reegle - a new key portal for open energy data

A new key portal for Open Energy Data


Presentation given at the ISESS 2011 in Brno on the open data features of

Transcript of reegle - a new key portal for open energy data

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A new key portal for Open Energy Data

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reegle – the clean energy info portal is an unrivaled tool to find information on renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate compatible development related topics.

reegle users get free access to the following features:

1. Clean energy websearch of the most authoritative sources2. Country energy profiles including key statistics, policies and actors 3. Catalogue of relevant key actors and stakeholders4. Energy and climate change glossary5. Map search of energy statistics and potentials

What is reegle?

Datasets labeled with the “we are open icon” are provided free for re-use for other websites or applications in machine readable format on

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WHO?All data providers – hopefully ;-)Several governments and official agencies have already pledged to make their data publicly available free for 3rd party use.

WHY?• More transparency• More efficient public service• Better use and re-use of

information• New combination of data

creates more value

Open Data?

HOW?• As raw data• Using W3C standards• In open and standard formats• Human AND machine read-able• Resource Description Framework (RDF)

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From Open Data to Linked Open Data

• Give things an URI!• Use RDF for Publishing!• Link your Data to other Data

(as well as the data models)!• Provide a Standard-API

• Provide an API!

• Organise Data!• License Data!• Raw Data now!

Publish Data!

Use Web-Technologies

Use Linked Data!• The web is an Ecosystem• Networked Data creates

Network Effects• Lowers Costs of Data


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• Less replication (offering same datasets in different places)

• Encouragement to re-use existing datasets

• Clear which datasets are providing similar / same information

• More innovation because datasets can be put in a new context and lead to interesting applications

• Put information in context and thereby create knowledge

What benefits?

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Linked? Open? Data?

Source: Peter Gasner, reprinted here:

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Retrieving and using relevant data SKOS (Standard Knowledge Organisation System) is a formal and controlled vocabularyfor thesauri in a semantic web context.

The LOD formats

RDF encoded information can be used in decentrailed applications and to create

meaningful new mesh–ups.

Highly interesting and informative applications can add value especially for resource and energy data. ~20 bio. triples

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• Thesauri are a powerful way to classify objects and term subjects/concept

• Thesauri use a controlled vocabulary – no use of different terms for identical subjects such as old-fashioned terms or misspellings

• Thesauri are a subject-based classification of objects described by the metadata that can easily be retrieved

• is a thesaurus management system with a SKOS editor

• PoolParty includes text analyses functionalities and has full Linked Data capacities

• with Pool Party text tagging can be another service for reegle users

• Thesaurus is available for free integration into external websites!

Structuring data with PoolParty

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• – well established quality information gateway• More than 90,000 users a month• Intelligent clean energy search including over 1,000 sources• New portal launched in 2011

reegle as LOD producer/consumer

Now available for external free re-use in Linked Open Standard W3C standard on :

• over 1,700 clean energy stakeholders worldwide• extensive glossary enriched with DBpedia linked

data definition (thesaurus)• project outcome documents, country policy reports

and DBpedia country description

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1. Clean Energy Search

reegle’s clean energy search is a unique tool to find high quality information on clean energy related topics, searching over 1,000 authoritative sources.

Based on reegle’ s thesaurus:o Refined searcho Related searcho Auto-complete

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2. Country Energy Profiles

As a reegle mesh-up, the country energy profiles provide a comprehensive set of energy-related information on over 200 countries including:

o Contact details of key stakeholders

o Overview on policy and regulations

o Links to project outcome documents programmes and tools

o Statistical data visualised charts

o Maps of renewable energy sources

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3. Catalogue of actors and stakeholders

reegle’s catalogue of actors and stakeholders ( ) contains information on and linksto over 1700 ministries, initiatives, partnerships and organizations involved in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

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4. Energy and Climate Change Glossary

reegle’s extensive glossary ( ) based on the thesaurus describes more than 1500 terms on energy and climate compatible development and offers:o Definition and synonyms for each term

o Links to related, broader and narrower terms

o Visual browser showing how a term is semantically connected -symbolizing the scope of a concept or technology

o Information from other sources like Wikipedia

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Integrating reegle‘s data offers all free data set to be queried and used through the SPARQL endpoint:

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This free of charge service includes:

o Datasets in RDF to guarantee machine readable formatso Widgets and wordpress plugins for easy integration and many added benefits such

as automated tagging based on thesauruso Detailed instructions on developer’s portal

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Outreach –What comes next on

The following features are already in development / on the roadmap of

o Enrich country profiles by more and more Linked Open Datao Enrich the clean energy glossary / thesaurus by more

additional LOD resourceso Organise Linked Open (Government) Data Workshops for the

field of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Climate Changeo Provide a reegle thesaurus based extraction service for

semantic annotations et al. via an API o Publish more energy related information as Linked Open Data

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You can access the following resources for demonstration

o LOD based country profiles: o LOD based glossary: o LOD based Actors Catalogue: o Clean Energy Search: data & developer platform: http://data.reegle.infoo extraction service (beta):

o PoolParty demozone for extraction: o PoolParty Semantic Search demo:

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The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)is a Public-Private Partnership launched at the Johannesburg World

Summit in 2002. The REEEP aims to accelerate the global marketplacefor energy ef.ciency and renewable energy by actively facilitating

financing mechanisms for sustainable energy projects and structuringpolicy initiatives for clean energy markets on the ground.

reegle is a joint project of REEEP and REN21.

It is supported by:

• the British Department for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and the

the British Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

• the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany (BMU)

• The Climate and Development Knowledge Networt (CDKN)

• the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (MINVROM)

• the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Lebensministerium)


The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) Is a global policy network aimed at providing a forum for international

leadership on renewable energy. Its goal is to allow the rapid expansionof renewable energies in developing and industrial countries by

bolstering policy development and decision-making on sub-national,national and international levels.

Stakeholders and Partners

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“Project finance is entirely dependent on a detailed understanding of the market conditions within the relevant country. reegle provides a comprehensive overview of these parameters including law and regulations, up-to-date political standpoints, statistical data and best practice guidelines within the area, helpingto guide and inform the decision-making process.”

Debashish MajumdarChairman & Managing Director of Indian Renewable Development Agency Limited

“The reegle Actors Catalogue is an invaluable source for facilitating networking and collaboration within the clean-energy field and for helping to promote project development through bringing together interested parties from government agencies to manufacturers.”

Whang Zhongying Director Center of Renewable Energy Development, China

“Fundamental to the acceleration of the clean-energy marketplace, is the need to provide interested stakeholders, in particular potential investors, with fast access to high quality information. Reegle, the information gateway for renewable energy and energy efficiency, provides the means to link and disseminate knowledge, helping to determine market potential and facilitating global investment forecast.”

Dr. Martin SchöpeHead of Division KI I 4 - Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety, Germany

Global reegle Experiences

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”Knowledge is of two kinds.We know a subject ourselves orwe know where we can find information upon it”.Samuel Johnson 1775

Information gateway for renewableenergy and energy efficiency

Contact:REEEP International SecretariatFlorian Bauer (reegle product manager)[email protected]+43 1 26026 3714

Contact:Semantic Web Company (SWC)Martin Kaltenböck (Co-founder & CFO)[email protected]+43 1 402 12 35