Recruitment and Selection

Chris Jarvis 1 HRM: Recruitment and Selection Recruitment and Selection Acquiring Staff for the Flexible Firm

Transcript of Recruitment and Selection

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Chris Jarvis 1

HRM: Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection Acquiring Staff for the Flexible Firm

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HRM: Recruitment and Selection

Sample Examination Question

A large business wants its HRM recruitment staff to specify the quality of the recruitment service they will deliver to departments and to establish service level agreements for recruitment.

a)How will you specify the quality of recruitment services.b)What issues, procedures and practices will you research?c)What problems will you encounter in specifying recruitment service

quality?d)How can service quality be defined in terms of

functions and activities to be carried out and the potential strategic contribution of recruitment to organisational

success and changing culture?

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Descriptive-Functional View

• standardisation, risk reduction when filling vacancies

• maintaining and delivering a quality service?

• strategic, proactive?

• prescriptive - model best practice

• systematic analysis of requirements: organisational + job levels

• transaction processing system: - advertising, applications and engagement - internal and external markets

• ethics and equal opps policies - large + small firms

• who does it?

• selection methods - reliability, validity and utility (cost effective)

• legal constraints and contracts of employment

• what could go wrong?

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“I'm from recruitment ....... Here’s what I can do for you”

• vacancy

• authorisation to recruit

• job/role analysis and specification

• agree terms and conditions

• sourcing/attracting (target groups) in-house vs. external recruitment,

• design and administrate communications (boundary transactions)

• recommend and use recruitment methods/techniques

• process applications and responses

• organisation the "programme"

• selection: apply the methods (incidental techniques, questionable cohesion?)

• make the decisions and administer the offer

• finalise the contract

• receive/induct

Specifying the Quality of these Services

Specifying the Quality of these Services

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How we recruit and select reflects organisational culture?

Presentation of organisational FACE

orientation to competitive forces

hire and fire versus “we value our staff”

the lean, flexible firm - out-sourcing and sub-contracting

our “core staff” and our core competencies

Normative view?

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Focus on actual recruitment experience/behaviour of personnel specialists

and line managers

Behaviour in front of audiences - on-stage, back stage, off stage

Critical Evaluative How does behaviour compare with textbook normative rhetoric? Are the techniques reliable, valid, cost effective? Is the process objective or prone to subjective bias? Why? Decision-making processes

Psychometric-objective versus Subjective, social action process


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Vacancy Processing

involves intra-organisational bargaining

Job/role and competence analysis observation, interviews, knowledge of roles, skills, imperatives Title, reports to, tenure, compensation package, scope of

responsibilities and duties, authority, priorities, budget, staff team, location, conditions, knowledge, skills, experience, values, performance standards, problems/objectives, results/priorities, ideal candidate profile.

copy writing and internal/external advertising

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Recruitment assumptions

…based on a psychometric-objective model.

define job requirements ascertain personal qualities – traits and competencies match job requirements to person's profile.

Use techniques to Routinise and objectivise the processReduce the risksMaximise predictive power

…based on a psychometric-objective model.

define job requirements ascertain personal qualities – traits and competencies match job requirements to person's profile.

Use techniques to Routinise and objectivise the processReduce the risksMaximise predictive power

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Job description - what use?

how can the manager operate effectively if he/she does not understand & cannot define the jobs of their staff?

shared understanding about what the job is

reliable, factual definition of scope of job and responsibilities??

useful for organisational design and analysis of change?

it helps to minimise conflicts???

reference point for induction, performance assessment & grading

a basis for the job advert & recruitment literature

indicates competencies required - generic + job specific

Dull, boringOver-bureaucraticOut-of-dateWritten by???Contractual?

"Burn the lot of 'em" Robert Townsend, "Up the Organisation""Burn the lot of 'em" Robert Townsend, "Up the Organisation"

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Job analysis products

Job description Title, reporting relationships (up, down, sideways, external) job summary, responsibilities, duties, MbO/R: key result areas, scope

of authority. Position of “organisation chart”. Career/promotion path. working conditions

Competencies specification levels, range of situations, performance indicators, knowledge/wisdom,

experience, skills (psycho-motor, technical, analytical, literary, spoken, numeric, social and emotional), personal orientations and motivators.

