Random Free Writing 10


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Poor Reli after Kurome's death in the anime. T_T

Transcript of Random Free Writing 10

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Random Free Writing #10

Light's Hand

Takes place after the anime ending. Wave helps Reli move on in one of hislowest moments after Kurome's death.


Wave knew something wasn't right with Relinquish after Kurome had left both of them. After the revolution was over, him, Run, and Relinquish themselves worked with the others to clean up any remaining corruption in the Capital. Yet Relinquish seemed... Quiet. Too quiet. The look in his eyes had changed. Wave could only describe it as a veil, trying to shadow sadness. Then it got worse. Occasionally when walking past his room, Wave would hear... Laughing. Slow, subtle laughing. Wave assumed for the first few nights that, maybe he was just reading a funny book, or a comic to pass the time- but he never knew- until it was too late- those laughs were just masking pain.

All of that lead to this, a few weeks later. Relinquish laughing uncontrollably

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in the corner of his house, so loud that those outside could easily hear it. Wave did all he could to help Relinquish.

"Um..." Wave began, slowly walking toward him. "Relinquish, is something wrong?"

What Relinquish said could barely be heard behind all the laughing. "Wave...Its over for me! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Just... Hurry! Send me to the asylum before its too late!"

Wave was stunned.

"... What are you taking about?" Wave stepped closer.

"Oh, come on, Blue! Don't play coy with me! You know something hasn't been right with me! Ha ha ha! I've cracked. No matter what, I can't stop laughing! This is the endgame! You know it, and I know it. If I keep going like this..."

Wave crouched down, just a few inches away from Relinquish himself. The movements in Relinquish eyes were... Sporadic. As was the movements in his face. In a split second he could see him smiling, in another he had an expression of extreme sadness.

"... Is this about Kurome-"

"What the fuck do you think!" Relinquish loudly interrupted. "Of course it is! I'm just... I'm just..."

"You're what?" Wave asked.

"Laughing! Because... Its just so funny! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Just... Think about it, Sailor! For all of my life I thought of myself as a perfect contradiction. I was so insane that I was beyond the laws of sanity and insanity itself. I was so sane that I was insane... I was so insane that I was sane... But... In one day- hell, one night... This world proved me wrong. One little act. One loss of life was all the world needed to bring me back down to reality. To show that I'm just as mad as you! This just proves my point, life isnothing but a joke, that's why I'll never stop laughing! And that's why... You gotta take me away. I... I don't wanna hurt you, Wave. You're my only friend in all of this madness... I can't live without you, and I can't live with myself if I harm you."

Wave himself, admittedly, felt like he wanted to hold back tears. Seeing his

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friend who he had known since he arrived in the Capital in this state. Knowing that he was so hurt, but didn't know how to cope with the pain- buthe would never treat him like that, just another loon in the madhouse, because he knows there iw hope.

"That's not going to happen, Reli." Wave stretched out a hand in front of Relinquish. "I... I can help you-"

"I don't need your help!" Relinquish slapped the hand away "Who needs help anyway?! Wave... Do you realize that everything in this world, everything you have ever cared about, everything you have ever loved, is absolutely pointless?! None of it matters! Everything dies! Every withers! Everything rots! Everything you have ever fought for... Its nothing! Ha ha ha! Not even this 'peace' in the Capital. It'll go away one day, and the cycle will repeat. Death and monotonous rebirth. This world is madness... And we're mad too."

Wave hesitated. "... I don't think that, Relinquish."

"Really now?! Tell me, Wave, what drove you to be a soldier? Someone you love get hurt? Take a life one day, and knew you got a thrill out of it?"

"Somone saved my life, and I wanted to repay them." Wave answered.

"Of, bloody course- typical of you! Ha ha ha ha! You want to protect others, right?"

Wave nodded.

