Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio

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  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio


    Rebekah Rawlins’ 


  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio


     Table of Contents

    Rebekah Rawlins’ Portfolio

    Rebekah Rawl i ns

    129 Pr i ncest on Dr .

    Rexburg, I D 34002

    770. 382. 6653

    r aw14002@byui . edu

    Fl i er

    Event AD

    Photodesi gn

    Mont age


    Let t er head

    Busi ness Card

    Web Page

    Br ochur e

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio



     Ti t l e: Pr oj ect 1- Fl i er

    Descr i pt i on: To l ear n how t o create and eye cat ch-i ng fli er, wi t h a cl ear message.Progr ams: I nDesi gn.Date: J anuar y 23, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst r uctor: Si st er NugentObj ecti ves: There was a l ot t hat needed t o be i n-cl uded i n t hi s fli er. I needed t o i ncl ude a message,col or scheme, al i gnment , and etc. That way I coul dmake an eye catchi ng fli er .Process: I al r eady had al l t he i nf ormati on and pi c-

    t ur es. Al l I had to do was organi ze t he i nf or mat i onand pi ct ur e. I al so had t o creat e i t appeal i ng t ot he audi ence. I cr eat ed some rounded squares, t ogi ve my fli er more pi zzazz t o i t . There were al soa l ot of st r uggl es wi t h al i gnment and mai nt ai ni ngposi t i ve whi t e space.

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio



     Ti t l e: Pr oj ect 2- Event AdDescr i pt i on: I had t o l earn how t o scan a pi ct ur e,and create and event ad, wi t h the scanned i mage.Pr ograms: Word document .Date: J anuar y 30, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst r uctor: Si st er NugentObj ect i ves: I got t o l ear n how t o scan i mages anduse t hem i n an advert i sement .Process: I had to find a pi ct ur e, fir st . Then I hadt o thi nk and pl an an event t hat woul d go wi t h thechosen i mage. Next , I had t o scan t he I mage and

    save i t t o my ext ernal dr i ve. Then I had t o creat et he i nf ormati on t hat I was goi ng to i ncl ude on thi sevent ad. I al so had t o keep i n mi nd what col orscheme I was goi ng t o use, t hroughout t he ad.

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio



     Ti t l e: Proj ect 3- Photodesi gnDescri pt i on: I had t o creat e a fli er wi t h a pi ct ur et hat I t ook.Progr ams: Phot oshop.Date: Febr uar y 6, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst ructor: Si st er NugentObj ect i ves: I had t o l ear n how t o creat e a fli erwhi l e usi ng a photo t hat I t ook, wi t h t he pr ogr amPhotoshop.Process: I had to find a t ake a phot o and choose aquote t hat woul d go wel l wi t h the photo. I al so had

    t o l ear n how t o cr eat e di f f erent t ypogr aphy wi t hi nt he quote. I al so got t o l ear n how t o l i ght en anddar ken a phot o. I al so had t o l ear n how t o al i gnal l of t hi s i n a pr oper way. You cannot have yourt ext j ust floati ng wi t hi n t he chosen pi ct ur e. Therewas a l ot t hat went i nt o thi s proj ect.

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio



     Ti t l e: Pr oj ect 4- MontageDescri pti on: To cr eat e an i nspi r ati onal messaget hrough my choi ce of phot o and message.Progr ams: Phot oshop.Date: Febr uar y 13, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst ructor: Si st er NugentObj ect i ves: To l earn how t o communi cat e wi t h a flu-ent pi ct ure and message.Process: I had t o find a quot e fir st . The quot e camefirst because you can al ways find a pi ct ure, but api ct ur e wi t hout a pur pose i s usel ess. Once I f ound

    a quote, I t hen had t o find a pi ct ure. Fi ndi ng api ct ur e was not har d. So I f ound a pi ct ur e, butI had to l i ght en up the pi cture a l ot . I t was t oohar d f or my t ypography. Then I al so had t o make acol or scheme wi t hi n t he pi ct ur e t hat I chose.  

