Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man...

" ! : . :-m Rahway Record, Tuesday,'October 9, RELEASE SCHEDULE Of BOWLING LEAGUE City Tournament at "Y" Will Operate Four Nights Each Week Tho Qlty Bowling League Bchedule tor 1523-24 follows: Oct. 16—Business Men vs. N- S. West End vs. Uutgers. •• 17—Mohawks vo. Automotive. " IS—Amor. Legion, is. Baptists, ernons vs. Trinity. d Rahway Has B?g Part In County S. S. Meeting Officers and teachers of tho local Sunday Schools and the young pec-J pic of the aovcral churcMiB llkowlse 1 aro urged 10 attend the forty-third annual convention of the .Union County Sunday School Association to bo held Thursday at the First Bap- tist Church. Westfleld, and tho first annual Young People's Rally to be held Wcdcnsday night at the samo place. Runway will be prominently represented nt both moetinga by] I speakers. j At the Wednesday night meeting, i which opens at 7:30o'clock! Miss ; Marjorlo Chase, vice-chairman ot the SOCIAL AND PERSONAL JContlnued from Kine 6) Tho second tryouts for the local Elks' bowling team will be held to- morrow night on the lanes at tho West Milton avenue* homo. There will be a meeting tonight of the Board of Trustees of tho Second Presbyterian Church at tho home of WoIIIam A. Hansom, of Paters i street. A regular monthly meeting of mom- burs of the Union-Middlesex County Farmers' Cooperative Association will lie held in the Association build- ing on Terrlll road, Thursday evening, October 11. at 7: 13 o'clock. F. W. Sllllman, secretary. Business Men vs. Rutgers. 24—Automotive vs. Amer. Legion. 25—Mohawks vs. Trinity. 26—Vernons vs. Baptist. 29—Business Men vs. W. End?. N. S. vs. Rutgers. 31—Automotive vs. Trinity. NoT-O^-Ve " 1J—Baptists vs. Mohawks. N. P. vs. Automotive. •• 14—Business Men. vs. Legion. Kntgers vs. Trinity. —^ is—vernons vsi Mohawks. — 16—West Ends vs. Baptist. •• 19—N. S. vs. Amer. Busr'Mi''n~v?:"'AuIbri " 21—Rutgers vs. Mohawks. "• 22—West End. vs. Vernons. ! Edward Corner, ti lsurer, both of \ Irvln E slrer-l. ownod by B. Engelman and occupied by'A. Hickman and fam- ily, was the sceno of a small blaze Saturday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock alien sparks from thecliluinvy Ig. rilled the root. Engine No. 2 re- this rClty, will have parts on, the pro-j gram. Miss Chase will speak on,; "Our Goal.' 'and Mr. Gerner on, "Our Program.' -lac ]•• sloe -to! CIV^C CLUB 8EEK8 (Csntlnued from P«a» Ona) should be appointed and mako con- trol of this disease a major feature of Its program, was pointed out by Mr. Eaklns. . Tho speaker told of Rahway'i ap- propriation of $3,000 In. 1922 for health work, of which 12,767 was I spent, and said, "This is a rldlcu- i lously low figure,' adding after ho had 'given the per capita figures mentioned j above. "Public health authorities agree that good public health admin- istration can hardly bo purchased for less than llfty cents per capita and when you think of what can bo dono ; by a god health department you will ' ngrcc that the coat la very low." Mr. Eaklns urged Rahway. citizens to lake tho trouble toexamine the city budget and not tho small portion of tho total appropriation set aside for health purposes. "An awakened community Interest In health Is Iho the Thursday* meeting, one at 10:00 ! *> Mmll ' (l aml nillll «' has arranged to hive a tpeolal film screwed at U>« Empire all dnrlnf thli week ln connoctlon with the regular shows. The picture li, "Tho Danger That Never Sleeps." Through hla ef- forts also Captain Phillip O'Neill, of tho Nowarlt Flro Department na se- cured toaddress thohigh school as- sembly this morning' on, "Fire l>Te- ventlon." Chief Rltzman alsb spoke to the student.**. Governor Sllier's proclamation "was read by a high school pupil. Posters illustrating tho Importance of lire prevention havo been distributed about tho cityby tho firemen" ' Inspection throughout the city willl lie made during tho week. Chief lUtzmnns message- to,the peo pl»-o(—Railway -la a»-XoUoa»: "Flro Prevention Week began tho past Sun- day, October 7, and continues until | October 13, embracing Klro Proven-1 tion Day. today, October 9, tho annl-1 versary ot the great Chicago fire, i I urgently rpquost" t h y • hlblted. Don't OM Inflammable star* polish. The ssle.ii prohibited by law. Don't let rubblih. accumulate In your homo or yard. Don't (all to see that your chimneys are kept clean. Don't fall to profit bythese suggestions. Life and health are precious—protect them. PROCTORS THEATRE ELIZABETH "Civilian Clothes" tho production at, Proctor's Thoato*. Elliabuth. tho entire week ot October 8th, Is a three net comedy by Thompson Buchanan. It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young manreturning tocivil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,, who en- tered the army as a prlvato. "flirts promoted—m pink nf <-»p. tain for bis gallantry ln action and bravery ln tho lino of duty. Flor- enco Lanham (Dorothy Rlckaby) a membor ot a fine old Southern fam- ily. Is on foreign service In the bos- pltal service. The scene of tho moot work of the" nI >" thing which will securo adequate ! thc c ( tlzons ot Rahwarco-operato with ! Ing of those two occurs jut prior to a. m., another third at 7:10 at 1: l"i p. m.. and tbej !!am "* Tho damage was. about $25. j health, appropratlons." bo said. . ^! thp nre in the observance Inn attack - In-tlie-Argonnc— The moat " 23 ::r Trinity vs. BnplTsT " JG—Business Men. vs. Vernons. N. S. vs. Baptist. " 28—Trinity vs. Amer. Legion. Automotive vs. Rutgers. " SO—West End. vs. Mohawks. Deo. 3—N. S. vs. Vernon?. Business Men vs. Trinity. 5—West End vs. Automotive. " 6—Baptist vs. Rutgers. 7—Amer. Legion vs. Mohawks. " 10—Business: Men. vs. Baptist. Vernons vs. Automotive. " 12—West End. vs. Trinity. ". 13—Rutgers vs. Amer. Legion. '• 14—N. S. vs. Mohawks. " 17—N. S. vs. Trinity. Automotive vs. Baptist. " 19—Business Men vs. Mohawks. " 20—Vernons vs. Rutgers. third it 710 r m State Superln-' . lsl ' ncnura S ln K Indeed, to find bodles' of K|r t ,p rcvcntlon Week, by malting | amuslnit >plsodo of tho opcnlnK act TCnTtnrf-rma^ouT J t3-^ C as OT er-J-E^-USED-BQARDS-TO-6UIDE-GAR llht ' ™" r rlvlr rlllh '"'""led-^^hr^nnrrriiiTpt^^ fu. tfatr Tompklns will be a prominent figure ] _ _ 'll™'!^!... "!•?.."'I.™L!! J!".. ! ls -^ for any flre haiards thaf may [ Lnnham tamUy. who for patriotic mo- ' -•-—.-• ••- tlves doslrcs an tn-service man and tho most exciting situation it, when Florence enters ibe room and finds -will-give tho i treasurer's report at the morning meeting: take charge of the adminis- tration ami adult divisional confer- ence In the afternoon and conduct a similar conference In the evening. Rev. G. A. Law will speak at the after- noon program, "Our Community Vaca- tion Bible School.' Rev. W. E. Saun- I ders will deliver the address of the evening, speaking on. "Feed His Sheep." old pal)Ora _ ru bbj s h. old Hero of Desert Automobile Race Won the spirit of health Inthe community, j ^y, sach " Third Money Owln B to HI. 'You can be a potent factor In a great | pa|n ,' „„>. rag3 Qotcctlvo chimneys Ruourccfulneu. work.' >and leaky oil heaters. All old refuse, desert , c _ bo removcd j n whici Jet run Moose Lodge Plans Big Open Meeting ...Plans for their open meoting to be held Sunday vening. October 2S. in } tho Empire Theater, -were completed ] city and took i could be the stand that they Improved. Somo the drivers checking ln at all-night! 1 stops it theend of each day. These c . , , . races vtre run at a season of the year, *P" lfl <: example *rere mentioned and when rain on all or part of the course; discussed before -the resolution was IU not unusual. It took brains, a j passed asking Jfr -tho reinstating of powerful car and a heavy foot to ne-' the Health BoaP* gotlate that muddy course. ; In discharging the Board of Health Bill O'Day was my hero In the Phoe-! wncn hocamo lnt0 office, Mayor Fur nix struggle. He wasn't licked unless ' his motor fell out of the chassis or something else Just as bad happened. In ono of these races BUI was run-. tbat tbo now botltjr is her husband. ^ Meat Market Ha* Trouble! Carl Muller report* that bis Meat _ . .1 Market wns Infested with roaefce* Tho following scries of Donta" U ! Ho i 08t cmomers on account of them! Ho beard about Royal Guaranteed submitted for perusal and remem- ber stated that he felt that by doing so the city could oconomlie. Fred M. Williams, then Health Inspector, appointed City Clerk In place of nin E pretty weir' up In front on ihe ["' third day. He was sitting pretty. In Charles Lambert who had died, tho j spite of having wallowed through mud office of Health Inspector being ellml- brance: Don't let the children play with matches. Don't pour kerosene on tho kitchen fire. Don't build fires in your yard or on vacant lots. Don't uso gasoline for cleaning purposes In your home. Dent uso matches, can- dles or lamps to find gas leaks. Don't thaw water pipes with fire. Cso hot -water.- Don't ke«p floor mops In air- tight closets. This causes sponUne- ous combustion. Dont uso matches .. •..,„_. t- i ,.- \,,,ri- Tnninn , . . , t , oy.i.-- oi uuxug wuiioweu turougn mua owce oi ricaun inspector oeiog enrai-1, , ^ 21-Vvest Ends v- Amer. Legion. | , Ml h , al thercgular mceting 0{ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ appolntod j»« clothe, closet,. Don't hang cloth- 1924 Jan. 2—Pusluess Men vs. N. S. West End vs.: Rutgers. J—Ami-r. Legion vs. Baptist. 4—Vernons vs. Trinity. " 7—Automotive vs. Mohawks. N. S. \s West End. 9—Business Men vs. Rutgers Automotive vs.-Legion. " 10—Mohawks vs. Trinity. "11—Vernons vs. Uaptlst. " 14—Business Men vs. West End. -~"Nr"sr"vs. Kutjcrs. -— " IG—Automotive vs. Trinity. " 17—Vernons vs. Amer. Legion. . " 18—Baptists vs. Mohawks. " 21—N. S. vs. Automotive. Business Men V:-. Legion. " 23—Rutgers vs. Trinity. . " 24—Vornons vs: Mohawks. " 25—Baptist vs. West End. " 25—Amor. Legion vs. X. S. Automotive vs. Bus. Mon. " SO—Mohawks vs. Huteors. " 31—Vernons vs. West End. 1—Baptist vs."Trinity. 4—Vernons vs. Business Men Baptist vs. N. SS. 0—Ahitr. Legion vs. Trinity. 7—Rutgers vs. Automotive E—Mohawks vs. V-'fft End. 11—Vernons vs X. P Business Men vs. Trinity. 13—Automotive vs. West l-'.nd- 14—Rutgers vs. Baptist. year. The Civt He broke his steering nnn—1 moan on Health Office: the car. Thut would have boon the cur- tain for most drivers. But old Bill and his roechnnlclan took two fence rails and wired one to the axle on the inside of each front wheel. Then they got into the car. each one holding to the rail on his side of the cur. -Tln>y cuid.'d that enr Into tlie fair grounds at 1'hoenlx by Feb. v>. An11"'r. Ue | Rahway Lodge. No. 13C3, Loyal Or- !der of Moose. The principal speaker , will he P. A. Shancr. a prominent j Xew York lawyer, while State Presi- dent William E. Kgan. who is city clerk of Newark, will nlso be present and make an address. Beside the special speakers, the program will consist of some tine jjnusiea!.. numbers and remarks.. by :. pressing the roils against-the front | other officials of the Mouse Lodge in' tir.-s when they wanted to turn. j this state. Tins tiKCtini; wllj open j 'to the ci'.izi-ns of Rahway. [he- pur- i pose of the gatli-ring being to show 111-..- iru.- worth of th.- Loyal Order "f Moos.'. ! In nililltion to planning for the sp-'- cial ineptinK the lodge, last night, held a class Inltirttim and rL-c-eivi-.l two additional applications for mem- bership. Thodegree work last eve- ! ning was carried on by theofficers of !thc lodge. Chairman L. M. Sauers of - ^ « "* car j tho Christmas Celebrution cirsmlttee J.report-d progress. The Rahway ; Lcilge will be represented this year | With Happiness. i in the Moos., bow-ling league, the If- \ Wj heard a stnuifcer rjri'.'.osoplililng i i-al pinners to howl at McCartney'? j about the feTerlshiess of a visit. "One r at a salary of SCOO a; Club at their next meet- ing or hats on gas fixtures. Don't al- low your children to use any fireworks | other than paper caps, colored fire .. . ,,, . land sparklers. All others aro pro- ing on November second, will have! " I'rmcess Chinquilla. a*full-blooded In-; ~ " iiinn-prrnrr?s. to t.itre~c!iarsJ or the I piogram. The Boy and Girl Scouts: "f the city and sonu- of the older pu- : ;iii.-i i^-lhe-scliools -.vill bo Invited and fi .-ocial time will follow the meet Inn:.' ut y Roach Powder. Hied It and got Im- mediate rrllef. WI-* out these dls- easo spreading pests TODAY. Use Royal Guaranteed Roach Powder for quick reiulln. Sold and guaranteed by Pendletcn's Drug Store.—AdT. Exceptional Values In . I Mil Millinery distinctive models—very original and chie- Styles to suit each individual taste. Prices Most—- Moderate TheRln, Bird Shop 12S Irving Strtat Rahway Rahway Record HOvocatc SIXTEEN PAQEt SECTION ONE PRICE THREE CENTS 1457 ,„„„ FIREMEN )IS3ANDED WITHOUT rolCE~BEIN(LjRAISED . j proceedings Marked by Lethargy of Interest, End Having Been Forecast an d Accepted Months Ago "OH TOKEWARK" KlWAJIiW CRY LargeTDeiegatton oi Local Clob Leaves for State Con- vention Today ROB RESIDENCE TAKE JEWELRY P<flfcF~ Make~~Public—Entr Into Home oi E. J. Vernean Loot Valued at $600 Bauer Berates Mayor Furber For Accusation; Flaunts Suit nooa today Hahwayi SKELGTOII KEY PROVIDED deleKatlon of aboutj R 3 STUDENTS MARK COLUMBUS DAY —flurry^—th**—akout.-:i— yaiar-Ji»:ti. Ivaitis_but a force.^. of thl- city.' 0 ' nlno P"" 1m ' nt0 ^P" wltl J_ a ° y ot nlno paid mn to l nr ,,, v , hlch ml| . ht „,, I'.rc--' ,n, v.v^ i nres v.-nicn niiKm nr;:i-. i t to IUD In- .,; [nur companlea wltn a J t.-ntiou nf th>- M-MUp:ud department mcnty-live men each.j ordlnanc- tu luv..- u tore of forty call ELGO TORFR 3 ENTRANCt ULlUBIiK0 eilstonce Wt-dnesdar men al tho disposal of the paid fire „."",, euHiuil»»Tot»rr»^-hlW-ti»-.aM. of r,cc..U)' but until the UI> ^ adln|t an now this has not been organln-d, «nd thus due to th.. retuhal nf tho volunteers to Shortly betori <lwanls Cluh'e forty member* and guests left for the annual Hate coTmTrillotf"betnirhcld-ln Newark today and tomoirow. Tho. . group made the trip b, aulompbUe. . Whll e the family was »»« «"»', They were attired ln the garb of a pro- no mo entrance waa^a^ed by a rea vlnclal sheriff aud were headed by door into tho home of Edward J. ! Appropriate Program Given By School Assembly Quarrel Over Water Melers~Throws~Com- mi8sioner'8 Meeting Into Uproar. Armstrong Appears For, Bauer •Union County's next Sheriff. Marry i Simmons of (]cpar t ra ont rtrt" in I " & Q-J'.fl Thul Is. when they wanted to go to the rlylit tin.- wan on the right side of the cur would pull in on his fence rr.il and the end uf It would then [-rt-ss on thut part of the right front tire ahead of the front axle. At the same time the man on the left would so manipu- late his fence mil astopress on the left front wheel behind thefront nxle nnd thus both front wheel* would be turned in the right direction. FIRE PREVENTION ' (Continued from P«ge One) U---'K. M:t throughout "very week of til-: year." ] "Ir. Dil.f Wait-r 11. Ititzman has \ h.,:n v.-ry niurh alive to the impor- . tanc- <'f 'Jisseminatini: tiro preven-' ::cn data In the campaign for cducat-1 ing people to exercise more care for I For tho Ideal Home Entertainment BUYA VICTROLA The tires were cut^to pieces on the ,) le i r own. their city's andtheir state's finished In third the Important thine.—Saturday Evening Post. .id nations good. Chief Rltzman: 'PUDSAHD'&UD IS—Baptist vs. liusinef!) Men -AntomoHvr- \>—Wrnonsr 20—Trinity vs. West Knd. 21—Amer. Legion vs. Rutgers. Mohawks vs. N. S. 25—Trinity vs. X. S. >vry Tlirusday night. .Jjaptsl 27—Mohawks vs. Business Men. 2S—Amer. Lecion vs. W. Knd 29—Rutgers vs. Vernons. Name Delegates [ Plan'; v.-eri made iast ruclit at the ' inoeling of Union Council N'o. 31. Jr. ro-r evening It was a ride, the next a trip to the movies, the next dancing, and -so—on.—AIWHT s~'re5tl essn'ess: We're getting so we can't sit still." Do we deserve Stevenson's advice and Indict- ment: : j. __H\Ve_are-in-.such-ba«tc-to-be -doing,—J—' Why do, we shiver ? because, when the b'xly chills, the nervous system puts the mns- c!« s In motion. This "ex.-rcisu" ilrlves :h.- heart f.i«ter and hast- 'ccs th- tlow of warm blood A RAHWAY LAUNDRY; A. M.. in how a -Past Coun-j to be WTltlng. to be jrnthering gear, to' cilors' Night" at the lo.lgeroom... Mon-[ rnnke our voice audible a moment In ] :•::!>• righi. October 22. There will be [ the derisive silence of eternity, that ] ;n meeting of the U::inn County Past i we forget that one tiling, of which Note—When i teams arc sclifduled i rrouticilorp' Association it was an- these are but tbe parts—namely, to ; to roll the same evening, teams will llo unced. at Somer.-.-t Council, No. t llve - • • • W c n mt0 andfrolll£c ' use alleys in the order in whic!i_they, nil,- Pliiinflold. October^6._Dek:gat. ± ! M ^«">^ ?*"*P- And now you are to j th -are-ii6ted-:-ihat lirst two teams j t0 the, State will uso alli-ys 1 and_2. tin- other two teams alleys 3 and 4. All teams scheduled for Kridaya will uso alleys 3 and •!. Y. M. H. A. President Names Committees President Henry Litt of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Thursday night an- nounced the following list of standing committees which lack of space pre- nted being printed in Friday's to bo held' in Atlantic City tomorrow and Thursday were named as fol- lows: TV. Harry Stuart and A. H. Soliaefer. —Record; Ways and means—David Joseph, M. Pachman, Abe Weltz, Dr. George At- fel, Dr. Samuel Kalzman, Mrs. Harry Newman, MISK Pauline Kerster, Miss Sarah Vogel. Mrs. H. A. Shapiro, Isa- doro Schwartz. Mrs. Bernard Engel- man. Executive—President Litt, Vice- president Mis. Sarah Vogel, Secre- To Hold Inspection Plans were made last night by the •Women's Relief Corps for an inspec- tion at the ni-xt meeting, by Inspector and Department Junior VIC-IM oni- matider Miss Cora Seal, of Elizabeth. _Xu s.puc Srie. you would not have lieen better to sit by the fire nt home nnd be happy thlnk- kur. To sit still and £ontemplnte—to remember the faces of women without desire, to be pleused by the great deeds of men without envy, to be everything and everywhere ln sympa- thy, and yet content to remain where and what you are—Is not thla to know both wisdom and virtue, and to dwell , with happiness?"--Collier's. I Rubbing Alcohol I'e'als uThTver every time is uu aid to circulation. , Excellent for limbering up ath- letes and relieving strain*, stiff joints and lame muscles. Im- mediately removes perspiration otlors. Adopted by leading ath- ELtlc rhlhs. hogpltn^ ppH trnjn. Enjoy Your Fall and Winter Evenings Muj!c has as undenlablo charts— . A!I IU vnrjr c»n. It .snotbet or thrills acco:d:ti£ to the aclody ono choo»ci to play. A VICTROI-A brltigi thowor!d'» cr-iteit ar'.lsti r!j;:u into your own Htlng-room. It taakca thu <lanc« a IU~C«M. It pu:» apL-it aaj "Pep" Into tbc party. .. Especially nuv ttiat tbo <-.ool e7c- clcsj will jcon drltis you In-l'ior. )""> will want this greatest ot lll.jctor tamers—A VICTKOLA. Terms so Easy that 'no one can afford not to Own One James McCollur:i h ,.j the fuel for a conllnu-l ; ,,,,v..en M»>" r J *™^ ^';, ;"„ ITdlrrJt'oVoVpublTc'"safety."er, 'V\VuM W»"V',t. no trouble m R ,,tlng the call •'• •'"" UIm luu * i ra ,. n , a » thire In no longer any Ho ' '' ih a fd.-mlsc ot iho time-' such ai membership tnone of the fire ^SnrwJnS "I: ^-nV^[ ^ ^ ^ vj|>.:o u< : sr '°S . .. .h o th.)' have b.en afraid ot losing their IT or°Sot any^ V4' l^rj^^'^^"^- my 8 ni'*i ou^*«**. •—••* nuau, of ».—»- Simmons. Badges, clubs, linen dust-! quantity of jewelry, valued crs sombn-roes and muswehes of a and possibly more; silk shirt western or hayseed cut were all there. 6t ockln« were stolen. The roi The Rahway Klwanls will represent' 0CCU red Wednesday. October J, i-lhc- cltv that produces sheriffs" atj waB not reported to the police 1 the convention. ... - ' the next morning when thoVeti I The party went at once to Olympic j discovered their IOM... The 1 ',..* wLe luncheon wa* served thl, I. lid not make pub, c:J^ entry noon in the ballroom, hundreds of | this morning. Askeleton key del-gates being In attendance from all' used, Mr. Vemeau report* What will rank as one of the-T.J14C.92 additional. You can sue 'or Ivorbose meetings ot-record for tbe'Ilt and be damned. I'll spend" the laet .Luoard_ol_ j Cornml83lonors of this city cent I have toshow you tip." was the meeting WedneiSay^ Bight; Mrr-Bauer informed -_Mr_F_urbur_ when Mayor James B. Furber on one that although lie had not "been at tbo— islde clashed with Fred C. Bauer and previous meeting he had read ln tb» j Attorney David Armstrong on the newspapers the report of the mayor** —Iialn^ther;—on—chaigta_jnade_againstMr. accusations and had heard them ro- tound! liauer at a previous meeting by the peateil byfriends;—"I-ani-bere-toDlght— y es . I Mayor who claimed that "by some in answer to your Invitation and I 1 - - -->- •- vimaoif" Mr. IjllBS Lucille Carhart follows: Banner." flag salute The Program • "^hj.nM^B ^ y ^ city CIcrk Fred M. William. -•••• i.tii-r cut— :.*\:r* s '•.'.. ' ir . t r ! "'ri'l"i"r.-.i-f. t'cutit.nutd en Pajc Eignt) del-gates being In attendance from all used, Mr. Nemeau , tv , folIow8: extended the invitation for citizens was glancing over the a ™*-:^ parts ot the state. Henry W. Egner, | . The police have been wo king or ca angle(1 Banncr ." .lag salute «en'el ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr Bauer 5,.. past president of the Newark iub; thc robbery secreUy since tojr got ^ ^ a skc ., ch oIthe o sp ak. . B ^ ^ lhe , nwrjectcd| .. You know what yoe pre.lfl.-d over the luncheon. Various j lhe first report but no arrests have y^ ^ C(]]umbu3 „, MIs , Marj0 rie '"» ^ lt _ AddresslnB tbo | asked. I don't let people point 3n- stunta and other Interesting features been made as yet. Acting _CWei ^ ^ viojn du(;t - Ga vott_e." by -^^ ^ Uauer said. '1 made the j ,-crs at me. do you get that. jp '-r.cy.-ur- i tali agu am: map.'. . Mary Overton. lion"; Karl r S'u':!•!-. at-.'! ATHENIANS" FORTTRINITY USHERS BOARDS RETURN; WILL BE HOSTS . .. , • i -,, r . a'.sr t'H !•••'-' ' ".,.; .., .;•.. At!'..-ai»a C . : .. . ! Mr, C,..,:K- » S •A..-. Mlltc-r, i^<•^.u•• T! •.ir* 1'^r-.:. t: -f !,r a '..•* v.c:_! In the i.f t'..' ,:.B:(!I CCNOM-rs- ,>..,.- vi-icli'.lijn of the Kan . iJ.-'.r.K tho surnrr..-r r^-rlad. —.—_ ..-,,^-^-h-~--i •. n.al.- V.J.T.* IV Dresid-d over the luncheon. Various j lhv Tin[ report but no arre stunts and other Interesting features been made as yet_ Actln_ provided by the several clubs, j Thompson said this morning that all Sp efforts were being bended to trace Stephen Czy-vhki clin'F. Notice of the robbery and lists series of talks (•: thc'valuables tak<jn by therobbers 1923," given by 'ir robber have been sent out by Iho eoinp^rativ acting chief to all tl,- larger cities In tin country. Thi' robber or rubbers mud': goivd *h' ir es-./ape with the following loot: . '-':i'_\ (lbir.nnil ring, valued at about •:;'•". lad-,'.--, with r.latlnuai"prongs",7 vi-ry tiiir.; ,r." "nek';. ';:• ; i r l :-!'.LiP'\ •• ::!i muiKigram. "A. (!. W." and chain i.iic i^ild brooch wi'.h diamond in i IUIT; on" geld iavaller with chain, ir,i'r;ilil stone in c nt-'r ;LII [ I three p- arls on each side, one ladles' gold ...4i.ii, eio>' d face, monogram. "A. O. W.'. in-cription lnsid", '"Kdward to N-wark and At- Anna. May 2:." winder missing; one ^n'.d brjc-l'l. monogram. "A. G. W.".. •:-.-ii!" of braclet. "E. J. Ar." two baby rim;:, ins-id" cf rings arc names "Mari"'" i'H oc-.' and "Sylvia" on other "i-,,- puld rinc. setting with stone m'. c ^ititT. ladles: ono gold watch pin. V shape: two children's gold chains; -iiik i'..;n.-.'six pairs black silk V.?. liv. vnr^df ladled white sllk ckincs •'* *t_ut>iuL ritii!- are asked Railway's delegation was armed with a llv.'ly marching Eong, a parody ur;tt"M l> E. n. Smeathers on yale- 1 *^ fa-n-iu? air. ; This .ift'rr.ocjr. buair.t;? and enter- :.:.":::•:;•, {• u'.ure 1 - are o:i the fiched- ul>'. Th.-rc :• a a ex-cutlve rvrsion f..;!.*•.'..•,! by a bi.^r-i nf trustees' meet- ij! a:.Ta .'O:if' rur.ce o^ club presl- ilr.-- ar.il s (.ri-'.:.:!.--. I'r- s'.dent H. S' iTi.tary ::.:;ng tl -A i'li: •.': Ki-.var. ind I-ouis Kovacs; Mayor, Mr. Uauer said. ''I made the | si-rs on"" "America, 1492- proper application right here ln the Ange'.o Harraco. a ' ''> llri11 f(ir ™/ m '"te r an d I bought on '•CoiuMibu-' Vcy. •"•! pa:-! for it I have bw-n paying ..» iifi'i.itc": Miss thi- bills -.vhi.-i. th" city :-iT.t me. 1 i'jt your bill yeFteril.i.y chiLr^-inp mo TV., r- !-• d:ac K.-anl. W. ? latter K3t!'-- who are the r.s an au'.f> 1-..^ afternoon c.-ing tour of a lively base- ,aj of Hilton •fJrnwth in I'opula- •suiter. "Industrial "M;^ Hel.-n ^huits, vncal nilin' Through"; Miss Kth-: i-Iilucatl'. 1 !!-''- - ( '- r i! ........ u ,. k -. t -_,'P,.', i ti,;il .Gru-.vtk'. 1 ; . the Beautiful." a si me. do yon get tbat?" Mayor Furber replied. "I don't '.r Miy questions." "Lie ;i man and stand up towiiiit 1 yiin n ai(i." cuuiuered Mr. Bauer. I I bought that 1 meter and paid for It aod I am not going to sneak away to sorrns ; other city either. I don't intend to- i ni::K° a big stink and then leave." Mr. Boili-r was evidently referring la .„, EINDS BRITTAM - 'QUAINT COUNTRY ;;;s-2;—* - - ' Whin Mr. iiauer pressed the mayo f Kith, r- L-:IV- a -l.ort address ;.,. c,r,...-;.(i trie topic given (-•o'jk. "Kd'icatlor.a! tlrowth." ilf !< ai :n N"»ark. which wii: sl.c li'.-'r.ce m»de up entirely i^n-- r.a!:-*ay !.- <x;>-ct< n-.'ist pro:::;n.-n - .:>- in thi.- -.::" lixal coir.x.ltte.' c arrar.5-rr.pr.ts t'> have ! .ill occupy 's Th.-at.-r , to an all- of Kiwan- . nl to figure = how ap spe- "p. made by : convention '-...' picture of bu 1 .!-- Probatlon Precedet Vowa, In most of the N'yasaland tribe*. In ancnt—conrrablal~tli tary Pauline Ferster, Treasurer the committee iu charge. A social .time will follow the inspection, with a mmib'T of guests from neighbor- ing towns -present. Twn applications were r.ci'lv.d ui th" mectlnir last Ira M. Farber. Louis Miller. Dr. Geo. Apfei, Harry Robinson. Building—Uuvld Joseph, Bernard Engelrnan, A. Wcitz, Harry Robinson, j Ure ta Parls> waa wa i klng „„„ dfly on Morris Pachman, Samuel lllumenthal. j the boulevard with his friend Bragn. They met the composer Meyerbeer, who stopped and Inquired politely af- Delinquent—Louis Farber, Miss Pauline -PllhUr-lt-v—Ira M— Miller, Ira Kerster. M. for the affair, each nu-mlier to act (ini preceded by u teiiu of probation, which can be broken off at will by either party. When tbe woman haa finally made np her mind to stay, she punctuates ber decision by kneeling when she addresses her husband. I rule, she will Inaugurate this change ln their relations by a little coup de I theater, she will choose AD occasion j when chance has.brought together a goodly number of people, and she sees i ber husband standing among them. I She will then walk right up to him, kneel down before him, put some i trivial question, or give some unlmpor- I tant piece of Information, wait for the I reply ln a kneeling posture, and. after j this has been given, get upand Join j the others. By thus humiliating her- self, fhe tins taken possession of her -husbanil. —- | Let, rustauwdry plan {^UDS says "You see it's *~* like this. Our wet-wash plan that sends back your clothes fresh and daisy ready for the Ironing, cost so little and It takes the washday out of your wife's life. It seems like a mighty sensible LOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS arving Meyerbeer a Trait. Musicians are proverbially jealons of one another; but not all of themcan manage to get a smile out of that un- fortunate fact, as the gentle and merry-henrted composer Rossini once did. nosslnL who lived most of his P 71! Campbell St. Telephone 5.17-J. ing camps throughout the U. s One of 200 Purctest prepira- tlons for health and hygiene. Every item the best tbat'rklH and conscience can produc.-. Kirstein's Pharmacy 77it Stan Mlller. Sick and relief—Henry Litt. Ira M. Farber, Louis Miller. Miss Sarah Vogel. Miss Pauline Ferster, Miss Friea Greisberg, Mrs. I. M. Farber, Mrs. 11. A. Shapiro. Entertainment—Miss Pauline Fer- ster, Mr;;. Harry Newman, Miss Froida Krelsberg. Mrs. I. II. Farber. Miss Sarah Vogel. Miss Dorothy Si- mon Mru H - V Shrtnim H:irrv New. | bod. my dear Meyerbeer," answered Rossini, "1 have a splitting headache, a strange pain In my side and a leg that troubles me constantly." After Meyerbeer bad condoled sufficiently he passed on, and Bragit asked Itosslnl how he happened to have become sud- denly BO unwell. "Oh, I'm well enough," said Rossini with a inugh, "but I wanted to give Meyerbeer n V.'| moment's pleasure. He would be so delighted to sec me go to pieces!"— Companion. How He Knew, "Chunked your brand of shaving i h ' ?" kd U man, Louis Miller, Dr. Samuel Katz-, man, Abij Ilurwilz, MaxYogi-l, Mor- ris I'.iclmian.' Uducat.i'ii an'I n 'llglous—Dr." Gfo.' sonp, haven't yonV" asked Uncle Pen" Apfel, Dr. Ka:nucl Kalzman, A. i ay^I.se of the l.arhpr. Wi-it.-., Ma* V.iK'-i, --Harry . Koblnson. Samuel Mi'i.-r. Ab. Hunvhy, .Miss S. Vogvl. . _ ... Athletic—Benjamin i)i-rnsK-in. II. Kawut. Benjamin Illume. AT THE EMPIRE Tlmmas Melghan In his latest suc- cess "The Ne'er Do Well," is the fea- ture at the Empire Tfieatur today. • "Extra Fox Scenic and others. | i'nuiorrow (Wednseday) in bargain I (3-> —double features. Thomas. M'-ishan in"The Ne'er Do Well," four arN of vaiidcvlll.', and William S. Hart In on^"rrf Jti.s-grcat.-st successes, -i'h<! Toll (Jate.' Tho vaudi'villc will Richard Corson Local and Long Distance Moving and ~' TfuUKtirg ~ Daily Trips to New York Telephone 565-R and 335-R. 1.1 "~ " M.irter Mnt.TprO't. Uttle-v.!"' 1 '' 1 ' 1't'l Just '-<mie hnme from St'ruV'^ -' 'M 'I' J.nil ':I<T mother r." \v ••-ii.1 ••Ac' ]o :n*'il nil thn "Yes. .suh. Feels .smoother?" "No, tastes illffi-rent."—Louisville Courier-Journal. Farni'.!'^ *_o.se *>J ;'.-irtTinnt of Arrieulture. Bays. r.-it. 1 -,'* 'l M iis is no Itiie li:;ure. You are jiayin-^- your Khafe! Hats are collect- ing tlii-ir loll from YOU every day, right f!i(~;r your "in»:kotbook! Don't (<i!i-rr-.te rat«.- Kill t!aJTnr^Get"noyaI CiU!irant':ed Rat-Kako today. Sold auil Riiarantoed by Pondloton's Drug! i-Hire.—AdT. ' be shown at the evening p<-rforninmce (.•n!j. On aci:mint cif length of .show ;'.'• features will be shown only < nee. Thursday anil Fri'lay Nornia Tal- ::iack'.' will be foaturi.il ill ih" nensa- tl.mal play, -Within th" Law."- Hall's Catarrh Medicine 'i'hoaii who are in n "run down" eundl- t-"ii will nuilce that Catarrh bcitivrn I fOOF SPECIALISI I Chiropody Fcoi Oilboptdic; I 1 Ida K;ist Jersey strc.-t I HMZAKKTIl, N. •). Tel. I\lfznt)c-tli 4iQ3 OFFICK HOl'HS ilA.M.h.lll'.M, T i n s , TIMH5., SHI :8 A. M. ..lu.ti I'..M.. .Mini. \V.<!.. l''rl. .iimii-iliiiull-umi'tf itHtii Whrn th*-y aro in ' .•••iiicl health. This tact pruvco that whllo c-aiairii is a loc^l'(lisp^nr;-iC"t?T'^rcatly" innuL'ucc'l by cnhntHutionr.t coniinions. HALL'S OATAFIKII MEDl(JlME_con-_ «lst» of an Ointment whicli Quickly lteHevM by-local—aJTpllcotlonrTm<r~tli»~ Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which aaalsu- In Imprevlni; the General Health. * 8olU bydrugglBta for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. OR. LOUIS KLOTZ, ELIZ. OFFICE 210 W.mUld Ave! CbatM'Ktlznbrtli 2^\A p-Kthw.r-Officrrat ttfhce—SrrVCrA— 34 irvntSi.. phoue Hahwir 282-J. ||orne«,Cowi, D»t> «i'd C.tjTrciltd Department Store "Railway's Most Popular Store" 128 Main Street CO NO MV DAY I HERE TOMORROW WEfiNESDAY A Shopping Day of the utmost importance to the thrifty. •10% REDUCTION from our regular low prices makes shopping on this day unusually attractive," Store Closes 6.30 P.M. Economy Day same as all oiKeT days Saturday. except in Millinery _ A very special offering of very beautiful hats oflTn- usual style and extraordinary value. The variety is very large and an opportunity is here afforded to select unusual mode, at these unusually lowprices. $5.00 $jg.oo Autumn Frocks of Siik and Gloth Offer Qutstanding Values. Afternoon, Street and Business Frocks of Wool Twill, Satin Crepe, Canton Satin in Black, Naw Blue, Brown Coats Suits Jacquettes A very fashionable array. Interesting from the standpoint of styles featured, quantity display, value received. Mudes of the Moment Long lines—of course—and many variations of the mode. Tiers, Tucks, Handsome fur-trimmed gar- ments. Tailored models. Sport effects. In the new fall shades. All sizts. ———————_^__—1 We Welcome Charge Accounts- "Cprner'Main and Cherry Sts. .. i: .'/T:.."^ubV..',^.!»» « tir. b^rrTrur-t;.^ by th^^V •.-.'..'.: - C ',..r. bV th,- d u b io th, ,, r.. .-:-. •):.• V.-'.: •'- ^ " " ^ > A "< " .•;:•. .^.-. Ny A ' «'-V.r <-:ub a t I t . .h,:r,h ^ ^ ^ -^ •.: f •Trt-rrTJiT-rV.'^-K- 1 ""'-*'"' A^y-<->^->- r --* " i the r ...,..,»b:!.ho.-=t of » r . I'..:-. !.•;:. •.:-^-- * ' ..;. , ,.-,, U.Mlh and ... h»v.-» , ! r . , ; A H ; V:,..J I' K ; l. ; . UUh :,:.:.• h :,!th..fOcr arpoi=l^ >•>'• l ; :! :;-' ! ' ! - ^•".• l ^; v T o«r.,en,l. - 4! . > , - , - srer-tary M-i Kra.uror.: pr . ,-•!. r.t A.>-r. • : • " ^w ,, rr "i-.. , r ^ r . s - e r e M il" tnr u o r.t :;.•• :•.:"•- ;• __ ^ x ^ ^ ;;.:i : : h - < 'MilnKfTyrar. Calendars ..--.•'. .if-• _''' '•"• •••'••• -rru--r-.t<:'.!;.-pro<jrarr.»'-|or the com-. :.::.•• •:'.; y ' _ ;f - -..sen ».-rc dlntf'.butwl- The- rARQA CE COLLECTION :.«• ting will bo held Friday. Oc, GAKQAC f, ,..,„ ,, c; , b or 1! •,N-- :' »ith Mr,. Wil'.lata A. Ran-• »-K"••». M -;; - r ,. [u5p ma , .=...; i-a,i.-»..i, .tret Apl.-a.ant, H::. -jarbaf " ;; ', t ^ ^ £ » nl .,... uith r.-fro,hin-nts fol-. t. r will b. .n-d nu: |v-.r should mak.- hv Altlm : Thief Thomr?"n to make .. .-•ri.-iui-.t ,., I,,- a ....ri'i'.-i uf nawn shops and second- o' the 'ol'i-r clubs rr.<s.-nt. band stores ir. th.-ir -ffcrts to locate morn'ng T. fie auditorium ;.,.• stolen rr.alerial. The police are tinwd on Pi 0 . Elg«) handi.apped in attempting to solve Ex-Hi-Y Dance Successful Th-- danci- last ..•veiling it the High' School, under the au.-piei-s of the! Kx-Hi-Y (!lub provi d to be a big sue-' ce=.i. ;>. large number ot couples from ' Rahway and neigliboring towns being present. Music was furnished by the Alpha Gamma Orchestra ot this city. The chaperone? were, Mrs. E. B. Sla- ter, Mrs. J. C. LaPorte and Mrs. Henry Adams. The (ominittee In charge comprised: Decorations. Al- Vnitghl, nirard Patterson and Mis. F. W. Sell Re;urnsFfom ifinh Extended European Trip. Wiitts Impressions . Ul .. |,,-,ng cone throe and a halt ,,, ;n .h= MrsfFrederick W. Sell, wife nf D' Frederick W. SMI. of Irving street and West Milton avenue, re turned home last Saturday from an .xt-nded trip over many ay frm countries .n thjit a r It" dls " Harry Simmons; floor, Alb.-rt Reite- jnty^r—Harmd^Conl^^and James <,,'ter; chaperones. Russell Ludlnw. tia-et!-.' Wallace Alb. rtson, Albert R,.iiemeyer and Russell Ludlow. in <-aniE=iny a friend from Tours J the Mr. I'auer pressed the mayof to repeat bis accusations ot I'.i" pr.jviuus mi.etlag, Mr. Furber r«- p'.ied. I will use my own judgment as to what I say. If you hav.^ no iiior" to say, sit down." Mr. Bauer app.ariril winded from his heated ro- ;n:irks ;ind 'lid sit down temporarily. Attorn-;.- Armslrong IP.en aros" and ask--'! tii-bv-btard.—Hclsummcd ap> i what he ^aid he assumed to bo a fair I statcnu.-nt of the accusations made ' '•--•. Mr. Bauer previously. "Is fair statement';" he asktd Mr. . Tho mayor replied thut ho assume what he pleased. Mr. •ong again asked if it waa t ment he had given and ret- m i ; ,air sta W• st. Mr?. Sell also visited relatives •-_the_Brltlsh_ Isles. Of the many wonderfur"SnTluS"plr-' ciivini; no that it is." Tne" MAY SUE CITY . J H f f i , BAD FALL .?~niT-tr-rrjid-of-tlie-aetloa- in-' lX="a"well"a S "th., many odd 1 ,.f l ho water board ot the city in 1306. ' u V instructive visits to different I w i,..irinaw^.' a3 - passed calling .for ' .!.,„„!..„ v.-hich Mrs. Sell made, none; lh .. motoring of all houses, places ot sting impression as 'li>i i hus=in--=-' '" •'•« .--ffi Citizens Indignant Over Path-Breaker \ctlon by the new owners of tho coming Brooklyn .Woman Trips Over Flagstones in Daik—Police Sa* Citizen is to Blame -V-iK-plot vn- Irving_uHei: _^ :n fur much criticism tor the manner ;n which thi y havo blixkadc-d the 'walk- aero-- :heir ^r",-rt> -.vithuut the slight-st -.varnlns t" tli" r.-in rul wunttd shad, s in th approved styles. —Jlrke-jiyiKeJIrom 53" and accorditii; 10 quality selected V.',. a'lvi ,. .. i; to Ix-fure rr of France s e t e y - and which oven today, after six- enturies, retains much that is .rte . d T!.> •• ?:cnoDt «.-rc: I*r\'»ldenl Mrs. i more i»r.:. ' 1) I^otc. who presided; Mrs.i'.lnp. f-om the curb "-«,r«r," rrttnlc vV^Hcn,on,-Mr^,^^l^^^--^ rnod ._, s _ Rcbort l^injloti. of Brooklyn, ^ j t h e co-op, rat.. Q ^ prlnlcd cn «rly of thl, city. Mr». Q. D. Mac- "I""'"' 1 ,;' , ,.„,,, should be Wh'.r B .y. Mr,. S. O. H. Mill.. Mrs.: C.arbag,' ( - -nam J A. O.erton. Mr»- Harry Simmon,., carefully fo.oyd^ ,,olf ..nd ,ro- v..r..s diagonally !,„,., ,h" ..r-mi,.-, fr..ni%v.,t Mil- ,. rps ,,,'t- of a Milt a«li>t the city , 0I1 : . v , ra .. a:-..l Irving stre-1 to\ a>. h --i.le.1 W-t nlRht when Mrs. !„',„,,. . in(Ifhl . railroad right-of-vay. n"'w Ki'ebick »f ^ Troy avenue. block |ng passage over two. pathways si- -iSo -««»•»« > — t r . in "- hv the Dublc ' . ho.n-YUitinc John. JRJ-H on,.- stock of tall and winter suits '" U?ucn a lasu "B ""^'"' j •—- - and overcoats. An exclusive and h " r ^ m mln Brittany, that quaint, a;:;iinst thls high grade lino c-onsistlnc of all the h i t of Kranc " fOtllc<1 b y t h eCoUiC '»^ never liu.st and most ra< - M ' ! whlch fvcn toclay ' atter B1 - v t'-'CU t.. n i distinctly British. -•• j-_.Ii^ins_ii_wom_an_of_k>-'ji_p..-A. rs o ..... observation and gift, d with a hplei." 'T".' did power of description. Mr:-. S-111. l'.us. in an article submitted to the I' R.-uird. presented a d - i l n l story of' Brittany and its peoyil- that is both ! :L"rough and enterl:i:ning and on- : w.hicli contains many :t!i.cdotes of it: ..rest which the R. ((ird gladly passes in to its readers. Tho impressions which Mrs. the city; TBe~Tg1tTrt1crar .i-.in..,. lawwas so great that it v,'as never really enforced, although son-.i' p.-opli; installed meters. Mr. Armstrong stated Wednesday that the law is still in .-ri. cL T'I.-- r-cjinls a; 'n.- ciy hall, accord- hasty p. ;'Urch:is. Mr Arnmirung "si!ow""tiiat"Uieru lea.-*! ten pen-.-ns in Rahway at :!:.• meterc: 'ates for resl- .wher'' (,<< Ir ("ha.- I'halconas. Tailor and Clothier ins S: Kahway. N J ' i v-- V\hr stone? plied on th side the bulldinc liau which have been in use by the public, of 122 Eliza-! om . f 0 r. a hal_f.tcntiiry_or_ more and the nm two nag-lnThVr"t-.>r»-U'h t»ast ten years- sidewalk along-; Much conjecture was heard about •uplcd by Glebel-| lh0 cily a s to M-us Uouble Sole Illock Urets Slio-f. C.oodyear Wells. Guaranteed, all solid leather; rubber heels at-! Sell Overton. Mr«. Harry S , K H. W»lt<ij and Mrs. O. H. j AI.HERT S. BLANK. \ nue I oct9:t (Mt - v Y7M:C. A. BASKETBALL SEASON WILL BE INAUGURATED DEC 1 Mr. the i'lktir for holdtn K the Initial P r ac-. tin- for candidates tor the V. M. C. A. bvk.'tball team on Thursday evening at r.'.it week, and opening the has- k..-!!iall season _here on December Srt. wrro^mado "by" th«"~b"a"skothall- cnmralttel. of the "Y" in session last .». r.inK. The- team will play soveral out el town games In Novomb.-r in *.rder U-sbc In shape for the opening chedule otter not el to-.vn games iu - " urder tosbc In shape for t of th. ir rNsUa*wW»m' sc ' h Think'.glvlng. iUib.-rt K. Miller, chairman of tho ccniiiiliie.-. who coach.-d the team la--t Tcir uben it llnMi.d third ln th' 1 Stale Tournament, will coach tin 1 '.i^.i araln ihln yur. M.i*'--r » : ' ! L as'irteil by Uuvld Armstrong, forni'-r Columbia ''.tur; Leo KI.TO. forni'T I'tait ,ur; and O.-orgo D. Tremhloy (it I!:,' IIIIIK slate chamiilonshlp " Y liii'l:(lhall team of llabv. ay. Althourh nothing definite nan"b"<c" unnnunrrd to that effect, it Is < *• P'-cti d that tho state Y. M. C. A. bas- ketball commltt'V will v',-w tin. !nvl- (.'aptaln Percy MHI.'r period the r.otlro tor catulliatcs last evening. Many nt tho inombc-rs of last year's yqitai! will atain don the blue uni- forms of th" "Y." while mm.; now fan-s wlil-.liulp.to.r.'.aki' up the squad. i!.-«ido Captain Miller tho playiTs \>t l.v?l yoar who will report next Thurs- ;..y night will bo: Arthur Armstrong. Alfred llrc-;iV:s. Karl Walter, Lester C.itiKorlc'i, I'lltf'ird for. y. Gordon Mul- r»'n f.cm.'r "Y" players aro •it tin b. on hand to get ln for ti:r e.ii'.tini; sciiMin. these •p.'.ll" Rii*!y 11:11! "Nick" Uiisso. l!h .- .it Hie Ui-S'Tvo team '- u-:!; r.co'.vo u trymit c:ilnv. - - me ciij iin iu w .x. reason for the move . Main street and KlUabetb a v e - ' bu , whilc u W[i5 Koncra i lv admitted and sustained a severe cut over' lhat t h l > o w n c r s had their own rights injury necessl-j in r ] ni . in g tho obstruction thero It; imont. ^ ^ was strongly coinl.-riin.Ml, the right to' :••.! .ibou: 11:50 i]o so without placing warning lights | MI >lu- with her ::! night arros« ihs- wire obstruction I :;e were walking ,it the pathways t" i.'t the public' to return'i.now that way was blocked. Tho itwet Bldo. wire; canuot be seen In the darkness, the flagg-l The Record made inquiry of Mayor! ke way for Jnm-'s B Kurber'iwho las been vitally, ng laid by it'torostcd in the Vail plot and Its :.- warning stilus, as lo the reason lor the ob- ith avenue struction. The Mayor stated that he ;stoni-s were piled was not aware it had been placed glit-il was reported there, but presumed that If it had, It trio saw the light had been done to rroTOcnherlghts of it wore turning oft tiio owners. Ho said that utter a cer- ;i Mrs. Fiehick foil, tain period public use of such path- .-s. unseen in—the \\ays made the walks public property, .lust what tho length of time it takes ;*•>.' was sent to in- to produce that condition has not the injured wo- been -.tilted. Rumor has it that tho _.. bbor heels at-! Tn <i impressions „„.... , „.. tacbid. Rahway Shoe Shop. 150 Main obtained of Brittany Bbe has written street. It U1 " follows: j I (Continued on Page 8-B) I WANTED—Experienced operators, I ~ steady work guaranteed. Apply Cus-1 ^ WTEI ?^ ElI ' crlonc ,* <i " , op f & o r8 ' „. , . „ . , VT T 6teady work guaranteed. Apply Cus- tom Shirt Company, Avenel. N. J... o_p-, wm | hirt company. Avenel, N. J., op- , AdT. sen4-4ti nn.itu P. R. R. station.—Adv: sep!4-tf r i,.ft Th» a o'clock 1 husband toward-tile r to Brooklyn. of the Ciebolhiius prop, ing had been torn up to the concrete pavement the city, and red lights thero. but. <>n the Kli M,1,. wh-ro tho llagsto: torn Shirt Company, Avenel. N. J.. ; ^i^"^^--^- pnnyi Aveneli N . j._ op . poslte P. R. R. station.—AdT. se P 4-4tj p0Blte p R . R . station.—Adv." sepl4-tf AMERICAN LEGION HAS ELECTION; DECIDES ON VITAL CHANGES With the electioni"of new officerf* j September Silaquine was teller. Com- by Rahway Post. No. 5, American Le-Inlander Fowler, who retired after an g'lon, Tuesday night, what is expected " ^ and »t•"<-''""'"'' ><•" °< service. ,, .,; w as not a candidate for re-election. ; .-lir-y Tn ,1M. -.'n!.".r -.-' ^ " ^ '" " r "!;:; rt - , ...„,. ..f ., rot-re, for lh« ""• s "" : Y - ,.,(, voar was abo i:illr "- ;l ' ,' , . .,„.' cnmtr.ittoe. - but >™- ;>! ' ro ' 1 "• ";„• .Iocitl.'d. The -nnthT^-.l-Mii^.-.:-------.^.-.^-^,.- cnmniilt."' ••"_-. _ ,,K> , ;l . COnd. i:i - 'fi [ "TX: W.' -Its of last quii'l I" r ' to the polii-. on Main Mroot a into tho roail wh over tho ilagft": darkness. Oilier Edwin 1 v.-sll^at' 1 i'- 1 "' '"' l man t" P 1 '"'" f h" " a s tr. way. I'roi. i'>.i..f ,Ia:n to be a new era inth» workings of the organisation was launched with many important changes in tho method ot operation discussed and -tenlalivij^njansjali]^ Tlie_roins of the post arenow in tlio hands (it tbe~"fol- ])wlng as tho result of Tuesday night's elcition: t'limmander, Hal II. AUtou. senior vico-commander, Kmil F. Neugeliauor; junior vicecomni.initer, Walter H. Tho meeting was productive of many new and Important plans rela- the future existence of the It was decided that after No- hih •a:i s. .• uo distinction b.'tweea places and where this meter .:.- .i.'- w l." said tho attorney. "Nor can I seo any difference between this place and instances whero stores and residences are together and have had till tore*! rates." Mr. Armstrong said that Bauer had made application for 111... motor, tho muter had been In- stalled, water rents charged to liauer ami paid^ Mr~A"rm"slronB""called-at tention to the tact that the bill for $146 sent to JJauer for tho differenco in the rates, had not been authorized by the City Commissioners as 11 body. "They havo suppll-'d him with. water and hehas paid," said Mr \rro htrong. "Where is the Jusli'.icatlon for any sueh charge against him? Aro we going to get an answer?" "I cant' tell you,'—said -Mayor Furber. : "That is the unknown process thaL :h.- Mayor referred to," said Mr. Arm- strong. Wh.-n his attorney finished. Mr. tive to post. Ikiu- again rose and •r Nol' l:lll " r -'n lu " '"••"• .ailed tho vcmbiT l . . t h t post quarters which 1 Mayors attention textile fact that ho .uivo. been-maintained in the Ex-, natl o«CTea t b giv,.- JT)O-ttjwa-ni-the- .•haiu-o Building will be given up and! l'urehaso of Vail plot, instead ot cir "for the time belnc at least ni.-otingsi t:ulatin K S" 58 '' 1 ;vbout "• I -How much ha:-. Mr. Furher given r^-nr, 1 '^^ ««- ^ "*<- d ° K " Wilhi " tOrty :;:„;;; ur 0 A. taiK-eigi.t b ™>. **«»* —d .1.,^ PU r. j was made against tho |i«ses. ^ .r.Iini.- to Acting 1 '''" L '''; , , - , v T i - i i - Young man attend Ins T!iii:iir.nin n<> tuaiiw will bo held in one of tho lodge rooms' junior vice-commaixter, Walter i,., :l '" oul tll!1 dl - v ' lh " lorati "^ l " '"-' Watson; adjutant. J. D. Kolls: linance ,' :1 '" s ''" liy ""• "• 1 "''-utiv.. commltteo. ufiicr. Prod W. Scul.-rt: historian.! ''"'^ ' viin no m.-n- mootii-.g. tM.- R.'ginald Hall.;.chai,lain. Max A. Her- | - r ~ :! ' '" lh " P' 1 ^" 1 Waters, 'man; exocutiv..- committee, Ross O. ! I" order to make the future mvl- II. J. Milb'r. A. A. (iiroud. J. [ mus of theHost as atlraetiv.- ;v; ;nis- .I'.i ,..-lior -or Senior class High School. the , = :>•- •'•• ' - tha ' '7™ ;"„,„, Bft.-rn.... ns and Saturaw . Ik .,.i,,,i ho had found that ' " '• the side- ' '" "•«•"- ° '""" ' ' " , . , , u,..il. ' n o High School. _[,•. Wraiglu and Ciniciu """.•'• •••"• ^ilik r.sl- " .Mr. .'^.•...•U::.«-. « = =«« ••"• k - 1 ' ln - ..-;": ,i,) Minn S tr-ot. w ,, u en-,,truci"n for.-.- lo 1'^" h ", . _ ._1J._ „.„,, » .f.ir him wVn th'' v 1Vl " ". '; . ... ...,..., will: and tli T i,,. \v<::,..all's Cuilding am it was il.vi.l.'d.tn do away with .„„,,„;,„.... Il.' K lnaM "all. I-^r ^ ' ^ " " ^ ^ ^Z\U :'.:"•!•• ahwav Shoe- Shop. Crane. Herbert .)oUri"S. t .un->ru. ; ,„„ lIr; , wl , .,.„,. .ill a:i.l '• Wort., and K. T. Williams; county ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, ] u n l m ; ,,.,,,, a, ' ' ,'ommitUi.'. Uuss-O. Fm'-'..'r. ll-nr> J.. ^ ^ ^ iT,cjH,ijMK-11(|,lr.-s- ; ...s by a:.:.- Miller and W. H, W atscn. ' : ,, H.ukors and entertainment features Thn ,,., lion w,1S conducted «nM.r > uauL __ Tu „„„,,,, fnr .thu^ „„. ballot boxsys.o-n. !' : '"» 1 . !1 i 1l ^^r rl;SollltIl , n was v,^ ti.wtiTd .-tlio pir-eiiase?" asked Mr Iiauer. "Not a cor:'.." "Not :i i • nt.' ^ri'in-ati.'d tiio Mayor. (Continued cn Patjo Four) 1: wiil j.:iy you tu p:'.y U'i a visit wh'.'n in need nf a new paTf~of shnc-3- ("'»t:il)!. to I'all shi'uing of men's woiOr . I!'-- iii'il cTTiTnTTn'— ;;hn.rs. H.iHWaj- ' Sh''ii. I""' r-1 1 in strict. li: utiun of the Italiway AsMx'lai 1 .' '"Id the Mate lountament In Hal tills year, with favor. If the In tlon In accepted the tournament 1 held In tho Franklin bchunl- *• lattor patr of March. comiiuiiei' I"' •" Chairman nol> Tliiimpson inn thai it was up m (iio:;. irrrmr ..... ., 11,-hi placed on the :.unc.a •nine' nf each month. ballot box sy "i mailed toall nicir.b-rs th l initial evlotis. There was a lar anilldatos mr an ->i L!" " : .forton. former command field of -K. aulbori/eil tbo oxeeiiliv commit to liamilo all rouiiiio bii^in RAHWAY VISITING NURS'E . ASSOCIATION' M. M. V.'liitcraft, R- N* 112 Main Street ; lupli-imo:~«-- '-' •*• m t n fi » "'•• •liT-J- cr llu 1 of R:ih-, th0 ' 10Ht b-reaftcr. DR. HEATH THE CHIROPRACIOH _E«cning= 7:30 *.o 9. . a year. Perry Miller

Transcript of Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man...

