Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting...

Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus Address: Reddish Vale Nursery School Reddish Vale Road Reddish Stockport SK5 7EU Tel: 0161 480 6713 Website: Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting...

Page 1: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

Reddish Vale Nursery School


Address: Reddish Vale Nursery School

Reddish Vale Road




Tel: 0161 480 6713


Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

In-Service Training Days and Closures

Autumn Term 2018

Monday 3rd

September 2018 In-Service Day

Tuesday 4th

September 2018 Nursery closed for Home Visits

Wednesday 5th

September 2018 Nursery closed for Home Visits

Thursday 6th

September 2018 Nursery closed for Home Visits

Friday 7th

September 2018 Nursery closed for Home Visits

Week commencing Monday 10th

September returners back at Nursery.

Friday 19th

October 2018 Nursery Closes for Half Term

Monday 29th

October 2018 In-Service Day

Tuesday 30th

October 2018 Nursery Re-Opens

Wednesday 19th

December 2018 Nursery closes for Christmas

Spring Term 2019

Thursday 3rd

January 2019 Nursery closed for Home Visits

Friday 4th

January 2019 Nursery closed for Home Visits

Monday 7th

January 2019 Nursery Re-Opens

Thursday 14th

February 2019 Nursery closes for Half Term

Friday 15th

February 2019 In-Service Day

Monday 25th

February 2019 Nursery Re-Opens

Friday 5th

April 2019 Nursery Closes for Easter

Summer Term 2019

Tuesday 23rd

April 2019 Nursery closed for Home Visits

Wednesday 24th

April 2019 Nursery Re-Opens

Monday 6th

May 2019 Early May day Bank Holiday

Friday 24th

May 2019 Nursery Closes for Half Term

Monday 10th

June 2019 Nursery Re-Opens

Friday 26th

July 2019 Nursery Closes for Summer (In-service days Mon 29th

/Tues 30th


Page 3: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

Reddish Vale Nursery School Staff List 2018-2019

Name Post

Sue Barber Cleaner

Kelly Cottier Teaching Assistant

Jean Cowlard

Rose Wood

Mid-Day Assistant/Teaching Assistant

(2 Year olds)

Mid-Day Assistant/Teaching Assistant

Karen Temple-Heald

Debra Legg

Claire Aldridge

Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant (2 year olds)

Teaching Assistant

Janette Fallows Higher Level Teaching Assistant (2 year


Karen Fletcher Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Pasquale Foy Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Pat Gill Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Maureen Kidd Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Bernadette McMonagle Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Lindsey Robinson

Donna Noble

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

John Lively Caretaker

Rachel Tague Nursery Development Worker

Hayley Bannister Nursery Nurse

David Lobodzinski Deputy Headteacher

Joanne Zborowski Nursery Teacher

Elaine Griffiths School Business Manager

Katie Bennett Head Teacher

Page 4: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School

Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be

helpful to give you an idea of what life in the Nursery will be like for your child.

It contains answers to the questions most frequently asked by parents and will

give you an idea of the Nursery’s philosophy and organisation. If there are any

points which you feel are not adequately covered or you have any worries or

concerns please do not hesitate to discuss these with a member of staff.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child and making his/her

time in the Nursery school a happy and stimulating experience.

Our Nursery

Reddish Vale Nursery School offers access to 15 hours free early education and

child care places for two year old and nursery-aged children.

Our aim is to provide a high quality service supporting families and young

children, offering a flexible approach in a stimulating, caring and secure

environment, enabling children to develop to their full potential.

Any child (aged 2-4 years) living within the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport

is entitled to apply for one of our nursery places.

Places for 3-4 year olds are allocated in accordance with Stockport Local

Authority Admissions Policy. You can apply on line via this link

If you need any support with your online application you can contact the

support team by email [email protected] or telephone

0161 217 6028. Places for 2 year olds are allocated through the Nursery.

Children are eligible for a free nursery place in the term after their second or

third birthday. For example:

Children born September to December- January intake (spring term)

Children born January to March – April intake (summer term)

Children born April to August- September intake (autumn intake)

Page 5: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

Nursery Provision

For many children, this will be the first time that they have been separated

from their home environment. We hope that the information in this

prospectus will help to reassure you that the care and development of your

child are of paramount importance to us.

