
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS In Service To One – In Service To All Richard Council #788 LANSING COLUMBIAN APRIL 2013 - Volume 1007 #10 Monthly Available at: A Message From Your Grand Knight . . . . . . My Brother Knights and Families: Vivat Jesus!! I hope that each and every one you had a wonderful Easter season. For many of us this year is an especially blessed time as the people of Catholic faith welcomed a new leader; Pope Francis I. I believe that our new pope showed great humbleness and leadership when in his first address to the people he to ask us to pray for him as he takes on the responsibilities of the Catholic Church. What a task that must be. I would ask that all members take the time to say a prayer asking for guidance and strength for the new Vicar of Christ. Every year the Easter season also brings the “tootsie roll” drive; this one event truly defines what charity is to our organization. The Knights of Columbus main objective has always been God’s work and charity; originally to assist widows and orphans, then later came the handicapped and less privileged. But no matter who benefits from our work, doing this yearly event puts into perspective why our organization and building is here; to do God’s charitable work. Everything else is a bonus. Over the last couple of months I asked brother Knights and their families to step up when called upon to help out with this event because it truly is the one event we do that takes all our members and their families to make it a success. Because you volunteered, the “tootsie roll” drive was a great success again this year. I want to thank all of you who stepped up. A special thank you to Jeff Lorencen and his store chairs for all work they did to make sure shifts were covered; money collected and the weekend ran smoothly. Also thank you to Jeannie Beachnau, Jackie Royle and the ladies who do all the money sorting and counting. We couldn’t have done it without you and work and time is greatly appreciated. The St. Patty’s day party was a lot of fun and a good time was had by all. I want to thank Don and Vin Ruthruff, Jay and Mary Corey and John and Sherri Drzik for the wonderful corned beef and cabbage dinner, and my wife Pattie, Jay, Anne, Duane and Sherri for decorating the hall. UPCOMING EVENTS: April 5-6 Fourth degree Exemplification April 12 Steak Dinner April 14 St. Gerard Breakfast April 21 Don Quixote Spring Fling April 20 & 21 Membership Drive After All Masses April 24 Memorial Dinner May 4 & 5 Pinewood Derby Fundraiser May 12 Mother’s day Omelet Breakfast God Bless, Mike Schaefer Grand Knight, Council#788


April 2013 Columbian

Transcript of Read

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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Inn SSeerrvviiccee TToo OOnnee –– IInn SSeerrvviiccee TToo AAllll

RRiicchhaarrdd CCoouunncciill ##778888

LANSING COLUMBIAN APRIL 2013 - Volume 1007 #10 Monthly

Available at:

A Message From Your Grand Knight . . . . . .

My Brother Knights and Families: Vivat Jesus!!

I hope that each and every one you had a wonderful Easter season. For many of us this year is an especially blessed time as the people of Catholic faith welcomed a new leader; Pope Francis I. I believe that our new pope showed great humbleness and leadership when in his first address to the people he to ask us to pray for him as he takes on the responsibilities of the Catholic Church. What a task that must be. I would ask that all members take the time to say a prayer asking for guidance and strength for the new Vicar of Christ.

Every year the Easter season also brings the “tootsie roll” drive; this one event truly defines what charity is to our organization. The Knights of Columbus main objective has always been God’s work and charity; originally to assist widows and orphans, then later came the handicapped and less privileged. But no matter who benefits from our work, doing this yearly event puts into perspective why our organization and building is here; to do God’s charitable work . Everything else is a bonus. Over the last couple of months I asked brother Knights and their families to step up when called upon to help out with this event because it truly is the one event we do that takes all our members and their families to make it a success. Because you volunteered, the “tootsie roll” drive was a great success again this year. I want to thank all of you who stepped up.

A special thank you to Jeff Lorencen and his store chairs for all work they did to make sure shifts were covered; money collected and the weekend ran smoothly. Also thank you to Jeannie Beachnau, Jackie Royle and the ladies who do all the money sorting and counting. We couldn’t have done it without you and work and time is greatly appreciated.

The St. Patty’s day party was a lot of fun and a good time was had by all. I want to thank Don and Vin Ruthruff, Jay and Mary Corey and John and Sherri Drzik for the wonderful corned beef and cabbage dinner, and my wife Pattie, Jay, Anne, Duane and Sherri for decorating the hall.


