Rainbow Words Of Wisdom July2010

06/07/22 1 Present Words Of Wisdom [email protected]



Transcript of Rainbow Words Of Wisdom July2010

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[email protected]

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“When failure isn’t an option, nothing

serves a person better than strategic


- John Maxwell

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“The man who is prepared has his

battle half fought.”

- Miguel de Cervantes

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“Strategic thinking is the bridge that links where you are to where you

want to be.”

- John Maxwell

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“Strategic thinking is like showering, you have

to keep doing it.”

- Olan Hendrix

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“The will to win is worthless if you do not

have the will to prepare.”

- Thane Yost

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“Nothing is so embarrassing as

watching someone do something that you said

could not be done.”

- Sam Ewing

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“Big thinkers are specialists in creating

positive forward-looking, optimistic pictures in

their own minds and in the mind of others.”

- David J. Schwart

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“Reflective thinking is like the crock-pot of the

mind. It encourages your thoughts to simmer

until they’re done.”

- John Maxwell

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“When you reflect, you are able to put an experience into

perspective. Reflective thinking turns

experience into insight.”

- John Maxwell

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“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new

ideas as in escaping from the old ones.”

- John Maynard Keynes

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“Most people are more satisfied with old

problems than committed to finding

new solutions.”

- John Maxwell

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“We tend to think of great thinkers and

innovators as soloists, but the truth is that the

greatest innovative thinking doesn’t occur in

a vacuum.”

- John Maxwell

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Thank You