Reflective Essay - Weebly

1 | Page Trisha Villarreal English 2010 Reflective Essay Course Objectives: We were asked to assemble as a group, choose a leader, and choose a topic we wanted to write about. At that point we had to suggest topics we were interested in. Not everyone agreed, but the majority of us chose to make our topic on “A Healthy Lifestyle: Educating parents and children”. Under that topic we would then choose subtopics and assign everyone to a subtopic. That way we keep it organized and let group members write about whatever they are interested in. We were all confused in the beginning and didn’t know what was required. As a group leader I felt responsible and wanted our group to succeed, so I read up on all of our assignments. We were all responsible to write a report that was 5-7 pages on our topic and in addition write a position/proposal paper between 6-8 pages that deals with an issue of concern. Later we were also asked to choose between a Profile, Memoir, or Review, in which I chose memoir. Following that we learned about the format and genres of pamphlets, brochures, fact sheets, posters, and letters to public officials and or organizations. As a group we did a good job choosing different genres. I chose to do a pamphlet. We were asked to cite all of our work in MLA format and to write our papers in MLA format. After writing the papers we were first asked to post a draft and with every draft we were asked to use the formal method of doing a peer review on two of our group members. Decisions made as I chose the issue of concern and the topics for each assignment:

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Trisha Villarreal

English 2010

Reflective Essay

Course Objectives:

We were asked to assemble as a group, choose a leader, and choose a topic we

wanted to write about. At that point we had to suggest topics we were interested in. Not

everyone agreed, but the majority of us chose to make our topic on “A Healthy Lifestyle:

Educating parents and children”. Under that topic we would then choose subtopics and

assign everyone to a subtopic. That way we keep it organized and let group members

write about whatever they are interested in. We were all confused in the beginning and

didn’t know what was required. As a group leader I felt responsible and wanted our

group to succeed, so I read up on all of our assignments. We were all responsible to

write a report that was 5-7 pages on our topic and in addition write a position/proposal

paper between 6-8 pages that deals with an issue of concern. Later we were also asked

to choose between a Profile, Memoir, or Review, in which I chose memoir. Following

that we learned about the format and genres of pamphlets, brochures, fact sheets,

posters, and letters to public officials and or organizations. As a group we did a good job

choosing different genres. I chose to do a pamphlet. We were asked to cite all of our

work in MLA format and to write our papers in MLA format. After writing the papers we

were first asked to post a draft and with every draft we were asked to use the formal

method of doing a peer review on two of our group members.

Decisions made as I chose the issue of concern and the topics for each assignment:

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I organized the subtopics for our group and placed each member in the group where

they were most interested. At that point I decided to choose to write about Nutrition,

partly because we needed another person to write about it and partly because I am

interested in it. I have a family and I am always trying to find ways to get my family to

eat better or try new things. I figured all the research would help me out in my personal

life as well as with the report. I decided to focus on at home nutrition with my first report.

Basically on how parents or caregivers can plan, purchase, and prepare ahead of time

to help their families eat better and I also focused on how to get picky eaters to eat their

food. On the position/proposal paper I decided to focus on school. Typically if our kids

aren’t at home then they are at school for the majority of the day, so I made my focus on

the topic of school lunch. I chose to write a memoir because I have learned a great deal

personally about the importance that exercise, nutrition, and sleep play in our life. It

helps us to be the best we can be and helps us to have a positive and healthy outlook

on life when we have a balance in our lives. Finally, I chose to do a pamphlet for my

final genre. I wanted to do something that was targeted toward kids and parents. It was

a reminder to help them make healthy choices when choosing snacks and give them


Peer Review Suggestions:

To keep it organized we tried to have each person review their peer that is writing on

the same subtopic, and then choose anyone else they want to review as well.

Unfortunately we weren’t always great on doing the peer reviews, especially in the

beginning, but I think we got much better as a group as the weeks went on.

