Recalling Baloch History

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    Recalling Baloch historyBy Yaqoob Khan Bangash

    Published: June 14, 2011
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    The writer is a historian at Keble C ollege, University of Ox ford

    The recent deplorable killing of Professor Saba Dashtiari is yet another

    episode in Baloch history rooted in the creation and consolidation of

    Pakistan. Much of the current discussion of today, and of the last six

    decades, fails to take into cognisance the history behind the Baloch

    national struggle.

    The Baloch are a very peculiar social organism with their secularity

    and their strong tribal networks and leadership. These factors m eant

    that in the 1940s the Islamic rhetoric of the Muslim League failed to

    make an impact on the Baloch. The only strong political party in the

    area was the Kalat State National Party (KSNP) which was

    nationalist and secular in its outlook and aligned with the Congress.

    The KSNP took its cue from the Khan of Kalat, Ahmed Yar Khan,

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    who, with some historical justification, claimed that Kalat was never

    a part of India. The British never accepted this claim but Jinnah

    unequivocally accepted it and signed an agreement to the effect on

    August 11 , 1947. Satisfied by this agreement, the Khan established two

    houses of parliament in October 1947 to ascertain the will of the

    people concerning the future of the state. While not democratic in

    the modern sense, theDarul Awam (House of Commons) andDarul

    Umara (House of Lords) w ere broadly representative of public

    opinion in the state.

    The debates in these houses were a clear indication of the aspirations

    of the Baloch and Brahui people. Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, the leader in

    theDarul Awam, clearly stated: We have a distinct civilisation We

    are Muslims but it is not necessary that by virtue of being Muslims we

    should lose our freedom and merge with others. If the mere fact that

    we are Muslims requires us to join Pakistan, then Afghanistan and

    Iran should also amalgamate with Pakistan. We are ready to have

    friendship with that country on the basis of sovereign equality but by

    no means [are we] ready to merge with Pakistan The Baloch knew

    that under accession their separate identity and unique heritage was

    being threatened; they only w anted alignment w ith Pakistan, not


    Unfortunately, Pakistan rejected the legitimate concerns of the

    Baloch. Pakistan never treated Kalat as a non-Indian state andinsisted on unconditional accession. To attain this objective, the

    Pakistani government used several ploys, including the buying off of

    Kalat state feudatories (Kharan and Las Bela) through lavish privy

    purses, and the elevation of the Gichki sardar of Mekran a Kalat

    district sardar to princely status. The end result of these

    machinations, including a threat of military action, was that the

    Khan acceded to Pakistan in March 27, 1948.


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    As expected, public reaction against the accession was strong and the

    brother of the Khan, Abdul Karim, repudiated the accession and led

    the first of many insurgencies against Pakistan. The rest of Baloch

    history is a litany of broken promises, threats and repression by the

    government. In July 1948, Abdul Karim was induced to return on an

    assurance of amnesty, but the promise was immediately broken. The

    later story of Nauroz Khan is now a legend in Balochistan. Since then in 1958, 1977 and now the Baloch have articulated their

    grievances through an armed revolt, since the government refuses to

    listen to their concerns.

    It is high time that successive governments stop treating the Baloch

    insurgency as a law and order problem and assess it in its historical

    context. The government needs to come to the negotiating table with

    respect for the distinctiveness and autonomy of the Baloch, a clear

    remorse for the repression of yester years, and bring to an end the

    divide and rule game in the province. The solution to the Baloch issue

    will not be easy, but it needs to be tackled now or else even going back

    to the drawing board might not convince the Baloch to stay in


    Published in The Express Tribune, June 15th, 2011.

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    Very good piece of wri tin g. Well done Sehr ish .

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    Jun 14, 2011 - 11:39PM



    Its a poor reflection on our nations establishment and the na rra tiv e they hav e

    peddled, th at t he history of those areas where depriv ation and disgruntlement

    is rife is nev er shar ed. People find it more conv enient to believe tha t foreign

    forces are behind every anti-Pakistani sentiment without ev en appreciating

    the historica l experiences of these regions. People fail to consider th at w hen

    Pakistan w as created many regions were not happy with that outcome and we

    ar e still liv ing wit h those griev ances. (Que to Pepsi sponsored milli naghm a to

    feel better a bout ourselves)



