Rails Engine | Modular application

Rails Engine Miroslav Hetteš @mirrec7 [email protected]
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presents how to make modular application using ruby engines

Transcript of Rails Engine | Modular application

Page 1: Rails Engine | Modular application

Rails Engine

Miroslav Hetteš


[email protected]

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monolithic application

no reusability

slow tests

bigger application, more mess

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Possible solutions

extract common functionality to modules

create gems

tie gem with rails application with railtie

rails engine

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What is a Gem ?

packaged application or library code tests documentation gemspec

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Creating gem

bundle gem simplify

structure code (lib/) tests (test/ or spec/) documentation (doc/ README) executable files (bin/)

information about gem simplify.gemspec

├── Gemfile├── LICENSE.txt├── README.md├── Rakefile├── lib│   ├── simplify│   │   └── version.rb│   └── simplify.rb└── simplify.gemspec

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Releasing Gem

change version

run `bundle`

commit changes

run `rake release`

$ rake releasestupid_spam_protection 0.0.2 built to pkg/stupid_spam_protection-0.0.2.gemTagged v0.0.2Pushed git commits and tagsPushed stupid_spam_protection 0.0.2 to rubygems.org

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in-memory testing with sqlite

require "active_record"require "sqlite3”

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection { :adapter => "sqlite3”, :database => ":memory:”}

load "db/schema.rb"

RSpec.configure do |config| config.around do |example| ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do example.run raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end endend

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table "items", :force => true do |t| t.string "name” t.datetime "created_at", :null => false t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false end



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testing with mysql database

begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config)rescue ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config.merge('database' => nil)) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_database(config['database'], { :charset => 'utf8’, :collation => 'utf8_unicode_ci’})end

load "db/schema.rb"

RSpec.configure do |config| # the same from previous slideend

config = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ :adapter => "mysql2", :host => "", :username => "root", :password => "", :database => ”database_name”})


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Tie gem to Rails app Rails::Railtie

extend Rails framework load all needed dependencies

several hooks methods for all needs

module WnmSupport class Railtie < Rails::Railtie initializer "wnm_support.view_helpers" do ActionView::Base.send :include, BoolToHuman end endend

require "wnm_support/railtie" if defined?(Rails) lib/wnm_support.rb


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Railtie hooks 1

Plugin hooks initializer generators rake_tasks console

initializer "wnm_support.active_record_ext" do ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, WnmSupport::ActiveRecordExt::DestroyValidation endend

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Railtie hooks 2

Rails configuration hooks to_prepare (once in production, every request in


before_initialize after_initialize app_middleware before_configuration before_eager_load generatorsconfig.to_prepare do AppController.send(:include, Controller::Authentication)end

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What is Rails Engine ?

every rails app is an engine

Rails::Engine < Rails::Railtie

all together gem skeleton railtie structure for app dummy app for testing assets

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Engine walkthrough

generate new engine

basic commands


mounting to host app

overriding defaults

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Generating Engine

rails plugin new blorgh --mountable –full

everything (assets, controller, models, views) are inside Blorgh namespacemodule Blorgh class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Blorgh endend

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Basics commands

in root directory of the engine bundle rake rspec rails generate # generate code for engine

in spec/dummy or test/dummy location rails console rails server rails generate # generate code for dummy app

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generally as in standard rails application

engine is tested inside dummy app

small problems with factory girl explicite model class in factory girl include routes for request tests

FactoryGirl.define do factory :user, :class => Blorgh ::User do sequence(:login) { |n| "admin_#{n}" } password "too_secret" password_confirmation { password } endend

RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Blorgh ::Engine.routes.url_helpersend

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Mounting Engine to host application

Gemfile gem “blorgh”, :path => “~/Sites/blorgh”

install migration `rake blorgh:install:migrations`

load seeds data Blorgh::Engine.load_seed # in rails console

require assets if needed *= require blorgh/application #


mount to routes.rb mount Blorgh::Engine => "/blorgh"

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Get to engine and get back

routes to engine from host app prefix with engine name example engine “blorgh”

<%= link_to “Users”, blorgh.users_path %>

routes from engine to host app prefix with main_app example engine “blorgh”

<%= link_to “Home page”,main_app.root_path %>

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Controller, Model, etc. reopening classes

class_eval, module_eval

Overriding engine classes

Blorgh::Article.class_eval do has_many :users, :class_name => ‘User'end


module MySite class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie config.to_prepare do Dir["app/decorators/**/*.rb"].each do |path| load path end end endend

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Overriding engine views

simple copy and paste view file that you want to override to the same location in host app

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Application Modules with Rails Engine

every new engine means new namespace

application modules means for us more engines with same namespace

inspiration from refinerycms

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The same namespacedifferent engines

module Wnm module Core class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Wnm engine_name :wnm_core endend

module Wnm module Pages class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Wnm engine_name :wnm_pages endend

rake wnm_core:install:migrations


rake wnm_pages:install:migrations


both are nested in `Wnm` namespace

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Developing from localProduction from git

bundler does not allow to have same package from different sources in Gemfile

if ENV["LOAD_GEMS_FROM_LOCAL"] == "1" gem "wnm_core", :path => "~/Sites/wnm_core" gem "wnm_pages", :path => "~/Sites/wnm_pages" gem "wnm_customers", :path => "~/Sites/wnm_customers"else gem "wnm_core", :git => "git@…/wnm_core.git", :tag => "v1.0.0" gem "wnm_pages", :git => "git@…/wnm_pages.git", :tag => "v1.0.0" gem "wnm_customers", :git => "git@.../wnm_customers.git", :tag => "v1.0.0"end

export LOAD_GEMS_FROM_LOCAL=1 .rvmrc


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change LOAD_GEMS_FROM_LOCAL to 0 and run `bundle`

commit and push

`cap deploy`

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if you are overriding views heavily always prefix routes path with engine module name

use class methods instead of constants

always write full path to class/module if it is in namespace ::ApplicationController instead of ApplicationController

testing is essential

<%= link_to page.name, wnm_page.page_path(page), :title => page.name %>

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Why use Rails::Engine ?

reusable code code hole application assets

modular thinking

gem with MVC

faster test

testing gem in dummy app infrastructure

some well known engines devise, kaminari, refinerycms

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if you are bending engines weird thinks can happen

a lot of weird errors application does not run in development mode from git

sources tests passed, but in browser it is not running in browser it is running but tests are throwing exceptions

overriding classes in host app

helper methods from host app does not work in overridden views

some things from documentation does not work at all

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Why we did this like that ?

a lot of our project are in general the same

build core for site quickly “scaffold” for application

rails engine is infrastructure for modular application

we can have backend and frontend in the same application module

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http://guides.rubygems.org/what-is-a-gem/ http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2010/extending-rails-3-with-

railties/ http://www.slideshare.net/AndyMaleh/rails-engine-patterns http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html http://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/Rails/Railtie.html http://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/Rails/Engine.html http://pivotallabs.com/users/shagemann/blog/articles/1994-

migrating-from-a-single-rails-app-to-a-suite-of-rails-engines http://railscasts.com/episodes/301-extracting-a-ruby-gem http://railscasts.com/episodes/303-publishing-a-gem http://railscasts.com/episodes/277-mountable-engines