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I am grateful for peer reviews. It really helped to have another mind analyze my papers

and give me feedback. Andrew and Steve were the group members that reviewed my

papers. Their insight helped me know what I needed to fix and how to do it the right

way. I have to admit I learned a lot about writing papers from their reviews. How to grab

my reader’s attention and make it more organized so that it is easy to understand. I

learned how to write in the MLA format, and also how to do in-text citations, how to

include links to pictures, etc. I am not very tech savvy when it comes to writing papers

and it helped to have my peers show me what I need to do to make it better. Steven

had some “GREAT” graphics as did Andrew. While I am aware that presentation is a big

part of the report, I hope that those of us who are not tech savvy don’t get a lower


I was also able to review Keith’s and Steven’s paper. Reviewing them helped me know

what was required. I feel like I learned so much each week with the different genres and

formats. It challenged me to learn new things and it helped to be critiqued and critique

someone else as well.

Changes I made as I revised my documents:

I spent a lot of time on these papers, researching, writing, rewriting as I reviewed my

paper. I had to add subheadings into my papers to add organization and clarity. I also

had to figure out how to add visuals with the link attached. I had to revise a certain

paragraph in my report on nutrition. I had a paragraph where I made suggestions and

they weren’t very clear, so I had to go back and write it better and cite it better. In my

position/proposal, I started writing my paper and then wanted to add an analogy that

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would help readers understand the importance of putting good food into their bodies. At

that point I went back and added the car analogy, which is what I opened my paper

with. My memoir was perhaps the most difficult to write because it was so personal and

brought back so many feelings. Regardless of the difficulty I felt it important to share

how exercise, good nutrition, and sleep were key items that helped put me back on my

feet. With my pamphlet I had to revise that again and again, trying to make it something

that was presented well, contained adequate information and was easy to read and


Process of putting together my final portfolio:

To be honest I am tired of looking at my papers! I have edited them again and again, cleaned

them up, and reorganized them. I have to admit that they look much better than they originally

did! I am proud of my progress and while they might not be perfect I think I did a great job. The

papers were very educational in terms of information and format. I put a lot of work into this

class, not only with my papers, but as a group leader as well. This class has pushed me to learn

new things, and there were many times it was difficult and frustrating, but I am grateful for the

growth I have made and the things I have learned.

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Trisha Villarreal


Encouraging our kids to eat healthy

When it comes to nutrition, “Plan, Purchase, and Prepare” ("Healthy eating on a

budget") are the three words that would benefit all of us if we would incorporate them

into our lives. Most of us don’t

think about what we are going to

eat for the day. We wake up,

browse through the cupboards,

the pantry, the fridge, and typically

grab whatever looks appealing.

Then we go throughout our busy

day doing the same thing without

thought, putting food into our mouth that is quick, cheap, convenient, processed, and

often filled with grease. We typically don’t realize how important good nutrition is until

we see the side effects of an unbalanced and unhealthy diet in ourselves or those we


Today in society it is easy to see that these habits not only affect us as adults,

but our children as well. The United States Department of Agriculture stated, “More

than one-third of children and more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are

overweight or obese…this is a crisis we can no longer ignore”. ("Usda press release")

While it is important to recognize that obesity is detrimental to our physical health, I feel

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it is just as important to acknowledge how it impacts us mentally and emotionally as

well. Eating healthy along with exercise gives us more energy, allows our bodies and

minds to function properly and gives us a positive outlook on life. For that reason,

“improving our eating habits is not only good for every individual and family, but also for

our country.” ("Usda press release")

Dietary Recommendations

In order to have a well-balanced diet, we need to first look at the dietary

recommendations and make that our daily guide. Below is a chart illustrating the

amount of portions we should consume in a day, based off a 2,000 calorie


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Keep in mind that because all of our bodies are different, our daily recommendations

will vary. To determine that you will need to consider: weight, height, age, and gender.

Eating on a budget

Knowing what foods are healthy and the portions we should eat is one side of the

equation, having the resources to buy them is another. Many complain that eating

healthy is too expensive, and therefore cannot afford to buy fruits, vegetables, lean

meats, etc. One thing to remember, if we eat poor food we will have poor health

eventually, which in the end will cost us even more money. has an article called “Healthy eating on a budget”, it shows

us that it’s possible to stick to your budget and get healthy foods, but that we need to

