Randomly Punctured LDPC Codes Mitchell, David G.M...

Randomly Punctured LDPC Codes Mitchell, David G.M.; Lentmaier, Michael; Pusane, Ali E.; Costello Jr., Daniel J. Published in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2015.2507758 2016 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Mitchell, D. G. M., Lentmaier, M., Pusane, A. E., & Costello Jr., D. J. (2016). Randomly Punctured LDPC Codes. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(2), 408-421. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSAC.2015.2507758 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

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Randomly Punctured LDPC Codes

Mitchell, David G.M.; Lentmaier, Michael; Pusane, Ali E.; Costello Jr., Daniel J.

Published in:IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications



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Citation for published version (APA):Mitchell, D. G. M., Lentmaier, M., Pusane, A. E., & Costello Jr., D. J. (2016). Randomly Punctured LDPC Codes.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(2), 408-421.https://doi.org/10.1109/JSAC.2015.2507758

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Randomly Punctured LDPC CodesDavid G. M. Mitchell, Member, IEEE, Michael Lentmaier, Senior Member, IEEE, Ali E. Pusane, Member, IEEE,

and Daniel J. Costello, Jr., Life Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we present a random puncturinganalysis of low-density parity-check (LDPC) code ensembles.We derive a simple analytic expression for the iterative beliefpropagation (BP) decoding threshold of a randomly puncturedLDPC code ensemble on the binary erasure channel (BEC) andshow that, with respect to the BP threshold, the strength andsuitability of an LDPC code ensemble for random puncturing iscompletely determined by a single constant that depends only onthe rate and the BP threshold of the mother code ensemble. Wethen provide an efficient way to accurately predict BP thresholdsof randomly punctured LDPC code ensembles on the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel (BI-AWGNC), givenonly the BP threshold of the mother code ensemble on theBEC and the design rate, and we show how the predictioncan be improved with knowledge of the BI-AWGNC threshold.We also perform an asymptotic minimum distance analysis ofrandomly punctured code ensembles and present simulationresults that confirm the robust decoding performance promisedby the asymptotic results. Protograph-based LDPC block codeand spatially coupled LDPC code ensembles are used throughoutas examples to demonstrate the results.

Index Terms—Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, spa-tially coupled codes, rate-compatible codes, punctured codes,iterative decoding, belief propagation, decoding thresholds, bi-nary erasure channel, additive white Gaussian noise channel,minimum distance.


IT is often desirable in applications that experience changingchannel conditions to be able to employ a variety of code

rates. Coding schemes that can adapt to the changing con-ditions of time-varying channels while allowing transceiversto employ the same encoder/decoder pair are known as rate-compatible codes [1]. Rate-compatible low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes have been extensively studied in theliterature using code modifying techniques such as informationnulling or shortening [2], extending [3]-[6], puncturing [7]-[14], and combining [15].

In a rate-compatible puncturing scheme [1], the transmitterpunctures coded symbols and, as a result of having fewer

This work was supported in part by the NSF under Grant Number CCF-1161754 and in part by TUBITAK under Grant Number 111E276. Thematerial in this paper was presented in part at the International Symposium onTurbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing, Bremen, Germany, August2014 and in part at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,Hong Kong, China, July 2015.

D. G. M. Mitchell is with the Klipsch School of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA.He was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of NotreDame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

M. Lentmaier is with the Department of Electrical and Information Technol-ogy, Lund University, Lund, Sweden (e-mail: [email protected]).

A. E. Pusane is with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineer-ing, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey (e-mail: [email protected]).

D. J. Costello, Jr. is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Univer-sity of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

transmitted code symbols, the code rate is increased. It isassumed that the receiver knows the positions of the puncturedsymbols, so that both the punctured and transmitted symbolscan be estimated during decoding. Since the decoder forthe mother code is used to decode the punctured codes, avariety of code rates can be achieved using the same decodingarchitecture by puncturing different numbers of symbols.

In this paper, we consider punctured LDPC codes, where thepunctured bits are selected randomly and uniformly over thecomplete codeword. We derive a simple analytic expressionfor the iterative belief propagation (BP) decoding threshold ofa randomly punctured LDPC code ensemble on the binaryerasure channel (BEC) and show that, with respect to theBP decoding threshold, the strength and suitability of anLDPC code ensemble for random puncturing over the BECis completely determined by a single constant θ ≥ 1 thatdepends only on the rate and BP threshold of the mother codeensemble. If θ = 1, the punctured ensembles are capacityachieving for all higher rates, and if θ is close to 1, thepunctured ensemble thresholds are close to capacity for allhigher rates up to 1/θ.

We extend the BEC results to the binary-input additivewhite Gaussian noise channel (BI-AWGNC) and show thatanalogous results can be obtained. In particular, we developa relationship between the BP thresholds on the two channelsand provide an efficient way to predict the thresholds of punc-tured LDPC code ensembles on the BI-AWGNC given onlythe BP threshold of the mother code ensemble on the BEC andthe code design rate, and we show how the prediction can beimproved with knowledge of the BI-AWGNC threshold. Thepredicted thresholds are shown to be accurate by comparingthem with values calculated by discretized density evolutionfor a variety of code ensembles and puncturing fractions.Throughout the paper, we use protograph-based LDPC blockcode (LDPC-BC) [16], [17] and spatially coupled LDPC(SC-LDPC) code [18] ensembles, although the approach isvalid for general LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles.We also perform an asymptotic minimum distance analysisand show that, for asymptotically good LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC mother code ensembles, the randomly punctured codeensembles are also asymptotically good. Moreover, we showthat, even though the minimum distance growth rates decreaseas the puncturing fraction increases, the gap to the Gilbert-Varshamov bound actually decreases with puncturing. Finally,computer simulations are used to confirm the robust decodingperformance promised by the asymptotic results.

The paper provides a unified and comprehensive study ofrandom puncturing of LDPC code ensembles, extending theBEC analysis of [19] and an introductory numerical study forthe BI-AWGNC [20]. Compared to [19] and [20], we consider


(J,K)-regular LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles ofvarying densities and rates as well as irregular code ensembles.We also provide an analytical expression for the BP decodingthreshold of an arbitrary randomly punctured LDPC codeensemble on the BEC and show that this result is, in fact,independent of the decoding algorithm or the structure of themother code. For example, we show that a similar argumentcan be made for the threshold of the maximum a posterioriprobability (MAP) decoder. In this case, the derivation is thesame and simply leads to a different θ. We further showthat, even though the single BEC constant θ can be used toapproximate thresholds on the BI-AWGNC, the approximationcan be improved by combining the BEC constant and aBI-AWGNC constant, providing an accurate prediction ofthresholds for all achievable rates.

The paper is structured as follows: In Section II, we describethe construction of protograph-based LDPC-BC and SC-LDPCcode ensembles. In Section III we present an analysis of thethresholds of randomly punctured LDPC code ensembles onthe BEC, and in Section IV we extend the analysis to the BI-AWGNC. In Section V, we perform an asymptotic minimumdistance analysis of punctured LDPC code ensembles, andcomputer simulation results are presented in Section VI.Conclusions are provided in Section VII. We remark that thepurpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis ofrandomly punctured LDPC codes, not to compare various rate-compatible code constructions or to propose optimal punctur-ing patterns.


In this section, we describe the LDPC code ensembles usedthroughout the paper. We choose to consider LDPC codesbased on a protograph [16] to demonstrate our results, sincethey have been shown in the literature to have many desirablequalities, such as fast encoding/decoding, low iterative decod-ing thresholds, and linear minimum distance growth (see, forexample, [17], and the references therein).