Page 1: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

" ! : • • .

:-mRahway Record, Tuesday,'October 9,


City Tournament at "Y"Will Operate Four Nights

Each Week

Tho Qlty Bowling League Bcheduletor 1523-24 follows:Oct. 16—Business Men vs. N- S.

West End vs. Uutgers.•• 17—Mohawks vo. Automotive." IS—Amor. Legion, is. Baptists,

ernons vs. Trinity.d

Rahway Has B?g PartIn County S. S. Meeting

Officers and teachers of tho localSunday Schools and the young pec-Jpic of the aovcral churcMiB llkowlse1

aro urged 10 attend the forty-thirdannual convention of the .UnionCounty Sunday School Associationto bo held Thursday at the First Bap-tist Church. Westfleld, and tho firstannual Young People's Rally to beheld Wcdcnsday night at the samoplace. Runway will be prominentlyrepresented nt both moetinga by]

I speakers. •j At the Wednesday night meeting,i which opens at 7:30 o'clock! Miss; Marjorlo Chase, vice-chairman ot the

SOCIAL AND PERSONALJContlnued from Kine 6)

Tho second tryouts for the localElks' bowling team will be held to-morrow night on the lanes at thoWest Milton avenue* homo.

There will be a meeting tonight ofthe Board of Trustees of tho SecondPresbyterian Church at tho home ofWoIIIam A. Hansom, of Paters istreet.

A regular monthly meeting of mom-burs of the Union-Middlesex CountyFarmers' Cooperative Associationwill lie held in the Association build-ing on Terrlll road, Thursday evening,October 11. at 7: 13 o'clock. F. W.Sllllman, secretary.

Business Men vs. Rutgers.24—Automotive vs. Amer. Legion.25—Mohawks vs. Trinity.26—Vernons vs. Baptist.29—Business Men vs. W. End?.

N. S. vs. Rutgers.31—Automotive vs. Trinity.

NoT-O^-Ve" 1J—Baptists vs. Mohawks.

N. P. vs. Automotive.•• 14—Business Men. vs. Legion.

Kntgers vs. Trinity.— is—vernons vsi Mohawks.— 16—West Ends vs. Baptist.•• 19—N. S. vs. Amer.

Busr'Mi''n~v?:"'AuIbri" 21—Rutgers vs. Mohawks."• 22—West End. vs. Vernons.

! Edward Corner, ti lsurer, both of \ I r v l nE slrer-l. ownod by B. Engelmanand occupied by'A. Hickman and fam-ily, was the sceno of a small blazeSaturday afternoon about 2:30 o'clockalien sparks from the cliluinvy Ig.rilled the root. Engine No. 2 re-

this rClty, will have parts on, the pro-jgram. Miss Chase will speak on,;"Our Goal.' 'and Mr. Gerner on, "OurProgram.'- l a c ] • • sloe - to !


(Csntlnued from P«a» Ona)should be appointed and mako con-trol of this disease a major featureof Its program, was pointed out byMr. Eaklns.. Tho speaker told of Rahway'i ap-propriation of $3,000 In. 1922 forhealth work, of which 12,767 was

I spent, and said, "This is a rldlcu-i lously low figure,' adding after ho had'given the per capita figures mentionedj above. "Public health authoritiesagree that good public health admin-istration can hardly bo purchased forless than llfty cents per capita andwhen you think of what can bo dono

; by a god health department you will' ngrcc that the coat la very low."

Mr. Eaklns urged Rahway. citizensto lake tho trouble to examine thecity budget and not tho small portionof tho total appropriation set asidefor health purposes. "An awakenedcommunity Interest In health Is Iho

the Thursday* meeting, one at 10:00! *>Mmll '(l a m l n i l l l l«'

has arranged to hive a tpeolal filmscrewed at U>« Empire all dnrlnf thliweek ln connoctlon with the regularshows. The picture li, "Tho DangerThat Never Sleeps." Through hla ef-forts also Captain Phillip O'Neill, oftho Nowarlt Flro Department n a se-cured to address tho high school as-sembly this morning' on, "Fire l>Te-ventlon." Chief Rltzman alsb spoketo the student.**. Governor Sllier'sproclamation "was read by a highschool pupil. Posters illustrating thoImportance of lire prevention havobeen distributed about tho city bytho firemen" ' Inspection throughoutthe city willl lie made during thoweek.

Chief lUtzmnns message- to,the peopl»-o(—Railway -la a»-XoUoa»: "FlroPrevention Week began tho past Sun-day, October 7, and continues until |October 13, embracing Klro Proven-1tion Day. today, October 9, tho annl-1versary ot the great Chicago fire, i

I urgently rpquost" t h y •

hlblted. Don't OM Inflammable star*polish. The ssle.ii prohibited by law.Don't let rubblih. accumulate In yourhomo or yard. Don't (all to see thatyour chimneys are kept clean. Don'tfall to profit by these suggestions.Life and health are precious—protectthem.

PROCTORS THEATRE ELIZABETH"Civilian Clothes" tho production

at, Proctor's Thoato*. Elliabuth. thoentire week ot October 8th, Is a threenet comedy by Thompson Buchanan.It deals with tho rehabilitation of ayoung man returning to civil lite.

Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fineupstanding young Arnerton,, who en-tered the army as a prlvato. "flirts

promoted—m pink nf <-»p.tain for bis gallantry ln action andbravery ln tho lino of duty. Flor-enco Lanham (Dorothy Rlckaby) amembor ot a fine old Southern fam-ily. Is on foreign service In the bos-pltal service. The scene of tho moot

work of the • "nI>" thing which will securo adequate ! t h c c ( t l z o n s o t Rahwarco-operato with ! Ing of those two occurs j u t prior to

a. m., anotherthird at 7:10

at 1: l"i p. m..and tbe j ! ! a m "* Tho damage was. about $25. j health, appropratlons." bo said. . ! t h p n r e in the observance Inn attack - In-tlie-Argonnc— The moat

" 23::rTrinity vs. BnplTsT" JG—Business Men. vs. Vernons.

N. S. vs. Baptist." 28—Trinity vs. Amer. Legion.

Automotive vs. Rutgers." SO—West End. vs. Mohawks.

Deo. 3—N. S. vs. Vernon?.Business Men vs. Trinity.

5—West End vs. Automotive." 6—Baptist vs. Rutgers.

7—Amer. Legion vs. Mohawks." 10—Business: Men. vs. Baptist.

Vernons vs. Automotive." 12—West End. vs. Trinity.". 13—Rutgers vs. Amer. Legion.'• 14—N. S. vs. Mohawks." 17—N. S. vs. Trinity.

Automotive vs. Baptist." 19—Business Men vs. Mohawks." 20—Vernons vs. Rutgers.

third it 710 r m State Superln-' . l s l 'n c n u r aS l nK Indeed, to find bodles'of K | r t , p r c v c n t l o n Week, by malting | amuslnit >plsodo of tho opcnlnK actTCnTtnrf-rma^ouTJt3-^CasOTer-J-E^-USED-BQARDS-TO-6UIDE-GARllht' ™"r r l v l r r l l l h '" '""led-^^hr^nnrrri i iTpt^^ fu. tfatrTompklns will be a prominent figure ] _ _ ' l l™'!^! . . . "!•?. ."'I.™L!! J ! " . . ! l s -^ f o r a n y flre haiards thaf may [ Lnnham tamUy. who for patriotic mo-

' - • - — . - • ••- tlves doslrcs an tn-service man andtho most exciting situation it, whenFlorence enters ibe room and finds

-will-give thoi treasurer's report at the morningmeeting: take charge of the adminis-

tration ami adult divisional confer-ence In the afternoon and conduct asimilar conference In the evening.Rev. G. A. Law will speak at the after-noon program, "Our Community Vaca-tion Bible School.' Rev. W. E. Saun-

I ders will deliver the address of theevening, speaking on. "Feed HisSheep."

o l d pa l )Ora_ r u bbj s h. oldHero of Desert Automobile Race Won the spirit of health In the community, j y , sach

" Third Money OwlnB to HI. 'You can be a potent factor In a great | p a | n , ' „„>. rag3 Q o t c c t l v o chimneysRuourccfulneu. work.' >and leaky oil heaters. All old refuse,


, c _ b o r e m o v c d j n

whiciJet run

Moose Lodge Plans• Big Open Meeting

...Plans for their open meoting to beheld Sunday vening. October 2S. in

} tho Empire Theater, -were completed

] city and tooki could be

the stand that theyImproved. Somo

the drivers checking ln at all-night!1

stops it the end of each day. These c . , , .races vtre run at a season of the year, *P"lfl<: example *rere mentioned andwhen rain on all or part of the course; discussed before -the resolution wasI U not unusual. It took brains, a j passed asking Jfr -tho reinstating ofpowerful car and a heavy foot to ne-' the Health BoaP*gotlate that muddy course. ; In discharging the Board of Health

Bill O'Day was my hero In the Phoe-! w n c n h o c a m o l n t 0 office, Mayor Furnix struggle. He wasn't licked unless 'his motor fell out of the chassis orsomething else Just as bad happened.

In ono of these races BUI was run-.

tbat tbo now botltjr is her husband.^ Meat Market Ha* Trouble!Carl Muller report* that bis Meat

_ . . 1 Market wns Infested with roaefce*Tho following scries of Donta" U ! H o i0 8 t cmomers on account of them!

Ho beard about Royal Guaranteedsubmitted for perusal and remem-

ber stated that he felt that by doingso the city could oconomlie. FredM. Williams, then Health Inspector,

appointed City Clerk In place ofninE pretty weir' up In front on ihe ["'third day. He was sitting pretty. In Charles Lambert who had died, tho

j spite of having wallowed through mud office of Health Inspector being ellml-

brance: Don't let the children playwith matches. Don't pour keroseneon tho kitchen fire. Don't build firesin your yard or on vacant lots. Don'tuso gasoline for cleaning purposes Inyour home. Dent uso matches, can-dles or lamps to find gas leaks. Don'tthaw water pipes with fire. Cso hot-water.- Don't ke«p floor mops In air-tight closets. This causes sponUne-ous combustion. Dont uso matches

. . •..,„_. t- i ,.- \,,,ri- T nninn , . . , t , oy.i.-- oi uuxug wuiioweu turougn mua owce oi ricaun inspector oeiog enrai-1, , ^21-Vvest Ends v- Amer. Legion. | , M l „ h , a l t h e r c g u l a r m c e t i n g 0{ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ p ^ ^ ^ a p p o l n t o d j»« clothe, closet,. Don't hang cloth-1924

Jan. 2—Pusluess Men vs. N. S.West End vs.: Rutgers.

J—Ami-r. Legion vs. Baptist.4—Vernons vs. Trinity.

" 7—Automotive vs. Mohawks.N. S. \ s West End.

9—Business Men vs. RutgersAutomotive vs.-Legion.

" 10—Mohawks vs. Trinity."11—Vernons vs. Uaptlst." 14—Business Men vs. West End.

-~"Nr"sr"vs. Kutjcrs. -—" IG—Automotive vs. Trinity." 17—Vernons vs. Amer. Legion.

. " 18—Baptists vs. Mohawks." 21—N. S. vs. Automotive.

Business Men V:-. Legion." 23—Rutgers vs. Trinity.

. " 24—Vornons vs: Mohawks." 25—Baptist vs. West End." 25—Amor. Legion vs. X. S.

Automotive vs. Bus. Mon." SO—Mohawks vs. Huteors." 31—Vernons vs. West End.

1—Baptist vs."Trinity.4—Vernons vs. Business Men

Baptist vs. N. SS.0—Ahitr. Legion vs. Trinity.7—Rutgers vs. AutomotiveE—Mohawks vs. V-'fft End.

11—Vernons vs X. PBusiness Men vs. Trinity.

13—Automotive vs. West l-'.nd-14—Rutgers vs. Baptist.

year.The Civt

He broke his steering nnn—1 moan on Health Office:the car. Thut would have boon the cur-tain for most drivers.

But old Bill and his roechnnlclantook two fence rails and wired one tothe axle on the inside of each frontwheel. Then they got into the car.each one holding to the rail on hisside of the cur. -Tln>y cuid.'d that enrInto tlie fair grounds at 1'hoenlx by


v>. An11"'r. Ue

| Rahway Lodge. No. 13C3, Loyal Or-!der of Moose. The principal speaker, will he P. A. Shancr. a prominentj Xew York lawyer, while State Presi-dent William E. Kgan. who is cityclerk of Newark, will nlso be presentand make an address.

Beside the special speakers, theprogram will consist of some tine

jjnusiea!.. numbers and remarks.. by :. pressing the roils against-the front| other officials of the Mouse Lodge in' tir.-s when they wanted to turn.j this state. Tins tiKCtini; wllj b« open j'to the ci'.izi-ns of Rahway. [he- pur-i pose of the gatli-ring being to show111-..- iru.- worth of th.- Loyal Order "fMoos.'.

! In nililltion to planning for the sp-'-cial ineptinK the lodge, last night,held a class Inltirttim and rL-c-eivi-.ltwo additional applications for mem-bership. Tho degree work last eve-

! ning was carried on by the officers of!thc lodge. Chairman L. M. Sauers of - ^ « " * carj tho Christmas Celebrution cirsmltteeJ.report-d progress. The Rahway; Lcilge will be represented this year | With Happiness.i in the Moos., bow-ling league, the If- \ Wj heard a stnuifcer rjri'.'.osoplililngi i-al pinners to howl at McCartney'? j about the feTerlshiess of a visit. "One

r at a salary of SCOO a;

Club at their next meet-

ing or hats on gas fixtures. Don't al-low your children to use any fireworks

| other than paper caps, colored fire.. . ,,, . land sparklers. All others aro pro-

ing on November second, will have! "I'rmcess Chinquilla. a*full-blooded In-; ~ "iiinn-prrnrr?s. to t.itre~c!iarsJ o r the Ipiogram. The Boy and Girl Scouts:"f the city and sonu- of the older pu-:

;iii.-i i^-lhe-scliools -.vill bo Invited and •fi .-ocial time will follow the meet Inn:.'

ut yRoach Powder. Hied It and got Im-mediate rrllef. WI-* out these dls-easo spreading pests TODAY. UseRoyal Guaranteed Roach Powder forquick reiulln. Sold and guaranteedby Pendletcn's Drug Store.—AdT.



. I Mil

Millinerydistinctive models—veryoriginal and chie-

Styles to suit eachindividual taste.

Prices Most—-Moderate

The Rln,Bird Shop

12S Irving StrtatRahway

Rahway RecordHOvocatc






. j proceedings Marked by Lethargy ofInterest, End Having Been Forecast

a n d Accepted Months Ago


LargeTDeiegatton oi Local ClobLeaves for State Con-

vention Today


P<flfcF~ Make~~Public—EntrInto Home oi E. J. Vernean

Loot Valued at $600

Bauer Berates Mayor FurberFor Accusation; Flaunts Suit

nooa today Hahwayi SKELGTOII KEY PROVIDEDdeleKatlon of aboutj R 3


—flurry^—th**—akout.-:i— yaiar-Ji»:ti. Ivaitis_but a force.^.of thl- c i t y . ' 0 ' n l n o P""1 m ' n t 0 ^ P " wltlJ_ a ° yot nlno paid mn to

l n r,,, v , h l c h m l | .h t „ , ,


, n , v.v^ i n r e s v . - n i c n n i i K m n r ; : i - . i t to I U D In-

.,; [nur companlea wltn a J t.-ntiou nf th>- M-MU p:ud departmentmcnty-live men each.j ordlnanc- tu luv..- u tore of forty call


eilstonce Wt-dnesdar men al tho disposal of the paid fire„ . " " , , euHiuil»»Tot»rr»^-hlW-ti»-.aM. of r,cc..U)' but untilthe U I > • a d l n | t a n now this has not been organln-d,

«nd thus due to th.. retuhal nf tho volunteers to

Shortly betori<lwanls Cluh'eforty member* and guests left for theannual Hate coTmTrillotf"betnirhcld-lnNewark today and tomoirow. Tho. .group made the trip b , aulompbUe. . W h l l e the family was » » « «"» ' ,They were attired ln the garb of a pro- nomo entrance waa^a^ed by a reavlnclal sheriff aud were headed by d o o r into tho home of Edward J. !

Appropriate Program Given By

School Assembly

Quarrel Over Water Melers~Throws~Com-mi8sioner'8 Meeting Into Uproar.

Armstrong Appears For, Bauer

•Union County's next Sheriff. Marryi Simmons

of( ] c p a r t r aont

rtrt" i n

I " & Q-J'.fl

Thul Is. when they wanted to go tothe rlylit tin.- wan on the right side ofthe cur would pull in on his fence rr.iland the end uf It would then [-rt-ss onthut part of the right front tire aheadof the front axle. At the same timethe man on the left would so manipu-late his fence mil as to press on theleft front wheel behind the front nxlennd thus both front wheel* would beturned in the right direction.


(Continued from P«ge One)U---'K. M:t throughout "very week oftil-: year." ]

"Ir. Dil.f Wait-r 11. Ititzman has \h.,:n v.-ry niurh alive to the impor- .tanc- <'f 'Jisseminatini: tiro preven-'::cn data In the campaign for cducat-1ing people to exercise more care for I

For tho Ideal Home EntertainmentBUY A


The tires were cut^to pieces on the ,) l e i r own. their city's andthei r state'sfinished In third

the Importantthine.—Saturday Evening Post.

.id nations good. Chief Rltzman:

'PUDSAHD'&UDIS—Baptist vs. liusinef!) Men

-AntomoHvr- \>—Wrnonsr20—Trinity vs. West Knd.21—Amer. Legion vs. Rutgers.

Mohawks vs. N. S.25—Trinity vs. X. S.

>vry Tlirusday night.

.Jjaptsl27—Mohawks vs. Business Men.2S—Amer. Lecion vs. W. Knd29—Rutgers vs. Vernons.

Name Delegates[ Plan'; v.-eri made iast ruclit at the' inoeling of Union Council N'o. 31. Jr.


evening It was a ride, the next a tripto the movies, the next dancing, and

-so—on.—AIWHT s~'re5tl essn'ess: We'regetting so we can't sit still." Do wedeserve Stevenson's advice and Indict-ment: : j.

__H\Ve_are-in-.such-ba«tc-to-be -doing,—J—'

Whydo, we

shiver ?— because, when the b'xly chills,the nervous system puts the mns-c!« s In motion. This "ex.-rcisu"ilrlves :h.- heart f.i«ter and hast-

'ccs th- tlow of warm blood A


A. M.. in how a -Past Coun-j to be WTltlng. to be jrnthering gear, t o 'cilors' Night" at the lo.lgeroom... Mon-[ rnnke our voice audible a moment In ]

:•::!>• righi. October 22. There will be [ the derisive silence of eternity, that ];n meeting of the U::inn County Past i we forget that one tiling, of which •

Note—When i teams arc sclifduled i rrouticilorp' Association it was an- these are but tbe parts—namely, to ;to roll the same evening, teams will llounced. at Somer.-.-t Council, No. t l lve- • • • W c n m t 0 a n d f r o l l l£c 'use alleys in the order in whic!i_they, nil,- Pliiinflold. October^6._Dek:gat.±! M^«">^ ?*"*P- And now you are to j

th-are-ii6ted-:-ihat lirst two teams j t 0 the, Statewill uso alli-ys 1 and_2. tin- other twoteams alleys 3 and 4.

All teams scheduled for Kridayawill uso alleys 3 and •!.

Y. M. H. A. PresidentNames Committees

President Henry Litt of the Y. M.and Y. W. H. A. Thursday night an-nounced the following list of standingcommittees which lack of space pre-

nted being printed in Friday's

to bo held' in Atlantic City tomorrowand Thursday were named as fol-lows: TV. Harry Stuart and A. H.Soliaefer.

—Record;Ways and means—David Joseph, M.

Pachman, Abe Weltz, Dr. George At-fel, Dr. Samuel Kalzman, Mrs. HarryNewman, MISK Pauline Kerster, MissSarah Vogel. Mrs. H. A. Shapiro, Isa-doro Schwartz. Mrs. Bernard Engel-man.

Executive—President Litt, Vice-president Mis. Sarah Vogel, Secre-

To Hold InspectionP l a n s were made last night by the

•Women's Relief Corps for an inspec-tion a t the ni-xt meet ing , by Inspectorand Depar tment J u n i o r VIC-IM oni-mat ide r Miss Cora Seal , of Elizabeth._Xu s.puc

Srie. youwould not have lieen be t te r to sit bythe fire nt home nnd be happy thlnk-kur. To sit still and £ontemplnte—toremember the faces of women withoutdesire, to be pleused by the greatdeeds of men without envy, to beeverything and everywhere ln sympa-thy, and yet content to remain whe reand what you are—Is not thla to knowboth wisdom and vir tue, and to dwell ,with happiness?"--Col l ier ' s . I

Rubbing AlcoholI'e'als uThTver every time i s uu

aid to circulation. ,

Excellent for limbering up ath-letes and relieving strain*, stiffjoints and lame muscles. Im-mediately removes perspirationotlors. Adopted by leading ath-ELtlc rhlhs. hogpltn^ ppH trnjn.

Enjoy Your Falland

Winter EveningsMuj!c has as undenlablo charts—

. A!I IU vnrjr c»n. It .snotbet or thrillsacco:d:ti£ to the aclody ono choo»cito play.

A VICTROI-A brltigi tho wor!d'»cr-iteit ar'.lsti r!j;:u into your ownHtlng-room.

It taakca thu <lanc« a IU~C«M.It pu:» apL-it aaj "Pep" Into tbc

party. ..Especially nuv ttiat tbo <-.ool e7c-

clcsj will jcon drltis you In-l'ior. )"">will want this greatest ot lll . jctortamers—A VICTKOLA.

Terms so Easy that'no one can afford not

to Own One

James McCollur:i

h,.j the fuel for a conllnu-l;,,,,v..en M»>"r J*™^ ^ ' ; , ; "„ ITdlrrJt'oVoVpublTc'"safety."er,

' V \ V u M W » " V ' , t . no trouble m R,,tlng the call•'• • ' " " U I m l u u * ira,.n, a» thire In no longer any Ho' '' ihafd.-mlsc ot iho time-' such ai membership tn one of the fire

^ S n r w J n S "I: -nV^[ ^vj|>.:o u < : s r ' ° S . . . . h o th . ) ' h a v e b . en afraid ot losing their

IT or°Sot any^ V 4 ' l ^ r j ^ ^ ' ^ ^ " ^ -

m y 8 n i ' * i o u ^ * « * * . • — • • * n u a u , o f » . — » - —

Simmons. Badges, clubs, linen dust-! quantity of jewelry, valuedcrs sombn-roes and muswehes of a a n d possibly more; silk shirtwestern or hayseed cut were all there. 6 tockln« were stolen. The roiThe Rahway Klwanls will represent' 0CCUred Wednesday. October J,

i-lhc- cltv that produces sheriffs" a t j w a B not reported to the police1 the convention. ... - ' the next morning when thoVetiI The party went at once to Olympic j discovered their IOM.. . The 1' , . . * w L e luncheon wa* served thl, I. lid not make pub, c:J^ entrynoon in the ballroom, hundreds of | this morning. A skeleton keydel-gates being In attendance from all' used, Mr. Vemeau report*

What will rank as one of the-T.J14C.92 additional. You can sue 'orIvorbose meetings ot-record for tbe'Ilt and be damned. I'll spend" the laet.Luoard_ol_jCornml83lonors of this city cent I have to show you tip."

was the meeting WedneiSay^ Bight; Mrr-Bauer informed -_Mr_F_urbur_when Mayor James B. Furber on one that although lie had not "been at tbo—

islde clashed with Fred C. Bauer and previous meeting he had read ln tb»j Attorney David Armstrong on the newspapers the report of the mayor**

—Iialn^ther;—on—chaigta_jnade_againstMr. accusations and had heard them ro-tound! liauer at a previous meeting by the peateil byfriends;—"I-ani-bere-toDlght—

y e s . I Mayor who claimed that "by some in answer to your Invitation and I1 - - - ->- • - vimaoif" Mr.

IjllBS Lucille Carhartfollows:

Banner." flag salute

The Program • " ^ h j . n M ^ B ^ y ^ c i t y C I c r k Fred M. William.

- • • • • i . t i i - r c u t — :.*\:r* s

' • . ' . . ' i r . t r ! "'ri'l"i"r.-.i-f. t'cutit.nutd en Pajc Eignt)

del-gates being In attendance from all used, Mr. N emeau , t v — , f o l I o w 8 : extended the invitation for citizens was glancing over the ™a™*-:^parts ot the state. Henry W. Egner, | . The police have been wo king or c a

a n g l e ( 1 B a n n c r . " .lag salute « e n ' e l ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr Bauer5,.. past president of the Newark i u b ; t h c robbery secreUy since tojr got ^ ^ a skc.,ch o I t h e o sp ak. . B ^ ^ l h e , n w r j e c t c d | . .Y o u k n o w what yoepre.lfl.-d over the luncheon. Various j l h e first report but no arrests have y^ C ( ] ] u m b u 3 „ , M I s , M a r j 0 r ie ' " » lt_ A d d r e s s l n B tbo | asked. I don't let people point 3n-stunta and other Interesting features been made as yet. Acting _CWei ^ ^ v i o j n d u ( ; t -Gavott_e." by - ^ ^ ^ Uauer said. '1 made the j ,-crs at me. do you get that.

jp'-r.cy .-ur-



agu am: map.'.

. Mary Overton.

lion"; Karl

rS'u':!•!-. at-.'!


. . . , • i - , , r . a'.sr t 'H !•••'-'' " . , . ; .., .;•.. At!'..-ai»a C

. : . . . ! Mr, C,..,:K- » S

•A..-. Mlltc-r, i^<•^.u•• T!

•.ir* •

1' r-.:. t: -f

! , r a '..•* v . c : _ ! In thei.f t'..' , : . B : ( ! I CC NOM-rs-

, > . . , . - v i - i c l i ' . l i j n of the

K a n .

iJ.-'.r.K tho surnrr..-r r^-rlad.—.—_ ..-,,^-^-h-~--i • . n.al.-

V.J.T.* IV

Dresid-d over the luncheon. Various j lhv Tin[ report but no arrestunts and other Interesting features been made as yet_ Actln_

provided by the several clubs, j Thompson said this morning that all Spefforts were being bended to trace Stephen Czy-vhkiclin'F. Notice of the robbery and lists series of talks(•: thc'valuables tak<jn by the robbers 1923," given by'ir robber have been sent out by Iho eoinp^rativacting chief to all tl,- larger cities Intin country.

Thi' robber or rubbers mud': goivd*h' ir es-./ape with the following loot:

. '-':i'_\ (lbir.nnil ring, valued at about•:;'•". lad-,'.--, with r.latlnuai"prongs",7v i - r y t i i i r . ; , r . " " n e k ' ; . ';:• ; i r l : - ! ' .LiP ' \

•• ::!i muiKigram. "A. (!. W." and chain

i.iic i^ild brooch wi'.h diamond in

i • IUIT; on" geld iavaller with chain,

• ir,i'r;ilil stone in c nt-'r ;LII[I th ree

p- arls on each side, one ladles' gold...4i.ii, eio>' d face, monogram. "A. O.

W.'. in-cription lnsid", '"Kdward to

N-wark and At- Anna. May 2:." winder missing; one

^n'.d brjc-l ' l . monogram. "A. G. W."..

•:-.-ii!" of braclet . "E. J. Ar." two baby

rim;:, ins-id" cf rings arc names

"Mari"'" i'H oc-.' and "Sylvia" on other

"i-,,- puld rinc. setting with stone

m'.c ititT. ladles: ono gold watch pin.

V shape: two children's gold chains;

• -iiik i'..;n.-.'six pairs black silk

V.?. liv. vnr^ df ladled white sllk

ckincs• •'* *t_ut>iuL ritii!- are asked

Railway's delegation was armed witha llv.'ly marching Eong, a parodyur;tt"M l> E. n. Smeathers on yale-1*^

fa-n-iu? air. ;

This .ift'rr.ocjr. buair.t;? and enter-:.:.":::•:;•, {• u'.ure1- are o:i the fiched-

ul>'. Th.-rc :• a a ex-cutlve rvrsion• f..;!.*•.'..•,! by a bi.^r-i nf trustees ' meet-

• i j ! a:.T a .'O:if' rur.ce o^ club presl-i l r . - - ar.il s (.ri-'.:.:!.--. I'r- s'.dent H.

S' iTi.tary::.:;ng tl

-A i ' l i : •.':


ind I-ouis Kovacs; Mayor, Mr. Uauer said. ''I made the | si-rs

on"" "America, 1492- proper application right he re ln the

Ange'.o Harraco. a ' ''> l l r i 11 f ( i r ™/ m ' " t e r a n d I boughton '•CoiuMibu-' Vcy. • •"•! pa:-! for it I have bw-n paying

..» i i f i ' i . i t c " : Miss thi- bills -.vhi.-i. th" city :-iT.t me. 1i'jt your bill yeFteril.i.y chiLr^-inp mo

TV., r-

! - •


K.-anl. W.? latter K3t!'--who are ther.s an au'.f>1-.. afternoonc.-ing tour ofa lively base-,a j of Hilton

•fJrnwth in I'opula-

•suiter. "Industrial

" M ; ^ Hel.-n ^huits, vncal

nilin' Through"; Miss Kth-:

i-Iilucatl'.1!!-''- -('-ri! . . . . . . . .u , .k- . t-_, 'P, . ' , i t i , ; i l .Gru-.vtk'.1;

. the Beautiful." a si

me. do yon get tbat?"Mayor Furber replied. "I don't '.r

Miy questions.""Lie ;i man and stand up to wiiiit

1 yiin nai(i." cuuiuered Mr. Bauer. II bought that1 meter and paid for It aodI am not going to sneak away to sorrns

; other city either. I don't intend to-i ni::K° a big stink and then leave."

Mr. Boili-r was evidently referring la.„, EINDS BRITTAM- 'QUAINT COUNTRY ; ; ; s - 2 ; — * - -

' Whin Mr. iiauer pressed the mayo


Kith, r- L-:IV- a -l.ort address;.,. c,r,...-;.(i trie topic given

(-•o'jk. "Kd'icatlor.a! t lrowth."

i l f

!< ai

:n N"»ark. which wii: sl.c

li'.-'r.ce m»de up entirely

i^n-- r.a!:-*ay !.- < x;>-ct<

n-.'ist pro:::;n.-n-.:>- in thi.-

-.::" lixal coir.x.ltte.' c

arrar.5-rr.pr.ts t'> have !

.ill occupy's Th.-at.-r, to an all-of Kiwan- .

nl to figure

= how ap spe-

• "p. made by: convention

'-...' picture of


Probatlon Precedet Vowa,In most of the N'yasaland tribe*. In


tary Pauline Ferster, Treasurer

the committee iu charge. A social.time will follow the inspection, witha mmib'T of guests from neighbor-ing towns -present. Twn applicationswere r.ci'lv.d ui th" mectlnir last

Ira M. Farber. Louis Miller. Dr. Geo.Apfei, Harry Robinson.

Building—Uuvld Joseph, BernardEngelrnan, A. Wcitz, Harry Robinson, j U r e ta P a r l s > w a a w a i k l n g „„„ df ly o n

Morris Pachman, Samuel lllumenthal. j the boulevard with his friend Bragn.They met the composer Meyerbeer,who stopped and Inquired politely af-

Delinquent—LouisFarber, Miss Pauline

-PllhUr-lt-v—Ira M—

Miller, IraKerster.


for the affair, each nu-mlier to act (in i preceded by u teiiu of probation,which can be broken off at will byeither party. When tbe woman haafinally made np her mind to stay, shepunctuates ber decision by kneelingwhen she addresses her husband. A»

I • rule, she will Inaugurate this changeln their relations by a little coup de Itheater, she will choose AD occasion jwhen chance has.brought together agoodly number of people, and she sees iber husband standing among them. IShe will then walk right up to him,kneel down before him, put some itrivial question, or give some unlmpor- Itant piece of Information, wait for the Ireply ln a kneeling posture, and. after jthis has been given, get up and Join jthe others. By thus humiliating her-self, fhe tins taken possession of her

-husbanil. —-

| Let,rustauwdry plan{^UDS says "You see it's*~* like this. Our wet-washplan that sends back yourclothes fresh and daisy readyfor the Ironing, cost so littleand It takes the washdayout of your wife's life. Itseems like a mighty sensible


arving Meyerbeer a Trait.Musicians are proverbially jealons

of one another; but not all of them canmanage to get a smile out of that un-fortunate fact, as the gentle andmerry-henrted composer Rossini oncedid. nosslnL who lived most of his


71! Campbell St .Telephone 5.17-J.

ing camps throughout the U. sOne of 200 Purctest prepira-tlons for health and hygiene.Every item the best tbat'rklHand conscience can produc.-.

Kirstein's Pharmacy

77it Stan

Mlller.Sick and relief—Henry Litt. Ira M.

Farber, Louis Miller. Miss SarahVogel. Miss Pauline Ferster, MissFriea Greisberg, Mrs. I. M. Farber,Mrs. 11. A. Shapiro.

Entertainment—Miss Pauline Fer-ster, Mr;;. Harry Newman, MissFroida Krelsberg. Mrs. I. II. Farber.Miss Sarah Vogel. Miss Dorothy Si-mon Mru H - V Shrtnim H:irrv New.

| bod. my dear Meyerbeer," answeredRossini, "1 have a splitting headache,a strange pain In my side and a legthat troubles me constantly." AfterMeyerbeer bad condoled sufficientlyhe passed on, and Bragit asked Itosslnlhow he happened to have become sud-denly BO unwell. "Oh, I'm wellenough," said Rossini with a inugh,"but I wanted to give Meyerbeer n

V.'| moment's pleasure. He would be sodelighted to sec me go to pieces!"—


How He Knew,"Chunked your brand of shaving i

h ' ?" k d U

man, Louis Miller, Dr. Samuel Katz-,man, Abij Ilurwilz, Max Yogi-l, Mor-ris I'.iclmian.'

Uducat.i'ii an'I n 'llglous—Dr." Gfo.' sonp, haven't yonV" asked Uncle Pen"Apfel, Dr. Ka:nucl Kalzman, A. i ay^I.se of the l.arhpr.Wi-it.-., Ma* V.iK'-i, --Harry . Koblnson.Samuel Mi'i.-r. Ab. Hunvhy, .Miss S.Vogvl. . _ ...

Athletic—Benjamin i)i-rnsK-in. II.Kawut. Benjamin Illume.

AT THE EMPIRETlmmas Melghan In his latest suc-

cess "The Ne'er Do Well," is the fea-ture at the Empire Tfieatur today. •"Extra Fox Scenic and others. |

i'nuiorrow (Wednseday) in bargain I(3-> —double features. Thomas.M'-ishan in "The Ne'er Do Well," fourarN of vaiidcvlll.', and William S.Hart In on "rrf Jti.s-grcat.-st successes,-i'h<! Toll (Jate.' Tho vaudi'villc will

Richard CorsonLocal and Long

Distance Moving and~' TfuUKtirg ~Daily Trips to New YorkTelephone 565-R and 335-R.


"~ " M.irter Mnt.TprO't.Utt le-v . !" ' 1 ' ' 1 ' 1't'l Just '-<mie hnme

from St'ruV'^ -' 'M ' I ' J.nil ':I<T m o t h e r

r . " \v ••-ii.1 ••Ac' ]o :n*'il n i l t h n

"Yes. .suh. Feels .smoother?""No, tastes illffi-rent."—Louisville


Farni'.!'^ *_o.se * > J;'.-irtTinnt of Arrieulture. Bays.

r.-it.1-,'* 'lMiis is no Itiie li:;ure. You arejiayin-^- your Khafe! Hats are collect-ing tlii-ir loll from YOU every day,right f!i(~;r your "in»:kotbook! Don't(<i!i-rr-.te rat«.- Kill t!aJTnr^Get"noyaICiU!irant':ed Rat-Kako today. Soldauil Riiarantoed by Pondloton's Drug!i-Hire.—AdT. '

be shown at the evening p<-rforninmce(.•n!j. On aci:mint cif length of .show;'.'• features will be shown only < nee.

Thursday anil Fri ' lay Nornia Tal-::iack'.' will be foaturi.il ill ih" nensa-tl.mal play, -Within th" Law."-

Hall's Catarrh Medicine'i'hoaii who are in n "run down" eundl-

t-"ii will nuilce that Catarrh bcitivrn

I fOOF SPECIALISII Chiropody Fcoi Oilboptdic;I 1 I d a K;ist Je rsey strc.-tI H M Z A K K T I l , N. •).

Tel. I\lfznt)c-tli 4iQ3• OFFICK HOl 'HSi l A . M . h . l l l ' . M , T i n s , TIMH5., SHI:8 A. M. ..lu.ti I'..M.. .Mini. \V.<!.. l''rl.

.iimii-iliiiull-umi'tf itHtii Whrn th*-y aro in '.•••iiicl health. This tact pruvco that whlloc-aiairii is a loc^l'(lisp^nr;-iC"t?T'^rcatly"innuL'ucc'l by cnhntHutionr.t coniinions. •

HALL'S OATAFIKII MEDl(JlME_con-_«lst» of an Ointment whicli QuicklylteHevM by-local—aJTpllcotlonrTm<r~tli»~Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which aaalsu-In Imprevlni; the General Health.* 8olU by drugglBta for over 40 Years.

F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio.


CbatM'Ktlznbrtli 2^\Ap-Kthw.r-Officrrat ttfhce—SrrVCrA—

34 irvntSi . . phoue Hahwir 282-J.||orne«,Cowi, D»t> «i'd C.tjTrciltd

Department Store"Railway's Most Popular Store"

1 2 8 Main St ree t



A Shopping Day ofthe utmost importanceto the thrifty.


from our regular lowprices makes shoppingon this day unusuallyattractive,"

Store Closes 6.30 P.M.Economy Day same asall oiKeT daysSaturday.



Millinery _A very special offering of very beautiful hats oflTn-usual style and extraordinary value. The variety isvery large and an opportunity is here afforded toselect unusual mode, at these unusually low prices.

$5.00 $jg.ooAutumn Frocks of

Siik and GlothOffer Qutstanding Values.

Afternoon, Street and Business Frocks of WoolTwill, Satin Crepe, Canton Satin in Black,

Naw Blue, Brown

Coats Suits JacquettesA very fashionable array. Interesting from thestandpoint of styles featured, quantity display, valuereceived.

Mudes of the Moment •Long lines—of course—and many variations of themode. Tiers, Tucks, Handsome fur-trimmed gar-ments. Tailored models. Sport effects. In thenew fall shades. All sizts.———————_^__—1

We Welcome Charge Accounts-

"Cprner'Main and Cherry Sts.

..i:.'/T:.."^ubV..',^.!»» — « tir. b^rrTrur-t;.^ by t h ^ ^ V• . - . ' . . ' . : - C ' , . . r . bV t h , - d u b i o t h , , , r.. .-:-. •) : . • V.-' .: •'- " " ^ > A "< "

. • ; : • . . ^ . - . Ny A ' « ' - V . r < - : u b a t I t . . h , : r , h ^ ^ ^

- ^ •.: f •Trt-rrTJiT-rV.'^-K-1""'-*'"' A ^ y - < - > ^ - > - r - - * "i the r...,..,»b:!.ho.-=t of » r . I'..:-. ! . • ; : . • . : - ^ - - * '

. . ; . , , . - , , U . M l h a n d . . . h » v . - » , ! r . , ; A H ; V : , . . J I ' K ; l . ; . U U h

: , : . : . • h : , ! t h . . f O c r a r p o i = l ^ >•>'• l ; : ! : ; - ' ! ' ! - ^ • " . • l ^ ; v T o « r . , e n , l .

- 4 ! . > , - , - s r e r - t a r y M - i K r a . u r o r . : p r . , - • ! . r.t A . > - r . • : • " ^ w , , r r

" i - . . , r ^ r . s - e r e M i l " tnr u o r.t :;.•• : • . : " • - ;• __ x ^ ^

; ; . : i : : h - < ' M i l n K f T y r a r . C a l e n d a r s . . - - . • ' . . i f - • _ ' ' ' ' • " • • • • ' • • •

- r r u - - r - . t < : ' . ! ; . - p r o < j r a r r . » ' - | o r t h e c o m - . : . : : . • • •: ' . ; y ' _

; f - -..sen » . - r c d l n t f ' . b u t w l - T h e - r A R Q A C E C O L L E C T I O N

: . « • ting will bo held Friday. Oc, GAKQACf, , . . , „ , ,c ; ,bor 1!•,N-- : ' »ith Mr,. Wil'.lata A. Ran-• »-K " • • » . M - ; ; - r , . [ u 5 p m a ,. = . . . ; i-a,i.-»..i, . t r e t A pl.-a.ant, H : : . -jarbaf " ; ; ' , t ^ £

» n l . , . . . uith r.-fro,hin-nts fol-. t. r will b.

. n - d nu: |v-.r should mak.- h v A l t l m : Thief Thomr?"n to make

.. . -•r i . - iui- . t ,., I,,- a •....ri'i'.-i uf nawn shops and second-

o' the 'ol'i-r clubs rr.<s.-nt. band stores ir. th.-ir -ffcrts to locate

morn'ng T. fie auditorium ;.,.• stolen rr.alerial. • The police are

tinwd on P i 0 . Elg«) handi.apped in attempting to solve

Ex-Hi-Y Dance SuccessfulTh-- danci- last ..•veiling it the High'

School, under the au.-piei-s of the!Kx-Hi-Y (!lub provi d to be a big sue-'ce=.i. ;>. large number ot couples from 'Rahway and neigliboring towns beingpresent. Music was furnished by theAlpha Gamma Orchestra ot this city.The chaperone? were, Mrs. E. B. Sla-ter, Mrs. J. C. LaPorte and Mrs.Henry Adams. The (ominittee Incharge comprised: Decorations. Al-

Vnitghl, nirard Patterson and

Mis. F. W. Sell Re;urnsFfom if inh

Extended European Trip.

Wiitts Impressions

.Ul..|,,-,ng cone throe and a halt

,,,;n.h= MrsfFrederick W. Sell, wifenf D' Frederick W. SMI. of Irvingstreet and West Milton avenue, returned home last Saturday from an.xt-nded trip over many

ay f r mcountries .n thjit a


I t "dls"

Harry Simmons; floor, Alb.-rt Reite-jnty^r—Harmd^Conl^^and J ames<,,'ter; chaperones. Russell Ludlnw.tia-et!-.' Wallace Alb. rtson, AlbertR,.iiemeyer and Russell Ludlow.

in <-aniE=iny a friend fromTours J


Mr. I'auer pressed the mayofto repeat bis accusations ot

I'.i" pr.jviuus mi.etlag, Mr. Furber r«-p'.ied. I will use my own judgmentas to what I say. If you hav.^ noiiior" to say, sit down." Mr. Bauerapp.ariril winded from his heated ro-;n:irks ;ind 'lid sit down temporarily.

Attorn-;.- Armslrong IP.en aros" andask--'! tii-bv-btard.—Hclsummcd ap>

i what he aid he assumed to bo a fairI statcnu.-nt of the accusations made

' '•--•. Mr. Bauer previously. "Isfair statement';" he asktd Mr.. Tho mayor replied thut hoassume what he pleased. Mr.•ong again asked if it waa t

ment he had given and ret-


,air staW• • st. Mr?. Sell also visited relatives•-_the_Brltlsh_ Isles.

Of the many wonderfur"SnTluS"plr-'

c i iv in i ; no

that it is."Tne"



i n - ' l X = " a " w e l l " a S " t h . , many odd 1 ,.f l h o water board ot the city in 1306.' u V instructive visits to different I w i , . . i r i n a w ^ . ' a 3 - passed calling . fo r' .!.,„„!..„ v.-hich Mrs. Sell made, none; l h . . motoring of all houses, places o t

sting impression as 'li>i i hus=in--=-' ' " •'•«

. - - f f i

Citizens IndignantOver Path-Breaker

\ctlon by the new owners of thocoming

Brooklyn .Woman Trips Over

Flagstones in Daik—Police

Sa* Citizen is to Blame

-V-iK-plot vn- Irving_uHei: _^:n fur much criticism tor the manner;n which thi y havo blixkadc-d the

'walk- aero-- :heir ^r",-rt> -.vithuutthe slight-st -.varnlns t" tli" r.-in rul

wunttd shad, s in thapproved styles.—Jlrke-jiyiKeJIrom 53" andaccorditii; 10 quality selected

V.',. a'lvi ,. . . i; to

Ix-fure rr

of France s e t e y- and which oven today, after six-

enturies, retains much that is

.rte. d

T!.> •• ?:cnoDt «.-rc: I*r\'»ldenl Mrs. i morei»r.:. ' 1) I^otc. who presided; Mrs.i'.lnp.

f-om the curb

"-«,r«r," rrttnlc vV^Hcn,on,-Mr^,^^l^^^--^rnod._,s_Rcbort l^injloti. of Brooklyn, ^ j t h e co-op, rat.. Q^ p r l n l c d c n

«rly of thl, city. Mr». Q. D. Mac- " I " " ' " ' 1 ,;' , , .„ , , , should beWh'.rB.y. Mr,. S. O. H. Mill.. Mrs.: C.arbag,' ( - -namJ A. O.erton. Mr»- Harry Simmon,., carefully fo.oyd^

,,olf ..nd , r o - v..r..s diagonally! , „ , . , ,h" ..r-mi,.-, fr..ni%v.,t Mil-

,. r p s , , , ' t - of a Milt a«li>t the city ,0I1 : . v , r a . . a:-..l Irving stre-1 to \ a>.h --i.le.1 W-t nlRht when Mrs. !„',„,,. . in(I fhl. railroad right-of-vay.

n"'w Ki'ebick »f Troy avenue. b l o c k |ng passage over two. pathways

s i - -iSo -««»•»« > — t r . in"-hv the Dubllc'. ho.n-YUitinc John. JRJ-H

• on,.- stock of tall and winter suits '"U ? u c n a l a s u"B " " ^ ' " ' j • — - -and overcoats. An exclusive and h " r m m l n Brittany, that quaint, a ; : ; i i n s t t h l s

high grade lino c-onsistlnc of all the h i t of K r a n c " fOtllc<1 b y t h e C o U i C ' » ^ neverliu.st and most r a < - M ' ! w h l c h f v c n t o c l a y ' a t t e r B1-v


t.. ni distinctly British.-•• j-_.Ii^ins_ii_wom_an_of_k>-'ji_p..-A. rs o

.. . . .observat ion and gift, d with a hplei." 'T". 'did power of description. Mr:-. S-111.l'.us. in an article submitted to the I'R.-uird. presented a d - i l n l story of'Brittany and its peoyil- that is both !:L"rough and enterl:i:ning and on- :

w.hicli contains many :t!i.cdotes of it:..rest which the R. ((ird gladly passesin to its readers.

Tho impressions which Mrs.

the city; TBe~Tg1tTrt1crar.i-.in..,. law was so great that itv,'as never really enforced, althoughson-.i' p.-opli; installed meters. Mr.Armstrong stated Wednesday thatthe law is still in .-ri. cL

T'I.-- r-cjinls a; 'n.- ciy hall, accord-

hasty p. ;'Urch:is.

Mr Arnmirung "si!ow""tiiat"Uieru

lea.-*! ten pen-.-ns in Rahway

• at :!:.• meterc: 'ates for resl-


(,<< I r

("ha.- I'halconas.Tailor and Clothier

ins S : • Kahway. N J 'i v--

V \ h rstone? plied on th

side the bulldincliau

which have been in use by the public,of 122 Eliza-! o m . f0r. a hal_f.tcntiiry_or_ more and the

n m two nag-lnThVr"t-.>r»-U'h t»ast ten years-sidewalk along-; Much conjecture was heard about

•uplcd by Glebel-| lh0 c i l y as to

M-us Uouble Sole Illock UretsSlio-f. C.oodyear Wells. Guaranteed,all solid leather; rubber heels at-!


Overton. Mr«. H a r r y S ,K H. W»lt<ij and Mrs . O. H. j


I oct9 :t (Mt-v




i'lktir for holdtnK the Initial Prac-.tin- for candidates tor the V. M. C. A.bvk.'tball team on Thursday eveningat r.'.it week, and opening the has-k..-!!iall season _here on DecemberSrt. wrro^mado "by" th«"~b"a"skothall-cnmralttel. of the "Y" in session last.». r.inK. The- team will play soveralout el town games In Novomb.-r in*.rder U-sbc In shape for the opening

chedule otter

not el to-.vn games iu - "

urder tosbc In shape for t

of th. ir rNsUa*wW»m' s c ' h

Think'.glvlng.iUib.-rt K. Miller, chai rman of tho

ccniiiiliie.-. who coach.-d the team la--tTcir uben it l lnMi.d third ln th'1

Stale Tournament, will coach tin1

'.i^.i araln ihln y u r . M.i*'--r » : ' ! L

as'irteil by Uuvld Armstrong, forni'-rColumbia ' ' . t u r ; Leo K I . T O . forni'TI'tait , u r ; and O.-orgo D. Tremhloy(it I!:,' IIIIIK slate chamiilonshlp " Y

liii'l:(lhall team of llabv. ay.

Althourh nothing definite nan"b"<c"unnnunrrd to that effect, it Is < *•P'-cti d that tho state Y. M. C. A. bas-ketball commltt'V will v',-w tin. !nvl-

(.'aptaln Percy MHI.'r period ther.otlro tor catull iatcs last evening.Many nt tho inombc-rs of last year 'syqitai! will a ta in don the blue uni-forms of th" "Y." while mm.; nowfan-s wlil-.liulp.to.r.'.aki' up the squad.i!.-«ido Captain Miller tho playiTs \>tl.v?l yoar who will report next Thurs-;..y night will bo: Arthur Armstrong.Alfred llrc-;iV:s. Karl Walter, LesterC.itiKorlc'i, I'lltf'ird for . y. Gordon Mul-

r»'n f.cm.'r "Y" players aro•it tin b. on hand to get lnfor ti:r e.ii'.tini; sciiMin. these•p.'.ll" Rii*!y 11:11! "Nick" Uiisso.

l!h .- .it Hie Ui-S'Tvo team• ' - u-:!; r.co'.vo u trymit

c : i l n v .

- - me ciij iin iu w.x. reason for the move. Main street and KlUabetb ave- 'b u , w h i l c u W[i5 K o n c r a i l v admittedand sustained a severe cut over ' l h a t thl> o w n c r s had their own rights

injury necessl-jin r]n i . i ng t h o obstruction thero It;imont. ^ w a s strongly coinl.-riin.Ml, the right to':••.! .ibou: 11:50 i]o so without placing warning lights |MI >lu- with her ::! night arros« ihs- wire obstruction I:;e were walking ,it the pathways t" i.'t the public'

to return'i.now that way was blocked. Thoitwet Bldo. wire; canuot be seen In the darkness,the flagg-l The Record made inquiry of Mayor!

ke way for Jnm-'s B Kurber'iwho las been vitally,ng laid by it'torostcd in t h e Vail plot and Its:.- warning stilus, as lo the reason lor the ob-ith avenue struction. The Mayor stated that he

;stoni-s were piled was not aware it had been placedglit-il was reported there, but presumed that If it had, Ittrio saw the light had been done to rroTOcnherlghts of

it wore turning oft tiio owners. Ho said that utter a cer-;i Mrs. Fiehick foil, tain period public use of such path-.-s. unseen in—the \\ays made the walks public property,

.lust what tho length of time it takes

;*•>.' was sent to in- to produce that condition has notthe injured wo- been -.tilted. Rumor has it that tho

_.. bbor heels at-! Tn<i impressions „„...., „ . .tacbid. Rahway Shoe Shop. 150 Main obtained of Brittany Bbe has writtenstreet. It U1" follows:

j I (Continued on Page 8-B)I WANTED—Experienced operators, I ~steady work guaranteed. Apply Cus-1 ^ W T E I ? ^ E l I ' c r l o n c , * < i " , o p f & o r 8 '„. , . „ . , VT T 6teady work guaranteed. Apply Cus-

tom Shirt Company, Avenel. N. J... o_p-, w m | h i r t company. Avenel, N. J., op-, — AdT. sen4-4ti nn.itu P. R. R. station.—Adv: sep!4-tf

r i,.ft

Th» ao'clock 1

husbandtoward-tile rto Brooklyn.of the Ciebolhiius prop,ing had been torn up tothe concrete pavementthe city, and red lightsthero. but. <>n the KliM,1,. wh-ro tho llagsto:

torn Shirt Company, Avenel. N. J . . ; ^ i ^ " ^ ^ - - ^ - p n n y i A v e n e l i N. j . _ op.poslte P. R. R. station.—AdT. seP4-4tj p 0 B l t e p R . R . station.—Adv." sepl4-tf


With the electioni"of new officerf* j September Silaquine was teller. Com-by Rahway Post. No. 5, American Le-Inlander Fowler, who retired after ang'lon, Tuesday night, what is expected " ^ a n d »t•"<-''""'"'' ><•" °< service.