“plan, purchase, and prepare” ("Healthy eating on a budget") ahead of time. Here are

some steps they list, “Planning includes: making a grocery list, planning meals and

snacks for the week, checking for sales and coupons. Purchasing groceries: stick to the

list, buy store brands if cheaper, purchase in bulk, and choose fruits and vegetables in

season. Items available all year long that are cost effective include: beans (protein)

carrots, greens, potatoes (vegetables), apples, and bananas (fruit).” ("Healthy eating on

a budget") Taking the food you have purchased and dividing it into portions will allow it

to stretch further. Preparing snacks ahead of time will make them quick and easy to

grab before heading out the door. When “Preparing for meals make a large batch of

your favorite recipes, and then freeze them in individual containers.” ("Healthy eating on

a budget") Also, if you have leftovers, remember they can be wonderful! Pull out your

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cookbook and browse through your recipes that can incorporate your leftovers. It will

push you to experiment and try new recipes.

Picky Eaters: How to get them to try new foods

Speaking of trying new things, that is another challenge most parents face along

with anyone else trying to alter their diet. As a mother of two, I continually try to

introduce new foods to my

children, especially when I

know it is good for them. In

fact, my oldest daughter

loves meat! It is probably

her favorite part of the meal.

The other day I bought

spinach leaves for salad,

and when it was time to eat dinner I put spinach leaves on her plate next to the meat.

She avoided them during the first half of the meal. I then told her she needed to eat her

salad as well. She said, “But mom, I am a carnivore, carnivores don’t eat lettuce.” I

knew that she didn’t hate vegetables because she always eats them. Rather it was her

fear of trying something new. It brought some humor to the dinner table! The good thing

is that when I introduced it to her again another night she was still a little skeptical, but

did a much better job eating the spinach leaves.

An article in The Seattle Times written by Charles Stuart Platkin says, “Food

preference is mostly an acquired taste, which means repeated exposure to a new food

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— as many as 10 to 15 times — may be required to develop a food fondness, says

Marcia Pelchat, a food expert at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.” I

recognize that regardless of how many times a new food is introduced, there is a good

chance they may never like it. If that is the case, I think it is best to leave that alone and

move on to different things. In addition to repetition, food needs to be fun for kids.

The NDD (Nutritional Deficit Disorder) Book written by William Sears’s lists

“Twenty ways to introduce new foods to picky eaters.” Here are some of their ideas:

“Dip it: use cheese sauces, hummus, yogurt, etc., Shape it: make apple moons,

avocado boats, banana wheels, broccoli trees, etc., Sip it: slip in nutritious foods into a

smoothie, Grind it: grinding vegetables, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, fruit and other

healthy foods gives you a chance to add more nutrition to their diet., Cook it: let your

kids help you prepare dinner, it just might make them more interested in eating it.”

These are just a few of many great tips, above all, it is important to let picky eaters

experiment with food, touch it, kiss it, taste it, mix it, etc.

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Baby steps, one step at a time

Making changes for the better needs to be a change of life, rather than merely a

diet followed for a month or two. Changing our diet requires patience and will take time.

It is important to take baby steps, for example, while trying to substituting brown rice for

white, you could add brown rice to your diet, maybe once a week, then twice a week,

and so on. Also, choose the things that are the easiest to change and start there, like

replacing soda for a low-calorie flavored water. Maybe even decide to eat on a 90/10 or

80/20 plan. Meaning that 80% of the time you will eat healthy and 20% of the time you

can allow yourself to indulge in some of your favorite foods that aren’t healthy.

“Choose My” was formerly known as “”, along with changing

their name; they have also added a new image. The image to the left is the model

image. Harvard Medical School took the image and expanded on it which you will see in

the image to the right.

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“MyPlate can help prioritize food choices by reminding us to make half of our

plate fruits and vegetables and shows us the other important food groups for a well-

balanced meal: whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat dairy.” ("Eat healthy: Food and

nutrition") I have to admit that I haven’t always been great at balancing out meals for my

family. Recently I incorporated “MyPlate” into our meals and have found that our food

lasts longer because I am cooking smaller portions of each food group. It has also given

me a chance to teach my kids the importance of eating healthy food and having a well-

balanced meal. I have noticed that I feel full after eating a balanced meal, I have more

energy and my sugar levels are much more stable. The visual image is a great reminder

to me and my kids of what should be on our plate at each meal.


