Random Free Writing #30


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Sleepy Stupid Reli is Sleepy & Stupid! >.

Transcript of Random Free Writing #30

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Random Free Writing #30

Sleepy Stupid Reli!

Reli is pretty stupid sometimes. >_>


Kurome shifted in bed, slowly waking from her sleep. Relinquish had along, long day with the 'sailor' who as he would say,“forced” him to go fishing. He never cared for it, in truth. Found the activity to be dull withlittle pay off in the end. But... Wave was his friend. And he knew Kurome was happy seeing the two of them get along after everything they have been through in the past. So he decided to join him, to make Kurome smile. Though he would never see it until they got back anyway. Wave made Relinquish get up at the absolute earliest hours of the morning, when the sun first rose ever so slightly so the two could catch the best game.

“Bullshit.” Relinquish would say.

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“Just go with it.” Kurome would reply.

Kurome could hear Relinquish muttering under his breath, jokingly cursing his friends name in the morning while he was working up the strength to slide out of bed—at least she hoped it to be a joke...

Finally, when Relinquish came back, it was eight at night. She could see the fatigue in his eyes, she was worried about him.

“Where have you been?” Kurome asked while he opened the front door.

“Catching the smallest fish on god's formerly green earth.” Relinquish replied, now noticing a look of annoyance on his face. He and Wave, after all those hours, over a dozen, had only caught eight fishes, all of them no bigger than their heads—when Wave promised they would catch the largest in the area due to waking up early. It was a complete waste of time in Relinquish's eyes. He was livid with Wave, so much sothat he had half a mind to shove his face under the water in an attempt to drown him.

Kurome smiled, greeting him back in the house and took off his coat. Then asking if she wanted him to make something quick for dinner, Relinquish politely declined—he had already eaten four of the fishes caught some time ago. It wasn't much, but surely would have at least lasted him an hour or two. No, what Relinquish wanted now was rest, to lay his head on the pillow and drift to slumber. He did not even need to say it, Kurome saw it in his eyes.

She led him upstairs and to the bedroom. Told him to sit on the bed andnot to worry, she would be joining him soon. Kurome was not too tired,but spent a whole day by herself. While she couldn't do much else with Relinquish due to it being far too late at night, and him being in no stateto do anything else even if it was earlier, she could at least join him in bed while they fell asleep. And, hey, why not wear that night attire that

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he loved so much, just for the heck of it?

Walking out of the bathroom, wearing a pink tank top and matching boxers, Kurome expected to see him smile and blush at her. He always thought she seemed so cute wearing that—sadly—he was asleep.


“... Relinquish?” Kurome walked over to him and poked his shoulder, he had passed out while still wearing his clothes for the day. What caught her off guard the most is that... She had only been in the bathroom for no more than three minutes. In that period of time his fatigue caught up to him, that quickly. He was not moving an inch to Kurome's touch, it was as if she wasn't there.

Kurome was not angry, simply choosing to laugh. Knowing that Relinquish would spend the day with her tomorrow in order to make upfor this, he always did when something like this happened. Perhaps takeher to the bakery, window shop at pets in the store—especially those three bears she had her eye on. She turned the lamp on her dresser off, ever so slightly pushed Relinquish over in bed, and shifted under the covers.

Immediately after doing so she was yanked to Relinquish's side with his right arm wrapping around her waist, and dragging her towards him.Kurome yelped in surprise, though sometimes she wondered why anymore. As this was not the first time Relinquish had done this. It was strange, but Kurome theorized that... Relinquish has a sort of "knee jerkreaction" when she laid in bed next to him. However, this only occurredwhen Relinquish was extremely tired. It was so sudden, and lightning fast. He was not conscious of this, but nevertheless, it could still be... Annoying sometimes.

Once Relinquish's arms wrapped around Kurome like this he would notlet go, easily that is. Kurome compared it to a pythons grip. Due to him

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being unconscious Relinquish could seemingly not control his strength.If Kurome struggled to break free the hold would just get tighter and tighter. And sometimes.... His hands would wander. Yet... Kurome somewhat enjoyed it.

“I hope I'm not becoming a masochist...” Kurome occasionally said to herself. The worst part was while doing so, Relinquish may call out her name in his sleep once or twice throughout the night.

“Kurome... My lovely...” Relinquish muttered.

Kurome opened her eyes and shifted her head to the side. “Is he having a dream about me...?”

“Yeah... That's good... Keep doing that...”

“What is he dreaming about?!”

