italy 13.1 Introduction The Tyrrhenian basin has a triangular

concentrated increase in heat flow generated by asthenospheric intrusions and

magmatism progressively moving eastward. The eastward migration of the

asthenosphere underlying the basin could explain these phenomena.

The main Tyrrhenian architecture and magmatism seem to have been primarily

controlled by (i) the composition and thickness of the downgoing subducting

lithosphere beneath the Apennines, that is continental in the Adriatic and Sicily,

and oceanic in the Ionian; (ii) the westward motion of the lithosphere relative

to the mantle or the opposite eastward mantle flow; (iii) the structure of

the inherited alpine belt that has been stretched obliquely by the Apennines

subduction-related backarc extension; (iv) The Tyrrhenian Sea appears as the

area where the asthenosphere and the underlying upper mantle replaced

the volumes of the heterogeneous foreland lithosphere that were consumed

by the Apennines subduction.

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