Dr. William Sear says, “Children are getting sicker, sadder, and fatter. Why? The

problem is food, glorious food! During my thirty-six years as a pediatrician, I have never

before seen such an epidemic of nutrition-related illnesses. Optimal growth and

development happen when our body is in biochemical balance.” Having a well-balanced

diet along with exercise will allow our body and mind to function to the best of its ability.

With this balance we will feel happier, healthier, and have more energy.

Most of us may not know the difference until we decide to change our habits and

incorporate a healthy lifestyle. Going back to the beginning, the main reason we even

decide to change our diet is because of the side effects it has caused in us or in those

we love. If we love our family, we will strive to become educated and make changes that

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will help them be the best “them” they can be, and that will give them a healthy future

keeping them around as long as possible.

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Report Works Cited

Healthy eating on a budget. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar 2012.


Huffstetler, Erin. "Life 123, Answers at the speed of life." N.p., n.d.

Web. 1 Mar 2012. <


. "USDA and HHS Announce New Dietary Guidelines to Help Americans Make

Healthier Food Choices and Confront Obesity Epidemic." Usda press release.

USDA, 2011. Web. 1 Mar 2012.

Wipfler, Patty. "Picky Eater: Getting beyond "Yuck"!." Hand in Hand, Nuturing the

parent-child connection. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar 2012.



Platkin, Charles. "Liking new, healthful foods takes repetition, variety." The Seattle

Times. N.p., 23 F. Web. 1 Mar 2012.


Goldfarb, Aviva. "Playing with your food." PBSParents. PBS, 02/01/2011. Web. 1

Mar 2012. <


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. "" . USDA, 2012. Web. 1 Mar 2012.


. "Healthy Eating Plate." The nutrition source. Harvard School of Public Health,

2011. Web. 1 Mar 2012. <


. "Eat Healthy." Eat healthy: Food and nutrition. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar 2012.


Sears, William, and Martha Sears. The NDD Book: How Nutrition Deficit Disorder

Affects Your Child's Learning, Behavior, and Health, and What You Can Do About It-

Without Drugs. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009. 7,13,25,88-90. eBook.

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Trisha Villarreal Memoir Paper

You have a choice

Tears silently rolled down my cheeks as I lay in a dim lit room with my husband and two year old daughter at

my side. The words, “sorry, there is no heart beat” continued to bounce off the walls of the tiny room in which we found

ourselves. Shock and disbelief filled my mind, thoughts raced through my head. “How could it be, clearly they are

wrong, someone should check again.”, “Maybe they missed the heartbeat, it was there just a few days ago.”, “Did I do

something wrong?” After a few minutes, the reality of what was happening started to seep in and my composure slowly

started to crumble. The doctor entered the room and proceeded to comfort us by telling us these things just happen and

that it wasn’t my fault. We discussed our options, and as he talked I felt my mind wander. I kept thinking to myself, how

can I do this and not go insane, I am crushed. I realized at that moment that sometimes there are moments in life when

we are asked to confront obstacles we would never want to, there’s no way out, and we have no other choice but to face


Six hours later on a warm summer night, I delivered my sweet baby girl who did not take her first breath of

life. She was stillborn at 37 weeks, and beautiful in every way. That night, silence stood in the absence of my baby’s cry.

Leaving the hospital the following night with empty arms, was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

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Taliya Ann Villarreal

Our world had fallen apart, and we ourselves could not function, our friends and family were there and

overwhelmingly gave us their love and support that sustained us in our time of need. We were comforted and cared for

in every way possible. My parents took care of the funeral arrangements and friends and family provided meals and

gifts. The generosity, kindness, and love filled our hearts the week following our loss. It wasn’t until after the funeral

that I felt like the dust started to settle and everyone was returning to their daily routines, that is, everyone but me. It

was if that light that was so bright and warm left and left me to feel withdrawn, lonely, and cold.

