Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu

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  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    Chinese Domestic Policies Leading Up to the Escape of theDalai Lama in 1959

    Word Count: 4,187

    Hao (Jeffrey) Hu

    Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    Table of Contents

    Chinese Domestic Policies Leading Up to the Escape of the Dalai Lama in 1959...1

    Table of Contents.............................................................................................................2


    !n"estigation and Anal#sis$............................................................................................%


    'or(s Cited....................................................................................................................22

    Appendi) A$ ...................................................................................................................2*

    Appendi) +$ ...................................................................................................................25


  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu



    Due to the sensitivity of the olitics involved, the Chinese !overn"ents chose to leave the 1#$#

    %i&etan urisin! in o&scurity' %hus, the uestion lin!ers %o What *+tent did Chinese Do"estic

    olicies influence the *scae of the Dalai -a"a in 1#$#. %his investi!ation focuses on the

    eriod &et/een the initial Co""unist occuation of %i&et in 1#4# to the -hasa urisin! and the

    Dalai -a"a0s fli!ht in 1#$#' %he research e+a"ines &oth Chinese olicies in %i&et and in de jure

    China that led to the olitical insta&ility &y 1#$#'

    %he investi!ation selects fro" a ran!e of sources, includin! %i&etan historians, %i&etan accounts,

    Western research and Chinese docu"entations' %his diversity in selection sees to corro&orate

    the evidence /ith one another, esecially since the Chinese accounts tend to have a "ore

    ideolo!ical tone' 2evertheless, the Chinese u&lications revealed the Co""unist arty0s internal

    uheaval, /hich fe/ %i&etan and Western sources covered' %he investi!ation /ill e+lore the

    influence of the Chinese olicies fro" the diverse ersectives of these sources and synthesi3e

    the evidence into a &alanced analysis on the i"act of the Chinese olicies'

    %his investi!ation found that thou!h the Chinese olicies did not directly cause the Dalai -a"a0s

    escae, these olicies served as a &asis for tension and conflict' oreover, the evidence

    su!!ested that the Chinese do"estic refor"s in de jureChina had over/hel"in! influence uon

    the at"oshere in olitical %i&et' 5urther"ore, in conte+t of the Chinese co""unist re!i"e,

    %i&etan urisin! "ared only an inevita&le initial resonse to the &e!innin! of aoist


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  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu



    9n ril ;, 1#$#, the Time"a!a3ine cover read: n %i&et, ho/ever, the -hasa

    !overn"ent and the 17?oint !ree"ent restricted Co""unist control' %hus, the Chinese

    do"estic scene constituted a dichoto"y &et/een de jureChina and %i&etan olicy' While the

    for"er /as disastrous, the latter included ra!"atic and "oderate ualities, &ut still did not

    revent the 1#$# urisin! in -hasa' %hou!h not directly tar!eted at %i&et, "ainland events also

    influenced the oinions of the %i&etans' China0s do"estic olicies in ainland China and %i&et

    layed the deter"inin! role in the Dalai -a"a0s escae'*ven thou!h the Central 6overn"ent of

    China ursued !radual refor"s in %i&et, the overall &uild u of tension created a sensitive

    at"oshere' %he di"inishin! o/ers of the %i&etan Ca&inet, the @asha!, and the sur!in! nu"&er

    of @ha"a and "do refu!ees escain! fro" Chinese "assacres further contri&uted to the


  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    volatility of this eriod'Chinese do"estic olicies set the foundation for inevita&le tension and

    conflict that cul"inated in the Dalai -a"a0s decision to escae -hasa'

    Investigation and Analysis:

    >n 1#4#, /ith no forei!n suort and a Chinese *i!hteenth Cors ressin! uon its &order, %i&et

    had to caitulate to Chinese de"ands' %he Co""unists le!iti"i3ed their occuation throu!h the

    17?oint !ree"ent, /hich !ave the %i&etans a reasona&le enou!h inclination to accede to the

    Chinese 6overn"ent'45or the first half of the 1#$;s, the Chinese olicies !enerally adhered to

    the treaty ter"s and aeared "ore ra!"atic and "odest than ideolo!ically char!ed'

    2evertheless, in conte+t of the Cold War olitical e+tre"is", 6eor!e 6ins&ur! in 1#4 had !ood

    reasons to ar!ue that ao

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    Co""unist /orld, the Central Co""ittee sou!ht to avoid conflict /ith the %i&etans, as revealed

    &y the Central Co""ittee0s tele!ra" to its %i&et Wor Co""ittee on ril 8, 1#$1: n contrast, le+ c@ay su!!ests that the CC (Chinese Co""unist arty) ursued the

    "oderate refor"s only in co"liance /ith the situation at hand'11%he olitical realis" of the

    Co""unist olicies, or Aealoliti, do"inated the "aority of this eriod' ost of the successful

    8>&id', '

    96oldstein,A History o Tibet: the Calm !eore the "torm #$%#$%%, 48'

    10>&id', 18$'