    Jun 15, 2011 - 12:00AM



    Few people in Pakistan know th at th e accession took place at g unpoint. Meetings

    between Vi cer oy , J inna h a nd Khan of Kala t r esulted in a commun iqu on

    Au gu st 1 1 , 1 94 7 wh ich sta ted th at Gov ernm ent of Pakista n r ecogn izes Kal at as

    an independent sov ereign state in treaty relations with the British

    Gov ernment w ith a status different from th at of Indian states. On August 1 2,

    the Khan of Kalat proclaim ed independence and flag of Kalat wa s hoisted. By

    October 1 947 , Jinnah had a cha nge of heart on the recognition of Kalat a s an

    Independent and a Sov ereign State, a nd wan ted the Khan to sign the same

    form of instrument of accession as other states. Khan was unwilling to abandon

    the nomina lly a chiev ed independent statu s but ready t o concede on Defense,

    Foreign Affairs and Communications.

    Khan summ oned both houses of the legislativ e. Darul Aw am unan imously

    rejected accession to Pakistan. On 3-4 Jan 1948, the session of Darul Umarawa s hel d in Dha dar . The hou se una nimously reject ed any ca ll for ac cession to

    Pakistan ar guin g tha t it would lead to cessation of Baloch Identity .

    On 27 March 19 48, General Akbar Khan inv aded the Khanate of Kalat.

    General A kbar escorted the Khan of Kalat to Kara chi an d forced him to sign on

    the instrument of accession.


    Reader Comments (37)

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    Jun 15, 2011 - 12:51AM



    Nice to see that there are some who ackowledge the true historic background of

    the struggle Baluch people hav e been a part of


    Salah Baloch

    Jun 15, 2011 - 1:37AM



    Why th en stil l the maj orit y of Paki sta ni polit ician s an d in tel lec tu al s refuse to

    admit t hat Balochistan wa s forcefully annexed to Pakistan ???


    Truth Seeker

    Jun 15, 2011 - 3:47AM



    The irony is that foreigners are doing r esearch to expose the dirty laundry of

    Pakistan in its infantile stage. Ev en today m illions of well educated Pakistanis

    are u nawa re of this dark chapter of independent strug gle. When Pakistan

    (rightly ) claims the right of freedom for Kashmiris, why is she treating

    Baluchis in a way that th ey a re asking for the same righ ts as Pakistan is

    seeking for Kashm iris.


    shahida kazi

    Jun 15, 2011 - 9:22AM



    Our schoolchildren are ma de to learn by heart h ow India annexed Juna gadh

    and Hy derabad,and the complicated situation of Kashmir.But they are

    completely silent on the problem of kala t and the other stat es that joined

    pakistan.Our children dont ev en know that Baluchistan was not even a full

    province until 197 0;it was grant ed that status by ya hy a khan;before that it

    wa s ru led by th e feder al gov t. th ey dont ev en kn ow t ha t t he people of nwfp were

    against pakistan.It was only because Badshah Khans party boy cotted the

    referendum that th e area became part of pakistan due to a very small minority

    v ote.


    ghulam mohammed

    Jun 15, 2011 - 10:28AM


    it is fact that over whelming majority of comm on balochs lov e pakistan but

    unfortunatly they h av e never been given right t o demonstrate their love for

    pakistan by their illitrate tr ibal lords who treats balochs as their servan ts and

    never let the law of country to be applied in their areas when ev er any govt has

    dared to challenge these tribal lords in return tribal lords tried to instigate anti

    pakistan sentiments in people that is the r eason th at a lway s baloch tribal lords
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    oppose education in provin ce because it is easy for them to mani pulate

    unedu cated peoples according their w is v ery pathetic th at still baloch

    millit ant s do not let schools to be constru cted in the prov ice and th eir m ain

    targets are teachers an d lecturers.



    Jun 15, 2011 - 10:28AM



    You coul d repla ce Khan of Kala t by Mah ar aj a Har i Sin gh , Ba lu ch by Kashm ir i

    etc the a nd the story would be almost the same between Baluchistan-Pakistan

    and k

    Kashmir-India. The only difference is that popular m ovement in Kashmir was

    led by Sh eikh Abdulla h an d he wa s not opposed to conditional accession to India.

    Howev er just like Jinnah, Nehru broke the promises and imprisoned Sheikh

    Abdul lah i n 1 95 3 an d r esent ment ag ainst India sta rt ed in th e Kash mir v al ley

    after th at. Fina lly leading to the la st two decades of bloodshed and repression.

