Rapid Development with Ruby, JRuby and Rails

Rapid Development with Ruby, JRuby and Rails Brian Leonard Software Engineer Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Transcript of Rapid Development with Ruby, JRuby and Rails

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Rapid Development with Ruby, JRuby and Rails

Brian LeonardSoftware Engineer

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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Overall Presentation Goal

Gain a basic understanding of the

Ruby on Rails concepts

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Speaker’s Qualifications

Brian Leonard began working with enterprise Java in 1997 at NetDynamics. Today he's a technology evangelist at Sun Microsystems.

Brian developed the Ruby on Rails tutorial series on netbeans.org which is used at the basis for this presentation.

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What is Rails?

An MVC framework for

web applications

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The Features of Rails

Metaprogramming Active Record Convention over Configuration Scaffolding Easy Ajax Rapid Feedback Loop

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Rails Naming Conventions

Class names are usually CamelCase RocketShip

File names are lower_case rocket_ship.rb

Model names are singular Rocket, Person

Table names are plural rockets, people

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Ruby/Rails Terminology

Rake Ruby Make

Symbols Often used in place of a string

Generators Scripts that create project artifacts (i.e., models,

views and controllers) The Flash

A way to pass objects between requests A temporary scratchpad Commonly used for IDs

:rocket, :edit

flash[:post_id] = @params[:id]

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Rails File Types

Extension Type*.rb Ruby file

Embedded Ruby file Configuration


*YAML Ain't Markup Language

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Self-descriptive immediate objects like the number 3, for example.

Atomic, immutable and unique Can't be parsed or modified All references to a symbol refer to the same object

:foo.equals?(:foo) #True 'foo'.equals?('foo') #False

Always interchangeable with strings No right or wrong usage Easier to type Stand out in the editor The different syntax can distinguish keys from

values :name => 'Brian'

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Often used to refer to: Method names (:post_comment) Options in a method argument list (:name, :title) Hash keys (:name => 'Brian')

Symbols are not: Variables

They don't hold references to other objects Strings

Although you can get their string representation

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So really, what is a symbol?

Simply, a symbol is something that you use to represent names and strings.

What this boils down to is a way to efficiently have descriptive names while saving the space one would use to generate a string for each naming instance.

Useful whenever you’re going to be reusing a word over and over to represent something else


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How do I use it?

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Creating a Basic Rails Project

Create your project rails #{project name}

Create your database rake > db > create > all Will create the database(s) as defined in

database.yml: #{project name}_development #{project name}_test #{project name}_production

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Creating a Basic Rails Project

Scaffold your first resource ruby script/generate scaffold #{model name} #{attribute pairs}

Follow conventions (singular form) Execute the database migrations

rake db:migrate

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Creating a Basic Rails Project - Example

rails blog rake db > create; ruby script/generate scaffold post title:string

rake db:migrate ruby script/server

Test: http://localhost:3000/posts

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Rails Application – Iteration 1: Application, Database and

Initial Scaffolding

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Database Migrations

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The Evolving Data Model

Our requirements have changed! Our database needs another field

Migrations to the rescue ruby script/generate migration #{migration name} #{attribute pairs}

For example: ruby script/generate migration AddBodyToPosts body:text

class AddBody < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up

add_column :post, :body, :text endend

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Rails Application – Iteration 2: Database Migrations

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Defined in the model – the gatekeeper of our data

Common methods: validates_presence_of validates_numericality_of validates_uniqueness_of validates_format_of validates_length_of

Code Templates exist for most of these

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Rails Application – Iteration 3: Validation

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Understand the Rails URL

Controller ID

http://domain/#{controller}/#{id} and/or #{action}

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erb Templates

<p> <b>Title:</b> <%=h @post.title %></p><p> <b>Body:</b> <%=h @post.body %></p><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(@post) %> |<%= link_to 'Back', posts_path %>

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Application Flow

def edit @post = Post.find( params[:id]) end

<% form_for(@post) do |f| %> <p><b>Title</b><br /> <%= f.text_field :title %></p> <p><b>Body </b><br /> <%= f.text_area :body %></p> <p><%= submit “Update” %></p><% end %>

def update @post = Post.find(params[:id]) if @post.update_attributes(params[:post]) redirect_to(@post) else render :action => “edit” end end






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Rails Application – Iteration 4: The View

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Model Relationships

Declaring relationships has_many belongs_to

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Model Relationships

For example:

Allows for:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :commentsend

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :postend

# Fetch all comments for post id 1post = Post.find(1)comments = post.comments.collect

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Rails Application – Iteration 5: Model Relationships

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Prototype and script.aculo.us libraries are included with Rails Others can be easily added

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Prepare the Application for AJAX

Move the html you would like to be dynamic into a partial template.

“Partials” Chunks of rhtml that act as methods Prepended with an underscore.

For example: _comment.rhtml Usage:


<%= render :partial => "comment", :object => comment %>

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First Steps to AJAX

Include the Prototype and script.aculo.us Javascript libraries

Replace form_tag (does an HTTP POST) with form_remote_tag (does an XMLHTTPRequest)


<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

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Steps to AJAX

Use render :update construct to handle the XMLHTTPRequest

render :update allows you to use Ruby commands to generate JavaScript

Create a DOM id to reference


render :update do |page| page.insert_html :bottom,

"comments", :partial => “comment”


<div id=”comments”> ... </div>

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Rails Application – Iteration 6: AJAX

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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To call Java from Ruby:

Import classes (just as in Java)

Use the class: Note the Ruby syntax!

include Java

import java.util.ArrayList

dogs = ArrayList.newdogs.add "Spaniel"dogs.add "Hound"dogs.add "Retriever"

dogs.each do |dog| puts dogend

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Rails Application – Iteration 7: Java

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Creating the Project Schema Migrations Validation The View Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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Java Server Integration

Goldspike GlassFish V3

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Rails Plugin Packages Rails application as WAR WAR contains a servlet that translates data

from the servlet request to the Rails dispatcher

Works for any servlet container rake war:standalone:create

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GlassFish v3

Next version of GlassFish Ideal container for Web 2.0 applications Small

Kernel < 100k Fast

Starts up in < 1 second Modular

Java, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, ... Will be Java EE 6 compatible

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Why JRuby on GlassFish ?

Java EE is tested deployment platform Integrate existing Java EE & RoR apps in

one container Hot Deployment

No need to restart container Database Connection Pooling One instance, one process OOTB Clustering and High Availability

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Rails Application – Iteration 8: Deploying to GlassFish and


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Creating the Project Schema Migrations The View Validation Database Relationships Ajax Java Deployment

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The popular Ruby language and Ruby on Rails framework are now available on the Java platform

Ruby's dynamic nature make it a fun and ideal language for web development (Ruby on Rails)

Rails applications can be deployed to your favorite Java server container

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Java Powered Ruby

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