For those children who have been or are still with other childcare providers

please let us know how you would like us to communicate with those other


We aim to provide a well-planned and resourced curriculum which will enable

children to make progress, in an environment in which children feel safe,

secure, cared for and valued.

We look forward to developing a partnership with you in these valuable

nursery years and we actively encourage parent participation in a variety of

activities within the Nursery.

Starting at Nursery

We hope that both you and your child are looking forward to coming to our


We believe that the process of transition to Nursery begins before your child

actually starts. In the weeks leading up to starting Nursery you can prepare

your child by encouraging them to be more independent. This means going to

the toilet on their own if they are ready and being able to put on and take off

coats and shoes.

Involving your child in daily routines such as picking up their toys and clearing

his/her plate away.

Supporting your child’s listening and concentration skills by, for example

reading a book together, playing a game and whilst out walking stop and listen

to the noises around you.

These are all excellent preparation activities to help settle your child in to

nursery life.

Page 6: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

Due to the high numbers of children starting at Nursery we generally stagger

the actual starting dates.

The first few days of the term are set aside for home visits. Your child’s key

worker will contact you with an appointment to meet you and your child at

home and discuss with you about things such as your child’s background i.e.

medical history, likes, dislikes and fears etc. this process which we call baseline

profiling is intended to help us settle your child into the Nursery as quickly and

happily as possible. The more information you can give us about your child the


Settling in

We trust that you are confident that you have made the right choice of nursery

placement. Try to pass on this confidence to your child by being relaxed and at

ease. Some children settle in quite easily, but others may be shy and

apprehensive, some children may cry when you leave them but please be

reassured these are all normal and natural reactions. There are many activities

at Nursery, and most children are quickly exploring while you are hardly out of

the gate.

Page 7: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

Organisation of the School Day for 2 year olds

Monday to Friday - Mornings


8.30-8.45 Children arrive at nursery/registration

8.45-9.45 Free play 9.45-10.00 Group time and snack

10.00-11.15 Free play 11.15-11.30 Story time then children collected from nursery

Monday to Friday - Afternoons


12.30-12.45 Children arrive at nursery/registration 12.45-1.45 Free play

1.45-2.00 Group time and snack

2.00-3.15 Free play 3.15-3.30 Story time then children collected from nursery

Organisation of the School Day for 3 and 4 year olds

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday


8.45-9.00 Children arrive at nursery/registration 9.00-10.00 Free play

10.00-10.30 Group time and snack

10.30-11.40 Free play 11.40-12.30 Lunch time

12.30-2.25 Free play 2.25-2.50 Story time

2.50-3.00 Children collected from nursery

Wednesday morning

TIME ACTIVITY 8.45-9.00 Children arrive at nursery/registration

9.00-10.40 Free play

10.40-11.05 Group time and snack 11.05-11.15 Children collected from nursery

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Wednesday afternoon


12.30-12.45 Children arrive at nursery/registration 12.45-2.25 Free play

2.25-2.50 Group time and snack

2.50-3.00 Children collected from nursery The attendance pattern for children who have been allocated “Beginning of Week” places is

as follows;

Monday and Tuesday 8.45 – 2.50/3.00

Wednesday morning 8.45 – 11.15

The attendance pattern for children who have been allocated “End of Week” places is as


Wednesday afternoon 12.30 – 2.50/3.00

Thursday and Friday 8.45 -2.50/3.00

The attendance pattern for children entitled to 30 hour provision is as follows;

Monday to Friday 8.45 – 2.50/3.00

The Curriculum

The Nursery curriculum is developed from the statutory Early Years Foundation

Stage (EYFS). The EYFS is the curriculum that children will continue with until

the end of reception year at school.

There are seven “Areas of Learning” in the EYFS; these are made up of three

“Prime Areas” and Four “Specific Areas”. Prime Areas are fundamental, work

together, and move through to support development in all other areas. These

are “Personal, Social and Emotional Development”, “Communication and

Language” and “Physical Development”.

Specific Areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate

successfully in society. These are “Mathematics”, “Understanding the World”,

“Expressive Arts and Design” and “Literacy”.