A. Protograph-based LDPC-BCs

A protograph [16] with design rate R = 1 − nc/nv isa small bipartite graph that connects a set of nv variablenodes to a set of nc check nodes by a set of edges. Theprotograph can be represented by a parity-check or basebiadjacency matrix B, where Bx,y is taken to be the numberof edges connecting variable node vy to check node cx.The parity-check matrix H of a protograph-based LDPC-BC can be created by replacing each non-zero entry in Bby a sum of Bx,y non-overlapping permutation matrices ofsize M × M and each zero entry by the M × M all-zeromatrix. It is an important feature of this construction thateach derived code inherits the degree distribution and graphneighborhood structure of the protograph. The ensemble ofprotograph-based LDPC-BCs with block length n = Mnv isdefined by the set of matrices H that can be derived from agiven protograph using all possible combinations of M ×Mpermutation matrices. We denote the (J,K)-regular LDPC-BC ensemble with design rate R = 1 − J/K defined by the

= variable node = check node

Fig. 1: Protographs associated with (a) the (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BC ensembleB3,6 and (b) the WiMAX IRA LDPC-BC ensemble.

all-ones base matrix B of size J×K as BJ,K . The protographrepresenting B3,6 with R = 1/2 is shown in Fig. 1(a).For demonstration purposes, we also consider the protograph(shown in Fig. 1(b)) associated with the R = 1/2 irregular-repeat-accumulate (IRA) LDPC-BC that was specified in theWiMAX standard [21]. This irregular protograph has variablenodes with degrees ranging from 2 to 6 and check nodeswith degrees 6 and 7. Puncturing of LDPC-BCs has beeninvestigated extensively in the literature [7]-[14] and goodrate-compatible protograph-based codes and code ensembleshave been constructed (see, e.g., [5] in the context of graphextending and [17] using puncturing).

B. Protograph-based SC-LDPC Codes

SC-LDPC codes are constructed by coupling together aseries of L disjoint, or uncoupled, Tanner graphs into a singlecoupled chain, and they can be viewed as a type of LDPCconvolutional code (LDPC-CC) [22], since spatial coupling isequivalent to introducing memory into the encoding process.SC-LDPC codes have been shown to combine excellent itera-tive decoding thresholds [23], [24], [18] and good asymptoticminimum distance and trapping set properties [18], [25], [26].Moreover, it has been proven analytically for general mem-oryless binary-input symmetric-output (MBS) channels thatthe BP decoding thresholds of a class of (J,K)-regular SC-LDPC code ensembles achieve the MAP decoding thresholdsof the underlying (J,K)-regular LDPC block code ensemblesas L → ∞, a phenomenon termed threshold saturation [24].Rate-compatible LDPC-CCs were shown to be capable ofachieving the capacity of the BEC using graph extending in[6]. An algorithm to select particular puncturing patterns toconstruct robust rate-compatible LDPC-CCs was presented in[27].

The base matrix of an SC-LDPC code ensemble with


Ensemble Component base matrices

C3,4(L) B0 =

1 1 0 00 1 1 00 0 1 1

,B1 =

0 0 1 11 0 0 11 1 0 0

C3,6(L) B0 =

[2 1

],B1 =

[1 2

]C3,6,B(L) B0 = B1 = B2 =

[1 1

]C4,8(L) B0 = B1 =

[1 1

],B2 =

[2 2

]C5,10(L) B0 =

[1 1

],B1 =

[4 4

]C3,9(L) B0 =

[1 1 1

],B1 =

[2 2 2

]TABLE I: SC-LDPC code ensemble component base matrices.

0 1 2 ... L-1

0 1 2 ...




Fig. 2: Tanner graphs associated with (a) a (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BC proto-graph, (b) a chain of L uncoupled (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BC protographs, and(c) a chain of L spatially coupled (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BC protographs withcoupling width w = 2.

coupling length L is

B[0,L−1] =


B1 B0... B1. . .


.... . . B0

Bw B1. . ....



, (1)

where w denotes the coupling width and the bc×bv componentbase matrices Bi, i = 0, 1, . . . , w, represent the edge connec-tions from the bv variable nodes at time t to the bc checknodes at time t+ i. An ensemble of SC-LDPC codes can thenbe formed from B[0,L−1] using the protograph constructionmethod described above. The design rate of the ensemble ofSC-LDPC codes is

RL = 1− (L+ w)bcLbv

. (2)

The ensembles and their component base matrices used inthis paper are given in Table I. Fig. 2 illustrates the “edge-spreading” construction [18] of the protograph representingthe SC-LDPC code ensemble C3,6,B(L).


In this section, we consider the transmission of randomlypunctured LDPC codes over the BEC. After summarizing

the puncturing of linear codes, we then describe the channelmodel, showing that the problem can be analyzed by meansof two cascaded BECs or, equivalently, a single BEC witha modified erasure rate. We then determine the iterative BPdecoding thresholds of punctured LDPC-BC and SC-LDPCcode ensembles on the BEC.

A. Puncturing Linear Codes

A linear code is punctured by removing a set of p columnsfrom its generator matrix, which has the effect of reducingthe codeword length from n to n − p. After puncturing alinear code with puncturing fraction α = p/n, the resultingtransmission rate is

R(α) =R

1− α, α ∈ [0, 1), (3)

where R(0) = R is the rate of the mother (unpunctured)code. The dimension of the code is preserved, and thereforethe target rate R(α) is achieved, provided no two distinctcodewords differ within the p punctured symbols only. Thiscan be achieved, for example, by restricting punctured symbolsto the n−k parity-check symbols of a code in systematic form.A code can be punctured randomly or according to a particularpattern. It is assumed that the receiver knows the positions ofthe punctured symbols, and the decoder estimates both thepunctured and transmitted symbols during decoding.

B. Thresholds of Randomly Punctured LDPC Code Ensembles

Consider puncturing a length n codeword v for transmissionover a BEC with erasure probability ε. We assume that a fixedfraction α = p/n of the code symbols are punctured, such thatthe transmitted codeword vpunc has length npunc = (1− α) ·n. After transmission, the received vector r will contain, onaverage, ε · npunc erased symbols and (1 − ε) · npunc correctsymbols. The receiver knows the positions of the puncturedand erased symbols and proceeds to decode the overall codeof length n.

For the purpose of threshold analysis, we assume that,instead of applying a particular fixed puncturing pattern toeach transmitted codeword, the transmitter randomly selectsa different puncturing pattern for every codeword. This se-lection is performed uniformly from the set of all possiblelength n patterns with p = αn punctured symbols. We referto this approach as Strategy 1. For large block length n,the behavior concentrates around the average, and any fixedpuncturing pattern will, with high probability, result in similarperformance as Strategy 1. Consider now a different randompuncturing strategy, in which each symbol in a codewordis punctured independently with probability α. In this casethe number of punctured symbols is not a constant but abinomially distributed random variable with mean nα andvariance nα(1 − α). This approach is referred to as Strategy2.

Lemma 1 Consider an arbitrary code ensemble whose BPdecoding threshold can be computed by means of densityevolution. Assume that Strategy 1 or 2 is applied. Then, on






v r

v r







Fig. 3: (a) Block diagram illustrating random puncturing on the BEC, and (b)an equivalent BEC for random puncturing.

the BEC, the BP decoding threshold will be the same for bothpuncturing strategies.

Proof. In density evolution, the effect of puncturing is com-pletely characterized by the distribution of input messages atthe variable nodes. On the BEC, each message is either thecorrect symbol or an erasure, and thus the message distributionis determined by the probability of an erasure. An inputmessage is erased if the corresponding received symbol iseither punctured or erased by the channel, which occurs withprobability Pp + (1− Pp)ε, where Pp denotes the probabilitythat a symbol is punctured. For Strategy 2, each symbol iserased with probability α, which immediately implies thatPp = α. For Strategy 1, each of the


)possible puncturing

patterns is chosen with equal probability, and the number ofpatterns for which a given symbol is erased is equal to


It follows that a particular symbol is erased with probability(n−1p−1)/(np

)= p/n, resulting in Pp = α. Since both puncturing

strategies result in the same distribution of input messages,their BP decoding thresholds on the BEC must be the same.2

Random puncturing using Strategy 2 can be represented asa BEC with erasure probability α. Combining this “randompuncturing channel” with the actual transmission channel, asshown in Fig. 3(a), we can now model the transmission ofrandomly punctured codewords over the BEC as two cascadedBECs. This model is equivalent to a single BEC with crossoverprobability ε′, as illustrated in Fig. 3(b), with

ε′ = α+ (1− α)ε

= 1− (1− ε)(1− α) . (4)

Based on this model we can prove the following theorem,which according to Lemma 1 is valid for both puncturingstrategies.

