Recognizing safety and liveness

Recognizing safety and liveness Presented by Qian Huang


Recognizing safety and liveness. Presented by Qian Huang. Introduction. a safety property means that "bad things" do not happen during execution of a program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Recognizing safety and liveness

Page 1: Recognizing safety and liveness

Recognizing safety and liveness

Presented by Qian Huang

Page 2: Recognizing safety and liveness



a safety property means that "bad things" do not happen during execution of a program

a liveness property means that "good things” will eventually happen

They were supported by practical experience and informal definitions

This paper formalized the safety property and liveness property and their relationship.

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Histories and properties

An execution of program can be represented as an infinite sequence σ of program states

σ = s0, s1, s2, ……

We call this infinite sequence a history A property is a set of infinite sequences of program states.

If σ is in property P, σ⊧P

If every histories of a program satisfy a property P, we can say this program satisfy the property P.


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Specify a property

This paper use Buchi automata to specify properties Buchi automata are more expressive than most

temporal logic specification languages Mechanical procedures can translate linear-time and

branching-time temporal formulas into Buchi automata

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Buchi automata If a Buchi automaton specifies the property L(m) ,

this Buchi automaton m will accept the sequences of program states in L(m)

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Buchi automata transition predicates define transitions between

automaton states based on the next symbol read from the input

If the next symbol read by a Buchi automaton satisfies no transition predicate on any path, the input is rejected. In this case, we say the transition is undefined transition

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Reduced Buchi automata A Buchi automaton is reduced if from every state there is

a path to an accepting state Form an arbitrary Buchi automaton, we can always obtain

its equivalent reduced Buchi automaton

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Buchi automata for property Formally, a Buchi automaton m for a property of a

program π is a five-tuple (S, Q, Q0, Q∞, δ)

S is the set of program states of πQ is the set of automaton states of mQ0 is the set of start states of mQ∞ is the set of accepting states of m δis the transition function of m

For the path from automaton state qi to qj , qj ∈ δ(qi, s)

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Buchi automata for property

For any sequence of program statesσ = s0, s1, s2, ……,

σ[i] = si

σ[..i] =s0

σ[i..] =sisi+1 ...

lσl = the length of σ (ω if σ is infinite) Transition function δ can be extended to handle finite

sequences of program states

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Safety and liveness

The "bad thing” : attempting an undefined transition, because if such a "bad thing" happens while reading an input, the Buchi automaton will not accept that input.

The "good thing" : entering an accepting state infinitely

Describe safety and liveness separately Only consider reduced Buchi automaton

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Recognizing safety

If a "bad thing" happens in an infinite sequence σ, then it must do so after some finite prefix, if for the prefix of σ, there exists an extension to an infinite sequence which will satisfy a safety property P

Formal definition of a safety property P

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Closure of Buchi automaton For a reduced Buchi automaton m, its closure cl(m) is

to make every state into an accepting state

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Closure of Buchi automaton

every state of cl(m) is accepting state cl(m) accepts a safety property, it never rejects an

input rejects only an undefined transition if m and cl(m) accept the same language then m

recognizes a safety property. The closure of m can be used to determine whether

the property specified by m is a safety property

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Theorem 1 A reduced Buchi automaton m specifies a safety

property if and only if L(m) = L(cl(m))

Proof: First, assume m specifies a safety property.

Since cl(m) is obtained from m by making all states accepting, every sequence accepted by m is also accepted by cl(m).

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Theorem 1Proof: Next assume L(m) = L(cl(m))

if we choose β= σ[i+1….]

cl(m) rejects σbecause of undefined transition

is required for m to specify a safety property

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Recognizing liveness

Formal definition of a liveness property P

For every finite sequence, there exists an extension to an infinite sequence which will satisfy a liveness property P

if m specifies a liveness property, cl(m) must accept every input. A liveness property never proscribes a "bad thing”

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Theorem 2 A reduced Buchi automaton m specifies a

liveness property if and only if L(cl(m))= Sω

Proof: First, assume m specifies a liveness property

cl(m) accept every input. Each of the states of cl(m) is accepting, thus cl(m) accepts α

Which is equivalent to L(cl(m))= Sω

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Theorem 2 Proof: Next, assume L(cl(m))= Sω

cl(m) acceptsα, Since cl(m) has the same transition function as m, m accept α, m accept α[….i]

Supposeα[….i] leaves m in automation state qi. Since m is reduced, there exists a path from qi to some accepting state qj, from qj to some accepting state qk, etc.

Let β0 takes m from qi to qj, β1 takes m from qj to qk….

so L(m) is a liveness property

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Partitioning into safety and liveness

Every property specified by a Buchi automaton is equivalent to the conjunction of a safety property and a liveness property, each of which can be specified by a Buchi automaton. Theorem 3. Safe (m) specifies a safety property.

Theorem 4. Live(m) specifies a liveness property.

For Safe(m), we use cl(m)For Live(m) , we use

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Partitioning into safety and liveness The property specified by m is the intersection of those specified by Safe(m) and Live(m).

Theorem 5. Given a reduced Buchi automaton m,

Total Correctness is the intersection of Partial Correctness and Termination.

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Give tests to determine whether a property specified by a Buchi automaton is safety or liveness.

show how to extract automata Safe(m) and Live(m) from a Buchi automaton m

The extraction prove that Total Correctness is the conjunction of safety property Partial Correctness and liveness property Termination.