Opportunities offered to children are planned in such a way as to cover all

areas of the curriculum and are not divided into subjects. Staff make

Page 9: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

observations of the children at play and access each child’s progress

individually. In this way they can plan activities that will excite and enthuse

children to help them progress. The EYFS recommends that adults OBSERVE

children, ASSESS what they see and PLAN activities that help children develop

their full potential.

The Nursery staff use the guidance to develop planning. Your child’s interests

are the starting point for planning any activities or learning opportunities. In

this way we support children to learn in a way that is fun and exciting for them.

This “child-initiated” learning ensures that all children have opportunity to

explore their own interests and make good progression during their time at


We aim to help children to develop their skills, concepts, attitudes and

knowledge in a way that are most effective for children of nursery age, through

play, talk, being active and having fun. We provide a caring environment that

will compliment a child’s life both at home and in the community and

encourage children to progress to the best of their abilities.

When asked what they have done at Nursery, children will probably answer

with “just played”. We want to assure you that this is just not the case;

children learn best through repeating activities and exploring things that they

like doing. In this way they can begin to make sense of the world around them,

therefore the Nursery environment is set out in such a way that children can

revisit play that they enjoy and practice skills that they have learnt time and

time again.

Emphasis is placed on first-hand experiences in all areas of the curriculum. The

process of children’s learning is observed, not just the end product and all

children’s efforts are valued and praised.


Play helps children to learn intellectually. Play that is well planned and

enjoyable gives children the opportunity to be creative, to explore and

investigate materials, to experiment and reason out problems. Play is fun,

having fun is a great motivation to learn.

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We believe that both indoor and outdoor areas of our provision have equal

importance with children being able to access both for most of the Nursery


The various activities which the Nursery provides and which are explored

through the medium of play include:

Physical Play

This will help your child develop control and co-ordination over their body

skills. In this way, they will build up confidence and hopefully a spirit of

adventure by manipulating large toys, boxes, planks etc. Activities based on

play with sand, water, clay, dough, woodwork, bricks and construction toys

help to develop hand/eye co-ordination and manual dexterity. These skills will

be needed when your child starts to learn to write.

Investigative Play

Scientific skills are fostered by encouraging the children to explore and

experiment. By looking, listening, smelling, tasting and touching objects from

their own environment, they will begin to acquire skills and knowledge of how

things work etc. The provision of structured materials and interaction with

sympathetic adult who offers guidance and poses questions will help the child

to question “HOW?” “WHY?” “IF?” and “WHEN?”

Creative and Imaginative Play

We use art, craft, music and role play to help develop the child’s imagination.

We invite the children to join in rhymes and songs and also to experiment with

different materials, textures and colours to communicate ideas, feelings and


As well as having a home corner, we set up from time to time, a structured

play area which mirrors a real life situation, for example a café, an opticians or

a hospital.

Play in areas such as these helps children to communicate with others, to

negotiate, take turns and express themselves imaginatively.

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Language and Literacy

Children are encouraged to communicate with others by developing speaking,

listening, reading and writing skills. Children are encouraged to listen to stories

and rhymes and talk about everyday happenings.

They are encouraged to handle books confidently and appropriately. The

Nursery provides a rich print-environment for children who are encouraged to

the early stages of writing and reading through appropriate activities.

Maths and Problem Solving

Children will match, sort and classify objects, observing similarities and

differences according to shape, size and colour. They will be gaining skills and

forming concepts (important skills which they need for reading and number


In addition, they will experience weighing and measuring activities and be

developing estimation skills.

Social Skills

Children are encouraged to make warm, stable relationships with other

children and adults. By showing kindness and care, learning to take turns and

sharing toys, they will develop the ability to work co-operatively and also

acquire a good sense of self-awareness and self-confidence.

We aim to help children to realise that they are part of a family group, a local

community and also a wider multi-cultural society.

Information Communication Technology (I.C.T)

The children have opportunity to play with and use a range of I.C.T equipment

e.g. children have access to computers and programmable toys. I.T is used

across all areas of learning to support children’s development.

Recording your Child’s Progress

Clearly, you will want to know how your child is getting on and the staff are

always willing to help answer individual questions.

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We keep a record of each child’s progress, covering the areas of the Early Years

Foundation Stage Curriculum. You will be invited in to meet with your child’s

keyworker at regular parent consultation meetings. This is an opportunity to

discuss your child’s progress and view your child’s learning journey file.

