Recovery and Expansion



Recovery and Expansion. 1300-1600. Key Ideas. 1450: Europe had recovered from Hundred Years War, Black Death, and divided Church Monarchs took advantage of weak Church Spice trade and desire for metals Spain: powerful economic and military force . Hundred Years War. 1337-1453 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Recovery and Expansion

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Key Ideas 1450: Europe had recovered from

Hundred Years War, Black Death, and divided Church

Monarchs took advantage of weak Church Spice trade and desire for metals Spain: powerful economic and military


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Hundred Years War 1337-1453 England vs. France Push England out of

Calais What were the

effects of the war on Europe

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Joan of Arc: What was her role and what happened to her?

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Effects of War Issues: famine, disease, population

decrease, tax burden, France economically hurt, but unified

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"The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death; but it began both in men and women with certain swellings in the groin or under the armpit. They grew to the size of a small apple or an egg, more or less, and were vulgarly called tumours. In a short space of time these tumours spread from the two parts named all over the body. Soon after this the symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body, sometimes a few large ones, sometimes many little ones. These spots were a certain sign of death, just as the original tumour had been and still remained.

Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer from Florence wrote this description of the plague in an introduction to The Decameron.

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Black Death 1347-1350 1/3 population died Wakened social bonds Church had no answer Shortage of labor help textile industry

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What are some of the examples symbolism in this painting?

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Weakened Papacy 1309-1377:Avignon Papacy under French

influence Great Schism (1378-1417) Attempts to break that influence Called: Conciliar Movement

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Council of Basel Failed to accomplish reformist goals Church must not neglect the needs of the

purist of worldly power Allowed secular governments: Kings in

England and France that would gain some control over the churches in their lands

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Site of the Council of Basel

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Revival of Monarchy 1450 Unified notational monarchies Create national armies Professional armies

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War of the Roses House of York and Lancaster 1455-1485 Power struggle until House of Tudor

defeated Richard III Henry VII: began to curb the power of the


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Monarchs in France Charles VII: professional army Louis XI: silk production

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Germany Holy Roman Empire Decentralized power

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Spain Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile

in 1469 United two kingdom Conquered the Moors Compete control of the Church in their

kingdom Inquisition 1479: forced conversion to

Christianity Spanish Jews exiled Promoted overseas exploration

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Why go overseas?

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Spice markets Ground travel too hard Shorter route Led to Spanish Empire in the new world

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Get into groups: Was the European exploration and expansion in late 15th century and early 16th century, good or bad for World History?