April 5-6 Fourth degree Exemplification April 12 Steak Dinner April 14 St. Gerard Breakfast April 21 Don Quixote Spring Fling April 20 & 21 Membership Drive After All Masses April 24 Memorial Dinner May 4 & 5 Pinewood Derby Fundraiser May 12 Mother’s day Omelet Breakfast

God Bless, Mike Schaefer Grand Knight, Council#788

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State Officials State Deputy Michael J. Malinowski Supreme Director Thomas M. Wegener, PSD Supreme Regional Program Consultant Richard F. McCloy, Sr. PSD State Community Director Mike Wegener PGK State Web Technologies Director Dane Jurkovic Lansing Diocesan Membership Director Bill Chasse' PGK

RICHARD COUNCIL #788 OFFICERS LANSING COLUMBIAN ASSOCIATION Officers Meeting First Tuesday Of The Month @ 7:00 pm Meets Third Wednesday Of Every Month @ 7:30 pm Business Meeting Second Tuesday Of The Month @ 7: 30 pm

Grand Knight Mike Schaefer 242-4961 President Jay G. Corey 974-6501

Chaplain Rev. John P. Klein 323-2379 V. President Frank Cherniawski 627-3192

Dep. Grand Knight Dane Jurkovic 402-8796 Secretary Rich Rybicki 663-1854

Chancellor John Drzik 886-4226 Treasurer PGK Paul Kelsey 622-0365

Recorder Justin Drouin 517-925-8382 Director Jeff Lorencen 886-2669

Financial Secretary Jim Warner 719-6794 Director Mike Schueller 622-1233

Treasurer Frank Brandell 323-2863 Director Dave Schertzing 204-4959

Advocate Ron Cook 282-9035 Dir. G K Mike Schaefer 669-2534

Warden Ken Morrison 517-719-4047 Dir. D G K Dane Jurkovic 402-8796

Inside Guards Andrew Rademacher 819-8692 Dir. Council PGK Bill Chasse 202-6163

Zelko Jurkovic 517-925-8382 Dir. Council Ron Cook 282-9035

Outside Guards: Jack Johns 517-290-3407 P. Asst. R. J. Kussmaul 323-2922

David Escojido 517-708-7000

1 Year Trustee PGK Bill Chasse' 202-6163 LADIES AUXILIARY 2 Year Trustee PGK Dick McCloy, Sr. 321-2763 Meets First Wednesday Of Every Month @ 7:00 pm 3 Year Trustee PGK David Luedtke 303-5555 President Jeanine Thomas 331-4124

V President Pattie Schaefer 669-2534

Secretary Kathy Rademacher 989-307-0373

Treasurer Angie Rademacher 388-3229


Membership Director PGK Brian Peacock 622-2717

Jack Johns 517290-3407 KNIGHTS DAUGHTERS - ANNE RAU CIRCLE #001 First Degree Captain PGK Al Boucher 882-5118 Meets Second Wednesday Of Every Month @ 7:00 pm Retention PGK David Luedtke 694-5468 President Haley Schaner

PGK Don Schmitz 669-9473 Secretary Maddie Kelsey

PGK Larry Schrauben 989-224-0055 Treasurer Lauren Bassett

Insurance Agent Mike Du Mont 327-0177 Historian Emilee Johns

Program Director Dane Jurkovic 402-8796 Scribe Michaela Hobbins

Church Director Dr. Brian Killian 327-2927 Advisor Kathy Stoffer 371-1721

Vocations Director John Drzik 886-4226 Counselors Karie Vasquez 487-8987

Community Director PGK Al Boucher 882-5118

Pro-Life Couple Ed & Cathy Stoffer 371-1721

Family Director Ken Morrison 517-719-4047

Youth Directors Ron Cook 282-9035

J.D. Diaz 853-9493

M.I. Drive Chairman Jeff Lorencen 886-2669

Francis O'Donnell PGK Al Boucher 882-5118

Council Director Paul Travis 202-8813

Eucharistic Ministry Dr. Brian Killian 327-2927

Fish Fry Chairman Ken Morrison 517-719-4047

Newsletter Editor Jay Corey 974-6501


Richard Council 788 Honor Roll

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From The Corporation President Jay G. Corey

A big thank you goes to Don Ruthruff and John Drzik for the food prepared for our St. Patrick’s Day Party which was held on Saturday, March 16th. A thank you also goes to Don’s wife Vinn, and to my wife Mary, for helping out with the serving, and to Grand Knight Mike & Pattie Schaefer for the decorating of the hall along with Duane & Anne Fedewa. It was great to see Father Maurice again and listen to his live music along with myself & Ron Cook.