Please ask at any time if you would like to meet with us and discuss any aspect

of your child’s progress and development.

Safeguarding Children


At Reddish Vale Nursery School we are committed to safeguarding and

promoting the welfare of all children, in line with the duty placed on us by

section 175 of the Education Act 2002

We strongly believe that all children have the right to feel safe and to be

protected from physical, sexual or emotional abuse and neglect.

The Scope of our Commitment

At our Nursery School safeguarding encompasses child protection, safer

recruitment, managing allegations against members of staff as well as our

approach to the Team Around the Child (TAC) process. It is also supported by

our approach to behaviour management, our response to managing bullying

and racist incidents, our response to care and control, our response to children

who are absent from Nursery, our response to the use of technology in

Nursery, our management of children with medical needs, our first aid

arrangements, our management of educational visits and our health and safety

procedures, including site security.

Throughout our work we have a clear commitment to supporting families. We

aim to work well in partnership with parents/carers and other appropriate

agencies to promote the welfare of our children.

Please ask if you would like a copy of our Safeguarding Children Policy.

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Working Together

Special Educational Needs and Disability

All children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum matched to their

needs, abilities and aptitudes.

If your child has additional or special needs or is disabled we will work together

with you and other relevant agencies in order to meet your child’s needs.

A child has a learning difficulty if she/he:

“Has significantly greater learning difficulties in learning than the majority of

other children his/her own age”

“Has a disability which either prevents or hinders him/her from making use of

educational facilities”

In order to provide the best support we can for your child it is important that

you let us know all about your child.

More detail about our approach to disability, special educational needs,

inclusion and access can be found in our polices and on the Nursery website.

Medical Needs

If your child has any medical need it is important that you keep us informed

how we can support your child within the Nursery environment and update

information as required. This may require the completion of an Individual

Health Care Plan (I.H.P)

It is your responsibility to provide up- to- date and relevant information

about your child’s needs.

Please note that, except if part of a Health Care Plan, we cannot administer

medicines to children.

For the safety of other children and families, it is vitally important that you

inform us if your child has an infectious illness.

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Parents as Partners

We aim to build on the experiences that you as parents provide for your

children. “News from Home” observation sheets are a way that we share

information between home and nursery about your child’s interests and any

learning and development that happens at home that they may not

demonstrate in Nursery.

When children start in Nursery we ask you to fill in a form all about your child,

what are their likes and dislikes and who or what is important to them. This is

called a baseline assessment and the more information you can include on this

form the better as it helps the staff get to know your child quicker and help to

settle them into Nursery with ease.

Working together we can help children to form a firm foundation and a

positive attitude for school and later life.

Attendance and Punctuality

Please make sure that you bring and collect your child at the correct time.

Being late can upset your child and cause them to miss out on valuable time

with their key worker and family group.

It is important you let us know if anyone other than your self will be collecting

your child. Please leave a message with the school office with the name of the

person who is collecting your child (Telephone number 0161 480 6713). We

will not let your child go with anyone else without this information.

Regular attendance at Nursery has been shown to have a significant impact on

children’s achievement. Attendance at nursery establishes good habits from an

early age and contributes to the development of a positive approach to school

and education.

If your child is unable to attend their usual session at the Nursery, please

contact us as soon as possible to let us know the reason for the absence and

the expected length of absence. In cases of illness/infectious disease we follow

guidelines on the required length of absence from the Nursery.

Page 15: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

General Information

A Healthy Approach to Food and Drink

Please do not bring additional food/drink/sweets into Nursery. Water is

available during the day for the children and a drink of milk/water and a piece

of fruit is available for a snack in group time.

When it is your child’s birthday we celebrate this occasion with your child’s

family group, so please do not bring in any food, sweets etc. to nursery other

than when it is part of your child’s packed lunch.

Lunch Time

The children eat their packed lunches with their key group; lunch times are a

relaxed and sociable event, where the children are encouraged to be

independent with their food and drink with support from the lunch time staff.

Please remember we have no refrigeration for lunch boxes so please bear this

in mind when you decide what to put into your child’s packed lunch. Other

ways to keep food cool could include frozen drinks; freeze blocks etc. and

these would be thawed out by the time your child is ready to eat.

If your child has any allergies please inform us.