Theorem 2 The BP threshold εBP(α) of a randomly puncturedLDPC code ensemble on the BEC with puncturing fraction αis given by

εBP(α) = 1− 1− εBP(0)

R·R(α), (5)

where εBP(0) = εBP and R are the BP threshold and designrate of the (unpunctured) mother code ensemble, respectively,and R(α) is the target rate after puncturing.

Proof. Consider an arbitrary code ensemble of rate R withBEC iterative BP decoding threshold εBP. We are interested inthe threshold εBP(α) of the punctured code ensemble with rateR(α). In other words, we wish to know the channel parameterε = εBP(α) such that, after random puncturing with probabilityα, using Strategy 2, we obtain an equivalent channel withparameter ε′ = εBP(0) = εBP. Using (4), we obtain

εBP(0) = 1− (1− εBP(α))(1− α), (6)

so thatεBP(α) = 1− 1− εBP(0)

1− α. (7)

For Strategy 2, the expected fraction of punctured symbolsis equal to α. According to Lemma 1, the same thresholdis achieved with Strategy 1, for which a fixed fraction α ofsymbols is punctured. 2

Note that (5) provides an explicit expression for the BPthreshold εBP(α) of the punctured LDPC code ensemble withpuncturing fraction α as a function of the target rate R(α) ≥R, i.e., for a given puncturing fraction α, the function εBP(α)depends only on the threshold εBP(0) and the rate R of themother code ensemble. From (5), we define

θ =1− εBP(0)

R≥ 1, (8)

where equality holds if and only if the threshold of the mothercode ensemble εBP(0) is equal to the Shannon limit, andit follows that the largest possible rate with a non-negativethreshold εBP(α) is given by

Rmax = R(α = εBP(0)) =1

θ. (9)

Equivalently, the maximum puncturing fraction α with a non-negative BP threshold is equal to the threshold εBP(0) = εBPof the mother code. We refer to the range of rates R(0) ≤R(α) ≤ Rmax where the punctured code ensembles have non-negative thresholds as the achievable rate range. (The valueRmax was referred to as the “cutoff rate” in [9].)

Note the implications of (5) and (8): θ determines the gapto capacity for all punctured code ensembles. This leads tothe following Corollary of Theorem 2.

Corollary 3 For BP decoding on the BEC, the gap to capacity∆Sh(α) of a randomly punctured LDPC code ensemble withpuncturing fraction α and a given achievable target rate R(α)is

∆Sh(α) = εSh(R(α))− εBP(α)

= (θ − 1)R(α), (10)

where εSh(R(α)) = 1 − R(α) is the Shannon limit for therandomly punctured ensemble with rate R(α).

A large value of θ implies that the mother code ensemblehas a threshold relatively far from the Shannon limit and thegap to capacity will grow quickly with increasing α; on the


α R(α) εBP(α) ∆Sh(α)0 1/4 0.6474 0.1026

0.25 1/3 0.5299 0.13680.5 1/2 0.2948 0.2052

0.625 2/3 0.0598 0.2735

TABLE II: Thresholds and corresponding gaps to capacity for randomlypunctured (3, 4)-regular LDPC-BC ensembles B3,4.

other hand, for a value of θ close to 1, the mother codeensemble has a threshold close to the Shannon limit and thegap to capacity will grow slowly with increasing α. In theextreme case where θ = 1, i.e., the threshold of the mothercode ensemble is equal to the Shannon limit, then capacity isachieved for all punctured code ensembles with target ratesR(α) ≥ R.

C. Numerical Threshold Results

In this section, we calculate and compare values of θ fordifferent LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles.

Example 1 The B3,4 LDPC-BC ensemble has BP thresholdεBP(0) = 0.647 and design rate R(0) = 0.25, which resultsin θ = 1.4103. Since εBP(0) = 0.6474 is relatively far fromcapacity (εSh = 0.75), this ensemble has a large value of θ,and consequently the gap to capacity increases significantlywith increasing puncturing fraction α. Table II displays somepunctured thresholds εBP(α) with corresponding gaps to ca-pacity ∆Sh(α) obtained using (5) and (10), respectively. Forthis ensemble, we obtain Rmax = 0.709 using (9). 2

Fig. 4 shows numerically calculated BP thresholds ofthe randomly punctured LDPC-BC ensembles Bpunc3,9 (α),BpuncIRA (α), Bpunc3,6 (α), Bpunc4,8 (α), Bpunc5,10 (α), and Bpunc3,4 (α) fora variety of puncturing fractions α (dots, triangles, squares,rhombuses, and crosses), along with the thresholds obtainedusing (5) (solid lines). The corresponding values of θ are givenin Table III. The numerically calculated thresholds match (5)exactly. From εBP(α) = 1 − θ · R(α), we see that θ can beinterpreted graphically as the slope of the parametrically de-fined line determining the positions of the punctured thresholdsεBP(α) for all α. Comparing the four rate R = 1/2 mothercode ensembles, we find that the thresholds from best to worstare BpuncIRA (0), Bpunc3,6 (0), Bpunc4,8 (0), Bpunc5,10 (0). Consequently,this ordering holds for all higher achievable rates also, sincethe values of θ are increasing (see Table III). We stress thatthe gap to capacity for a given target rate does not dependon the amount of puncturing; rather, it depends solely on thevalue of θ obtained for the mother code ensemble. The bestvalue of θ is obtained for B3,9; therefore, for achievable targetrates R ≥ 2/3, the thresholds of Bpunc3,9 (α) are superior to allthe R = 1/2 mother code ensembles considered. Note that, ingeneral, the thresholds of (J,K)-regular LDPC-BC ensemblesworsen for a given target rate with increasing graph density,since the thresholds of the mother code ensembles, and hencethe corresponding values of θ, worsen.

Example 2 The C3,4(L = 50) SC-LDPC code ensemble hasBP threshold εBP(0) = 0.746 and design rate R(0) = 0.235,

BEC Threshold ǫBP(α)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1















Bpunc3,9 (α)

BpuncIRA (α)

Bpunc3,6 (α)

Bpunc4,8 (α)

Bpunc5,10 (α)

Bpunc3,4 (α)


Fig. 4: BEC BP thresholds of several randomly punctured LDPC-BC codeensembles for a variety of puncturing fractions α.