Personnel specification (person profile) characteristics of ideal candidate. Essentials - desireables -


Applicant profiles built up from evidence/data from forms, interviews, other tests,


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Job Analysis Orange: Label the Key Result Area segments






Now define the key tasks of KRA 5



• role demands• choices, constraints• ambiguities• possible overload• pressures/conflicts• organisational change

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physique, health and appearance height, build, hearing, eyesight, health, looks, grooming, voice, disability?

attainments education/qualifications (school, HE), job training, experience & learning

conceptual and reasoning ability knowledge-base, perception, intellectual & conceptual capacities, wisdom

special aptitudes physical, verbal (speech/writing), technical, figures, art, music, social?

interests intellectual, cultural, practical, physically active, international, aesthetic

disposition acceptability, relationships, leadership/initiative, motivation and drive,

reliability, stability/adjustment, proactivity, influencing

circumstances age, plans, domestic ties, mobility, domicile, other

Personnel Specification: Rodger's 7 Point Plan


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Core Competencies (example from major software house)

People relationships

Customer relationships management

Communication and persuasiveness

Business and financial judgement

Knowledge sharing/management

Vision, change and accountability

Drive, motivation, planning and organising

Problem-solving and decision-making

People management capabilities

Role specific technical and specialist capabilities

Professional standards and values

We sell our skills and abilities!

We sell our skills and abilities!

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Finding and attracting candidates

Sources internal: word of mouth, internal vacancy notifications, staff newsletters.

Staff analysis. Career planning external: where are the candidates located, in what type of job? Local,

national, overseas. Do they want to move? Schools, colleges, careers centres, job shops, employment fairs.

Agencies recruitment consultants/agencies, head hunters, media: newspapers, journals, radio, WWW/Internet advertising

advertising accounts, writing & designing the copy, targeting the advert, proof reading, publishing deadlines, costs

The emergence of on-line recruitment - suitable for all jobs?

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Nature of vacancy and open access?

Internal known qualities, locals vs. cosmopolitans

fluid internal market and contribution to culture, rewards/expectations

staff database, career support planning - quicker/cheaper, incestuous?

External - time consuming, uncertain, new blood, socialisation inexpensive, limited choice approaches?

staff recommendation, on-spec applications, school-college links etc.

expensive, wider access approaches head-hunters, general/specialist recruitment agencies, local/national press,

professional & trade journals


Come and live/work in our house - forming, fight/flight, norming & performing

Attract Candidates - Internal vs. external sources

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Recruitment Information System

data in/out flows

inquiries, application packs (out/in +CVs), requests for references, security vetting, invitations for interview + joining instructions, offer letters, rejections, contract documentation

sources and sinks

candidates, dept. managers, receptionist, security, referees, clients

data capture/storage? Find/collate, candidates in progress. Printing

volume, handling, copying & distribution, short-listing, briefing.

use of IT - PC networks,word processing, databases, Intranet/Internet,

Data Protection Act, Asylum & Immigration Act

filtering & co-ordination of selection decision-makers?

expenses, agency fees, costing the whole process

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Skeletons in cupboards: References & testimonials

Obligation at law to provide a reference?

Importance/value of references?

Reciprocity, validation and reliability. Security


Consequences for employee (job, mortgage, bank loan).

Legal issues? Where could it go wrong?

defamation (false statement & reputation), deceit (intention that receiver will act on the reference)

negligence - duty of reasonable care in compiling the reference, accuracy (sue for damages/loss)

Organisational policy on giving references?

Right to see what is written about you?

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discrimination in advertising, selection methods (direct or indirect), TU. membership and activities, pregnant women

in employment + failing to offer job

Remedy to EOC or CRE or ET,

GOQs Sex: physiology, decency/privacy, living in, single-sex establishments, personal services, working outside UK (culture)

GOQs Race: dramatic performance, authenticity, restaurants, personal services

Selection - Statutory rights and requirements

• Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

• Sex Discrimination Act 1975

• Race Relations Act 1976, 2000

• Employment Rights Act 1996

• Disability Discrim. Act 1997

• Asylum and Immigration Act

CRE/EOC Codes of Practicefor advertising and selection (RRA and SDA)

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Selection Tests

Application form

Biodata analysis

Interviews one-to-one, panel

formal and informal settings

References/security screening

Ability tests paper-based, practical/trade, social

Aptitude, intelligence and personality

Group methods & assessment centres

Work experience/short term contracts


• reliability• validity• utility• acceptability

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The Psychometric-Objective Model

Characterised by

Eternal optimism

Smoothly administered/programmable

Measured, controlled, predictable, systematic search often using psychometric techniques

Match evidence of competences & stable qualities to job demands

Compare with "social process" approach

Interplay between selection events

Candidate & selector feelings/responses

organisational negotiations and mutual adjustments

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Exchange sufficient & necessary information to decide suitability

Social and ritual aspects. Audition. Group/power vetting

Candidate asserts abilities & presents experience.