Voluntary School Fund

Under the Education Reform Act we are not permitted to make a direct charge

on parents for extra-curricular provision.

We are therefore very grateful for your support and generosity as this fund

contributes towards a range of activities and resources, a small gift for each

child on their birthday etc. There is a collection tin in your child’s registration

area, in which the children can make their donations (a suggested amount of

£1.00 per week).

Nursery Closures

The Nursery follows a traditional school holiday pattern.

Holiday details can be found on the nursery website


Page 16: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

Transferring to Primary School

Children transfer to school in the September after their Fourth birthday (2 year

old children transfer to Nursery the term after their third birthday).

We are committed to ensuring that all of the transitions children encounter

should be as happy as possible. We work closely with all the schools our

children move to for their reception classes. Through the year the staff visit us

to get to know the children and share ideas about the curriculum. We also visit

them to support the transition process.

Please let us know as soon as possible which school your child will attend when

they leave us, and we can ensure staff are fully informed about their

achievements and interests.

You will need to apply for your child’s Reception place by January in the year

which they will start by completing an application form. If you need any further

help or advice please ask at nursery reception.

Shared Reading Scheme

Parents and children are able to use this facility every morning and afternoon,

the Shared Reading book boxes will be situated in the corridor.

There is a box with your child’s key worker name clearly visible on the front.

Find your child’s card; fill in the title of the book, the date you took the book

out and the date you return the book. Every child will receive a shared reading

folder to keep the books in.

You can change the book as many times as you wish.


We realise that it sometimes helps children to settle if they bring a favourite

toy from home, we would ask you to discourage this practice as soon as you

can. Toys can get lost or broken and this can be very upsetting for your child.

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Our experienced nursery team hold relevant child care and early education


In addition to the permanent staff team we regularly have students on

placement at the nursery and visiting staff from other organisations.


Many of the activities in the Nursery involve potentially messy materials such

as glue, paint, sand and mud. Some protective clothing is provided but

accidents do happen. Please bear this in mind when choosing what to send

your child to Nursery dressed in. A Nursery uniform is available and this is

optional. If you would like your child to wear the Nursery polo shirts/cardigans

and sweatshirts, forms are available in the Nursery entrance area.

It is essential that all clothing is marked with your child’s name especially any

uniform, coats, shoes and hats and gloves as the wrong clothing can easily be

picked up by mistake.

We encourage the children to play out in all weathers so it is important that

they wear sensible footwear to climb, jump etc. and join in with all the Nursery


We have a selection of wellington boots, waterproof coats and trousers for

wet weather and sun hats with neck cover for hot, sunny weather.

If your child arrives at Nursery wearing wellington boots, we ask that you send

in a pair of labelled shoes for them to change into after outside play. This is for

your child’s comfort and to keep the Nursery environment clean.

It can also help with your child’s independence if you dress them in clothes

that they can easily manage.


Please note for safety reasons we do not permit the wearing of jewellery.

The only exception to this is for the wearing of stud-earrings if a child has had

their ears pierced.

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Sun Safety

Please make sure you apply sun protection cream on your child prior to their


If your child stays all day and you would like us to apply sunblock you will be

asked to sign a consent form allowing the lunch time staff to apply sunblock to

your child.

Family Support

We recognise that individual family circumstances and outside influences can

make family life very stressful. We recognise and acknowledge this and hope

that by treating everybody as individuals with their own needs, we can help

families through these difficult times.

We work with a range of other agencies and organisations e.g. Stockport

Parenting Team and Health Practitioners. Please ask if you require any

information and advice about support services that may be available.

Please ensure that you keep us informed of any changes of address, telephone

number, medical or other personal circumstances.

Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras

In order to promote the safety of all our children at Nursery we ask that you do

not use mobile phones, cameras or any other recording devices whilst you are

in the building.

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Reddish Vale Road and Abingdon Road are extremely busy with traffic at the

times you may be dropping off or picking up your child. If you travel to Nursery

by car please help us to ensure safety when parking and give consideration to

the local residents. Walking/cycling to the Nursery provides a healthier option.

Please park responsibly by:

Adhering to the parking restrictions on Reddish Vale Road

Showing consideration to local residents e.g. not blocking driveways

Keeping footpaths clear of obstruction by vehicles

Nursery Car Park

Please note that the off-road parking area is for staff only.

