Reading Thematic Unit

Revised by: Dr. Báez 1 Thematic Unit Template Teacher: ______Melanie Y. Velázquez Claudio_______ Grade: _11 Theme/Topic Literature Selection Subject Integration Objectives Standards/ Expectations Attitudes & Values Conceptualization Activities Materials Assessment Teaching Strategies Date of Achievement Comments Poetry and Prose 3/14/12. Poetry and Spanish History Social Studies Science Arts Phys Ed. Music Math Others: □ Spanish L1: Recall L2: Skill/Concept L3: Strategic Thinking L4: Extended Thinking Day 1: L/S.11.2 Listens and responds to synthesize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. R.11.1 Examines context clues, uses reference sources and vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning; analyzes the meaning of unfamiliar words and applies the new meaning to context; identifies Greek and Latin root words. Day 2: Day 1: Students will learn to appreciate poetry through music Day 1: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Motivational act: “If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change.” Statement of aims: “today we will be working with poetry and prose.” Reading: Read the lyrics of the three different songs Reading Comprehension: Ask students to reflect upon the songs and think of their themes Reading Analysis: Students will read the lyrics to the songs and will analyze them in a group discussion. Day 2: Day 1: Power Point presentation Lap top Projector Speakers Day 2: Day 2: Teaching strategies used throughout the whole thematic unit Communicative approach Suggestopedia Method Grammar Translation Method Multiple intelligence Think-pair share English situational instruction Hands-on- experience Scaffolding Day 1 Day 2 The students really enjoyed this class. They even sang along to the songs. The students Day 1: L2 After reading and listening to three different songs, students will discuss them and compare them to poetry. After working with the songs, the students will view a Power Point presentation on poetry and prose and will write down their definitions on their notebooks. Day 2: L1, L2 Students will


Reading Thematic Unit

Transcript of Reading Thematic Unit

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Thematic Unit Template Teacher: ______Melanie Y. Velázquez Claudio_______ Grade: _11-3_

Theme/Topic Literature Selection

Subject Integration

Objectives Standards/ Expectations

Attitudes & Values

Conceptualization Activities

Materials Assessment Teaching Strategies

Date of Achievement


Poetry and Prose


Poetry and

□ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others: □ Spanish

L1: Recall

L2: Skill/Concept

L3: Strategic Thinking L4: Extended Thinking

Day 1: L/S.11.2 Listens and responds to synthesize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. R.11.1 Examines context clues, uses reference sources and vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning; analyzes the meaning of unfamiliar words and applies the new meaning to context; identifies Greek and Latin root words. Day 2:

Day 1: Students will learn to appreciate poetry through music

Day 1: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Motivational act: “If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change.” Statement of aims: “today we will be working with poetry and prose.” Reading: Read the lyrics of the three different songs Reading Comprehension: Ask students to reflect upon the songs and think of their themes Reading Analysis: Students will read the lyrics to the songs and will analyze them in a group discussion. Day 2:

Day 1: Power Point presentation Lap top Projector Speakers Day 2:

Day 2:


strategies used

throughout the

whole thematic



















Day 1

Day 2

The students really enjoyed this class. They even sang along to the songs. The students

Day 1: L2 After reading and listening to three different songs, students will discuss them and compare them to poetry. After working with the songs, the students will view a Power Point presentation on poetry and prose and will write down their definitions on their notebooks. Day 2: L1, L2 Students will

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Prose 3/15/12.

Poetry 3/19/12.

□ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others: □ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others:

classify different statements as poetry or prose in a in a comprehension exercise. We will discuss the exercises at the end of the class. After identifying the statements, students will write down the definition of the elements of poetry and figures of speech on their notebooks. Day 3: L1, L2, L3 Students will review the elements of poetry and figures of speech and will identify at least half of them correctly on the different poem excerpts. After identifying the different elements of speech, students will write their own

L/S.11.2 Listens and responds to synthesize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. Day 3: L/S.11.2 Listens and responds to synthesize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. R.11.5

Day 3: Students will write their own four verse poem using their imagination and creativity.

Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Review elements of poetry Motivational act: “We live to express, not to impress.” Statement of aims: Today we will be working with poetry and prose.” Reading: Students will read statements and will identify them as poetry or prose. Reading Comprehension: Students will discuss their answer with the rest of the class. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the statements and will classify them as poetry or prose. Day 3: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Motivational act: “Leaders come in many forms, with many styles, and diverse qualities. There are quiet leaders and leaders one can hear in the next country. Some find strength in eloquence, some in

Prose and poetry exercise worksheet Board Markers Day 3: Poem sheet Board Markers

Prose and poetry exercise worksheet Day 3: Poem sheet for analyzing and identifying figures of speech And elements of poetry.






Day 3

seemed to show very good comprehension. Today is the first poem the students got to write.

Revised by: Dr. Báez


The Road Not Taken


Day 4: The Road Not Taken

□ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others:

four verse poem using at least one of the elements of speech. Day 4: L2, L3 The students will be presented with a picture of a forest and they will have to analyze it and discuss what they see in a group discussion. After discussing the picture, students will read the poem “The Road Not Taken” and identify the elements of poetry by

Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. W.11.3 Applies figurative language and develops voice to produce different styles of poems. Day 4: L/S.11.5 Analyzes the main idea or topic and important details from learned concepts or readings from a variety of persuasive texts; summarizes, explains, clarifies, and discusses effectiveness of text, performance,

Day 4: Students will show appreciation, through discussion, about the power poetry has to convey meaning and transmit messages.

judgment, and some in courage.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be identifying the figures of speech in on the poems.” Reading: Students will read poem excerpts and will identify the figures of speech that are present in each one of them. Reading Comprehension: Students will discuss their answers with the rest of the class. Reading Analysis: Students will read and analyses poems to identify the figures of speech that are present in each one. Day 4: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Motivational act: “Every second in life is a chance to make a change.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be working with the poem “The Road Not Taken”. Reading: Students will read and analyze the poem “The Road Not Taken”

Day 4: Poem “The Road Not Taken” Projector Lap top

Day 4

Today the students got to share their thoughts and opinions on the poem in a group discussion.

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Poetry 3/21/12.

The Road Not Taken

□ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others:

working in groups. Day 5: L2,L3 After reading the poem “The Road Not Taken”, the students will work in groups and will analyze the poem to think of the theme that is appropriate for the poem and will discuss it in class.

speech, or literature. R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. Day 5: L/S.11.4 Expresses thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution; makes predictions and inferences, as well as draws conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources; listens to sort and prioritize information.

Day 5: Students will learn to appreciate poetry through analization and group discussion.

Reading Comprehension: Students will discuss the poem at the end of the class Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the poem “The Road Not Taken” Day 5: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Motivational act: “Life can take you as high as you want to go, but you must decide the altitude.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be working with the poem “The Road Not Taken”. Reading: Students will read and analyze the poem “The Road Not Taken” Reading Comprehension: Students will discuss the poem at the end of the class Reading Analysis: Students will analyze

Day 5: Poem “The Road Not Taken”

Day 5: Students will work in groups to analyze the poem and will write their thoughts and opinions in their notebooks to discuss in class.

Day 5

The students worked in groups of at least 3 to 4 people to analyze to the poem. Each one will work with a stanza.

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Types of Poems



□ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others: □ Spanish

Day 6: L2 Students will write the definitions of the different types of poems and will begin designing their poetry notebooks. Day 7: L2 After reviewing

R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. R.11.1 Examines context clues, uses reference sources and vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning; analyzes the meaning of unfamiliar words and applies the new meaning to context; identifies Greek and Latin root words. Day 7:

Day 6: Students will learn to appreciate art through poetry. Day 7:

the poem “The Road Not Taken” Day 6: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Motivational act: “It’s ok to fail, but it’s not ok to give up.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be working with the types of poetry.” Reading: Students will read and analyze the different examples of the different types of poems. Reading Comprehension: Students will discuss their definitions and the examples of poetry in a group discussion. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the definitions of the different types of poems. Day 7:

Day 6: Definitions of poems Board Markers Day 7:

Day 6: Students will begin designing and decorating their poetry notebooks. Day 7:

Day 6

Day 7

The poetry notebook will be worth 15 points. The students

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Poem 3/27/12.

□ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others:

what an acrostic poem is and its characteristics, the students will write an acrostic poem using a characteristic of a person to describe that person. After picking a name from a bag, students will think of a characteristic of that person and write an acrostic poem. After writing their acrostic poems, the students will read them in front of the class so that the other students can analyze the poem and at least guess the majority of the people that the poems were about.

L/S.11.3 Uses appropriate language structure to analyze and state opinions in discussions and presentations, to problem solve, and to explain a process integrating comparison and contrast statements. R.11.1 Examines context clues, uses reference sources and vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning; analyzes the meaning of unfamiliar words and applies the new meaning to context; identifies Greek and Latin root words W.11.3 Applies figurative language and develops voice to produce different styles of poems.

Students will learn more about their classmates.

Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Review on acrostic poetry Motivational act: “Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been and look at what can be.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be working with acrostic poems.” Reading: The students will read their poems n front of the class for the last activity. Reading Comprehension: Students will discuss the definitions and the examples provided at the beginning of the class to check for comprehension. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the poems that were written by the students about their classmates and guess who they were about.

Board Marker

Students will begin working on their poetry notebook.

enjoyed this class very much. They always like standing in front of the class to show their work.

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Poetry 3/28/12.

Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout

□ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others:

Day 8: L1. L2, L3 After working with the fill in the blank poem called “Ten Reasons to Love Me”, the students will read and analyze the poem “Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout”. Students will identify the figures of speech after reading and analyzing the poem “Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout”

Day 8: L/S.11.4 Expresses thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution; makes predictions and inferences, as well as draws conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources; listens to sort and prioritize information. R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. W.11.3 Applies figurative

Day 8: Students will write special qualities about themselves and later share them with the rest of the class.

Day 8: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Review on figures of speech. Motivational act: “The true leader inspires in others self-trust, guiding their eyes to the spirit, the goal.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be working with the poem called “Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout” Reading: The students will read the poem “Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout” . Reading Comprehension: The students will discuss the poem at the end of the class to check for comprehension. Reading Analysis: Students will identify the figures of speech that are present in the poem.

Day 8: “Ten Reasons to Love Me” Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout”

Day 8: Students will begin working with the poem “Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout”

Day 8

The students really liked the poem “Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout”

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Cinquain Poetry


Poetry: Figures of

Speech 4/2/12.

□ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others: □ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science

Day 9: L1, L2, L3 Students will write a cinquain poem in their poetry noteboks, following at least 4 of the 5 rules that the poem needs. After writing the poem, the students will make a drawing representing the imagery of the poem. Day 10: L1, L2, L3 After reviewing the definitions of the figures of speech in poetry, students will identify them in

language and develops voice to produce different styles of poems. Day 9: L/S.11.3 Uses appropriate language structure to analyze and state opinions in discussions and presentations, to problem solve, and to explain a process integrating comparison and contrast statements. W.11.3 Applies figurative language and develops voice to produce different styles of poems. Day 10: R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and

Day 9: Students will express their feelings through a cinquain poem. Day 10: Students will use their imagination and their own background knowledge to

Day 9: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Motivational act: “Leadership is to be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be working with cinquain poetry.” Reading: The students will read their poems in front of the class. Reading Comprehension: The students will review cinquain poetry. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the rules of cinquain poetry to create their own. Day 10: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Review on the figures of speech

Day 9: Paper Poetry notebook Day 10: Figures of speech worksheet

Day 9: Students will be working with heir poetry notebooks Day 10: Students will be working with the figures of speech worksheet.

Day 9

Day 10

The students really enjoyed writing their cinquain poem and drawing in their poetry notebook.

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Poetry 4/9/12.

□ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others: □ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music

sentences and will write their own. Day 11: L1, L2, L3 After reviewing the differences between metaphor and simile, students will practice by writing a fill in the blank poem called “I Am”

contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. W.11.3 Applies figurative language and develops voice to produce different styles of poems. Day 11: W.11.3 Applies figurative language and develops voice to produce different styles of poems.

create their own original sentences using the different figures of speech. Day 11: Students will express their feelings by writing their poems and reading them aloud.

Motivational act: Time is free, but isn’t priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can send it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.” Statement of aims: “Today we will be working with the figures of speech.” Reading: Students will read the different sentences and identify the figures of speech that are present in them. Reading Comprehension: We will discuss their answers and the students will read aloud their own created sentences. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the sentences provided to identify the figures of speech. Day 11: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Review on simile and metaphor Motivational act: “ every person is perfect, because perfection lies in our own unique imperfections.”

Day 11; Poem “I Am”

Day 11

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Poetry Test 4/10/12.

□ Math □ Others: □ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others:

Day 12: L 2, L3 Students will take a test on figures of speech, elements of poetry, and types of poems, and will at least show more than 75% of knowledge and comprehension.

Day 12: R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism.

Statement of aims: “Today we will be writing a fill in the blank poem called “I Am”. Reading: Students will read the phrases that are in the fill in the blank poem and will complete them by writing their own endings to the phrases and making them complete verses. Reading Comprehension: Students will read their poems aloud. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the phrases provided to create their own complete verses of the poem. Day 12: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance

Statement of aims: “Today we will be taking the poetry test.” Reading: Students will read the different definitions and match them to the different poetry terms. They will also read two different poems and 25 sentences to identify the figures of speech that are present in

Day 12: Poetry test

Day 12: Students will be taking their poetry test

Day 12

The majority of the students failed. I have to re-teach.

Revised by: Dr. Báez


Test review 4/12/12.

Figures of Speech and Elements of

Poetry 4/17/12.

□ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others: □ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed.

Day 13: L1, L2, L3 After reviewing the figures of speech and the elements of poetry, students will play a game where they have to identify them in sentences and poems by playing in two different groups. Day 14: L1, L2, L3 After reviewing the elements of poetry and the figures of speech, students will read three different poems and will identify the elements of

Day 13: L/S.11.2 Listens and responds to synthesize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and formulates closed and open-ended questions. R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. Day 14: L/S.11.2 Listens and responds to synthesize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and

Day 13: Students will share and have fun while playing together.

them. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the poems and the sentences to identify the figures of speech in hem. Day 13: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Review on f figures of speech and elements of poetry Statement of aims: “Today we will be review the test.” Reading: The students will read the different poems and sentences to later identify the figures of speech. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the poems and the sentences to identify the figures of speech in them. Day 14: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Review on f figures of speech and elements of poetry Statement of aims: “Today we will

Day 13: Sheet of exercises Sheet of poems Day 14: Poems worksheet

Day 13

Day 14

The student really seemed to enjoy this game. It was a perfect review exercise. This was the last practice exercises before the test.

Revised by: Dr. Báez


*Remember to include strategies for students with exceptionalities.

Poetry Test 4/18/12.

□ Music □ Math □ Others: □ Spanish □ History □ Social Studies □ Science □ Arts □ Phys Ed. □ Music □ Math □ Others:

poetry and the figures of speech. Day 15: L 2, L3 Students will take a test on figures of speech, elements of poetry, and types of poems, and will at least show more than 75% of knowledge and comprehension

formulates closed and open-ended questions. R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. Day 15: R.11.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and compare and contrast genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism.

continue reviewing the test.” Reading: The students will read the different poems and will identify the figures of speech and elements of poetry. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the poems to identify the figures of speech and the elements of poetry. Day 15: Routine: Greetings Date Attendance Statement of aims: “Today we will be taking the poetry test.” Reading: Students will read the different definitions and match them to the different poetry terms. They will also read two different poems and 25 sentences to identify the figures of speech that are present in them. Reading Analysis: Students will analyze the poems and the sentences to identify the figures of speech in hem.

Day 15: Poetry test

Day 15: Students will be taking their poetry test

Day 15

They did a lot better than the first test they took.