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio



     Ti t l e: Pr oj ect 5- LogosDescr i pt i on: I had t o l ear n how t o make mul -t i pl e t ypes of l ogos, wi t h t he same l ogo.Programs: I l l ustr at or.Dat e: Febr uar y 20, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst r uct or : Si st er NugentObj ect i ves: I had to change my chosen l ogo i nt hr ee di f f erent ways.Process: I had t o creat e a l ogo. I creat -

    ed t he l ogo wi t h a backgr ound. Then I hadt o t hat l ogo and make t hat l ogo bl ack andwhi t e. Then I had t o take the or i gi nal l ogo,but wi t h whi t e typogr aphy. And t o do that Ihad t o darken my backgr ound, whi ch caused mywhi t e t ypogr aphy pop.

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio



     Ti t l e: Proj ect 6- St at i oner y, Let t erhead

    Descri pt i on: To l ear n how t o create a page t hatsol el y has your l ogo on that page and wi t h a water-mar k.Progr ams: I nDesi gn and Photoshop.Date: Febr uar y 27, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst ructor: Si st er NugentObj ect i ves: I had t o l ear n how t o creat e a water -mark.Process: I had t o come up wi t h a l ogo, fir st . Then Ihad t o make my key l ogo i nto a wat ermark. I had t o

    i sol ate t he par t I want ed t o be i ncl uded i n the wa-t ermark. Then I had to expand the sel ect ed i t em( s) .I al so had t o l ower t he opaci t y of t hat sel ect edi t em( s) . There was a l ot of movi ng i t around, ex-pandi ng i t and j ust t r yi ng to make i t l ook ni cer .

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio



     Ti t l e: Pr oj ect 6- St at i onery, Busi ness Car d

    Descri pti on: To l ear n how t o create a notewort hy busi -ness card.Progr ams: I nDesi gn.Dat e: Febr uar y 27, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst ructor: Si ster NugentObj ect i ves: I had to l earn how t o make an eye cat chi ngbusi ness card, whi ch kept t o the FOCUS pr i nci pl es.Process: I had t o come up wi t h the i ni t i al l ogo. ThenI l ear n how t o appl y t hat t o my busi ness car d. I al sohad to t hi nk about my typogr aphy a l ot . Busi ness car dsare smal l , and your t ext has t o be readabl e. You can-

    not have thi ck smal l t ypography, because t hen no onewi l l be abl e to r ead your busi ness card. So t hat was ast r uggl e, but I t hi nk I was abl e to choose a t ypogr a-phy t hat i s bi g enough to see and r ead.

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio


     Web Page

     Ti t l e: Pr oj ect 7- Web Page

    Descr i pt i on: A web page f or an al r eady made l ogo.Progr ams: Text wr ap, Phot oshop, I l l ust r at or and I n-Desi gn.Dat e: March 12, 2016Cour se & Sect i on: Com130, Sect i on 7I nst ructor: Si st er NugentObj ect i ves: I l ear ned how t o creat e a web page.Process: I al r eady had a l ogo made, so al l I hadt o do was i ncl ude i nf ormat i on about t he l ogo andbusi ness. And I al so create t he web page. I al sohad t o l earn how t o figure out how t o find the hues

    of col ors. There was a l ot of pat i ence t hat waspr act i ced and l ear ned throughout t hi s proj ect . Ther e had t o be a cer t ai n way t o cr eate every-t hi ng, whi ch was har d f or me. And t her e were a l otof r edo’ s done, on t hi s pr oj ect .

  • 8/18/2019 Rebekah Ralwins' Communication Portfolio


    itle: Project 8- BrochureDescription: A brochure that is all about cars and tires.Programs: InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator.Date: March 26, 2016Course & Section: Com 130, Section 7Instructor: Sister NugentObjectives: o learn how to make an effective brochure, and stillcontain the FOCUS aspects within the brochure.Process: I had to come up with a logo first. Ten I had to makethe logo. Once afer the logo was made, then I drew up the roughdrafs o the whole brochure. And then I went looking or imagesthat would convey the message, to the audience. Afer the pictureswere selected, then the color scheme came into play. And then thewhole design was completed and put into place.


    Front of t he brochure.

    I nsi de of t he b

    Back of t he brochur e.