θEnsemble θ Ensemble L = 20 L = 50 L = ∞B3,4 1.4103 C3,4(L) 1.1954 1.0810 1.0161B3,6 1.1411 C3,6(L) 1.0776 1.0447 1.0237B4,8 1.2331 C3,6,B(L) 1.1372 1.0664 1.0237B5,10 1.3169 C4,8(L) 1.1162 1.0465 1.0046B3,9 1.0757 C5,10(L) 1.0567 1.0243 1.0038BIRA 1.1022 C3,9(L) 1.0467 1.0309 1.0205

TABLE III: Values of θ for various mother LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC codeensembles.

which results in θ = 1.0809. Similarly, the C3,6(L = 50) SC-LDPC code ensemble has εBP(0) = 0.4881 and R(0) = 0.49,which results in θ = 1.0447. The underlying LDPC blockcode ensembles B3,4 and B3,6, with rates R(0) = 0.25 andR(0) = 0.5, have thresholds εBP(0) = 0.6474 and εBP(0) =0.4294, resulting in θ = 1.4103 and θ = 1.1411, respectively.2

The thresholds of SC-LDPC mother code ensembles im-prove with L. In particular, thresholds close to capacity areobtained for large L and, as a consequence, the correspondingvalues of θ are close to 1, and the thresholds of the randomlypunctured SC-LDPC code ensembles are close to capacity forall achievable rates R(α) ≤ Rmax. Consistent with (10), as weincrease L, the gap to capacity of the randomly punctured SC-LDPC code ensembles is monotonically decreasing (improv-ing) since θ decreases. Table III displays values of θ obtainedusing (8) for various mother LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC codeensembles. Comparing the (3,K)-regular ensembles, we findthat, for large L, the C3,4(L) ensemble has the smallest valueof θ, and consequently randomly puncturing this ensemblewill result in the best thresholds, even for high rates. It isalso important to note that the value of θ depends on theparticular “edge spreading” used to construct the protograph.For example, the ensembles C3,6(L) and C3,6,B(L) are both(3, 6)-regular, but they were constructed using different edgespreadings, which results in different values of θ for finitevalues of L. These considerations give rise to the interesting


question of what is the best edge spreading and (J,K) pairthat minimizes θ for a fixed J . (For further discussion andexamples of randomly punctured SC-LDPC code ensembles,see [19].)

Finally, we note that, unlike (J,K)-regular LDPC-BC en-sembles, increasing the graph density is known to result in SC-LDPC mother code ensembles with thresholds approachingcapacity for large L, which implies that the corresponding θvalues approach 1. For example, we see from Table III that the(J, 2J)-regular, rate R = 1/2, SC-LDPC code ensembles havedecreasing θ values, approaching 1 for large L, as J increases,whereas the LDPC-BC ensembles BJ,2J have θ values thatgrow with increasing J . Consequently, to achieve thresholdsclose to capacity for almost all rates one can puncture a singlehigh density, low rate (J,K)-regular SC-LDPC code ensemblewith large L.

D. Remarks

• If one can find a capacity approaching or capacity achiev-ing code ensemble then it will have a θ value close to, orequal to, 1 and it will be well suited to random puncturingas discussed above. Related statements regarding capac-ity achieving LDPC code ensembles on the BEC withpuncturing have been made before (see e.g., [9], [28]).However, we note that the threshold saturation effect ofspatial coupling results in (J,K)-regular SC-LDPC codeensembles with thresholds close to capacity and θ valuesclose to 1. Without spatial coupling, one would haveto design an optimized capacity approaching block codeensemble to obtain a good value of θ, or accept a poorvalue of θ with a (J,K)-regular LDPC-BC ensemble.

• Designing optimized irregular mother LDPC-BC ensem-bles to obtain a good value of θ for a given R islikely to result in an ensemble with poor minimumdistance properties. In addition to having thresholds closeto capacity and correspondingly good θ values, (J,K)-regular SC-LDPC mother code ensembles are known tohave linear minimum distance growth [18]. In SectionV, we show that this property carries over to randomlypunctured SC-LDPC code ensembles.

• The derivation of the thresholds of randomly puncturedLDPC code ensembles is independent of the decodingalgorithm or the structure of the mother code. To de-termine thresholds for all punctured ensembles of rateR ≤ R(α) ≤ Rmax, we only require the threshold andthe rate of the mother code. A similar argument can bemade for the threshold of MAP decoding, for example.In this case, everything follows in the same way and weobtain

εMAP(α) = 1− θMAP ·R(α), (11)

for the MAP decoding threshold of a randomly puncturedensemble with puncturing fraction α and rate R(α),where

θMAP =1− εMAP(0)

R≥ 1, (12)

εMAP(0) is the MAP decoding threshold of the mothercode ensemble, and R = R(0) is the mother code en-

α R(α) εMAP(α) ∆Sh(α)0 1/2 0.4881 0.0119

0.25 2/3 0.3175 0.01580.375 4/5 0.1810 0.0190

TABLE IV: MAP thresholds and corresponding gaps to capacity for randomlypunctured (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BC ensembles.

semble rate. Also, for the MAP decoder, Rmax = 1/θMAP.Example 3 (below) provides some MAP thresholds for therandomly punctured (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BC ensemble.

• Due to the threshold saturation effect, certain (J,K)-regular SC-LDPC code ensembles achieve the MAPthreshold of the underlying (J,K)-regular LDPC-BC en-semble with BP decoding as L→∞ [24]. Consequently,it follows from (5) and (11) that randomly punctured SC-LDPC code ensembles under BP decoding achieve theMAP threshold of the randomly punctured underlyingLDPC-BC ensemble. Moreover, as we let J → ∞,the MAP threshold (for an arbitrary MBS channel) of(J, J/R)-regular LDPC-BC ensembles improves to theShannon limit [29], implying that the corresponding ran-domly punctured SC-LDPC code ensembles are capacityachieving for all R ≤ R(α) ≤ 1.

Example 3 The MAP threshold of a (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BCensemble is εMAP(0) = 0.4881, resulting in θMAP = 1.0238and Rmax = 0.9767. Some MAP decoding thresholds εMAP(α)and corresponding gaps to capacity ∆Sh(α) are given in TableIV. 2


In this section, we investigate the BP thresholds of randomlypunctured LDPC code ensembles on the BI-AWGNC. Webegin by calculating some numerical results for a varietyof ensembles and puncturing fractions. We then provide anefficient way to accurately predict BP thresholds of randomlypunctured LDPC code ensembles on the BI-AWGNC, giventhe BP threshold of the mother code ensemble on the BEC.

A. Numerical Results

In Fig. 5, we display numerically calculated BI-AWGNC BPthresholds of the randomly punctured LDPC-BC ensemblesBpunc3,6 (α) and SC-LDPC code ensembles Cpunc3,6 (L,α) forL = 5, 10, 50 and a variety of puncturing fractions α. Thethresholds were obtained using discretized density evolutionfor the BI-AWGNC, with information bit signal-to-noise ratioEb/N0 and noise standard deviation σ =

√N0/2, and are

plotted in terms of σ. We observe that random puncturingof LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles displays robustthreshold performance, in the sense that, as we increase thepuncturing fraction α, the thresholds do not significantlydegrade and roughly track the capacity curve. To be moreprecise, we observe that, if the mother code ensemble has athreshold close to capacity (e.g., the Cpunc3,6 (50, 0) ensemble),then the gap to capacity increases slowly and the thresholds



0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2









Bpunc3,6 (α)

Cpunc3,6 (5,α)

Cpunc3,6 (10,α)

Cpunc3,6 (50,α)


Fig. 5: Numerically calculated BI-AWGNC BP thresholds of several randomlypunctured LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles for a variety of punctur-ing fractions.

track the capacity curve closely as α increases. On the otherhand, if the mother code ensemble has a threshold furtherfrom capacity (e.g., the Cpunc3,6 (5, 0) ensemble), then the gap tocapacity increases faster with increasing α.

This is analogous to the analytical result for the BEC, whichfollows directly from (10), where the gap to capacity of anypunctured ensemble is determined by the constant θ from(8) and where the thresholds of the punctured ensembles lieon a straight line with slope determined by θ. Also, as αincreases, we observe that the maximum achievable rate, i.e.,the maximum R(α) for which a BI-AWGNC BP thresholdexists, is approximately equal to the value computed for theBEC using (9).