, , . , ; w as not a candidate for re-election.


. - l i r - y

T n ,1M. -.'n!.".r - . - ' " ^ '" "

r"!;: ; r t- , . . .„, . ..f ., r o t - r e , for lh«"" • s " " • : Y - , . ,(, voar was abo

i : i l l r"- ; l ' ,' , . .,„.' cnmtr.ittoe. - but

>™- ; > ! ' r o '1 "• " ; „ • .Iocitl.'d. The- n n t h T ^ - . l - M i i ^ . - . : - - - - - - - . ^ . - . ^ - ^ , . -

cnmniilt."' ••"_-. _ ,,K> ,;l.COnd.i:i- ' f i ["TX: W.' -Its of last

quii'l I" r '

to the polii-.on Main Mroot ainto tho roail whover tho ilagft":darkness.

O i l i e r Edwin 1

v.-sll^at'1 i'-1"' ' " ' l

man t" P 1 ' " ' "

f h " " a s tr.way. I'roi.

i'>.i..f ,Ia:n

to be a new era in th» workings ofthe organisation was launched withmany important changes in thomethod ot operation discussed and

-tenlalivij^njansjali]^ Tlie_roins of thepost are now in tlio hands (it tbe~"fol-])wlng as tho result of Tuesday night's

elcition:t'limmander, Hal II. AUtou. senior

vico-commander, Kmil F. Neugeliauor;junior vicecomni.initer, Walter H.

Tho meeting was productive ofmany new and Important plans rela-

the future existence of theIt was decided that after No-


•a:i s. .• uo distinction b.'tweeaplaces and where this meter i»

.:.- .i.'-wl." said tho attorney. "Norcan I seo any difference between thisplace and instances whero stores andresidences are together and have hadtill tore*! rates." Mr. Armstrong saidthat Bauer had made application for111... motor, tho muter had been In-stalled, water rents charged to liauerami paid^ Mr~A"rm"slronB""called-attention to the tact that the bill for$146 sent to JJauer for tho differencoin the rates, had not been authorizedby the City Commissioners as 11 body.

"They havo suppll-'d him with.water and he has paid," said Mr \rrohtrong. "Where is the Jusli'.icatlonfor any sueh charge against him? Arowe going to get an answer?"

"I cant' tell you,'—said -MayorFurber. :

"That is the unknown process thaL:h.- Mayor referred to," said Mr. Arm-strong.

Wh.-n his attorney finished. Mr.tive topost.

Ikiu- again rose and•r Nol ' l : l l l " r -'nlu" '"••"• .ailed thovcmbiT l . . th t post quarters which 1 Mayors attention textile fact that ho.uivo. been-maintained in the Ex-,n a t l o«CTea tb giv,.- JT)O-ttjwa-ni-the-.•haiu-o Building will be given up and! l'urehaso of Vail plot, instead ot cir"for the time belnc at least ni.-otingsi t : u l a t inK S"58''1 ; v b o u t "•

I -How much ha:-. Mr. Furher given

r ^ - n r , 1 ' ^ ^ « « - "« "*<- d ° K " Wilhi" tOrty

: ; :„ ; ; ; ur 0 A. taiK-eigi.t b™>. **«»* — d . 1 . , ^ PUr.j was made against tho |i«ses. ^.r.Iini.- to Acting 1'''"L'''; , , - , vT i - i i - Young man attend Ins

T!iii:iir.nin n<> tuaiiw

will bo held in one of tho lodge rooms'

junior vice-commaixter, Walter i,., : l '"oul tll!1 dl-v ' l h " l o r a t i "^ l" '"-'Watson; adjutant. J. D. Kolls: linance ,' :1 '"s ' '" l iy ""• "•1"''-utiv.. commltteo.ufiicr. Prod W. Scul.-rt: historian.! ' ' " ' ^ ' v i i n no m.-n- mootii-.g. tM.-R.'ginald Hall.;.chai,lain. Max A. Her- | - r ~:!' '" l h" P ' 1 ^ " 1 Waters,

'man; exocutiv..- committee, Ross O.! I" order to make the future mvl-II. J. Milb'r. A. A. (iiroud. J. [ mus of the Host as atlraetiv.- ;v; ;nis-

.I'.i,..-lior -or Senior class H i g h School.

the , = :>•- •'•• ' - t h a ' ' 7 ™ ; " „ , „ , Bft.-rn....ns and S a t u r a w. I k . , . i , , , i ho had found that ' " '•

the side- '

' " " • « • " - ° ' " " " ' ' " • , . , , u , . . i l . ' n oH i g h S c h o o l . _[,•. W r a i g l u a n d C i n i c i u " " " . • ' • •••"•


r . s l - "

.Mr. . '^ .• . . . •U:: .«- . « = =«« ••"•k-1' l n - . . - ; " : , i , ) Minn S t r - o t .w , , u e n - , , t r u c i " n for.-.- lo 1 ' ^ " h " , . _

._1J._ „ . „ , , » .f.ir him wVn th''v1 V l " " . ' ; . . . . . . . , . . . , w i l l : a n d t l i

T i , , . \v<:: , . .a l l ' s Cuilding am

i t w a s i l . v i . l . ' d . t n d o a w a y w i t h

.„„,,„;,„.... Il.'KlnaM "all. I - ^ r ' ^ " " ^ ^ ^Z\U :'.:"•!••ahwav Shoe- Shop. Crane. Herbert .)oUri"S. t .un->ru. ; ,„„ l I r ; , w l , .,.„,. .ill a:i.l

'• Wort., and K. T. Williams; county ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ] u n l m ;,,.,,,,a,' ' ,'ommitUi.'. Uuss-O. Fm'-'..'r. ll-nr> J.. ^ ^ iT,cjH,ijMK-11(|,lr.-s-;...s by a:.:.-

Miller and W. H, W atscn. ' :,,H.ukors and entertainment featuresT h n , , . , l i o n w,1S conducted «nM.r > u a u L _ _ T u „ „ „ , , , , f n r . t h u ^

„ „ . ballot box sys.o-n. ! ' : ' " » 1 . ! 1i

1 l ^ ^ r r l ; S o l l l t I l , n was v , ^

ti.wtiTd .-tlio pir-ei iase?" a s k e d M r

Iiauer . "Not a cor:'..""Not :i i • n t . ' ri'in-ati.'d tiio Mayor .

(Continued cn Patjo Four)

1: wiil j.:iy you tu p:'.y U'i a v i s i t

wh'.'n in need nf a new paTf~of shnc-3-

("'»t:il)!. to I'all sh i ' u ing of men ' s woiOr

. I!'-- iii'il cTTiTnTTn'— ;;hn.rs. H.iHWaj-

'• • Sh''ii. I""' r-1 1 in s t r i c t . l i :

utiun of the Italiway AsMx'lai1.''"Id the Mate lountament In Haltills year, with favor. If the Intlon In accepted the tournament

1 held In tho Franklin bchunl-* • lattor patr of March.

comiiuiiei' I"' •"Chairman nol>


inn thai it was up m (iio:;. irrrmr

..... ., 11,-hi placed on the :.unc.a

•nine' nf each month.

ballot box sy"i mailed to all nicir.b-rs th



evlotis. There was a lar

anilldatos mr an ->i L!" " :

.forton. former command

field of-K.

aulbori /e i l tbo o x e e i i l i v commit

to liamilo all rouiiiio bii^in


M. M. V. ' l i i t c r a f t , R- N*

112 Main Street

; l u p l i - i m o : ~ « - - '-' •*• m t n fi » " ' • •

• l i T - J - cr llu


of R:ih-, t h 0 ' 1 0 H t b-reaftcr.DR. HEATH

THE CHIROPRACIOH_E«cning= 7:30 *.o 9. .

a year.

Perry Miller

Page 2: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

• : • • • . ; • * •

S?5r~25_~~~??~?P^ ___• \ ' . '

Rah'way Record, Tuesday, October 9,1928


City Tournament at "Y"Will Operate Four Nights

Each Week

Tho City Bowling League schcdulotor 1023-24 follows:Oct. 16—Business Men vs. N. S.

West End vs. Rutgers." 17—Mohawks vo. Automotive." 18—Amer. Legion, vs. Baptists." 19—Vernons vs. Trinity."-2B—Nr-Sr-vsr-West-End.-

Rahway Has Brg PartIn County S. S. Meeting

OOlcers and; teachers of the localSunday Schools and the. young peo-j

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL___Contlnued from Hagt 8) '

Tho second tryouts lor the localElks' bowling team will be held to-morrow night on the lanes at thopip of the Bovcral churchoB likewise!

are urged to attend the torty-thlrd!W c 8 t M u t o n »Tenue« home.annual convention of the -.UnionCounty Sunday School Associationto bo held Thursday at the First Bap-tist Church, Wcstfleld, and the firstannual Young People's Rally to bo

There will be a meeting tonight oftho Board of Trustees of tho SecondPresbyterian Church at tho home ot health work, of which $2,767 wasWolllam A. Ransom, of Tatersonstreet.

held Wedensday night at the samoi A regular monthly meeting of inoto-

has arranged to have a special Dim•craenad i t the Empire all daring thisweek In connection with tho regularshows. The picture Is, "The DangerThat Nover Sleeps." Through his ef-fort* also Captain Phillip O'Nolll. ofthe Newark Flro Department wia se-cured to address tho high school as-sembly this morning' on. "Fire Pre-vention." Chief Klunun also spoke

, , , ,to the students. Governor Sitter'slously low nBuro, adding alter ho had!proclamation • * * , read by a highgiven the p.r capita figures mentioned j 8 c h o o l p u p l I . P o s t o r a 1 , I u s t r a t I n g t n o


(Csntlnued from Pag* One)should bo appointed and make con-trol of this disease a major featureot its program, was pointed out byMr. Eakins. J

The speaker told of Rahway's ap-propriation of $3,000 In 1922 tor

spent, and Bald. "This Is a ridlcu-

oors of the Union-Middlesex County i a b o v 0 ' " P u b I 1 0 health authorities | importance of lire prevention have_ . *»._. 1 i.*i_ i t*»_ ' l «_ ' . » . - _ ,» . . K i .

blbltoi- Don't uie Inflammible itff»«pollah. The s*lo l i pro-tolled by Uw.Don't let rubblih accumnlats In yonrhomo or yard. Don't tell to «e« thatyour chlmnoys aro kept clean. Don'tfail to profit by thoie augg«»tloni.Life and health are precious—protectthem.

PROCTORS THEATRE ELIZABETH•Civilian Clothes"-tho production

at Proctor's Theator, Elliabelh. thoentlro wrek of October Sth, Is a threeact comedy by Thompson lluclianan.

place. Rahway will be- prominentlyrepresented at both meetings by

• p e a k o r s ! will bu held In the Association build-j istratlon can hardly bo purchased for j l l l 0 nrenien. Inspection throughout! ,.„„„,. mun' At the Wednesday night meeting ['"S on Terrlll road, Thursday evening, l o s s t h a n n f t r c e n t s I>er " P 1 - n n d itho city udll W> made during the! gam McCimils (Mr. Hicks), a fine• which opens at 7:30 o'clock, Miss | October U. at 7:15 o'clock. F. W. i w h c n >'ou t h l n k o t w h a t <*«> b o d o n o ] week.iMnrjorle Chase, vice-chairman of t h e ' s " l l m a n - secretary.

Business Men vs. Rutgers.DUSincSS MUU va. n u i b " = ' i „ ,

•• 24—Automotive vs. Amor. Legion. \ I'.dwnrd Gerner, treasurer, both ofthis city, will have parts on tho pro-

I gram. Miss • Chaso will speak on,

" 25—Mohawks vs. Trinity." 26—Vernons vs. Baptist." 2J—Business Men vs. V . Ends.

N. S. vs. Rutgers." 31—Automotive vs. Trinity.

ta*_S=Yer_on__-vs.. Amcr. Legion." U—Baptists vs. Mohawks.

N. P. vs. Automotive." i<—Business Men. vs. Legion.

Rutgers vs. -Trinity." 15—Vcrnons vs. Mohawks."• 16—West Ends vs. Baptist."'""" 19—N. S. vs. Amer. Legion.

Bus. Men vs. Automotive." 21—Rutgers vs. Mohawks."• 22—West End. vs. Veruons." 23—Trinity vs. Baptist." 26—Business Men. vs. Vornons.

N. S. vs. Baptist." 28—Trinity vs. Amer. Legion.

Automotive vs. Rutgers." SO—West End. vs. Mohawks.

Deo. 3—N. S. vs. VernonsrBusiness Men vs. Trinity.

&—West End vs. Automotive." t—Baptist vs. Rutgers." 7—Amer. Legion vs. *Mohawki" 10—Business Men. vs. Baptist.

Vernons. vs. Automotive." 11—West End. vs. Trinity." 13—Rutgers vs. Amer. LeRlon.11 14—N. S. va. Mohawks." 17—N. S. -vs. Trinity.

Automotive vs. Baptists

"Our Goal.' 'and Mr. Gerner on.Program."



f a r m e r s ' Cooperative Associat ion"B^e that good public health admin-jDCCU distributed about tho city b y , l t ,u.als with tho rehabilitation of ft'will Im held In the Association b u i l d - ' l 5 t r a t l o n c a n h n r d ly bo purchased for - l n e firemen. Inspection throughout! v l , u n K nian returning to civil life.

" iinnls (Mr. Hicks), a fllyoung American, who en-

to the peo-lu-red the army as a private, finds

l w ..imrar—ftrB-j-rHmsrtt-proinotwl-to-TM-; of C-P-Irvlng street, owned by B. Engelman! M r- Eaklns urged Rahway,, citlronsj l l r o v o n t | o n Wco>t began the past Sun-! tain for his gallantry In action andand occupied by A. Hickman and fam-; l 0 t : l l < e t h o trouble to examlno t h « : d a y . October 7. and continues until'. bravery in the line of duly. Flor-Ily, was the scene of a small blaze c l t y budget and not tho small portion O c ' t o b e r „_ embracing Kiro Proven-', nee iJinham (Dorotlfy Klckaby) aSaturday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock'0 ' t h o total npproprlatlon BCt aside! ( 1 ( m DaJ._ to<|av. October D, the acnl-: member of a line old Southern fam-

i ]j by a god health department you will.

j (lowhen sparks from the c_lm_«y lg- f° r health-purposes. "An a w a k c n e i 1 ' V L .

.. . - - , - . , . .grtcommunlly-lptcrCTt-in-ricalth--i3--th()!

today. October , t eof tho great Chicago (Ire. lly, U on foreign service In tho hos-

tho Thursday meeting, one at 10:00: spondoc! and made sport work of theio n I-v tnlnK which will secure adequatol,^ c l , U ( l n 8 ut nahway co-operate with '. Ing of tlio-e two occurs Ju«t prlqrjoa., m., another at 1:15 .p..m.. and tho| i I a m" s- T ! l ° damage was .nboHi $25. j health approprations." ho said.. ''!'I t h e Ure department In the observance i,n MUicl. In [ho Argun..-. The most

third at 7:10 p. m. Stato Superin-tendent and County Treasurer J. E.Tompkins will be a prominent figurein these meetings. Ho will give thotreasurer's report A the morningmeeting: take charge of the adminis-tration and adult divisional confer-ence in the afternoon and conduct asimilar conference in the ovenlng.Rev. G. A^Law will speak at the after-noon program, "Our Community Vaca-tion Bible School.' Rev. W. E. Sann-

i ders will deliver the address of the


speaking on. "Feed His

Moose Lodge PlansBig Open Meeting

Plans for their open meeting to be19-Business"Me'n"«r"MShawks.-{held Sunday vcnlng. October 28, in20—Vernons v s- Rutgers. [ the Empire Theater, -wero completed21—West Ends vs. Amer. Legfon-.Tlasi night at the regular meeting of

is oncouraging indeed, to find bodies of Fir ePreventlon' Week; by ""making ""arausnfK f tho opcntnirUSED BOARDS TO GUIDE CAR; l l k e 70aT c l v l c C l u b interested In) tnoroush-jnsp i :cuon_ol_lhelr prem-:H thr Sricr!ion_«f a butler_for_tbo

(health problems and ready to s p r e a d i , ^ { o r n n y fln, h n I a r ( i a t n a , m a y : Umtiam famt.lv;.who for paulollc mo-Hero of Desert Automobile Rao» Won ; the spirit of health in the community.

Third Money Owing to HisRMOurcefulneu.

' You enn bo a potent factor In a great! work.'

exist, such as old papers, rubbish, old! tlvipaint, oily rags, detective chlmntys i ihc

:. desires an ex-service man endmost exciting situation Is. when

j and leaky oil healers. All old refuse,. Florence -liters lho room and findsI The members of thc club," after M r . j 0 | c > w I n b e h o v e , ! if ut in 8uit-^h7u W h^w-"Yul^^^

desert rnees.! E ° k l D 3 M flnlahed aP«>»kInB. dis- a b ] c containers and put on the curb Meat Market H « Trouble!

Which were run In two or ,_«. i ^ J " ^ ! . ™?TZ.?.%\«» * ^ "'"«''» "*" , „„"„!, f l n S wft'h "rcacte*'Loswhich were run In two or three relays, |the drivers checking In at all-night " . . . ,, , . „stops at the end of each da,. These ! c o u l d b o « r e a t I y l*W™vei. Someraces were run at a season of the year ; specific example ffere mentioned andwhen rain on all or part of the course ! discussed bet?!* \ h e resolution waswas not unusual. It took brains, a passed asking Jfr the reinstating ofpowerful car and a heavy foot to ne- j the Health B o a j *gotlate that muddy course. In'dlscharglng the Board of Health

Blll^'Day was my hero ^ t h e Phoe- [w h e n b o QIL^Q m to office, Mayor Fu^

stated that ho felt that by doingnix struggle. Be wasn't- licked unless |hU motor fell out of the chassis orsomething else Just as bad happened.

In one ot these races Bill was run-

so the city could oconomlze. FredM. Williams, then Health Inspector.

nlng pretty weU up In front on t h e ! w a s appointed City Clerk In place ofthird day. He was sitting pretty. In Charles Lambert who had died, thespite of having wallowed through mud cfllco of Health Inspector being ellml

rtll.f. WI-- out thu* dl»»pr. adlnj p«st« TODAY. Ute

Tho following series of "Don'ts" Is Ho lost cmtomers on account of them!submitted for perusal and roniem- '• He heard about Itoyal Guaranteebra^ce: Don't let tho children play j K""^ ro»;dcr. nsed It «_d^ jot lmwith matches. Don't pour kerosene Ion tho kitchen flro. Don't build Dresjpjojai Guaranteed Roach Powder forIn your yard or on «cant lots. Don't (quick result.". Sold and jtuarantefduso gasoline for cleaning purposes In • by rendition's Drug Store— AdT.

your home. Dont use matches, can [ s _ _dies or lamps to find pas leaks. Don't:thaw water pipes with tiro. Uso hot: Iwater. Don't keep floor mops In air- i jtight closets. This causes spontane-'ous combustion. Pont use matches




distinctive'rnodels-veryoriginal and chic-

Styles to suit eachindividual taste.


JhejMueBird Shop

12S Irving StrtatRahway


new jersey) aovocaie maSIXTEEN PAOM



I ol Proceedings Marked by Lethargy of

Wrest, End Having Been Forecast


(Large Delegation ol Cocal Clul)

Leases for State Con-

vention Today

192Jan. 2—Busluuss Men vs. N. S.

West End vs.-Rutgers.3—AIIHT. Legion vs. llsptlat.4—Vernons vs. Trinity.

" 7—Automotive vs. Mohawks.N. S. vs West End.

" 9—Business Men vs. Rutgers.Automotive vs. Legion.

" 10—Mohawksvs. Trinity" 11—Vernons vs. Baptist." 14—Business Men vs. West End.

JN. S. vs. Rutgers." 1G—Automotive vs. Trinity." 1?—Vernor.s vs. Amer. Legion.

, " 18-—Baptists vs. Mohawks." 21—N. S. vs. Automotive.

Business Men vs. Legion." 23—Uulger.-: vs. Trinity.

1 " 24—Vernons vs. Mohawks." 25—Baptist T3. West End—_" 2S—Amor. Legion vs. X. S.

Automotive vs. Bus. Men.11 SO—Mohawks vs. Rutgers." 31—Vernons vs. West End.

Feb. 1—Baptist vs. Trinity." 4—Vernons vs. Business Men.

Baptist vs. N. S." 6—Amcr. Legion vs. Trinity.

7—Rutgers vs. Automotive" S—Mohawks vs, West End." 11—Vernons vs SV S

1 Husiness Men vs. Trinity." 13—Automotive vs. West K:id." 14—Rutgers vs. Baptist.


_, „ o- — - , — •..—,......•.. -.....» —*-"-• J in clothes eloset« Don't hang clothfor two days. But bad luck got him.; rated. Dr. F. W. Sell was appointed!, , „_. _ . .. .

land, sparklers. All ethr-rs are pro-

Rahway Lodge, No. 13G3, Loyal Or-! He broke his steering arm—I mean on ; jfoaTth OlUcer at' TlalarV OTVGOO a"! '"* ° r h a t S ° n p" 1 ! j l u r «- D o n ' tder of Moose. The principal speaker: the car. That would have been the cur-; v e a r " - ijow your children to u<e any fireworks

tain for most drivers. ," " - | v l - , b , other than paper caps, colored tire

But: oldI Bill -and hi.- mectanlclan N o v t ? m b c r 8eCond, will navetook two fence rails and wired one to „ * .the axle on the inside of each front princess Chinqullla. a full-blooded In-.

wheel. Then they got Into the_-car. • d : a n princess, to take charge of tho I

each one holding lo the rail on' "his program. The Boy and Girl Scouts;

Eido of the car. They guided that car ; of the city and some of the olderpu-

Into the fair grounds at Phoenix by ' pils in the schools will be lnvlted~and .

• musical numbers and remarks by- pressing the rails against the from

! other i.mciais ol the Moose Lodge in; tlre.s when they wanted to tum.

••this state. This mc-tini; will be open] T i l l»' Is, when they wanted to go to

]to the ci'.iiiiis of nahway. the- pur-! t l 1 0 r I 8 h t t l l e ! ; l a n " n t h e r l E h t s l l I e °«

i pose of the gathering being to show ' t h e °- ir ' v o l " d " u ! l ! n o n h l s f o n c c r c U •

;,;•„, tru.- worth of the.Loyal Oniur "f i n n d t l l e *"* ° f lt W 0 U l d " 1 O n p r C S S °D

will lie P. A. Sbancr, a prominent

Xew York lawyer, while State Presi-

dent William E. Kgan. who is city

clerk of Newark, will also be present

and make an address.

Beside the special speakers, thc

program will consist of some line

- n social lime will follow the meeting.'. i


Moose.In aiiiitiiiui to planning for the spe

i ,| that part of rhe right front tire ahead

(Continue- from Page One) jk. hu! throughout every week of i

of the front axle. At the same time nit. year.

cial meeting the lodge, last night,held a class Initiation and ruceive.ltwo additional applications for mem-bership. Tho degree work last eve-

! ning was carried on by the officers of; thc lodge. Chairman L. M. Sauers ofj tho Christmas Cekbratlon coir.ralttee

r reported progress. The Rahway; Le'.lge will he represented this yearj in the Moose howling league, the lo-jI ial pinners to how] at MrCartnev'?

Fir- Chief Waiter II. Kitzman has•en very much sftve to the iinpor-

left front wheel behind trie front nxle tanrc of disseminating fire preven-and thus both front wheels would be • iion data In the campaign for educat-

ive man on the left would so manipu-late his fence rail as to press on the .

turned in the right direction. ing people to exercise more care forThe tires were cut to pieces on the t h c | r 0 W D i laciT c | t v - a a n d t h e i c statv „ ,

side?, but thc car finished In third a n d n a t | o n s good. Chief Rltiman'place—and that was thc Important ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !thing.—Saturday Evenlpe Post. I ~""~ [

1 nrusday nigut.

—Name Delegates

15-yMohawks Vf. AIIHT _esion. t.

"-IS—Baptist vs. ftusincss MenAiitoniotiv^.-vi—Vj__ons '—

" 20—Trinity vs. West End. ," 21—Amer.* Legion vs. Rutgers. ! . , , , " , , , . ,

Mohawks vs. X. S. . • I n n " v ; e r ' I n i l l l ( ! 'a=l "'Sbt at the" 11—Trinity vs. N. S. ' meeting of Union Council. No. 31. Jr.

Bapti = t" vs. Automotive; ] O. V. A. M.. lo holu ,i "Past Coun-•• 27-Mohawks vs. Business Men. - r i , o r s . N j , , , . . h l,,,igerooni,. Mon-

28—Amer. Lcclon vs. \ \ . l-.nd29—Rutgers vs. Vernons. '';!>• fi^-lit. October 11. There will be

| a meeting of the Union County Past

Note—When I teams arto roil.tho same ev-ninp.use alleys in the order in which they

"are~H8tedrth"_t"!s." tiro llrst two teamswill uso alloys 1 and 2. tho other twoteams alleys 3 and -1.

All teams scheduled for Fridayswill uso alleys 3 and 4.

Y. M. H. A. PresidentNames Committees

scheduled' Councilors' Association ii was arT-toams 'will ( nounccd, at Somerset Canncil, No.

lOt, Plainfleld. October 26. Delegatesto the 5t-te™c"6"rivc~riti6ii"of~t_6 orderto be held in Atlantic City tomorrowand Thursday were named a s fol-lows: \V. Harry Stuart and A. H.Sehaefer.

To Hold InspectionPlans wore made last night by tho

! Women's Relief Corps for an inspei •President Henry Lilt of the Y. M.and Y. W. H. A. Thursday night a n - j t | o n a t the next meeting, by Inspectornounced tho following list of standing I and Department Junior Vice-corn-committees which lack ot space pre-vented being printed in Friday's

—Record;Ways and means—David Joseph, M.

Pachman, Abe Weltz, Dr. George Ap-tel, Dr. Samuel Kalzman, Mrs. HarryNewman, Mips Pauline Ferstcr, MissSarah Vogel. Mrs. H. A. Shapiro, Isa-dora Schwam. Mrs. Bernard Engel-

Executive—President Litt, Vice-president Miss Sarah Vogel. Secre-tary Miss Paulino Ferstcr. TreasurerIra M. Farber. Louis Miller. Dr. Geo.Apfel, Harry Robinson.

Building—David Joseph, BernardEngelman, A. Weitz, Harry Robinson,Morris Pacbman, Samuel Blumenthal.

mandor Miss Cora Seal, of Elizabeth.No special committoe was appointed

for the-affalri-*aeh niemtier-to act on

tho committee In charge. A social

time will follow the Inspection, with

a number of guests from neighbor-

ing towup -present. Two applications

wore received at tho meeting last


Delinquent—Louis .Miller, IraFarber, Miss Pauline Ferster.



M. Karber, Louis

Sick and relief—Henry Litt, Ira M.Farter, Louis Miller. ;£arah

atvino Meyerbeer a Treat.Musicians' are proverbially Jealous

of one another; but not all of them canmanage to get a smile out of that un-fortunate fact, as the gentle andmerry-hearted composer Rossini once<Md. Rossini, who lived most of hislife In Paris, was walking one day onthe boulevard with his friend Braga.They met the composer Meyerbeer,who stopped and Inquired politely af-

With Happiness. _ ;W» heard a stranger nh'.'.osophlilng j

about the feverlshness of a~v1sit. "One !evening it was a ride, the next a tripto the movies, the next dancing, and ;BO on. - Always restlessness." We're"getting so we can't sit still." Do we !deserve Stevenson's advice and indict-ment:

— " W e a r s lo-fiuch-baste-to-be-dol_i,-;to be writing, to be gathering gear, tomake our voice audible a moment In ithe derisive silence of eternity, thatwe forget that one thing, of whichthese are but the parts—namely, tollye.j„. . . We run to and fro likefrightened'Bheep. And now you are toask-yourself-lf,-wlien-nlH« doneryou"would not have been better to sit bythe Ore at home and be happy think-ing. To sit still and contemplate—to iremember thc faces of women without |desire, to be pleased by the greatdeeds of men without envy, to beeverything and everywhere In sympa-thy, and yet content to remain whereand what you arc—Is not this to knowboth wisdom and virtue, and to dwell ;with happiness?"—Collier's. i

' S U D S A M D D U D


Whydo we __

shiver ?— because, whon thr b'.^y chll!?.tho nervous system puts tl'.-1 mna-ci. s In-Rintion. T!.::. • ••_• rcisf"ilrive., ;h. he.irt f.i-ier and ha;t-'.r..- t!'.' Sinv of warn; blood Anib wllti

"ButieieoTRubbing Alcohol :

Probation Precsdet Vowa,In most of the Nyasaland tribes. In

Africa, permanent connubial life lapreceded -by a trnu- of—probnfionriwhich can be broken off at will byeither party. When the woman hasfinally made np her mind to stay, shepunctuates her decision by kneelingwhen she addresses her husband. As• rule, she will inaugurate this changeIn their relations by a little coup de Itheater. She will choose ai> occasionwhen chance has brought together agoodly number of people, and she seesher husband standing among them. IShe will then walk right up to him, Iknee] down before him, put sometrivia) question, or give some unlmpor- Itant piece of Information, wait for ths Ireply In a kneeling posture, and. afterthte has been given, get up and Join

C> UDS says "You see it's*—' like this. Our wet-washplan that sends back yourclothes fresh and daisy readyfor the Ironing, cost so littleand It takes the washdayout of your wife's life. Itseems like a mighty sensiblesort of arrangement, doesn't



7 - C a m p b e l l Ht.Telt-pboDO 557-J.

"beats, a s"hTvv"r ewry tl:in- a-« ,LI-,aid to circulation.

Excellent for limbering up uth-letcs and^ relieving strain?, stiffJoints and lame muscles. Im-mtdiately removes perspiration \odors. Adopt, d by 1.-ailing alh-letic clubs., hospitals and tnilivIng camps throughout the U. S

One of 200 Puretest prepiratlons for health and hygiene.Every item tin- be-t that fkllland conscience can produc. . —

Kirstein's Pharmacy

For the Ideal Home EntertainmentBUY A

VICTROLAEnjoy Your Fall


Winter Evenings. • ' '.1 '. C

I'.'L : : J t t•ICC:.: d :.(10 play

--/ ^• I : .

A VICTIli:?r- at- jt' ' vin^-rcc

.. lt.._i_k

1: ;iu;;party.

Kspec!;r.!r.^< « i :* : i J »• a n


CJ t

i $;•

>:irII -Ci

;t th

^ -. ur.».i lt

t " - - _ • •

i!.A t :its r:s.'.

i.-.t aiO

C li -r t •

J-alible; aiacs

charm—or thrllli

• 1; one chooiei

'zt:* tho world'i-t :nto :

c a >u-

: • Top"

»t ;ho• ?ca 13't l ! of

your own

Into the

^ool eic-1.Kir» you_ii eclor

tair.i-ra —A Vll'TROLA

Terms so Easy that"no one can afford not

tt> Owrtftnc

1James McGolluf-i

2$tores;Mrving--nd-€facrry Sts.t Rafaway

Vogel, MISB Pauline Ferster, Miss

Frlea Greisbers. Mrs. I. M. Farber,

Mrs. II. A. Shapiro.

. Entertainment—Miss Pauline Fer-

^ ster, Mrs. Harry Newman, Miss

Freida Kreisber^ Mrs. I. M. Farber, j

Miss Sarah Vogc-l, .Miss Dorothy Si-

mon, Mrs. II. A. Shapiro. Harry .Vew-

man, Louis Mill.-r. Dr. Samuel Kutz-

man, Abu Hurwitz, M.ix Vugel, Mor-j

ris P;iehm:m. |

Kducal.i-n and r.-i^ious—Dr. O n . '

Apfel, !>r. K:i::iui.l Katsman, A. |

Woitz, Mai Vog.-l, Harry Kohiuson.|

"Samuel Miller. AL. Iliirwltr. Mis? S. t

ter Rossini's health. "It's bad. ver>' j husband,bad. my dear Meyerbeer," answered 'Rossini, "I have a splitting headache,a strange palo In my side and a legthat troubles me constantly." AfterMeyerbeer had condoled sufficientlyhe passed on, and Erasa asked Kosslnlhow he happened to have become sud-

the others. By thus humiliating her-Self, fhe hns taken possession of her

AT THE EMPIREThn-nas Melghan In his latest suc-

cess "The Ne'er Do Well," is the fea-ture :it the Empire. Tneatur today, j"Extra Fox Scenic and others. I

nrrow (Wcdnseday) is bargain I

welldenly so unwell. "Oh. I'menough," said Rossini with a"but I vranted to give Meyerbeer nmoment's pleasure. He would be sodelighted to sec me go to pieces!"—Touth'a Companion.

Athletic—Benjamin burnsiulu. .

Kawm, lienjainin Illume.



i>Mil.. I

-— Tmm^n.I Jlisl onip hnme

• -.oil. "Why,•no.I nl! thoTrniis-rlpr.

How He Knew,"Crranjod your fcrjinil of shaving

sonp, haven't you?" asked Uncle Pen-nywise of the b»rl>er.

"Yes, sub. Feels smoother?""No, tnntes different."—Loniavtlle


Richard CcrsonLocal and Long

Distance Moving andTrucking

Daily Trips to New YorkTelephone 668-R and 33S-B.

ii:ij — double feature" Thomas

. Farmers Lose *.yJ,UO0,OOOi).'I'.'irt!i!.'nt of Aj.'rioulturo says.

r;it.l«" T.'iis i.s no iilii; lif;ure. You are.lifiylii^-yrinr filtafo! ItytH are-collect-uw tlii:!r toll from YOU every da/ ,ri^ht out of your pockotbook! -Don'tHili'i.m.. i.itr:—K^^l-^JJ6m;—Get—Royali

Rat-Kaku today. Solddl

Meghan In "The Ne'er Do Well," four

acN of vaudeville, and Wllllnni S.

Hart in one of his greatest successes,

"Tin- Toll Gate'.' The vaudeville will

be shown ut the evening porfopnnmce

oii!\. On account of longtii of show

i;,.: features will be shown mily once.

Thursday nnil Friday N'ortna Tal-

nun!.''- will hr. featured in tlio nensa-

tlonal play. "VT'illiin the Law."


Chiropody Foot Oilhopjdic;1 1 tlSJ Knst J e r sey .street

B1.1 „ A 11KTH. N. •».

Tel. X^llziibctli 4103

Hall's Catarrh Medicine i9

O F V K ; K HOl'H.1-

8 A .M. lo S I'."M. "Tu. a.V Tliuib. ,

A. M. lo II P..M., M i n i . Weil.. l-"i-i.

J'I]O3(.- who are In a "run down" cuntll- It:.»n will notice that Catarrh bolhtra I

eh mm.. Humi'lod iicutth. Thin lact provca tluit wlilloCaL-irrli Is a local (llne;iH«, It Is greatlyInnuouci'd uy~r<iftst!iui:onal tiiiniinoiiar '

HA_L,'B CATAnRH MEDICLMK con-alBta-* ot _u Ointment.. wbicli_.£juic_ty_l t l l M I ' ' H t l r t H


' I'boi.<- Klln.l.rlli J-JIJ""•••' -I'lfl'V- "~ P C "

liitcrnal Motllclnc, a Tonic, which oaalsta-In Imnrovlns the General Health.

uud guarantocd by Pendloton's Orus j :BoliF by druKElsta for over « Years.riti-ro.—AdT. P. J. Chcnty _ Co., Toledo, Ohio.

34Irvii|Su,Plioue K.bw.y 282-JHor»*«.Cows. Da|i and C4.0 Tretled

Department Store"Railway's Most Popular Store"

128 Main Street



A Shopping- Day ofthe utmost importanceto the thrifty.


j-fr-om-Qur—reprices makes shoppingon this day unusuallyattractive

Store. CIos.«_i..6. __O_l_Al.Economy Day some as

I a41-bi Her— daytf-exce pt-Saturday.

Hldvanced Fall Modesin

MillineryA very special offering of very beautiful hats of un-usual style and extraordinary value. The variety isvery large and an opportunity is here afforded toselect unusual mode, at these unusually low prices.

$2-50Autumn Frocks of

Silk and ClothOffer Outstanding Values.

Afternoon, Street and Business Frocks of WoolTwill, Satin Crepe, Canton Satin in Black,

Naw Blue, BrownWomen's and Misses Sizes

Coats Suits JacquettesA very fashionable array. Interesting from thestandpoint of styles featured, quantity display, valuereceived.

Modes of the MomentLong lines—of course—and many variations of themode. Tiers, Tucks, Handsome fur-trimmed gar-

t T l J d h-me n (s,—TaVlor _ d—modds:new fall shades. All size

e gIn—thc_j

We \Vdc_m_ Charge Accounts*

Comer Main and Cherry Sts.

and Accepted Months Ago

U l , . ,TTght->t- r ~ , - , - n i n o p n , , i,, department of th is c ' 5 . j n r - i . v h , , . , , ,,,t four companli-s with



Into Home of E. J. Verneao

Loot Valued at $600

Bauer Berates Mayor Furber•For Accusation; Flaunts Suit Mm


bui a force



. t.-nllon .if tin-men each.! nrtlinance to hWt-dnood-y men at the d!

I iirw-. 11 Is tbo In--.-mi paii". di:partmenti- J tore- ot forty call

Shortly before noon today llahwKlwanl»' f,!ub'« dclCRation of .about |forty m..-mb./r» and guests left for thoannual MTOr^oiiyr-nTinirbcrnirheld-in

Newark today and tomorrow. Tho ( .group made the trip by automobile, j while the family was • " « « » :

v were attired In the K arbofapro- homo entrance was gained by a rear- - - - • -• "'ward J- vur-i


Appropriate Pjograni GWen By

Senior Class at High

School Assembly

Quarrel Over Water Meters Throws Com-missioner's Meeting Into Uproar.

Armstrong Appears For Bauer

door Into the home

refu.vtl nf ihe volunteers to

: Novr t hc

",.,","r an>f final roadlnj; an now this; ' llub.ndm.mt »nd thu. due 10 the.'„„„ of contention which "•"' •

,h,.d tuc fuel for a conllnu-

•I - " - ' - «~k °mC" ^^n"rtr . M 'u 1 n, K ic I n 1

.Vas'JihloS-.-nilie of lh« U_o-' «nc_ u membership In on

^r^^ro^:r^r:hpr^i,^-;-'=;hw,d^w:"::=nV^[r••'ffVomth.. member, of iho^.V y h.v« b ; ; n afraid 0; . • or from any of the com- .•x-tnpltnn rU..t-. " Th- action » u . In thc »nt-.-.l u-d.-:

Ictoo ' u r M.i>or Furrx-r•..".. i» an aal lc l lmal a» the."• • ,.i takra It for cranlM

,. (h:ouRh lotiif month*

•L-nlon County's next SherirrrHT"ry neXu. bfTlerponrstret• Simmons." lladR.-s. clubs, linen dust-' quantity of Jewelry. >!er«, .ombr.-rr.es and mustaches of a a n d possibly more; BllksninsI western or bayte.-d cut »'<-re all there, dockings were stolen. Thei-The Rahwav Klwanls will represent' 0C(;ured Wednesday. October


T ^ ^

What will rank as one- of the U46.D2 additional. You can SUE Corvorbose- meetings of record for the it and be damned. I'll spend tho l_nl

-_uaxd_of_CojnrnJsslonors ot this city cent I have to show you up."[was the meeting Wednesday nlghtr Mr:—Daum—informed—Mr^_E_ch_r.^_: when Mayor Jiimes B. Furber on one thai although he had not been at thoI side clashed with Fred C. Bauer and previous meeting he had read in th»: Attorney David Armstrong on the newspapers the report of the mayor's

r gfcat~Ilaln <>lher,~on--cU_rges._nnde_.against ^lr. accusations and had heard them ro-a who found! Bauer at a previoub meeting by the peated~by"friends;-"Lam hero tonight—honored yes-'Mayor who claimed that "by some in answer to your invitation and I

ot' means known only to himself," Mr. Aant you to ask me toh name quea-

>n b J .the M.T.OT 5UC-

,'f lho• Rvcl


1 Mayor Fur!.-ih.it win tl.- r 1!

• ,.. .„ r - o ' *-e

f-'r.-.- "f r.lr.- 1.-niiurh t" ".M.

any t i e 1

1 the m e n 1

i-rvlcen for

rillr.anrp of dls-

T h e t o

mean? known only to hlmneit, Mr. ^.u,^ . . . .

ncnuol when a special. Eaui.-r had obtained meter service on tions you asked last week," the Iratejservance of Columbus' water on an apartment house In Elm property owner said, "and I will tryented by the members; avenue when he should have been; to i-nlijchten you."Class under the super-.payingTai-rnti.j; 1—^v41Wh«-aurJL_oo__up_ih.



Lucille Carhart. The program

: • !


ho Kahway's delegation was armod with:v liv.-ly marching Bong, a parody

r, S:iu-athers on Valc'j ;

-,u-jr. buiir.ei^ and <-ntcr-

'.'jr--> ar-- o:; the schod-:- . i : : eX-CUtiVr! ::(.--;-!on

1 I.- . i r . l <-! i r u - t i -

-•*r-.lt--!i b> -

Ja-n-ju.-- air


. a'. a .ad 1 rr.-et-

ll.-irl;. l i - ' . • - • ! . : . . • : •' • •

» iCi/nVnufd en P a ; ?

of club pr"



:::.r.f: tl»w;:ii; th


. . ,_ , • .{ aurr .- . ' r v».a-

, - ;,) [!..• V . \T :O-J ' ' " • • m '

• i .;.. :ilGK I A I I rr.rrllnK

. , ' : > • ;::•• A'.:-.vsi»n Club

t M r . l i . o r j - H S?oo-

ilillur. ivrni i - -

-re ir.ar.y i r .

, f th-tn >H-f •

-f tLe ir.i'-'.l

• r l ub :t » » ' '

"'Tr.rio- A r — - :


the i u r _ - c r

i-a t;y;>.„ (".


t'.. r.-

b-.jrd r - " ' " ^. - > . ! : : • • ! ' .

,,-w bill

noon in the Danrooiu, uuuu.»c. ^delegates being In attendance from all1 used. Mr. Verneau re]

parts of the state. Henry W. Egner,! T i l L . poUco have been working on:carneu <,uJr.. past presld-nt of the Newark club t ) , 0 robbery Becretly since they got' "Star-Spangled Bann

pr.?id.-d over the luncheon. Various ; l a , . flrst report but no arrests have by Ihe entire school;

stunts and other Interesting features heen mad.- as y.-L Acting Chief life of Columbus, by

•ri- provided by the several clubs. Thompson said this morning that all Spooner: vioin duet.

.-rrnrts u--f-re being bended lo trice Stephen CzYWiki anil

<l;i<-.«. Notice nf ihi- robbery and lists series of talks—c»n—

. '. the valuables tak«n by the robbers

'ir rohb'r have be.-n tent out by tho

uctlnt; ..hut to ail tt.- larger cities In

t!.. country

* Thr" robb(-r or ri-l-b.-rs mail-; uud

•:r 1-r .-apj_with ill'- fol'iowing Uiot:

• • ill.in.'.n.l rlr.p. valu-U al about

'."!. ladi---. with jila'lnuni prongs,

ry t':.:r.. .-n-. :.H-'.-:I :. ':. ar: ;'.;^pi-.

tl. ::.-.-:.. ^rLm, "A. <). W." ami rliain

:<• >•'.'! brooch' w;-h diamond in '

:-.t-r. •»n-- h''ld Uivali.-r will: chain.

r..-r;i!i] - tone in e-nt.-r --iii'i three

arls on each sldo, one ladles' gold_i'.- h. eio>- d face, nn.nopr.iin. "A G.

>' '. i::.--cri;>lien insui.-, 'Kilward to

-:::i.i. May 22." winder missing; one

'•'•Kl. lirai --!--t. monogram. "A. G. \V.".,

::-!•!•- ..f brarnl.:t. ' •„. J. V." two baby

i:ii;> in?;tie nf rin^s ar..- names

Mar-e- ' .11 oc-.- anil "Sylvia " on other

>:-.i- Enid rlnc. setting with stone

:T-.!-: Inc. la.llcs: ono gold watch pin.

V shar"-. twe rhiliiren'.- po',d chains;

:i •'•• silk ; . ;•!.-. .

• - rU. : iv. ; i i r - of Indie-' -*-hitp silk

Th- JUI'IILI- of mhi-r .ntl'-s- a-.- askedyiy A. imi: Thief Thomrson to make

—:irchi^i. u'_p:t.wn_i:hc>ps and second-

hand stored in their efforts to locate

-.he -itdli-M mat . r ia l . The jioliie are

handirappi-il in attemptinK to solve

room was packed to

1 Mr. Bauer catapulted

— innto Mavor Furber

of last week's meeting and seequestions I aaked," said Mr. FWhile City Clerk Fred M. Wl


"CJavntte," by

Louis **KQvacs;

—America. _1492-_

IU.'IO I'.arraco. a

"Colu::il»n--' %*..y-

n: map . . . 1 ir«_-l»__"; Missf">v>.-rtnn. ' flr.nvth in Popula-

Kar! Suiter. "Industrial

1". M:.-v H-l-n Shul'.H. vi.cal

•S:nilln' Throuch"; Mis-; Kth-..:

• i-Mu.-alinr.a! CrD'-vih"; Mi.-s

r'-imkuli. "Pi-iitU_al__<2£in%_tJ

ii... the n-.au'..f'll,." a Minr


to r..-r-tify it. Addressing tho|aSk<-d. I don't let people point utt-

-, Mr. Lauer said. "I made the : ners at me, do you get that?"

- application right here In the1 M a y ( | f F u r b , . r r,;.p-,ir.d. "I don't --.o«

1 all fur :ny m-tnr anti I bought; n n - questions."

' - ' "Lie ;i man iirnl .-tar.d up 10 iv itit

;..u aaiu," cuuulered Mr. Bauer. 1

I bnimht that meter and paid for it and.

I am not going to sneak away to some

• uih-rr city . ither. I don't. Intc-nd to

j r..i.k-r- :i hl^ stink and then leavt;."*

Mr. Il.iu-r waslv.-iilenl'i? referring lo-

or _[-*url.--:r'.-> r..-c-!iil consi'leratiori

-1 . ; . . ..f Norfulk. Va.



1'rineiiial .th»_- f_______

-..- f-i

. i r k TV-


1 - ! • :

. f ;


:K t u u r of

v.-ly h:ise.

of H: l ton

it ai:i! At- '

M l - :


inxilrd '«° i:-L" "-'h'*a>'

Ex-Hi-Y Dance SuccessfulTh>- fiance lasi evening i t the Hii;h I

SchtK/!. under ih*- au.-pic.-~ of the!

Kx-Hi-Y t'lub proved to bo a big suc-

ce=a. a larso number of coupk-s from

Rahway and neighboring towns being

present. Music was furnished by the

Alpha Gammii. Orchestra of this city,

chaperones w-ere, Mrs. E. D. Sla-

rs. F. W. Sell Returns Fiom

Eitended European

Wdt-s Impressions

» p t . ' i i t l i i s

Trip."I will




rrar.c-r.:'-r.ts have

r.u:• • • • • p . - •'..

'.»U h:t r»= :t i- roh-On',, d tn he_a_

rpr.-e to th- olli-r rlubs pr.-sent.

>r:-. rro-.v n-.crninp !n the auditorium

iContinued on Pag^EigMl

ix pairs black silk ^ " " ^ j " C. LaPort-.- and Mrs.

Henry Adams. Th- committee In

charge comprised: Decorations: Al-

l,.n Vought. Glrard Patterson and

Harrv Simmons; Door. Alb.-r. Reite-

m,.v,r Haroi.1 Conlc-y and James

<,>r'ter: chap,rones, Russell LuTlio^T

lii-Vets. Wallace Alb. rtson. Albert

Iti-itemeycr and Kuss-11 Ludlow.

t - r J " ing «°n<- l h r e ' - " n l 1 a h a l f

n t h ^ M r s . Frederick W.^e l l . wifeDr. Frederick W. Sell, ot Irving

•rect and West Milton avenue, re-turned Lome last Saturday from an.x-.nd.-d trip over many countries m


; i r t of the «,ourSe _t

British Isles.

~—th«-10 Its' late ills- i

A H.

•i'.t:-.rt-i! SI1.

W. To

S!:i:- r.


Citizens IndignantOver Path-Breaker

• have just received a very haud-

• stock ut fall and winter suits

overcoats. An exclusive and

Krade. lino ennsistinc of all the

ing s'.Rhis as wc-lland instructive visits to..iiiintrj..^ \vhi_c.lLM_r_l__f ]1_rmiTip; none

:i Mr. ilcuier p

accusations ot

Mr. Furb-:r rc-

iny own judgment

I say. If you liav.^ no

, sit d.iwn." Mr. Bauer

,._..._._ndtd_frora_his heated ro-

aml .lid sit iluwn temporarily.

At'.'.rn;-;-- Armstrong tben_arose and

ad;"l l-1 ti-- heard. Ho summed nn>

what he said he. assumed 10 be a fair

statement of the accusations nsade

against Mr. Bauer previously. "Is

that a fair statement?" h- asktd Mr.

Furh-.T Tho mayor rep.'.ed Unit ho

1 oulil assume what he pleased. Mr.1 Armstrong again asked If it wa_ «.

fair s'.ati-ment he had given and r«-

civini; no r.-ply said, "We assumn

that it is."

fu! and ius;ilr-j- --Th-(r liwyl-y then lold of the-action -

the many odd 1 u t l h u w a t ( . r b n ; l r l l o ( l h e c i t y i n 1 9 0 6 _

different 1 w h , , n a i a w w a 3 p i S 3 e d calling for

tin- mi.-tijrlnR of all houaea, places " "


d relatives

by tho newowners or tho


•• nocri'lary an^t trc^.iuri'r

;-:ir.s"were rr.id" tor tho

-.h- c.-i:n!nsfi y«"»r Talcndars

.si; tl.-- procrjn-.s for the ram-

•-.n<.i «<.ro distributed. The

!lnc will be held Friday, Oc-(

• vith Mrv WiUI-ra A. IUn-j

• !'_tl-rMin .tr—t. A pi.1 m in t ;• - . . oi 'h r-fi-«h-.ni-ntii fol-,



- r , : n - Mor.lay. oc'.ober

Brooklyn Woican Trips Over

' Flagstones in Daik—Police

Sav Citizen is to Blame

rrit:A-j-i.-;in for the manner

S : , : I [ . . I1 shad' s in th-

ai-proved st>les."rii-' - r:m-e from

:ir,-ordiiu ••' quality

e^t a:nl most

l-ft such a lasting impression as di<l"Ti)ustn<J_» in ilie~UltjV*T_e-aglt_tlo_her sojourn in Brittany, that quaint j a 2 i l i n s = t t h i s „ „ w a s so great that itbit of Franc-- settled by the Celtic j w a s r . , .v u r r e a l i y enforced, althouRhrai- an.l which ever, today, after six-1.„.,.„. i ) t , o p j p ;ns:talli.-d meters, blr.

^*3 —*-•

and upwar;!

t-en centuries, retain-

ilistinctly British.

\>. inp- :\ u-nman ot

much that

.n p.1 • Ts ofihe law

nB slatedis still in

b'.-.' i.|-a

• rty vithout

of t-n.


n T o r e '•'••

: - . - w h - - i - '



Char rhalconas.

Tas'.nr a:;d Clothier

Ir-. -ni; S; . Rahway. N


the curb

t-pten'-b.- 1?-

.- - o .on i « * : PTi-.id^nt Mrs. 1 more

;') Lo*c. who presided; Mr*. 1 line.

K C.allaway, Mrs. J. 1- H » T I - > « < " ^ . .

- r m : _ - W r - H«n.on.-Mr_i thai ih - ^ . _ _ _ _ _ r n . M _ t _

RcVrt Unglotx. of Brooklyn, for- the co 1 •- . , . , „ „ , printed on

-Mix of ,h,s city. Mr,. O B . ^ Z T o ^ , card, should beW . . . .

_ l'ro:>i..-ct> of a suit acivu;^: the eity

w.-r.- h- rulileil last night when Mrs

(). II. Kiehlck. »i S2 Truy avenue.

Brooklyn, who with her husband hed

-tHu.a-visit:n£_J_!i.n_Ja!-lM-. of 122 Eliza

"{>• th~av,'nar.- tnp;u d ovtr twci7"na"g;

stones pil-d on th- sld-walk along

"i.lt- lhe bulldiiiR iH-ciipii-d by Olobel

KVW. Mm. S. O. H. Mill.. Mrs^CJ A. ovortorr, Mrs. Harry Simmons., carefully ' ^ ' ^Ur- y. H. Walter and Mr« O. H. \

haus Main strRei anil KlUah

ni-n -^ \\\- j-r'-niise-:

ion :.vt-ni:.- ^::ii Irvi:

plat . ;ind the rrii'r

blocking passage ov

whlch have been in use by the public,

'fa" 1 o n e ' n r a ' i a " century or more and th

uthiir for tc-h past ten years.

Much conjecture was heard abut

ihe- city as to the reason for the mov

Km while it wus generally admittc

uhservatinn ant! gifted with a sjilei.

di"l power of description, Mr.-. S-ii

!:.!>. in an article submitted to the

Kei:itrd. presented a .i-:ail>d story of

iiriltany ami its ppnrtl- that is both

;i...rou^h and eW+^Flainlrt^ and o:i>

.^.hieh contains many aTi-edotes of it:-

i-rest. which the II-.curd gludly passes

i.n to its readers.

Tho impressions

Wednesday that

,':'• e t -

i-.ty hall, accord-.


Mr. Ar:ua:ronc; show tiiat Uiero1, :ist t.-n perr..T!3 in llahwKf:it '!.'• melere'l rates tor resi-

" s - ' r v . 1 LI Vai! Mon s Uuubl.- Sole Mock Dress

,1 right-of-way. Shi»s. (iooilyear Welts. G u a r ! ' n t c c d - r " T ' h o " impresBions which-Mrs. Soiltw-q pathways all solid leather; rubb.-r heels^ at-•- .^ o J B r l u a n y F n e has written

:ach, d. Rahway Sho,- Shop. 1..0 Main ^ ^ ^

street —u| (Continued on Page 8-B)

S. BLANK.('UT Engineer

th ave-

ut over

t o . Shirt Company, A v e n e l ^ .'s teady work guarauievu. a.VVi3 ^ - ^' torn Shir t Company, Avenel, N. J., op-I posite P. R. R. station.—Adv. »ep!4-tf



"l-iw.- for holding the Initial praC"! Capum l'.W ^ ^ J

t!« fur candidate, for lho Y. M. C. A. notice " V ^ o f , „ , ,

bvleiball team on Thiind.y evening Many " ^ ^ J o n

ol Cl-xt week, and opening the bas-

k.-!l,all season here on December

tat.-d ,!o so without piacm* warn,nR lights jAMERICAN LEGION HAS ELECTION;



rmsw h l ! ,

b h l l ! u n i .

? l ) n K . new

, h l . sauad.

;he lotur.-...1

the city, and

y the llagK-l

ake way for

ing laid by

•ive warning

:it the pathways t" i--i mi.- i>uu...

- '-.now ihat way was blocked. Thowire- cannot be seen In tho darkness.

I The Record made inquiry of Mayor';

With the election of newolllcere i September Sllaquine was teller. Com

mander Fowler, who retired after anf i

. . . , _ , r l r , n TJ>- mander l-owier, wuu i - m ^l,y Rahway Post. No. 0, American _e-1 ^ ^ a t r e n u 0 U R y e a r o f service.

' i -a:: s..- no distir.e-nuu between.th • places and where this meter 1*:-'.-::-.'.'..il." said tho attorney. "Nor:.m 1 sue any difference between thisplace and instances where stores andresidences aro together and have hadnn tered rates." Mr. Armstrong saidthat Bauer had made application forthe meter, thit meter had been In-stalled, water rents charged, to Bauer...and paid. Mr. Armstrong called a*r-.tention to the fact that the bill tor

$14G sc -nr toBnucr for the-dlfforoncein the rates, had not been authorized

•• thy City Commissioners as u body."They have suppli-d him with

water and he has paid," said Mr Arm-strong. "Where is the JufiUiicnUon.for any sucrfciiarRo against him? Arowe going to gut an answer?"

"I caut' tell you.' said Mayor


reason thc ob-that he

were piled was not awaiu ... ..— - - - - -as reported there, but presumed that if It had. It

to be a new era in the worKiuBs u.the organization was launched withmany important changes in thumt'thod of operation discussed andtentative plans laid. The reins of the

s ssion lascominltt.-e of the "Y" Inn . nine The team will PlW s o " " * '

' <>ot of town games in November In..nl.-r to he in shape for the opening Alfr-.iof th-lr r-gular home- schedule atlor (.im;eiThinksftivlnR. - , . caln v.

Hubert K. Miller, chairman of the ,-xpcc-wmtiiliieii. who eoachott thn team last --haai'Ji'ar vhon It finished third In lhe !l'"1!':|


-\i*:n""apaih "lhl»" yt-iirr^"MiliT-wlil-J"1-"1-1'-»5:-;s:eii liy Uiivlil Armstronc. former mi t-IMuml.in ' s lu r ; l..-o Kl-ro, furimT n-p.-rI'ratt mar; and G.-orgo 1). TrcmbW Tli

-'.ay n Kh

w i : I r d . T . next Thur:,- ,0 ih, P«.v m b , . : Arthur Armstrong, on Main

U r I -, Karl Walter. Lester ,„,., th.- .c r l ^ r d C . r . y . G - . r d o n M u . - o v e r the

* r i n , . r ' r r i»M. -^ ' i«" r -

,1«.. I-««h:""1 '" si;lh.°

, , r ,;„. .-..rnins seaM.n. tne>^

- ; ,„" itud-lv ii:u! "N..-K- « « - » -, . v I,'.!:- Lt lhe V^<-™ '••••"-

—-, -- ,-T r r , . iv4-.---trymit

• • -» -

Or.ic.-r EdwinVertUal- ' »!'ll h

mini I " D ! l l ! i : -

fh - wns tr-a' . i-


v , v , mad,- the walks public property,

lust what the length of. time it takes.

was sent t,. in-'-.o Pio.luc- that condition has not

, ,- ,1,.- injured wo- been -lat-d. Rumor has it tha the' " ' ' r . vl-ere wires will he taken down within forty-

h " ' " " l " ' l r l - - • .; , ,„ h,,,,r?. havinv- s - r v d tin ir pur-


• n i l .

,,f .1 Mr th

in.)-.. Hull team nf Uahway-

Altl.iiurh noihliiE dellniic haa l"en

nnnnnnreil to Hint eRcct. It 1^ >-X-

pert, tl thai the state Yi M." C. A. tan

k.-tbull rommllU'i! will view tl." >"vl

c v i i - ; « ' ' . r '

n i i t h i t ! -

- quiul

I by Hr. C. A. Galla-"

w.is made against the

ui_ii-_"vJll"-l,1" -deling I'.ilic-

-!:i::'.. • 'nic:ni>7nn uT> 171-iirnT!-

m tlie i-ity. He stated that from

•;•' tuMti.m lie had fouml that

^Ot^Kjiu^J^i l a--ke.l tin- si*--

v- v\I_l>—Young man attendingT-iuor or S.nior class High School.

; „ ! : , ! , , ,,,it aflerntMins und Saturday

,:,:i li.iy. Al'P'.y Itahway Shoe Shop.

-1 ,'.(i—Maauitx^nL

Commander, Hal II- AUton; senior

vice-i-ommander, Kmil F. Neug..-bauor;

hinlor vicecomm.in.ler. Wal ter H.

Walton; adjutant, J. 1.'. K i l l s : linance

un-,,-r Fred W. rf.ub-rt;. liistormn,

H^lna ld Hall: cliap'.ain. Max A. H-r-l . l r U i - ex-cutive comnutf . - , Uoss O.

I'owier. 11. J. MiM'T. A- A. i:ir.m.l, J

!-• Wr-rfht uml CliiTord Worth ; hous

committee. K.-Ki,.al.l Hall. 1 - ^

Crane. Ilerb-rt Jeii

Worth . » , . ! K. T. Will

was not a candidate for re-election.

Tho meeting was productive otmany new ami Important plans rela-

to the future existence- of thepost. !t was d.-cidid that after No-vember . . ! . Jhi- post tiuarters whichliav.- been lmiintuined in the Kx-j.than::.' HuildiiiK will be given up and'for the time b.-inK at least meetingswill b>' held in one of the Iodide roomsal.out tU-- city. tin-. ii.'eaLinp. tir hei:ln>s.:n by th,- executive committee.

[There will be nr.e innr- me--tir.i;. Octe-l--_-r --t. i:i the pr.-s-nt iiu;ivters.

' In order to -make tlie future* meet-\ -ili;s nf the post as altriletiv.- as |in.:iibi ' j it.was-.di-i-uled tu ilo away wit!

"That la the unknown process that,tin- Mayor referred to," said Mr. Arm-strong.

When his attorney finished, Mr.IU'.U-T asain rose and called thoMayors attention to the fact Ihat ho-had—offered to_pii'i__5.1_Q_tow:trd t h epurchase- of Vail plot, instead of cir-

culating gossip about it."How much has Mr. Furber given

t..ward the iiuvclKise?" .asltud S i rj I'.uiier. "Not a cent."I'- "N.11 :i i-.-iit," repeated the Mayor.

(Continued on Pane Four)Vi3ltI; will p:tv y.i'.i to pay

wh-n in nee.l nf ;i new pair uf sl:n..-3_(J:'i:ip;< te Fall sh'uvhi^ nf tni.-n's wom-

, county

eiinsiileraliini i.f r•. 11.' :: 1 • - t.u:-i-•= whi.M i:i ill.- i'.a:.t ha1-, rfl.-ii ir.-ule

nie,-tiii^:; lull;;, ilr;; v. I 'eut. i ::t u:-..l-d arr,tir;i. In s'.l'^i itut:n:l ;-|:.'ei:il


— ,iu: i of t in* H i i l i w i i y As . i i . i , .-l •

•old the Mate tournaineiil In Uah'.vay

- i V - T l l

V,: : in s t r l ' i - t w a i h , : *» '

v-,-,.< lilai-'-il the stnnc

, w. :,-r.' Mrs. Klehidc

C":-.iet Th. ' i i«P s n n i s °

w s15. ID:

nilding am;.es -t' ;;tt!.-hI. .h-lli " .!:•iitinii—:'.'.i:hll.-lal Hani;

each montli.

•Miller and W. H- V,at.-n:i-

: , , , ,„ . , , „ : „ „ WIls «-.,.»iu.-t. i under


c,l to all members

There wa.-i a l:ir

:it;ers and enter tainment features

lie us. tl. To provide for this a

ihilion was pa-;si d 011 initial r-.vl-

authoriznl t!i

to handl. all routine bii-;i:i--.-.s of

r-.i l.iin s'.r- -•tr-


M. M. Wh'.tcratt, R. N

112 Main Streetelophone: -IS- 'J a. m tn 5 i<

•427-J—'): S-.KT Iluara

DR. HEATHmbt-rs

this year, with favor. It the Invlta- last ' ' v ' i a : n K

Uon | B accepted the tournament will K. -M.ll.'r.

bo hem in tho Frank l in School Kym VW.TO, A . ^

- t lnunr patr of March. 1 > o r c > '

( ; , : v i rmi ln Robert < ^ ^ . l ^ :

' w : u . . l a l l a n d - o r . .o have h.'l then

'" " the public strnot.-

on the ; ' 'ni's,

reiUKVi'ii fromSafe Deposit Boxes from $3 to 120 Morton, former commamler of

• year. The Itahway National Hank, way PoRt, was judge of election, while'

Mli- t h e " U H l l " i r < ' : i r t ' ' r ' T " " W ' "' (Continued on Page 5)


_ _ _

Page 3: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

I '


TO RAISE TRIP FUNDSOpening Social Event of

School Year, Oct. 19, WillAid Washington Jaunt

The drat dance to be hold by any iclass of the. Hii;li School this year;•will be given by the Senior Class atthat school on October in, for the!benefit of the trip to WashiiiRton to 'be taken by the class- at the end ofthe year. Music will bo furnished byHytHi'p Country Club Orc-hc-tra. This\:\ the third i ve::t to be started thisYear by the class, .i.-< a cake sale washeld on last Saturday, and a Kroup ofmembers from the class sold "hot idops" at the football fjamo last Satur- iday afternoon. IKitli of the first two[events were successful, and it is hopedthat the dance will also come throughin the finme manner. |

At a recent meeting the president!•ol the class appointed the following•committees to take charge: Music,•Charles Kegelc, Miss Dorothy Huber,

( l R i H k

at»rt In New»rk he hnrt Ms l a i d onthe sandbag wHIle training and hadto light right-handed, which was agrcnt handicap as he la a southpaw.But Edgar Is now ready and confi-dent he can beat Bobby. Edgarwatched WItherldgo perform fromthe ringside In his bout with Richie!last week. While In Newark Edgar Ismanaged by Jimmy Sarmilla.



14 E. Haiolwood Ave., Rahway, N. J.1004 Fifth Ave, Asbury Park, N. J.




Baiketi and Funeral FlowtrtPHONE 747-W, 75 HARR18ON ST.

Terms Cash•op7-ftift

EMnbllnhrd 1836. rfaon* Elii. 71U



Estimates Cheerfully FurnishedOffice and Warehouse

350-352 Elizabeth ATeoueFireproof Warehouse

Ul-Ui W. Grand St., ElizabethA warehouso with every room a

fireproof vault

Oldest, LargestBusiest,

Fairest, SquarestFurniture

House in the State.FRANK MULLINS,


LUCKY 'STRIKE1 SALEof furniture linuk'ht for n lilt; «nlo in our Now Yerk Bloro nnil trnlis-

forreil to MulliliB in Newark tx'CH'lM1 of tin1 iitrlko of Nt<w York prciB-

mon provpntlt ic publU'utionfi of tho n 'en t ry newipapt ' r iiniuuinri '-

nionls In thut oily. Trnmentl i iui burKiUn*—busiest term* us low m fl n

\vo»'k—Nnu in progress .

BPercy Hulick, Abe Ueppen, EarlSuiter. George Vansco; decorations,Miss Ethel Cook. Harry SimmonB, Ar-thur Kightlinger, Miss Delia Plun-

KMildred Doulton, Mary Overton. JoycoTonw.llcliels, Ambrose Mudruk, Miss"Evelyn Singer, Stephen Czyzewskl;refreshments, Misses Marjory Spoo-ler, Kdlth Carlson,-May Fagans and i

—John-Scan^—program, MISS—JJIU' ba-—.Vorte- Kmrna—Harriwrh—Fanny—Gall<v

and Irving Knpolman.At thi' same mwlins a standing

•rommitti'o lor advertising was ap-pointed with power to act during theyntiri:- sdiuol—}• car. _ Tins cousiiti oLAndrew Stralicle, chairman; MissKthfl Cook, Stephen Czyzewski. An->;eK' Harraco. Miss Viola Calvin. OnOctober Z~ the class will hold a runi- jmage sale, thi' place to be announced ,ialiT I

Inter-class Battle ;Starts Basketball

7h.j tlrst basket hall i;;.ir.e uf the jM-ason wn> playwl on the now Frank-!Hn School court Tuemhiy aftt-rnoon;when the annual Inter-class tourna-Tnent got under way, Grade 7-B dis-posing of Grade 7-A in handy fashion.38 to 25. The first period was morenearly even than any of the others,Ont ~The winners took the lead and

-"were~~neTer-halted:—~[*yatt, at conterrTor Grack' 7-13 was thf big point-

Oldsmobiie Rickertbracker

3O3-3O7 AlorHs Avenue


H F- MOONEYResident Salesman

New Church Street, Rahway Telephone 313-R

BROAD ST. THEATREBroad and Fulton Sts , Newark

Al.I. NEXT WEEKMallnrrn Thursday and Saturday

1'irwt iYrfoniintHvti on tiny Stage••Sl'AKAMOrrllK"

tNot n Motion l'lctur»v)\ Hi. in .in lie I'lny In \ Aol«

lly llafnvl Sati.itlulwith


:iml :L i]t»tlni;ulHti,.|| company.M.il». TimrK mul s.it . ,VV to Jl.W

i:v.Milnk'i» <Vv to S-~t\ rlui* Tux

M I N E R ' SWashington nnd Market Streets,

NewarkSmoll n<Tc raiill c i Tt !TOTJ*rM u l rLadles Bargain Matlneo DallyWKKK SUN. MAT.. OCT. Hth:

"STEP ON IT"With Newark's Own Favorites


The WorJiTs Greatest IllusionistSUN. MAT.. OCTOBER 21»t—




W.'rfc ro:ii:ii!'ni-lnK Mominjr.HctohiT 10th:



::. Willuru Sh;iki'»poaro'fl

"The Merchant of Venice"With Or:i;:r.j; N'tw Vork Scenic

Investiture IntactMats. \V,,1 i Sat.. 50c to 11.50

N'ik-1'.ts > c 10 $2.50 and TaxWci-k October :2nd—

Al. JOt.SO.N" In "lUMlJO"

IT'S VWis l lGI t j"

—Scst:—FonlitHosors Mclver and Slrn- jmons, both forwards, led in scoring.The lineups:

Grade 7-BG. F. 1>.

Wataon. f 0 0 0Hipper, f 6 1 13Pyatt, c 10 0 20Olszewskl. g 1 3 5Uette. g 0 0 0


Simmons, tMclver. f "Kay, . c .<£ogers, BJUol.c. gTtrnnpler. v,


Grade 7-A

..._. 10 i_-a.|.._•:..-J. roe—Walter.

Colored FlyweightAfter Witherid're^

i>ar.ny Ki i f - r . claiinaM to lii-- \ , ,v ;

.•n^lcind rr.lt'.rci! liywt-i^ht champion

hip. and former Hallway boy, ha s r,-

-*•,<*( v~tl—word—frf.!!i—3* i-r*—i:!^:;:r^t-i—:iv.d^—

•!.rain<-r. John Walsh—and Eddi.- Cui-j

1 tT'- nf Mo-:o' ' , t ) int»- iV'y ! I : IV. . :i r- i

mT; , d a busy winter campaign. Tluy ji re ir> ir.i; t" match ^Ed^ar with :!!•• •aew flyw-_-i^'3u .-ei:.~:ttiun. Tu:;>" ;Thomas, who recently stood ten jrounds with Pancho Villa, world's fly-weight chumpiun. Before leaving lurjllib Hub, Edgar would like to m'etiiobby Witheridge, preferably bfforo\ Hahway.audience as both boys are»>ell known here. On Kdgar's last

Whydoes me

Q" i"

: i « i : r ; , ( [ ! . ' . - i i ' > n ; ; t n * i . r« v c l v i n i :

^ . r u u i i ' l t h - - - iT t h . n I - X I T L - '••• I - u ! l [

Aspirin Tabletsl l l S f l l [ I ; . - I I . . , - | | f I | :

•',11.11011,111,i.' , , . , y t - a r .h M i l l M i - l i r r : i . : . . i i !

' • ' i k i r r : : ! ! : . m a d e t h a t t h e i r |: • •-':• : i i •:• ; n l i o n } i , i ; i | i v i l l 1T, (

i ' - ' i i . ' : ' ! - S M " W - V , h i ; < \ i n i i h e . s t

rurif-. :.i \. r irritate or I.urn.;'.v -f 2"" l'llntest iireparaif::- :-ir hrnith " nnd" - hypirr.t»• v, i> ii • MI t i i . • h i - s i t l u t l s k i l l.:u\ r o l : - i i y j : c r i a l l p r o d u c e .

Kirstein's Pharmacyrtrg Sforv

L . B A M B - E R G E R & C O .



%. ?Z?^w£W^?%..&


Entire Week of Oct. IBLionel Barrymore


Alma Rubens

ddent Harding'sn Tribute to DogB

' "TTr* Of Prosldont; „ tlon ha» lost IU mwt

l»s '" , nver No prcdocossor" l l n l " 1 'HOUBC b » over boon

.h. humano than Mr., ,11 hln Hf« w a " l h o 1

Vl.r'v helplcBH creature;,'lt'thlnKS tin. late Prcsl-' ' . . ««» an editorlul In

" • ^ r ocra.lou-1 by the* naint ! ll Hub. that bo-



i'rf t'"l l ••" ' '•

, j l i r i o ncf


With Orif inal NewYork Music Score

Comedy Regent News AnimatedC y gSymphonyOrchesttaOne Week Only

I r r »••

Mammoth Or|No Advance In

',,!, .1.• l : l '...id-


U *"--ct« pr

" •, ,nlt

"Ho •win roToront, patlont, Ulthtol;ho was sympathetic—more than ha-m&nlr so, sometimes, tor no lurocould ho devised to call him trom tboilckbed of mistress or master. Hominded bl» own affairs—especially"worthy of human emulation—and howould kill or wound no living thing.He wnn modest and submissive WIITPthene train wore becoming, yet hoanBurcd a guardianship of tho homeV* R«!ntln»;led until entry was properlyvouched.

"lln couldn't upeal: our languagethough ho somehow und' rstood. Hutho could be tind was eloquent withuttering eyi;i aud v..i:;'t!ni; tall nndthe other ri!in««inii:. "f knowing

"rtnjyy:: Ncr; prrh^pT'^hr^rm^ ntT'Boulr' " " ' l ," wCm*nrtrus"tlnK butl i i the,- thing, ar- th,- essence ofn . a,,d kill, n' * r u s l l n « ; . ,o l l | and th- spirit "f lovable life.,.,,.n;1,.lcs« 'trough hU. . . W U c l l l ( . r „„. C r , . a [ n r b D n ( ; l l , t

;., human " > » " " • ^" • .,„, o r unviroiimfnt and human com-" " " " i m " th a hun nanlonshlp liav,- :,•..-,,!.• it so. men maywa'. worth a hun- ^ ^ ^ ^ {VtnuyM ,h , , - h ( 1 „.

i |<-Hiy "f »i 1ir;iv-' ;n:i! i!< v u t o d d o g .KTn'innynUy nnRhr ra~:'v a ld luntor

tn'-i.nn Imniortalit).anil loyal, with'

Rahway Record, Friday, October 12,1923

l'.k- of •' ,'rMid and that was »UP-:«'•)''.', "Jnnl- « r - Harding wrote |

Halt Runaway BoyFourtccn-voar-old Prank Benson, ot

G04 Darbey street, Brooklyn, Is borneagain. His search for adventure,which had caused him to run awaywas nipped In tho bud hero Fridaynight. Ho was picked up at tho SixHoadfl. Ho had attracted tbo atten-tion of Edward Fox, who works nearby, who, upon questioning tho boy, be-came suspicious and notified tho po-lice. They learned that ho had left

! home, made hia way to Newark,' andfrom theru to Elizabeth and Hallwayby automobile. The Brooklyn au-

Ithorlties were notified and the par-ents of the boy came, to take himhomo.


We wish to expresB our thanks tothe, many who by help and sympathyaided In lightening our recent be-reavement In the loss of husband and

tako over Lake a-venuo as a County j A contract for the erection ot a re-road. I lnforced concrete storage tank, at

From engineer ot Westfleld Btating • Bonnto Born Sanatorium was award-that the Public Service R. R. •wouldled to the Delta Contracting Co., for


that the Public Senter Into an agreement for repairs otcrossing at Orovc street and Central

l S t t e aid for E Broad


,'tliiKs f r o " 1 " u c l 1 l n :

^u.^Kti-thc) ...»-.ore_lUv.;men.

'-Stranoe-DiaappcaranccJn-Day.jrime!.Mrs. Hart write.,, "Our ltltclien wa3

overrun by roaches at night, but theydisappeared In the day time and wecouldn't kill them ofr. I heard aboutItnyal Guaranteed Iloach Powder, put

' them

Synopsis of Minutes ofBoard of Freeholders

A rvgular meeting of tho UnionCounty Board of Freeholders wasliuld at the Court House, Elizabeth, onThursday. October -1, 1923, at 2:3^p. in. Itoll catl stiowed 18 member

crossing at Orovc stretavenue, also State aid forstreet.

d CenE. Broad

Communication from the War De-partment referring to the proposedbridge to Staten Island was receivedand tiled

Committee Reports and ResolutionsRoad Committee empowered to con-

culvert on estnut

U3.476.00.Elizabeth Drawbridge Committee,

was authorized to repair operator'shouse at South Front street bridge,Elizabeth, at cost of $200.00.

Freeholders from Weatflcld were In-structed to widen bridge on Parkstreet, Westfield, at a cost of $500.00.

Reports from the following wero re-ceived and cTrdercd filed:

Committee on Stalen Island bridgoJail Committee Road

Rahway Drawbridge Committee.

Tho following resolutions were

adopted:Authorizing tho issuing ot tem-

porary notes or bonds to the amountof $25,877.97 tor teh Improvement otChestnut street, Rosello Park, also$76,495.92 for the construction of newconcrete, road at Springfield avenue,.New Providence.

Designating certain roadB aa do-toura in Roselle Park. FreeholdersHarrigan, JIcMane and Lllllbrldge ap-pointed a committee on lino bridgesin'Pliiinfield.

Board adjourned to meet on-Tbura-

[jrenent, 5 absent."MtiiuK'S ot nro~meol!ng~of^Septem-

ber 20th, were approved.All bills presented were read and

on roll call ordered paid.Communications as- followB were

referred to the Road Committee:It around and we got rid ot them i rmm-» ;«•>•-> "-T-."""~«rdlnir thequickly." You can ueL Uiujiame re- Krom City of R»b»a> rtl>ar<11°f ^

llkf. U i e . lluyal Guaranteed. Hoach improvement... of ' '^renco street•owder. Sold and guaranteed by | From property owners on Lako-ave-

-gtorn.—AdT. nu<;. Itahway. jequestlng County to

. . v i n i !t«• lift



Store Hours 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Daily Including S

• M i

Wonderful!WONDERFUL—a most appropriate word

to use in connection with Plain's 12th AN-NUAL WONDER WEEK SALES now inprogress.


TV t»v or girl who wars Buster Brown Shra whik' ^ wUl r*vcr suffer from corm. bumont. twiwd

Joo, hfoken irehes or flit feet. .

i v l l m w i Shapes U i U were crated to pvc to the-Se ol' Buster Brown Shea (for each voaeeAns ^ ) tbcS t r f .hapc w kap the te phywcJly perfect ycu Mr year.


the—part—of the buying^publicrbecauseliirvalues offered have been WONDERFUL

Equally WONDERFUL are the values jthat are yet to come. Do not fail to see thedaily papers for the WONDERFUL news.

Plaut's have taken the WONDER fromWONDERFUL and Placed it in WONDERWEEK.

We thank you for your generous re-sponse and cordially invite you to participatefurther in the remarkable opportunities tosave that WONDER WEEK offers.

lZ- ii ! . w ci.dl tn lit.—N:> su'.trr wr...:;h v--'K7* ^.^::i !:'.:rtt»hMt,-^ce-t^-t th^y-Are_n;yJ

\-i-r-.Z ill the Utat a-xJ;L< ::i -.-ir-.aihrri you will toJ Lcrc ciA:iiv t ic -h.c ••••-•• J


iifind a house in Rahway which answers

iquireraents-see-the cgmmj^yenter-

Locking »t ihr arv tourir< car trom the iide, you «re ax ooctb 7 n=7rr*wd »mh ih« eSrct ol IOCRH, mere gyacrful Unet

by c-'^rRir.; tl>e cs-wl ind rawing ihc radmoc

Sxnnr.p. M-.rvi*h>pItl i r J rne-nun tcp lend caserial nd in civmcthe cr;t;n* c.ir A l^ucr. n^-re sryliih app-innrf-

Aa a^-f: co^r»-.u;,: the radiant vizh the lender *kirt» U also

j . ) *;. rv. .n i.- • •. J*i t-, the cijoljc-sjcnt ol liic cu» l -

hc_l:>.v :«t

A l

$3.50 to $5 95

-. v v-u l ^ ::rp !:r,c ft nev Ford cit* vsm ca

"7i:t.t ten £jn br o*ttJt*rci throughtU r.-rj Tiieily I'uTchatt FUm.GANNON AUTO SALES CO.

90-92 Irving StreetPhone 262

prises and modern homes atmiles over the line in Linden.

The immense plants of tke-Standard Oil Co.,Grasselli Chemical Co. and many other largemanufacturers of Linden, insures continuedrapid growth, increasing values and low tax rate.

Houses and lots on easy terms.

L. S. Plant cf- Company.

/ 3 A D V NICOTINE comes hand in hand with the gold

/ of autumn; indeed, is tinged with the rust of its^V^> first frost-touched leaves. She is the old brownwith a tang that is new. She sparkles with ruddy glintsof light; she is sombre; she is moody. She is dashing, sheis gay. Frivolous, she flirts with the hazel in a maiden'ssmile and then wilfully pays-homage to the silver in amatron's. New, triumphant, she is becoming—to all!

"One of America's Great Stores"NEWARK, --N.-J.


Wonder Week Sales

End Saturday, Oct. 13th

^ s£4


Berlant Development Co.lelaphone Mul. JJ2O

Union BuildingNewark, N. J,


James B. Furberp. O. Building

Rahway, N. J.Telephone 794

-119-Maln-St,5 SHQELSTORE s u i n g Goods? Advertise

Est. 1893 i^"-11* & ^_

Good People

To Deal


To Be Sold by Order ot the GrWO n l y Two B.OCS fron, Pennsy.v.nU Station (Main Une, at Scott Avenue.

4 3 2Premises 2 P. M. Rain or Shine

I OTSA25x100 Ft.

.ots on


On Sco«; "Elizabeth *nd L.nden avenue,

7 0 % on Mortgage.Title

JAMES E. DUROSS, Attorney, 1O0 Broadway, New \o rk C,ty.

SEND FORIR-B30KNAP 67 Liberty Street, Ne» YoSGW.


-."=—— 1. 1r w~ —.

Telephone Cortlandt-0-744—ZSENDT \ - ~v


Page 4: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

Rahway Record, Friday, October 12, 1923

Commissioners' Meeting(Continued from Pag* On*)

No," said Bauer, 'y'ou wantrity to buy the property."


why Mr. Bauor was allowed to Install i nance appropriates U.400 tor tho I " T h e P e o p l e ' s N a t i o n a l " FFFT INtiFX TO PHARiPTERa meter and another citizen refused., w o r t T<? N a m p P r n n n s o H R n n k l > n n n m , i c n

The Mayor told Mr. Forsborg that - , . . . . . , , ' " 8 m e rOpOSCO tSatlK. I " ~ "tho' . , . , i i . T l l ° clt>' engineers report tor week I ! Padal Extremltlea Whll« at T«ble

.the matter had been dropped and It I m H n g O c t o b o r - a h o w e | , , a b o r The People's National Uank will bo, Ro.t.urant Reve l Ownin'A. C Forsberg of 137 East Grand W ° U ' d ""^ S t a r U n R " ° V C r W" "' .hargos as follows: Collection of Kar-i»><- name ot the new banking inMltu-;: Inner S.lv...

netting iinysnere. I h, iKo m c 3 0 . B l r C c t r l c l i n l n g 551.no; ! tlon which It la proposed to establisharjreet, wanted to know why there Consulting Engineer Waldo S. Coul-Tfas a charge ot $2.25 for water seiv- t e r r i , p o r t for the months, of August

of two houses and $3.50 .,6 , n September 22 Inclusive showedthe period' wasand 22 follow-was normal at

all times and tastes and odors werouniformly absent. The treated waterwas at all times safe as indicated

li-coli presumptive test. Thewas received and tiled.

;ce at eacha: another, all containing tile .same (,,.,. turbidity- duringnumber of rooms. Mayor Furber re- |O W except Sept. 21piled that there were probably more j n r ; l |n -r-)le c o io r

faucets ln one house.

Mayor Kurber then arose and said".lhat though he wouldn't attempt toanswer any questions, he wt.uld like ^y t ,;c» -nake a statement. He said that r,-port Epworth League Maps

Out Varied Program

in'this city, according to a .statement

Ktven to the Itecord 011 Wednesday

by Mayor James 11. Kurber. who Is

ln the movement..


ries with It the exact meaning und

description of what the new bank Is

to be—a hank ot the people. It is

proposed 10 sell the bank stock in

small lots and to reach as many as

pnsslbl.- of the masses. Application (

for stock or requests for Information,

, on the proposed bank can be obtained

rTC 1 f ttf in _M r._Kurbvr_'3_oflkv _ln_tJie_iu!sii

concrete sidewalk construction, $330.-

73; maintenance of sewers, $27.00;

.repairing roads, $134.00: laying 2-Inch

, line. Madisou avenue, SSS.77; care of""1 prime-mover

train.: lights. $io.KO; maintenance of » • I'urber says that the uaim

parks, {19.00; carting pump und hy-

drant. Jf'.f.O; replacing hydrant. $13.-

-d; general, streets nnd water. $10.00.

T.Hal. $<0il.C0.

lb. meter problem is a dlsaiire.-itrro Mill & Co.-^auditors, reported, ou-

.•proposition from many points of view, :uuj:!ln..: the general city accounts

Jiad_J^fj^ho_lilan_of_ij;or_tii0_til-!;t_njnn months of the cur-Ibe former water board to have "tho r i . n l j-ear The report was received • ollicc building, he stated•city metered, but that strong objec- „„,[ f,loil planned by the Epworth League ot . . . . . ,' . , . •

, . . . ' 1 , When asked who wero associated

Una arose and the meter plan was T h l , important feature of.the report the First Methodist Church nt a meet- v v l t h h l m ,„ [ l l 0 T e n t u r 0 M r Kurber

abandoned and the board went back ; n f Health OIBcor. Dr. F. W. Sell was , | n ( . „„,,, T u i . a d a J . „,„„, w i t h Misapplied that I.,- was not at liberty at j

to the flat rate. Although there a r e n l 3 s t a , c m e n t t h a t , iu . p i . a k o f dip- o l R ! l c , i r l s o n . o f 1 4 0 Seminary ave-jthls time to divulge any names.;

Hnve you evor noticed prop!*""' feetwhile they arc eating? nsVs Oie NewYork Sun anil Glob*. Best Index tocbnructer available. Observation In aqnlek-luncli rmtnev will beur this out.The diners carefully wnteh their ma-nipulation of silver, arrangement °flingers from thumb to "pinkie." aiiKloof head to tnhle, und diameter of U10mouth opening to recelvo the food.

Few pay any attention to their feet,and ncconllntly. there's tint plueewhere their true Inner wives M<%> outand betray the Jealously cunnled se-cret of tlielr eso.


SITUATION WANTKD by mlddlo-aged woman as housekeeper or gen-oral house work In email family.Tel. 7GS-R Huhwny. It

I.UMUKlt FOIt SALE—Jlnftcrf.beams, bourdu, Khlngles, lath, doors,windows.-»>te Cornelius T. Myers,IUhway .Nat Dunk Uldg. Phono60S. octl2-2t

HOO.M WITH I'ltlVATE FAMILY—l-'or rent. References exchanged.Address Box 20, care Record. It

the floor, straight In front of him. Is a jrarv specimen. He's a practical, hard- jbeaded business man who stands for jn o nonsense and learea a nickel tip.



nlr iny fo iln at

D !Ii. carts


The girl who alts with the tow of jllKLl

tei. paying meter rateB there many thorhr~c8ses had been reached in his1 nue,the session being both a bus!-, When asked what the purpose of themore motor* than_thatinstalled. Tho! ,.;i[|n,at|on.-Thirty-Rev^n-cases-of-the-_nr53_:l-nrt-jt,ciai-oner Amons-the-luH-irtrcTrsred-partl.Mayor said he had one in his house. disease' were .reported for September. < , u m m a l t l ; r s discussed was a cam-| a new bank when•which had been there several years, other communicable diseases for the i | g n f o r l l K . r c a s i l l g t t u . interest had two such and*ot which had never been used. He month were reported as follows: ; a m o n g , h p m c m b c r a a n d r ev|vin K the',lot, . t h e M ayor replied

-iol.5~<if^tne"plan~ adopted to harei^ - ••-

'Stabllshing-city already i

one foot turned nt an Impossible angleto the toes of her other foot . i s an In-curable romuntldnt. and lUcr as not lareadlDg "I^ivo Stories" while extract-

WANTKD. MALE—Experi-enced tinsmith*, maxonn and m»-ihlnlHln wanted; only lirnl d i m

among those who were tor-jwa7n.>tors Installed ln all new houses and monary tuberculosis, 1; scarlet fever. m o r iy active in the organization. The 1 now as tho two were controlled by,the recent adoption ot the rule to'o. Dr. Sell suggested that a .confer-]yard-of-pennles contest was continued j the same people and had one line-have business houses with residences • e n c e DP arranged wth the school.U D tu n i , x t month. Three teams are ; of credit. He s*ld ho could not tellattached pay both ilat and meter|authorities and the public, the latter! COITUietlrg In this contest.

' ruureseuied

the1 savlngs'Instltu

that there; ruasej sort of iw'trjr. SheTl probabljbank In aellialIty "here.fTarre-two-tipirof^nb'tipT «nd': start to

Inf nourishment from a charlotte.

' walk oat without paying her obeck.A P ^ * Demon. . . who probably

'•» I

men need apply Good wagei andsteady employment ln largo fac-tory^ Apply at jrai<?"of Chlte8Stales MeUl» ReflnlPi -Company^Carteret. N. J octlS't

perhaps toThe Mayor wanted to know what j Parent-Teachor Associations.


right a man has to have a meter r a t o | t a c sbick test could bei undertaken

wbii,- others are paying the flat rate. 11)}. l n u boalth officer and the Board

He said he was curious to know how j l ) f Education ; ls n preventive measure

bi got away with it. He couldn't s e e j a i , a j n 3 l diptherla.

»hy i|u- city should make a present Acting Chief James Thompson re-

ar Jl-lf. to one man and others pay for

it- "Maybe he will tell us toniixht."

ii-:iiluded the Mayor.

Attorney Armstrong itu-n took up


Epworili League will have anpart In the 125th anniversary

establish the nowwould actually come

I appearance, always awtrr of tiery- | GARAGE FOIl— i-thlnr-bnt-nrrrr- fcuowB-toamllt,—aita-j - ~WhHtIrr~stroeTbank nor when | w l t h , D | t l M d a | D I l l y croMfrd. If lh« '

into being.


celebration of the church and on No-j Right now. Mr. Furber pointed out.vember 0, which Is Epworth League ^ those behind the movement are await-

presented by ing the arrival of an insp.-ctor fromCur-


tt.e matter vt two ot ten citizens hav-

'nn :n.-t..rs in use in their homes

'! am not called up.u: :.• • \p*..nii

::,ch ease." said the Mayor.

"! realiz-- ii. .Mayor, be.-anse you

c^r.'r." said Mr. Armstrong. "Yuu are

r>. .-ju-r.sihi. for such mistakes -Alien

y< a make such s tau a.eiits tiiai you

.^nm.t haik up. Investigate before

r . u make those wild-bull statements.

; f.-.-l inclined to apply for a meter

-Tr.vFoif under the existing law, 1 .lon'l

r.--> what Is going to stop me."

" " \~faT dou'l vou '• tiie rrnrrrcTui- "aith Mr. Simmons. It Is his departsuent." said the Mayor.

You said yourself that you wereMayor and supervised all depart-

.•menu," said Mr. Armstrong.'I do not attend to the details of

<> ch department," said the Mayor"Maybe it would be a "good thing toje.fer the matter to Mr. Armstrongand Mr. Bauer for a solution." Mr.Furber then told the large erawtl-ofcitlxens present that the facts couldfce found at any time by looking innhe records at the city hall.

"Tou should confine yourself to thetacts. If you give the facts, all tho

ported the pulmotor at police head-

quarters in good condition. Water

Engineer David Gage's report showed

lhat lll,G73.O.iO gallons of water wore

pumped in September as compared

with 117.57L'.'V."| in If'::. Th- Public

Service Railway roi-ortol thai \\w re-

• i'jest of the c:ty th:it trolley:- by

halter b"fore cros = ;ni; M.nu strei.-i

.vould be oliserv.-.i H.-fe.-rt-d : . .

pnlii-e i!;!ef to s,... that stop in ob-


A i i o n . ; n u ! i . i - l i l : o : i \ \ : i > i i i - . - i V t i i . . . : '

regard to observing Naiijiin; l-'.iiiua-tional Week. It is th._> desire of theorgimizations behind the movementto frn'us the attention of the nation

ing the arrival ot an

the N'a.tlonal Comptroller of

r.-nry's otlice in Washington I.

ve.-tiuate the application. The now

bank will be started with $100,000

capital aud 525.000 surplus. Mr. Fur

her sai.i . . . .

Tlie a--<H-iati>>n .if :. 1: name

i;.i\v;ir.i S Sa\ . .^- 's name il:

ot He

Ni^ht, a musical will b

Ihe organizat ion. A recital on the

new pip. organ to lie dedicated in

connection with the celebrat ion aud

a p n g r a n i of vocal and ins t rumen ta l

select ions will be given.

The league is also p lanning for the

.'.nnual fair to IH- held Thursday , No-

v. tnl'.-r 1.'. a::.i l-'l i.l.iy. November 10 i-Mward S S a \ . . ^ .

ri'.. c!:a:::i.a:: . . : iiie ,-iv:a! commit- :iot: wi'.h tl:-- n - u hank pr-'jert

•• . M i — - ' S ; n : : - - r - r f . i . a r i l ! • . : t ^ 1 . . - - - H • ! • . ; • • ' t - - \ n ; . . - . ; . - : . ! : . • . ^ . - - • r t

• . l a i n - : l g e n e r a l c l i a i r i n a n . . f t l ' . i 1 h a - t i l t , r ' . y t : : - . - A i i r r a t i t . - d : ' . : i ' l w i t h . '

iw.i-.ai!.! she «::i also !-.ave chare- of r.'uu.la'i. :i In fa-:

two lUKoweVK parties u. h- held

:•>• th" l-ai'ii..' She ".s : fet-'ct her F o r m

own committies. The Hallow. Vn af-

'.iirs wi:i tic !:• vi ^:i Mp!ida>-. October

'-'.'. wh.-n the children will be enter- An ..'i.l.-r H-1;-.- .o'jr.iil ".vas eri:.i:'.-

tamed and Tu-. suay. IK tober 30. w l-.en .!• .1 .t\ th- V. .M r A ia.-t e\ . r.::nc

the aiiuits-wil! have their innins In Ilo>.-' Si-cr-tarj Chase, ei.-ciicn ef

owner of the ankles l i a flrl, ahe d o » .cot betray violent enthusiasm for hrr |food, no matter how hungry ahe may ,be. but like clockwork regnlatra brrchewing, swallotra of water and DIOTT- ;ment of her oyelaBhes. J

The R-ntterbraln- can be racugnludln an tnstan:. H r probably hits onefoot wrapped uround the leg of a chairand tlie other trvsrxrMmg Into terri-tory on the other side of the lnb!e.He doesn't know whether It'e hli ownfoot or h!« n.'U-ht-or's foot that In hurt

FOR RENT—Three and four roomapartment. Inquire S4 West Grand•tree! It

room, with heat ^* A. & P.


Paper, g lw. an(1 , - - , n

W " - . A- Kr.bb.iJ, " •utrcot. Tol. 463.

A. .KREISBERC,. s<. 5Painter and Decorator.

jtn Major u. M. OHarsh at Waih-Iington. D. c , tormoriy of this city. IMajor Olunb Inrltod him to attend |tho cnglncnm convention, which waBaddrosned by Presldcmt Coolldgo. Aplcturo was t k f

Commission'sBirthday Celebration

Observance of the "birthday party"

of tho City Milk Commission took

Record, Friday, October 1928

!rjcf items of l»caljiiterest for Quick


plcturo was taken ot the delegates' "IUL1' t h l" "'"rnlng In the High School' £j and the President Mr. Engelman: Auditorium und proved a novel-undI was honored with a piace In tho front Interesting event. All paronts ,and, row within five nt-.the !'rc3lde.nt and! children in this city were Invited, to'he Is a "Coolridge-for-Pn.sldont" man1 ,, , , , . ,Inow until the - • • - - - - - • a t U : m l ll": ^'ebrallon --f



Expert That la Doiroted.-An export tries to tell us that ath-

'i»tlc« will cure «pnonlnT. It dirtn't•oop the Stone n^i- rliindles from p*t-Ine the finppers of their dny—MI1-vnukee .Totirmil.

WANTE&-1D2S Fordtlon and appcaranc


(©. 1H13. Wejt«rn Nnw«pap<ir Union.)


,u..^v.-i CORRAL „•, ' npHE grentest vlctory'ever won by

— . . - polls cloB,, in Novem- ""•-•"" "": t ( ; ' C I ) r a ' ' o u ' - ' wl h 0 ""»• I 1 white men over Indian, and per-

ber. 1S24. He was crvatly Impressed m l ! t 8 l"n'* llr»t >'enr of city- opera- j ^pg the most successful defense everu..rer ot M Wont Orand *Hh tho ability and-.tr'ong personality t l o r

1 ' . .. . . . . . . . . l 'n fPrp . l i l i .n l Pnnll.l™, ! ''to the Rahway Hoapllal'of President Coolldgi;* '• has obtulned by ' (

A program of music, games for thewlth_ iirJzc.B, and refresh

haps the most successful defense evermade against overwhelming odds took

S th smade against overwhelming oplace on August 2.1S07, near the pres-ent city of Sherldnn, Wyo. It was a

d h.nu reiresn-j »—» —-^ -carried out. battle of H2 soldiers and woodchoppen


Irdy V. Egnor tor a new dwelling at: muBt!l w a s "iccesafully carried out - ^ 3 0 Q 0 g l o u x _ ^ 3 2 n Q t o n J y

17 Main street, costing 13,975, also' U v u r 4UO <-1'"dren w(-'r« l n ttUcnd'I WOn hot lnfll. tea a loss upon their>• S. Iilumenthal for alterations at a n c 0 ' n c c o r i l |nB to tho cards given out] e n e m , e s unparalleled ln history.

manufacturer ofancea having » | . r i c e •

point b<f<iri17 one



""" r " m m l »8 | o n -

1." HiiRheB and on tho progress..» improvements undor way.

'' ,ent were President Edward " o n Thursday afternoo.n. Thero w' ''r'' it- »..i.i..v v r Uver " T e n c w amonK th^ number. Dr. r.- ^ • S ^ K ^ m n , - - , . . M P , , ? , M t a Marga^t o f ^ - r s h a r p ^ pencUs. two

] ^nTmlMunparaneled ln history.T h l ; following. Ttie previous December Bed Cloud,

—won—t>rlr»s—tit— the-gamfs^-the-jreat-chief-of-the-8lo<lj,-ba*-dea-charts G.aSola Anna Fra.ee. Doro-, t w l d LleuL Col. W. J. Fetterman".

S l d l ! c m a n d of 81 men In what la popa-as the Fort Phil Kearney

.tucked thec a m 0 Q p l n e y

charts G.aSola Anna Fra.ee. Doro, t w l d LleuL Col. W. J. Fett^ thv T,,rrv. Henry Black, Joa. Saladlne ! command of 81 men In whatero, ; •' • consisted I W known as the "Fort Phil

. P. »"d Kutli lone The prlzea consiatea ( ^ . t uil t ' ^ » »


the following

Bound -Brook. SomerrUlt.'

a s niB~nrar~Biev-iu--uc»uo7*u^-w*^-*M*.fc--and-ilriTlns-the-whlte-men-oat-of-the

aftomoon with Mra. Harry

•ejected •tor-|h6»fi-poilUoB7.1^Wiilly place in b<ulo*» to *•rites. Compensationpersonality and

_onr way. Men w»eTIInf eiperlenceownlnt their own«I!ow a snbaantlaj t l

anco. For lottnrlew cafl rMonday from 7 to } p. a .

'.«rn. It. N . wSii lt> charge

.»» October It, at the home of |Walter B. Crowell. 167 Weal.

inf "AnVTlrn" by all the children, fol-] lowed by voluntary recitations from

— — _ _ _ _ _ rthe uudlcnco.—These-g«Tc-«ach reci'. D - - . . v „ • . ^ 1 1 iwtloni Idit^ HUbcrt,-Mory^ Fraier.t. Paul s Men s Club , „„,„_ ds M o n U , N.orma Hogle-, M11.

, First Fall Meeting dred rjlmble. John Fraxer. William] Schaetcr. J. L. Sonionl, Harriet Bam.

u ."haii

-.in.il f..


Iioys* Council;Officers Elected


Th« rnunthe kn.i-s w!In hl« Itinrh.of hi.i dally

on It. but•53 one wii)

suillelur the

on education the period November

" j IS to'November 24 incli-iv.-. In a'e-

curdanci' SuudUy. Nove:ubcr IS, has

been designated. "For God and

Country Day:" Monday. November

19. "'American Constitution Day;"Tuesday, November 20. "PatriotismDay." Wednesday. XoVember 21."School and Teacher Day;" Thurs-day. November 22.Friday,- NovemberDay:" Saturday. November 24."Physical Education Day." The com-munication was referred to the com-mittee of the whole.

A communication was received

Following the business meeting an

• -njoyai.lf social hour "a< provided

Ueliciou.- rcfresluuenu. \u-n served.

T!io?e present included. Rev. George

A. Law. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Red-

ii'.p.n. Mrs. David Packard. Mr. and

Mrs. Amzle Leonard. Mr. and Mrs.

DeWiti Cuwliis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl

Carlson. Mrs. .V \V. Savacool. Mrs.

officers r. :.iilt'.r.c in . the following:

i'.-si,!. -:n. H e r ' . r : .i^.J.ik, r nee-

lir^ideut. Ke::ut.iu H^i'.iiau: an-rv.

tary .mil treasurer. William I'rewell

Ti:e council is something new at the

"Y" and oon-ists. of I.-ad.-rs in n-r-

wha cro»««s h!s Sfg-. atile entlliE hns Do Inter..-itHe rat^ because !t'l pnrtprocr-jra. but wosM '.'<.•

J.jst as w i-U [)le.i>ed If he no\er ate.H!^ mind Is on the office.

Every "one kr-.ows tho lndlrtdualwhose feet are well out tn tlir il&l^where the waiter and patrons fall over

Hen Inconsiderate, ^

lttt=o»nce of membera pr-ienL M.._-.T . , , .s-undar School of the Klralj mutt

H,i.i<ll»t Church will hold a food

^ " j . tho old Rahwaj Trust Ilulld-

. . s.fjrdur afti-rnoon. October 13.

m . llread. rolls. ple« and

1:1 b<i on aale Come and

niiool along Proci^dii go

!:uri-h Hi-pair ami I'-monagn

Winifred Carter. Eleanor Nordmeycr.Tho Milk Commission members,

officers and ilr». h. 1!. Hampton, Mr«. I. W.

Club on Tuendny eTBnlng was

... . auapiciouj.. and officers _. _-. , .

member* look forward to a very sue-' Thorn, aud Louis F. Budonx, wero ln

and profitable -ea.on's actlvi-;ch»r^' o f tht-' arrangements, assisted

I 1!tu-»





j . t .»lit

i\C.'. »ai to have1;.- Committee of


. :m:.i'.U- •

e b - . ! , ,

held In the

ll. Itoynl Ar

rst^rn: liarultl liui;kle>

A:-:OTIK lj-.ir.ln.-5? matler.-

^ i tie .-ip^ointnient of " -.-r\'.-i;

i '•• Di-::!.:1.:..!!. ri of otTlcer.-.

;.,: .... ,:.. ::..-. tir:s mil Football Classic

by the Misses Ituth Thorn and EvelynFugans. and Mrs. L. F. Dudcm andothers Miss Margaret Dltmarsplayed mu-l^nl selections. Refreshm. nt-- of Ice cream" and cBtei-— wer*

toa bull) at

snarl at a mo-


vening ap-

'Illiteracy Day;" j Harry Humphries. Mrs. Robert Wood- proved the plans for the Hallowe'en;23. "Community '°.v and the Misses Sadie Bernhard . -o. lal of that group toward the dose j

' and Pearl LaBar. and Leslie Packard. ( of this month The first party will;James Calvin. Chark-s Brewer and be on October 2C. under the ausMiss Olga Carlson.

lain i;roui).->. the entire .-..

as .un advi-ory ^roup t

Chase The Council last

proved Ihe plans for the

MII :al

botne, ami rvadynient's noi!c\-. •- T h e brat of all Is the tomboy »e>rt ofgirl, who parks both heels 00 tbe bot- 'torn nine of her chair, and atarta to !sway back and forth If the walltr la j

uncil acting, slow ul.out the order.

.tacts. It would be all right." said Mr.Armstrong.

"You. Mr. Armstrong, must

garding teh observation of the sixty-jre-' \V SShingtOli P. T. A.

"j fifth birthday anniversary of the lateI Ex-1'i-esident Theodore Roosevelt.

. . . , . , , 'The eitv fathers weer asked to ap-ity this time, said the Mayor, "lhat 1 , . , ,

' . , , „ 1 point a committee of citizens to ar-Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Bauer are not 1 . * ' - . * .

. . , . . , , . , I range a special^program for a Roose-r.-sponsible for the Mayors actions. , _ , ,-r- • _ , „.,

, . , . . , . , 'velt Birthday Festival. Th.- MayorMso Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Bauer

1 volunteers from anioug t.-li citizent.hat he is going to say. The Mayor

0 0 to s..rv.. on such a commute.-,will probably go on in the future as

-;r,-th~-nast by-paddling-itis--<iwn-<-anoi-r a r.-rtain'extern." ' f r " " : : : ' " ' U-v " f X

"i am Kiad to hear that." relori.jdVJr. Arinslruiig, "for I would not want:o he- responsible for the-paddling of:he Mayor's chance."

"Tiie last election shin.ed what__L^2rJ « J.h o iii 111 ,.o I

".-aiioa."' countered the Mayor."Vou (iidn't g'-t a majority ot the

v.-t>--. You were elected because so-i ar. , ...ndidate:-" were in the iield.">.::.! .Mr. Armstrong. "If one man was:;.y. uj< against you you would have"... 1, defeated."

-Bauer then wanted to know., why.-ity business is being done behindlocked doors. He said he had triedtfcp door and couldn't gc-t in on.- night.T.-c.omly durlni-'^a meetint; of sdine."fflcials.

'As Mayor, you are our servant,"f.'iu said 'pubitc business is the busi-setfis of the -public' tli'-n why are'.he doors locked?"

The Mayor replied that committee-.meetings are in progress nearly everyflight in the week and that it was nutnbo commission mectini: when IJauerirliji tu p a in.

To Hold Card Party

of the Hi-Y Club. On Saturday after-

noon. October 27. the younger mem-

bers of the association will be enter-

tained and at night the senior groups

will hold their dance.

sport and if a.'ir erer forceti herpanr. thr cashier will b* willing latrust hrr until tomorrow, sonwihlBcthat no other patroa would gtl If b»were Introduced by J. P. Morgan htm-»elf—New York Sun and Globe.




for holding

.. made at the first fall

the Washington School

r Association last night

big card party, Friday

Ladies' Aid to HavePart In Anniversary

Always at HomePoliceman (to tint tramp)—

do you live?First Tramp—I ain't lot no bom*.To second tramp—Aad wh«rt do yoat

lire?Second Tramp—M» and aim 1IT« t»-

I retber; we're pardners.



!> Hi., ir.


ne t .


V:'.!--r ::-..-irr. 1: V, :.;,tIll U k e




I-lahwav Mos

p. rt!. 1!

t : . .

ijja.-l>.rt fciriuor!)U U i ! T:iut Com-


.-*".* r..-rrj and irvltiTaii.plt.'i of the

\\'.W.1.::-. r..

V. M. i n i r . - e

l -


1 of

U- .-jf

* » •

-.!:•• N'"

on Ladies Waists.Also Teach Beginners


VeryN&dod Pay forLearners.


Rahway Mfg. Co.73 Campbell Street

"I paid willingly before for

ji.ie ' .valka and took, up good

•.i.»o." s.aid Mr. IJauer. "hut now I defy

yon 10 t a k e up a single piece ..f any

n! my wa lks . "

Hi- chal lenged tlie i h a r i ' v

...hi.-r execut ive , s t a t ing tliar li

;&ve a n y t h i n g to th

-je iireach'-d tltta tiie

;.ied on. -Mr. r .a t t . r r.-f.-

M.-lf as th.- ••.' ol.l I.

c*s to spend a ionf,' time-1

Ii<- dorsn ' t have to go

of town looking for out- '

1 tempi

. In-


A:;n:! He i - ' nan .

•ii.n.-r S l m m . . i i s . j

11 .'..liiiL' a n ordi-

• o l l . - tnu- l i . in of j l i n p i - n a l

Hamilton street

minus to .lefler-

•d This carries

appi..[.nation of! e

..;. t .niinnar\ . ton. Ci

asoii. A pupulur propram '

was i arried out with tin- •

Orchestra furniHhin^ t h e '

imisie. ilefreshiiu-iils v.-ere nerved.

The i . immltt .e on nrruiiRi'mcuts com-

[.riseii: riiristoph.-r IUchardKon.'

eliairiiian: Freti Hauler , Harry I ' rni- '

Goodwill, George Worth.!

rguiii.-nt had ceased,

a- counsel for Henry

the Mayor what1—eiiilni—etttr

damac- don., to1

Railway river just •

The land, accord-'

.Itipiaitllr 1ml—hnnn^SUb-

.ater when planks had.

HI the municipal dam to

er back. Mayor Furber

on in the matter. .

til.-ii eall.-.l for other



' - ' ' I '

' ' "


a warrant in lavor of the

. ) l I : I . .1

r^e Keppler. William. V. H"rer.