Perhaps I should mention my husband lost his job a week before we lost our baby girl. At the time he told me

he lost his job I was upset, but looking back I realize it was a blessing, I needed him by my side. I slowly started to crawl

into depression. I neglected my 2 year old daughter and didn’t want anything to do with her, I entertained thoughts of

death, telling myself that I would be happier if I could die and be with my baby girl. I had no appetite, nor any desire to

leave my bed or remove myself from my house. My husband took care of me and held me tightly every night as my

heart broke into a million pieces. My depression lasted months, and I didn’t know if I ever would fully recover. Many

times I wished the pain would just go away. In fact at my six week check-up, unfortunately my doctor was very

insensitive, and instead of offering me a listening ear or referring me to a support group she wrote me out a prescription

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of sleeping pills. Luckily I lost the pills after I filled the prescription, given the state of mind I was in, I’m sure I

probably would have become addicted. Little things started to help my depression. Every day my husband would take

me out for a drive or to secluded places where I could be alone and still enjoy being outside. Even though my thoughts

were far from healthy, it felt rejuvenating to be outside it felt like a tiny piece of me was starting to get better.

One day while looking at my 2 year old daughter I realized that I wasn’t being fair to her. Despite what

happened I still needed to be a good mother and take care of her. Life needed to go on, I wanted to get my life back and

I wanted things to go back to normal, I just didn’t know how to make that happen. My husband shared a quote from Jim

Rohn one morning that said, “Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.” I needed to hear

those words. I realized that I had to try to do something to get out of my depression. Let me just say that every wound

needs time to heal, and time is essential for healing, I had some time and although I wasn’t healed I had to make a

choice... either I could be depressed or move on. I decided it was time to move on and try to start taking care of myself.

That were many things that brought about that change, but some of the big ones right off the bat were healthy eating

and exercise. Above are two items my husband gave me as gifts, the book, “Body for Life”, and a new pair of running

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shoes. We decided that we would make these changes together, so not only did I get a book and a new pair of shoes, but

I also got a workout buddy, my support system. I started skimming through the book and came upon the first chapter.

Underneath the title it reads, “When you gain control of your body, you will gain control of your life.” That is exactly

what I needed, to gain control of my life. I figured; why not start trying by implementing these principles of good

nutrition and exercise. If you are not familiar with the Body for Life program, it is a strict 12 week program that requires

you to track your progress. Here is a simplified version I found from Kushboo’s Blog, which information essentially

comes from (BFL).

6 workouts a week, alternating between 45-minute weight training sessions and 20-minute cardio

sessions. Both follow a specific structure based on RPE (rate of perceived exertion)

Weight training sessions alternate between exercises for the upper & lower body

Cardio sessions are based on high intense interval training (HIIT), and BFL suggests a specific RPE

5-6 small meals throughout the day, 2-3 hours apart

Balance each meal with a carb, protein and healthy fat, striving for your total daily intake to come from 40%

wholegrain carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat

Drink at least 10 glasses of water

Portions should be the fist-/palm-sized

Vegetables must be eaten with at least 2 meals per day

7th day = “free day” in terms of no exercise and there are no limits to what can be eaten

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Like I said, many things helped me start feeling better, nutrition was one of the first things I implemented.

Changing my diet and planning meals was more time consuming and harder than I thought it would be. I craved all the

wrong foods, luckily the book had a list of approved foods that were categorized under proteins, carbohydrates and

vegetables. Following their eating program helped bring a balance to my body. I noticed that after two weeks I quit

craving sugars and felt like my sugar levels were balancing out. The smaller portions I ate were starting to fill me up.

Physically I started to feel better and felt like my brain could think clearer and process things better.

Along with the nutrition plan, we had an exercise

routine. Every morning my husband and I would wake up

and workout. We would switch off and did 20 minutes of

cardio one day and the next day 45 minutes of weight

training. Little by little I could see I was starting to lose the

weight and I started to feel a little better about myself. For

my cardio I decided to start running. I had a neighbor that

was a good runner and I begged her to wake up in the mornings and run with me. I needed more support and luckily she

said yes!

We ran three miles, three times a week. I have

to say that because of the effects I felt from running

I now love cardio. I had built up so much stress, and

running helped me release it, it physically pushed

me to my limits and made me tired. Running also

gave me the time to think and clear my head. I

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believed that it brought the balance that I needed. Even though I learned to really love running after a month or so, I

have to admit I dreaded pulling myself out of bed in the mornings. There were many times I just wanted to sleep, but

having a friend to run with, that was relying on me to show up forced me to get up and go out into the cold. Running

pushed me to get back on my feet. I challenged myself, some Saturdays I would try to run a few more miles. I remember

running 6 miles for the first time all by myself and being so proud that I could do that. At that point my friend and I set a

goal to run a half marathon. We trained for 6 months and prepared ourselves well. I ran my first half in St. George, Utah.