B. Predicting Thresholds

Given the similarities between the threshold results for theBEC and BI-AWGNC, a natural question arises: is it possibleto predict the behavior of the thresholds of randomly puncturedcode ensembles on the BI-AWGNC in a similar way as for theBEC? The parameter ε of the BEC with uniformly distributedinput X and output Y can be interpreted as the entropy

hE(ε) = H(X|Y ) = 1− CE(ε) = ε,

where CE(ε) denotes the capacity of a BEC with erasureprobability ε. With this interpretation, (5) can be written as

εBP(α) = 1− θ ·R(α) = C−1E (θ ·R(α)) = C−1E (f(R(α))),

which converges to zero as f(R(α)) = θ · R(α) → 1. Thethresholds shown in Fig. 5 suggest the existence of a similarrelationship for the BI-AWGNC, i.e.,

σBP(α) = C−1G (f(R(α))) (13)

for some function f(R(α)), where CG(σ) denotes the capacityof the BI-AWGNC and σBP(α) is the BP threshold in terms ofthe noise standard deviation σ.1 Note that σSh = C−1G (R(α))

1Note that CE(x) = C−1E (x), but CG(x) 6= C−1

G (x).

denotes the Shannon limit for a given rate R(α), which impliesthat the function f(R(α)) characterizes the gap between theBP threshold and the Shannon limit for all achievable ratesR(α) ≥ R.

In order to identify the shape of f(R(α)), we considerthe function hG(σBP(α)) = H(X|Y ) = 1 − CG(σBP(α)). InFig. 6, hG(σBP(α)) (crosses, triangles, rhombuses, circles, andsquares) is plotted against the rate R(α) for several randomlypunctured LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles, alongwith the capacity CG(σ) = 1 − hG(σ). Interestingly, we findthat, as for the BEC channel, a linear relationship appearsto exist between hG(σBP(α)) and R(α). Using f(R(α)) =θE ·R(α) in (13), where we now adopt the notation θE for theBEC constant θ obtained using (8), we obtain the expression

hG(σBP(α)) ≈ 1− θE ·R(α), (14)

for R ≤ R(α) ≤ 1/θE. Predicted values of hG(σBP(α))obtained using (14) are also included in Fig. 6 as solid lines.We observe that, remarkably, the approximations are almostexact, even though the value hG(σBP(α)) is obtained for anytarget rate using only θE, which just depends on the BECthreshold and rate of the mother code ensemble. For some codeensembles, we observe a slight difference in the numericallycalculated values compared to the prediction, particularly forsmall α, as can be seen in Fig. 6. Techniques to improvethe prediction even further will be discussed in Section IV-C.Finally, we note that it follows from (14) that thresholds ceaseto exist at precisely the same Rmax obtained for the BEC using(9).

Now assuming f(R(α)) = θE · R(α), we can predict BI-AWGNC thresholds in terms of noise standard deviation as

σBP(α) ≈ C−1G (θE ·R(α)), (15)

for R ≤ R(α) ≤ 1/θE. Equation (15) permits a quickand easy way to approximate BI-AWGNC thresholds for anyLDPC code ensemble, punctured or unpunctured, given onlythe BEC BP threshold and design rate. For example, the(3, 6)-regular ensemble B3,6(0) has θE = 1.1411 and a quickcalculation using (15) gives σBP(0) = 0.881, which agreesexactly with the known value [30]. Using this model, we findthat the predictions are a good fit with the calculated valuesobtained using discretized density evolution, and that mothercode ensembles with thresholds close to capacity have curvesthat closely track the capacity curve. (See [20] for numericalexamples of both LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles.)

Ensembles with similar values of θE will perform ap-proximately the same for all achievable rates, even if theirdesign rates are different. For example, the θE values for theC3,4(100, 0) and C3,6(50, 0) ensembles are 1.0475 and 1.0447,respectively. Consequently, their thresholds are approximatelyequal for all achievable rates R(α) ≥ 1/2. In other words, ifone punctures a lower rate ensemble with a larger puncturingfraction than a higher rate ensemble in order to achieve adesired rate, there is no penalty in threshold as long as thevalues of θE are similar.


hG(σBP(α))0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6











Bpunc3,4 (α)

Bpunc4,8 (α)

Bpunc3,6 (α)

BpuncIRA (α)

Bpunc3,9 (α)

hG(σBP(α))0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6








Cpunc3,6 (50,α)

Cpunc3,6 (10,α)

Cpunc3,6 (5,α)



Fig. 6: Numerically calculated (markers) and predicted (solid lines) values of hG(σBP(α)) for several randomly punctured LDPC-BC (left) and SC-LDPCcode ensembles (right) and a variety of puncturing fractions.

C. Improving the Prediction

In Section IV-B, it was shown that, for some ensembles,the predicted thresholds obtained using θE are less accuratefor small α than for large α. This difference could be aweakness in the prediction method and/or simply a result ofthe numerical inaccuracy of performing discretized densityevolution on the BI-AWGNC.

To improve the prediction for small puncturing fractions α,one can obtain a θG, similar to θE, based on the BI-AWGNCBP threshold σBP(0) and design rate R = R(0) of the mothercode ensemble as

θG =1− hG(σBP(0))

R≥ 1. (16)

From (8) and (16), we find that θG ≈ θE for most codeensembles; in this case, the predictions obtained using θEare accurate for all values of α. However, the predictionis not as accurate for some code ensembles. For example,the Cpunc3,6 (50, 0) SC-LDPC code ensemble has θE = 1.0446and θG = 1.0638. In this case, one can form an alternativeprediction using

hG(σBP(α)) ≈ 1− θG ·R(α), (17)

for R ≤ R(α) ≤ Rmax = 1/θG.Fig. 7 shows numerically calculated values of hG(σBP(α))

for the Cpunc3,6 (50, α) SC-LDPC code ensembles for severalpuncturing fractions α. Also shown are the predicted thresh-olds using both (14) and (17). We observe that the predictionis good for small values of α using (17) and good for largevalues of α using (14). Intuitively, this makes sense, since anBI-AWGNC combined with a large puncturing fraction hascharacteristics similar to a BEC. Moreover, we see that thecalculated thresholds lie between the two predictions and alinear relationship appears to exist. Based on this observation,we can predict BI-AWGNC BP thresholds using

hG(σBP(α)) ≈ Rmax −R(α)

Rmax −R(0)· hG(σBP(0)), (18)

for R ≤ R(α) ≤ Rmax = 1/θE. Note that (18) depends on theBP threshold of the mother code ensemble for both the BI-AWGNC and the BEC. The ‘mixed’ prediction obtained using(18) for the Cpunc3,6 (50, α) SC-LDPC code ensembles is shownin Fig. 7 by a dashed line. Fig. 8 displays some numericallycalculated BI-AWGNC BP thresholds in terms of Eb/N0 forseveral randomly punctured LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC codeensembles (crosses, triangles, rhombuses, circles, and squares)for a variety of puncturing fractions α along with the predictedthresholds obtained using the two parameter model (18) forrates up to Rmax = 1/θE. We observe that the predictions areaccurate for all rates.2 In summary, our results indicate that thetwo parameter model (18) improves the prediction in the caseswhere the single parameter models (15) and (17) are inaccurate(for small and large α, respectively), resulting in an accurateprediction for all α. Future work will involve an investigationof the accuracy of this prediction for general LDPC-BC andSC-LDPC code ensembles.

We conclude this section by remarking that the similaritybetween the thresholds on different channels when the capacityis used as a parameter was discussed by Chung in his Ph.D.thesis [31], where an erasure-channel approximation is pro-posed that uses the thresholds of the BEC as an approximationfor the thresholds of other channels (Section 6.3, Table 6.1).Our results demonstrate that the erasure-channel approxima-tion is even more accurate with puncturing. Furthermore,by using our knowledge of both the BI-AWGNC and BECthresholds, our estimate does not require a density evolutionrecursion (which is used, for example, in the ReciprocalChannel Approximation (RCA) technique [31]). Note that itis not trivial to apply the RCA method to random puncturing,which corresponds to a Gaussian mixture scenario, and forthis reason we have applied discrete density evolution.