Communicate relevant information about job/organisation - objective & subjective

Seduce candidate to become an organisational member

Satisfy candidate - give fair opportunity

Importance of not over-selling

Why an Interview?

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Interview Strategies

Frank and friendly Problem-solving - “imaging yourself in the job...what would you do

if...? Behavioural event - critical experiences - what, why, how, options,

plans, outcomes Simulate stress. Put on the spot? Validity? Spurious appeal? Strengths and weaknesses of

individual interviews sequential interviews panel interviews

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Schedule for the day

candidates, Cooks Tour, guides & interviewers, domestics & catering

receiving applicants

site security, car parks

travel and subsistence arrangements

waiting place

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The GASP Interview


Acquiring Information

Supplying Information


Interviewer Preparation

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Move towards

genuine welcome, positive regard

Calm, neutral, with no interruptions

Put at ease, build and maintain rapport

seating voice, eye contact, warmth and body posture.....NVC

Preparation and “contract of interest and expectation”

Opening conversation

CHANGING GEAR - Moving smoothly into main substance of the interview.

GASP Interview - Greeting

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Listen more - talk less. Ratio % interviewer/interviewee.

Objectivity vs. personal preference, stereotyping & early judgement

Not adversarial. Halo, horns and doppleganger effects

Taking notes (on application form or interview plan)

Question strategy (preparation) Structured conversation open-ended questions, probe and link direct, leading, trick and taboo questions

Emphasise biography and experience, explanation and analysis

Mental agility and hypothetical questions

Let interview flow but control it: - use space/time

Non-verbal signals and skills.

Cover key points (interview plan)

Summarise periodically and conclude

GASP - Acquiring Information

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Recent and significant past jobs/projects contributions, events/phases, initiatives, products, achievements and

decisions. Evaluation of strengths and gaps

Competence embedded in REAL experience knowledge/understanding, analytical skill, written/numeric, specialist

attitudes and values, drives and motivation

Interpersonal relations - the candidate as a person with others

Education, training, learning and development

Personal and domestic topics - relevance/irrelevant

Applicant’s questions about the organisation and job - current + prospects

the terms of employment

GASP - Acquiring Information - the Journey

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GASP - The Good Interviewer

….at times • well-prepared, sharp & in focus, specific & rational• at other times intuitive, picking up nuances and rationalisations• at others stepping back to see the whole interaction, fitting things

together and noting the time left and areas to cover....• Interviewer "genuine regard for the other" helps to relax the

candidate• clear perception

• allows productive silences & easy asking of questions. • counteracts habituated boredom in interviews• intuitive processes as well as the usual thinking, evaluating

ones.• Legge - descriptive behavioural research interest

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cutting it short (horns/halo, premature judgement)

equal opportunity to all candidates

intimation of success/rejection (verbals and non-verbals)?

beware misunderstandings over contractual terms. No promises.

Communicating a decision hints to attractive candidates (in a competitive situation)

intra-organisational bargaining

the decision in writing

subject to references

giving career advice to rejected candidates?

GASP Interview: Supplying Information

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Signal closure - NVC plus statement

requires as much skill as opening the interview

clarify future steps - the remaining interview schedule

verify dates - holidays and availabilities

phone, post

stand up, move, exchange parting courtesies

GASP Interview: Parting

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Anderson and Shackleton, Successful Selection Interviewing, Blackwell, 1993 pp 69

“Utilised properly; depending on its exact purpose, the interview emerges as a valid reliable tool in candidate assessment. Moreover its flexibility to act as a medium for mutual preview or as a final stage forum for negotiation between the parties, renders the interview more useful in selection than narrowly focused definitions of validity and reliability can convey”

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premature decision Tentative, pre-determined views seldom altered at interview accept/reject within 3-4 min. Gather evidence to confirm first

impression Weak candidates make average candidates look good Unstructured interviews vs impression management and

random selection

propositions interview practice does not improve performance training does

dramatic performance may not reflect job. Interviewee actors.

panel interviews - defer to most influential member. Poor correlation of views when choice is confidential

psychometric tests - weak evidence but belief and practice strong.

psychometric-objective model vs. social process?

GASP Interview Issues

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What is it? What form does it take?

How and why does it occur?

Common stereotypes

Positive and negative value?

Problems of signs, signifiers, interpretation.

Body language.

Presentation of self - "Front" - stage and audience

What dangers for fairness and equity?

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Assessment Centre Methods

Group work: Problem-solving in team situations, interpersonal skills, listening, thinking

on feet, influencing and coordinating. Realistic/unrealistic scenarios. Organising/prioritising. Emotional resilience.

Competence of observer-testers

Presentations: verbal/non-verbal skills, use of media, presentation content. Analysis -

differentiation of higher/lower order issues, ability to construct a case. Influencing and argument. Awareness of wider issues and implications.

Work Demo or Simulation - news reader, drivers, brick-layers, chair meetings, computer programming, counselling, typing/shorthand,


Psycho-tests• reliability• validity• utility• acceptability

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Programme (battery) of different tests

Systematic job analysis: performance criteria, skills & behaviours

Select valid, reliable, cost effective exercises

Validate the exercises on a sample of subjects

Train tester-assessors to observe and rate

Feedback to candidates

Evaluate the techniques and process outcomes

Assessment Centre Programmes

External & internal candidates?Psychometric-objective model vs social processExternal & internal candidates?Psychometric-objective model vs social process

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Assessment Centres - identifying promotion potential

Superior assessments?

High degree of validity?

Recognising formal & informal qualities - not all job-related - required for organisational success

Post-assessment centre judgments coloured by knowledge of individual's performance in the assessment centre

Assessment centres define and construct potential > discover it.

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Competitive advantage and core competencies

Skill, capability, competence as "keys" to competitive advantage

Job demands arising from performance oriented organisational change, TQM & IT initiatives

Emphasis on managerial competences for performance

Boyatzis (1982), Bethell-Fox (1992), MCI (1990)

Communication, leadership, group and decision skills, project management, entrepreneurship

Outward-looking, market-focused, team-oriented

Psychometric assessment techniques e.g. tests of cognitive ability to identify potential

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Intelligence and Aptitude Testing

verbal fluency & comprehension

logical & numerical

spatial & mechanical

memoryTests for

clerical, apprentice & general staff selection

health, fitness, mental agility

verbal & numerical problems

IT skills

honesty, neurosis, tolerance, ethics?

GMATGraduate ManagementAdmissions Test

GMATGraduate ManagementAdmissions Test

What employability tests would you use for airline cabin crew?

What is IQ?

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Cattell 16 PF warmth


emotional stability






Personality Tests

suspiciousness imagination shrewdness insecurity radicalism self-sufficiency self-discipline tension

Myers-Briggs (Type Indicator)

Introvert Extrovert

Intuitive Sensing

Feeling Thinking

Perceptive Judging


• Testing industry - sales + training the testers• Administration? interpretation?• Supplementary information for decision-making?• Predictive value?

• Testing industry - sales + training the testers• Administration? interpretation?• Supplementary information for decision-making?• Predictive value?

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The Decision and Follow-up

Job criteria & information on candidates

Reaching a consensus, taking a risk?

Zombie theory of recruitment

Letters of hold rejection the offer (risks and uncertainties)

Contract finalisation & documentation

Commencement & induction plan

Organisational communications & reassurances

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Evaluation of the Recruitment Process

costs/methods/effort involved by stage

DROP-OUT: inquirers applications seen candidates

“quality” of short-list per post

service indicators & client satisfaction/dissatisfaction

in-house process vs. out-sourcing and agencies

quality of Equal Opps provision

job criteria vs. criteria used in action (actor behaviour)

added PR value - image projected

SURVIVAL: number retained after 6 months

recommendations for improvement

Evaluate reliability, validity and utility of methods usedPsychometric-objective model versus social processEvaluate reliability, validity and utility of methods usedPsychometric-objective model versus social process

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Evaluation of Selection Process

candidate feedback on selection methods & experience

observation and incident analysis e.g. re-equal opportunities

selector “self-evaluation”?

relevance, reliability, validity and utility of selection methods/tests

recommendations for improvement