.d Taylor. Albert .leamb.y. Har-

Win., ted. Louis Itubin

drawn pa\li:ent of inter-


iii:a:ic- was pa.-sed .ui lirst

.11.1 r.-adiut,- jirovidinji for th*4

•y :i:ia::i!:i^ of t!;. cui;.slruc-

ri-rpnnl street of s.i!,wall;s

.^ 011 both sides 110:11 .Maple

I.i I la/. Iw..oil aveiui.-. ami In

street on the west side from t

I.iildel: aV'lllles. '.'ile alilount 1

ADMIRES OUR CITYArt!iur_l_l. J 'JihiK^'if, lil'KL'2!l

a.s li.-en sji.-mliii^ a few

is l'.i.-i". Mrs. Alfred 10.

Worst Hurricane on Record.The mwt terrible cyclmie of modern

times was probably thut of uctoher 10,17S0, which has been specially named"the great hurrieane."

Sturtlns fr/m Harlmdos, whereneither trees nor dwellings were leftstanding. It caused an English fleet an-chored oft" St. Lucia to disappear, andcompletely ravaged this Island, when- i-i.B.000 perKnns were crushed under theruins.

tu ( unalrurl mill llullijli Vltrlllril Tllf- l ' lpr H»

: . -^ . . I . i':mt.l:..n --trrrt fmm th»l:&l»linc Twrl i r (1^) liu-h snnltary s<-'in lluiitlllon Slrifl \\>«lrrl>- lo JrlTrraonAirnuo for u tllnlilixr tif Htiiiru^lmalrl

« liundrrd nnd nflv (U0) In-I.BE IT OMl.UNKI ' l.y tl>.- Hear.I ouiiuilHilulKTH (it tbe Clly i.f Knhwuy:

I. Tli:il a t » - l \ . . ll^l Ilirh vltrli

'-2 I ' i t-rpni:!

ijays with

N'orris. ofstreet. Mr

e of Kx.-lei-Uuhlg. who I

anil Ha rva rd I

ie:. him into

! : ! - i i i » . | i a v s

.-"I when I:.-

i - i h t y [ i f J t y

Two Sidec_to _Shop__Girl _J.lf0

ward Martinique, enveloped a convoyof French trunaiiorts, and sunk morethan forty ships. cnrrylDg -1,000 •sol-diers; on land the towns of St. Pierreond other plu.cH were completelylazed by the wind, aud it.OUO persons;perifdied there More to the north,Dominique, St. KusratlU-S, St. Vincentand Porto Rico were likewise devas-tated, und most of the vessels wh!<were in tin- path of the rvrlr.iunuen-ii



tit-M u m - i i :•.

t h e i - n i / . .

r.- un t

luar liulli

Mr Korsli

n- watf-r

side-i of

erg yaid

t.i know

o Jinan

. i t a i n I . i i i r

-•ii o i : l i r s l

in Parke. After standing-• "tie has ,n rbtmier pen|ile's fe. | L'l.. -Akr . . , , I:. :.. .,.: .;.

ion her feeto to standne; tin,,,,. („,::-.•,..:!.'

PTond^l'ortLmii-i) ihe

i tlie northenst toward thebenr t.i

and thouiili Us vlolencH^grailUulIyinln'-ilicd. It sun!: several Knells!ship-* n-t'irn ;i.- lo Europe.

ill-"i war-

••.•...I lu"•urn <if iw,, i t , , i | .iS-J.SOOl ,l.,ll,,r, I,..

ii hfr.-i.y ni.|.ri.i.rlal.-d fur..f li>i.i|i.irji'!ly l)tiuui-l:,tr IherllH.-H rli;iri:ejll>li> to ll... Cityill culilii-ellim wilb the [,,ro.

. nwiir.i.-Tl'"'.-nellls tlll-fFfruni illllj

ami i.iild in•d U|i.

l II:u tho

|iroi.i-rly bt'iirlllnii |li,."r..|.y .-111,1" lliulii.l« i.r uuica a re II.TCIIJ- iiutlu.ri* INNU.-.I fr..i:t lime in liiiie In -n

.1 i'i I'"- uvLTi-iriil.'. tiv<

rnry hl.v.l tu !

. . I . l ! i :I 111- 111 .

h i H i . . I ' I I I - T r . - . i M .


Mitvor.I'liAN'K I, I'lULJiv-TIAIIRY HIMMON8.Koird of CommlMloDcm.


badges in

and yeilm

r !:• r t i a t i :

ni:niN.\Nn:lo Amrml Srrtlon 1! Antl

Aii.r rmlllnl "An (Irdl-ni

urt Tlahway. No

Am.-rlca Ill-Id

ii.-uly .-l.-cted officer.,

follow.-: Chief I taug-r

ton. sub-chief rang.-r,

serretary. A

woodwar.l. A .1

woodward, A. Angelo;

lltslaliatioii of

last evening Us

, ll.-il,.it Voiil-

Ai Salad in; re

J. / . i rues: s.-ii-

MeCoy. junior

ser.ii.r beadle.


i. r c i r i . K sSIMMUNS.f l ' . ' : i i ! I l

ilitln.-ul.s wer.

11 and refreshment.,

ting, and for enter

•iml party: also

t h e C i s t Of II., Vl.'l

l i o n d st:..-.-.. c - j in

» a i e r m a i n . ][.••f u r H i - t i . -x t

tainiii.-nt at tn

Mower conitnltt

[ Anthony I lur l ln t ; : Junio

;Mullr . .n. :y: l e c tu re r . Ceadle. .Mm

\V Mlntel

onHarry C

II.1..man and Wurli;> II. raid

M. I.i.If of the local lodge. The ludge

vi.led tii :ini.|ii an Invitation M it-

•tin.^ .if Cnurt Success, ot

' KHzali-th. on October Z'i... Itefresh-

in.-nt, v.ere served after tin

furnishedy the Krlr.i-,1 l!.-vs

< <>iiri)It\TH>.v MiTii - i :I'l lil.K' M l T H i ; i- ti.-r.-l.} i

imu el i t - l'...»rd..- r i i v .-f

:. rt..- r..l!e.vlii^ Oritltiuni-rH.-II reiulli.,' IIII.I 1- imw a

Elks'Score SuccessT t r . . i x-r* . r*

With First Dance j l J t . I l u l y t!ranil t.lu,.( 1U|1-M..:ui :i\.- liuudred pL-r.sons enjoyed

:""--'I the lust dance of the fall season last

•"•'•hiiirht ai i!-.e Klk-

ritcn M. IVII.T.IAMCity Clerk.

e, the affairtile ,'iU.spicCS Of 111*1

for the purpose of


L.-aKiie during th

aih"I<t IU1.1.T

ommi t t e

- funds t

„( t | , , . Klk

Sunday a u t l , a.-ridir.".

•MrtSrtxlt-M-Chorch - ..onyd J b^.'sr

n liepubllcan eir- li.-fer,- lctr,-!

n In tb<- big ban- . j . . . , p , 3 t , . r ,;»

cLi-cd. Jr Aitocla ' 1. SvM'-r

s.-ld In thn Klluti."U> Arm J l n K % f.^j,

tj alcM, October 15 ' mutuai art-..ict»s

,f incorporation hato b<- n T , , r T f,T,.rili:»

Iic4 «:ih to«" coontr clerk by t h e ; Sidlli-r at '. h.

In : . l"ri<JocU Compaar. of 1» Scott of fT. i t «, tlvity

1TTT:; which -arlU «nga«f In Ibo! bocau-t ci- tb.^21

3ii5!»c:Brf_B( chooalcaU and cboml- ,opportunlti-- f..r

mu p . - l a c u It ha* an autbortiod

»l'.:a; ttoca of 110.000 and b*glna

• t u . •• >!th tho entire amount patd

j _ Ti» tncorporatora ar« Henry

« y.r. xsi l U r r y P Fort, ot Phlla

S r>a<t->!n

\ ^ 1 • , : . :u;et iT. ui.

Tr.-i--jr-r I! •!••• r -

• rf fUWcir.K- C : - I : . . - B : l i i d i l l ' - .

.: .•!. n:nK. Ite» H. A.

tn fji.or of or-caiilx-

nf Ven» Clubs tor

.-> T."i<- matliT was

reci-tv.-.i itev Mr

looked for a s'-a»oli

Riverside .

!: thl- iifti-rnoun when the Amerl-

L-k-ion .-1. veil c'.a.f!i.-3 with th t

(•.i:!..-|;i:i'..-s. of Kli/.lh-th' Tlie

;-.-...y squad -.v:i! lr.clud.- som.. of

i(.~ nr-al.-.'t p'ayerr; that ever sported

th. r.-.l aiid Mack, tog.-th'.r with a

r.a:i.h.-r id .'ur:::er cuileg.j stars who

r.- c-ntly mmv 10 Rahway.

—-.S ;:::io;—i^HstV1-.—Aibri«ht^—who—18-

.-:i;.!aln i-f t!".<- Legion team, called

prartu-. this mnniing and tile team

»...- j.ui thj'.ugh a '.ong signal drill.

The Kl:.-.ib-th i-h-v-.-a Is expected to

Ki-.e th.- locals u hard tlRht. .i,s. the

team 1-

country, be paid dearly for hli formerTtctory.

Capt James W. Powell, commanderof the mlllta 17 guard, had made .«.corral of wagon boxes In tbe center ofa broad plain and Into this he retiredwhen Bed Cloud's hosts appeared.Th* white men had u abundance ot_

jmwimiiUonjja'j wert^tnned with thenew breedi-Io*dioc7 r«i>eatlss rlflea~which bad just been lamed to then.

The Slonx leader opened tbe ball bysending BOO warriors ln a splendidcharge against tbe Uttle fortress.Powell waited until the Indians w e nwithin 60 yards of tbe corral. Thentbe soldiers opened a steady, unbroken-stream of fire, unlike the volley firing

i to which the Indiana were accustomed,i It mowed them down by the score,: but so great was the Impetus of theirI charge that they could not stop until. they were almost on top of the bar-

i rlrnde.They tried It again a little later and"

1 this time they rode so.' close to the' wntrf.n boxes that *"ome of Powell's

men. ma.] with excitement, rose fromwhere they were lying and hurled theaufturs. with which they had bored theloopholes, full Int.. tbe faces of .theirenemies. Again the red wave brokeon the white nan's stubborn resistance.

Ii"i Clond had had enouch. Whena i-vlief party from the fort arrived hewithdrew. Powell hud Inst three killedand five wounded The Indhn lg-t?


Matinee Daily 2.J0Evenings 7.10 and 9.15


Norma Talmadgein the BontmtlonHl •t^ge pl»y

"Within the Law"Century Comedy :Topic* of tbe Day

Big Holiday Bill—M»t. 2.30Kvenlng 7.10 and 9.16

Saturday" ~:rMat. 2.30 Kr«. 7.30 atd » 80

Doug. Fttlrbnoki only rival

Richard TalmadgeIn hli vtry latest thriller

"The Speed King"Mermaid Comedy

Hod if e Podge


Monday and TuesdayTb».. one irri-at picture of the-

wjtii an nil * tur c a l l

On M111. 'J d y M u.t in »•** a n d

Kvt -n in i : nn acJilf.-d r i t l r ac t in r t —

T h e > L ' 1 » T B r o s W o r l d Kn IHOUK

J u v e n i l e B n i o r s w Uo w i l l rD*-ft

nil mmfTH w l i t n iHk? i l i r i r A P -

p e a r a n c f - s h e r e . L K . H ' I m l in b<-r-

iiii; t h i s bin t r * i i l .

The NameMeans*

VAN • DYK above a store, and Van Dyk on apackage is more than a name—it is a guarantee

of many things, among which two are most im-portant. - '

"The quality_of the food you buy is the highestprocurable^-jthe^pjrice^you pay is the lowest possible.That's what the name rrVan DyR" mean's^

Specials for Saturday- 35c

i-iuon* Thelown l.ave a,

up ot m-ti with repu-invaders from Betsy-1

lance following and as" turns out strong-for-

refer to the battle as the "Bad MedicineFight"' where the "white m»n madi-his gun- dr.- thi'm*"lvef -without stop-ping."


ONE September nignt m 1863 PaddyBoyle and Leacder Herron, dLs-

bearers _of_ tlie Third United

tor Ih- Men's ("Inb football games of this character, the

rl-V licim.- and will create much interest.

States Infantry, were speeding alongthe trail' between Fort Hays and Fort

they heard thes.rvl. .• which It, The result of today's contest from tauni 0 ( distant firing and, true to sot-

prc-t-cii-u I a financial standpoint will decide dier tradition, they rode to th* soondMr Hidd!.-. *hii 1= identlned K lib | whrlhcr Kahway Is going to be repre-| ot the guns.

th.- American relief work abroad.I s»-at?<i by a real team thU yeai or | Guided by the flash »f tho weapons.•raT.- ar. Intrrratlng and instrncUre ' not. Albright has a number of big | they soon arrived at a place where « Btalk on -ltu-..-la from the Inildo." H- teams lined up", but the fans will have I I n i U i n w « r V"& W M »tUekta« i f o r -

ln order to make

'.i • - t.»

i::- rr.-y Adolpb Ulbrlch. ot llarjll

..-: i'.:--t. i» named aj onr of tho in-r , - •. r t Ic f*-" f ^ ' I T ^

of pr.-»enti-<l both ^!de« ot the Rnaalanlto turn out

c.-.r..!ltlon». d<>scrlblnc the Boifhevlst! games pay

7 Ilimtngrr, Inc. o<fll«0 E. .j , .

I I " >».-~i

t h e j ernmenl wason. train. Boyle and Her-I ron paused only long enough to loadI pistols for each hsjxd. Then they

communism and Soviet, The proceeds of today's (tame will | d u h ( d toto ^ t ^ o f tht t^tLU a n d

and showing in results. | so to the local post of the.American I before the Indians w«r« aware of their• presence they had reached tbe cor-

._ wagon train ln safety.~" •"" " four soldiers do-

a«o<^t'.c u be memberAmpriran legion News

y -


112 Main St., Cor. Monroe St. Rahvvay Tel. 807

Specials for Friday & Saturday24h

pound bag LOSButter, Known

for quality Ib, 57cNewPotatoes per peek 4Lima Beans, 4 qtsSpinach, per peckCranberries, 2 qtsSweet Potatoes, 4 quartsEvaporated Milk, tall cans, per canPremier Shaker Salt, 3 pkgsCream of Wheat, pkg.Cream Rice, pkg.Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour, pkgSweet Peppers, Green, 4-qt. bsk.franco-American Spaghetti, canPresto, large-paekage





YellowSquash and


Our OwjnNew Home


Uneeda,Uneeda Lunch& Oysterettes

per pkg

5cFresh g

Beets, Lettuce, Celery, Cauliflowerat Lowest Market Prices.

1 .f Incorporation were filed

~ « —<i-or«<^-T— Wunimt'-r—hc-1

' i '-^.-in-.r. ef Kkx.ili-.'.l ar>- '

• • r ir.cjrl'oratorfl

.-. : Vr- w c c: :',.. . f u-' -" : .v-::u' t .ar- r. turr."^

- . •••'.'. : ; : ::•••• n i a - . i : . . r a t l i i . - ' . r

.". !.•.«• Cleorge. N Y

"~.v:- : "Tr: >"••"•'•• Tt (rr. n r 7.' r nn r r an t i ^ -

•-.: .:; the 1 .:> . fie « .ir.d

:'..-..j:..-:u l.!..a .•: (!.•• I U h

- -u:. r-h.-d with f'oa?u!:ir.g

" -1. -!•! • S l*ou'.tL-r. uf N--W

' .. •- Kr.irin.-i r I» 1" N

••• prej-en: were C:iairm»a : .

• \ i : : i r . . in i . \V I! Crowcll. n.:

', • V.'-lllatn y I! li :»nij

;.-T;ry .<•!?,.;t hnd h - e n rr.-iij.' to d—

" : . i " - ' l i ra ! . : • ' • ci:,.- :: '• r - c r t u l o i i l

,.»'. »;::..; - . th. ' . . \ t : - " i e Mj l in^!

. :..-.-• . i :.:• :• :. .. . n t r i i l - ^ by

; : . . „ • • - . • : : - . : : : : • t : . - . - u . - : . . : ^ • " . • • : • . e f

leadXSl—Uiniui.Kl\ea agalnatlanjhts ot an overwhelmluj force of

Q u b ? l d " t

riA drastic s i - p was t a k . n and one

•••..ill 1.- i ts eip-.'ct. d and hop.-d will

I;:..-- far r - a c a i n ^ r - s u ' t s in iucr-.-as-

: ; c t-h ::-• :ii!"r-!:;;> of the organlza-

::•• '.'/.- du--s. u: . . t : resolut ion

»nd rraelest warriors of tbe rAll of the soldiers' horses had""been

h f-

# - • - • • — - — - — o

Critics Speak as One inTheir Praise of

1Tbo Wlillmu Fox Screen Venion or


Directed by Harry MilUrde, WhoM d 'O h HIT1"

"A CUiilc. E r e n Bet t r r thanOver Ibo Hill . ' Don't Mi l l i t ! "

— L I D O F . R . ~~*^f^-~-

"K Orrit Plctore."—STAB EAOLI"You will de'.lght ln It." '

—NKWABK NBWB"Take Ihli Reviewer's tip and teeIt!"—CALL.

Orifiml New TcrkFirst tiro:: at Popular Prlcei

Hired from Broadway Run at$2.00 AdiniMion


Now84 P«k-PUte,-Ntwaik,N. J

b e

i l l"

le u;-1-



: ..,::. H llariiiulp!:. uf thle

•• : . .-iv.-.l lnv!'.:lt li'H'- .liortK

• ::i.-r ini-mburn uf t l : - I 'n ion

i^ ir-l of Kret-lioltTit t-> a t len i !

:•• r niefllnK of thi ' As^ocla

i'i,.irf.-:i Krouliolil-Ti- «f N'<-«

!• 1>- heli! nl Ihe !.:iurel

1 : . i " . : • * . t - • • ! • : ; • : . . • ' . • . . t i :

i . i - . !• ; T ' . e ! : ; i - . - : • . .:•• : . : t b - f. r

i n i i ' . v ' . d j . r . ; r • ;• : t > : . ' : . ' - v i n i : t o

• ! : : ! •

: . ; - 5 J f r .

- . :!-. . W1.:

'..: :!•.- i'.-x; ::.- etlni: I; wa--

• !!:at .1 ^reat i::a::y e l

::•.. •• T::r..'.iL-heii: '!'..• city felt

•• .- too high Ai: Ir.'.i-a-c

.".:;. drive ivl!; !i-- ir.iipp-d cut

x. cu ' iv . c-^r.mitt-'-1 Any ' - -

j .

.- - 1:2.- -i-:-am!lii»U-!i' iiKK'tlac ' v t"-.Tir, |i :n . In the U.ihiviy

^ •. -1 i-.i:nji!et-il f..r t h e r n a s t

:;•!• .- lo lie he ld 111 I h e l-'irsi

-t • ' ! . s t . l i Tuesda> iilRht. Ort'1-

••'• I .



"'•• ul I'oysn-.liiee. :it a mee t ing

' •T- . I I ; I .M' I IMI- held Wednesday

:. .. :tn Mr., ["ra-ik \V K:d.i.

' e u r ^ e rvvf-nue.

' • ' •• ' Ir . ; (.f the I'::;- l ' ianniiii;

-" ' • - t in . , M.iyor Kuril r and I'ity

• :• r . . rh i : i «:is held last night1 Ma> HI s . i t l .c . - . I'. 'sl OUU'"

•1 W. II Ih" referelldlltll oil ' h e

•i'-:ii::an i imper iy i iurchase

.""••• ..:: the K-.neral e lec t ion

N'l.v.-tiilier *'. was d iscussed

•"••"in. nt of the linditiKS al til'-

I I - . - - I rr,.:-K> :•-•' :-• • - - ' > •'-

c l . . r .d I'.ia: h'- t a d L-j--:- in Am.ricn

on!) thirty .!a>>- ••»'! ' ' • " ' n ' ' w ' r ' " ' ' ' "

- , . | . r t . - . ••• a New Vork newspaper

" . . .„ ' . . . , , , , ,:1, :-,! • ! • - in Ku-

r . . p . - g , : . • r a ' . i y . M ^ >••••••••- '1

; - ' ' "J

e n d " " ' l i e ! : a - • ' • • • ' • • ^ • • • • • - • ' ' • ' • :

'i l ;


' '

' . .„ .. . - . „ ; : : , ... I - . --I" l>:'!---

. , ' i , , , ; - ...v. : ^ ^ : - . ' ! ' ^ • J ' " ^ - ^ " - t h t : ., , r . . i . : e r , s . t h a i . : . . h B U M '.ose m e id'-a:!•• ! h i - l u l i . ' l - f ius t :..- on :••;' T o o

•, : , . : - l - i- l . . . r k l . . u k . . . 1---1". "Ku-

_ i O . _ m u i__di.Lar.i 11 u t i ' - n i ' - ^ ' [ !

' t , tiiv.e t o d ' - . a r d all t)r.-"uT7.-s

I, i:::-.. to lie | » i : . d • '" ' ' ^ r " " J ': ' ' h r i - s t . " In- said

V ih. . . ^ i l l u s i o n " ! 1 : " ' •"••' l i l '-»-'

•Tefr',-«ll!!"."i-.!.- - ^ i v fT".i"d by a com-

. . - . t t , . - c n s i . - t i i i K of S t a n : . y f N'^d--

I ; , , , „ . K.-i'.ti-ll". ! ' r - - - ' - ' ' . ••«•' ' ; " r ' -> - |

l i l l l! . V

i!:e next meeting

. - ot t!:- athletic . omiuit-

tee . r.-ported that tin; Legion foot-

La.1 te;..:u will pet Into action this

:ifi.-ri(.iu:i for tli. tlrst time against

tl;. All-l'nllegiates. of 'Kliiabeth, and

tl::irthv L- 0011 wl'L havr a bowlinp

t ..::•. in t!:e lesgue which gets under .

•w:iy M.mi'.av n'chr. The Legion m> ets '

the liai.ii:-! I'sii. rs n. \t Thursday;

n it lit in ilieir inuial nil A basket-

• ill team v. IK i.robu'oi> lie start-'d in

• late fall

!:.|ior: was mad'- 'Tliat Kahway

iVit-fctil-t-Binurwl h»si»rs-ln the recent

.unity election when Koss (i Fowler

1 as cht'.-en vlce-cnmT)ian.!"r and was

:. i:v...il elialrman ot the county fi-

luiuiltoo: also Walter H.

iOdd Fellows Have !; Home Cominji Night,• K .,.,-. c . iunty i . . ' . t« - - ' " ° '••••i'11 '1;• t •', "|,u;)it V" . ' " " s i l av «hen they ^

' - . • I : . : -

i.-a!i Harris, of .".I! Monroe

•i':.s tendered it siirppis..' in

of h.-r birthday. Wednesday

• lv a number of relalives nnd

Sh" was the recipient of »

'-•• "( «ifiK,-i..ml.iriJ" wltli cor-

•1:'t!.>n..-in-.d best w i : . . . , C.ird-

" and nnisie wer" enjoyed fol1 'V a line collation. Those pro*

iTT 11:1.1 .Mrs. Sidney

" r :,Md_Mr}- Miireua Harris

—Mrr—K:"injrosKmnn. SffsT•• 'Jrita, Mrs. II Tletelhanm



. . : li--.it. il "llonie '("liming N ' K 1 " " .

'|,,.l,, ; ;y lirand Masl. : SlP'ok. of;

' I ' . u l iw'.v and ll.-tri."t lieimty Crand .

' M ,-.,.-,- l -e .a . r . ..t i-ari .Tet, t oge the r ,

i . , . l t l l ;1 d .- l- tal ion from -th'il pl««:". •

; w . . , - - - u i . M i ' f !>om-' K i « - r i . ' s were I

I . , , „„ . • ; ; . , - % i ! , I i : r <, ,...i-::.:> and - V . T 1 . .

I ;,,.,,,!„.. . -if t!;- 1. . a i l " ' l i ; ' 1

An . . M - l l . a : . . | - " T »f >"" r ^ ' n :

rtui!l. , :,Htv-»t.u.i al \!LlM-W.'0d was

\\ 'a tsun was named chai rman of the

. .uniy publli-ily comr.il t lee. which

[.! r ivj . . . incii:i!. s membersh ip in the

-:a te coiniiiitte. 0:1 iuihllel;> <!••«rge |

l l e l in r t ad te r , a m-;iih. r of Hahway '•

r . i - t . w.is lauded at the meet ing for

iii work in lianiilini; the t ranspor ta -1

lion for New York and New Je r sey 1

dolcg.itioi:.- to the nai ional convent ion i

a: San Francisco Mr. He lms ta . l t e r I

who ,- Mi :i£eiu for the Chicago a n d ;

-N'.Hiliw e s t e rn Hallway in New Yorl;

r i ; y . --IH 1 > s<fu]i\ carr ied out com-

j.i ' I . - arrani tei i ients for the t rans-

' • •ilirrtr^U^^-^*r. _

was cone, unless some one could brenkthrough the line of their besiegers andcarry the news of their plight to thenearest fort.

HoyTe~!nVmei3IJteiy—volunteered—fothe Job. Five minutes after he haddisappeared In the darkness the be-slosed beard «ho-.s ond yells, then sl-len. c. They were convinced thatEoyle hnd boon killed :md that theircase wns hopeless. After beatln; oftrepeated charges of the Eavages. theyfo-vv! their ammunition runnlns; low..Flr4 lly there were only 12 rounds left,and by this time Flerron was t ie onlyuninjured man in the party. '

' Just (is down was breaking they sawthat the Indians were preparing for an-other charge, end to add to their de-spair they noticed what appear*^ to

. be a hnnd of warriors clad ln whliabuckskin rldlnc to reinforce the sav-

-aKes.--—They-llneil their sli;liti_on_these_new enemU"?. but before they could flrothey heari^a voice shouting "Don"tshoot"' Then a man threw up hiscarbine nnd yelled. To their dellchtthey reeoenbed Puddy Boyle and sawthat hi" eoiiijuuilons were cavalrymen.The Indians Immediately broke and

fled.As the. whlteiclad horsemen rode up

to the corral. Herron said to Boyle,

"What kind of uniform do you call

this?""Well." replied Boyle vvlth » luugh,

-"the—hnyc n-or» «n_as!egn when Ireached the fort, and they dMn't taketime tn dress. So all they've Rot onLi their underclothes:"


/••R*rit.'vrf,A tftife &kuJJL.[t-J>---CTMjr;-ri POCKET SITE 4O{\ . ,Csl:*ina I FAMILY SUE tl'!?V- .Ifa>- •" / -^t a-! Dr.iicish

aOv^l .. K

Quali-Teas, 45c and 55clb




Whole or Half


EggsAll perfect—There is never a doubt about

Van Dyk Egg.

AmbassadorSugar CuredPicnic


Butter 0 12 lbs for $1.00




The |.alter of tiny feet WHS heardfrom tlie head of the stulrs. iirs.Kln.lerby rai.sed her hand, warningthe members ot her bridge elub to hesilent.

"Hush!" she said softly. "The chil-dren lire i:oln£ to deliver their piod-night uiosNit e. It ulwttys cives me afeeling of reverence to hear them. I.iston!"

loiisXxpr•it the untimely

m.icher. who wa

mobile ac id , nt

..;..., w a - .ve!! i>

et e|e Voiced I

!..ath or Klmer Q

Killid m 1111 aulo

..cully. The 1..-

r- .1 nted at th".* fu

There' unv u iitoineiil oT ii'iisesilence, then: "Mnniina," came thenie-ssa|je In a shrill whisper, "Williefouni! a bedbug."—Ithaca Journul-Kews.








Rahway 5c and 10cStore Inc.

124 Main St., - Rahway,!». J.The Slo«r&/ No Regrets

Mid-Fall Sale Now On!

Nothing Was Lent.Tlie caller looked flushed and indiK

mint. "Are you the society editor';"she inquired.

lbaum.;"r 'mnl EiiL-clnmn. the well-known

i;1"!!)-. nierchnn1 of 12$ Muln

\'.-.[.',.,, - liv •fleinent 1- Walk.-r. The ^! i r - : - - j i . - "^ r i ; -^3 i^ l i . - f onferjed _ftU1 ,"-.".' 'i,"...t:r« next Wednemltt). Abe.h u m - i t * :.::••!.• a l.!t « l l h two r . w j

' i , . , , . . . u-fr'-diments were served

••\w> „ v....-r..: s 1 •.!:::•• «".s -nJ-y-l-

For tha Liver.We usnnlly try eat all the

"friends sil^Stat If '">• unl uci«»I It I? necessary to balk. One c ! x»ul , , . , , , t . „...„ .„ .,-, «^^-»...j-frl. n~l-tPl'-"•*~h""^ i.'-.'»'-^^'^u'-"L'-^Mli^Hn*H[r--at-niv-hw^lMtflo£al_d';C')

"'Ul beuuty to the scene.'

(.lie iu.|u.ieu.. remedies I "Yes, mndum. What can I do f.>rnrs:t»n;rt* y y n u y '* edit.•rial j "Your paper said In Its account of

lh . - : «-ti!el. n-c k n o w i... liin-i' S ; i v s F m U o n S 'K'U, . . - - - I - , . - . - - . •• , ; . • - • " . , : : - - ' - • • : 1 | t . ( - l l - • , . | s n y o u w


._. . 1would have your paper state

Unit the floral beauty was noi lent;everything was paid fur."

Boys SuitsVery good quality suits. Good for cold weather.

Prices 2.19. 2.59, 2.75, 3,98These prices; are reduced from IT. tu 20%.

Girls DressesIn blue, red and s;™y. "''st material

Prices 2.25. 3.29 and14.10Above prices have liuen reduced 15 to -UV. .

. Ladies HoseWe r a l l y a full l i n e of indi. ' .s ' llUs

98,1.10 antf 119 a pairHost quality for tin- money.

Metis Hose ..A full and ocmplete line uf m e n ' s hose. - -» .—

Prices are 2 paits'for 25; 15,19, 23, 25, 29,35, 39749755, 59 and 75tra pair

Best quality hose.

TiTTows ~W e c a r r y it l i n e ^ r a d y (if p i l l o w s . ' A l l s t u f f u

1 59,-2 39 and 2-98 a pair








By the Piece.Regular

' J A M E S VAN DYK CC!140 Main Street - Rahway, N. J.

Heavy Copper Bottomed No. 7Boiler

These ln.ii- rs ar. r,uara:il.-e.l for r, years WryK.-avy tin -with.a -stroup cupper- boLtiiln

l-'or Saturday.

$19810c Thin Tumbler

These Uun tumbler? ar . r.-sular 1". s-ll.-rs W eIUHIKIII a lari;.- .illantity I., r...-11 them fur this p r i c "

5c each10 (/.'. Titan Grey Enamel Sauce Pot

69c eachBaby White Enameled Bath Tab

U.-KUlur J - 1-'

For Saturday $ | . 9 O

White Bread BoxA very liii'- irrad. of .-nan..-!, Th>-se

arlv tor i\ :l'i

Saiurday_()nly .

Page 5: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,



CLARK TOWNSHIPSome recent happenings prompt the

following adaptation of an Irishman'sTorso, who evidently understood bet-ter tho principles of charity nnd Jus-tice, written into tho Constitution otthis republic by the Founders than tlioproponents ot any Invisible Empire.

As Nubian rocks and Etliiop sand.Long drifting down the .Nile.Built up old ERj-pt's fertile landFor many a hundred mile:So Semite clans to America come,And clans ot Christendom.Yet join their wisdom and their fameTo build a nation from.

Hero comes the brown Italian.The man of t rade and toil—Hero comes the wily ilreelan.A-hungcring for spoil;And the German and the Norseman,And the hard, enduring I'ano.

—And the rtunly -ois-vl -.-id- Kire.With the Knglish in their train.

And o'..! It were n gallant de.dTo show before mankind,How every rare and rvery creedVlp-ht be hy lnve combined—Might be combined, yet ne'er forgetTho foutilaiiis^whrnce They rose,

• »As, filled by mnny a rivuletThe Mississippi ilnws.

In fortune, and In name we're boundBy stronger links than steel;And neither can bp safe nor soundBut In tho others' weal.I3ut long as on your country lies.Iiigotry's galling yoke.Its tyranny we'll stlgmatizoAnd God's revenge Invoke.



So fitart not, foreign-born man!If you're to America tnii1.We heed not blood, nor CTWII

elan—We bavo no curse for you.Wo have no curse for you or youre.But Friendship's ready grasp.Am* Fnitli \n ^l-ind hy von Mnd voursUnto our latest gasp—

To stand by you against all foes.Howe'er or whence they come.With traitor arts , or bribes, or blows,From Germany, Franco, or Rome,What matter that at different shrinesWe pray unto one God?What matter that at different timesOnr fathers reached this sod?

FORD REDUCES PRICESDetroit, Mich., Oct. 2.—Ford cars

are today at n new low price levelthrough au announcement effectiveUctolier "t\A, made by Edsel B. Ford,president of the Ford Motor Company,n. > trolt.

This reduction in the prices ofFord cars and trucks is in line withtho well-establiBhed policy of theCompany. It Is notable also that thisdecroas'' closely follows Ihp introduc-tion.-. o£_many._chanse? .and improve-ments throughout the Ford line.

The new"Hjr'pric'es on Ford cars'.F. V. H. Detroit are as follows: Run-about, ?2fi9 to $2C5; with Starter andDemountable Rims. $350: TouringCar, S29S to 5295; with Starter andDemountable Rims. $3S0; Coupe. "?5"30~to f52;>; Four-door Sedan. $725 to-JG-W :-Ford-Cha5ElRr-J2-1-,-U>-il30 ;-OauTon Truck Chassis, S3S0 to $370.

The new prices apply to the FordWeekly Purehose Plan. Persons en-rolled under the plan and who havenot yet_taken delivery of their carsautomatically benefit by the reduction

It at once, came Into high favor as an

onclosed car for family use. No

change Is made In tho prlco of Lin-

coln cars and nono Is contemplated.


Romance,pervades the story of the

High Schoo l N o t e s 'tabll.nod organisation founded •bont> | last January.

A meeting ot tho Sonlor Societywas held In thednv niornniK with Miss Alma Tandy

kotball Team,day morning.

Tho football

assembly Wednei-

gamo to havo boon| In Tlow of tho fact that tho girlsauditorium Wednos- o[ ( h ( ) s c n o o l w l l l t n l t 0 p a r t | n a t n . played with Roscllo Park at that placo

Ictlc meets—both ou'.sldo and inter-) yesterday was postponed until thisuctlng ns chairman and Erwln Preltr j class, this year. Principal E. Q.I afternoon.as secretary. Officers were elected Smcathers appointed Miss Clladyafor neTCt week s follows: Gladys stney as manager of the Girls' Bas-Stacy, chairman; Louis Kovacs, s q c - j — - . .rotary. The program for this Wed'

follows:to Win

nesday was••Red Efforts to Win Our Biggest

Labor Union." Jane La Porte, Daniel;Merle; "Abandoned Armenia."!

piny "Scaramoueho," which opened atthe Broad Street Theater, Newark,

I lats Thursday for an unusual engage-ment preliminary to its opening In J

'New York, and It also lurks In every Idetail of its preparation. |

Tor instance, the producer of the! T-a .piny is Charles Wagner, tho well- i J""" Sears: '•Failure ot the Buildingknown Impresario who has launchedami sailod so many of our most suc-cessful and prominent artists in, themusic world. John McCormick. is onepf his brisht-ft nnd most shiningstars, just as he is the highest nndmost delightfully lyric of the world'slenors.

This year two plnys will boby tho Senior Class

one. Hiss

usual, b« Iho bo tho eoaea.Contributed

3riet Items of LocalInterest for Quick

PerusalJames E. Dale, ot St.

nuo, has announced hfor city commissioner InCommissioner Harry

Instead of only b c r G u l u c'<-«t<m


I Special matinees will be given on I'. Thursday and Saturday.

• War 'tu Keep Russia and Germany :

! Apart." Allen Vought; "Bootlegging!! ami Murder In Detroit." Charles |

iiegele. Mabel l.udlow; "The Filipino I: Independence Campaign." Lester Ox-;

•11:111; "Tile lted-l.ettor I1ay~ for—Ketl-:; \merleiins." Mild red Wnshbura. Kob-! ert Henderson: -Oklahoma's Uncivil


War." Fred Helms, Rose Schonwuld:I "Germany's 1'nconditional Surren-'

SHUBERT • <!->r in the Ruhr." Uuth Browu. Frank

in prices.The big reduction in the price of

tho Four-door Sedan brings It withinreach of a large field of buyers. Thistype sedan was introduced in theFord line a little over a year ago andbecause of its low, graceful lines. Itsroominess and Its attractive fittings.

p jtheatrical season's events will be the; pot." Kleanor Harris; "The Abyss•TppenrAncj__nf_Davlri WarHeld in his ! which Breeds Earthquakes." Mildredmasterly impersonation of Shylock in llnulton. William Crowell. !"The Merchant ot Venice," at the Shu-j The High School Savings Rank wasIxrt Theater. Newark, for one week opened .Monday with fairly good re-beginning Monday October 13. Mr. ] suits. This organiiation Is working

•:-WarnVld will be-under the direction --in- conjunction with. the. Railway S a t j .'of David Belasco. a's usual, and tho; ings Institution. It is operated un-|original .New lorK scenic investiture . 'lei rhr—leadership of T. E. Claris, ithe loveliness of which inspired gen-' teacher of Bookkeeping and Stenog.!eral acclamation will be seen ln Its ! raphy. by the following pupils: Gladysentirety.

It Is important to note that during

Stacy, Helen Shults, Dorothy Schnei-der. Percy Hullck, Andrew Strakele.

' this engagement the curtain will rise • John Sears and Walton Selover.1 on the night performances promptly i Much Is expected from this bank dur-jat S :15 . | Ing the year as It Is already an es-



Only because of the wonderful performance of this remarkable car hasthe following sales record of ours been possible.

~ So completely satisfied are CHEVROLET owners that each one tells afriend and sells the friend through the sheer worth of his CHEVROLET'S per-formance in operation.

We've Passed the 250 MarkYes Sir! Sin-re-January lstofThis Year We Have S

Over One Quarter of a ThousandChevrolet Cars,

This means, that excluding Sundays we have averaged more


Extra Specials for Friday and SaturdayCKVUL.AK HPEC1AX

Malted Milk Taffy, Ib 60c 53cH i l l I s * O * n l y l o v e d b y n i l , U I ' I I D W I I l k " v n l v M a n i l h t i

• t i c k t o y i u i r U c t h

Italian Creams, Ib-l*ur«M> D«« Sue*r IH«4H into-tltUoi*>uf »offl*i'or*-d will) thn flu PI I M«xlc*o V*nlli*our C*rr*eui bluer iwcM chocolate

Peanut Brittle, Ib

Tl . '

l a ; '•

thi VID



it- will be u big loud sale all^morrow, Suturday, October 13,„ building formerly occupied by

•a.1 Bakery, opponlte Bauer'sstreet. The ualo wlll bo

- ihi- iiuxplces of the Army andfnlon Woman'* Auxiliary.

anil Mm. Fred C. Squior and.„,! Mr* Harold M. Searlen, of•.,iri:<- avenue, returned WcdncB-

v-'-r. T?:

nlfht with Mrs. N. P . -8»wer . 2SClinton »treot A social time and re-freshments woro onjoyed. Tho nextmooting wlll bo held with Mrs FrankCowan, of Essex utrcot. Thoso pres-ent woro: Mrs. Jeanelte Lawrence,Mm. M. T. Turner. Mm. H. c. Hull.Jr., Mrs. Thomas Stephens. Mrs. Net.non A. Iirower. Mrs. y,\ Clifford


I A. dty man, driving hla automobilealonj a little-used country road, beardsomething rattle beneath bjj car,stopped, looked back and saw a brighta»Ul object lying In the rood a short

anil Mm. N,.|,:n., PBrower.

U wtt" f"'^'half an hour before theD e « cur came along, nnd Its occupants t 0 PPd d k h

' i

!•;.,, Id In the AdlrondackB. Mrs.\ i'.irsonB. who has been theirreturned with them.mil Mrs George Hclmstudter,

,..'. Crand street, returned this

A Ron WBM born tlu3 w , , e k t o M r stopped nnd asked what tho troubleand M R . William Iirunnlng. of Ellja-1 w n s "bulb. Mrn. Ilninnlng lh u daughter of I .•. c l t j raan e ™ 0 ^ 1 ^ and held upMr. and Mr* JeronMnple terrace.

M rMla'nd°Mn'u-;W""; 'i™KUi" "' f, h ° " "" b™ * ^ ouV —

' I ' T U . ' "• C r o w p " . of belongs,"-Everybody's Maguiine.,157 West Milton aveia , . was bride?-! • —maid at tbi. wedding , m Tuesday ofu former chhRmu-.e at c.oucln-r Col-leKe, Baltimore, which took pla<-.. nt(jreensboro. North r'irolln-i

Klwi-Il II. <;],.wan one ot 1«'ii

ire cxumliiatli.il r .r a;c,t,,r vehlele Inupcctor for Union Cuunty. The an

The Changs."Tes, Mabel has flven np tbe Idea

of a career."Tou don't tell me I And the wsa so

determined, bad made nil arrangementsto work her way through music In Mu-nich and art ln Paris. My goodness I Sodevotod to a cureer!"

"Yes, dear, yes. uhe was; but therewas an awful wealthy bereavement Inthe family of tlint young man whowanted to marry her, so she decided toconsole him I"—Richmond Ttmes-Dto-patch.

Weight of Human Heart.An ordlnnry humnn henrt welslis

9 1-8 onni'ns. ypt It': power I" sniTMi-iitto raise Up .welsl" '.'0/:S0 fee; 'in :inBoar.

I1R. o f C | l y .

^ P p o l n t .

i , l s l l l o n r a ' n B thing dropped oft my

' c a r > " l l c "M" " a D ( 1 l r T C b c i ! n hunting

Unlucky Suggestion.A countryman went to London to

visit Bomo relatives and to see thes'Shts. He remained until patienceupon the part of his hosu, a marriedcouple, had ceased to be a virtue.

Got Off Lightly."Hello, Jones, whnt's upT*"Gunshot wound, old man.""Great Scott! How did It happen)

Ont Bhootlncr"No, home—learning tka eatoM."—

London Weekly Telegraph.


FIRE ALARM STATIONS12—Main and Cherry sxrwia.13—Hazelwood anf Leesvlllo Avenues14—Main and ComiKHrco SireetB.

j 16—New Bruu3wli;k and Lake Aves.22—Hazelwood and Jaques Avenues.U—Maple and St. Georgo AVCLUOB.2B—Milton Avenno and Bryant Street31—Campbell and Cherry Streets.32—Grand Street and SI George Avo33—Main Street and Elizabeth Ave35—Grand and Irving Streets.42—Milton Ave. aLd Montgomery St.43—Grant!, Bond and Monroe StrecU44—Elizabeth and J&ckflon Avenues.61—Central Ave and Maple TerraceG2—Cburcb i.nd Hamilton Streets.63—Grand and LennlnRton Streets.81—dt. George Ave., KIDSO/ Corner.**>—N' J HefnrmatnrT

Odd Peti of -8ocl«ty" WomerCrAll kinds of queer little creatures,

from monkeys to tiny green lltardn.bare appeared at one time or anotheras pets of the society women InLondon.

The Puritan Delicatessenand Lurch

1 3 7 St.

ly Olnun

IlriKlitly LlttMoil

Airy Sunny Kitchon

Nanltury to tliu lanl ilncre

Open 6 n. m. to 11 p . m.

remarked the husband one day. "thatyour wife and children must mlaij o u r

"No doubt. Thanks for theUan; m send for them."

jAtlantic Cllr-

Re»l 1'rlsp «nil Snippy


nd dipped lnU>

Try our Ice Cream. All made fromthe purest cream and fresh fruit.


.Mr», Henry__*M,_Woodruff,,1!( Seminary aTenuc, have returnedj , , - , ih.'lr summer home at Mana-

lie.ich., T!:omai J . SUcj- and dauxh-("adys. of Stearns street, re-

Sjturday from a trip to thoi-.i:i.«t. SH<>fu""ibcy~vIiired~Lofc

S'-.Mtl" and other points ofWhile rnroutp from Los

tu Seattle, they » > thoI r S Destroyem lylni; uti the.r. .ir Sfinta Barbara_n!i.••• Sewing Sotlety uf thei'r. i^bytt-r'an Church will hold:!.*..• -air Friday. October 17

. a ill tie unnoutiri-f! in Tuea

nounivmi-nt wa.i nia.le by the Stati:Civil Servlre ComniLviloner at Elizaboth this week. Ills rating wan 7U8. ,

ITho po«ltlon pays S1.CC0 to J2.1C0 THE RAUUAi SAVINGS INSTITU-aI1Mnrs."Ral"ph"tr^7,^r „ „ r , . t n n i p d I " ™ * pa5'fl * P" cenTlStirer.trtbSto her ' • "



1«7 i iU v


an extended visit wi th 'her parents.Mr. and Mr... F. W. UnK8troth. of114 Wost Milton avenue.

Linden U to have n zonlnit ordl-,nanc«,-«lH>-a-i)ark nltn In to be pur-chased. Our ni-lghbor Is rapidlyforKlns nh.:iii arr.onR tho live, up-to-

Over forty memtj.-r- of St. Paul 's '• Koilal Chapii-r and the parish, went1

Mo Mi'tuc-h'n Momiiv ni>r!it vhrrnlth.'>- rr-t win, Mr. ami'Mr?. Frank Lll-11wall ami Mr and Mrn WUl-nb<-rg iUurlnc th- >.us::i.-( ri;.-.tlni; plans' j» " " mail- !.,: !:..:d:::(,- a food sale on ' IOrtob-r "" ir.il :i rard party at ttl"

Tb. r.i-Xl in. ••:![:,• •*:!)' I,,, held at til"

Phonograph Springs fir all makt"tif t::achlni if. "Anthony's." o<-liV t

f i L IULU V^IU UJ B U y BBTlUglnk In tho Slator~Open an accbnnt

In your home institution. jlyl-tf

Watrhnnit Glnc^r AleWntchunc Spring Water

_Kiill line <>| StolnbereeriMinerulR

KKUUKK'H BKKW(Jnlor It l>y Che (•.,.,.

linmft Ilpllvery

J.B.BRENNANKnrn i i - r ly M«- [ l i , i i . r n ' i I tn l i iv f ty

I . l q 'H ' I S l ' l r n

1U3MnlnRt. Knliway, N. JTolcphonc'J'J.'t



. n u ' . r r tu rn 'd this week•it-mild visit at Frecchtowa.1

... i-numjr I.•t-r Tftir Tlllman was in1

:••:;. 1) C . thin week In at-,.it thi' NMIimil I'DitrnaJUfr*'

>• r:-i C.'iasr. daughter of Ar'!.«••. of 10 Whlttlcr street.Z' J to her jchool duliei after• >f three weeks.

!*• trrsen. of 300 Hamiltondrying a new Ford touring

than a sale a day for Chevrolet.

New Low PricesMaking the Chevrolet Pre-eminently the Lowest Priced High

Grade Automobile in the World.

Touring Car1924 Superior Line

Chevrolet 5 PassengerTouring

Delivered in Rahway 566Sedan

1924 Superior LineChevrolet 5 Passariger

SedanDelivered in Rahway '882


Roadster1924 Superior Line

, Chevrolet Two PassengerRoadster

Delivered in Rahway

$561Utility Coupe

1924 Superior Line $Chevrolet Two Passenger

Utility CoupsDelivered in Rahway 720


When Are YOU Going to Drive a Chevrolet?

Go. Inc.

The MostSensational Values

Ever OfferedThese garments cannot be duplicated

at the price.



_"t i'3li-> dmi-ii m nrwii In.u-.-ooat of hoIldiT—Columbus[>ili will bo. dl ipi tchrd asi*t main clostnjc at 6 o'clock

.» V <' 0 Cinb a d Tuesday


All RtpairingQuarmnltt*


TomorrowSaturday—One Day Only

Wool Army

63 x 92 inchea

THE BEE HIVE139 Main Street Rahway, N. J.


FALL OPENING SALEWe are placing on sale a fine lot of Ladies, Gents and Children's Glothingy

Furnishings and Dry .Goods at greatly, reduced prices. You have an opportunityto save at least 40 to 50 % on every dollar you spend here. You will very seldomfind a sale of new and up-to-date goods just at the heart of the season at "these re-markably low prices.

_ Sale Begins Sat. Oct. 13, 8 A._M*_.and will continue for 2 weeks only.Ladies' silk hose, reg. 98c, npwLadies' full fashioned RivoliLadies' crepe de chine chemises, reg. $3.49;


now ~Ladies' lingette chemises, reg. $2.98; now . . . $1.49Ladies' fleeced union suits, reg. $1.49; now . .. 98cLadies' woolen hose, reg. 98c; now 39cLadies' fleeced pants and shirts, reg. $1.19; now. .89cLadies' all wool sweaters, reg. $6:98; now .. $3.49Ladies' flannel nightgowns, reg. $1.49 now S1.15Ladies' flannel underskirts, reg. $1.19; now . . 79cMen's dress and working gloves greatly reduced.

Men's working pants, reg. §2.49;now $1.79

lien's dress pants, reg. $6.98; now $3.98Men's up-to-date suits reg. $25;

now, $13.98





$24.00felt hats,-reg. $3,98; now .. $2.49silk shirts, reg. $6.98; now $3.45silk hose, reg. $1.49; now . . 98call wool sport sweaters,$7.98; now $4.98all wool sport sweaters,$6.98; now $3.98all wool sport sweaters,$5.98; now $2.98

Boys' chinchilla overcoats, reg.$9.98 now $6.98

Boys' juvenile suits, reg, $8.98:now .....14.98

Boys' juvenile suits, reg. $4.98;now $2.98

Bbys?~fleeced"""luii6n"~suit'sr~fegr="'$1.19; now --..-.-.-.•; 79c

Men's fleeced union suits, reg.$1.98; now $1.59

Boys' sweaters and Kaynee blousesgreatly reduced

Men's overalls and overcoats greatly- - • reduced.

fleas Corduroy Paats and Fleeced Underwear on Sale at Reduced Prices.

M. S. LEYINSON99 Main Street Rahway, N. J."

DressesThe workmanship in these garments is of a very higb

standard and the material of an exceptional quality.

Specially Pricedat Only 15

William Hoblitzell's SonsCorner Broad Street and Milton- AvLenue ...._.

r v Telephone 6 0 7

Rahway, N, J.

Plush Coats$25 to $45

Save'20 J

Jacquettes$12-50 to $27 5 0

Save 20 %

* 141 Main St.t "Rahwlf s~Busy Market

141 Main St.

Priced at Bed RockThese Exquisite

Silk DressesFine Quality Poiret Twill, Flat Crepe,

GantonrCrepe and Sum! Lace Dresses, at

Actual Values up to $22.50

Remember! We Welcome Charge Accounts

Corner Main and Cherry Streets

Fresh Pork LoinsRib End 28 IbTO ROAST

Fresh Pork LoinsTenderloin End



Best Cut PrimeC h o c k Roas t

25 cIb


Kindly Notice the Difference ofOur Beef

Legs of GenuineSpring Lamb 38 c


Prime CutRib Roast


Best Made o AFrankfurters u\)


New MadeSauerkraut 10c


Those WonderfulRoasting


All Pork Sausage NeatMade by Particular People for

Particular People

Abe M. Hurevitz, Prop.

lll Main St. RahwayPhone 483

Our last weeks salehas been very suc-cessful and we hopethat this week's salewill ex.eeed-the-one^of last.week.

Specials forThis Week


Log Gatio SyrupRegular 35c size

2 9 C

Olive OilItalian Lucca Extra No. 1

Regular $1.00

quart can

Puffed Wheat

TriscuitRegular 15c aiz*


Oval PearlFace Soap1 0 3 cakes

Kirkman-s-orBabbits Soap—Powder-

Jersey Fresh Hams O K?City Dressed Stock £ l \J\

The Weaty Kind.

Tryphosa6 Different Flavors

2 pkgs

Rump Corned BeefSolid Meat

Cured Just Right.Cured When Fresh.

Quacker MilkSpaghettiRegular 13c size

2 pkgs

KeQogg'sCooked Bran

Regular 25c sizeLarge package

19cUpton's Teahlb tins (Red Label)


Page 6: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

Rnhwav Record, Friday, October 12,1923

Gries Bros.31 Cherry St.

Rah way, N. J.

Tel. 843

For Needlework




Special Attention to Tclepuouc Orders

Saturday, October 13and and

Monday, October 15I Specials

Heavyweight soft nap,full sizo Bed Blankets,•white, grey or plaids.Value to 6.00. Special,each.

4-69E i t r a ' heavy WhiteDomet Flannel. 36 In.

-wide: -regular 35c--a-yard. Special, a yard27Children's White Out-

Ing Flannel Bloomers.

Special, a pair, 35

White Heavy RibbedBoys' or Girls' UnionSuits; sizes 2 to 16.Special a suit.

Misses' White HeavyRibbed Vcsts~or~Pants;size? 2 to 16; regular55c. - Sp«clal,-«och 47

Women's and.Misses' Velvetand Felt Hats, in stylish and becoming models, at

$3.50 upSunfast Draperies, 36 inches

ic}e in rich color effects of rose,-old-bluer-gold-and-green,—!cial, at

-59-cryd-Hand-made Blouses in dainty

tailored and Peter Pan models._at

Women's Flno WhiteRibbed HeavyweightUnion Suits; all sizes.Buy now for winter.Rogular 1.98. Special.a suit.

1-65Kotax Sanitary

kins. Special.

a dozen, 50Ladles' medium weight2-button Glove, black orcolored; value 75c. Spe-cial, a pair,

Soft Fleeco Bed"Blan-kets. " white or grey;

'value 2.50, a pair. Spe-cial, a pair.


Ladies' Sport WoolMixed Hose; vaJne to1.35 a pair. Special, a

CI ?-—I Boys' Cadet Brandj Heavy Ribbed Stock-

ings; every pair guar-anteed; black or brown.. n pair,


f j W. B. or Warner Brand

I Ladies' Corsets; value

. to 2.50. Special, a pair,

Quilting Challio?. "<" in

wide. Regular 2!c a

yard. Special, a yard. 19

TJtlca Brand Bleached' Pillow Cases Sfi * IS' regular price 59c. Sj>e-" oial. each.• Pr. Demon's Sl<rp'i:.cGarments for Children.

. 'sir.es 2 to S r v . i i u r ^*•: 1.3!>. Special, a pair.

JUGotham Gold Stripe Silk Hose for $2, 2-50,2.75

Store Closes 6.30 Daily Except Saturdays

Engelman's Dept. Store128 Main Street

Specials for the Needlework Guildr . . in,.Children's black ribbed hose, at pair

at45 x 36 muslin pillow cases, at

i l h d t

MillineryVelvet and Felt Hats in

desireble models for infanta,

children and grown girls.

Curtain Scrims, Swisses, Mar-quisette, ilet Laces and all thenew novelties for curtaining^Special, at

Oriental prints or brocaclecTsilks; sizes up t(T46. Special, at

Q < M t gOdd lot women's house dresses, at .. rr-Odd lot children's flannel gowns, atChildren's flannel bloomers, atChildren's flannel petticoats, at_Chi]dren'sjwinter weight ufiderwear, at ..Children's musliiTdrawersrat . . . . : . . . . . .