  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    refor"s focused on the esta&lish"ent of the education and the u&lic health syste"s'1>n

    addition to the oular refor"s, the 17?oint !ree"ent itself, /hich ro"ised the continuity of

    the Dalai -a"a0s osition and the %i&etan culture, led to &id', 17'18>n their etition on ; arch 1#$, they de"anded the a&olish"ent of the ilitary d"inistrative Co""ittee

    in oint five of their etition:

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    Chinese /eren0t ready to assert their ne/ authority' %he food crisis set the tone for the Chinese

    attitude to/ards %i&et for "aority of the early 1#$;s' %he concessions "ade to the i"an! and

    the esta&lish"ent of u&lic health syste" confir"ed the Chinese Aealoliti strate!y' %hou!h

    the olitical realis" yielded ositive results, 6in!s&ur! ar!ues that

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    reuests, &ut rather found the first etition0s ter"s insi!nificant co"ared /ith the ne/ de"ands

    to dis&and the CA%' 2evertheless, the CA%0s o/ers and ad"inistrative rocedures, as

    outlined in the 47th eetin! of eole0s 2ational Con!ress in Sete"&er , 1#$, indicated a

    "eta"orhosis in Chinese involve"ent %i&etan olitics'4%he CA% could "ae neither

    decisions nor ersonnel chan!es /ithout direct aroval of the State Council in Eeiin!, and

    even its financial &ud!et rest on the State Council0s discretion'$%he %i&et Wor Co""ittee0s

    a!enda that year confir"ed the influence of the socialist fervor that enetrated the olitical

    structure of the ne/ China' %he Co""ittee &e!an rearations for refor"s &y intensifyin! its



  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    %he /idenin! !ulf &et/een ainland China and %i&etan lateau olicies e+erted considera&le

    ressure on the Chinese ad"inistration of %i&et to ursue ri!orous refor"s and fo"ented intense

    hostility a"on!st the %i&etans' lthou!h Western historians did not e"hasi3e the influence of

    de jureChina olicies on the Chinese ad"inistration in %i&et, ne/ Chinese u&lications on this

    eriod revealed "ore accurate evidence of the destruction and chaos' >n all arts of de jure

    China, not e+cludin! *astern %i&et, ao0s easantcentered co""unist ideolo!y actuali3ed

    durin! the first and second five?year lans' %he failure of these refor"s, esecially in Sichuan,

    created lon!?lastin! i"ressions of Chinese oression, or as the Co""unists called it, n the Central

    6overn"ent0s reort on 1#$ Dece"&er 1, the first five year lan announced the

    nationali3ation of all far"lands, /here&y

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    failure of these refor"s /ould have direct i"act on %i&etan affairs' %he social transfor"ation

    sou!ht to overturn the traditional hierarchy of society, as the 1#$?7 lan outlined: n 1#$7, the a!ricultural refor"s "et /ith tra!ic results across the nation, as

    re"ier Khou *n -ai reorted on June : n

    ethno!rahic %i&etan areas, this la&el alied to "any tri&al leaders and @ha"a traders' %he

    conseuence of this hardline attitude resulted in sever unish"ents a!ainst the Fanti?revolutions,0

    to /ho" 5the !overn"ent has done the follo/in!: 1' Death enalty sentence /as !iven to 1'8N

    ' Ae?education /as enforced to 4'N ' N /ere i"risoned or arrested G4' 8'#N /ere

    death /ith li!htly=$n investi!ation on the unnatural causes of deaths in 1#; rovides so"e

    insi!ht to the level of /ide sread revolutionary uheaval fro" 1#$?1#$#' %his study notes that

    fro" January to ay of 1#;, rich landlords co"rised of 44N of all unnatural deaths, "ostly

    caused &y routine starvation and &eatin! at the s"allest offense'%his study also ointed to the

    sever econo"ic i"act of these co""uni3ation olicies, as the 6D er caita of Chinese

    easants fell fro" 4AE in 1#$ to 7' AE in 1#$#'75urther hi!hli!htin! the relationshi

    33>&id', 4;'34

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    &et/een China0s olicies in the "ainland and %i&etan events, the hei!ht of tension in %i&et

    coincided /ith severe do"estic strife as a result of the failed 5ive?ear lan' 1#$#, the year of

    the Dalai -a"a0s escae, also "ared the hi!hest a"ount of food nationali3ation record in

    China, /hile 1#; "ared the "ost deaths due to fa"ine' 85urther deterioratin! the Sino?

