Recruitment and Personal Visits - CCHE

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Transcript of Recruitment and Personal Visits - CCHE

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• As you move to the next home, switch leads so that each participant gets a chance to do one personal visit & to get feedback.

• You will visit four “homes” in this role play – with a new person leading each personal visit.

• HAVE FUN!!!!!

Timing for each personal visit• 10 minutes for personal visit. A bell will ring after 9 minutes & you have 1 min to wrap up.

• The bell will ring again when you must STOP to debrief.

• 3 minute trainer debrief – Bell will ring after 3 min.

• 1 minute to go from 1 personal visit to another 

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Personal Visits Trainer Notes

Stay in character as much as possible, be clear about your character’s issues before beginning and if things come up not provided in the role, improvise.

10 minutes for each role play, 3 min. to debrief.

Debrief instructions – be direct, you only have 3 minutes

• Ask participants to evaluate themselves

• Give specific feedback on what participant did well

• What can be improved & SPECIFIC suggestions how they can improve.

• Did they clearly introduce themselves & the purpose of the visit?

• Did they make a connection? Learn about you, identify your issues?

* If time, invite others to give feedback.

Potential Personal Visit issues:

Issue Suggested improvements

Speak too much Ask open ended questions, ask follow up questions.Listen, allow silences

Didn’t find issue Ask probing questions on issues.e.g. Do you or anyone you know not have health insurance?

Didn’t make personalConnection

Relax, smile, and be friendly. Chit-chat.Tell them a little about yourself too.

Didn’t connect issues with

The organization & campaign

Take opportunities to validate their issue, connect it to the org,

Campaign & what they can do.Didn’t agitate! Validate issue, affirm that others have similar issues, it’s not right!

Didn’t move to commitmentOr action.

Communicate importance & value of their participationAsk DIRECTLY for a specific commitment, participation.

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Home #1Constance Woods

You are a 40-year-old white woman who is a post office worker. You have lived in Seattle your whole life, and you have lived in your house for 15 years. Your husband John, who passed away

unexpectedly two years ago, was Native American and worked on the railroads. You have twochildren – Michael, 10 and Mary, 15. Michael & Mary are both part Native, so you have someunderstanding of racism. You are extremely grateful that you have a decent job with good benefits, but raising two kids alone is tough, and you really rely on the schools to be a safe and healthyenvironment to learn and grow.

You know that your kids need nutritious food to grow, but sometimes it’s hard to make sure theyaren’t eating a bunch of junk. You don’t really know what kind of choices they make at schoolwith the money you give them for lunch. You have been noticing a change in Michael justrecently. He seems to be putting on weight and is moodier than usual. You’re concerned aboutwhat could be causing these changes, and wonder if maybe it could be what he’s eating.

You are somewhat skeptical about whether you can make a difference, but you are very willing to pay dues for $30 if asked for membership. If the organizer gets you angry and worried enoughabout Michael’s situation, you sign up to come to the leadership conference. If the organizer asksyou for other connections that you have or who else you know to join, you yell for Michael to comedownstairs to become a member & to come to the leadership conference too.

Home #2James Johnson

You are a 24-year-old African-American man. You have lived in Seattle for 5 years. You are a part-time student at the local community college, and you are working your way through school as acashier at Wal-Mart. You get paid minimum wage, can barely make ends meet, but are determinedto finish school. Your work at Wal-Mart has made you pretty angry at big corporations and their disregard for people and communities.

You have strong opinions about politics, but don’t have much time to get involved unless you think that there are specific things you can do and that you believe in the values of the organization. Youlike action and doing work, but can’t stand sitting in a lot of meetings. You vote, and while youunderstand why people give up on voting, you think it’s especially important for people of color tohave political power.

If asked to make a commitment to become a member, go to the School Board meeting, etc., youmake a lukewarm commitment, “sounds interesting, we’ll see.” If the organizer re-agitates, asksyou directly for a commitment, you tell them that you just want to know a little more concretelywhat you will be doing. Once they explain a little, even if it’s not detailed, you tell them you justwant to know you’ll do some real work not just be in meetings. You become excited, and make areal commitment.

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Home #3Janet Perez

You are a 37 year old Latina. You just moved to Seattle six months ago from Spokane with your  partner, Carol. You are unemployed and looking for a job. Carol just found a job as a receptionist in

a law firm. She’s not thrilled about the actual work, but the people there are nice and it’s a job. Youhave been a social worker, and have been for the last 10 years. You’re a little burnt out on socialwork, but for economic reasons, may go back to that. Because of your education and work history,you know how critical it is for children to get a good start, and that includes access to nutritionalfood. You also see how much harder it is for kids of color to succeed because they aren’t startingwith the same opportunities as white kids.

You and your partner have been discussing having children recently. Neither one of you is gettingany younger, and you both feel like the window of opportunity is rapidly closing. You are torn between having a baby and adopting, but you both agree that you really would like a child. Youhave been paying more attention to quality of the local schools lately.

If the organizer shares what WashingtonCAN does and makes it sound like you’ll have anopportunity to use your knowledge on the subject, you become interested in getting involved. Youcare about the issues, and are willing to take action, and you have some extra time on your hands because you’re unemployed. The social aspects of becoming involved also interest you. You reallylike people and are good with people. If asked, you’re willing to become a member for $25 now,and if given the option to make a pledge, you’re willing to pledge another $25 in six months. If you’re told about the School Board meeting and how many people will be there, you get veryexcited, register, and even ask if you can help recruit other people to come.

Home #4Irene McNealy

You are a 62-year old grandmother of two children, a three year old and a four year old. You’revery concerned about the community that they are going to grow up in. Things are so different thesedays; the city has gotten so big and kids seem to have a hard time growing up to be successful,contributing adults.

You watch the news and have heard stories about how the schools are struggling to make it with the budget cuts. You don’t approve of kids eating candy and drinking soda all the time, but you also seethat the schools need the funding. You are very torn between wanting your grandkids to get a goodeducation and not wanting them to be unhealthy.

You live on a fixed income, but if asked, and given an option, you are willing to join for $2/monthand are willing to give $5 today. You are skeptical about attending the School Board meeting, it justreally isn’t your thing. If asked, though, you are more than happy to write a letter to the SchoolBoard and the newspaper expressing your opinion on the issue.