    The same thing happened with Manipur an d Nagaland. The Pakthuns of NWFP

    led by Khan Abdu l Ghaffar Khan t oo were suppressed. The truth is tha t both the

    unions of India a nd Pakistan were formed undemocratically without a sking

    any of the regions and nationalities about th eir wishes and hence remain v erymuch remnants of colonial states.

    SK, Mum bai, India



    Jun 15, 2011 - 10:35AM



    So i suppose the only lang ua ge the Baloch understa nd is that of the gu n. It

    shoyu ld be sued liberally then. Pakista n will not be broken up again . blood of

    traitors is a small price to pay .


    Khalid Rahim

    Jun 15, 2011 - 11:43AM


    From all this art icle written by a Bangash coming from an area between Kohat

    and Thal in KP and perhaps ma rried to family in Baluchistan hoping to step on

    the political platform in due course. The flour to bake the independent state of

    Baluchistan has already been made

    into dough the question now is wh o will succeed first? the party that wants to

    bake t he c ak e or t he par ty th at wa nt s remould th e doug h i n a m an ner th at th e

    local populat ion and their rebellious leaders would not insist on baking bu t
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    mainting it as rem oulded. I wonder if our present Civilian and Military

    leadership hav e the wisdom to see bey ond the horizon and

    the skills to handle the dough?



    Jun 15, 2011 - 12:22PM



    Wha t a re y ou t ry ing t o conv ey her e, Y aqoob? To split up Pakista n a nd

    segregat e Balochistan ? Definitely , the best way to look forwar d is dialogue. I

    wi ll n ev er prom ote the use of ar ms ag ai nst a c oun tr y s own folks; but

    miscreants and state peace hunters should be dealt strictly .



    Jun 15, 2011 - 12:49PM



    It seems that t he New World Order is going to be implem ented v ery soon,

    disintegra tion of Pakistan an d emergence of new US/India-friendly states and a

    big pun ch on the fac e of Chi na .

    It is high tim e that successive govern ments stop treating the Pakistan-issue

    as a law and order problem and assess it in its New World Order context



    Jun 15, 2011 - 1:07PM



    this very well said that recalling th e Baloch history in curr ent political soico

    economic perspective in order to solv e their gr ievan ces is the only hum anistic

    and democratic approach. towards the ma tter.I agree with v iews of writer.


    Omar Haroon

    Jun 15, 2011 - 1:20PM



    Im g lad such an ar ticle on Balochistan wa s posted. Besides being aw ar e of the

    atrocities being comm itted there by the state, m y knowledge of that province is

    woefu lly inadequ at e. Would real ly apprecia te i t i f suc h i nfor mat iv e art icles on

    the subject were published more frequently.


    H B

    Jun 15, 2011 - 1:57PM


    The art icle is high ly opioniated and lacks objectiv ity and seems to be written in

    the latest trend of writing a gainst the state of pakistan.

    Ya qoob bein g a hi storia n h asn t m ent ioned wh at th e Da ru l Awam (Hou se of
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    Commons) and Dar ul Um ar a (House of Lords) opted for. Pakista n is a perfectly ,

    legal, democratcially found state by th e muslim league winning in all 5

    muslim provinces of Pakistan.

    Wha t Yaqoob cal ls Isla mic r het oric of the Muslim Leag ue of th e 1 94 0s is t he

    baselin e for m usl im s to stay as on e sta te. We h av e all seen i n 1 922 wh en t ha t

    one state is divided on ethnic and sectarian lines, what happens to those smaller

    muslim states. They are easy to gobble up by imperial powers. Muslim

    countr ies hav e alway s existed as one union/state and that is the way to

    survive. While the rest of the world is getting together (e.g., EU, NATO, SCO),we in musl im coun tr ies a re ta lking off break ing u p on et hn ic l ines. How stupid

    is that?

    May I ask Yaqoob how ma ny non-baloch exist in the balochistan a ssembly

    wh ich ha s th e bu dget an d cont rol ov er polici es of infra str uc tu re, policin g a nd

    education. Should this be a strugle of the poor against the rich

    sardars/waderas/chaudries all across pakistan or should it be a baluch stru ggle

    aga inst the federation of Pakistan . The issues in balochistan ar e that of social

    reform and a ju st soceity w hich are t he same issues in Punjab, Sindh and


    May I also ask Yaqoob, wh y is the BLA/BRA m ost activ e when A fghanistan is

    occupied. It wa s soviet/in dian funding w hen it wa s the soviets occupyin g

    Afg ha nista n. Th is ti m e it s th e US/Indi an fun din g keepin g t he insur gen cy al iv e.