Focusing on a goal and achieving it made me feel wonderful. I will always be grateful for what I learned about

exercise and nutrition and hope to be able to teach my kids how to apply that into their lives. I believe that if “you gain

control of your body, you will gain control of your life.” (Phillips and D'Orso 1) No one can predict what the future

holds, but we have a choice in how we react to what life brings. Millions of kids are faced with stresses beyond what

they should face at their ages; some challenges are things you’d hope they’d never have to face. I strongly believe that

bringing proper nutrition, exercise and sleep to our bodies creates a balance that allows us to function better either as

kids or adults. In turn it will help them face the stresses of life better. I want my kids to succeed in life, most importantly

I want them to be happy and hope they will understand the importance of taking care of our bodies and minds

There is a familiar phrase that says, “Time heals all wounds”, and I completely agree, but I also feel like in every

difficulty each of us has a choice, a choice to make a change for a better us. Looking back on my obstacle, I now

consider it a blessing. There were many times I was tempted to turn to prescription drugs to suppress my pain, but I

knew that wouldn’t take the pain away in the long run. Losing my little girl was one of the hardest obstacles I have had

to face and I honestly believed I would never heal from it. Years have passed and while there are still days when the pain

is very real, I can say as a whole, time has healed my wound. I will always remember who I became and what I have

learned from it. In Body for Life for Women it says, “Anticipate that there will be obstacles in your path. Then, when

you meet up with them—and it’s not a matter of if, but when—you’ll greet them as opportunities to sharpen your skills

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at keeping your self-care on track. Instead of getting frustrated by those obstacles, embrace them. Remember that in the

midst of difficulty lies opportunity. Identify the opportunity and the lesson hidden in the obstacle, rather than obsessing

about the obstacle itself.”

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Works Cited

"Barnes&Noble" N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar 2012.


phillips/1100553565?ean=9780060193393&itm=1&usri=body for life>.

Rohn, Jim. The Treasury of Quotes. Jim Rohn International, 2002. 3. Print.

Phillips, Bill, and Michael D'Orso. Body for Life, 12 weeks to Mental and Physical Strength. New York:

11th Vision, L.L.C., 1999. 1. Print.

"Body for Life." Kushboo's Blog. N.p., 27 01 2012. Web. 13 Mar. 2012.


. "Body for Life EAS Sports Nutrition." Body for N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar 2012.


Writer, Health. "Running Start." Healthy Writing. 23 5 2010: n. page. Web. 13 Mar. 2012.


. "My Lot." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar 2012.


Peeke, Pamela. Body for Life for Women. Holtzbrinck Publishers, 2005. 60. Print.

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Benefits that come with

good nutrition:

Clearer mind Longer attention span

Happier and more positive Better sleep, more rested, and


Prevent chronic disease and obesity

More nutrients in the body Physically fit and more energy Proper growth physically and


Additional Sources on

Healthy snacks and meals.


Provided by: Trisha Villarreal

Salt Lake Community College

Snack Time? Your kids would say yes

to this, but would you?

*Parenting tips on healthy

snacks and nutrition for kids!

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Most of the time you can control what your

kids will eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

but when it comes to snacks maybe you should

give them a little freedom and let them

choose. Unfortunately, kids generally don’t

know what is and isn’t healthy. They will

typically eat whatever is at their fingertips.

Helping them know what options are healthy

will allow them to make better choices for

themselves. Planning, purchasing, and

preparing snacks ahead of time will give them

options when they are hungry.

Having snacks individualized will make snack

time much easier for them and for you,

especially when you are on the go!

Help your kids bring

balance to their diet.

Multigrain chips with salsa

Snack mix: popcorn, pretzels, nuts, and dried fruit.

Fruit and cheese kabobs

Frozen Yogurt Pops

Boiled egg with low-fat cheese stick

Pita bread with hummus

Raw veggies with favorite dip

Whole grain banana chocolate chip muffins.

Cottage cheese with fruit or yogurt.
