Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask...

Reconstruction Era Reconstruction Era (1863-1877) (1863-1877)

Transcript of Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask...

Page 1: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Reconstruction EraReconstruction Era(1863-1877)(1863-1877)

Page 2: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

President Lincoln’s 10% Plan

* “Loyal Rule”

* Didn’t ask Congress

* Pardon citizens

* 10% vote

* Re-admit states back to Union

Page 3: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

President Lincoln’s Plan

1864: “Lincoln Governments” formed in LA, TN, AR

* “loyal assemblies”

* Weak; dependent onUnion Army for survival

* Military Force

* Minority Rule

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Wade-Davis Bill (1864)Wade-Davis Bill (1864) 50% oath of loyalty

“Iron Clad Oath”

Admit no involvement

Restrictions to electionsof state officials

Must guarantee libertyof freed slaves




W. Davis(R-MD)

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Wade-Davis Bill (1864)Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

“State Suicide” Theory [MA Senator Charles Sumner]

“Conquered Provinces” Position[PA Congressman Thaddeus Stevens]







Page 6: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Lincoln is Dead!

Lincoln is assassinated!

* “Sic Semper Tyrannus!”

* Shot in the back of the head

* Andrew Johnson

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13th Amendment Ratified 12/1865.

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Ended slavery, DID NOT grant citizenship

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Johnson & Reconstruction

Jacksonian Dem.

From TN

White Supremacist

Pro-Union; not Anti-Slave

Page 9: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Johnson becomes President after Lincoln's assassination.

Pres. Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan:

I. The majority of voters in each Southern state must pledge their loyalty to the U.S….

II. …and each state must ratify (approve) the Thirteenth Amendment.

• The Thirteenth Amendment, which banned slavery, was ratified on Dec.6, 1865

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Johnson's Reconstruction PlanOffered amnesty upon simple loyalty oath to all


- Civil War Officers- Former Plantation Owners- Individuals w/ property over $20,000

New State Constitutions

Forbid slavery; secession

Pay back war debt to Feds.

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Slavery is Dead?

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Growing Northern Alarm! Most S. state constitutions do not meet


Johnson granted 13,500 “special pardons”

Plantation owners resume political power

Revival of southern defiance; racism


Page 13: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Black Codes Purpose:

* Guarantee stable labor supply

* Restore pre-emancipationsystem of race relations.

* Assures whites will earn more $$ than blacks

Forced many blacks to become sharecroppers [tenant farmers].

Page 14: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Black Codes - laws that severely limited the rights of freedmen.

African-Americans were forbidden from…


…owning guns.

…serving on juries.

…running for political office.

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Page 16: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Tenancy & Crop Lien SystemTenancy & Crop Lien SystemFurnishing Merchant

Tenant Farmer Landowner

Loan tools and seed up to 60% interest to tenant farmer to plant spring crop.

Farmer also secures food, clothing, andother necessities oncredit from merchant until the harvest.

Merchant holds “lien” {mortgage} on part of tenant’s future crops as repayment of debt.

Plants crop, harvests in autumn.

Turns over up to ½ of crop to land owner as payment of rent.

Tenant gives remainder of crop to merchant inpayment of debt.

Rents land to tenant in exchange for ¼ to ½ of tenant farmer’s future crop.

Page 17: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Congress Breaks with the President

Congress bars S. delegates

Joint Committee

02/1866: Johnson veto Freedmen’s Bureau bill.

03/1866: Johnson vetoed the 1866 Civil Rights Act.

Congress passed both bills over Johnson’s vetoes: 1st time in U. S. history!!!!

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Radical Reconstruction(1866-1877)

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Freedmen’s Bureau (1865)

N. Abolitionists

Help slaves; gain political power


Equal opportunity

Education Reforms

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Freedman’s Bureau SchoolFreedman’s Bureau School

Page 21: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Establishment of Black Colleges

Establishment of Black Colleges

Page 22: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Freedmen’s Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes

“Plenty to eat and nothing

to do.”

Page 23: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

14th Amendment

Ratified in 07/1868.

* Natural-Born Citizens.