__72_xJALbleachecl bed sheets,_atWomen's black hose with whlfe feetTpair

—Women's flannel nightgowns, atl i

"'Outing Flannels in neatcolored stripes. Special at

15c ydBabies' Worsted Knitted Sac-

ques, white or color combina-tion. Special, at



Sale on Toflet GoodsSOAP

Packer's Tar. cakeWoodbury's. rakeCuticura. cakeVeers' transparent, cako .Palm Olive, cakflColgate's HathColgate'* Toll.!Jirgen's Castile, cake . . .

CREAMSPond's Cold CreamPompelan Day or N'lRht .. ..Dagget & Hamsdelt

. 18c18c18c14c8e

S for 25c3 for 25c



. 32c

CREAMSl'epsodenl Tooth PasteForhan'a Tooth PastePebeco Tooth PaatoColgate'* Tooth Va»to

POWDERSL'Anie Face PowderDJcr Kiss Fact PowderLady MiryCotyV I.'OrigtnMflhaMary GardenThre FIOKITSKiorlent . •


27e. 47c. 37o. We. 71c. 85c. C5c. 47c

Dresser, Bureau Scarfs, plainlinens, filets, clunies and drawnwork designs. Special, at

75c to $JL88_.._ JCable LinenDamaak in effec-tive patterns and colored pr.plain white borders. Special, at

Galatea and Kiddie Cloth forchildren's suits, dresses and gen-eral fall wear. Special, at

35c ydBabies' Teddy Blankets; good

size; pink or blue colors. Spe-cial, at


The Rahway Record SECTION TWO'•?<;«

flew 3crect) H&vocate

Bu SERIAL NO. 1457

Absorbing The Rahway Newa-Herald, tho auccessor of the Union Democrat, Eatabllahed 1840.


Matrimonial Adventures

of ToupanBY

James Branch CabeD

Let It snlllco that he mode Ml thlngaas thi'y were. Then Ivcshdid took thepower from Toupnn, and made allhl as they are. Yet ihrec of Tou-

to contrlTe tho dance of the Korrcd.' C B n I l vo throtigh no half-hour withoutHo kept his mattery of the Shedeem [meddling whero they do not under-who devuHtate, of the Shehlreem who rtand."

WIT NOT FORCEDpan'» srrvUori. endure upon enrth, \ «troy.

terrify, and ot the Mazlkcon who do- Mlramon kept silence. He was;But such accomplishments, as fingering the magic'crl-m with which

Vendl»h hf|Tc now no puwer r

Car Driver Famed for;


*4vlce on How to Make Ons'i WifePerfectly Happy All Throuoh

Married Life.

WILD PIGEON FEUDCalifornia Hog Farmers. Act t c


In trailn nf nny fi.irij compi Here wns his white, whichsave to croep humbly an Insects; the ' cercr anywhere; and that supreme so- w u s t h c ' " " I n ot octust of their wings la denied iliem, the ' tret which hud made Mlramon Umigor u l c b\ar\i ho had

rn of ocean made solid, nndwrung from the



Mr r»!>»:i ti to m» a m r pl<ra»-„ ! Vo'.r* »>« <!>• u<Uphoo«. 1-•••; > b u? »>'<"> ' r»»ebcd rtich-M - L ll» >'"• fly* •*>"•• <Ml ot

„ , i t . " 4 alrm»dr )otn«l O»far Au'.iiir B«rt«« of Matrimoniali j , , r t»:r t throufh th . •oUdutloo


P t:o t»lk to Mr. Cmb.ll

«" Toikcr »oni».*« with

The Sunday School Board will hold ,

their regular meeting at the parson-'

W . Monday evening at S;00 o\-i v-k.

Thi- Junior League or L. Y. W. So-

fit ly-wil l begin the:; meetings for

i":i-'"~s'a.-on Wednesday afternoon a l"

l!i'.' cliurchv, A pr'.'grar.i ot ga:::os will

fnHcvw_t!'.<.- meeting. All boys and 1

girls u;> t tw-iv years old arc in-

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHRev. Wilbour E, Saundera, PaitorS;::. I.iv. Oi-lobir l i

1 • ... rn.. liiL-ie :-chuol. 1!.:rue, S':;'-Tlr.ti-ndeiil. Tower 1<

' " :


i i


Come sit thou down with us at Holy Communionnext Sunday and learn of Him who is the way.

The Old Historic First Presbyterian Church• ' ', . (Organized In 1741)

W e a l <ir m i l s n i i C b u i T l i S H I M S

R e v . C h e s t e r M . I ' a v i s , M i n i s t e r S o r v i c e s I I i :' A . M . a l l . ' 7.^5 P . M .

> i

Si ' . •. •Ay



crnor George,r t!:e O;M n:ng mess

diale Vast lat-rn^tior.:[, II. iiofs will :::ake urlv jort.-, -f officer.* of t:i

' Wiil i!:. n be hi ard.11. Walter li.'.i international trus

IRIT will de-'

Ke and lm:i:i'-President Q-

address. Ke-L

district boJy '

-cord niRht ft u&i-plato supper v i i l '

•• the urjer uf th tcver.!G&- Special,

i.vths. inciuJics candy. JolU. fAocy j

c'ds a c l ar ronj and pofislbljr ono

't!.' r will display their w j n j . Much

-r.--,:•.- .i H J J report' J cc the arraaRC-

u_rLi.f«r lb.ii.!LX''1:I. . A_r.oc:..^ 'our



(Ccr.unucd from

'..»«. n li<t nis!.lT:, b«-id a-tnr.-t.aj;* frura ravh cf t.';<-

ir-.t.d a ..,:\t for x ;••>> b o L i ',•*. •


ak•^» at


pr. ser.teii.

• ting i.;u!iosl i •

Aid SocietyPlans For Fair

•.-Iin th- i iiurch ;

•i regular i::e-.-tir.g.i- Sunday. October ; ij Rally Day. Fia:;- ar-T'lnakv this fin- of i-c I'-'

p in church a tu-ndanc .1 nine of "the twVnty-ar.-t

League will hold the-


The annual fair underof the Larlheld at th

Thursday af:-

^riiT—for tl:>' Mom!.

will be C::.-ihIn-:r.g mad-, t"• d Letter D.iys

In the eve-t th'1 Ep'Aorth

big raliy

he auspicesi' Aid Soci-ty will hechurch—Tnur=day r.r.ti

\V. it.- -dayMi- :::.< Si'nf Women's

Thur.-day.Aid Snc '-tv-J. Ada::..-. ;

S:'ju p. niJ. Adam-. 1

2 Zilwill

lry hOLiim. The

meet with1!> H.imilun t t r

Ch..'r practice,ader

, t IVj-.»:;» W.



Mrs. . 1 .et.Mr

y. • of1 -i y i f

:-' !'*.;.' v' [::•- Trin!l> M'-thud 1st:.;•,. held wit!: Mrs. I". E ll-i-d, oft Miilon .i»'r.u.-. « , >;n::t Ining ar rangement j for a bi t fair••• held at the church October 2i

at-.d Z*'-. unuer :lie au-r i - . s of lhat"organ iza t ion . It is plar.cid to pro-

!v:de nurr.'roufl at tracticr . j (or that af-' j fa i r . The opening nlRht there will

ibe f"rv.*d a chicken dinner, while the

W - •

:r.a*to r.

M i;.i,-"

, Wllil.v.:

': Mrs \V.i

r.er. "•'

i'..u:. ::g

V Carl\Ve-t:>'.H \Vbrlcht.AdrC K


[Ti-j'-m wen-: Mrs. Ovorjo

Mr;. ("tli:» rir.o Kcrce. Mrs.

Jr.,-*-- r.. Mr- '. M Drr-u.

t- r H i ' l . t , , M: . W. II. liar-

ii K V.;i:,.r. Mrs. Waiter

Mr r :.;!!'•. Mcr;.e, Mrs. A..'.ufT, Mr.v r r a n k lUlss, of. MrJ J. A. Joii-;hsL.r.. Mr».

•"*.:.-• ad. Urs. Uichird 01-It- W.Iiiitr. i\ L.ltli-. MijsMCM r- .-vr.d I*rca.d-rit Mrs.


by I?: f . tviuri t ' t-1 »'-

' r i wh*^ 1 arrived and

~. r.c l.lr'.es whrrr I leftri:^(. I did not mttXt t i i . f l th« rt>»d« tot :.-.>e klr.d'r to tti%

writ-hor Of

» - - • • ' • o ' . he r ^ '>ck»

:• -1 l.k.MII


str-i't. haveCity »h»r.'Ch»lfonto.

Mrv i'a^llii.-rt. t. uf

rrlarninl fromthvy nr t> atopplnit

propetrd to i ' ' ' ' iclti:en» fnr iht«

~ roluntt rr tl^j-art:.Klir.c »cd ! B K [>jr.r (.,,'j, a , .

110 Dryanl '*••• for so manyAtlantic l " ^ - W ! " - n «-••

It m MBfcted to» Ith rrprvicntall '

' s t a t e and nearby iat

til E»


l: k

!-« C»

fn.r. »i;cia'J4 I

?1 » -a "•

»r:',:« rrarr-y?» - i M r <•"»: - •


charmed »tor.e holds thtu Injuiutably.Oho, but wife, thero Is a cantrupwhich would free them, a canlrapwhich nobody has as yet discovered,and to their relca?er will ho gruntedwhatever hli will may desiro."

**ThlH Is noino more of your atuff nndnonsense, out of old fairy teles, whereeverybody jets three Mshts, and no

•jooil-ot:t-of-Hny of them.""No, my love, because I shall put

them to quite [ i racWr-aHwwParTWmust know that <vh«>n 1 have foundoat the cantrap which will release thab « s of Toupoa—"

Olsele ihoue.J plainly that his fool-Uhnes* did not concern *er_-Sh»

and buns the snord ln Its tc-

; new trull In jour cliaractor from time

anl"youryour nuctins began. TI1I3 Is "the doom hluc sand of rutcoli. And Mlrumon, B C t e r l n uu | ,i |nt where he Is very pop-of all artists that have to do with w t l° w o s n 0 '""Ser a potent wizard, „),,-_-the Christian Science-^lonltorwell-conducted women. Truly has It considered that loveliness nnd horror re|ateSi in s car Is always clean andbeen said that the marriage bed Is tho which a moment ago he hud known jomfortable. and he has a particularlygrave of art. Will, I have put up

much from you, bnt this settles

with these pigments, he flne h o r s e H , u t P u t hlmsolMs theho had now no power to lend life to a t t r n r t l o n , H e ,„ bubbling over withli^viifVi: nmi Vppt jnst ilfill PTiffflgb—yn t r f m F B > B_B a d^4 t_ I t_ ) , t r u e that

It might be to place the strlplngs on a ^ g o m e w l , a t s t a r t i c d an Englishbarber's pole. f r 1 c n d o f m , n e l n s t v c a r s h c h a d c n .

And Mlramon ..Unagox said:.. ..Ml _jOyed-the drive In- the .Phoenix park,would be a sad happening If I were h „ , w l s h l n g t 0 b c R n r e of , «nes your wue-™,.- UTO«--.u-«....„. . ^ .c^ #„ ™-o, th» iiMnini- nf . ,__ ,.,. . . k l _ „„„,„ o h o ! When the quotation era palls try

of ne.it wx'ek."With that he canght the Rolled

acourlng rng from the band of Gbele,and ho slapped at one of the remain- - „Ing bees, am] brushed It from the black never again to sway the sleeping of ^e\aK a | , i e t 0 engage him again, she

Do not rush matters; wait untilthings begin to humdrum, Then Isthe lime to.reveal the new tralu. I

For six..months—spin It out to ayear If-you cun—make happy IHUeQuotations from standard authors.Your wife will be delighted to see howwell read you areT" Buck her up a bit.Wives must be cheered up: after ail,she's"]

Ranchers Demand Open 8cocon SoThousands of Birds Can Bo


Tho wild br-jtli'T if the pigeon w*o-struts .and «'V»-.-8-ln—fr ;it—of—Mnd»:*.oa—

'J;irde:i an'l shurea the lunch.-of his ntlniln-rH is u source of dia-

!n (•••<\t,,r. :, . ,„,) nrnnni l M

And this bee departed ofl the men. nnd grant them yet more dreamsof distinction and clarity, of beauty

gh | m h l s n n r n e . As she was wrtt-

something else. Buy a piccolo and

a controversy ln ...xblctt.."hurges and counti.-r-harges of greedand political activity are bandied badeand forth. Kveu-the- federal -govern-ment has been forced to take cognVzance of the feud i'et^veen friends andfoes of the wild or band-tniled pigeonof northern. Santa Barbara county.

The housewife who dots her ownbook on how to play It. Loam to play marketing would not be likely to coo-

mand po «eruo of rr.tr.;i<. «ad noof rxpt-dNney. and !a fact, noal a l l . '

Hlramon said, "Now.Sir Slmlun was .hastily pbat. I'.ut fJ>.-> c(r.ti::u.

that If ever the last remaining beewere freed from the cross, the diialn

rctlst'.rfti and -'1» pi-cu!I::r !•>tor.rue of hrr •

limethe »you

ti .1

d'arft—rrilnj up hisd, with 'thatotiSow whlcaie. and th«for her bus-

matter that I do not especially like ^orBe a n , j accosted a barrister, who,her? There Is a (Treat deal about my- | n . ^ a n ( ] COwn was standlni; at the

of the Pleiades would be completed, self that I do not like, such as my cntranee. "Would yot:r honor be soand their d:iv would be over, and the body's flabblncss. and the Email noEe k l n ( ! fls t n t,.n ti , i3 fc;r lady what thispowtr would" return to Toupan. : which makes ludicrous the face I g ^ Dundlng \sT

Tet K<-b:.,hel. Uftlnj; never a Enger, wear; but do I hanker to be trans- -why. you rogue, you know ns wellformed Into a sturdy man-at-arms? Do ttgj_dcLjhat lfs_th_p_Four " "I view the :iout of an clepcuat witu

"I*h, sirs, have path-nee!laid or.iy:Fcr I tnede all things as they are, and

hTilf a br-^r-.-:.!n£ c f a !•:,; % •.. '.!

" I t Is » . :..::• ±t l . » t r- i::y r.- -.-.-

"-Ar! i :.';'c r a vi'.'. :l •:.-'h a r e 1..T1. *!.•' •!••

crr hr.To a -Lard: ::'S-:'.::T do I p i t yr- *!rr'• ! '.ft rr.') of:-:v S .c has not^s.• ^•:t the teod-


me with yo-ir continuous talking, fnr I~ fare."

I f,lj,

Rpesrve Wednesday7 ^ T Vxi ~n~Night for Prayer7Meeting


Sunday. October l i

'.-.'.:. A. ai.. Dibit: ichicken supper will be served on the

• v-ning of the 25th.

The Christian Science SrcIOTTf P r v l c e 5 l a l h e r h l l r , . h n , , | ] , ) in c

-FIRST-M-E.-CHURCH-Rcv. G. A. Law, Pastor

Church News

avenue, corner Marsh street. Sewaren.every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.nnii testimony nn-i r.rn; eviTr Wrrtnps-jday evening at S o'clock. All are wel-come.



"The Church of Brotherhood and


Story, Supt.

—H-:«<<-a—m—eommunion-S»rvic<:.l.'OO p m.. Junior Christian En-

d-nvor.7 :uO p. ni.. Senior and Intermediate

Christian Endeavor Prayer Meetings.Surij'-ft, "What My Denomination IsI'lannTtis to Do (or ihi1 Future."

"S-rnlor~!e3(l-;r.~M!ss Irene- Har r lman . " w i l ? o n < !" ; i v ' - r r < i i" Madison-Avf r.uo- rv<-rpt;on•:00 p. m.. Evening Worship. Ser- Methodist Church. New York City, and tomorrow night the grand finale


Sunday, Octob-r 14.10:00 a. m.. Sunday School,

Scha-.fer. Supt. Classes toraRc. a welcome for all. j (Continued from P»ge One)

ll:''O a. m.. Tiie sermon by* Bishop ' of Hahne t Co:npany there will be a


SaturdayBoys and GirlsStockings, pair 25cChildren's Cash-mere Coats" 2 •5O


mon thtme. "The Men Who WouldSi-,- J.. siif." John 12:21.

Mn;-.duy. S:00 p. m., Westminsteriiluild tii'"ts with Miss Irma Whlte-I head. ~~ Harrison street. ,

W.-dn'sday. 5:00 p. m., Priyermeeting In oharce of Mr. E. J. .Pritcliard.

7:uO p. m. Iutcrmodlate Cimlr Re- ;

iiearsai. 1. !<:00 p. m.. Senior Chbir Rehearsal. |

Thursday, 2:00 p. m., Cheerful,Workers meet with Miss Margaret!

be broadcaM-d by Ftatlon V>'JZ will be a ball and entertainment la Iwill be rec-ived in this church..; th- Robert Treat Hotel. |

rn;n« hear ::i<- bishop :n this won-j r'ir.al arrangements for tho partlcl-d.Tful fashion. '" Ipanon of the Uahway club In the

7:00 p. ni.. Kpworth I.-ague Scrv-' state convention were made at the,ico. Subject. "The Central Idea of weekly luncheon Wednesday noon at 'Prayer." Leader. Mr. John H. Arkln- tho Elks' Club. Various details were:stall. ' taken up and thrashed out and re-1

l.iS p. m, Evening Worship. Live'.ports on arrangements were made by]Song Service. Sermon by pastor.

4:00 m.. Wednesday L. Y. W.meeting In Sunday School room. Allchildren between ages of 7 anil 15years are Invited to Join.Holiday. 12 Union street-

S:00 p. ni., Beta Chapter of the! 7:45 p. m., Prayer and Praise Serv-WVstmlnstor Guild meets with Miss j ice. Let every member fill his placeDorothy MacWhinney. 234 West Mil- ' i n t h i s meeting and help make theton avenue. ' power house of the church to per-

form Its full duty.

Boys' All WoolSlipons 2 . 4 9



Ladies TuxedoSweaters

Children's CoatsSizes.2 to 6.

Sizes 8 to 14

Full Line of

Underwearfor the U7io/e Family

at Lowest Prices


Sunday, October 14...No church services this Sunday onaccount of the fact that the work otInstalling tho new heating plant hasnot been completed. It is expectedhat the work will be finished in fromjne week to ten days. Notice for theservices of neit week will bo givenin the church notices ot the Record

vr.-ek from today.There will be a short session of

the Sunday School at 11:45 a. m.,when a special program will bo pro-.sentr.il and where 6ome heat can beprovided.

Grand Street Chapel Sunday School jholds its regular session at 3:00 p. m. |


Rev. S. W. ' ownsend, PastorSunday, October 14.The Sunday School and Rydor

The Church with a Glad Hand andAn Open Door to Welcome allmay enter therein.


]the committee. William F. Vccch|won the attendance prize presentedby Russell S. Hoff. The new Y. M.Ci A. physical director. Allan Pollack,was a guest-and made a few remarks.President H. A. Stutzlen presided.

The Saturday morning business ses.slon will be held at Achtel-Stettor'swith Mr. ICgner presiding. Followingan address of welcome by MayorBreldenbach. of Newark, and a re-sponse by Joseph E. Hottel, Immtdlate paste district governor, District

Ilrotlierhood. 10:00 a. m.Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m.Communion sr-rvlce. Subject of

of Communion Meditation, "A World-clnR Prayer."

The I. I). JE. L. meeting at C:l.r.p. rn. Topic, "The Church nf t!:i-Apostlos." Leader. Miss Ekanori-Hoffman.

Eir.vorth LoaKU", 7:00 p. m.. Leader,

SATURDAY SHOPPERSWill Be Pleased With These Unusual OlferingsCharmeuse Satin, 40 in.wide. Rep. 0 OK§2.79. Special I,IdBroadcloth 56 in. wide,suitable for children'sand Ladies Coats andDresses. Reg.$2.98. Special

Tweeds, 56 in. wdReg. $1 98, Spec

11 mi1 lor


56 in. wide. Reg.$2.79. Special

Saline Lininps.ured. All colors,Reg. 79c: Special




Wool BlanketsReg. 8.00 pairSpecial

Sheet Blankets, whitewith colored border.Full size. ' Reg.$1.25 Special

Curltiin MaterialsScrims, Marquisettes

Dotted SwissesAirVery-fcow-Prices;—

HosieryFor Men, Women andChildren most reason-

••"•• ably priced.

Mr. C. II. Hu.rdIt.K- The *utjj<:<:tlie on TraytT. Tlio second in ^eof three lcFBons based on Fosdlc!.-'?hook. "Tho-Mcaninf of Prayer."

Evening Worship, 7:45 p. m. Ser-mon themo, "Tho Consecration ofOonvorsstloi."

IAR 109 Main



We Deliver—Free-in—

Rahway,Colonia and


Meat and Grocery SpecialsFor

Friday, Saturday, Oct. 12, 13



ProgressCoffee IbRed Star Baking PowderIs5c Is 10c Mb 20c

JerseyPotatoes 55 c


JellyAssorted 16C

Eat moreCranberries

16*Fresh Plate orBrisket Beef



SmokedCal. Hams


Pure GrapeJuice, Pints

30 C


.:t :r*£ir*; l.r- w:.'. a*;.-,.. <i with rcorr than;-•:- n would a*k for.iar—tn1. of t!.c*» i*j;>cr-! "o t.lm to be h!i «lf».r Mlrarsoa was 020 ni

of D r*vir>> that wainor la-.m-irtal. •<-!llntr.j« r."i!,:,-J ur--n trrtra ••.-r.t.-.ln ca!'.t~! Vra!-

' r oid d jyn d»«-!t S!:ra-

:r: :r« of thr High Oo'^;.••> lM-jb:fu! T J I I ^

i l i i-rirpart-aliJ. tb'.t -i:>. irr.ims for »!'^-ri.

the h ' jIr.-tra.I

one way • rw o-.:M ! p r-Ir.'" s 1 c»v.:'irt:c<- ff 1: •rr.. rac-.!. !'•tl.. -.1 t! :• :•

re hiii sr; perl,.r"!\ «!:•• W.--J!IJ

. r.•;-(•::.'..T ourir.i.lay. end lar f.avo leva Inr h- ••::•> a day.•I M a Kuddle-v M* tln:e r<in-

S !y car':' nl-otltVi-t if rir.ly yon

:t ynar silly has-::*• ',tf l.-.rrc^rn-:ir. !<'.rfo.it everyiln-.'.r.i to t • i;i

nhrr. 1 :. = if t!t->'

e. t!.,-;. to


-.r it. witii the'hat are put

. £••—;.•. t l )_he ..r.t a a U ; K

t-.ad quilt

l l ! : : r . ; M o r a l . :.r. : r . r l a : r . ! y ti-i-y 1n t t o b o a ' . - . u t '.r.<- rr.; r e ! o r . . - t i tr r n . ^ " - T - '.. .'7 1 - - - ' • - ' ^ » ;

I know now it Is r.iy safeguard thut I covefousness? Why. but, Nlnslan. Ihave rr.:.de thorn ln two ways." am astonlrtfi-d at your f<v>lt.sb talklrig!

Hut Ml.-an;,,n. In hU ly'ory tower What neVd have I -of- perfcaion1?•ui.-'n"~Vra:'i<-i. kiicw o:.ly that"hi.-.Avish"What •v?rjgft:~i-r:ave.ln common withhad t—n :rv.^-,i, tor i;isi-!i- fcad'guno anybody vrho was patient with rne nn.l

-J-j^t es a -tuv-.tde brrnts.-- -: ~:~ ""-^'-thoucht highly of my doings?-Acu a good riJdancc. too,1'- Eaya Xlnzlan. It is ln vain _tr._fct_y"u f'

M!nir::'n. Ho tursc-d to Mn:lan, thatUTilllr./ tli-K-1. "Why. did yc.u <-M-r see-the like i,f «uc!i r.'jtragMU«ne"<!"

"Oh. very often." n-;.l!«il this Mn-rl»n. W]-.'j f o was cia.-rii-d. Then Sin-ilan a.C:« d.—' nut what will you doce.rtT"

S.iyn Mlrarn'n. "I shzU'wi.sh to havoba>k the secret and llie selace of myart."

Iljt to Niniiun this Feemed leCT ob-TI.TJ-L -You ::.uY do that by rtioas-!r.; tho ti.ird U-e. Yes. Mirataon. youcan get ha ' k yuur art. but you w:ll be

-t.'ft • d-f<r.^<-l-<^ nguln-t the duom_ir.Mch is apj'.'i'nted. No, friend, by

a y advice ) I - J will er.iploy the can-trnp aa ; o-j at :lrst Intended.-ami willS"<-<irf for )<c:rv.-if eternal life bywi.shit.g tl.ut Kian.herre n:ay vnn;«hfrom !!.!« world of men." And Nlr.iianVRveJ t' nar ' l the sword with whichthe Ni.-a.s. l.:.d foreordained that M.ra-Kon Lluagur muat be killed by his

"To he sure, your honor, and so itIs, but I thought I'd-like <o have coun-sel's n[.lni..n free for once."

"Pat." slid my friend, who Is a bru-nette, "might you not l e t t e r have

me a d:irk lndvr""Not fit all. ma'am," was his quick

•.ver; "ture and_ don't you l>Y~my~

. :udy with lhe door closed and ablanket over the ;>iccolo. Whateverhappens, it will be a new trnlt.

In tho meantime you can be secretlyperfecting yourself ln various cunjur-Ing trifn-"-- Practice out In the coun-

-i1?-^^!] v ;;-w-!- of r-i,-^ cr.rne r^^>^o^_end a tr-p ta t .

Then rne evening yon wl'.l tie ul/e tosay. "I'll siinw you a little tri'-k, myd'-ar." Lf-::J th-) convr-r-iition t:p tocards first. "In ;:i'':r.or;nrcr carfis area good j-t: rt. Mai:" yii:r Ki'* ta'r:e ncard ar.d lo-jk. a", it. Toil V:r to put It

lisjistrous to the acurn crops and tha-• irly plantings of farmers. In feari!iat Iht; lligiit of eo'inUess Uiousan'fe•f wild pigeons winld continue dailyfor tiircn.- laotitiw, itj farmers, accord-ing to '1:0 Ciiiforniu fiyii and gam£-

fc^Sc errtnry -WaiD'|i..r'n:>T.t uf Agri :ul-ngton nn I requested taat

-,: of•:;re in \V•:n opeai-igeor.s.

Kurr.;"r•o nl:int

itn-j u rr.:'!, wore unablaM- tt:t* thousands

am -as u«ej to her shortcomings us Iata to my own shortcomings. I re-gard her tantrums with the resigna-tion I extend to Inclement weather. ItIs \:ni'!easai,t. Ail tempests are' un-plens.-,r.t. Ah. yo«. hut If life shouldbee,,—.'? an en dies," clear May after-noon we could not endure i t ; we whohave on'-e been lashed by s-tortnswould cross land and sea to l e i ; fnr(mow and pelting hall. Just so. to

He told her thnt hl.i futlior was afarrr.fr In Tipp'-niry. "Om- d:iy." hesaid, "ho -.vn? driving a cow hi-f.'r.; himfrom the m.irk'-t. w-l:.-n up rornes acycle ag''tit, and. ses I.e. 'Ilulio, nn.'man. and what did you (,-Ive for thatcow?" 'i"JO,'..s<>s me father. '£1:0!Ju«t think of the grind t>ioyclo youeonld have had for half ih:it!'very good." scs me father, 'hut It didbe a cow I was'wantins. ' ami not a

n: a r, j It hns. Whi-n sho sayssh" has fr.r-o;:-n. do not sho-.v anyci'.ngrin; you car. change it into n rab-bit.

If yr.i-.r wife != 111. rell.-ve h-r rr-dlumby reritir.g 7W''- Fy~/o her. If the --or-vants are ill too. see 'o yo::r -.vlfi-'sbnal-fast year*..-!'. P.rlng it to herheilrnom .1 rily. If her affection

February and March be1 months fur tin- 'Killing, of thes. -.vitii a l::::it uf ."0 itlnis per hunt-arid -A ith :.. Unit 1.11 farming land

•i»-a P-":a

have Cisele :.t,out keeps rne perpetual- 'bicycle.' 'Yes. t,ut ]!i«t thin!: whatly frt'tit-d. iut now ;hut she is.gjino Iam mi-^r:i!.le. No. Nintian. you mays;i:n- \<>':r tr.!i:lr.r. you n(-\>d sny nomare. f..r I s!n;ply could not put upwith be'rf left :n live In comfort."

Sir Nir.r.ir.n hud heard him through,with tl.at p:itl-nce whlrn Is r^u ' s l totn frcndi. An.I NVnzlan. slini^^ing,»a!d, "Then do you chnos.j M'.ramont5_y_ntir wife :md no more drt-ums, orfor your art nnd 'loneliness'?" "•

fool you'd look going through thestreet, trying to rido a row :' 'Armhthin, not half the fool Td look coin'through the streets, tryin' to milk nbicycle!'

"Another" day. me father cnTight ntramp, runnln' off with nne of iiis hosthens. I'ron that this minlt.' ses he.'Oh, fir.' soq the tramp, 'sure I onlydid be tnkln" It for n lark.' 'Indeed"thin.'rnmnwilt bprl lodge Of poultry ye

',((— waiii-s, say, "fVirls-ima mla" tenderlyQnC—ITionilng. Shp-.v her you aro aEcho: a r.

.Start a be-e'iivo neit_ to the •.< 1 !owflowers; le:irn t!ie Treaty of ""

An In-.e>tig;::i.•<V. 1'. Tu;.lor. ..•-I'nited States 1>i.e i.gri.-d '.vith

by hi^art and explain the reparationsprol.lem to her.

Tho pn-riihiiit'es nre t-ndles-s. Boversatile—ever ctianiring—and at theep.i! of ti:e teyith year. If she hr.s notalready got- a.divorce—well, she oughtto, that's all'—London Mall.

.ara dl-tri.-t that •1,- to hide behindI.'avii.-ing iliri'iu-h

:o -hoot wius 00-riner.

\wi.s made by Or.•.ant biologist of thol'jL-;cal survey, and!:<: deputy fish and.

tuzr-Santa Bar—'irtstnen were try-

;!:': fanner and cn-iiini to get ncorna


esin'Jts nut of the lireor,I 'ortor Tayio

!-.• Used n:i a ::.i.--,iy wiiiful [lener-asserted no da:uaL'i orlt.il or e.ould be

.ng the petition to•••iK-cptliin, "nut toi.iti of tin; facts,"• ti> grain was re>ound In the pigeon.

Art of Making Batik.


the- rrry !.n

i - ...1 ,....Kjr.-wat..,>.at. of-bn)---d<-f'-'i"-r.t i- ( i jMi . ra . And the wls-•-to r• zii

I t-i ti •.c-;, ;ri~t. ftt Ira«t ln the In-i'< :.••:•«.i-r. !.H wi f r ' i raort- tror-' . : . ' I - ; : . - : -n :r.0T.cr.ts. would de-

| tc t~.'> if.-,..i:..« s» ("Ilioio pm-ferrrd.>.<<• ir..^r :Vat these <lrrams did

-£i?--ii. ::.. i::ial|. )hi>;i;!-.ta and>•••< x!:'..-!. r.i.-Nored In thf heartH'-ir.-- I.!•!?.;.-.r. rr.d which would'.<h ^i-> rhe faliinj; of his doom"t ^• wr f . ;M the fanHrj_lnto»-< flit. ' . I n ; flMhless. ml tM

I mi? -3rr.'-..-.rrc:i time. And Mlra-o :- .-r- .- l !s? the !o«t frc«<dorji of

-Tit-? L-uj^u.:a.-t.ilcr--.v} - : '••••'. t!. .i: :'-e w r r Mcrid '.» a

prvtty gr... 1 s. rt uf ;i^ce afttr nil—""Hut. r.:fr. I i n v:re that it LJ."

tsy Minn-—n. n ' l "y."Then tho ::: r<- t' r.:::e to youi and

r.a di hi to ko-p

The fallen wlrsrd answered: "Ofirtnt worth Is life if it b red no moreJri-an-.s-V Ar.d il:rar:i»n said also, "Iwor.Je.-, N:t.ci:in. J-ist whero Is theLniv!'!Io of r.eit vveekV *

<1, ,-k Nir.rian FJ oke. secure In hisinfi-rr.al eru.i.tiin. "It will full upona Wednesday, hut r.oNo^y knowswhence. -o:ylirius t-tLtes that it Is

fill." Mlr-.::r.on replied, as ho dustedaway tho third bee. "Since I can hoar

do be . ' "Wh'-n Pat's fare was bidding him

up neither my wife nor my art, goodly, she gaTe him Tin o r fcrown for his "good company.**thank you. ma'am," he said;and

-..-•. r^ In vrcjr«*-if^ar.J now In Ara:u. ui:erv all that enter-n-.vare c^tlied !i'*e a Lird with wings, and Xh:\ihave or.iy d is: and cl.iy to eat in the »as•jnch.:.x;".ng t-.-.iili^h;—" nr\'\

le's re;i,

S-' »i!ci n * th» vir

I'iJ •: rril

nisi I T H dl»cr.n:ent. be-;',e I^-shj appeared

i a n indecorous. Tho.>n the I^?hj" jeomod

** ' " " ' ' ? in g..., ! tnste tn her whohi y,r. N.-~, ,,; a n c r about whom

. t%-.trior: In fart. It was•rot".hi:*: :::i:n;ion to her that her

n-it bewith tr.m."

"I empiny try nntuml g'ft. I ivcprc«smy.'elf i,rd r r.- o:h. r. The ro.'.-S'U.-hd">-3 Rut [•:: f rth wli'.'.t. nur 1I1.1eltht-r." r'-:urre-J t!.*? v-j^ar^ uj'h ~ftttr<->l Khrug. "In t'.r.e, whut wi-uld youhaver1

"Oh , a tr^.-.t deal It means to yor.w h a t I p r e f e r ! l'.'.:l i f . I h:-.d my wi^hy c u r silly ''.n-.v:i iv^kir.g wou'.d t eI n k e r a w n j frv".i you ^" thnt we mightlive sensibly."

Now ns s'-o upoteviciously tit the hl.'.-k rrc «s. An.! ath ing h a p r e r c d to i eliold whh-h would

1°no mutter how de-stroylngly tliey workagaln.-t •-.-.••h other. I wish for every-thing t.) he put hack Just where It wasnn hour agn *'

The last liee S<? » In a wide circle,and returned to the cross. Life re-

e in all_ which haa perisiied Inhour, and Gaurnry's baleful sungone, and the dislcnlged worldssatellites w^n> revolving trltnly


"surelldn't you give roe your company


•'Many acorr.s were left behind ftyT pigeonlPrn lift" Sant a MarliT^Toc-

iUns_Dl_l>:i.tik_Hn_iLrhe.l.:^in," he_ conti^iujjl. "There is abun-;r!-;. Every truo Juva- ,:ant gre'-n feed this year aside from,

that can afford It wears t.atik -.';e a-oms, and tin- value of acornsa~k"ns :;.s fo.7il~i'ur st~':TT»~fifi-rstruna:i1e~ai~

'<.-st. t'or it is n-;>or:-'d on good uuth<>r--.ity that iiogs fed -n acorns put on softf:it nnd lose their marketability.

T h e granting uf this petition would

ava-are-lh£_!marine of ttienese

"Sho wo::!'lil'Acy-< a riel

•*—Wt.ereanot ur-i'laii'-iSlid nn.l f;>No?tron•!. «!born ^'edi.e

! r..nI' utes A f i lMy. tt•Id. in.ere Ssdays.

like that.<!lgestkm.",:'.:.sn t

th .1 r i - i i


I'ullioIt wait• blue

Sho :

sugge1 hey.house

!a herds theider a roof





In th 'd r f


'rtiier piacefi. And the HighIi-eil; for there were onlyjylejL- nnd Toupan. afloat In

veiii. again seemed hurmlesa:ti. b.-c:i.:-,> the eyes wen' closed duplex radio telephone

tireless and unappeasable telephone In

p"Iko:'r t re . now tliat -.voulj never

suit a w< man who hud nn almost mor-Nd f iverxun to rept i les 1"

'•—I'nt Poslcles dec lares It Is InNlbulria. where Ztr'aenu and Cubra-

wher-'n ismalignity, and a for'-knowledge whichIs pirturbing to the Cods.

Koshchei said only: "What needwus ttiere to worry? F'ld I not makemy creatures mn!c and.female? Anddid I not make the tie which ts be-twtjen them, that cord which I wove

A Floating Demonstration.Trie Leviathan is a ilrtating demon-

stration— tif electrical—p»i!s!pnir-nt,—As-many as 2O.M>"r> electric lumps give herlight; TOO electric fans assure her pas-sengers comfort; her electrical kitchencontains six electric ranges, five hakaovens, six griddles, tpv,:n_ ho: plates

rinthinjof herys-.em, with a

tvery stateroom.

bo7li;n;;.Vr'i0V'w7."preJe;VlnaU have" aMonis.-.e! the magi and the en- *an play a. handball. _aud the earth- ^ u l U , T „, , o v e a n d „, disliking? th,

kl« fsthrr with the charmed chanter, who hud given over centuries


Libby'sSauerkrautcaD17cStar Cocoa, 1-lb - 2 5 cCal. Apricots ^ 3 5 cAssorted Cookies, Ib 2 5 cStrained Tomatoescan 9 cPumpkfn, small can

Fresh Hams, Ib - 28cSmall Pork Loins, Ib 32CRib Roast, BI;i:Sd 24cChopped Steak, Ib - 20cPLATE or BRISKET



TEL. 311


narnhi-rge. This was a doomSIa.!.im.> nisele found not at nil

of thing you cured to have

to searching for the enntrap wblch

qnakes are at nursi—" sfrs , m t t h a , , s R g t r o n g c o r , _ a n d

"She would he nr,no the happier (hough all things thut are depenu uponwould release the bees of Toupar, Kor there. She does not can- for babies iu m J . w e a v l , R h M s r

now without anyexercise of Dingle

Motor in Near East.P<Tlnety per cent of all automobiles In

Syria nnd Pali-atir..- are of Americanmake. Palestine Is a transformed ter-ritory. It Is no longer a pastoral londuntouched by modern life. Americanairrlcultoral machines are there, andwhereas before the war It took fourdays to Journey from Jerusalem toNazareth, It can now be done ln fourhours.

There Is a motor car service be-

headnud-body kain nnd carr(a weapon with a blade about a footlone) In his belt. P.lnrka is tiie ci-nto.rof the batik Industry, and the major-ity of Its women are ndepts In theproduction of. this artistic fahrlo.

Batik ia cn'.t.n oh.th on which d osigns have tn-en [.rint'd In a npi-clalwayVISreyt.77] ^vhT.r -.v^x Is ril*o-,vc-1- tntrlcl:!e fro::i the ^nuil! end of n f::r.n"lupon thos-o porrir:.--.-. of tiie fabric thr.tIt Is not desired to c:'h,r. the operationbeing exactly iluplieared on the twosides. Tills tli.no. tho cloth is dippedIn the dye vat. withdrawn and hungup to dry. and the wax removed laterwith ttie use of lulling water. Tillsseries of operations |s rop-atf-d In theapplication of each color, till the en-tire design is ir.msferred.

Certain designs nay he worn onlyhy royalty, others !y priests, and soon. The designs are ol every con-ceivable description. fro;n convention-al flowers and geometrical figun-s, tojungle scenes and quaint representa-tions of wild beasts.—Detroit Xews.

SSS^£S"S£- KTS/KTS~ ~ S-TSSSrsiSl s?.?*£WtftJ.

__ she would not for one moment put up B u t . M : n i r n o n | r b i s ivorj" tower i i i i i u , o „ ^, n c with a .fyilc!lfll9_v-^

unK_<'a_rthq_u,*k^ knew nothing of how he had played t w c e n Beirut nnd Haifa, end between" " verse; he only knew rjn|fa nnd Damascus. This route

fnte of an that Hrf made all thlnw «» they are. hid do- ant ror everyoouy. .'>[••'•»» - • " ' " - [bat u'.«m the black Etone cross thro- b r | D B , BaSdaU within sixty miles landfnte of an thnt IlTf. made . l i t . * t ! n t these bright Mlraraon coi,ghed-"Mnzlun. I begin b w s w e r e c r a w i - n B fretfully, ami tha« journey throughout-Syriar-Falestiner

Pcr,U co'uld be frcH only In .he most ^ ^ ^ ' t ' T y X ^ ' ' " - "" ' ^ ^ ** " h 'm

the llend replied. "Tn any event yoohave one wish remaining, and nomore. You can at will desire to havo

'•n to quite candidly, the bet•oulil bo for everybody con-

obvious way. because he knew thisIrritated by the mere alsht would bc the lnst method attempted '

by any learned persona.Now for an Instant the walls of the

< niahfrcr. So her thlnklnir . ._"* of •Ut and honey when, after pol-

ho jn-ord. ns.waji her uxacohorsday morning, she enme Into

of theblow* -back again the control of your tost

h a " b ! i c k ^ o u tAnd the bee

;:ri"-'"'» Ivory tower to hnng tho to the window, and through the clear" n lt» right plnce. With Mlra- Bla" of the closed window. leaving a

nail round hide there as the creatureent to Join Its seven fellows In the

Is married to an artist I"lower were n-nulvcr like blown .Daci again n»= « '«"» i '•» j""> <"T<. . .. , 11 ^ s W > mer'n-1, -modes.- or-you-can-have-hack^ouz^ B u t w h r <J» *™ Perpetually med-1

...ss.d-glllter.njy w , f^ t 0 ' o o n t *ol y o u . . . ;dl.T "without undersinndlngr- he ro--;piled, as fretful aa the accursed bees,

intolerable womun.

in certain parts ofenraged. ; trans-Jordanla and Arubla the Amer-_

"A pretty trlcfc that was to play on |can motor cars now link up remotome I" she says. "Oh, but I pity tho communities and provide cheaper and

more comfortable travel than by rail.


1 sat that Meek person whom men^Inr.lnn. It was not known to

' friends thnt he was an'Pint who had come out of tho

fit to work Iniquity; but1 l.iungor knew th's. nnd there-

appropriate u»e of thi»iil Indeed upon this very

; nt thntKinitnn had procured for the j were

' Prlco.v to you, S| r \inzinn," says |

politely enough. And jin n ii'HVronf tone to I

"And with w

.TftfSr* "f"3 r jjy-;;;;;_ ^

"Yes." says Mlramon. forlornly."And Indeed." the demon went on,

with that glib optimism reserved forthe dilemmns of'ione'3 friends, "In- ' o r o -deed It Is In many ways n splendid

ve the choice clear

as angry aa theAnd they went on very much as be-

returned to his aforetimeand all plnnta and trees Ing an artist and

Ireland's Famine of 1847.In 1847, t'uiuLno In Ireland shocked

ID the moon,husband. I hold tho sensibilities of the people of tho

One day we were ready to go totown on nn errand nnd our car refusedto Klnrt. My husband tried everythinghe could think of, but to no avull.Next.morning we hitched the team totho car and drugged it to our villagepirago. five miles away. I went alongto guide the cur. Thinking something

seriously wrong, wi tied our

theno brief for either career,, because I United States, who devised moans to" " a s

co urii-i iu< >.<..<-. . . . . . . ,.._ _. ., ,.., bugvy on behind to come home In. Tono brief for either career, because I . Uthink that art Is nn unreasonable mis- : relieve some portion of the distress, b u ) : v-v o n h l ' ! l l n d '» r"»'e home In. To

d I h i k l t h t a wife Is concerning which ninny painful ac- o u r s»rPrls<" l l u > mechanic cranked thetress.

hat art Is nn unreasnable misnnd I think ulso thut a wife Is concerning which ninny painful ac-

criptlon. But

everywhere were withered, andsen also lost Its greenness, nnd there

no more en.eraMs. A,,d the High ^ ^ ^Go.lR.were appal led to - -o t..eir d.-um . raan m n m h o M

Sl , ,«'ar a. hand, and .hey cr.«! out to ; ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ s |,.,,(, lI -T, , , , , 1S t r u c .

Thn-e Is no niarr!i\gt- for the milker of private subscriptions;:r., liccmise he Is perpetually '•re- Slalea and v.cre sent on

replies Mlrnmon. "tbe.so"••' of Toiipan, a treasure be-

ti.i'l ' "" "> ! l l l i l""- They nre not• Kt l,ee.<, f.,r , | | ( , l r s , , , l u , n p p , , a r .

^ «f shining Ice; and th-y crawl

Tn. .' "B•''"•'*' h n v e crnuicd slnro. »n s dowr.fn'.l, about this ITOSH cf

• *•*• " very likely pforv for von i

who can Hec thut tiie1 {,-••"• rruaiur<j3 hnve- wings to

til7 W l l h wh™ever they want to,—JMilci.-who-ln-tho -world li

JII-lllll»J»li11'lllllll>»'ll « " "~nobody In thi

1 wlg«r not towife.

Koslichel who devised th<'::l.Koshchei answered: "Hnvo pa - ;

tli-ni'c! ~~W)Tch ri>Trn"rii~~R~rr;rn?rT)—r-f.ill-wltli you. Meanwiiile I have m.ndenil things as they are."

And In tluit instant Mlraaion I.hia-g«r, as hc-.sioi'd hhr.kir.L- In his Ivorytower, was aware ef a touch upon his 'forehead, ns If a ihnnp sponge werepassing over it, nnd he perceived~t!:u! Ihe had forgotten the seer.1! of his wf.vnrdry. Something lie ceiild yet n-call,they say, of the magic of the Turin jnnd the oust


counta were printed In the papers atthe time, the Detroit News recalls.American vessels were freighted hy

ln tho Unitederrands of

car twice an 1 it s-urteil nicely. Just alittle wnter hud gotten. In during 11rain storm, and when it dried outnothing was wrong. We did feelfoolish.—Chicago Journal,

United States' Wood Consumption.

Arnold Burned in Effigy. jThe feeling against F.enedlct Arnuld,

traitor, was particularly strong InPhiladelphia, and In September. 1TS0.Uie people were culled out to join ina popular demonstration against theman who had once been the mllltnryruler of the community. j

Ills effigy, In full regimentals, was ,placed ln a cart nnd drawn through 1the-city to he afterward burned Ineffigy on High street hill. The mockArnold had t\vo faces and a mask In "his left hand. Near him wus thedevil, In black robes, holding out tohim a purse of money. There were anumber, of banners containing pictures ;and letters describing the conspiracy. !

The procession was headed by a lineof Continental oflicers and hy u guardof city infantry. There was n hand jof music playing the "Itogue's March." jA funeral pile hud heon arranged at jlhe head of the hill, und here In themidst of an Immense crowd, the mockArnold wus burned. /

Hat Principal Attraction.Pnstor—I was M. sorry for yoi:r wife

hti Tn7rTe::ni.n [ills ninn:iTi:r~f>o-r~tor. She had such a dreadful (it ofcoughing that the eyes of the wholecorr-'regMtlen were fixed u;«.ti ti.-r.

Iiiictor— H'Hi't he .unduly at:ir:u<-d.She wns wearli-g her new hat for thefirst Jme.—Judge.

]..:ve the way for a duplication of thocisgraceft:! slaughter 01 1911-12, which.s still 11 stench in the nostrils of con-•-orvatlouistis^ us"well us "in" trios"'.' of~::i... b.-tter hsilatic"! residents- ln uie;.igeon bectious th'Miselvesj, , I tal'iiec}-.--• i 1 ti num<-roi:s petitioners, but no:...ne. on coaversiiti'ti, argued for tholarge limit here proposed, or for un-limited killing on farm lands,

"There Is nu iju1 stio.n In my minii,"r.-rw rted the ile;.u:y lisli and gamo. ..ri.ir.issi..ne.r, "hut what the pig-'onoh!;*o in tii'.- past .lone barm to tho:"::n:iers in the Zaca. Los. Ollvos ^ndS.ihta Yin-z Vuiley se-'tions, but notr.- nrly so bad us reported. As to theacorns, I have Uilki-d to cattlemen undthey do not think much of tiie acorn,as a food for cattle and hogs."

'Hie attitude of the California fishand game commission on the questionis thus expressed:

"If it is time to open the season onv. lid pigeons let the sportsmen so state,proving their contention by a show ofstatistics us to au-'inentcl numbers of[jiriis .and .ri;iis'.'ni.ijji«i_r»_"ss_uf_u_tp.ll_bjt_Ing tuken. But w-hy hide behind thefarmer?"

I''•>'.< •••''••'•{i

Simplified Art.A certain palmer is confined In an

asylum. To persona who visit him he

"i/cok at ThlsT IRs iny lutestTlna*''•..-rpiet'e."

Thi'y look, and see nothing but on'•xpanse of hare caavus. They ask:

'.'What does that represent?"•Thai? Why, thut represents tho

iius-«ige of the Israelites through thelied :••[!.';

"I'CL' pardon. 1ml wlio-p is the fieur*"It has tieeli driven baek."

each is an nihas the innk.

-Ho(Jf. 111!'of tho Water, nnd most of

»nJ the. _._. him. He

could still muke shift, hp knew, tn ™ -

"ureoiiifort.- -r.nt-whatj ' "r of dreams, what hunbeing wln> lives Insideliicli a mirror reveals to

the. Bull,tho lore of the ApsarafasKaldhln rune .reiimlned to h

ldf h kn

„,tro! the hitter ni.ergar. to build thofoarfui bridge of the White Ladlos, or

h'lm, to do with women? At best, thesennlrmils afford him modul.s to bi: Itlenl-Ijeel im.vDiid 'he lnsipiilicant truth,Bnmewhut as: I have iiiude a soul-con-'.tenting portent with only a Iliard tonturt on. And a t worst, thesa unlmula

It was said thut 200.000 pounds ster- ]ling were due to the Provincial Bankof Ireland by one house engaged In lheimporlaTfiTiTTifrom, whirh was brrrr?rrt-by lhe cargo at £111 per ton. merely tube hoarded fur a rise In prices. Nosatisfactory report of the dlstrUUiUoaJof the articles 6ent £rom Ajnorlco was

feet. deriarrM the forest sor\-:n-, 1'nit-;eil States Department of Agric.l.unv ;

The per rai'ila consumption in tills/-omitrY-ki-212-CUlilc f.-ft. of which 110

Handy With an Excuse.Jealous \Vif(f—You ought to be:

nshumed ut your n:re, running after

cubic feet, or u little more than half.Is snw"timbrr. and the-lmlttn-'e con-sists of ct>r(lwood, roiitimie-S lhe de-partment's . report. -whlclT;printed for public dlstrlbutiun.

Hub—My dear, that ought to put youat your OUFL1—it proves, doesn't it, thatthey are trying to get away from me?

"And wher" uro"They hiivc i/i'1 •-"And' tin- I'lgvpr

Will he !.,T.' .-..rt of paintin. iL.:'etei:t:oi.>."- Art


i.i •%

I ' : - . - . -li!:.sItl.-l

. The DD:S [A mat. wh'i ha.l

:!..• le-![. of liis ;:,:;.h>ynieiu was loi.-.ay stiitioti a.-; tiiing to caicli 11 ir.J

"Ii\ctl--o tile, si;.Uiyed In a-treu:'i

"So you arc out.the minister soi .Tae you u-'"l tiretl


"Mon't aiisi eprt-eil 'lie man. "It

S f \ 1

: : . - : .

i rgl!c pan.r,"


I.-:-a elites J"over."

;:•/. Tliut'3 ths- -ii:>p!e nnd un•" rd.

"ir;:.•-••:i( tl.'MI-.s s o u / h l

•r to secure cmig lu-ar a railstor was hurry

said Ihu tjuenivoice.

.if \vnr': agii ln." -alii•rely



. 'it si-'iiis toJ U'.'W (Mllpi<).V.--T

ni'1, sit-," pleu'Vnever tie trntS

• fully.xald U:al 1 -et llrod IlrsC— PliH7.

Page 7: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

2-B Rahway i, Friday, October 12,1923

VOLCANOES TO AIDMountains Being Harnessed to

Supply Power.

:i:ure frequently b u t .

oliv.r. •!'•< have

of Italian Town LightCook and Heat Homes by Vol-

canic Steam Pressure.

Volcanoes, although often referredto as burning mountains, in reality donot burn ut all. Neither nre theymountains in tlie true seuso of theJerm.

The scientific ilellnidon of a volcanoat "an opening In tlie earth's crust,

—TfcrtragtrvcnlcS hrnipct-matter is-thro*n-j p from the earth's interior to t i e sur-lace, wueru It u.-u.illy forms a hill,xooro or less conical In shape, and gen-•rally with a hollow or crater at thetop." , ...

Where eruptions frequently occur,tlie heated materials forced upwardspile themselves lu heights which causetnran to be classed us mountains.

What looks like flro belching forth-jg merely L06 reiioctlou 0[ IHD lAolieirSan on the clouds of steam which han<<xrer tba crater. The steam Itself Isoften wrongly spoken of as umofce.

Tbe cause of volcanic action Is notKnown. The moa popular theory Isthat It Is brought about by water get-ting Into the white-hot furnace belowthe earth's crust. In support of thisthe fact Is clteJ Uiat nearly all tliomost active volcanoes are close to theuei.

Volcanoes are really safety-valves,ivl Siciu't ~t n .'ro~ve~TouTtr~liar\ny~If£Ve~eil.--n.-d at nil, for scient'rts say It isdue to volcanic a'lion that U,e eon-Un-T.ts emeriti fro:a t!ie sea. K;ir:h-iTc:i^es, w.'ik-h nre usually more ter-

—rlWe-ln-t-ielr-i;xuuld occur nr.:for tJiese eufeiy-vii]

Between GOO ur.'ibeen counted In vworld, iir.d oj ib'-factive l!s:. Vc-:1-orer two Lho'.:>..:iPo::]i>ell. E:m: :s iactive 05 :'ar linCi11R0 It OeiU-o.VLd.lj.V.O people.s'.r.ceThen at varylnj: intervals It has beenthe scene of a number of disasters.

In Italy and in s^me of the volcanicIrtnnds of Uie lv.clflc tho steam rx)werIssuing from volcanoes has been har-

Ijesscd for engineer-in? purposes. Thopeople of the Tuscan town of Lardellolight their streets, heat the homes, anddo their cooklnj; by means of volcanicsteam pressure, which generatesenough beat to «x>k a Joint In lessthan half an hour.

In another district In Italy volcanicenenry Is exploited for tho purpose ofsnaking electricity, which la suppliedto many towns, some of them more«ban BO miles distant The steam Iscurled through pipes to huge boilers,where Us heat converts water Into stilltoon steam"which drives the dynamosmod provides central heating In manybouses. Similar Installations are be-ing erected In other parts of Italy, and"tbe furore may see that country be*com* a vast electric power station,•applying electricity to half Europe.

The irrcat spectacular volcano ofKflanea, In Hawaii, is to be made toJustify Its ctla'tence ln the same way.ITie crater of Kllnuea Is a vast lake ofmoltenlava, and this will be harnessedto supply the Hawaiian foninunltywith light, heat, ana power.

The time may he not far distantwtien-the-lsrfrest-and-most-actlve-vol-canoes, instead of being a dreadedmenace to the safety of man. will con-tribute materially to his»nri comfort.


Only Three Art Known to Make UMof This Sente—the Dove, Buz.

zard nnd Jay.

It Is a rather curious fact that onlythree, of tho common birds seem tomake uuy constant use of their vulu-

'. smell, sai-s the Review of

((close relative of the famous, now ex-: Unct passenger pigeon) tho turkey buz-; zard and the famous Canada )ay, com-

mon about hunters' camps In the north-eastern woods.