    May i also point out the gra ndson of khan of kalaat did an interv iew with

    Mubashir Luqman . Despite having greiv ances with the federal governm ent, he

    wa s honora ble enou gh to confess th at his gr an dfat her ha d a dream in wh ich th e

    prophet m uham mad (PBUH) directed the khan of kalaat to join Pakistan. And

    the story was passed on from his grandfather t o his father and now to him. This

    should be available on youtube. Every one should v iew it, and beleive w hat

    they want.The baluch insur gency is being funded to create:

    a US client state including areas of Iran and Pakistan.

    an energy corridor from th e caspian sea to the arabian sea so that the TAPI

    gaspipline becomes completely in dependent from Pakistan and US can directly

    get these resources and a way from China/Russia.

    a dir ect logistics support route for US/NATO tr oops in the land-locked

    Afg ha nista n for sust ai ning its forces long -ter m.

    Please look at t he bigger pictu re. I am n ot a fan of the GOP and th ink it should
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    change, th e sooner th e better. But th e solution you a re suggesting favours the

    imperia l powers in more way s than one, and it will de-stablisie the region




    Jun 15, 2011 - 2:25PM



    British m essed up whole sub continent.else was m essed by r eligions.Leftover is

    bein g m essed by region al ism .


    Tribune Reader

    Jun 15, 2011 - 2:50PM



    Solution for Balochistan

    Give th e province more au tonomy , as should be extended to all prov inces

    Dev elopmental a ctivities should be conducted in the province, in frastructur e,

    education, health care etc. This includes a direct rail link from Quetta to

    Karachi v ia the Makran Coastal cities.

    Get rid of the thousan ds of troops stationed there, a nd only keep the necessary

    amount needed to maintain law a nd order, th is includes punishing both th ose

    abducting the Baloch y outh, as well as those murdering Punjabi settlercivilians.

    Silence the tr aitors who are spreading Ant i-Pakistan sentiments in the prov ince

    through diplomacy , and by conv incing them how being beneficial it is to them

    bein g pa rt of Paki sta n.

    Also g ov er nm ent of Paki sta n sh ould bu y up as m uch priv at e la nd a s it coul d in

    the province, so the so called claims on resource snatching becomes redundant,

    if the Gov t is mining on state owned land, the sardars cant argu e that t heir

    resources are being taken away .



    Jun 15, 2011 - 3:46PM


    Nation bu ilding is a difficult a nd tedious task. Hence, some tim es force needs to

    be em ploy ed by th e per son w ho is a t t he hot seat at th at moment . Cr it icising i t

    after 60 year s is very easy job.

    Be it the case of Baluchistan, NWFP, Kashmir, Jun agar d and ma ny more

    princly states which wa nted to remain independent would hav e made the

    subcontinent v ery unstable and play ground for foreign powers.
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    Therefore, in m y hum ble opinion it wa s need of the hour t o force the few

    dissenting pr incly state in choosing between India an d Pakistan as per their

    geographical adjoinment.

    those who are criticising it today and tr y ing to project themselves as democrate

    must u nderstand that giv en a chan ce all the provinces of India and Pakistan or

    for th at m atter of any country will choose for independence even t oday . But

    that is not the way nation is built.



    Jun 15, 2011 - 4:07PM



    All th e tr oubl e th at th e hum an kin d faces on th is ea rt h is of his ow n m ak ing.

    Slave mentality is rife among the huma nkind. This mentality allows man s

    rule over m an which is a very unjust system.

    The just system is where ev ery soul comes out to join hands with others to fulfil

    their r esponsibilities in the mana gemen t of their la nds. This system h as been

    prescribed by no other the Lord, Lord Alm ighty .

    It calls upon all souls to come out to join hands to rally round no ma n but t he

    Lord so people can u nite. Unite to organ ise a society of the people, by the people

    for the people and thus conduct their comm on business thr ough the env y ofdemocracy i.e. by consulting all concerned upholding justice at all the tim es.

    It is not only t he People of Balochistan who hav e brought upon them selves,

    slav ery of those orga nised to take people slav es but also the people of other ar eas

    of this par t of Western India which long ago should hav e become Pakistan .