I also want to especially thank Dave Hummel for the snow plowing this year. We have had more snow this year than in recent years, and Dave has kept the parking lot clear of the snow and also does a great job on mowing the lawn during the summer. Thanks again Dave for your help.

We have got a lot of things coming up during April including a casino trip to Soaring Eagle on April 13th. If you would like to go, it is only $30.00 and you get $20.00 in play money at the casino, and a $5.00 coupon for food. Please contact Denise Kelsey at 517-285-3029. Proceeds go to the Liberty Committee to elect PGK Bill Chasse’ to State Office. Also there will be a Steak Fry on Friday April 12th, and a Memorial Dinner for our departed brothers this past year on April 24th.

We need more members to attend our events and participate in the things that are planned for you the members and your families. We have had poor showings for some of these events, and we cannot continue to have these events if they are not going to be supported by the membership. I ask you to clip out the “ COMING EVENTS” in the newsletter and to attend as many of these events as you can. We are trying to offer a variety of events to tickle your fancy, so I hope attendance will improve. If you have an idea for an event, PLEASE let me know or any officer to see if it is feasible and we can put it on. Do not feel like you have to chair the event, but we are always looking for creative things to offer our membership to raise money for the council charitable charities, and to help defray costs to the club.

I hope to see more of you sooner rather than later.

From Your Editor Jay G. Corey

THE 15TH OF THE PRECEEDING MONTH is still the deadline for submitting material for consideration into each newsletter. This allows us to get the newsletter to the printer quicker, and out to you sooner. Anything that you may have for the newsletter, in the way of articles or corrections, can be sent to me directly at [email protected]. You may also contact me at my home number of 393-1096 or by cell at 974-6501. If you would like to view the newsletter in color rather than the black & white copy by regular mail, please make sure you are on our e-mail mail list, or you may go to our website at

“Remember, alcohol doesn’t solve any problems . . . . But

then again – neither does milk !!”

APRIL 2013


Dave Schertzing

APRIL 2013


Don & Phyllis Schmitz

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Sickness & Distress

Prayers and recovery intentions continue to be needed for Brothers Rod Shangle, Louis R. Costello, Jay DeSmith brother-in-law to Dave Schertzing Jack Pratt, Larry Tabor, and Mary Ellen Schertzing.

If you know of someone that is ill and recovering, or has passed away, please contact our Grand Knight, Mike Schaefer, at [email protected] or at home at 517-242-4961. You can reach our Financial Secretary, Jim Warner at [email protected] or at home at 321-1507 or by cell at 719-6794.

From The Council Financial Secretary Jim Warner

I am pleased to report that at this time the Council is on firm financial standings and we have paid all outstanding bills, and have made preparations to pay all know upcoming bills, for the remaining fiscal year. This includes the reserved funds, known as the “GK Hold-Back” or “Tom’s Rule”, reserved to pay the summer Per Capita fees from both the State and Supreme Councils.

I can also report that we have received dues responses from 78% of our membership to date. This is a 15% higher return than last year and hopefully well onto our goal of 100% member payment rate this year! The Knight Alert letters have already been sent out and our Retention Committee members are in the process of contacting the remaining unpaid members. Again, I would like to thank all of these members for their quick response in paying their dues and more importantly their generosity of the voluntary contributions.

As a reminder . . . . Your 2012 membership cards are no longer accepted after March 31st 2013!

HELP WANTED ! ! ! ! !

I am looking for a volunteer to take over the Electronic Bulletin Board which is maintained at

the 788 Hall. If you have a computer, are familiar with Microsoft Power Point, and have some

spare time, this would be a great way to help support your Council. Please call me and we

can meet to discuss the process in further details.

If, for any reason, you have concerns about your dues payment, or are having difficulty in paying due to financial or illness, please do not hesitate to contact our Grand Knight Mike Schaefer or myself so we can work it out. Please do not just ignore your billings.

You may contact me at 517-321-1507 (home), 517-719-6794 (cell/text), or by e-mailing me at [email protected]. Thank you all and see you at the next Council meeting!

Propose A Member Today !!

April 14 th


Glenn Barry – Captain Bill Chasse’ Mike Schueller Tom Kalchik Casey Griggs Jimmy Isaac Jim Bleicher Dave Williams R. Jay Kussmaul Stan Siefker Mike Schaefer Dave Luedtke


CCll iipp tthhiiss ccoouuppoonn aanndd ppuurr cchhaassee aa nneeww vveehhiiccllee ff rr oomm SShhaahheeeenn CChheevvrr oolleett ,, aanndd SShhaahheeeenn wwii ll ll ddoonnaattee $$110000..0000 ttoo tthhee KK nniigghhttss ooff CCoolluummbbuuss ffoorr uussee iinn tthheeiirr cchhaarr ii ttaabbllee wwoorr kkss.. TThhaannkkss DDaannee JJuurrkkoovviicc ffoorr yyoouurr ppuurrcchhaassee aanndd ddoonnaattiioonn ff rroomm SShhaahheeeenn..

HHeellpp tthhee KK nniigghhttss ooff CCoolluummbbuuss CChhaarr ii tt iieess BBuuyy ttooddaayy ff rr oomm SSHHAAHHEEEENN CChheevvrr oolleett

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1st & 3rd Mondays of every Month beginning at 7 pm. Registration at 6:45 pm and the cost is only $5.00 per person with all money re- turned in prizes.

We’re Heading To Soaring Eagle Casino

The Liberty Foundation Committee is sponsoring a bus trip to Soaring Eagle Casino on Saturday, April 13th. Two buses will depart for the casino; One, from the K of C Hall, and the other from Cristo Rey Church. Both leave at 3:00 pm and will be back by 10:00 pm. The cost is only $30.00 per seat, with $20.00 of that in slot play, and a $5.00 food voucher. Tickets are going fast and if you want to go, contact Denise Kelsey at 517-285-3029 or Paul Franco at 517-410-0688.


3-22-24-13 Tootsie Roll Drive 3-24-13 Knights Daughters Palm Sunday Breakfast 8 am to Noon 3-29-13 Good Friday Lenten Fish Fry 5:00 pm 3-31-13 Easter – Club Closed

4-1-13 Euchre 7 pm 4-5&6-13 4th Degree Exemplification in Lansing 4-7-13 Knights Daughters Breakfast For The Liberty Committee 8 am - Noon 4-12-13 Steak Fry – 5:30 pm Live Music 7 pm 4-13-13 Casino Bus Trip To Soaring Eagle 3:00 pm 4-13-13 Spaghetti Dinner At St. Gerard For Vocations 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm 4-14-13 St. Gerard Breakfast After 7:30 am, 9:00 am & 11:00 am Masses 4-15-13 Euchre 7 pm 4-20&21-13 Membership Drive After All Masses 4-21-13 Don Quixote Spring Fling 4-24-13 Memorial Dinner For Deceased Members 6:00 pm 4-26-13 Men’s Bowling Banquet 5-12-13 Mother’s Day Breakfast 8 am to Noon

4-4&5-13 Pinewood Derby Fundraiser 6-14-13 Flag Day Ceremony – 8:00 pm 6-21-13 Grand Knights Appreciation Dinner 5:30 pm 6-22-13 Council Golf Outing At Royal Scot 7:00 am Registration, 8:00 am Start 8-9-13 Lugnuts Game – Vocations Night


COUPON Clip This Coupon & Celebrate Your

Birthday At The Club With A Drink On The LCA

Limited To One LCA Drink

Of Your Choice On Your Birth Date Only Council #788 Members Only Proof of Birth Date Required



Someone Asked YOU Now YOU Ask Someone Today !!!

Bring In Two Members In One Year, And Your Dues Are FREE

For One Year


FRIDAY - APRIL 12th - $10.00 Per Person

Steak Fry - 5:30 pm - Live Music - 7:00 pm

Live Music In The Bar With Jay & Ron

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From The Ladies Auxiliary By Pattie Schaefer

The month of April finds the Ladies Auxiliary busy as March. But hey, that’s a good thing, right? We continued to make the desserts for the Lenten fish fry’s, helped count the money for the Tootsie Roll drive and are wrapping up plans for the Don Quixote Spring Fling on Sunday April 21st. At our most recent meeting in March we finished reviewing and re-writing the by-laws, copies will be handed out to the members at the April meeting. We discussed and transferred our financial accounts; thank you to Paul Kelsey for your help and making it so easy for us. Other topics of discussion included; donations to charities, field trips, guest speakers and future fundraising ideas. All in all a very productive meeting thanks to all of those who attended.

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:00 pm. Items on the April agenda includes; nominations for officers, Lady of the Year committee, and unfinished business.

New members are ALWAYS welcome so come check us out, join in the fun, make some new friends and do some charitable work for our community at the same time.

KKK nnniiiggghhhtttsss ooofff CCCooollluuummmbbbuuusss CCCooouuunnnccciii lll ###777888888

4 Person Golf Scramble Saturday - June 22nd - Royal Scot Golf Course


$70.00 Per Person - $280.00 Per Team PRICE INCLUDES: 18 Holes Of Golf - Cart - Lunch At The Turn

Dinner & Prizes At The Knight Of Columbus Hall

Contact: Ron Cook - 517-282-9035 or Don Schmitz - 517-449-2355 For Further Information


Sunday - April 7, 2013 - 8:00 AM TO 12:00 PM

Proceeds To The Liberty Committee To Elect Bill Chasse’ To State Office

Knights of Columbus Hall 5300 N. Grand River

Adults $6.00 Kids 5-11 $3.00 Kids Under 5 Years - FREE

Eggs To Order, Toast, Potatoes, Ham, Sausage, Orange Juice, Coffee

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Columbian Patrons 2013

Albright Chris & Pat Hayes Fr. Maurice Reyes Rosendo & E speranzaArbour Fred & Carol Henderson FMFD Dennis & Maxine Roje ski JohnArens Mike & Dena Holland Patrick & Nancy Rojeski PaulBachelder John & Barb Holmes E. Gerald & Carol Royale Je ane & JackieBaldwin Frank & Kathy Hull Horace "Hod" & Theresa Rozno wski Frank & BethBarry Timothy & Lori Hummel Florence Ruch, Jr. Emil & Ma ry EllenBauer Bob & Barbara Ingold Johann Ruthruff Don & VinnBeachnau PGK Dan & Jeanne Izzo Patrick & Jo-Ann Rybicki RichBellgowan Tom & Kay Jackus PGK Joseph "Jay" & Laurie Sa vage Deacon Dick & JoyceBennett Jerome & Marcia Jensen Allen & Susan Schaefer GK Michael & PatriciaBiergans James & Mary Jurkovic Dane & Michelle Schafer P GK Carl & BettyBleicher Jim & Biddy Kalchik Thomas & Jane Schaner Bill & ElizabethBollman Carl & Mary Jane Kent Pierce & Kathleen Schertz ing Brian & CindyBollman James A. & Diane Kay Klien Fr. John Schertzing D avid & Mary EllenBook John & Ginger Knapp Ronald Schmitz PGK Donald J. & PhyllisBoucher PGK Albert & Marian Kobus PFN Joseph & Linda Sc hmitz Richard & CarleenBrandell Francis Kramer Peter Schrauben PGK Larry & Marl eneBrandell Michael Kussmaul R.Jay & Katie Schuler MikeBrennan PGK Byron & Joyce Lamond Robert & Vivian Scodel ler PGK Raymond L.Brickner Dr. Robert Lehman Thomas & Elizabeth Semrau Lar ry & AliceCarey Mark Luedtke PGK David & Nancy Shaw William & Susa nChasse' PGK Bill & Marybeth Macksood Steven & Patti Sha y David & JulieCherniawski Frank & Janette Majeske Don & Joy Simon Haro ld & ReginaCicorelli Frank & Rose Martinez Rick Smith Charles M.Cook Ron and Ann Masseau Douglas E. Sohn Ken & MarilynCorey Jay & Mary Maurer Richard K. Spehar Robert & Colle enCostigan Christopher & Margaret McCloy Sr. PSD Richard Spenski Ron & JoannCummings Phil & Jane McCrackin Richard & Carol Stafford Ed & LindaDaggett Curtis & Mary Jo McDonald Robert & Kathryn Stev ens Allan & PatriciaDart C. Douglas & Janice McGinley Michael Stotenbur Dan & JudyDe Rose John A. & Norma McMahon James Stump Marvin & Nan cyDeschryver Joe & Mary Meyers Grover J. Tabor PGK Lawrenc e & DoloresDeWitt Dr. Mark & Kathy Miller Todd & Maureen Tanner Roy & DorothyDiaz Mario Milliman Richard & Donna Tellier Gary & JanetDiGiovanni Joseph & Darlene Minich PGK Tom & Alice Thei s Dennis & LuannDomagalski Donald & Caroline Miron Jack & Bernice Thele n Daniel & CarolDuMont Mike & Tonia Moore Justin & Renee Thelen David & PamelaDuMont Steven Morway Frank & Linda Thelen Dick & EstherFabiano James Nelson Robert & Patricia Thelen Fred & Pat riciaFeldpausch Hilary & Anna Oppenlander Craig (dec) & Mel issa Thelen Richard A. & AlbertaFlorian Jeff & Stephanie Ozanich Walter & Mary Kay Thom as Daniel & ChristineFox George & Theresa Pavona Nicholas & Linda Timmer Davi dFranklin Fay Perez Enrique & Olivia Van Rooyen Fr. PeterFrazier Larry Peruchietti Michael & Cindy Walsh TerryGarcia Joseph & Sarah Pillar Tom & Beverly Warner Jim & CayGlisson Jean Plunkett PGK Ray & Rosemary Wawiernia PGK E d & PennyGoerge Hilary & Jane Pohl Jim Wegener Chris & Noelle Grades Ronald Pollack Bernard & Caroline Wegener Eric & KarenGreeley, Sr. David Potoczny John & Joann Wegener PGK Her bertGreen James & Ann Powell Louis Wegener PSD Tom & JoyceHanifan Patrick & Mary Ann Price Carl Weimer AnthonyHanlon Michael & Kathleen Powell Tim Whyte Robert & Cath erineHarris Thomas & Marilyn Pung Don & Bea Zerfas Ronald & J oan

A special thank you to all the above patrons who help defray the cost of printing the newsletter. If you would like to help and become a patron, contact Jim Warner at 517-719-6794. Your donation of only $10.00 per year, helps your council and corporation get the hardcopy newsletter to you each month. Your donation is greatly appreciated and both your corporation and council thank you.

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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Richard Council #788 5300 N. Grand River Avenue Lansing, Michigan 48906 Chartered May 30, 1903 “In Service To One, In Service To All” ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

APRIL 2013


1 Club Open 4 pm Euchre 7 pm

2 Club Open 4 pm Officers Meeting 7:00 pm

3 Club Open 4 pm Ladies Aux. Mtg. 7:00 pm

4 Club Open 4 pm Men’s Bowling 6 pm

5 Club Open 4 pm 4th Degree Exemplification

6 Club Open 4 pm 4th Degree Exemplification

7 Club Closed Knights Daughters Breakfast 8 – Noon Proceeds To Liberty Committee

8 Club Open 4 pm

9 Club Open 4 pm Council Meeting. 7:30 pm

10 Club Open 4 pm Knights Daughters Mtg. 7:00 pm

11 Club Open 4 pm Men’s Bowling 6 pm

12 Club Open 4 pm STEAK FRY 5:30 PM Live Music 7 pm

13 Club Open 4 pm Bus Trip To

Soaring Eagle

Casino 3 pm

14 Club Closed St. Gerard Breakfast after 7:30. 9:00, 11:00 AM Masses

15 Club Open 4 pm Euchre 7 pm

16 Club Open 4 pm 4th Degree Mtg. 7:30 pm

17 Club Open 4 pm

LCA Meeting 7 pm

18 Club Open 4 pm

19 Club Open 4 pm

20 Club Open 4 pm Membership Drive After All Masses

21 Club Closed Membership Drive After All Masses Don Quixote Spring Fling Dance

22 Club Open 4 pm

23 Club Open 4 pm

24 Club Open 4 pm Memorial Dinner For Deceased Members 6 pm

25 Club Open 4 pm

26 Club Open 4 pm Men’s Bowling Banquet

27 Club Open 4 pm

28 Club Closed

29 Club Open 4 pm

30 Club Open 4 pm

1 MAY Club Open 4 pm Ladies Aux. Mtg. 7:00 pm

2 Club Open 4 pm

3 Club Open 4 pm

4 Club Open 4 pm Pinewood Derby Fundraiser