Hunters believe that tlie "whisky• Jacks," as they nre commonly called,

assemble its soon us they detect thesmoke of a camplire, and Ihe writerhas i^en them coining from a distance,

~ln^UitTJi;eirfore.st~»ire>e"irc'aifiiiilre1uidbeen klmiled, to watch Uie builders ofIt, and steal any "grub" they could tlnd.They are BS "bold as brass" about tills

i operation, as the hunters say. Thepresent writer has had them pilfer ba-con he held In his very hands. In the

1 Canadian woods.

j The butzards gather freely wherever. carrion Is displayed. They are valn-i able as scavengers, and are protocted

by the laws of several s c a t S TEeTfI aerial movements often reveal thei whereabouts of a dead horse or cow,

oaj?bich_tbey_gather_forjtt^grand.feast.This la plainly the result of the op-

must be preternaturally acute. Theyare never soon to attack any creatureUiat shows a sign of life, but they will6lt around, gravely silent, and watchan expiring cow until Bhe Is nuite dead,aud then descend for their feast, whichis a ravenous one and thoroughly com-plcted.

There nre pl.-my of visible evidencesthat these birds actually du rely upontheir sense ef smell for this work, yetthe same sert of evidence sivtns to be

Baptists StrivingTo Reach Set Goals

Members of the First Btiptlst

Church havo been furnished or will

be given copies of the alms which

uerr-adopted by the congregation for

ot them to active fulfillment of thoprivileges and duties of their mom-bc'rship; a Sunday School fifty percent larger In average attendancothan that of last May; a constantlygrowing work among young people;an evening service whose sincerity,variety and practicability will appeal

occasion for a largo gathering of rela-1 social pleasure *»» enjoyed. « W | ana MfiTftod v.lives and friends Wednesday night gifts of beautiful (lower, wore received Mr. Tff l Mr.. Freulives ana inona ^ ^ ^ w , , h u t t n K . , t | Brooklyn; Mrs. j o r , .at the roBldence of Mr. and Mr.. Os y ( h o „ ^

13. Oarthwalto, ot 64 Seminary

A prayer meeting with growing at-tendance and deeponlng spirit; the

of all the church's members tho points '-presentation to tho church'by the

An elaborate wedding dlnuur was

•H.rved and many hnm>y ™m\°[*t W l l l l a m „. c m i l , of Arlington.

cences of bygono days w o r o ™.° _ .__ : and Mrs. Frank C. Smith and

the coming year. It Is expected that j to tho non-church going momber3 ofhaving these copies of the goals to'the community,u-hitli they aro striving will aid ma-terially In keeping fresh In the niimla

,o be Ttrwen for. The alms are n \ 7 ^ l 7 . "bud i fo'r" 'l^Jl | ' g ^ ^ ^ ZiZ?^fallow- budget economical and non-extrava- • ' , ,

To -.rive for a regular congrcga- Bant and yet such a one as shall look I s u « 0 B s t n l J<'»mey tbrough l ib to-

,lon averaging two hundred at tbe forward l° a growing work and not. a' S«"»r- *** ™Ma* t M ' . "h »h' - . I milestone bleHned with Km|d health

i nricl strength.

. , , I Tho [ollowlng guests were prosont toavenue, whom they had Inv ted to I . , , . , . , ,

, Ijartlclpato In the happy occasion:Mr. jind Mrs. M. J. Qllea, of Plaln-tleld; Mr. and Mra. Jntnea I). Miller..Mrs. Charles K. Haiti and Miss Jeanllallz, of Hast OnuiK''; Mr. and Mrs,

unite with them In celebration ot tho



and many warm congratulations wero ^ ^ ^ ( , r m v i , n o f M t ! t u c hen: Mr.Oarttrwalto,

aionbrook, Conn.; a n a ^from this city: John T. R, *L. J.- Stephens, s Pn^T1

walte. Mr. and lira. W l l (

waltn. O. B. Oarthw»ii, j ,drcd Kelly, th« Mil,,,' j , , ,nnd Matilda (Jarthwiit,. MrC. N. Wll.on. Mr. a m l u**

n *

morning service ot worship, from Oc-il1"1'1'}' »f retrenchment: an, every-

tober-.to May Inclusive: a thorough' "''.niber canvas under tho combined

vi«umion—liy—iwitor, tltucoiis aajj_aiisp_lce«_!?t t n t ? trustees and deacons,

other helpers, of all members of tho [ «"!ifrli shall impress upon all

church, with the object of winning all i b o r ; ' - t l l e l lu t>' o t support of tin

AT THE EMPIRENorina. Talmadge makes he Una!


of the church; an educative programto acquaint the membership with themissionary program of the dcnomlna-

Kollowlnc Ihe dinner, an evening of

appearance at the Empire Theater. lion; a message and program to bo

Itoday in


th(> sensational stagethe. Law." Xorma

play I present to tho community such asTal-

i art 13 supremo In Uitspower-

minute of the picture. Extra for to-day Century Comedy and Topics otUie_Day.

Tomorrow (Saturday) Richard Tal-

shall Invlto their co-operation In thoattainment of Jesus'sKingdom of flod. and

Ideal of thoinch nn shall

winJesus, m Lord and Saviour.

Wedding AnniversaryH i l C l bis_f cultured-In. hls_ very-latest

thriller, "The Speed King." Four

,ie!s of excellent vaudeville conclude j Th

the performance. I »f happy married llf.

Next Monday. October 15. In con-

junction with the regular picture pro-

i:ra::; Manager Heiu::in has enraged

:'!.• . fa"rr>u5 Sigler lirotlurs. ti:e

•••.•'•rl'i'.i renowned juvenile box.-rs u ho

••'.." : :>-t all comers, a^e.s eicht to

;••:! :•.ar^. wclsht TO to '.:< p.'ur.d.-.

7!;er'_- v.iil be a special :::atinve for

yHappily Celebrated |

completion of thlrty-flve y e a n ,was made the;


Churned Fn.sh J>nil>;

AW ECKERSOI*PureFood Product

\FW RllfiS

to !'.;ive b

*i0 13. C. In

puirld tissue, an l must kr.cw Is.s odar.The nnrt!:e:-:i •.r:.!.;-.'rs ha;.- :!i:s feath-ered robber. u-!..,i. they ,..':«i i!::dclutched ::i .i tr.i;i tiiey h:v! .-.lref-jllyset for a hi::1.'; or other !'-.;r-l'e.iri:!_-nn'.nii:::;!. h" a L'.'.r.:i'.hi Jny, or a buz-zard i.r.'ls .-ui-li a Imp, ::e '.-; rreityli);ely to r.'L :.:;•'. .-;.:•:::,• ::, .ir.t :: Islittle siiti.-f,;'-:i".i to the trnpi^r tofind Uie I::ei'ji5 bird in tin.- u-.ip'sJaws.

at:i. L: '

.".'1. Abo two.

-.,! ?:!". As :it:




T r o

ORIENTAL26-128 S. Uth


>-^^^fri:-_- r s r« i .u t u i

S H O E SShoemaking'sBiggestAchievement

l'uilt on strictly anatomic liaoiit«

room forJ-i-Ve toes

means foot ease for

Man, Woman.

Boy. Girl

• and the Baby!

Mmx, J3, $10. f l l . . .

P lows and Prac t i ca l i ty ._ A D renllL-:.tf^iinff-_ nnd p.Th:i;-s arhflp^'ii'.ni; uipL'rii:iTL:'j^r^_".'7^f_-'r--'vL'Aw h o 'Vrkl'"1 '"ili*1- -r:-'s*' wvA ">'\\»-:\<"

. SJI apricu ' .mrc, b'Jl put nU" !!•••.r f.:l:h?in?* 1't-itp fur ;.r<>^r<-ss '.n *';-r:i.--tI \ i l "o r " ' i i r i " f;iri.:vr-, w iml j \>* >'.::it!rm'iir.ar ::i thf. h i s to ry >">r so i:i..vtT-.i:Aijd u-'i-ful :;n ::::i''.frm"r.t 'i> \\\!- t u n iplow. "r r : : i ' t l r : t l " ?;in::>-r< t -t1! *.*• "iian:ible !!iroi;^h -:":ior:tT!n^c ;,-) rj.->:?nj e s t rlpht the f i i rves n* r.;.,-. ••: M-b o a r d iind no aT'iTCfialiN* prn-r . - -v [n

tha t umt lor w a s r^nd** ur.Mi :h»"»r:-:Lsa PI iK I'd to thf* prribli'in tin- l,i-.vs ofn l t i - c r mai!ii-r:iiit!f:s. Tli"m:is J'-fT.-r-«on, la a <tudv p r o p u n - l for t!ieFY<'nch utaJpHiy, i*alcu!»ti-il ; h fcurves and report<••] tli-"1 n ^ n ' t ^ ofhe\A to-sts. nnd on thr—** l i r . ^ , lilrnos!

^ilnrh^Ti^pfi, Hnf* --*»vf»!ved i*y--|vir«»tru-n-y nnd phf-kr-rl by pra r t i ' - a l usf%^ . ' M t i n u r d s h : n v bp-on con>tr i j ' i i t 'dfrom h\< t ime. "PructU^il" fanner.-;, a-Ittle Intt-r, when th*» cast Ir>'>n t : r n;ilow wa.i !:itr<"l!h'-'tl. whirh |>r*-'V(ii>dl t e rhl l l rd - i ro l p:.f.v, fns:>'tt'il r,'.::itl i o t,"ist ir*in .vouiil "jKiI.snn tho so!!.Itajurt1 (.ho r .T in i ty :ir.i] prtin'.ntf thfET'"VA'th of rark1^.1 '—Fmm th<- "MiiTtnt):::

l i irV-rt '*, #7. TT7

Newark Stores813 169-175 106

Broad SprlnQfield Market S tStreet Avt. Men's Only

DR. LOUIS KLOTZ^VcrERlKJ°.!iii ;r . L i Z . O r r i C t 2 1 0 W . s - i i ^ d A . e . j

r h . . . . i:ii7,,ii , ; i i j ' M 3Kihrf.y Ol'ici Jl llll.ee S. I'. C. ,',.3-1 Irvinst l . , Pliow Kihw«y282-Ji l o r i t s . C o w ^ . D i , i s i n d C j i j T . ' t j t c d |


Chiropody . Foot OrthopedicsI 1 IC.-.I Ka.st .Jor.sey s t r i c t

n H, 2 ^ - i ^T e l . ICll7.llliettl 4 1 9 J

I O1--1-ICK Hl lVKS

8 . \ .V in '.. l>. M. T i n s . . Thi im. , Sat

9 A. M. l " •; P. M . Mini. , Weil.. Kri.

Size of Sea Waves Given.Aguin ih.' iiui'.-tion of tliu maximum

leJsht that greut «av<>3 attain on tlV;1-omi-swepL ncean has bee:i answere.l.w a t least a semi-seieniiUc manner.T),r hyJrujraphli- "Iliee at Wasblns-ton has bieM at the pains to nun],an-raany of Use moji trustworthy - ob-wn'atlctis nn nVord. relating to waveatTj the Atlant!'. The con^'lusuin ar-*+ve<l at is ih »:. <>n the average, whatsre ealletl '^ir-at waves" -uttiiii. -a

Jie'j lit of about '~S^ teet. In tempests•t'f e^treiiie fury waves sometlujes at-tain a height as sreat as 47 j feet,Snch -wave - r-an hardly bt- i-al!til"mountainous." but to castaways in anmall bruit tbtiy would sfeni to lie pro

The length ulg ywaves, that K. the distance fruui ,i::ouollow to that before or behind It,r-irli>« from t'.in) to 2,000 fteL

M e n j r e A p r i l w h r l l I 1 ! - - , ' n . , . !•

. r . ' t l l l i . - r v . ) , , ' j i : ! i . ' y u . U ; u . ; i ; N : i r i - . ' .; '

• w h i - n t in- : . - J I r e n u i l d ^ . l . i : : t l i r •;•.

c-hanK'-? when lln-y a r e wives . — .St;:i';<•wpi-ari.'.

In the Spring."A youne man's fancy lightly tur;

te thoughts if llshlng. quit, limnn.raise, spats,

a new bull,J*M» York Sun.

a ' i s . JI v i i c . . ; , .

,( U l t l ^ l i i ' ' ! . . ' . I,K<-

• • ii ii V'.-ry happily

: .ir; I'-il iiiau. 11'* iv.-s S'ldh

;i lot ut crrdit for i.."At ""!l tllil"," •^•A\ I1:KI- .

—w»-UK.'d-to-liavo l i . - , .•..•ui;l)wasli don..- at hon;..-. :i:i'l untliat ilay ^iemm usnd ta i:ant^in a thirl; mist all i . .• theplace, lint tliu wul-'A':tsh planhas thuuK'-d ^ " u' LLat."

I I, »"•* . 4 - A L . . 4 . 1 . . . ^ - . 1

Market26 West Milton Avenue

Telephone 848


etsh Jersey Hams

These hams are cut in our own marketfronVstrictly fresh corn fed pigs

26°f Genuine Spring


Lamb 35Fancy Young Dry Picked Fresh-Killed

of Frying vlUCKGIlSAverage weight 3 to 5 pounds

Dold's Sterling Brand, Sugar CuredBoneless g


Whole or half strips


Cut from strictly corn fed Jersey Pigs

Cloverbloom Fresh _M State Eggs 5 8

Packed In cartons. Every egg guaranteed.

Homemade SausageMeat or Link o 2

Made from strictly all pork

Breasts ot GenuineSpring Baby Lamb

Free Delivery to All Parts ofRahway, Golonia, Avenei, Iselin,

Jto_wnsHp. Z

Richard CorsonLdcaTanfliWg

Disiance Moving andTrucking

As An Added Attraction for Mondayat the EMPIRE

Daily Trips to New YorkTelephone 566-R and 33S-R.

Siger Bros. Woilu'sFamous Juvenile Boxers|

ATTENTIONGrand Opening

Monday, October 15

ASrjIQN SHOPLadies1 Garments and Millinery

Up-to-the-minute fashions. High-class'assortment.at nuxl-

Tailoring backed by twenty years' experience in wholesale tra<io.

Open for Inspection Today and Saturday^ when Opening

Prices prevail. Visit our new store and convince yourself on

value, quality and price.


: • * • •

=S UP HIS TITLEInsists on Marriafle to

American GirL

Rahway Record, Friday, October

l V o 0 r

-Mr." Wlant Woman.

VUdlmlr-Bodo-of tbe late

of Montenegro, and, H.'U-nn of IW'y. n"11^


b l - c " m e p a


Thilr Valu* In lndj«tryj» Empha-•litd by United 8UtM Hulth


Iodoatrial medical terrlce from th«ftart baa pawn In favor and li now•lmoat universal among the largerplanti of the cuuuiry, t>uy> the UnitedStales public health service Thelane, however, It polnta out, cannot

| be mid In regard to the keeping ofmedical records. The chief complaintagulnat record keeping seems to bethat the Information rmirded la as-•erted not to be north Its cost exceptas a protection to tho employer Incaacj of disability tlmt mldit be con-sidered to be of lrnlustrl.il origin.

8uch a complaint probably reaulta



Editor Record:

I cannot stand by any longer androad tho articles publlibod concern-ing my brother's fatal accident, andnot In fairness to him glvo a correctversion. Tuesday's Rocord had anarticle entitled "Tho Track Drivers."

You say tho truck was parked asfar on tho side of tho highway as Itcould got. Have you been on thoavenuo whoro the accident occurredand noticed ' tho conditions? Thotruck stood with all four-Wheels onthc concrete, in tho shadow of a tree.Thren different wltnessr-s hare comot.i u

Finally, has a truck driver the right j

to stop hl« truck on a very dangerona

llart o lJho blghway,_Mid_go_tp_slcep,

regardless of whether he Is endanger-

ing lives or not?I do not Ilka publicity, but BS I said

Stnnga Experience.Many years ago, wbllo living In a

certain western city, our neighborswere-aroused one nlslu u? u burglarentering their bedroom window. Hademanded 1300, and utter receiving Ir,sat In the window and chatted with th«

I ao noi luce puDiicuy, DUI oa i «u»i »•» " • »—- - • - » ' . . - — ^..«..— .at the beginning of this artclo, I can-inwn while bla frantic wia- sat In be.Lnot let such Injustice bo done to mybrothor.

His heart-broken sister,EDITH B; RANSOM.

. [Jrpeechlesa. Jnat before lenvlnp he snl«"that In three years he >voul<l return the

r h

t 0

1 ,.r luurriaiiu.I .,,-Mim will b e nJ""1**1 l n

.uiVbly in the palace in,hP s'.ar i;>i-t relief bureau has


Un- the bureau.hl.1D II twentr-OV.

l ' r i n C 0

m Smyrna » yor «roI g i j * Mrs. .iIiicLtchlan, tootnfr of

prl«c«'« «»nriv. »4ld In Dttrollon a visit to her uncle. Dr.

jl«^ljnhlan. prt*ld«it of•llciic there. From the

and eald they perBonally sawfrom the rupi.llty v.-itti which the scl- i Hie truck pull up to the curb and off

^-«n<«-»f-ln<lu»irl«l-liyRi<.n»-ha«-i1eTel--jtho-TOTicn;ti;-|TTraicdla1nly—Titttr—the• oped. Since the ratubllJhnicat of ; ac.Mdcnt. Thp driver, when askod

health dcpartimnn lti mo-lern Indus- | w h > . h o d l a 3 0 a t , l r , t d c n l c ( 1 l t | a n d

have become .,,...: valuable as an l D - ' w a y ° f """ w r p c k a K 0 ' ^ o u 8I1>' t h c

; dM of health .-onHtlot,, la the plant. : t r u c k ' 8 " K h t s w o r " "sated. What! Prom the rc^.-ds. th.< Mckni-M rates '• I > r " o f h n v 0 5 ° u 7 A " l l o r t t l m " . a t t t ' r

! can each month he emputed for the i l n ' ' accldunt, another truck belongingj principal r.cc!;.:nluns »r Jo|iartinc-nta; ' to the catno concern drove up, andi.«nd any «!s:ii!!-!i:;t inrrrnst for a • whn:i examined was found to have; jrroup of anrt.-• to the IIIIIUM' .nl j.>iy.i''lnn or sanl-

Japaneto Story Teller*.Public story tcllem illll e.irn n

Ivcllhood In J.ip:in. In tin- Innre cltlci.tid towns hundreds of tlirm ply theirmdo, provided with n Rinull table, a

fan and a paper wrapper to Illustrateand emphasize the j>uinls of their


money. He then Jum[roi! nut or the•window nnd disappeared l iro (Inrkness.Three yeurs passed Mid tb' ' ni"ti<'y w a s

returned.—Cblca^<> .1UIJIT.;II.

When the Devil la Sick.We have rio rlonbt thnt nngels In

heaven realize that people on this eartliwho pray only when they set Intotrouble are more yellow than pious.—

Orle»n« States.-


iR^undTrip October 20


A'lnj|p«lon tTin: rlt-ht la r.Horvnut.- of l k

to tho Woodbrldge police, and whenthn driver was told about it, ho said

i irrn1

l.'Ot *

ushe was yoMU

bauchtj that

tarlum the n«-.| for Inqulrlnc Into lucauReA. Onr." tin— nr.- iliscoTCTt-d I

-thi-heBlth-wmn-rtPrtiTPT-ir-^\\- i l'_mu»t_lmvo burned out. but. upon. ci-

U|1 aminatlon was found to be half full ot

^i-oil . UQ.w_inaiiy_ol_j-ou_when_drlvl£gJ

eheckwl, hiTom.- very <^pcnilre both [ at night bar.' n-un trucks with their

IndpponS'eiU wltli t

one el«fbe

Anrrt J llghfM nut? .A grpnf many I anLSUXO^

b^-stn to write of him a»h othfr

to - -"Apart from Ind.rating «ny change i from my own experience. And do tho-!

lo the health_it:itu» of thls_or_that . trucks give.you any consideration _on_]daas of cmployem or part of the plant ' Hie road T None whatever. They aroor dl»Mse ba^rd. the record, should ; | n a u r c < l i B n d B0 l a r g 0 a n d n e a v 7 there


An opportBnlty to Tlslt tbn

Famous Luray CavernsNI'KCIAL, TRAIN

Kantrrn Stnndnrd Tlm»-I^avrit Ilahmu)-, Frldar Nitltt.

ltohwny V MKto|irilnt: ut Mftvifl(c:n un<l

I l k

I' M.New

IlnillBWlrkArrive I.uray, on . "Jl 7:.ir, A. M.RclumlnK l.v. I.tiray (N.tW.Ity.)

1 :VJ V. M.R

C'uvt.-rnn Unrlud.taz) Wel M lltult thew caraclty of

t,ookl.-t furrilnhcl on rc-tl 'kft ati'-ntH or O. T. Itoyd,

r s e l i ^ . T Ai;cLt, I'Ullr.-

Atlantic CitySUNDAYS

October 2 1 , November 4.-I'KOIAL TRAIN LE\VF>

Itahway - - *y. A, M.•Stop-pin^ .it N'L-W Ilrnnswlcli

U(!turri!ns. I.Civt « AMrintI- Ctr j

South Oiirolltia Aye , 7.00 I*. B!

Pennsylvaoia R. R. SystemT h e S t : n d . r d Riilroid of Ihe World


y r RrSystemw The Slmdird Hiilroitl of the World i

C H O PExpert Work


White Star Shoe Store

THOMAS J. BAKER2O Cherry St.-Tel. 514

Clicquot Beveragesand J 4 . _

Delatour Ginger Ale


" " ' - D n f l i f» A \-J'llU lajl«d.*a'l_llt^ies, taj«d*v]th Blue LTake • • vl^fr. li"X ?r-X?*r

Mad • Club Footf 1 ' • '.:.k- froa the

! S!.«i Kr*£••*» Power CobN" mayLj:.rv-3; "Shortly before my

rs : :•• \:-.<-:^ an article, or b w i . byIL- Trr .»-.-; l.nj btra pabllalicd la

Ji.:.;. I U I wfltiT »»n,-.n.;

:v.at may tcr.lT.'I.'.I ir-.s and to

li-g ~Th.-

: c< > Mi)r. I mentioned this to11!.- r.;^ar. who Inujtiod «nJ raid;

\: UT.-.'.H me of what HjTun maid:Trt.t-izr. 'If « • could but maVf'• in . r ; -.-. a>S hit haniln and •r*ak •'L-y-'. ».- rairM make a prntl«n«nt : i ; • nf .,vjnM\' continued Mr. i

orirr we »crc near tho »*a or 1•<:, »=' C . r - waa noihlnn vrro'.i;th rfr '..-;. or.:> nn ordinary, and n"t

y ':'. rlu'-;.••'!.' " Dr. Satnuela:.fl. i r r w .1. Oiaractcr" : "Norr..i !. :•.: fir-.-. (Ushl hav« bfen nii*-x*: ::.i- ly.r.l HJTOO WT«B nffe<i<il- f.j ;-»v j;;d yet he wan a victimn i ' •_,> Mr< 'I'lsot at Southwell.

that cor.f"r:r. M «:.iand to t.i''::'r.''-. a»tat!<:.-« l>.i">-! "•ln*ti:i^-^ tho =••!".!pac io ln r.»k!r.;

1 h.' s'.sd to ro--.:.« r.-jTJ:jr reports-. ..ir.l rt-(Ulr.-:n.-n:s:'i"TIP and p-Jti'lihthem In* wrtsin

f will !\^!«t com-! detailed analyst

pof their «l'.-Vn»-«.« ro,-or'!;i In ordpr to

r.r.; if ^i:ch factnn asra.irital status.

ploy.nl. nn t;.e !r.-;.!«-nce onJ wterltyof dine""1."— N"n- V.'rV T'.nei

l»wo:'; r.--an-ty Jump out of the win-in. JSI" i-ncap<' onto the l a « i toi»!l lh.m.- S*r Walter Scott waskzt i» t!: n-Kull of an accident In•rtj


ECONOMY MFree Deliveries to A'l Points of City


f Culture ar.d Lcttef| I^rtti-r Mri:!r._- :.- a rusti'm of d r -! Uliod m.v.«. Tho n.i'rc cul-.lTttt«l the

tndlTldnal. the rr.or.' it Is Bc.xmdtur>* with h!n ;•• uricnd to his bus!-nfM and po

' With Individ'.'-'.:- :i» wlui nin-s. It li• largely u matter of cu?T >::. und bablt.

Some perf..n^—yon may know HO:TN»stich—boast they iS' net write letters

i Some men who avoid this Irksome duty| merely shift the ivsponslbllltyj bly they are so • '-situated

Po«i!In business

t 0 a t t e n d ^

prlnc*:T tsklnc our ptralolon to ,

At first we would not jw« do not approT* of

oarrlsfes. Bnt In iplt-they

of Jamaglnthem, to tbey simply pay no attentionto tho smaller cars. Of course therearn a few exceptions as In everything

with reference to the t«aeral healthrtte for all frap'.oyex ar.il to therate* of all other c'.auet," contlnoesthe statement of the health serrice."Such rcmparlKin may Indicate thatcertain gronrt of en)plore«« .are ex-periencing an n o **;ve amount of 111health at expense both t*» thf em-ployer and to

tnluo of p r ^ e r i y kept medicald'.'i-i EO: c.-'I -v.:h thn plant

that kff?« i h r a " " The p'j'jllc healthService I.as f>r for-.c -'.tr..; N--»3 col-lrctlnc Ir. I ' j- ' r . i! ^ .-••!-« In or-|.-rt o t ) b : a : : : ' . z : : • ' . . :_• ~:i. ' . : ) ' . " " • : . a t ' O D

for (""• !'•.••• '..- •.'•' vrcvfnt ' .rnw! ' : •.'.-.- i< i^' iorant

Inrir | St. Next lo Empire

L,oaln T r a p p a D IIIU.HU FILLS.jt±n known u Bot, Sifat. Alwmjn 1


h B ( 1

and wai teachlnslM and »avt

lost all hU property In» that they hadi h!a nh«> would not bei- .-mild provide a hotnei-r!i"«n men do for thr

~y Ills wartlrotio was' a-'1."

A careful search of all the world's furniture marketsafforrl would not pve you a more complete assortment ofappropriate furnishings to choose from than is offeredyou in our fall display. Our buyers have brought furni-ture from all over the country to our store and. we. offer,you the fruit of their travels.

Everything Complete FromThe Cellar to the Attic

Special reductions in prices have been made too. This willmake it even better for you. Be sure to come in and seethe display. It is attractively and interestingly arrangedand you will no doubt get some very nice decorative ideasfrom it. This is the Fall Bride's opportunity and specialreductions are offered her.

Smoking—Stands-in a Selling $20

Tie normally timid


penoo w correspondence.Z'ot - rTteVt« . d r i v e l scnaf letter, they leave to their .Ire. Iboys, barbers and other tip; or daughter, or •^^•-"j'»^nJ™n

r , : |

Week End Specials

oys,»i«ors m'.cht be surprised to know:t«l t.'ilt claM tnmetimes resorts to,WtJery tn ke*p lt» revenue sufflcient-'h h:rb. - . j

Ow of thi« subtlest uctH-'oirt U thv;•init i..sni|>Mlallon of a coin plateV t'.f «-u:i-.r.anH of a check room.'

• l|.-i> ready for gratultlm*. but1. ^iunc the Unprosfllon tluit

CHICKENS forroasting and frying, pound

Genuine Spring Lambper pound


Sausage". Honrie made from pure O^Cpork, no cereal, pound Oil

Swift's Cottage Hamsper pound 37

Cross Rib, Bottom Round orTop Sirloin, for roasting, lb

Round, Sirloin or Porter-house Steaks, lb 35 & 50

Jersey Fresh HamsSmall and lean, pound

Veal Cutlets 1 A


_Eork_loinsLegs of Veal



Sugar, Gran. Sat, only,

Creamery Butter, Special, lb Jl l - . t B r . r i - - n n m jn,, t r y 11 *'»> -wi l l » 1 " ' - " "_^

— — — — — — " ^

Fresh Ejigs, dozen

Simpson Lettuce, freshand crisp, head

Sweet Potatoes, 4 qts.

to bother abuut the tlie of the">'•<•> dejirwited. In reality, the coins"• i f j.ljt^ are mostly decoys—quar-•n an.) .Vv-nnt pieces—placed there' lap imi'l.'.vres themnclves as i.n In-4u::«i 10 pikt-ra lhat DlckeU and'••i* nre simply unheard of. And'fc'n tnnic d..u;hty hand does plncb

: of the plebeian pieces among the

lhat»"man Is tho more particular he la to

tn (.prt to s i n g l y unimportant cor-rMpondenc-. if he does not have timeto attend to It himself he employs iMcretary I" <V it for him. The dis-tinguished writ.T *** that every let-ter addressed f. him concerning whalhe has written, whether-It Is sytnpa-ttetlc or hostile, receives a courteoul

ter» In his waste basket.—New York


p" f t arKtniTHtlc currencytt!=S !s imniptk- enrhed lest

tb,. piirslmonlous.—N

You Never Can Toll,A Ftrnpplns woman bnurded i trol-

ley car. 5t'ttle,l Into • —*her fnro The car

-Green-Peppers, 18 for-

Bananas, dozen,

Kirkman's and P. & G.Soap, 6 for j

Blue Tip Matches, box

Beets, Carrots, Leeks orh

Opportunity.J»tk—Have you change for a dollar


30 &35'il—.Surely.

c'i—Flue; IrnJ me a, qunrtLT.

n scut end paid

b.id not traveled

the poor..jnQCt.,hiin-avo.bl.H-k» when she rose

York , t h ( . ronductor strode up to her1 ' .,,,„„„,.•• he .l.-.cand,«. "<lo y«u1 knnw that 1 must I"™ ' " « ' ' r y ***

\ „ „ , . u|. upon thnt rei:ls:.:rJ"tvnalnly V the «'..«»"

n her ro:a n-id showln

b a d fEvrn1



Except at Night,^ n pr.-sfnoe ln a homo'.I «'.Uij-H brlnK drllKht. .M. of cour;..-, when It Is croa.'<! k t ' P . you up all nluht.


Impossible.cmi—wiiiit, my denr old

Ah. but you Rliould

Grape Fruit, nice and joicy, each-I

of•n valla-


yray mivlce nnd cat more onions

Two~u"duy; Tliey aro thu'

ri iu t bow do you keep them

ot thM:ic:i:lnc



Bobble: Didn'tJack tell youList week lhatyou wore, thefirst o l r l n 0 e v c r

lovcti?Sla: Yen,

why?Bebble: Then

h<rl!ed-lo n-oliiat tho SundaySchool- p lon jptoday.

Mahogany Emoklng stands of avery fine- grade aro offered youtomorrow at Rreatly reducedprices. Those stands are wellmado and designed. Glass ash

"trtrrs—and—«p«clai match boxholders on all. Be sure to takeadvantage of this low Dries

"You -Kill need furniture, thiswinter. N'ow Is tho time, to gotit at reduced prices. Advancedstyles are belnc shown at ourstore this week. Com-

A Gas Range That Will Keep Y^TKitcKen Cool iSummer and Warm in Winter Only $75.00

Boudoir Comfort—Dresser $25


From aa assoruneat of ranges and stoveslhat contains only the best, these ranRefhave been chosen, and as Indicated aboveyou can make your selection at prlceB far

below thc aaual lerd. They am eqaippcilwith four burners, oven and broiler ovenTo siv the6c ranges is to ir»nt one. Comi-iu any day this week.

'H:i. .,;. s.s.r is to designed andbuilt that it asaures you moreoonvni'Mice than is afforded byany other. It will sive youmore spMo for keeping yourclothing and at tho same timebeautifying your bedroom. Thisprice will not last. Come. '

Of especial value to homo fur-

nishers this fall is "our Liottc-7

Home Service. Help will be

given in planning or decon*

lions as well as in the pureha^

inpof furnishing.

Have Beauty in Your Living Room-TnTeTTiecTSutre$150

You Will Want This Suite_The Minute You See It $175

Kor every size home arehere for you to choose andut pTicys that will allow you

The Rracedithis fine thr'1

suite nre aeccellent upbi.,lurabl€ tape

curvInK l i ne ' s rm- pifcf over-stuffed• inu.-iti'il by the >'X-,t. 'ry ot vclour andmrv. You will be

-prnuil—to—h»vt)—ttrls—STrlto—rn—ydur home. It radiates comfortand Rooil cheur. A fine buy atthis low price. J150.


lioOS.: aL'

pieci'S of vl'e

—T-his-lmilrnmi on'1 i)f '


finest do-iiuality ar>- in


c.'Pttonal wnrth. (iuc. 'n Aiui-.- . innor - ' t iud''v;i^n, al.s'ilut.i iiiTlriituni iu ; . n ^ - th"constni(:tiini :ir.d wa lnu t in fin > .u u iu I;Ish. Has burl»tl II;LU..'IS on all

How end lied, ilressor,inn vuiin> mm—

four piet-.'S.V." aud only . •.;• L


Page 8: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

• • r • . - .


The Rahway RecordNew Jersey Advocate

SERIAL NO. HB1Uton^ i t lb« Rnhmy, N. J. t'oatofflce

l.-i Mcosd r i m matter, under the met orUrUtxr 2, U17.

CIRCULATION 2675•r'ublished Tuesdays and Fridays


the roar of houso properties on Mon-day next. ^ _ _ _ _

This~1s~iitfTnnov5tion for this cityand marks the beginning of a bisstep'forward in the-street department.Heretofore- garbage day In Railway

areas. The danger can only beavoided l)y_a._s.weeplng_ombftrgo. )>?•_rause of the fact that a satisfactoryInspection of Christinas trees cannotlie made In shipment.

Heretofore a Christmas tree has

Rahwav Record. Friday, October 12^ 1923

rfTimely Topics Clipped -From Oqr Exchanges

-^wpp*^ W^m^?^^^-W:''^'A¥

and he is not at all lust sure liovit_iill_\\ill end. ForjM?arty thatrecoRnizcd as "wet" the attitude of \

meant a merry Christmas. It see i

Un> Democrats In convention nssoin-liliil was .most significant. The-wet" plank adopted was by no means

-ns! ihtins always boon a day filled with ,otluT tlilnga besides pleasure. A j almost an impossibility to have a real j peeledwalk about the city, through tho bii?I-| Christmas without a tree. But In i'"H to


radical plank that was to be ex-II IP fur from giving com-ootlo^gers and rum dealer.s.

Tli.- outcome of botli conventions is

hl.di and low, revealed a sight of the gradual trend lowurd

of national evolution, withs m a l l t . r pronouneed a good omen by those

The Culithese ilaysniobi!


Kule can !)'• practiced'hand, In u mcu.icc and a nuluanco;w , „ „ „ „„ l l u to- IhrouRh his nwn deliberate act..—

and •'littlecan be

sermons in nelRh- "Hlooralleld Pr^ss."very Impressively

pvervthing but what was pleasant to'look' upon. A general collection of;

who are In favor of good government.home* will the Christmas tree bemissed today as much as it would be-' With the. younger blood and a

' nient coming from the rank

'A. B. BOIXIN'rfON, Prcftldpnt

J. B. HOI d l . HrfJ-- •""> Tr*a«.

A. BBrCr. COOIi. I-ocol Kdltsr

I rubbish, ashes, etc., piled along the, for- Santa Clans discarded his rein-ji-urb line awaiting tho arrival of ihe|.!>crs and sled for airships and auto-(scavengers, and in many Instances , mobiles as a means of conveyancejtl.r impulsiveness of the sight was ls-'t-> pay

~ "" " jtciiMlicil by the upset garhng.' ran homes$ub*crlptlon rat£ $2.50 per year, pay-!\ t>th its conlentF spread pretty g.-n- IrnMo In advance. Single copy 3 cents.; , , r i l | v M!.out. the result of search by

~liuui;ry"~caniriinrr~ni"e"4vI(!Ity"oTi a mischievous boy, who took real de- general.j light in mussing things up.

I Hy the new order of thing? all of(the?.' objectionable and unsightly; reminiscences of merry making, glut

!ile it looks like a new 0.l.-r.-. y politics.

deal in New

h o r l l n e s s t a n u e ^ c i * i m i i n - a f l i i i - i j fl

l.r.iadcaiili'd by luvltatlona to ride. (ir.-at Britain and Fraiicu Boom difline ot our townsfolk? who Isu't na |,-rmlncd thut the people of the Unitedyoung us he once was said that while | states shall nssumo home eleven till-he wailed oil Valley street for i-ome . n o n a or dollars) of uddilloiial war bur-

: l t u l .-.ort of :i bus to conn; along, nearly. I ,|,.n. l.'ndor the reparations plan now

a means othis annual visit to American

He has been having liis owuthe idea ot build- Notwithstanding the criticism

ted :it tiie present highway depart-


oubles ever since' lnc i-hliuneys and ofthe discard in

led — ttreplflct**—bcrarm*It was this that compelled ; contractors



who found special favors

or •riiap-* unite twenty automobiles discussed in London and I'arlf,passed going his way, with never un^ in ' r c i.-i one pvejomlnant feature*—Invitation to share ill'1 ear. A big , n,,. United St.ite.i and Germany mustil«>.~e of the O-.'lden Hule Is nliiunst a j,ay. This country In evidently ex-sureDrangi

cure for> Keeord."

In.iouinla. "South., |,,ei,.J 10 forgive n large porllon orof the S.riUii.dUO.OOO owed UH by the

lilah and Trench, which woulduiiiberland ciiiffy i» now the great of couri-e. the cancellation of

—, wi th in a few y e a r s this indus t ry in! -Sussex I t c R l s t c r "

' 53OOOIHI'the old Edwards commission and ,mr nmht bus g'rown from a 53.0UO.Omi |• • • • -id i s m i l l '

slslailen which has , \

mont, londlng ont locnfor monoy to aid the .tho money, or nil but

raanaR«m«.'nt.-"Nov,. "

If ever thore wa> aory ot b u l \ \

MICKIEJSRANTINGSRahway^Record, Friday, October 12,1928

to. ll.len to th°a very largo numbering the country tosecurities of on,, ki

Speed madnt-is and th,l.'S.ncas of tho road .-oniE?«troy human live, l n ,, " 7numbers, an the million, ofmotor vehicles continue ioIn number, th.; nrmr nf i...in numoer. th.; army ot ^..^untrustworthy. mnnlam " ? *nally careless drivers b 'deadly inenaco (,i sodetv " T ?nival of death cam,,,. J'J?

lie permitted toford Republican."

;-,Vv foreii:^ I 'Overnor tMlzcr uFOltlGI AD>tCTISI>0

cRSET-KnnnnreiiNEW > OIK. K. y. - NtWtRK. ^ . J

JiBirTKoughTToday—OCTOBER 12

THE WAV-OP ESCAPE:—Itahall come to pass in tho day thatthe Lord shall give thee rest fromthy sorrow, and from thy fear,and from thy hard bondage where-in thou wa~Tfaiah 14:3.


card bearing specific instructionshow to~"prcpare the week's collectionof refuse for the scavengers. The re - | t I u ' ^ b r a l l o nQuircmontrf under tlu> ordinance aro **very simple, anil entail but little extra1""""0 r a c k i n i ; Wv™™* p

. ***] would JiccTuMS'^guiiii dog, andNew Jersey's d r u n k s ; yot despite all that haa be.cn,

.lon d d d d r k ligur,stated that

; ; obtained are the; y pmad dog- and drunks ligur,

4 i a t

A POSSIBLE SOLUTION j>V:1I tb- action of the Sprlnglield

work on the part of the housekeeper.It may seem quite a difference a; lirslglance from the old order of things,hut after a little study, lo the aver-

iuthi-riiiv- in f . 'k ing an cutlet lur

:n.-ir prnpii-'-d s.-wage disposal plant

-elllutlu int.. th>' Kahway River, be

?>i, saviour of ihis cliys water sup-

i.iyV II is sinei rely hop-d that «uch

•vlll b" th'.- cast-.

If we were t" tr.-ai tii.- application

;>: the Siiringlii'Id ainhoriiie.- to the

Slat.- Hoaril of Heallii literally ami

.F- 'caving no other recourse, 'we<. r.nl«!~vrrH—throw up-our—hands—as-a.'iiunlcipaliiy. and' with-Job of Bible':imc-.- exclaim. "Behold, 1 cry out of.Tong. but I am not heard: I crynloud. but there IE no judgment."

As we review the history of our-watershed with its frequent pollu-tions liy adjacent tenants, and tnemany t lnvs it has been necessary.Tor local authorities to appear before

' -iIT.' p,-ry>n wtio . r.jnyt »-,illtint; abouta street free from its weekly eollec-lion ot garbage and refuse, the addi-

itional burden In preparing the cast-• offs for removal will seem .1 mere. trifle.

I "All wet garbage shall have liijuld<!r.iinod oft and be wrapped in paper,or other combustible material In fore

• it is placed in the garbage can thus• preventing smell and breeding of1 flies :n summer and freezing and ad-hesion to the ean ir. winter.

trynut. the new order ofi::ie to be accepted as a reasonable'..'. So ii may be. we as a nation,

will gradually discard the Christmas

I best to be found ln any state ln the "

I payers of New eJrsey, as our money j y^,1 is being spent fer one of the most, of[ Indispensable features of public wel- ''°1 fare. We do not believe that th.i tax-

do>; Is the unfortunatereum.-ianivs ov.-r whichnirol. _Th. drunk, on theother

itr.-<> ami


( Master.

accept other substitutecelebrate the birth of

cats of th'- .onimunlly read

recelv •- for theyever have claimed


Judging fro::i the reports of bo th '

lite Repuulka:-. and lVir.ocratic Stale

1 "nv->r.iior.s hold last week at Tren-

ion. the leaders of the old parties had !

a surprise package handed them upon '

o t l u r than a silver p la t t - r> Ji:n Nu-

gent, fresh from his vu lory in

Democratic primaries iu Essex < r ' 1 M ' '! lind tli

Put i!-.e\ .1.-of of ii I:-, th

to be building roads cheaper in New " j , . ; l u ;irM liuth

Jersey than ether stales. !!;<• claim -,„•; ~;ra>- I »»

-•n mad-, tha: w- ' ' i i re ^-r: ' .! - ' . '.hat

- r o . u l s : . i : i ! :••: t h e

• V.'.-e.i -.-

HHTr absolutef a i:rt which

. a j s



It :s


' . 1 1 :•. = any S i l k ' t heMC.i:


! .

I l i u l I . i ~ l

-fr, shine th


prnnaru-s"All ashes, waste paper, stra*. dirt, :

l 0 u l l t y ,,;l,i ;l tt j,,,],.. squall taken outempty tia cans and uther dry inoff.-n-i0f h , 5 s.liIs_ w l l i l l , O I . G o v e n i o r Ed-slve or odorless refuse shall be placed , v a n I c srokes. chairman of the Re-

! iu an ash can distinct and separate -'.publican State Committee, also met

, UeJro

| o:: a:iI w.i

| III-,

I o the r refuse ma t t e r j u w r i s m a d . . a p p a r i . , : l ; n both pa r

"Any light m a t e r i a l contained t ies that the re is a new order of

Plate Board of Heal th , p ro tes t ing th 'T. ' ln that i> l i ab le to be blown b y ' t h i n g s : n-u- blood Is coming to i h -I Ihe wind from s u c h ash can must be front, ar.il hew leaders who are

!:,. Ijuv.-!d th-- . d-\-:ni^:v.er.t of New

highway .••> steu; acii the-.'iiting count} system-, lo

t one cau go almost a:-.) where]up-lo date h.ird-surface*! htyh-.

The change i:i ihls respect inla-t tliree year-* Is remarkableS- a universal conJemnatit'ii ef;

A month ago tin iriy Al: ad w as Inl;iv.- . ill wh ich til.-

. n .•.ui'..::i.oii. d to r e tu rn<":;::.; 1:: 1-triTX'"- Kor

th r<- w A:, r.o r r - ; ' 'a<e..1. a f^vr iuol i . a^ t!;i' . -dli . i t .wlv in the I'llicf ef


Th.- l'.u'.:-t:::•..•h:.h h a d• t r a y n l \-!>

Illliiself:- t h -a i lv ' - r t l s i : :* : v. l-.uh v:;i:il fu l iv i!a:- :r . i*.^:..t;"r. of our s t . i !

t .infor


: • - p . t i s e tot re:-.-..irkjbl

the H'lr. .-ulls

,vi- ev. r


•J:it the infringement by those who ---•• - - ,••or.-- unconcerned jusi how far or s 0 -"^cured therein that it cannot be closer touch with the people are gain-'now much they annoyed or endan-' ,b l l n v n o u t b-v Ihe wind upon the side- ing control. To those peopl

New Jers .y r.'ads !>>v;sitor_s.r3S" sitiu'.U'r.unlit- nn rv r ry haiT'f

citizens andha-- chang- d

•if T3^-hrar(-W«>'.--li'11. V.'li

rtTed the rights and very health of

| b l m v " o u ' b-v the wind upon the side"•v:lll: o r street.

thousands by polluting our drinking "The contents of such receptacl'water, It is'very exasperating to think: shall not exceed one hundred poa

n-! i» weight and such receptacles

•ontrol. To ihuse people whobecome disgusted with politics in

that it should be necessary to con-:inualy fight for the protection of our j not be Oiled within four Inches••ater supply.

Though those who were responsible

top. " • • In .cases where thereentrance .to the rear of the-In

The policy of Koii:^ ?ureiythough thai rate of iirogres.-. inay

had become disgusted with politics in n i " ' m m o r " s ! o w I-v l n : 1 " M:vTf- i$ v!a" :

neral and had reached a p o l c t- j ' "^t ing Itself and we b,-lieve thai from

'where they did not care whether theyvoted or not. the outlook is most en-couraging. It would seem from hap-penings in the Republican bailiwick

now on taxpayers and citizens willwith common accord gram thai thijpolicy was the wise one.

In all events. Il Is New Jersey's

-|-tnat . leadership ot E. C. Stokesfrom the street, then such receptacle i n N e w Jersey politics is a matter oflor Its pollution, were pointed out to

the State Board, it seems that but M b a " ^ P I a " d '» f ° « " ' 'be P^m-;jcant attention has been given to so ! * p s " " * a n i ]

policy and if all the people are notronviuc.-d of Us wisdom, we are more

historv, -He seems to have followed ! a-"tsur«1 **** " " t h a l nolwlthstand-shall be removed by! tbe same road as David W.Bi i rd . r t ie | l n t : t h " " ' " ^ m in the past that

•-M .1 ur:i'-r for ono 1i of the nii'Ht jiromineat mai;a«ines ln 1

"jlhe Vniled .S:atL.i-a :iun v.!:o h»d" mad-- u ^o::lew!l:tt exhaustive study,

and investigation of municipal fi-nance-— made the statement aji hi* jdellberale <on\M'.on that »number of fllirj ln Ihe United Slati-awen'- h'-.ided fr>r c.-ruln financial dis-aster—If not destruction. He de-clare* that, as a result of consUntbond is.-ue>. by tbeae municipalities

l t s • the owner thereof as soon as emptied South Jersey political scion.'" f the collector." .. j Senator 'William A. Stevens, ofI i, 1, , I , M ™ I , u w ,1,., ,1 , . , iMonmouth who »:is chosen tempo-

rary chairman, represents th-'»besttyp.» of manhood that is now -0 for-cibly coming to thi- front in publiclife Though he had a me.-i sirenu-llll.-i ' ' " ' • • " f '" 1.-I-' w l l - l . r

.-erious a eltuation with all offarming possibilities, and we asiDuniclpality have been compelled to It is sincerely hoped that the streetsuffer fuch imposition, as to make -department will be given fullest co-,iur verv blood boil with anger at the op'-ration on the part of citizens to.ntolorable .situation s» unwarrant-' belp make the new idea generally.ibly prevailing, and so slightly beneficial. Such an attitude will be

i] upen by the very Board ere- j mutually LelpTut tilld gre-m; t-ncourto prutcet the health (if any com- aging to those who would '(loan up

these who have helped and fought theihlng through will be rewarded fortheir patience and labor in the end

"Nothing Is worth doing if ii isnot worth doing well " In no depart-ment of public activity Is this eldadage so true as ir: highway con-sirurtlon. -••\Ve-tfwl.l Standur'


ConfectioneryCandy of Quality

E. T. Andrews, Prop. 34 Cherry Stl

Candy of Quality vChocolate Peppermint Patties. Soft mellow pepper. Imint cream covered with Caracas vanilla rn

chocolate, {round box J|J(]

(Written Entirely Dy Moself)T 1 ih.r nlgbt In lookln' orer Mlttor

Jt t iur ' . i bis dictionary book, bclp-n sesclf net tbe enElti-h l«ssun.*f.'.-r had prescriptinnlied fer they-ju-d af'.er breakfast. fwIluwlnR a,,-'_: ,-f r' ntloss eluiaberp. 1 alum-

" • " " ' " o W n n B l close by?" , L l t , " c M'ckle ain't 11 dum fool,

what category could h« 1)(. rated In'uogco, nuf Red.

• • t"Suluclun^ unto th,. day IH ibc evil

tor Ket all excited, go about withblack rlnsi. tindi-r me oyirs from lossof sleep worrying me own thlnk-topwhat wiiuld liapp,.,, | f rtahwuy'B chiefpoohliah. r.:!ili;n.-d v-r accept the citymanager Joh ,,f «oln,. other munici-pality beiild" tbi- ,„„.. What h terbe will be. and |( M! s t t T B 1 I 1 W r l g h f sfc-malo molh'T ,-at I;.,,-, another »»t oftriplets before Christmas, why Misterlilll Wright will have ter play Santar iuu i ter t>:i _ ii'-u' family n'(ldHiont

-Yi!T-TIWTIieT[, rh- In.ny uf fate. It'sas nun- as y.-r tax Mil, twlc- a year,

ilul folkf. l ie |»e-n you and me andHi'- Inn flmpl,.- w.ird In ihl., week'sItaiirui,: U--iiartri:-nt. I don'i b.'ll.-vcour thi.;f i-x.-cuiitv.- could be coaxedaway from t!:!.- homn.jv.n. He canhamm.-r ai.d lunKii'-ifuni the coal bin.t2r_Uu^_lir..--Krm.-. -and-from- the firegrat- i.-r the garbage .-an, nnd rr_»mibe Karba.:e c m t.-r - ' . . . i--irt'"i-" - a

won't that bo glorious." I forget therest of tho hymn, but It's glorious alltho way through.

So folks, yer needn't lay In an extrasupply of wlpln1 rags, tho-lion. Mayoris Mill Rolng tor guide the old ship ofSpanktown onward tor realms of ahigher tiej rate and higher ratcahlestill dually Bho reaches tho top notchof municipality racln' or she hangs"ut the red Hag. So thorn! Pleasebe calm

• • •

Un:.h: I wish the City I'launln' Com-mission would recommend Bumthln'for UH hometown citizens considera-

tion. The city hall'B gono and felljdowii, tiie Yall tract's got a for Bale• SIKII on it, and the auction boll's_go-IIIK ler rltiK on the Denman-Cnslorlinrl: sit". Come on follara, trot out

laumthlu' else. Ther«"n a long winter, ahead, und lite In the old hometowndo Kei iiiunntonoua-llke without BOino-lliln' .--llrrln'.

II-... a'l \e hometown citizens, takejtlie b> re and now that commencln'onil^iy yer want ter keep yer dogsi'l yi'r housemaids fastened up for* mid Mister Marry Simmons, super-eil hy th" Hon. Mayor, Is going ter

j:i:irt rear end collection of garbage,'I'bei mid everything yer don't want,with tliu i-xreptlnii of female hoop-••-kirt-: and l l T I h

_ the garl/agc"wagon tert h ' - t l t y damp, but lfh dollarM aginan arrefll !• r Ulsobeyin' the n w cityonce « we<-k-ctt!!ii.;luii fiijiu the fgar

hii fiijiu the fgar

of the hou*" drcilnanie. that MisterKurbor win !,.. ||Vln' In SpanktownPTun up until Itlp Van Winkle returnsfrom cnjoyliT hl» a.cnnd twentv-vear

r unc bIbis "Id i m n gets Iuclctches Rood and hard ou a foliarloery'ii BO setlln ' away.

Hut cosh, f.ilk-, wouldn't ihlk |,«tranquil!'.}- wlltout th"The only thing l.-r dU-

r.-ns would ho

a h-avon uiIlnr. Mayorlurb ua liuni'-town

ofilriKtk'ii!- ter highway tragic we positive-like refune 'lo have anything ter dowith, 'cause .they'take up too muchroom In the bus and 'sides they might"trad oiiu 0T u« fellars ter the divorcelourt. and Governor Sllxer-water saystlien'8 too much of that kind 'or courtRolnc on Iu New Jersey, and Rah-

y'H a iinrt ot tho SUto, yor kco«, |

,,r,.,,:,,..„ th,.j o V I u > . . a

i o . c l l > c k r ,

n ,L

p.jrll,,ul M Mary ^ b'.-ll al <k-u'.ar l i t - , tiut no! n dara

thlcg *-•»---' t - f td^tur l ' our equilibnur:'..elef'piln' p'),sltj;u th- iwic.- a wc-lti-ditlun uf our h'-:r'-ti]-.vn n.-u.-.r'ap'rTfc'.-a like :fc.- old M.'f-.'.d:-; lirnth'-r.an could a.'l I.irk -»!th our ••>•(•!, nhuiand vltlc;n work.n" nr.'l sine. "f>h.

t ;

Cocoanut Dainties. A dandy confectionpound box 49c I

Randolph's 1923 Assorted Chocolates in a vt-n-attractive box. Rep. 80c value. Special box

Butter Peanut Brittlepound box 29c

ulterlyto b.'~p.ild at maturity.

d f I

of how ther _wereh ihwith ItfsNOW-

one of them there fiav-n r, , ,MI-l.-,- Ilill Knn.Jolph l.-t

Li-a *"tne purty j-osh IISIIB bluJL'ounty ": ?• .11'- so tarnation blc I '

- ( : : - prouounrln' .'in Jui.1 as 1, ..ii.-l.-n" up me Job, I happened:: -.-. I'-.-i'-hiT told u- u s . t - r look

t :..:..: i.uy lilt' '- word of tuo orj- :-tii r> which really meant sum-1

. r • ui Mircc flenrr la the iSa l r s i' j , > l : j t t l l I

T,•'. :-• i-.nUn" ni" Kll:r.r:i-r!» lu-r.- and :r, .-.ir. h:n'. I hupp. n--<! ;<-r Lhlnk-

:T:- i-a ti : : i i ' l.nrr..' from a r»b-.-• trip Ai I camp Inter tb»

- < - - ' :.• ihc hob- In t h - dough I•-Hi >• ••• p'jneh.-d. I ti-ard (..I t- 'l jT J '•' •.'••>I bour.il d o ; hadn't -he'd i•^i • -:.>r ral.b'.t. I'l^in askin' him,wiv. •-.• ll-.-m:it by ' I r - the dojt |i*i^ t 1 • pimply looked at m.- and'• i.'i : -i»»r l't'-in raj pvrilsllc ' tor jt t t . » - »•'•,>• •)»»!,-^U*" inranl hc.xaTva . t -»a::.iry loJk iLiyia'. "Liltli.- boyi• b-:.!1 b • »-»n »nd Jjot hfard "- I* ,- - I hrlloTf fir i « o cyllnden:t-^ W • tl.'l be brat. Thrrv shurc• c :-• r.tuoai :h!ni;« brs'.dci "»n-a • r.i!i!iif d.-p-ndln' u;-Jn lh»l

r,; ir..-lan>-r. 1 sol Ur wonderln"—IV Muter >"r<-J IUu.-r pay* that

ir.rx I J ! ' T b'.ll fer watrr which slid:ii\'jich the flat aldii of tht- m«terat <'.:±r.'\ re«Utcr. wjll he hvre tor->«j ,r.c-,~r lax on S14G*

IT Mayor Kurber c<xi trr Iho landIS'- oyitrr ter b<- clly manafr .