But despite all of this; despite the tight grip that could make Kurome's stomach ache in the morning. Despite the wandering hands that may have touched an area that... Kurome would much rather prefer Relinquish placed his hands upon when he was conscious. And despite the words he said that made Kurome blush—she enjoyed it. It was not something easily explained, but it was a safe, secure sense. Protection. Like with him by her side nothing would ever dare to harm her. No monster under the bed, in the closet, the bathroom mirror, not one of them scared Kurome like this. Hell, a shadow could twitch out the corner of her eye, and she would stick her tongue out at it, taunting the apparition to just try and harm her. And when she finally fell asleep, shehad a smile on her face.

However... This was the bad part. Kurome woke up, early in the morning. It was still dark out. She looked to the clock and it was apparently around 4:00am. She had to use the restroom, and Relinquish's grip was even tighter than before.

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“Oh, no... ” Kurome whispered. Upon further inspection, it was even worse than she thought. Relinquish had not one, but both of his arms around her. His head leaned over top of her stomach, he was lightly snoring.

Kurome sighed, afterwards choosing to shrug—if she could have in the first place. Then she struggled, moving side to side like a wiggling worm to try and break free from his grip. Her arms were glued to her sides, her moving about only made it harder to move.

“Darling...” Kurome began. “Can you hear me? I really have to go to the bathroom. Let go, please.”

Relinquish said nothing, and continued to snore.


“I'm in trouble.” Kurome said

Next, she tried swinging her legs. Using some form of physical contact to wake him up. They did indeed hit him, but Kurome remembered something...

“High pain tolerance!” She hissed in a loud, annoyed tone. Relinquish had some of the highest pain tolerance she has ever come across. One time when playing dodgeball with Akame, Kurome's sister hit him in the face with the sphere. They both cringed, almost feeling the impact, and his nose was beginning to bleed. But Relinquish laughed it off, unphased, not once complaining about the pain. Another time during a patrol in the golden age of the Jaegers, where Kurome barely gave him the time of day, he slipped and rolled down a mountain. His leg was sprained, perhaps a bit twisted, but Relinquish didn't care in the slightest—he did however enjoy that Wave had to carry him "bridal style" back to the base. During that time, when she thought of both Relinquish and Wave as fools, she had a faint smile due to Relinquish annoying Wave greatly over the mile walk.

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“Hey, blue!” Relinquish said as Wave carried him. “Might wanna lay off the crab alfredo, your stomach is going rather flat.”

“If you have a problem with it why don't you try walking?!” Wave replied in an angered tone.

“Awe. But I'm hurt! And you're so big, tall, buff and strong, right? Nowcarry me away, blue!”

Wave sighed.

It was fun for Kurome to recall a memory from the past, but did not help her situation... Yet, it also made her remember her last resort, her contingency plan in case something like this happened again. It was herultimate play. Made Relinquish, conscious or not, submit to her will. A clever grin formed across her face.

“Oh, Relinquish...” Kurome began, voice slow and foreboding.

No response from him.

“Alright, here we go... You asked for this!” And so Kurome's trump card had been played.

“Relinquish! Wave is in the house and is about to take me away! You better come stop him!”

Relinquish woke. His eyes darted open after Kurome finished her words. He unwrapped his arms from around her and practically jumpedout of the bed. Having a deadly glare now directed towards the door.

“You goddamned son of a bitch!” Relinquish yelled. “I'll kill, and skin you like those fish you love so much—... Where's sailor at?” Relinquish's voice calmed, and look towards Kurome.

“... False alarm, Relinquish.” Kurome muttered with a look of embarrassment. “You... Did it again.”

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Even through the dark Kurome could see Relinquish's annoyed look.

“That's a low blow, Kurome.”

“It's not my fault you wouldn't let go!”

Afterwards Kurome used the restroom. When she came back, this time Relinquish was not asleep. He waited for her to return to bed. But after she laid in the bed, she pushed back Relinquish's grip.

“Is something wrong?” He asked.

“Nope...” Kurome urged him to turn to the left, facing the wall. He did so, and wrapped her arms around him from behind. “But let's try this for now.”

“Um...” Relinquish shrugged. “This is kind of weird for me.”

“Now you know how I feel.” Kurome replied with a smile before closing her eyes, falling right back asleep.




Relinquish: ... Can you let go now? O.o

Kurome: Zzz... Sweets... Zzz...

Relinquish: Well... Guess I'll play some hearthstone. *Pulls out phone and plays hearthstone*


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This short story is actually based off a Relinquish & KuromeMoment Card: