Read about the life of Greta Garbo. How many times did she ...


Transcript of Read about the life of Greta Garbo. How many times did she ...

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Reading 1 2.16 Read about the life of Greta Garbo. How many times did she change
her name?
I W.nNT TO .D~ .nLON~
G reta Garbo was a Hollywood star in the 1920s and 1930s, She was born In Sweden in 1906, Her real name was Greta Gustafsson, Her father died was fourteen, so she Ileft school and got a Job, She worked as a model for newspaper advertisements, When she was seventeen, she went to theatre
5 school. She met Mauritz Stille~ a top Swedish film d i rectol~ and he gave her a part in
his films, He also gave her the name Garbo, In 1925, when Stiller moved to Garbo went with him, She later became an American citizen, In Hollywood, Gal'bo made twenty-seven films and got four Academy Award nominations, In 1932 In
10 Grand Hotel she said the famous line, 'I want to be alone,' Garbo was not a typical Hollywood star She was very pnvate, She never spoke
about her love affairs, and she didn't give interviews to the pl'ess, Many people fe, love with Garbo, and she had several serious relat ionships, But she never got and she didn't have any children,
15 When she was thir'ty-six, Garbo ret il'ed. She moved to New York, changed hei" to Harriet Brown and lived the rest of her life t here - alone, She died in 1990 at age of eighty-four
2 Here is a summary of Greta Garbo's life. Put the lines in the correct order.
[I] a) Greta Garbo was born in Sweden, She left
D b) model. When she was seventeen, she went
o c) married and she didn't have
o d) thirty-six, She died in New York in 1990,
o e) to theatre school. Soon after, she moved to
[]] f) school at fourteen and worked as a
D g) Hollywood and made twenty-seven films, She didn't get
o h) children, She retired when she was
2.17 Listen and check.
3 Who is your favourite Hollywood star? What do you know about his or her lih Tell your partner about him or her.
Writing 1 Think about a retired person you know well. Write a summary of their life U~
the verb phrases in the box.
• was born in , .. (a place, a year) • met ... (a person) • went to ... (school, university) • got married to ... (a person) • left ... (school, university) • got divorced from ... (a perso • worked as a/ an ... (job) • had ... children • moved to ... (a new place) • retired • lived in ... (a place)
2 Compare your summary with a partner.
52 UNIT -Jq ALone
Chapter Five
Lia walks on. After a minute, Jay follows her. They walk and they walk. There are no houses here. There are no animals. There is dry grass and there is dust.
They hear a sound.
‘What is that sound?’ Jay asks. ‘Is someone calling us?’
‘No. It’s the sound of the wind,’ Lia replies.
Jay: ‘No, it isn’t the wind. It’s a ghost. I’m afraid of ghosts.’
Lia: ‘There are no ghosts here.’
Lia and Jay are at the farm.
Chapter Five