"Well what's the point?! Do you know right now as we speak, someone is being tortured, raped, or murdered- and I'm still laughing right now! And others out there are too! Wave... Deep down, you know you're just like me! I always thought I was living in a facade, a way to shield myself from the world, but I've realized- this is my true self! Just endless, terrible laughter for all of eternity! This world is a joke, Wave!"

Wave slowly leaned forward.

"What are you doing?! Ha ha ha ha! Don't touch me!"

"Relinquish..." Wave got ever so closer.

"Stay away, dick head! Ha ha ha! Come on, Sailor! I don't swing your way! Ha ha ha! Why are you doing this?! Just give up!"

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"Just calm down, Reli." Wave began. "I'm gonna help you!"

"Same shit I've heard all my life!" Relinquish retorted. "Everyone has told me that, who needs help in a world that's just a dream?! Wave... Why do careabout me so much, I'm fucking crazy?! And if I'm not I am now! This world drove me to madness... When I realized how pointless it was. Thinking abouteverything in the world. All the pain people have gone through... You can't do a thing about them either."

"I may not be able to help everyone, but I can save as many people as I can- that's what matters!" Wave said, just a few inches away from Relinquish.

"My point is!" Relinquish began, Wave could see several tears now streaming down his face. His expression had calmed, and his laughter ceased. "I... Was gone. When I saw nothing but the darkness in this world, just the joke. I admit it! So... Why can't you be like me? Why don't we just... Go mad together? Surely even someone as dull as you are aware of this. Thisworld... Is a tiresome gag. The very concept of life is. For godsake, do you know how many fights start over the most idiotic of things?! I bet if you and I kept going, if Kurome survived, we would probably fight like two dogs in a pit over her... Over animated flesh, bone, fat, and gristle, Wave. What's what we would have fought for. So... Why aren't you laughing with me?! Why... Don't you get the punchline?"

Wave could hear no more. He engulfed Relinquish in a hug, for the first time, Relinquish did not resist, he did not have the strength too. There was a silence for several seconds.

Relinquish broke it.

"Ha.... I always knew you wanted me, Sailor-"

"Stop laughing." Wave interrupted. "Stop joking. Just... Let it out."

"That could be taken out of context pretty easily..."

"What did I just tell you?"

"Eh, what's the point, Sailor? If I stop laughing... It'll hurt. It'll hurt so much."

"And that's what makes us human, Reli. You can't run away from it forever...No matter how fast you are, its always going to catch up to you."

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A few moments later Wave heard sobbing, and felt seveal tears streaming down his shoulder.

"I'm gonna kill you, Sailor." Relinquish said.

"Go ahead and try." Wave smiled.

"Wave... I think I'm having a heart attack.."


"What are you talking about?!" Wave loudly asked.

"There's this feeling in my chest... Its... Ugh. I'm just going crazy... Even more crazy... It hurts, Wave. I... I miss her so much."

"I know, Relinquish." Wave's grip tightened. "But... We'll always remember her, right? And she wouldn't want you acting like this."

".... You think so?"

"I know so." Wave broke their hug, and stood up in front of Relinquish, offering his hand. "Take my hand, Relinquish. I'll show you that life isn't as bad as you think. I promise. You don't have to live like this..."

Relinquish slowly reached his hand out, but hesitated.

"My touch carries a blight. You take my hand, and you'll be like me one day."

Wave grabbed Relinquish's hand.

"Looks like I'm blighted, Reli."



*Kurome & Akame after reading*

Kurome & Akame: *Blushing* O_O

Relinquish *Walking downstairs* Hey girls, Wave stopped by to say hi.

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Now remember, Sailor. You can hug Kurome only two times. Once when you visit, and once when you're about to leave. And MUST hug me once in order to counterbalance the effect-

Wave: I know, Reli. You've been telling me this for over a year. =.=

Relinquish: Just wanted to make sure you didn't forget. -_-+.... What are you two reading?-

Kurome & Akame: NOTHING! O_O *Runs to room in basement.*

Relinquish & Wave: O.o....

Wave: Weird. :o

Relinquish: No shit. >_>