Random Free Write 27

Random Free Write #27 Birth Of Tyrants March How Relinquish developed one of his abilities. ____________________________________________________________ “Dammit!” Relinquish cursed out loud, while Kurome was standing approximately ten feet behind him near the camp site. In front of him, in the trees above, were three Danger Beast, something to the equivalent of giant lizards, possessing skin that blended in near perfectly to the brown bark of the trees—so much so that neither he or Kurome noticed them before. The beast were staring them down, yet not moving, ever so patient to strike. “I don't have the time for this...” The two had set out to take Kurome to the springs approximately three days ago. Relinquish was stressed, worried. Every day the affect of not taking the drugs did more and more harm to her, he could see it. Less focused. Sluggish. Coughing up more blood every day—“Stop it!” Halting his train of thought, Relinquish had to stay focused. He had been taught all his life to fix a problem now, complain later. Adjusting his gloves as slowly as he


How Relinquish developed one of his abilities for Kings Grasp.

Transcript of Random Free Write 27

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Random Free Write #27

Birth Of Tyrants March

How Relinquish developed one of his abilities.


“Dammit!” Relinquish cursed out loud, while Kurome was standing approximately ten feet behind him near the camp site. In front of him, in the trees above, were three Danger Beast, something to the equivalent of giant lizards, possessing skin that blended in near perfectly to the brown bark of the trees—so much so that neither he or Kurome noticed them before. The beast were staring them down, yet not moving, ever so patient to strike.

“I don't have the time for this...” The two had set out to take Kurome to the springs approximately three days ago. Relinquish was stressed, worried. Every day the affect of not taking the drugs did more and more harm to her, he could see it. Less focused. Sluggish. Coughing up more blood every day—“Stop it!” Halting his train of thought, Relinquish had to stay focused. He had been taught all his life to fix a problem now, complain later. Adjusting his gloves as slowly as he

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possibly could as to not alert the foes, he crafted and concocted a plan to slay them as quickly as possible—yet it was too late—one of them had struck.

Lashing out from the tree, with an open maw full of dagger-like teeth, the beast launched itself like a missile towards Kurome. Relinquish, outof instinct manifested a hand from Kings Grasp in a hasty effort to catch the creature, counting on the hand reaching his target in time—the bet payed off. Kings Grip latched around the creatures throat, constricting and crushing it. If kept active for a few more seconds it would surely snap its neck.

“Wait!” Relinquish said to himself, realizing that this was a simple pack hunting tactic even a group of children could devise to do something as miniscule as stealing a loaf of bread—and he was playingright into it. The creature that his Teigu held, slowly being crushed to death, was simply a diversion.

Without a second of delay, one of the other beast attempted to attack him from his right, in contrast to the previous creature. Lifting his hand,already charged with a faint green flame, Relinquish opened his palm. With a simple motion and the words “Burn out!” The black gloves let loose the power of the hellish green flames, engulfing his target. The beast, quite literally, crashed and burned. Hitting the ground with a loudthud, the creature flailed like a fish out of water, shrieking in agony from the never-ending blaze. Even in the past Relinquish had hated the sound of animals wailing in pain, for they had produced a melody that was incomprehensible to his ears.

The Danger Beast was sure to be dead, and based on the snap he had just heard a moment ago the other one he held in the air was deceased as well. But then he heard it—Kurome scream. It terrified him to the core, made his head run wild with a plethora of possibilities. Tossing the limp creature aside, he looked in horror as the final one, just like theothers, lashed at her. He couldn't take it anymore. All the stress. Kurome's condition. What he had done to his best friend. And now this—“I'm done!” He proclaimed.

Inside him the melting pot of the emotions sprung to life. The insignia

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on Kings Grasp had started to glow. With one final motion of his hands,aimed straight towards the Danger Beast, the head of the very same Tyrant used to craft Kings Grasp itself manifested, took to the form of temporary flesh. It headed right to the Danger Beast torso.

In the next moment—the creature was gored in two. A massive burst of blood and innards had erupted in every direction. While on the ground rested the fallen threat. It's head and upper half resting by a tree, a few feet beside Kurome. The other half, still twitching due to the last of its reflexes being snuffed out, was near the first Danger Beast that had attacked Kurome, and was thrown aside by Relinquish. It was over.

It was all over, at least seemingly. Regaining his focus, Relinquish scanned the area for further threats, tuning his ears to the slightest rustlein the trees. “They've been culled.” He deduced. Now looking to Kurome, who had the Danger Beast blood on her attire. “Are you alright?”

“I'm fine...” Kurome shrugged, then directed her gaze to the fallen beast on the ground. “Stop that one from burning, please.” Pointing her finger to the corpse, still burning in flames. With a quick motion by Relinquish, the flames ceased.

“Good. Now if that's not too overcooked we'll have dinner tonight!” Walking over to inspect the corpse, seeing if Relinquish's flames, hopefully, did not completely char the creature. A slight smile on his face formed, despite the situation. He had tried his hardest to remain calm these past few days, but far too many thoughts were getting to him. Akame had told him before they left that—already she barely approved of him—and if not for Kurome he would be dead—but something more important as well. Kurome was on a time limit of sorts. If they did not get her to the springs in approximately a week, the withdrawal effects of the drugs would truly begin to show. Heavy spasms. Perhaps even seizures. He could not imagine it. While he was still getting lost in thought, the call of his name brought him back to reality.

“Relinquish!” She said a bit more loudly to get his attention, as she had been trying for three times now, yet he did not respond.

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“Sorry. Did you want something?”

She nodded before continuing. “How did you... Do that?”

“Do what?”

“That... Thing.”

Pausing for a moment, Relinquish thought back to the last ability he used. “Ah, you're talking about... Well to be honest, I'm not even sure myself.” He confessed to her. “It just sort of... Happened.

“I see...” This was a lie, but Kurome had a faint idea of what he was going through. She saw no point in pestering him about it. “On the bright side, it doesn't look like it's completely burnt up. This, along with some of the salt should keep us fed for a day or two-”

Then, all of a sudden it had started to rain. A light drizzle formed. Deciding that she needed it more than him, Relinquish kneeled down and took off his coat, wrapping it around Kurome. “Here. Get a little warm.”

“Are you sure?” She hesitated putting her arms in the sleeves, just in case he had changed his mind.

“Absolutely.” He replied. “I thought this place looked safe, but I've obviously been proven wrong... We're getting out of here. I'll go back up the tents. If you see anything, call me, alright?”


Relinquish, for a brief moment, was brought back to earlier days. Whenshe put on that smile he would usually pat her shoulder and say something along the lines of “That's our girl!” As a compliment. But after everything he had done, he felt too uncomfortable to even attempt to do so. Simply choosing to walk back towards the camp site, and begin packing up their tents, not saying a word while doing so.

“One week.” He said to himself. “One week to, at the very least, save her.”

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*Random gag*

Future Relinquish: And that, was how I developed the ability Tyrants March! :)

Orianna: Sounds like a bunch of bull. >_>

Future Relinquish: -_-+