Please keep the Nursery gates and approach to them clear.

Do not park or stop on the zig- zag lines.

If you are a blue badge holder and need to make specific arrangements for

dropping off and picking up please let us know.


Our Governing Board works hard to ensure that children receive the best

possible education and care. The Governing Board also helps with the planning

for the future. The Governing Board consists of the Head Teacher and

representatives from the staff team, parents, the community and local


The Governing Board meets each term to discuss the curriculum, the budget

and health and safety matters.

Further information about the membership, role and remit of the Governing

Board and how to contact the Chair of Governors can be found in the Nursery

reception area.

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Parent Representative

Your views are vitally important in helping to shape and develop services.

The Nursery has a Governing Board at which parent representatives are able to

put forward the views of the parents. The normal term of office is four years.

Parents of children attending the Nursery are eligible to stand for election to

the Governing Board and to vote in these elections.

Open Government

The Nursery has a policy of Open Government. Details of this policy and other

policies and procedures can be made available for you. Please ask for further



Should you have any concerns or complaints about services delivered at the

Nursery you are advised that there is an official complaints procedure. In the

first instance complaints should be addressed to the Head Teacher. Depending

on the nature of the complaint you will be advised of the appropriate channels

for further action. If the complaint is not fully resolved or is about the Head

Teacher personally then the complaint can be put into writing and forwarded

to the Chair of Governors who will fully investigate the complaint.

Further details are available in our complaints policy and procedure.

We hope this prospectus has answered any questions or queries you may have

had about the Nursery. Please do not hesitate to ask for any further


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Nature School

Information for Parents

‘The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only

by the sky’

Margaret McMillan, 1919

Typical Activities

Exploring weather and seasons

Creating art using natural


Exploring our environment

Investigating and exploring


Page 22: Reddish Vale Nursery School Prospectus€¦ · Welcome to Reddish Vale Nursery School Starting nursery is a very exciting time and we hope this prospectus will be helpful to give

You might have heard your child talking about going Nature School. Well it’s true. This leaflet aims to give you an understanding of what Nature School is and how we run it at Reddish Vale Nursery School. What is Nature School? A Nature School is a woodland environment which is used to develop children’s confidence, self-esteem and independence by encouraging, inspiring, engaging and motivating them through exploring and experiencing the natural world.

History of Forest Schools on which our Nature School is based. The Forest School concept originated in Denmark in the 1980s. It was found that young children who had attended Forest Schools were arriving at school with excellent social and team working skills, they had high self- esteem and were confident. Forest Schools arrived in the UK in the 1990s and as a result across the country opportunities are being developed for children to access outdoor settings to take part in Forest School activities with trained Forest School Practitioners. Our Nature School

Our Nature School site is located in our Nursery garden. Through weekly Nature School activities, we aim to provide the children at Reddish Vale Nursery with opportunities to:

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Develop independence

Develop self-confidence and self- esteem

Develop relationships with others

Understand the needs of others

To co operate and work with peers and adults

To take risks within the boundaries of safety

Experience the changing seasons and all weathers

What happens during our Nature School sessions? Each week groups will take part in a Nature School activity. A typical session will take on the following structure: Greeting: Put on appropriate clothing. Carry out a risk assessment together and make our way to the Nature School area, stopping to promote looking and listening skills. Walk around the path to the seated area and discuss what is on offer. Activity: Adult directed game and practical experiences: Child initiated play and experiences Evaluation: Discuss our Nature School experiences.

Drink : Water or Hot Chocolate

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Reddish Vale Nursery School



Reddish Vale Nursery School is committed to ensuring that we’re transparent about

the ways in which we use your personal information and that we have the right

controls in place to ensure it is used responsibly and is kept safe from inappropriate

access, theft or misuse.

This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and tells you

about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

Personal Information;

Personal information can be anything that identifies and relates to a living person.

This can include information that when linked with other information, allows a person

to be uniquely identified. For example;

Names of staff and pupils.

Dates of birth.


National insurance numbers.

School marks.

Medical information.

SEN assessments and data.

Staff development reviews.