2A similar figure showing the single parameter model prediction (15) waspresented in [20], where the prediction was shown to be accurate for moderateto large α, but less accurate for small α in some cases.


hG(σBP(α))0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
















θE prediction (14)θG prediction (17)Mixed prediction (18)Cpunc3,6 (50,α)

0.2 0.25 0.30.66









Fig. 7: Predicted BI-AWGNC BP values of hG(σBP(α)) for Cpunc3,6 (50, α)

SC-LDPC code ensembles.

Eb/N0 (dB)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8














Cpunc3,4 (10,α)

Cpunc3,4 (20,α)

Cpunc3,4 (100,α)

Cpunc3,6 (5,α)

Cpunc3,6 (10,α)

Cpunc3,6 (50,α)

Bpunc3,6 (α)


Fig. 8: Numerically calculated (markers) and predicted (solid lines) BI-AWGNC BP thresholds for several randomly punctured LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles.


In this section, we consider the minimum distance ofrandomly punctured LDPC codes. We begin by describing theasymptotic distance properties of randomly punctured codeensembles and then give numerical results for both LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles. Although we considerprotograph-based LDPC code ensembles, the results in thissection are based on Theorems III.1 and IV.3 from [33] andtherefore apply to any linear code ensemble.

A. Asymptotically Good Randomly Punctured LDPC CodeEnsembles

For J > 2, (J,K)-regular LDPC-BCs are known to beasymptotically good [32], in the sense that the minimumdistance typical of most members of the ensemble is atleast as large as δmin · n, where δmin > 0 is called theminimum distance growth rate of the ensemble. In [18], it

was shown that ensembles of CJ,K(L) SC-LDPC codes arealso asymptotically good. In this section, we investigate thedistance properties of randomly punctured LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles. (We restrict our discussion of SC-LDPC code ensembles to Cpunc3,6,B(L,α) ensembles; however,similar behavior is observed for other J and K values.)

We define the asymptotic spectral shape of a code ensembleas

r(δ) = lim supn→∞


nln(Abδnc), (19)

where δ = d/n is the normalized Hamming distance, n ∈ N isthe block length, and Ad is the ensemble weight enumerator.The asymptotic spectral shape can be used to test if anensemble is asymptotically good. A technique to calculate r(δ)for protograph-based block LDPC code ensembles was pre-sented in [17]. Given the asymptotic spectral shape r(δ) of anasymptotically good code ensemble, the expected asymptoticspectral shape of the randomly punctured code ensemble canbe obtained as [33]

rpunc(δ) =1

1− α


{λ · h

((1− α)δ



(1− λ) · h(α+ (1− α)δ − λ

1− λ

)+ r(λ)

}− h(α)

), (20)

where α = p/n is the fraction of punctured bits, 0 ≤ α <δmin, and h(δ) = −(1 − δ) ln(1 − δ) − δ ln(δ) is the binaryentropy function. The average weight enumerators used inthe formulation of (20) are obtained over all possible p-bit puncturing patterns; therefore, we require α < δmin toguarantee no rate loss. For α ≥ δmin the rate of the ensemblecan be written as (R−∆R)/(1−α), where ∆R ≥ 0. Bounds on∆R and conditions such that ∆R = 0 were given for (J,K)-regular LDPC-BC ensembles in [34].

B. Numerical Results

In this section, we present numerical results obtained using(20), but we do not require α < δmin. Consequently, therecan be some rate loss with random puncturing for α ≥ δmin,and the true rate is bounded above by R(α), obtained using(3). In such cases, the rates will be marked by an asterisk, orhighlighted in figures with a dashed line. We note, however,that in practice the bits to be punctured would be selected toavoid rate loss by preserving the dimension of the code (semi-randomly or otherwise), and therefore the numerical resultsobtained in this paper are useful indicators of actual puncturedcode performance.

Example 4 The (3, 4)-regular LDPC-BC ensemble B3,4 hasminimum distance growth rate δmin(0) = 0.112 and designrate R(0) = 0.25. (Recall from Section III-C that the relativelylarge value of θ = 1.4103 in this case results in thresholds withrapidly growing gaps to capacity as α increases.) Followingthe technique described above, we find that the Bpunc3,4 (α)code ensembles are also asymptotically good and have goodminimum distance growth rates δmin(α). Table V displaysthe growth rates δmin(α) for select values of α along withthe corresponding gap to the Gilbert-Varshamov (GV) bound


α R(α) δmin(α) ∆GV(α)0 1/4 0.1121 0.1024

0.1 5/18 0.1093 0.09090.25 1/3∗ 0.1034 0.07060.5 1/2∗ 0.0805 0.0295

TABLE V: Minimum distance growth rates and corresponding gaps to theGV bound for the randomly punctured LDPC-BC ensemble B3,4.

∆GV(α) = δGV(R(α)) − δmin(α), where δGV(R(α)) is theGV bound for code ensembles of rate R(α). Note that as αincreases, the design rate R(α) = 0.25/(1−α) increases andthe minimum distance growth rate decreases.3 Also note therobust distance properties with increasing α, in the sense thatδmin(α) decreases slowly, resulting in decreasing gaps to theGV bound ∆GV(α). 2

Randomly punctured SC-LDPC code ensembles displaysimilar distance growth behavior.

Example 5 We now consider the Cpunc3,6,B(L = 8, α) ensem-bles. The mother code ensemble Cpunc3,6,B(8, 0) has rate R(0) =0.375 and minimum distance growth rate δmin(0) = 0.0324.We find that the Cpunc3,6,B(8, α) code ensembles are asymptot-ically good and have good minimum distance growth ratesδmin(α) for the values of α considered. (The asymptoticspectral shapes for these ensembles were drawn in [19].) Wefind moderate losses in minimum distance growth rate for theselected range of α (both the rate increase and distance growthrate decrease are superlinear in α). For example, puncturing1% of the variable nodes results in a minimum distancegrowth rate decrease of 0.3% and puncturing 25% results ina decrease of 9.5%, while the rates increase by 0.8% and33.3%, respectively. Regarding the latter point, we note thatthe resulting design rate is R(α = 0.25) = 0.5∗ and theminimum distance growth rate δmin(α = 0.25) = 0.029 islarger than that of the unpunctured (equal rate) underlying(3, 6)-regular LDPC block code ensemble, δmin(0) = 0.023.Again, we find that the gap to the GV bound ∆GV(α) decreaseswith increasing α. 2

Fig. 9 shows the minimum distance growth rates for ran-domly punctured Bpunc3,4 (α), Bpunc3,6 (α), and Bpunc4,8 (α) LDPC-BC ensembles and Cpunc3,6,B(L,α) SC-LDPC code ensembles forL = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 and a variety of puncturing frac-tions α. Each randomly punctured ensemble displays the samegeneral behavior described above: the design rate increasesand the minimum distance growth rates and correspondinggaps to the GV bound decrease with increasing α. (Note thatthe BIRA(α) ensemble is not asymptotically good, so we donot consider it in this section.) We see that the Bpunc4,8 (α)ensembles have significantly larger growth rates than theBpunc3,6 (α) ensembles; indeed, the Bpunc4,8 (α) distance growthrates are close to the GV bound for large values of α. However,

3If the puncturing fraction α is increased beyond a certain critical valuegreater than or equal to δmin, the asymptotic spectral shape is no longersmooth. This observation is consistent with the emergence of “hook-likeloops” in the spectral shapes of randomly punctured (J,K)-regular LDPC-BCensembles for large α [33].

recall that the B4,8(α) ensemble has a significantly worse valueof θ than the B3,6(α) ensemble, and thus the B4,8(α) ensemblethresholds are always worse (with increasing gaps to capacityas α increases). This trade-off becomes more extreme as thegraph density is further increased for punctured (J,K)-regularLDPC-BC ensembles.

On the other hand, SC-LDPC code ensembles have improv-ing values of θ (improving thresholds) for increasing L andthus provide a significant amount of flexibility for the codedesigner. By varying L and α, for a single code design, a largevariety of rates is achievable with varying minimum distancegrowth rates and thresholds. The trade-offs observed for themother SC-LDPC code ensembles in [18] are also evident forrandomly punctured ensembles: θ improves with increasing L(indicating better thresholds for all achievable rates), whereasthe minimum distance growth rates decrease for any fixed αwith increasing L.4

Due to the computational complexity of evaluating theasymptotic spectral shape of SC-LDPC code ensemble pro-tographs with large L, we have only presented numericalresults for small L. However, we expect the trend in behaviorobserved for the values of L considered above to continue forlarge L: as the puncturing fraction α increases, the minimumdistance growth rates δmin(α) decrease from δmin(0) and theensemble design rates R(α) increase from R(0). Note that,for large values of L, such as those considered in Section III,the gap to capacity of the mother code is decreasing and θ isimproving. We expect that, for a given large L in Fig. 9, theminimum distance growth rates δmin(α) of Cpunc3,6,B(L,α) canbe approximated by a straight line originating from δmin(0),with steeper (negative) slopes as L increases (where, for agiven R(α), δmin(α) decreases as L increases).

To summarize, for sufficiently large L, SC-LDPC codeensembles have a small value of θ, resulting in thresholdsclose to capacity for all achievable rates; in addition, theensembles are asymptotically good with decreasing gaps to theGV bound for increasing α. Unlike LDPC-BCs, increasing thegraph density improves both of these measures: the thresholdsapproach capacity and the distance growth rates approach theGV bound.


In this section, we present BEC and BI-AWGNC computersimulations of the finite length performance of randomlypunctured LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles. All thecodes simulated in this section were randomly drawn from thecode ensemble according to the specified protographs and thepuncturing patterns were randomized for each transmission.5

4It was noted in [18] that, due to their convolutional structure, the freedistance growth rate δfree of (unterminated) SC-LDPC code ensembles, whichis independent of L, is a more appropriate measure of their strength than theminimum distance growth rates δ(L)

min. Moreover, since (J,K)-regular SC-LDPC code ensembles have large δfree [26], large values of α can be selectedbefore any rate loss can occur.

5For practical implementation, the receiver also needs access to the punctur-ing pattern for successful initialization of the decoding algorithm. This couldbe achieved, for example, by either transmitting the puncturing pattern in thepacket header, or by letting the transmitter and receiver agree on a set ofrandom seeds before transmission begins.


Distance growth rate δmin(α)0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25









0.7 BJ,K

BpuncJ,K (α)














α = [0,0.01,0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.4]


Fig. 9: Minimum distance growth rates for randomly punctured LDPC-BC andSC-LDPC code ensembles with a variety of puncturing fractions. Also shownfor comparison are the minimum distance growth rates of several (J,K)-regular LDPC-BC ensembles and the GV bound.

Erasure probability ǫ

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5















Fig. 10: BEC decoding performance and BP decoding thresholds of (3, 6)-regular randomly punctured LDPC-BC codes. Solid and dashed lines representbit erasure and block erasure rates, respectively.

A. BEC Simulations

The performance of randomly punctured LDPC-BCs andSC-LDPC codes transmitted over the BEC was investigated viacomputer simulation. LDPC-BC examples were drawn fromthe Bpunc3,6 (α) ensemble with lifting factors M = 1000 andM = 250, respectively, resulting in an overall block length(decoding latency) for the unpunctured code of n = 6000.Puncturing fractions α = 0, 0.26, and 0.4 were chosen,resulting in design rates R(0) = 0.5, R(0.26) = 0.6757,and R(0.4) = 0.8333, respectively. The performance of thesecodes was obtained using a standard BP decoder with aflooding update schedule and a maximum of Imax = 100iterations. The results for these codes, shown in terms of biterasure rate (solid lines) and block erasure rate (dashed lines),are presented in Fig. 10.

The code performance is consistent with our asymptotic

code ensemble analysis. In particular, the codes display robustdecoding performance, both in terms of bit and block erasurerate, with each code displaying a gap to its respective iterativedecoding threshold of approximately 0.04 to 0.05 at a biterasure rate of 10−5. We expect this gap to decrease as Mis increased. (This robust performance is also consistent withthe finite-length scaling results of punctured LDPC codespresented in [13].) Moreover, these codes, drawn from anasymptotically good LDPC code ensemble, do not display anerror floor down to a bit erasure rate of 10−7. (Results for theother block code ensembles considered in this paper displaysimilar characteristics.)

LDPC codes typically display a trade-off between water-fall and error-floor performance. For example, (J,K)-regularLDPC codes are asymptotically good for J > 2; however, theiterative decoding behavior of regular codes in the waterfallregion of the performance curve falls short of capacity, makingthem unsuitable for severely power-constrained applications.On the other hand, optimized irregular LDPC codes exhibitcapacity approaching performance in the waterfall but, unlike(J,K)-regular codes, are normally subject to an error flooras a result of a large number of degree two variable nodes;this makes such codes undesirable for applications that requirevery low decoded erasure rates. Our results confirm similartrade-offs for punctured LDPC codes, since the asymptoticproperties of the punctured codes follow from those of themother code ensemble. To the best of our knowledge, asymp-totically good code ensembles do not have error floor problemsfor moderate code lengths (see, e.g., Fig. 10). However, thisis not a necessary condition, since many codes with sub-linear minimum distance can have acceptably low error floors,depending on the desired application and required erasure rate.

In the case of randomly punctured SC-LDPC codes trans-mitted over the BEC, a mother code with code length n =50, 000 was drawn from the ensemble C3,6(L = 50) withprotograph lifting factor M = 500. This code has rateR(0) = 0.49. The code rate was increased by randomlypuncturing 130, 200, and 220 out of every 500 variable nodes(α = 0.26, 0.4, and 0.44, respectively), yielding code rates ofR(0.26) = 0.6622, R(0.4) = 0.8167, and R(0.44) = 0.8750,respectively. The performance of these codes was obtainedusing a sliding window decoder (WD) [23], [35] with win-dow size W = 6 (corresponding to a decoding latency of2WM = 6000 bits for the unpunctured code) and performinga maximum of Imax = 10 and Imax = 20 iterations in eachwindow position. The results for these codes are presented inFig. 11.

We observe robust decoding performance from the punc-tured SC-LDPC codes of varying rates, with each code dis-playing a gap to its respective iterative decoding thresholdof approximately 0.05 to 0.07 at a bit erasure rate of 10−5,for only a moderate lifting factor M = 500 and a resultingdecoding latency of 2WM = 6000 bits. We expect this gap todecrease as the lifting factor M is increased. Moreover, recallfrom Table III that, since θ = 1.0447, the gap to capacity forthe punctured thresholds is small and increases slowly as α,and thus the rate R(α), increases. We note from Fig. 11 thatthe gap between the simulated decoding performance and the


Erasure probability ǫ

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5














Cpunc3,6 (50, 0)

Cpunc3,6 (50, 0.26)

Cpunc3,6 (50, 0.4)

Cpunc3,6 (50, 0.44)

Fig. 11: BEC decoding performance and BP decoding thresholds of randomlypunctured SC-LDPC codes. Solid lines represent results obtained with Imax =10 and dashed lines represent results obtained with Imax = 20.

corresponding threshold also increases slowly as α increasesand that the performance does not improve significantly byincreasing the number of iterations per window position fromImax = 10 to Imax = 20, indicating Imax = 10 is sufficient toobtain the best decoding performance. We also note that, likethe asymptotically good (3, 6)-regular LDPC-BC ensemble,we do not see any indication of an error-floor down to a biterasure rate of 10−7 for codes drawn from these asymptoticallygood code ensembles. Comparing Figs. 10 and 11, we observethat, by using a WD, the randomly punctured SC-LDPC codesoutperform the LDPC-BCs under an equal decoding latencyconstraint, although there is a slight code rate difference inthe two cases. This is consistent with results obtained forunpunctured code ensembles [36], [37].