* Citizens Rights

* Pay back for war debt

“Punish S.” for ignoring Fed. manadates

Page 24: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Radical Plan for Readmission

Military supervision (Martial Law)

States must:

Ratify 13th, 14th Amendments

Black Suffrage

03/1867: Military to enroll black voters

Page 25: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Reconstruction Acts of 1867 Military Reconstruction Act

* 10 S. states refuse to ratify 14th Amend.

* Divide 10 “unreconstructed states” into 5 military districts.

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Page 27: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Reconstruction Acts of 1867

Command of the Army Act

Tenure of Office Act Designed to protect radical

members of Lincoln’s cabinet.


Edwin StantonEdwin StantonSec. of WarSec. of War

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President Johnson’s Impeachment

Johnson removes Stanton 02/1868.

Johnson puts pro-S. Gens. in charge

House impeaches Feb. 24th by vote of 126-47.

Page 29: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

The Senate Trial

11 week trial.

Johnson acquitted 35 to 19 (one short of required 2/3s vote).

Page 30: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

African-Americans & Govt.

• Free blacks able to vote/participate in govt.

• White hysteria

• Fear of “black oppression”

• Southern states feel need to “re-establish” white rule

Examples:- Poll Taxes - Ku Klux Klan- Black Codes - Lynchings- Literacy Tests - Grandfather Clause

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White Hysteria:

Colored Rulein the


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The Balance of Power in Congress

State White Citizens Freedmen

SC 291,000 411,000

MS 353,000 436,000

LA 357,000 350,000

GA 591,000 465,000

AL 596,000 437,000

VA 719,000 533,000

NC 631,000 331,000

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Black & White Political Participation

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Black Senate & House Delegates

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Blacks in Southern Politics Core voters: black vets.

Some held political office

But, politically unprepared.

The 15th Amendment guaranteedfed. voting.

Page 36: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

15th Amendment Ratified in 1870.

Amendment 15: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”


- Forbid denying the right to vote based on race

Page 37: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

The Failure of Federal Enforcement

Enforcement Acts of 1870 & 1871 [also known as the KKK Act].

“The Lost Cause”

Rise of the “Bourbons”

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The “Invisible Empire of the South”

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Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th


Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th

Amendments The Slaughterhouse Cases (1873)

The court offered a narrow definition of the 14th Amendment.

It distinguished between national and state citizenship.

It gave the states primary authority over citizens’ rights.

Therefore, the courts weakened civil rights enforcement!

Page 40: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th


Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th

Amendments Bradwell vs. Illinois (1873) Myra Bradwell, a female attorney,

had been denied the right to practice law in Illinois.

She argued that in the 14th Amendment, it said that the state had unconstitutionally abridged her “privileges and immunities” as a citizen.

The Supreme Court rejected her claim, alluding to women’s traditional role in the home.

Therefore, she should NOT be practicing law!

Page 41: Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). President Lincoln’s 10% Plan * “Loyal Rule” * Didn’t ask Congress * Pardon citizens * 10% vote * Re-admit states back.

Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th


Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th

Amendments U. S. vs. Reese, et. al. (1876) The Court restricted congressional power to

enforce the KKK Act.

The court ruled that the STATE alone could confer voting rights on individuals.

The 15th Amendment did NOT guarantee a citizen’s right to vote, but just listed certain impermissible grounds to deny suffrage.

Therefore, a path lay open for Southern states to disenfranchise blacks for supposedly non-racial reasons [like lack of education, lack of property, etc.]

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Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th


Legal Challenges to the 14th & 15th

Amendments U. S. vs. Cruickshank (1876) LA white supremacists accused of attacking a

meeting of Blacks & were convicted under the 1870 Enforcement Acts.

The Court held that the 14th Amendment extended the federal power to protect civil rights ONLY in cases involving discrimination by STATES.

Therefore, discrimination by individuals or groups were NOT covered.

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Abandoning Reconstruction Northern support decreases

“Grantism” & political corruption

Panic of 1873 (6-yeardepression); economic issues overwhelm civil rights issues.

Concern over westwardexpansion and Indian wars.

Congress leaves enforcement up to states