The law treats some types of personal information as ‘special’ because the

information requires more protection due to its sensitivity. This information consists


racial or ethnic origin

sexuality and sexual life

religious or philosophical beliefs

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trade union membership

political opinions

genetic and bio-metric data

physical or mental health

criminal convictions and offences


We collect, store and maintain information for a number of different reasons, these


to support pupil learning and the delivery of education

to monitor and report on pupil progress

to provide appropriate pastoral care

to assess the quality of our services

to comply with the law regarding data sharing

to comply with our statutory obligations

Legal basis for processing data and information sharing

In the majority of cases, schools process personal data as the law requires. For all

other processing, schools will collection personal information where:

you, or your legal representative, have given consent

you have entered into a contract with us

it is required by law (such as where this is mandated by statute or under a

court order)

it is necessary for employment related purposes

it is necessary to deliver health or social care services

it is necessary to protect you or others from harm ( an emergency or

civil disaster)

it is necessary to protect public health

it is necessary for exercising or defending legal rights

you have made your information publicly available

it is necessary for archiving, research, or statistical purposes

it is necessary in the substantial public interest for wider societal benefits

and is authorised by law

it is necessary for fraud prevention and the protection of public funds

it is in our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) provided your

interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests

Your personal information may also be shared with other organisations, such as

those who assist us in providing services and those who perform technical

operations such as data storage and hosting on our behalf.

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These practical arrangements and the laws governing the sharing and disclosure of

personal information often differ from one service to another.

For this reason, each of our key service areas provide additional information about

how we collect and use your information. These privacy notices explain:

why we need your information

who else we obtain or receive it from

the legal basis for collection and the choices you have

who we share it with and why

whether decisions which legally affect you are made solely using machine

based technologies

how long we keep your information

how to exercise your rights

The specific privacy notices may be accessed on these websites

Data Transfers beyond EEA

We’ll only send your data outside the European Economic Area (‘EEA’):

with your consent, or

to comply with a lawful and legitimate request, or

if we use service providers or contractors in non EEA countries.

If we do transfer your information beyond the EEA, we will make sure that it is

protected in the same way as if it was being used in the EEA. We will use one of

these safeguards:

Transfer it to a non EU country with privacy laws that give the same protection

as the EU. Learn more on the European Commission Justice website.

Put in place a contract with the recipient that means they must protect it to the

same standards as the EEA. More information is available on the European

Commission Justice website.

Transfer it to organisations that are part of the Privacy Shield. This is a

framework that sets privacy standards for data sent between the US and EU

countries. It makes sure those standards are similar to what is used within the

EEA. You can find out more about the Privacy Shield on the European Commission

Justice website

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If we propose to make a transfer in response to a lawful and legitimate request we

will normally tell you in advance unless there are compelling reasons, such as law

enforcement or, reasons of safety which justify not doing so.

Automated decisions

This is not appropriate for Reddish Vale Nursery as we do not currently make[s]

decisions which legally affect individuals through the use of a computerised system

or programme. All decisions are based on human intervention.

Data Retention/criteria

We'll only keep your personal information for as long as the law specifies. Where the

law doesn't specify this, we'll keep your personal information for the length of time

determined by our business requirements.

Our retention schedule outlines how long we retain certain types of information for

and can be viewed here; Retention schedule (see website)

How we keep your information safe

We’re committed to ensuring your personal information is safe and protected from

accidental loss or alteration, inappropriate access, misuse or theft.

As well as technical, physical and organisational controls, we recognise that a well-

trained, informed and security alert workforce minimises privacy risks from human

error and/or malicious threats.

We require our service providers to implement appropriate industry standard security

measures. We only permit them to process your personal information for specified

purposes in accordance with our contractual instructions.

Rights of individuals

You may exercise the rights listed below in relation to our use of your personal

information. Some rights are absolute and others are not.

To find out more about how these rights apply in particular circumstances, please

refer to our Guide to exercising your Rights (see website)

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To exercise these rights, please contact School Business Manager by emailing

[email protected]

Complaints (ICO)

If you're not satisfied with the way we have answered a request from you or handled

your personal information, you have the right to make a complaint to the Information


This right is not dependant on you raising a complaint with us first but we would

encourage you to contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing

[email protected] so we can consider your concerns as quickly as


Keep updated on changes to our privacy notice

We may update or revise this privacy notice at any time so please refer to the

version published on our website for the most up to date details.