    So the solution to all our problems we face is in our own ha nds and in doing the

    right thin g. The right thing to do is to organ ise ourselves in such a wa y that no

    slave takers ever think of imposing their slav ery upon the hum ankind. The

    wa y is a s la id dow n by th e Lord.

    Do people want to rid th emselves of slavery of slav e takers? They will hav e to

    obey the Lord and orga nise themselv es as laid down by th e Lord?



    Jun 15, 2011 - 6:34PM


    @Tribune Reader: About traitors, I think its Hamid Mir who stated that

    Akbar Bug ti himself t old hi m th at he wa snt a traitor, but just wan ted Baloch

    rights to be respected.

    Diplomacy is al ways the key.

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    Great comment.

    An d y es th e fir st na tion bu ildi ng pr ocess was don e in 1 8t h/1 9th cen tu ry s

    France; obviously m edia was non-existent a t the time, but if it wasnt the case,

    people would hav e talked until today ofgenocide in w est-central France.



    Jun 15, 2011 - 7:01PM



    @Truth Seeker:

    The trut h is Kashmir wa s part of India from the beginning of time. Ju st because

    mu slims conqur ed the tIndia in 1 500 and forcibly conv erted Hindus to Islam

    doesnt mean Kashm ir doesnt belong in India. Really , the intr uders are the

    muslims, the people that created the issue are muslims, the people who killed

    and drove a way the pandits are m uslims, people who are blowing up people are

    muslims, the people that are deny ing the people of Kashmir to live in peace and

    progress are muslims.

    There is nothing r ightly about it. Pakistan m ay implode but Kashmir will be

    part of India forev er.

    Why doesnt Pakista n v ac at e fr om PoK?


    Salah Baloch

    Jun 15, 2011 - 7:47PM



    Div ide n Rule ha s been the only strat egy Pakistan used to contr ol Baloch

    over th e yea rs !! It has never seriously considered Baloch as par t of Pakistan !!

    Now tha t it ha s sensed some sort of unity am ong Baloch , it is doing a ll tha t is in

    its power t o div ide them aga in !!

    How can Baloch be part of a countr y that has occupied their land an d is stealing

    all their resources !!


    liaquat Ali

    Jun 15, 2011 - 7:55PM



    we ar e Ba loch we need r eform s bu t t he gov erna ment fai led t o perptia te u s ,n ice

    wh at ! ar ticle u h v wr it ten ev en w e Kal at is dont k now about Kala t


    Salah Baloch

    Jun 15, 2011 - 7:59PM

    and that g uy talking about buy ing the lands of Baloch , so they wouldnt say

    tha t their resources stolen :) :) :)

    R l[email protected]/
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    really dum b answer bro !!


    Ashutos h

    Jun 15, 2011 - 8:22PM



    Too ma ny skeletons stuffed in the cossets Pakistanis ar e finding it im possible

    to shut th e door


    But there are way s out, like

    misguide by doctoring th e history books Junaid etc are handy

    . blam e it on US, India etc .


    Cheap, beautiful and reliable



    Jun 15, 2011 - 8:29PM


    Ar ent Bra hu is Dr av idia ns? If so. t hei r i m media te c ousin s ar e in Sout h India



    Jun 15, 2011 - 10:40PM




    please realize the truth be a m an n ot to behav e like a pepsi aid budy



    Jun 15, 2011 - 10:45PM



    @ghulam m ohammed:

    its now old story dear. im aga inst isurgency bu t i dont agree with u tooo


    Jun 15, 2011 - 10:47PM




    u r forgetting so many things dear. bil k zuban gu ngain

    man ni.. let my silence preva ils

    mqbol @Ashutosh:

    Jun 15 2011 10:51PM
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    Jun 15, 2011 - 10:51PM



    u are righ t nd mom ur not.. what eva they w ere.. as they r

    now accepting baloch.


    Jun 15, 2011 - 11:04PM



    I dont know how come a historia n as ment ioned below the nam e of this guy can

    wr ite a piece of dissin form tion ar tic le l ike th isKha n of Kalat open ly adm it ted

    to his son that he saw Prophet Muhammad in his dream mentioning to join

    pakistan..I can giv e y ou the link where his gra nd son and todays prince of

    kalat said that on national tv ..there are alm ost 4.5 states in india which

    declared independnece after the partition but each and ev ery one was taken

    over by INDIA from hy derabad dakkn to juna gadh to lakshwadeepwht m r

    historian y ou dont m ention the r eal face of baloch sardars whi h av e

    intentionally kept there people away from education is this th e secularisam

    y ou a re ta lki ng about m ore i mport an t infor mat ion for y ou. .there ar e m ore

    baloch liv ing in pun ja b th en in baloac hista n w hy dont th ey fight for t her e

    rightsso it is very easy t o potray one side on the coin by sitting in london then

    see the reality on ground..