B. BI-AWGNC Simulations

The bit error rate (BER) performance of randomly punc-tured SC-LDPC codes transmitted over the BI-AWGNC wasalso investigated via computer simulation. The same codedrawn from the C3,6(50) ensemble and puncturing fractionsthat were used in Section VI-A were selected for the sim-ulations and a sliding window decoder with W = 6 (cor-responding to a decoding latency of 2WM = 6000 bits)was implemented, where a maximum of Imax = 10 andImax = 20 iterations were allowed in each window position.The results for these codes are presented in Fig. 12 alongwith the predicted BP thresholds obtained using (13) withθE = 1.0446.

Similar to the BEC, we observe robust decoding perfor-mance from the punctured codes of varying rates. We note thatthe gap between the simulated decoding performance and thecorresponding predicted threshold increases as the puncturingfraction α increases. For example, when α is moderate, e.g.,α = 0 or 0.26, each code displays a gap to its respectivepredicted iterative decoding threshold of approximately 1 to1.3dB at a BER of 10−5, whereas for α = 0.4 the gapincreases to about 2dB. This should be expected for a finite

Eb/N0 (dB)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10












Cpunc3,6 (50, 0)

Cpunc3,6 (50, 0.26)

Cpunc3,6 (50, 0.4)

Cpunc3,6 (50, 0.44)

Cpunc3,6 (50, 0.5)

Fig. 12: BI-AWGNC decoding performance and predicted BP decodingthresholds of randomly punctured SC-LDPC codes. Solid lines representresults obtained with Imax = 10 and dashed lines represent results obtainedwith Imax = 20.

length protograph-based code with a small lifting factor M ;however, these gaps will decrease as M increases.

Since the capacity and threshold prediction curves are notlinear (see, e.g., Fig. 8), the closer we get to the maximum rateRmax, the more significant the gap to capacity, i.e., we observethat the slope of the threshold curve flattens out (trackingthe capacity curve) for higher rate punctured ensembles. Itfollows that, as the target rate increases beyond a certain point,the thresholds significantly degrade and the correspondingsimulated performance becomes much worse. Moreover, asthe puncturing fraction α becomes too large (in this case α >0.4776, corresponding to R(α) > Rmax = 1/θE = 0.938), thethreshold no longer exists and we do not observe the typicalwaterfall performance in the BER curve associated with codesoperating below their threshold (see, e.g., the black curve inFig. 12, where R(0.5) = 0.98).6 Recall that ensembles withpoor θE values are characterized by a smaller maximum rateRmax. For example, the B3,6 ensemble has a threshold onlyup to Rmax = 0.876. We observe that, unlike the BEC, theperformance of SC-LDPC codes on the BI-AWGNC can beimproved for large α by performing more than 10 iterations perwindow position. This behavior occurs since more iterationsof the BP algorithm are required to build up reliable valuesfor a large of punctured bits.


In this paper, we studied random puncturing of LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC code ensembles. We derived a simpleanalytic expression for the iterative BP decoding threshold of arandomly punctured LDPC code on the BEC and showed that,with respect to the BP threshold, the strength and suitability ofan LDPC code ensemble for random puncturing is completely

6Since we applied a random puncturing pattern for each frame, if α ischosen to be greater than or equal to δmin of the mother code, it may causea rate loss in some frames. This is the reason we observe the otherwiseunexpected crossover in the simulated code performance for the two highestpuncturing rates.


determined by a single constant θ ≥ 1 that depends only on therate and the BP decoding threshold of the mother code ensem-ble. We then provided an efficient way to predict BP thresholdsof punctured LDPC code ensembles on the BI-AWGNC, givenonly the BP threshold of the mother code ensemble on the BECand the design rate, and we showed how the prediction can beimproved by also considering the BI-AWGNC threshold. Wedemonstrated that the predictions were accurate by comparingthem with values calculated using discretized density evolutionfor a variety of puncturing fractions. We also performed anasymptotic minimum distance analysis and showed that, forasymptotically good LDPC-BC and SC-LDPC mother codeensembles, the randomly punctured code ensembles are alsoasymptotically good. Moreover, we showed that, even thoughthe minimum distance growth rates decrease with increasedpuncturing fraction α, the gap to the Gilbert-Varshamov bounddecreases. Finally, we presented simulation results that confirmthe robust decoding performance promised by the asymptoticresults.


The authors would like to thank the reviewers for theirconstructive comments to improve the presentation of themanuscript. In particular, the comments of Reviewer 3 re-garding the formulation of the random puncturing model areespecially appreciated.


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David G. M. Mitchell received the Ph.D. degreein Electrical Engineering from the University ofEdinburgh, United Kingdom, in 2009. He is cur-rently an Assistant Professor in the Klipsch Schoolof Electrical and Computer Engineering at the NewMexico State University, USA. He previously heldVisiting Assistant Professor and Post-Doctoral Re-search Associate positions in the Department ofElectrical Engineering at the University of NotreDame, USA. His research interests are in the areaof digital communications, with emphasis on error

control coding and information theory.


Michael Lentmaier received the Dipl.-Ing. degreein electrical engineering from University of Ulm,Germany in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in telecom-munication theory from Lund University, Sweden in2003. He then worked as a Post-Doctoral ResearchAssociate at University of Notre Dame, Indiana andat University of Ulm. From 2005 to 2007 he waswith the Institute of Communications and Navigationof the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberp-faffenhofen, where he worked on signal processingtechniques in satellite navigation receivers. From

2008 to 2012 he was a senior researcher and lecturer at the Vodafone ChairMobile Communications Systems at TU Dresden, where he was heading theAlgorithms and Coding research group. Since January 2013 he is an AssociateProfessor at the Department of Electrical and Information Technology atLund University. His research interests include design and analysis of codingsystems, graph based iterative algorithms and Bayesian methods applied todecoding, detection and estimation in communication systems. He is a seniormember of the IEEE and served as an editor for IEEE Communications Lettersfrom 2010 to 2013 and IEEE Transactions on Communications since 2014. Hewas awarded the Communications Society & Information Theory Society JointPaper Award (2012) for his paper “Iterative Decoding Threshold Analysis forLDPC Convolutional Codes.”


Ali E. Pusane received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degreesin electronics and communications engineering fromIstanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, in1999 and 2002, respectively, and the M.Sc. degreein electrical engineering, the M.Sc. degree in appliedmathematics, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical en-gineering from the University of Notre Dame, NotreDame, IN, in 2004, 2006, and 2008, respectively. Hewas a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Departmentof Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame,during 2008-2009. He is currently an Associate Pro-

fessor at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BogaziciUniversity, Istanbul, Turkey. His research is in coding theory and wirelesscommunications.


Daniel J. Costello, Jr. received his Ph.D. in Electri-cal Engineering from the University of Notre Damein 1969. Since 1985, he has been a Professor ofElectrical Engineering at Notre Dame and from 1989to 1998 served as Chair of the Department. In 2000,he was named the Leonard Bettex Professor ofElectrical Engineering.

Dr. Costello has been a member of IEEE since1969 and was elected Fellow in 1985. In 2000, theIEEE Information Theory Society selected him as arecipient of a Third-Millennium Medal, he was a co-

recipient of the 2009 IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award and the 2012ComSoc & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award, and he receivedthe 2013 IEEE Information Theory Society Aaron D. Wyner DistinguishedService Award and the 2015 IEEE Leon J. Kirchmayer Graduate TeachingAward.

Dr. Costello’s research interests are in the area of digital communications,with emphasis on error control coding and coded modulation. He hasnumerous technical publications in his field, and in 1983 he co-authored atextbook entitled “Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications”,the 2nd edition of which was published in 2004.