Reading vocabulary lesson 19

Ms. Snyder’s Class



Transcript of Reading vocabulary lesson 19

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Ms. Snyder’s Class

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Something that is funny in a smart way Synonyms: funny, amusing, humorous,

whimsical Antonyms: unfunny, serious, dull,

humorless, solemn Here it is in a sentence:Vikki thought the picture of the dog

getting its hair done was very droll.

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Something that stands for an idea other than itself

Synonyms: indicative, representative, emblematic, illustrative

Antonyms: nonsymbolic, nonrepresentative

Here it is in a sentence: The pictures symbolically show things that are not allowed on trains.

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Something that suddenly starts to show up in many places

Synonyms: flare-up, rash, onset, epidemic

Here it is in a sentence:One way to protect yourself during a flu

outbreak is to wear a mask over your nose and mouth.

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Where you live or where you are staying Synonyms: live in, abide, dwell, inhabit,

occupy Antonyms: leave, move, depart, vacate Here it is in a sentence:Elf and Hambone reside in a fancy, new


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People are having fun and laughing Synonyms: fun, enjoyment, mirth,

joviality Antonyms: sadness, depression, misery,

melancholy Here it is in a sentence:There was a lot of merriment when the

Garland family went skating.

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To enter a place rudely or violently Synonyms: burst in, trespass, infiltrate,

encroach, crash Antonyms: leave, retreat, withdraw,

vacate Here it is in a sentence:The bear invaded the campsite, looking

for food.

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The way you walk, usually long steps when you’re walking or running

Synonyms: step, gait, tread, pace Here it is in a sentence:Catalina takes long strides when she

walks for exercise.

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Someone who lets their shoulders and head droop down in a way that doesn’t look good.

Synonyms: slump, lean, sag, stoop Antonyms: sit up, stand straight,

straighten Here it is in a sentence:Ryan slouches when he sits, especially

when he is bored.