    Tribune Reader

    Jun 16, 2011 - 10:46AM


    @Salah Baloch:

    then why the smiley face :P

    It is actua lly not such a dum b idea, suppose Gov t of Pakistan buy s out lets say a

    quarter of the prov ince and tr ansforms priv ate land int o state owned land,

    then oil, coal, or other m inerals or natur al resources are discov ered in state

    owned land, how is tha t stealing fr om the Baloch people :P

    The gov ernment in Islamabad, has done that in other provinces, they ha v e

    boug ht out 1 000s of a cr es of priv at e la nd, an d conv erted th em into stat e own edland for projects and developmental activities.

    infact if any thin g, a lot of state sponsered employm ent opportun ities would

    come in the wa y of the ethnic Baloch people living in that geographic r egion,

    the min ing indu stry could flour ish, besides think of the idea of other regional

    cities developing due to their proximity to the heart land, leading to further

    prosperity and dev elopmen t. It is all about la nd, money and power, end of the


    and Oh by the way on another note, seriously, w ho is killing the settlers in the

    province why does no one utter a w ord about ethn ic cleansing in the province
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    province, why does no one utter a w ord about ethn ic cleansing in the province,

    or the the broad day light m urder of v isitor academics from other prov inces.

    How do y ou expect the Baloch y outh to get educated, when aca demics are

    mur dered in broad day light, an d considering th e strength an d influence of the

    BSO through out the province, I am pretty certain, they know who is

    mur dering academics in cold blood in broad day light on cam pus.


    Khaliullah Bloach

    Jun 16, 2011 - 2:33PM



    They only w ant the land an d its resources and not the people as they tried to do

    in East Pakistan, its the sam e situation.


    Asma Ali

    Jun 16, 2011 - 6:54PM



    @H B: Pakistans independence was th e result of a combina tion of British India

    policy(1 920s t o 19 40s) and the willingness of Pakistans leaders (who no mass

    following or ability to win election or to form gover nm ent on their own ,i.e.

    British aid)to play the British India gam e of divide and ru le and then div ide

    and quite, .Pakistan got its separated status as gift for supporting the per

    British theory that the brute m ajority of Hindus was not acceptable as the basis

    of government in India; that the Indian Muslim had to be supported. Jinnah

    developed the momentum of his political career by turn ing th is British policy

    to his own adva ntage by conv erted it into an Islamic rhetoric in 19 30s and

    40s. sir Please look the bigger picture.


    Asma Ali

    Jun 16, 2011 - 9:43PMReply Recommend

    it is very good article.that is all


    Syed Ali

    Jun 17, 2011 - 5:20AM



    Baloch and Paktoon nationalists suffer from same bigotry . IN their v iew, a

    bloach or Pa khtu n h as ev ry ri gh t t o sett le w her eev er he wa nt s. Wh eth er it be

    fertile lands of DG khan or transport business in Karachi. However, if a Muhajir

    or Punjabi h as to settle in Balochistan or KP, it becomes big deal.

  • 8/2/2019 Recalling Baloch History


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    Tribune Reader

    Jun 17, 2011 - 10:35AM



    @Syed Ali:

    exactly w hat I have been wanting to say. What about the ethnic or ancesterial

    Baluch people, who hav e been living in Sindh, Punja b and KPK for sev eral

    generations now, other provinces hav e welcomed them and they hav e made a

    life for them, th en why ar e those v iolent nationalists so hell bent on expulsion of

    Punjabi and Mohajir settlers from t heir provinces, I hav e heard nothing but

    deeply disturbing and horrific tales of ethnic cleansing in the province. An y

    part of Pakistan is for a ll Pakistanis, any one can settle any where, a nd no one

    should be killed purely on the basis of their eth nicity . Just becau se Pun jab isseen as an Imperia listic province by the rest of the countr y , this does not mea n

    there should be a hostile and murderous attitude towards Punjabi settlers in the

    rest of the countr y , be it any part of the countr y outside of the Punjab heart






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