Redgreen brand extention book - 27.10.2014



Redgreen brand extention book 2014 - 27.10.2014

Transcript of Redgreen brand extention book - 27.10.2014

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“REDGREEN is a Nordic international menswear and womenswear brand with strong maritime roots. We value authenticity and quality, in everything we do, and in everyone we work with.

�e best compliment is when our business partners tell us they know we keep our promises and see how we live our brand.

We value strong, long-lasting relationships with our suppliers, our clients, and our colleagues. We know that when we stay with the essence of the REDGREENbrand, we can be confident of success in everything we do.”

Søren HanssenCEO


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The ReDGReeN icoN is The iNTeRNaTioNal symbol foR The sailiNG TeRms “poRT” aND “sTaRboaRD”. The TeRms, aND TheRefoRe The icoN, have TheiR RooTs iN aNcieNT vikiNG sailiNG pRacTices. fRom aNcieNT Times, poRT aND sTaRboaRD have beeN The GuiDiNG poiNTs oN someTimes-RouGh seas, aND They RemaiN so ToDay. The icoN is aN iNTeRNaTioNally kNowN aND appReciaTeD symbol foR sailoRs aRouND The woRlD, aND symbolises a feeliNG of beiNG home oN The ship eveN ThouGh The suRRouNDiNG waTeRs aRe Deep. To us aT ReDGReeN, we feel aT home iN This icoN, appReciaTiNG aND RespecTiNG iTs hisToRy, keepiNG aN eye oN The waTeR, as well as oN ouR maRiTime home which is so close To ouR heaRTs.

[REDGREEN is the only brand in the world whose icon is an internationally accepted nautical symbol, and an icon for sailors around the world.]



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The colour red and the colour green. The core of who we are. The essence of our icon, our history, our fu-ture, and the way we approach things. Two sides of one entity – one looking out, and one looking towards home. Knowing where we come from, but never doubting where we are going. Our two colours, the colours of our icon, are the line we walk. They are our path, and we will always stay loyal to this.

The two colours are included in every collection along with our time-tested elements of style: cable knits, stripes, maritime prints, as well as colours as-sociated with life around the harbour: navy blue, foam white, and our own red and green colours. Our roots are visible in every style: red or green piping, seams and stitching; our icon embroidered on a sleeve; little hints that the individual item, no matter how basic, is part of a bigger story.

Authentic Sailors

For every collection, we design icon items. These items are interpretations of the traditional navy pea coat and the classic cable knit. These two items have been staples of any sailor’s wardrobe for centuries, and whereas the woollen pea coat provided protec-tion against harsh Scandinavian weather, the elabo-rate, knitted patterns of the cable knit provided in-formation about the home of the sailor. The navy pea coat pointed towards unknown shores, while the ca-ble knit told of familiar waters. This duality is part of everything we do; it is embedded in our icon, as it has been since we began.

Our Classics

In a world of ever-changing inspiration and trends, we still have our eyes firmly fixed on the classic and commercial items. Although we work with trends, it is also important for us to work with basics and everlasting items which still have references to our maritime roots.

Therefore the collection spans current trend items in-terpreted and designed within the REDGREEN context as well as commercial, basic styles that are ready to become wardrobe staples.

These three anchors are what always forms the REDGREEN collections.


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Urban sailors / SS 14 7

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REDGREEN was established in 1983. Ever since, we have kept close to the sea, letting our icon navigate us through the decades of changing trends and tendencies. No matter where fashion has taken the world, our inner compass has made sure we remained close to our authentic maritime ancestry.

We take pride in keeping our brand authentic – never trying to be something we are not. REDGREEN is woven from the maritime lifestyle, the nautical connotations that signify the ideal balance between having an active urban lifestyle, and knowing where to find the peace you need to live an ambitious, quality-driven life.

Authenticity is a priority to us: staying true to who we are and where we come from – and for this

reason, the mainstay of every REDGREEN collection is a take on the classic navy pea coat. We look at authentic, traditional garments and give them a subtle twist to match collections, seasons and the man and woman of today.

Another compass piece, showing the direction of the collection and the brand, will be items in luxurious,

authentic cable knit. Perpetuating a traditional craft of intricate patterns that can be traced to the region a sailor came from, these pieces will guide us towards further perfecting the menswear and womenswear collections from REDGREEN.



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The harbour is REDGREEN’s home. The harbour is the epicentre of modern life as we know it. Here goods, ideas, and kisses are exchanged; here business prevails. The harbour is urban; it’s rough, industrial and busy. The harbour is the place where Europe’s ancient and modern life keeps evolving, changing, picking up pace, staying in touch. The harbour is where we leave from and return to; it’s constantly changing and never forgets what it is; it is REDGREEN’s point of departure and arrival in everything we do and everything we are.



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bRaNDexTeNTIONsAt REDGREEN we use our brand extension as one of our product development strategies which can increase awareness of the REDGREEN brand name.

Furthermore it increases profitability from offering more than one product category and create great synergies for all of our license partners. We strongly believe in our brand extension products, and in the fact that they support each other in creating a credible lifestyle universe.

Extending our framework of design to eyewear, sportswear, shoes and home textiles, we strive to create a REDGREEN world that takes the fashion experience and REDGREEN’s maritime DNA beyond the borders of each collection and into the free time and family life of our customers. Creating the right brand extension is a matter of working with the right people and knowing exactly how to embody the REDGREEN identity and values in each and every item. This is why we work with such careful attention to detail on every single item that is adorned with our logo.

