Reform Define this word for me.. Dictionary definition Reform: to improve (someone or something) by...

Reform Define this word for me.

Transcript of Reform Define this word for me.. Dictionary definition Reform: to improve (someone or something) by...

ReformDefine this word for me.

Dictionary definition

Reform: to improve (someone or something) by removing or correcting faults, problems, etc.

Group work - brainstorm In your groups, nominate one person as the

scribe (writer). Each member of the group should come up

with one item that he/she feels needs to be reformed.

The need for reform must be genuine. List your reasons for the need for reform. We’ll share as a class, items that you came

up with.

Grievances, then what? You have identified reasons you think

something should be reformed, but what would you do next?

Select one potential reform item from your list and come up with a plan for how to get things reformed.

The Church in the 1500s

Powerful Wealthy Major land owner Absolute (source of all

knowledge) Arrogant Corrupt

The Northern Renaissance

The Northern Renaissance brought attention to the ideas of humanism from Italy.

The printing press made access to the bible and other religious texts easier.

Humanism Reminder: Humanism was a cultural and

intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized secular concerns as a result of the rediscovery and study of the literature, art, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome.

Causes Church Abuses

Selling of Indulgences Money being sent to Italy

Peasant’s revolt

Indulgences In the 1500s, everyone wanted a better

after-life. But entering heaven meant you had to

follow church doctrine (rules). If you sinned, you could be forgiven by

purchasing an indulgence – guaranteeing your passage to heaven.

On a collision course Church arrogant Church was aloof Church absorbed by its own power &

privilege Church resistant to change Call for reform came from the North

Martin Luther German, devout Catholic Humble Believed he could reason with the church

authorities Thought poor people would be denied

access to Heaven because they could not afford to buy indulgences

Jean Calvin French-Swiss lawyer & priest Promoted the idea of pre-destination (God

alone had decided who would be given salvation)

Saw the world as made up of “saints” & “sinners”

Good Christians should seek to live like saints

The Reformers Martin Luther

Wrote the 95 theses (arguments) Activities centered in Germany Founded a new religion - Lutheranism

John Calvin Activities centered in Switzerland Believed in predestination Set up a theocracy (government by church leaders) Founded Calvinism

New, stripped down Christianity - Protestantism Reformers believed in a purer form of

Christianity Churches were simple Priests were simple gowns The Bible was the key Power transferred from the priest to the

individual worshipper

Life of Luther Video clip. Note how Martin Luther was so devoted to

the Christian faith.

Wider consequences Since all royal families in Europe up to the

reformation were Catholic, they would appeal to the Pope for guidance.

With the reformation, the Pope’s role diminished.

Opened up other options.

Henry VIII “We believe that no duty is more incumbent on a

Catholic sovereign than to preserve and increase the Catholic faith…so when we learned the pest of Martin Luther’s heresy had appeared in Germany and was raging everywhere…we bent our thoughts and energies on uprooting [those heresies] in every possible way….”

What does Henry’s description of himself tell you about the importance of Catholicism to Catholic Rulers?

King Henry VIII and the Church Originally spoke out against the

Reformation Divorcing Catherine of Aragon Breaking with the Church Creating the Church of England

Henry was made the supreme head of the church

Church similar in ritual to the Catholic church –except he could now divorce.

Results and Changes in Rulers Bloodshed, Destruction, and Reform

Relationship between the priest and parishioner. Henry’s death – New Rulers

Edward VI – Book of Common Prayer Mary – Bloody Mary Elizabeth

Ended the bloodshed by making a compromise between Catholic and Protestant practices.

Made England a firmly Protestant nation


Why did protestants develop many different sects rather than just embracing Lutheranism?

How did Henry gain support for his Anglican Church?

What does the term Counter-Reformation imply about the causes of the movement?

Catholic Reformation/Counter Reformation Council of Trent

Met for over 20 years Declared that salvation came from both faith and good works. Bible is not the only truth

Inquisition Fought Protestantism Index of Forbidden Books

Jesuits Created by Ignatius Loyola Believed in defending and spreading the Catholic Faith

worldwide. Positive Changes

Persecution England – Bloodshed back and

forth depending upon who was in power

Witch Hunts “Witches” were often executed. Outspoken women Link between mysticism and

Christianity. Persecution of Jews

Italian Ghetto Luther’s contributions

Why was religious persecution widespread during the reformation?

Why was persecution of Jews and “witches” especially harsh?

Catholicism Lutheranism Calvinism

Salvation Salvation is achieved through faith and good works

Salvation is achieved through faith

God alone determines your salvation -- predestination

Sacraments Priests perform seven sacraments or rituals- baptism, confirmation, marriage, ordination, communion, anointing the sick and repentance

Accepts some of the sacraments, but rejects others because rituals cannot erase sin – only God can

Accepts some of the sacraments, but rejects others because rituals cannot erase sin – only God can

Head of Church

Pope Elected councils Council of Elders

Importance of the Bible

Bible is one source of truth; Church tradition is another

Bible alone is source of truth

Bible alone is source of truth

How Belief is Revealed

Priests interpret the Bible and Church teachings for people

People read the Bible for themselves

People read and interpret the Bible for themselves.