    %i&etan relationshi, the fa"ine struc /orst in Sichuan rovince, /here "ost *astern %i&etans

    lived' When the @ha"as and other "inorities re&elled in resonse to the a!ricultural crisis, the

    arty secretary, -i Jin!uan, used the "ilitary to suress these revolts in na"e of &id', 1181'


    ie Dunha",!uddha4s .arriors: the "tory o the CIA&ba)8ed Tibetan Freedom Fighters, the Chinese Invasion

    and the 9ltimate Fall o Tibet(2e/ or: J' ' %archer, ;;4), 17;'41

    >&id', 4'42

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    da"a!in! the Chinese olitical control' huntso Wan!ye ar!ued that:

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    -a"a0s only insi!ht in the arty leadershi &eca"e the victi" of the Corrections Ca"ai!n' 9n

    2ove"&er 1#, 1#$7, the Wor Co""ittee announced that: ne/ that Chair"an ao thou!ht hi!hly of


  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    Dalai -a"a0s vie/s revealed the fatal ra"ifications of chaos /ithin the Co""unist arty, /hich

    rovided the foundations for 1#$# incident'

    artly due to the Chinese do"estic olicy, the %i&etan Ca&inet or the @asha!0s di"inishin!

    o/ers restricted the %i&etans0 a&ility to reach a co"ro"ise &et/een the locals and the Centre

    Co""ittee' %he @asha! lost effective control over the Fsearatist activities0 and failed to enforce

    the Dalai -a"a0s osition' >t is i"ortant to note that the -hasa !overn"ent /as, historically, a

    /ea ad"inistrative unit, as -hasa never held de facto o/er in @ha" or "do' 6ins&ur!

    ar!ues that &y assi!nin! the "e"&ers of %i&etan Ca&inet secific duties and tass, the

    Co""unists "ore easily "aintained n 1#47, the Sera "onastery in

    -hasa re&elled a!ainst the Ca&inet' %hou!h the @asha! eventually &esie!ed the "onastery and

    deosed its leader, this incident no/n as the Aetin! Cou revealed the underlyin! tension

    &et/een the secular and reli!ious factions in %i&et'$6ins&ur! confir"s that the theocratic

    hi" ''''>t "ade "e reali3e that the Chinese leadershi /as not truly ar+ist, dedicated to a &etter /orld for all,

    &ut really hi!hly nationalistic'= 6oldstein, Shera, and Sie&enschuh, The Politi)al +ie and Times o !a-a

    Phuntso .angye, 1'51

    6ins&ur! and athos, Communist China and Tibet: the First Dozen Years, $1'52

    6odstein,A History o /odern Tibet: a Calm beore the "torm #$%#$%%, 4'53

    Aetin!, an e+?re!ent /ho too char!e of %i&et durin! the Dalai -a"a0s re!ency re&elled a!ainst the ne/ re!ent

    /ho disosed hi"' Sera onastery, one of the three lar!est "onasteries in %i&et suorted Aetin!' %he @asha! had

    to order the %i&etan ar"y to &esie!e the "onastery to cal" the revolt' Aetin!0s suorters fled to China looin! for


  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    structure also assured the reli!ious sector0s olitical do"ination, &ecause the

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    co"letely "istaen'=;%he son of %saron!, a hi!h ranin! official in the CA% and for"er

    %i&etan !eneral, ar!ued that the @asha! /as una&le to deliver the Chinese de"ands &ecause

    &ecause the Chushi?6an!dru re&el forces led &y 6o"o %ashi reached /ithin ; "iles fro"

    -hasa &y /inter of 1#$8'4While the Chinese "ilitary reared for the /orse, the lac of

    olitical leadershi as a result of the ur!es deteriorated' While 5an in! and hun/an! /ere

    60Khao, Chinese e-resentative to Tibet 1 2hang 3ing*u, ##$sland'7%he actual escae of the

    Dalai -a"a across the &order on the 1st, ho/ever, /as not as dra"atic as his decision to flee

    -hasa' s the Chinese already co""itted to "ilitary suression, they no lon!er needed

    cooeration /ith the %i&etan 6overn"ent' ao ordered that: f the Dalai -a"a and his cliue

    /ants to escae, our troos "ust not revent the", no "atter /here they !o ? Southeast sia,

    >ndia or /herever' -et the" !o'thaca, 2: Sno/

    -ion u&lications, ;;;' rint'

    %serin!, Shaya' The Dragon in the +and o "no*s: a History o /odern Tibet sin)e #$'' 2e/

    or: Colu"&ia , 1###' rint'

    Khan!, un'Investigation into the Tibetan Problem' %ranslated &y Jeffrey Hu' Eeiin!: Chinas

    School of %i&et, ;;' rint'

    Khao, in! Shen' Chinese e-resentative to Tibet & 2hang 3ing*u' %ranslated &y Jeffrey Hu'

    Eeiin!, ;;1' rint'


  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    Appendix A:


    Political Structural Diagram of the Preparatory Committeefor the Autoomou! "egio of #i$et

    Cetral %o&ermet

    Cetral %o&ermet'!"epre!etati&e! Preparatory Committee for the

    Autoomou! "egio of #i$et

    m(o People'! Committeehe )ama'! Committeet )ocal %o&ermet!a %o&ermet+

    ge(, -.............../ "epre!et! u(er (irect lea(er!hip -- "epre!et! co!ultati&e poer! oly

    - - "epre!et! !uper&i!io authority

  • 8/12/2019 Rebellion in Tibet and the Escape of the Dalai Lama - Jeffrey Hu


    n 9utline of the Structure of the olitical Hierachy of %i&et7

    Appendix B:

    a of %i&et and near?&y provincesof China'77

    76Khao, Chinese e-resentative to Tibet, 1'

    776oldstein,A History o /odern Tibet, ++i+'


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