We aim to be a 100% lifestyle brand with a range of more than six brand extending products and 3000 selling points by the end of 2017.


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The REDGREEN eyewear line extends the high-end classic maritime design of REDGREEN into style-conscious, wearable eyewear for men and women.

Designed with precision, comfort and trend awareness in mind, the collection exudes REDGREEN’s sense of ease and Scandinavian maritime design.

We sell REDGREEN Eyewear in the four Nordic countries and the frames are exclusive to Specsavers/ Louis Nielsen stores which is the biggest optical chains in the world and houses other brands as Tommy Hilfiger, Tiger of Sweden and Sand.



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Transforming the design core of REDGREEN into a sportswear collection for men and women the REDGREEN universe is extended to the moments of life when leisurewear is called for. While the collection is linked by design and fashion references to REDGREEN’s maritime story, REDGREEN SPORTSWEAR is not made exclusively for a maritime lifestyle, but can be worn, enjoyed and experienced by anyone who loves the freedom of life outdoors.

In the design process, care is taken to ensure optimal fit and wear, making each individual style a special treat and an extension of the experience of outdoor sports, activities or leisure.

REDGREEN Sportswear can be found in more than 50 sportswear stores.



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The REDGREEN Shoes are produced and designed with focus on quality, trends, comfort, and the REDGREEN look and feel authenticity.

The design of the shoes is classic yet based on the expression of the main collection every season. The signature of the shoes are always a hint of red and green colors combined with characteristics such as rudders and anchors. Furthermore, the “classic” REDGREEN sailor shoes is always to be found in our range adapted to the season.

The shoes are produced mainly in Italy and Portugal and factories are carefully selected in terms of quality, working conditions, materials, and flexibility in relation to demand from both retailers and end user.

The shoes are currently sold in Finland, Russia, Sweden, Germany and Denmark. Since the shoes are closely related to clothing, the distribution will continue to be primarily in the clothing industry, since the synergies between those two are unique, and will make significantly higher turnover and earnings.



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REDGREEN LIVING is based on the ideals of REDGREEN where a maritime spirit and top quality are highly valued.

The products are made in soft and exclusive fabrics, where careful attention is taken into every detail of the items. The timeless and maritime patterns give the feeling of a harmonic atmosphere, and a Nordic spirit that lightens up the bedroom.

The collection includes bed linen, cushions, bathrobes and towels.

You find the REDGREEN LIVING collection in:

• TheNordiccountries• Benelux• UK

It will be distributed in Hometex special stores and selected online stores, as that will give the brand the greatest visibility and sale.



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It is our ambition to start up ‘REDGREEN Kids Wear’ in 2015 with a partner that has the quality approach which it takes to design, produce and sell the REDGREEN concept in Kids Wear. Together we can create a unique collection for the quality conscious consumer who would like to see his children in functional and classic products from REDGREEN.

The target group will be primarily girls and boys aged 4-12 years. Distribution focus will be in Scandinavia and Germany.

KIDs weaR


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wiTh caRe aND coNsiDeRaTioN:

pOsMaTeRIaLExtra care and consideration is always put into creating POS mate-rial that will support your sales and the customer’s brand awareness of REDGREEN. From hang tags to in-store catalogues, we know that storytelling, look and feel are what make the difference and make customers return to your store the next time they want to update their wardrobe.


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ONLINEUp-to-date customer research shows that people put a lot of thought into what they buy, taking care to inspect and experience an item several times before actually making a decision to purchase. At the same time, customers identify with a brand as much as with an individual style, and they want to be told the brand story alongside their purchase. This is why we see a web shop as a must in order to strengthen the brand and its visibility.

Customers may prefer to visit a physical shop to make the actual purchase, but through our web shop they are given the chance to explore the collection in their own home, whenever they feel like it. This is why we know that our online shop is a great way of supporting the stores, allowing customers to experience the collection and consider their options before making a decision.

With a wide selection from the REDGREEN collections for both men and women and our brand extension products, the online shop becomes our most important lifestyle ambassador within 2014.


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PR STRATEGYAND ADVERTISINGWe believe, that advertising is an indispensable part of the marketing strategy of any of our brand extension products. A proper advertisement has a great impact on our common interest in a great sale of the product, and that is why we always put some resources in making effective advertisements together with our licensing partners.


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FUTURe pLaNspeRspeCTIvesWe always strive to extend REDGREEN to new product lines whenever it adds value and awareness to our brand.

As part of our strategy of creating a full REDGREEN lifestyle universe within the coming years, futurewise we have the below mentioned spin-offs in the pipeline:

• REDGREEN Kids 2015• REDGREEN Fragrance 2016• REDGREEN Accessories 2016

A living brand is in constant motion and in constant development, and this book reflects the brand extensions as they are today.

We are always looking forward and strive to continually improve and strengthen the REDGREEN brand, and we look forward to continuing the journey with you.


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iN fashioN, we caN Talk all we waNT abouT hisToRy aND TRaDiTioN, buT NeiTheR will maTTeR if each sTyle, each GaRmeNT, Does NoT look aND feel RelevaNT aND uNmissable To us. aT ReDGReeN we kNow This, aND we kNow ThaT DesiGNiNG fRom The heaRT aND The haRbouR is ouR compass, GuiDiNG us iNTo The fuTuRe wiThouT eveR foRGeTTiNG how we GoT TheRe.



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