•(•„„„„. „-,

I lenc after duo deliberation we havedecided KT pul teh aforesaid sweopin'cml>irK<i upon such things. Save 'emfor the umbrella man. Also pleasedon't overload yer cans. 'Course any-thing up ter a ton weight can bo re-

| moved, but a half ton would- bo much, pr.-f.-ralil" So ln conrhiriln' mejdlsvrtallun on this, subject matlerjb. ; prepajed ter pay good-morning ter. ui f'-H.irr- on Monday and send us onlour nay with a smile. Thanks!; MICKIE

nlng with a matlneo Sunday, October14, and with a matinee and nightBhow dally for tho entire engagement.Qeorgo Nlblo and Helen Spencer whoheaded the cast of this same Bhowlast season, again occupy the sameImportant position. George Niblowith his tramp characterizations willlead in the fun making, and MissSpencer, a very clovor comedienne,will collaborate with him with merrysongs, peppy dancing and much de-lightful humor. The chorus will num-ber eighteen.

Another.feature with "Step On It"company Is the World's renowned Il-lusionist, Horace Goldln, presentinghl« latest discovery Radio Film Tel-epathy , a positive sensation. Mr.Gold In la tho Inventor of Sawing aWoman In Half.

| Week SandaiLMatInee,JDctpbor_'yfj "Happy" Go Lucky."

| Mayor Furber recently removed bislaw offices from Newark to the Wood-rud building, this city, occupying thosuite formerly used by the Decora-tive Art Company.

I MINER'S THEATER, NEWARKSome brand new comedy and right

, up 'lo-lhe-niinute uonga and dances arepromised In Hurtlg and Soamon's"St'-p On It." u-blch conies to Miner'sKrnt/:re Theater for the week begin-

p y Rthe Rreat burden of Increasing Inter-est eharKfi. that these municipalise! ]were certain sooner or l»t<-r to bonuanclally wrecked. "\.. . ^

Now, this stjileniont. aud thla Boundof alarm tu.i. 1 thlnJc some nj>pllc»'tlon to our owu city at the pri-sentlime. Kor the past year. I think.]everyone In Kahway has noticed avry striking deposition on the part j..f our i Ity oH'u iala lo sp-'nd money

(,l:a; not i:: very small suras, jl one- Nog

.\Iorr .-ntTIT -.!:<• Drnman »nd C»»tor

art %:-'l n««l frr p»rk parpojrs . willxkr L'oranifrclAl Re«lty Co buy 'cm.

IT :'..•• MUdlpicx llui line h idn t jtta;;--- t-r s'-ttlr sorni- CnanclaJ troa-!i:n • "j;.i thry still b<- rannln' on;

HEATERSleep in a cool, airy room— •wffidows opxdress in warmth and com-fort—wit-h—a—Hotpoint—Hc:iter. lk-toro tlic fur-

liro arc st.'.rti'vl —save v.i ,\1 with a Hoipoiut:All wintvr, before thei'.\i-rnin:4 Ucat comes up—

v,~-rm with a i lot-


t h i i

I 1"iaue':il


•ni."r"r'r*is bad eiiou.u-!'. for I'.ahway I , I ; M : 1 , . . . ;;•-,,-

n.-.v.- io contend with the effluent r > ,T . - . : l- i,,r. v , - j : | L .

l!...- Weslfield di.-posal plan; , i, , ,; , . , .^!

-brnuKh the Iiobinson branch of the

Jtahway r ive r ; but to consider thin

-i.tcyt burd--n, Is i-imjily impftfsibl--

It is up to our city o!iiciaU- to op-

;-"^- l i i i s . i iew Idea with a'.l tin- ai--

itre.-siveiiP.-F possible. HJiariliK n.-irh> r

"Time. "tar.-T.t~nr~mnin;y "to" iriycnmrit^tr-iTjd gain for Itahway a eon.-i(l>-.-aiio:i•-t her rights from infrinc.-im-nt l.y.inrroundinx munlcipa-ltle-. ;.nd ... J•i:and from th-' . . • • i t l u i i | i . o t - r -

- ominiinity of

. --:::;:nn.t;' .-

.^:..r tili.- yea

i! it li-l:'-:it-

i :- ob-i'-rved

•r. of .ia;.l:;;ht .-.-.-,•

I t

a ; w.-Il. .-an ob'.-i

!. o;h..r-.v:,e

imjio.-sib!--. Tii- :d -a p-rrr.it.- family

::;ito par t ies , a.- w.-ll :-.- al! no.-t.- rf

opportiiniiy fer i-!.-:u-ur--. T h - c.-iwd.i

which da'.ly a^-r rnble. :it Kiv. :r.-ld-

lo wat.-h t!:.- twiliqlit Ija!! Kam'--

th'- hun'lr ' -!- w!:,i enjuy ana1:-

tin- i. nni.-. e. .urts lit i l . - . - . : IL-

S - n a t o r Kut;e a - '

t i .-ans. \v!u» si:\ic

in- ider ib is t - j j•::•-. w!i:eh If u n c h

: . i ! i ' .y ;. a i ! t o t h . -

y 3 very wronnli.-.l. will ln-rl-euru!i'.-.on whichiLr. lii thti- IllaiC.l

SOME CATS THESE• • • • . : . - - - . : : • • • ' . I : . . , ; A \ ,us ' and stay cl-an

nrrontod this city.was prant*

on io t:::p'y it.1- efllueniv.-ti-d. n : - r e i :•• n::'.i:ir.f

if nur riv.-r t-.i carry it away,

v w.'-jld ! ' - confr.v:!".1 with a


or :!Ui-'.r..t.oii of-1 t"-.iJ' i:i.y ir. our•• i-.t 1..n t h - pru]-( t

i u !!•- Vail pint.prv;'..r.-d anil vmss.-i - : : i . r. :e.!.r.:-: lo

whiih t rf - a n y

point. You c m move itiror.i room to room,;1.* your.L-L-J it. Buy one today —;uul IIM- it

them Hut welast we-1; that •He

ct '.voulil havoa::.; doubtless

>'.y a half a mil-course. »»> to

i. -r..- A v.-ry

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i in i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i in in i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

It Was a Dj.-flp From the Heart of Christ Upona Sin-Frozen World" ELECTSJSC

:t;- h a l l J>u;S.!>iic w : i - t o b


IV M-.it.-r Dtc.k Kordh»m bid b•i-*'-! Sheriff who would haTe-br;4clri for under »h'.-rlff

!'•' V.:•:••: Cnnk Trui»l--r »u i .-l.-•^ U...U ..(-S|^aokiu»a. »-.-U! b-

i m o a * r . - \ - T - . . - l a-i c : t jn o u l d l h " e h ; f I ' l e r a -

• - • :;• 1- - l . r in . -

:>'. J - : . : . i . - f .-v •

aM-T. I . 1.".i!'' i'- ri.icl.

-•:. t •:.!

The HatYou Wish You Had

PERHAPS you saw it yesterdayand admired—the woman who

_wore-it,^admircdJier_good_taste_and_chic style.N . I I ( - ' N i l . l : i i . ! ' M - I ) " ! KT. THAT 1! WAS AN K X r l - T S l V Kv . i i i i ' ! . \ N H \ i : i : v . - i . x i T N s i v i : Y O U \ ' . I : I : K : { 1 I ; H T — I N I ' A R T .I T t ' N l l i t • : : l " ' H ' V V . \ ~ C N K I ' l " T l l i - : T V . l ' . I . V K O R l r . I N A I -

M , , ; , ' . - | < v . K - - ; - - l i i V • ! V ; - ' i : Y V . I . I ' K K l l n V , K I ' - T H A V E N U K ' S

^•:.t:'.':-.--; i-: - i ' - v i : ; : !'<'•: -•-:-::•:v A I M : V N V I S T A K A P I . V S M . - \ I : T

i:.-.....v niv-r- Ii. : : , - :::.:>-. l,-r l. or.-. C..^. I

-• t.-r prr.oke bis d - d r ' n * ' ( (

y id'!.-l t. n f"'. u i!i.' ! . - : /M , I..- .-. . -oi r.arp-'le w-ejld thry ^ j

: :'.-.• rf ihe : ' . . .r- j ,• - - T.-rr::: Mill IMII ' . • I:

r.~*\ C H T S hc"'e ?od

I.MAUN T I I A T s'•;: AS i . i ' rn. i :


a t

t i l i n g -

Sta te

ion uuman' mi•

ar..- f i i t i i l ' . -d . The- m i l i- .-.

o i r a i - i ; a n d il p q ' ^ : •- lii-

l ' - d y ? a v a i l a b l e t . , . - r a ' - l ; . '

t b . - o t h e r h a i l - t l . i - l .u . -

li l : .

a r i t v

• • : : ' . r . ' l : .

iy m 1...

- r . fBy S. HALL YOUNG, in "Alaska Days With J




; i iliiy!is-liitoiii-j friiiutie -la'. •- T

til-- . M a r t !•:<- I

i l i l . ; ; . ' . ' lit-- i - . - r : !

i : o a t r . . l l e j

1"I1L' t [ill.

m a d . - i .b:

' i ! n - i

t! '!!

HKI!]-: «ik- !-o Live apparent oa that bleak, gray morning:

l'oi.er was there in appalling force (at the foot of Muir irlacicr).

. . . Vie cntild not enjor; we could only en3ure. Death from

ovorluri.ni;; icoi.er^s, from charging tides, from raouiitaiii

!ie>, threiTiencd us.

iiL' I')

•• •:• f o r

alitie.- ' ; , 1 . .

T i : - lii

- t forv. . ,

r - i : i f i | . . 'o i :

^ l o v . n t;

and il in

•nride and j "God, A!

plan •••ill • t h e .ciiinii!


I lii'iir.1 Muir eatrh his l.rcatli with a fervent ejaiiilatiiun.

'.fc» . - .

IV : .-1--*.- :

I Si r •:,-

k t • • •

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!I::H" *• \V.1 s.-

.n• ; " '


e.-t-w rnib1

$6 .00The Hamilton Shop

Corner Main and Cherry Streets.

, |




Hogs Had Cholera!H. T. Jackson of Georgia reports j

"Several hogs died before I could |race the source of their disease. Theyhad cholera transmitted to them byruts. I put Royal Guaranteed Rat-Kake around, It killed all tho rats. IThe hogH have been healthy over!since." Destroy all rats. Uao Royal!Guaranteed Rat-Kflke. Sold and |Kuaranteed by Pendleton'er DrugStore.—Adv.

Personal Loans MadeWhen you are In need of money call on ns. We make persona]

loans on household goods, pianos, etc., $26.00 to $300.00 without re-moval, at the .interest rats provided by N. J. Eagan Law ot 1914, andno other charges. Payable ln ten monthly payments and Interest onyour monthly balance, supervised by tho New Jersey Banking Dept.Call or phone Perth Amboy 1951.

Industrial Loan Society, Inc.- Successor* lo MutiiBl Kiimnce Co., Inc.


Phono Perth Amboy 1951.

• - . ' : !


I, c

Store Horrr»: %M A. IL to &80 P. M.—Open Saturday Eve*Jnfa




OCTOBEltTRlDE S H EA Triumph of Merchandising. IsTThis FeatureUffer of

and Chiffbn-Velvet Dresses

. ' • r i a i u n u n i b ' T of ^toii!llll:li.-r of o l l l e - - , e t c . .t h e po.- t o t h i ' . t!:ou>,'h a :

111'-- w a *a i . i in for i r . ' -d i l i . i ; ii


No.v, il:IF on- example afTorda arath'-r •. 11;1I1L; Itnlieation of tiie t'-n-d.-ney of uur mui i l . ipa l l l nan r inc dur-ing, the past yea r . 1 for ono a m not


l e l i lv hn .-a:d. 1-clloTjn^ h i s pnze towar . ] Mt . Cr i l lon , I ,-^w I " - " 1 " " '•• •'•!:' " ' i">- i-M.I.-n.-y i.. con--, : i i , n , - . . ^ . . - , , - , ' , , t lnue, and I do not bel ieve tha t the

_'.ii-:Ui>L<i!_a i LJjwi'-nc.I. w i t U . g | o . r > u u < k * l _ l l Jvii£- n o t . e u E l i " i i t ^ L l i ^ ^ ^ _ 1 u U x l : : i - l ^ i U i i 1 i u ^ i l i ^ ^ : ; u i U Lof s l i in in

1 > . . - a - "

.1 I l l . - I - . .

l i t l ll i e U l l i

I year



i x ; i - a - •

: o f t i l - -

• "::' ,;.'ii :: wouli! en-

: :•• -u.'i place bur- up MI our taxpayers! il S-e! l l - |() lie t h e '

" r t i : .- p i o t e i - t i o n <if

a:i'! p o t a b l e w a t . - r

111 View of . the

attendant upon thetrunk sewer Idea, It

iiy authorities to hi1

rrr?—any 'iwnrcgiisniT

a:i:ioy;;ii' '


M -

N . - x t

a liroaii.;:

wl i i .h i!

will i;riHv



contl-'il l:



.i ." p i ine lp l - has

• •r.s'ally under.-Uiod

ause.l a iniuimiim

.nyiiii.- of o r d i n a r y

;.-:tr tli.-p. will Ii.-

I'.:.- lerr i i i i ry in

•'••d aii'l oppo-il i ' i r .

! l-.-is - a r l i s- . i -on.

ei-'lually t a i n , a--

m a l l . I-* ai-.i! ii u ill

i:;ii;..r of .1.:.. liclit

no uppeanin

° ' : e "V'"V " f " i S 1>n i ' ! : h ; ' J l l l i t

nl1''"1 l j n ! ' K i n l " f ;i11 colors—asspread, too delieate for LTiniwr.ioinent ujmn the mountain to]noiir.-it heaven had cauirlit a '

as if the Great Artist with

of the.

a pigment. perieoUy made und thickly

too iiiteii.-e for pini, had leaped in a

•"An awful rose of dawn." The summit

i])i-' of its irlorv! It wa.« a rore hlwini-

r iTTTW—nt—. i i l i l i i i ^ a n y ' i i i i i i r r g i i B n r y K - O - C M 1 T r S T M A S 1

* ! " •<•••- t " !'•••'• t a x b m l p ' l . a n d u s e A< i- . i rd i i iK u t1 ' . . ' Hi::

I e a u t i o i . p i . - s i b l c in f u t u r e p r o - 1 p l a c e , 1 o n (_'!iri .- lm: ' .s I r - . -

r a p - - f . i r : i i : \ a i i i ' e r i " i i l . a l i i ' i ! . - , h i n K ' ( i o n : u u i d o u r N'.-

a T u n - r - :-.i-'( e ' n i ^ l d ' - i i u e o n l y I l l e u l e V . I - I : I : r i e nff i-e;

o!i!<- i: e ' : - i t i e s f o r a s t - a ' l y ^ r o w l l i i ' ! , i i i . ] I I M I U - t "

i - i : : . i

a r i d •.•!•

Km;!:'.Hd. -..

a s t w •• !: ^;

i \ - a n---.\ - ••:

ing in ii-e-fi.-l.].-, a love-son- in the mid.-t of « Btern epic, a drop from the

heart of Christ upon thr- icy de.-olaiioiOvrr'l'Uineirairi-etionT'ofir *m-

frozei, tt-'irl.l. . . . .Vow as we watrhi-.i tlmt kiugly peak, we taw the

rulor lu,|i lo i.n ' and uia.tlier and another of the snowy summits aruim.l

it. Til- in.'iiarrh l:ad a v.hole fmnilv

fliure hi- ' /Inn. Their radiant h-a.l.-. ruin

clou.!-, «l,"li ,..-e,.||(.J to form tVi«_• ir .-ilkeii -,ii!;;enN.

At-«r—fa>&.<;\ iii-TNV-lalii: dluilie we .-.i\V the li,;i,t creep

innimta!!!-. Il was eliau^'iii;,' now. The glowing criiiiaon wu.

of royal princes about him to

thewen- uU.ve

- l i eh j

l l l t . i

y humaii.

t h e i m , i i i i l i i : n -

i - u m n n u i d f r . i n


J.Ts.-y. hy t|... a h - '

t . ' fore iirlispi :i^al)l,. '

H O I U e e i v e l l IIV

s. lllanl:, in tin-IsiiiM, it is puroilei.-tion of (jar-

'.i-M1 mir.!rr frnm

l l ' l l l l i - . .! . Xi'W

. r.c- of h.-r.Christmas trees. i

• • . - . i u : : h i .-.110111 i i y ' i h . . . . - d i e t i . - ^ u - . d ' b y

' ••• .'•.• H- .!•••- - y D e p a r t m e n t n f A t r r i - [

- ' . ' i ' . " r - h - i : r : - - o f t h e p r e s . ' i i r e t if

.wn tne


wi th nift . cre.-iiny l i - h i . If it waa less d iv ine , it M.LS IIIOI.- w a n n l v

H. -awi i V.H.- i-omiiy; (lowii to Minn. '1'l.e d a r k rci.t-sit., o

1'c-an to liu'lii.-n. T h e y J.l,,,i,l f,,r.li as at t he wor.i of

tiiu MiL-t,'i- ...f Al l ; a m i a., tl,,. e h a u - i i i j ; IIK-HOW l i - l u moved d o v . i n i . u d

t h a i w..|..:,-rfiil eolo.-seii,,, api .earuil clearly wi th i i , b a t t l e m e n t - a n d

i"-.iks a! 'I ml ' .mm- , un t i l the whole inuje.-sir hin.i.-. u- , . wai reveale.l .i ' " ' r tli 'To_«jb..i.iu I ' lo f i in i ty - in M u i r ' j excla iuat io : i , " W e lia-.e -i.iet

_\uU)_L».l-, , ..—:.--A^n:ii a i id .-ij.,1111 M u i r . wouM break o-.it, n f i ? r r

lung t i K n i e i;i ;ih.,-;al nu i inny, with e x e l a u i u t i u n s :

"Vw.- saw i t : u,- .s.nv i t ' 1!,- st-nl iw tu h i , mo- t j / lor io in e x h i b i t i o n ,

i ' n i i r e God, fi..i;,. u h o n i a'.! U.-..-in •.- i\u\i'."

to cont inue , once he Is Informed otin- true situation

Xo1.1.-. on Klei'lion Day, Xovemb'r C,the cliUeiis of Itahway will have theopportunity to vote on another Ques.-tion which jifrtalns to municipal tl-nani'lni;. Thanks to the wry iiKKfes-sive efforls of a r;ilh.-r small rroiipof citizens, a petition was presentedto tli.- City I'ommiH.-loners signed by

jiti^ f->r ii rfftToniinin vot»« on llief*;rtn:- ami Dcnmaii onlin:ii:c-'. Thisin my judgment is :i very import antunc t ion , fur tin: <*lti:'.i'im tu il-'cMf, asit involvcn the qiKHtion ay to hu\v tli'citizens ami th.1 taxpayers df - i re theirminify to b" cxpciifl'Hl. I myself havy

not the .slfKhti'st 'Kniht aw tu how•Uih—-r*^Atr*jndum"—i'- ji| rt'^ult. If 1•'iiterialnrd tlu- hllKhtiMt duubt us toUio result, 1 KhoulU qiiL-stion the abil-ity (if ilie ciiiiifMih j!ml taxpayers toi'-il'•UiKL'iilly protci't til. ir uv, u IntiT-.•;:l.:, and uould also at !'..•• ^anu* tinn-

' It;'ion 1:M ir enpac

i i;-:vi ::i:i;• -.' t oi'.:iil K e i n i K U i' . ' • lu ' " e - i l u m i i l :

!•'«•" :• the pre

i n ; . ( ) • , • ( •

e f et h i .

l.ini,ou l o

:il t h i .

I'ftAXK 11. 'IIU'SSl.l-:


Tin Railway Vae!i l l ' l i t e t h e l l o s i l l i : r . rnu ovst.-r • upp' r •.:Sui lda) . t l e tob- r 21.

it Club1 til" s-'.

will ene-w itll

Now is the time to plan your



FLOURIt Goes Farther

Dennison's Goods on Dispiat

PENDLETQNISOn the Corner-Main & Cherry Sts;


ThatWe Offer

at $25^These dresses are of such striking beauty and bril-^

liant style that we feel certain the best-dressed womenwill be delighted with them. Then to find them offeredat such a reasonable price is most surprising.

Such high grade materials-as- Poirof Twillo, Tricotines, Canton Crepe, Satin-Faced Cantons, Flat Crepes,trimmed in the most artistic manner, with embroidery,beads or with trimmings of the same material. Black,nayy, brown or cocoa. Dresses you owe it to yourselfto seeT"-----. :. crr

ats of Luxurious—Beaui

Made uj) of the richest skins, in the most fashionable models, thesecoats cannot help appealing to all. Made up during the maker's dull season,we offer you the advantage of a saving in price. They're natural muskratcoats, forty-five inches long; five-strip-jd borders shawl collars and mandarinsleeves: beautifully lined.

These Coats May Be Bought on the Time Payment Plan Through theUnited Credit Service, Who Have Offices Here

Important Sale ofWomen's

Dress Coats21.75All Samples That Sell

in- the R«g._Wav at$30, $35 and 37.50on Sale at .. -


The Most of Them are TrimmedWith Fur Collars. Regular and

Extra Sizes, from 16 to 52.

Coming right at the beginning of the season we know women will he quick tu appreciate such timelyvalues.

These coats are samples of one of the best makers,' who caters to the most exclusive shops. Andbeing samples, one or two of a style, we were enabled to purchase them at an exceptional concession in price.

Shown are the season's most favored new effects—in wrap-around, side-drape, belted or full flaremodels, every coat beautifully lined, and with the exception of a few. each one conies with strikingly hand-some trimmings of fur. v ,

The MaterialsBytonia Bolivia

Velve-Suede Velours

The TrimmingsBeaverette Viatka

Caracul Manchurian WolfBlack, Brown, Navy—Kit Fox aud Rookh


• Vi



Page 9: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

TiVidav. October 12,1923

USE INDIAN CANOES IN ITALYA—iturn Craft Becom* Popular and

Ar* Manufactured In LargeNumbers.

Mm American Indian canoo, whichfsr centuries has piled only theStreams and lakes of the North Amer-ican continent, has' at last found Itswmy to the classic "yellow Tiber." Ca-

* Boeing has become a favorite river•port of the Romans. On Sundaydozen or more of the frail Indian craftcan be seen ln the yellow waters gild-Ing nlong the shores ln company with

• tklffs, shells, eculla nnd motor boats.Tho graceful Indian water convey-

ance IIRS hecome so popular that anttallnn firm hns commenced the mnnu-1fceture of~tm>niT~Tiroy~loolT~5event!-"American cunoes as models and then i '•:'1

bejrnn turning them out by the scores. \A canoo club nlso has been organized, jand many Americans have Joined. Pad- j 0 0

dllng to tlie perfection of the Indiansbaa not yet been achieved. The Romansmnko vain efforts to keep the canoo

UEL FREEMAN A 8ON,136 Irving (Street


For over thirty years through* thisage'ncy^a'housanis of Dollars havebeen paid In fire losses to policyholders by such old and roliahlo Fireand Liability Companies as the Hart-ford. Continental, Commercial Union,Springfield, National of Hantord,Automobile Ins. Co., of Hartford, Na-tional Liberty, National Union, New-ark, American Alliance, /Etna Casu-

& S C Ocean Accident &

FOR SALE—About 76 bushols Kelt-

for. Pears on trees. S. C. Bull, 15

St. GeorRP avenue. Phono 220-4.oct9-2t

altyAmerican Alliance, /Et

alty & Surely Co., Ocean Accident &Guar. Corp., National Surety Co., thatpromptly adjust all losses. may29-tl


steady work. Apply Rahway Mfg.

CO., 73 Campbell street. octl2-tf


J. C. SHELLReal Estate

illl dInsurance

Scott Avenue, Rahwav,Phone 631


Roamer 7 passenger touring 1921,

thoroughly overhauled, excellent

condition? JGOO; Durnnt 5 pnsaonger

touring 1322, mechanically perfect,

three months' guarantee, $700;

Maxwell roadster 1920, now top,

powerful motor In good condition, a


Stenographer-typlat. private ofllco,

near Rahway. Interesting work.

State education, experience salary

desired and ngo. Address Box 100,

care Record. oct9-2t

WANTED—Yonng man for positionIn ufflco and Bbtpplng department;must understand ntonography. Ap-ply by letter E. C. Klipsloln "Co., Cartcret, N. J.

WOMAN—Wants work at wtthlni

A SonIt


beaded straight but a change of pad-1 listing.-flies— Is—necessary-


n fT I T pypry few

Footlose."„_ . u D d n y ^ l a J g

feels klnda pedestrian tonlphL""All right. I feels klndn walkatlve

nun own.self."-J>nshvllle Tennessean.


I handle all kinds, large, small. Im-proved, or otherwise. No charge for

My bmera act Quickly. A^ESTATE AND IN-.1V1.-IT



monthj old. like iv w, many extrasreal buy at MOO. Horneck MotorSales. Star and Durant Dealers onLincoln Highway, St. George ave-nue, at nramhall road. scp2S-tf

WANTED—Olllce assistants with1

knowledge of stenography. Perma-

nent position tor thoso who can

properly qualify. Apply or address

Uiltwell Shoe Co., Second avenuo

nnd Oeconil street. Klly.bethport,

,LIUO o , . , , . u h October 15, for scl-entitle cars of the face, hands andscalp, also all other branches otBeauty Culture. Kor Informationcall evenings nt 57 West Haxol-wood avenue or phone -UG-R.


and cleaning-Ion street.

Ask for Mary, »'


S. Hartman SS East Grand street- It

MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONPiano, Violin, Banjo, MandoMn, Gulur,

Cello, Basa Viol, CornetBy

MR. AND MRS. L. MOUSSOU.155 West Scott Avenuo.

Tol. 780-W o c"- :



U Mapls Avtnn.


Fsrauant to tec oro«r ot,^o(]dla». SarroisU ot tb« vonoj,

Vunlua. msd« on tho Twtnl j . iecj t u-[of Ausu»t A. D., lies, opoa the «p«ta

lion ot tbs ondirsltntd, as Admittor qf tb« Mtata of laid donated, Kla htrcbr glian lo the crtdltoti etd m i f i l to cinlhlt to the - '

- N . - Joct5-3t



YOUK SHOES UEPA1RE-a expert. All hand fllltchlng. , ,

Ends That Meet."Dent yon find It dlfflcnlt fo make

both ends meet?""Not the end of my money and^the.

tod of tie week."—London Answers. I

Money to LoanMONEY TO "LOAN en bond-and

mortgage. Hyer & Armstrong,Rahway National Bank Building,Rahway, N. J. octlZ-tf

Real Estate for Rent

Classified« -

EXCELLENT I'ollce. Chow and Aire-dale puppies reasonably priced, [SevuraTTCTy—cxcvpHooal—femalt)-|puppies given to reliable people on;

"breeding basis Strongncart—K«njne'.e,—Vnstnn nvrnne Xew Bruns^wick. Telephone 1443-W2 sep25-St j



73 CA.Ml'UELL ST., KAHWAY.topT-tf



.NOW-lSJriiEJTlMEjo get your Shot-guns. Ammunition .and FootballSuplles at "Anthony's," tho Homoof . Quality- (next the Empire

Theater). oct5-4t:

Help Wanted

for men and women who will work'unil produce results. Liberal com- j

—HIit iau—i>r y'^'ry. Address GlobclDem-tickil Assochitlcn, SI'. IJroau|street. Newark. N. J. It |

iHELP WANTKD—We need an indus-

trious, reputable lady or gentlemanto sell tho genuine J. R. WatklnsProducts in Rahway and Chrome. A

$75.00; also five large rooms Cl Irr-Ing street; all improvements: heatifurnished. $55.00. Inquire LouisCusumana, « I"1"? s t r o e l - " '

GIRLS W A N T E D — For clerical;•work. Apply Rahway Mfg. Co..-73:Campbell street. octll-tfi

few good territories also open Inother nearby cities. The nationallyadvertised Watkins Products havebeen Known and Used since 1SGS.Don't accept any other offer until•"^JMAl-E AND FEMALE OPERATORS 1 Don't accept any other offer until

iv.e.r I —Coals, pants and vests. Good; you get our proposition—It's differ

Equitable Finance andjusrairty~Gorporation-

To purchaM farallr nwfasjtlfrTo conduct or rnlirtre butlnrasT» t.»y taiea or t.uy a houifTo rrfalr or lniprore vrop'rtj


et r p pFull particulars and samples


Chattrl Mortg-acrt, Ktidorvrtl ?Tottf:—iAny Olber S<-<-urltj Takea.

Uonay Loaned ou Stcoud and Ttxlr4JlortliCrt. """'

LEOAL ISTntEST ONLY.Uosey UlTrn Within 24 lloura

55 r.nOAIl STItEHT,Second Floor. Gra t ia HuHtllng,

AnnouncementA.:Uh~tu .11


uncr that |TiirHp7n"Satarda*.X)sL<Ll.?r_lJ. an up-lodtt..

. my formnr place, with a full I In.- of hl*b «rad.- dcilc*

luxuries anil f»ncy Rrocerlei)

Reasonable PricesYour Patroniico Cordially Imtlt.-d

Rahway Grocery and

147 Main St.A KAGAN, Prop.

- Rahway. N. J.asant surroundings. cnt.

free ivrite todayCo., Dept. 93. 1T.5York. N. Y.

J. n. Watkins | rboC«EU>rry street. Now


Elsnr * Co.. Red Bank, N. J. Apply to M Qreig. superintenJent.

actD-2t iReal Estate for Sale


FOR SALEPRICE FOR EACH furnished rr i>ms

;ii:ii;! i." s u i t a b l e


inm avonu<"-

I t



1 am now

room ar.ii l»;* - -

i l l inifri'vi'iiiv

tr ie h^lit ai-

ton!::::; ?.:..] :,

; : [ ; : two fl.TP

; < - ; • • : < ! • • • ' f . • - 1 . . n l -

, . , , - , . r , : : : • . • • w a y :>:'..!

•• •-.;, ;•: :\.'A W cr.-

«.:•. • -.-. :i '.::iv. i-v.-.l

qu:ii:;y ~;n-:' '>^ \'<v- •<! ' • i - - t i j : r :;:;>!

~uln'i(:'.v. V.:u]\ ;•'. t t :' l:i:^': '.vi:! ;r..-o

bo er.tir-'.y L-r.'^-vi. 1'.. .-; q'.K-.'.i'.y i c -

nlen t \\:m:*' it a i::.^ f r. i:\ ~:i! ' \va!k to

f rom piin-h nr.d ::\-.> ari".i::'; t':1.'.- sii'.v

of tut'li hm:. <• tn '.I1.'- kiu: :- :U (l.(or.

Also bes t qua l i ty CLiv.int wa lks in

front o f p r o p - r i i e * laid as siil- walks .

They arc both "dandy" little !:omesfor a small family.

The price S5.S5O is txcecdingly rea-sonable and terms Jl.Ouo cash veryeasy.

FRANK H. TRUSSLERIrvinR and Elm. Rahway. N. J.

I'.'!; i

Ftr-• t.

•••• IH i;i-:

:• ' !>!: • : :

11 r • • s -;

: • • • '


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T —

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Ad-l i - •

Eac week We Strive to Set a Low Price Record for Qaa.it> Foodstulb.

FOR RENT—Frcct bedroom, fur-niphed. All improvements. Ir.qulre10J Irvir.i; street.- oct2-2t

FOR RKNT—Ifelir. five rooms, sec-ond t'.-ur. part iniprovc-ments, nearschool, ri r.t $27.00: also store.2O.\3r>. uith pas and electricity: llv-u s rno::: in -• :ir; on state roadabout ;hr(;» Mucks from P. R. R.

lannlrf ,P^-_

122 Main. St.PHONLS

43 ami 536Rahway, N.J-

Specials for Friday and Saturday, OctoberI2th and 13th

BIGGEST BARGAINS IN TOWNFive-room lfuus"-. T"TT—iTnrmv*—-

^nf-hi?. SD.OOOr c\r-K ~il"v: ]Six-room house p a t r iniprovi ' i i ifnts; ;

two largo burns. i l . l l l ( l 1 . t a s h ?T;"n. '•Six-room hous» par t i:nprov..-t!n-i!tf;

p rovemenl ; lot r,'.'xi:'.4. Slmrt walk- to .stat ion. ? l . v "» .

~ Five-room i:nii-e. :ill iTii^r.n.ni'-r.is.


vid Micoia. Isolin. N. J. oct5-3t

For SaleFOK SA1.K—No. S Cooking Stove,

•irqui'. ? Hartiimu. 2T, East Grand

littie y n v U A t F - T i n b- ; l ! - hiiumls. A'l-

• cash.Lots, plots ami .acreage of every

description. -•"'For these and other biirgains. ?'•'*

Shell, 1-U East Scott Ave. I t

THREE NEW HOUSESNow ready, which we will soil ensmall payrnf-nt dn-.vn. balance likerent—., C and 7 romns1 and bath.They all bave VH-ctric lights, gas1

range and g^s water heater, full line •of plunifiug 'and heating; polished!lloors and trim; private porches.

—Sidewalks and-^tuy;Lpa_mi£^_ZkLs_is_the only place in Kahway where you'can buy lots fronting paved streets,anil—cement—fill e-walk*.—with—stwci_water, gas and electricity in at a price ,others charge for unimproved lots, i

Central Hnaif Building and Finance |Co.. 2?,0 Centra! avenue. Rahway,'N. J. Phone IT!. oct9-4t

FOR SALE—a room house, stuccoedhollow tile; lot DOxlOO; water, bath,gas und heat. Price reasonable;terms convenient, direct fromowner. Adress J. Jay. 5S3 Bristol Iftrcet. Brooklyn. N. Y. Oct2-9t|

!'Oi; SALE—P.utehc-r shop rea-'em-able Plion.- CS3. It

:'i.ii: >.\1.K—Kitchen rang'- withw i i t ' ^ ' • ' • • • . a n d g ; i . - d c m . . . - l i e a i '

Inquir. - I ' n i o n str,- .-t . It

FOR SALE—Willow furniture, threeor iTi ht pieces. Inquire AndrewKo?ik, 1ST. Wostn.-.ld avenu**-


HOTTLKU .MILK AND CHEAM. but; VtcrmllTJ and strictly pur.', butter. 'PIiTTTJT1 T~n-.l Rahway-.—M—Haines,Lersvillp avenue. octl^-tf



Strictly Fresh Long Shoulders



Hnlf or Wholeper pound

Regular price 35c Weil Trimmed

Extra FancyMedium Size

per Dozen

-FOR—SALE-rXwo_w.MlQ cnamoIed-Lbeil^. brass trimmed, with mattress 'anil pprinc" Price $6.00. Phone230-J. ''• It

KOR SALK—Winter pears. poacheB!nnd quinces; aUo gTcen tomatoes.'Joyce. Colonla Road, near Golf Club. |rhone 230-J. ,' It i

FOR SALE—1920 Chevrolet touring|car. Inquire 31 Westtteld avenue. I


ButterIn 1-4 lb Prints


Legs OfGenuine

Spring Lambper pound

Regular price 39c35-Fresh-

Fresh CutJersey

H 24Call Hams


Cape CodCranberries

2 quarts

IN tho highest ami healthiest spot cf FOR SALE—'4 and 7 month old male|Rahway, you can have your own police dog puppies; fine Btock. Rea-honio. For i?M cash and $30 00 B o n a b l c _ P h one 12G-M-1. oct9-2t.per month. I will build you a uew jo S ^ o M n o ^ ^ a w m d i J F O R SALE-Some pod.gre.,1 Leg-includes material to finish for win-| 'lorn Cockerels, 5 months o ld; ,ter. For lull information wrile to choice slock, tho products of 292 toP. O. VA-.X S.3-A Railway. N. J., or, 3 2 0 h p n s w , , , B a c r i n c o . A d -

--ste Mr. AU-xitndtir on lnman ave- _• " . , , . „ _ „ „nue. near UURC'H l;,,ad. Te!. Kali-1 ' ^ " B D. Lockle & 'Son,"P."O.-Box-way 7'JI. ' Bopi:i-Si; 191. Avenel, N. J. ocl9-2t

Extra FancyC0UNMaine Style—

2 cans for

25cFancy Young

FowlLarge Stalks

Celery2 for

per pound

APPLESBaldwins or

___W-mesass—LEAVE qRDEHS NOW for winter

apples. Fhcnc Frank Schuetz, Rah-FOU SALE— CKMF.TERY LOT IN w a y S2D-R. oct2-4t



T d N . N •' nctl2-2t


KIRK DiMmyi-i! l ' rupi ' r ty Valued a t

jri(H).U(iu,O"U iitid Kxtract . d a Toll In

LIVIM of .H,,(mo 1',-rMiiis J3urn.il . t o

Heath, and 17,(100 Injured for Llf,.-.





: J. F. OEYER, __Succeaanr to J. J. Cody.

l t t Irvmg atToet. Tel. SRD lt

IF YOU WANT n used l-ord s"din, at (lannoti Auto Sales, 90 Irvingstreet, or 11C5 Central avenue. I'lione202. mar.UMf

FOR SALE—Trap drummcr'n outlitin good condition, Inquire- "Wm. M.

"Stnli. 214 East Grand street. oct9-2t

. I-'KKSH OYSTERS AND CLAMS—For'salo every Friday und Satur-

' (lay at Krwld'a, 197 Maple avenuo.Ti'l. 7 If.. oct9-2(

FOR SALE.—Good btislnes:, Pleam

i"-. speckilu Une...cotHD and look It, over. AddresB M. P. Kenely, 35I Summit Hoaa7Eliiab(itn7N.


16 qunrt hnskct

arsH..r.d Picked

Preserving Pears

16-qt. bsk.

BeetsLarge bunches6 bunches for


10, 20c

Pig's LiverPork Kidneys

Pot CheesePicklid Pin's Feel

Fresli Pi' s F eet

10 c ,bSolid Veal

to Roastpound

FreshSpare Pibs


Toilet PaperJapanese


Rib LambChops



40c 25c

Parsnips orCarrots

6 lbs for

Red or WhiteCabic age





Potatoes4 quarts

-Wax-PapeLLarge R'

3 for


Rahway Record, Friday, October 12,1923 '

A Page of Seasonable Topics of Special Interest to WomenChange of Modes,

Word From Parisvnvet aim nas

Uia fashionable bcll-shapcd coat and•leevea which ho many couturiers lnParti arc naln.-;, nut Polrct wlUi abold stroke adds a rather tlght-drapodI a rather tlghtdrapod

Fall Openings Reveal Radi- ! k l n ' n j"w ' a »' tho beii-.hapcd one. . . . „ , , I favored by Potou und other dealracn,

cal Idea* in W o m e n • 1 thereby shmvlnc me deference to theAppare l . Popular t f At

h I s b n n n e r


Popular tnst.: for .lender lines.the some iUm he r a i , c

In defense of tin- nt-w/

^ wl(lth hp JZ^7Z Ift h e ftrwHjM^r^,. T h° ,Carled o t h 4 n ( J | d ,,

« „ ta lrImmwl ran

r , . ..tnmn opening i n ^^M tho bcclDftlng of . luUondl«.ut« «^h P"»»l^» conilderabl.l»tc,«t to the umnleur u, «.ll « to l r I m m w l ran to\£Ztt.-prufc-lon.! of ftuMua write* • by a trl_m_mlnK «Lir.«,_,wrtlliurjhiXrvit ra»Mon co..v»i~b1tut In tilt u,ug i l l k , 0 1 ! t h o - „ ,ntm Turk Time^ On, can.p desire, uH, rrnoratlon of Ore tailored iult tota urowar p>o«Hlon of olfcniice and :SrfS.«i . The opposing party weka , |t, restore tb« former desance through • ™ U i e four-tlm-tf skirt of the whitette niwllum of line* expressed ln tho , " U n '""lag dross Point apparentlypro md th» three-piece cotturocs.

conven.lonnl-rulndedm o r o t 0 , l l ( . ,r ,mw

: M .

will find

at are madeat Home

New Fall Hats Areof Felt and Suede

Upward Rolling Brim Oneof the Newest; Tamt

for Young Girls.

ana Shoulders with a graceful fram-ing for the face which makes themmost attractive.

.-«moB#—tln)«» couturiers' most |American*, ha* come oat

f / for tbe aboUUoa of narrowtailored costiimti gcn«rally. On

B( ether band, old anOTnl imnn I

ktfrodoead lose, narrew. e«n>-tailored aalU whkti by tteto


tff , 0i« txprwod prefei-ot their chJc dlcotel* mntt otnoora tnat aav« oprned aro

sms following th« i t ra! ;htlino t sa t Wiunoa nave decided.

p><iit routhfnl a n j rttmrally b »

g^.i^i' Is a Tcry c!TectlTe,-«:i;:u) la roui;h nultlai with a tinyihi-, :.iTd'< p'a!d In Mack and wbltu.Tl.c *• -"t U a u.irful straight sackmllij fl touch of r r ' ^ i l a t tlic culhtr•n.: i)'.'i.>l:;i la !!!<-• Unln; of : !} , .ti:^~-i i tl.a* wiilcn .it ' l ie wr.fcts. Tli(%

ji:..-:." n (r-.r;t "•' i-v> t'..J!co n )^at^.c •-•<- ftij'J ».li.ti»- of [Lo «;..'ii.-:;^l

:::.-.n'* -ir.-iji siilrl. It i.i >'f;r.rt

"••»:> t!:i-

m 1tbe i

ro U a Ui'Ub!


t!a»' of It .r.t

p-.>iui!-ir Mac* relrr-t tsr r «^lt for raorv >lrv**y

^ «-.;lt l i siuiMcil w'.ih

The fall line of hats hi dividedamong suedes, taffetas and felts. Com-binations of suede and taffeta areshown and quite a larRC number ofthese models is madcf'up ln~re<n TBhapes prpdomlnnte In the suede andtaffeta and combination models. Thebrimmed hat« nearly all show an up-ward roll from the fnce. and there arechic little turbans with tt wing of taf-fetu or suede, darting from one side

"with s~downward bend:Many of the fall taffeta hats have

tho roll brtnT closely shirred, the Bhlr-rlnR put In with a plcot stitch. In

I most canes the umier slrts of tho hrlrodifferent uhade from the

and—the-crown:—Bome-of-the lOTellof these bnts have th« npper lid*closely corered with rarleolored tm-broidery. ,

The felt hats are all of tho clocheihop" and extremely small and close-fitting. Many of these are trimmedwith kid.' forming narrow bands andcocardea. ^f

With the hats are a nnmer ofscarfs and bags of snotte and

taffeta.The young girl will glory In'the new

tarns. In fnct. adniitntlons of tarnshave nrrlvr-d from Paris so smart andso different that even the more ma-ture members of tin' feminine sei willbepe*?n we:irln^ them. They ure mndeof velvet, plush an1! brocaded ribbons.Those matlf- f f the velvet ere Intricate-ly f-nibifi|(!..ri"I vl'.h nnrrnw satin.irrns--r::in ar. I ;.ir.|.-.- rili?""^--. Some r,fthe new tan;-- made of faille ribbon-)

Choose FursSuit Complexion;

Coloring and ChMacter ofPeltry Should Be Con-


MoaL women in selecting' a fur piecedecidf upon tbo color befure they eTennet out to ahop. The individual color-Ing and charait'.T i.( tbe fur should be

.ta_iuU)_tons'• • h rail0tt :ei well an thearlug quality, says tho Kansas Cityir. Colois ^boubl be chosen to suit; complexion and hair. For Bornee.-i the dead black lynx would h«ppropriate, while tho dark browntl or brownish black okunk mlgbt

_v.tryjjccoiniii;r.[f your hn ir Is dark yon should^ose a llirht gray, or a cream UU1'


IVomen with .light hair canli (,'reat su<-oes3 furs that are"«llcJc~Tjnret-X7i)~r*tiryr~r?Jtfc-brow*-

choose u deep, rich brow for;with clear, Mqlit blue eye«, yoawear with excellent effort vb*t bknown as blue fox, with Its deep light*that match the hue of yonr omvwjm.

For Instance, you may dealr* anAmerican black fox or blatk Canadianlynx, but not feel that yon n i pay Vmuch. In which case yon po farther;1(.KTI the Hit; nn.I select black ViS,{blu'ek doi:.-il:in. blnck con(J3\ or any one

! thi; lnti'rnM*!::iw farit—They—«reacordinu' to their rolot.


Tho sable neckpiece la very appro-priate when worn with a m a r t hat .-hnr.ncrpr nnrl ir.srl'inpss,. but notof black beaver. The model It trimmed ' " r ' 'with Japanese aigrette. ! ' ;


n? t

May Use Lace Scarf ^

for Picturesque Touch , kr.r.i.-.ky.!u:nk, .Ini;:i:-ir:,l .

lunibility.MI v.aiii ;i bro^-n,ith n dar!;"r strlpo rnnnlngi tbe renter, there aro RussianHii'l-nn Hay s.ihlii. Siberian

silvf-rEhnile !•

r|r.;t. t Ir. i<-l -- -111


!in r r r t c i•i f-;itarincThe fo'ind.-

. ! : • : : : ! , ' • - ' •

l-:--!i.!.- ' l

tr.arlcn. northern;k. African otter,tuu-krnt. Chinese

• r eM

Of VOlVPtwith vividPome b.v.'*1

• T ^ - i i a o i ; ^ : ! . , • ; . r - : i v t h i n e t . ' u i t » ' • •


ulv,ay> -.\.':i i:for tl,,-:i.-.'lve-

:::i:\ t h : i t

They un-*; lU

i-iv.-ri-d with chitthat ni'jioar tn th

.Tl. t ' re a re M>:::.- : ;arnj-ami—^ialiop4ul 1'ii .i

... -.1. •,...- :.,ay be• n ln thu two colorarib!,ell.

!ior:« with

P"m- to the f in - : . ! >.! ad ' l ins n tou'.!iof bcniis to tbe r:t.N>n eni!irn!i!.'.ry, :<add to the e!nbor:r'Ti>^s of the e.T''"-t.

Some of ' riie. trims have a Muleframework about'tbe fuce entirely cov-

^'l w l I i l tln-v r i M l & n lnn^ n a r r n w

M! ri l

!.y n

N - i r i h

Mrs,-" with a "ern plucked ot-


hj velvet rlbbr.ns and 6^aded metallic

B~Oj «ixJ ciai-JIu tn an eff«vtlT« <Je-tfa. UUck fox f' --iiUiic» UM materialJbr the collar and U u n l u a finliatar Iho i l e m n ohlri;. Uk« tho ma-lortty ibcrwTl thti tail, vldta at th*»rt»t Th« »onib«m«B9 (4 ihbi rot-tsa« b) leauoed by t Uuni bloaa* In0TCT oaij* wltboot aUrfea. And the0<a\ Is appUqoed onto this blsns* In

at T«irac circle* of crado-Tbor* Is • tooch at ro**-

**»«d mstmUarj u th* waist.(nntna Ormtm fMok la Color.

A nrrlcMbt* drew to thU eoUwtloo(•a in •ttnetJt* sos, too, to a UtU*kfc» * s m qoU* •trmJbjBt tn Una, uut• " " l S o w B * » • ^ " * * » DM*™* ' iklrti for the -comlhi oor wardrob*fall (alOB. Tbis caioo widen* to sot- . . . . . . .tm • pointed pocket Jo t below, tha•aisdlo*. which I* defined by a nar-! • • bdL Tb« hlfb cotlir U al*obentertd wttL tbe (old and s toochef eaerald crvea. both of vslch arertimted tn tha raff of the lone .Knlfht sle«T«.

Eirolat dn«*e* are rich tn color 1V«|TW u eeen in brltht

On* of th« N i * i n Paris Evening-OrcsMi of While Sjtln. With BlickV*lvM Chou.

sea hU «'.ix.p of ipprural on the newfaihlon or mcylcllrr the txlrt In sev-eral sectlona. i fii>h!on se«n ln day-.Umf cottumea as well as ln thedressier oar* for mnlns wear. Thedreas la unrelli-ml with th* exceptionof the liner rhoa of black TtlTet attb* left tide, thr rods of which (weepthe floor.

Another of the youn(er boo*** tnParis, Paul' Caret, also favors th*

One, showing a few boopeo"

j)ri. Many of hi* dressesirj made wttbont » belt, the wtlst b«j^iM.fcfloed by drapery ftnUhed with

', Sickle, and this, designer slso fa-„ „ u,e miaj np^sd skim, nruallythree. His skirts sro longer than Is ity^r, bet art- ntlll « romfortable walk-

length.p > u l c*rct r>i-ninif rown cullrd

there Is .always *n::;e;h;E:r r e x to %£•port about the:;._ ,Ti>; c u t they axegiven to extni urp::::-»-:iral rrunt piecesot ribbon. bi-auS -T •itber decrat lvemedium* mnde vi'.irsti-Iy and lackedover the Rlnlle nt the fnmt. A prettyexample «]ipear> In the picture and Itoan he very cff*-c!l\ely developed byosing plain ftatlu ribbon for the sfi^band narrow, tnelal-edKUtl ribbon, Inrococo effects, for the latticeworkand small Dotrtn that make the orna-ment.

Wide ribbons. Isvuhly used ln bowsand loops to simulate the old-fash-ioned bustle effect, have b*en uaed toIntroduce i new style note Into prettydraped afternoon frocks this fall. Theyvary the slnrost universal straliht-ltne silhouette ln a pleasing way.

ITie new season brought in manytwo-toned ribbons In the narrow aswell as wide widths. The narrowestwidths are used on dainty boudoir orbreakfast sacqnes made of light silks.Tbe ribbons are :unde Into tlojr flatbowi snd «et on In rowa If one cares

alnnj the stral;ht tti^e. It !a very) ':i>£ l^o Simula*** tiou'ers -of- many .suns with this kin.! of ribbon. These 'same r:f>b<inH ure used with stampedpatterns made for embroidery floss in- jsteai! -of- regular embroidery. Littlebaskets..outlined with narrow old-gold•ribbon, are filled with flowers madeof the scalloped ribbon. This makesa lovely adornment for cushions, bed-npreads, table scarfs snd the like. Thisscalloped ribbon Is also used for cov-ering small-fans shaped Ilk* palm-lwffans. The ribbon Is put on In rows.

Ribbon beadbanda for little (Iris ondress-up occasions appear to rival just-now the popular hair bows. The bandsare drawn about the head and fastenunder the hair at tha back. Snap faj-tenerj or books and eyes are used forfattening anJ a bow or rosette of theribbon placed at each aide of the band.

ribbons being especially favored forthe purpose, while variations o f t h e

1 ribbon e«varr!e nre exceedingly popu-giving a colorful and flower-like

dei! Grille of I'r.:!:- ::,•:'!•• i.f LT.-.-:I nn.lyellow sill:. T h e <cirf i- !::iri'I-j>:tir.t«-<:In colors to mati'li t!i'* i;ln!li- nnil cov-ers the- ont!r(- bsi:'u""nr~the"6i'»l!ce aswell as the ar:!!?. the ' n i l s tn:i!!ni: onthe Rroury! a t tbi- front.


. IluiTy fura:mlret Aniericanoba wolf, brown

enrly furs: C!ar-'Russian ponx.

of theen House" Is an example

SO outline, once more be-coming j*o;»ular, ^ . : h a r^nejCounoe from tbe kne<» In front. •' ThostraU'M ror«;^-f !< r.uLihr^ with two>!jc! l r . ; b:rv« '~i±':-••.-. In front, a n jcur>.-; .;..v.r. i t :!.•• !..i .-. . K. 'I .TC I: Ut!:o "..tr::.-..- ;- ::: uf two ;>:m-l tr.ilnscn.-h : : . - : : • - ! fr :v, :!.r t::)<— i!.-;vrr.'. .*r-t

I - . IH

Beautify RoomsAlon^ wlUi t:ie e n r h.creas.ng In-

tcrvat la I'.o'.ver pn»luctlun the urt of•jowcr arr.:a^i in;cr.: has curr.e to rt*ci-ivo reai ri- • -:'.!l;i'a. OmiM-s in::.>:•• er :i."'..r.^.-::i.-:.: • :Ver,-.! la the a r t


They are good with the more severestyle of top coat, with ths short furJacket, with the one-pleca dress, withthe coat frock and with the tailoredsuit, leaving but little more that canbe considered a part of the moderngirl's wardrobe for _evei

These scarfs are jiarticjlnrly effec-tive when mmlv-'tf-in'-tnlll'- hice-or oflace dyed In a color to catch the foun-dation. The use of lace lends a. pic-turesqne touch to the boudoir gown,and designers have been quick to talieadvantage of this. Aside from thescarf. lace .may be Introduced In aIfoke, sleeves, cuffs or godet panels.

. ; ! :• ' .

I l - •'— - 1 "

car.01* strvW

.- :i: t.'u-Lhuti l ' . - . r.• gardens.?:m!y andi any P.o-.v-•rs ln t»-r•;-. Klo'.v-


ttio fure fordsyt'.::i'-. or nt U-.i-t for n'.">rn.n,' w«ir.and t h « e w!.o n-rualn faithful to till)tailored frock w:ll :.i.'l that It liai be-come "tnorti tal.Vr,-! iind'lew !xip >9autumn i.flv:tn':es.

_j ln-.itlri.--t o:'i>"s'i' culinlty of street c

lnlnlty "f nftern

t o c c tn uulii c!i:ir::i.e r s bhouiil h.- :is i-.iis^-lt'cted !u the vnr.uus ro»:ns of thuh'ju.se us :my wurK V'. :irt. Thui tiieybt*v.-ouie tlower pictures . There a r et h r e e factors to hi- cuas'.dereil In prt>-s.-=tlnk-

ovwtia, mien as inanguius anajDok_better_lii_»_bo.wl_of_pottery_than^In a slender cut-class vase. Theirraeeful ct^mos on the other hand arebetter suited to the daintier recep-tacle. Yellow field daisies and golden-rod adapt themselves to n heavy earlh-t-nwari' cntalai ' r .

Tan yi'"j l::;:t_:ne a more charming!-^svi-r T-T.-t-rir-* l i ^ n .i-pal^-i .-rcon-bowl• if Qji t - r . Ar.r.i-s l a i e tbat g r o w s byT.II- \v.:\ *.•.;.•'• ra:i-.-i.-s shou ld . he;•!: • '-ii .:. :t '">•'•'• -prt ' .iil:np i!is!i, the i r••iir-.ir.j I-I'1I : - _-. :]>.-(l t o g e t h e r In

arrani;i-i:.e:it. T a l l , hrll-vcrs an- must artistic InAn an:-ier howl may hold

vario-.l colored Jark-tinbies' breath with

Jn»t now.Trimmings at the aides of all these

hats are notable and most effectivewhen It comes to telling th* talt ofmodern style*. Sometimes they ar*straight and stiff and applied to oneside only. At other - times they acesofter and are placed on elthtr aide


BB talking with moit pretty, airla.r« told that lt'i no matterflat your

Tier Ilk* to It flatter.

f.i-s. Klli.-laa f.r

I'lru-!;. short-!aca!, I'--rslai.as!r;:kh:!ii. '

P.!ai-k. luns-hnired furs: Iilack Amoe-rc:m fox. lil:n-k l;ussiun~fox.~tlaok"Canadian l>nx. black Manitoba woltblack raccoon, nib bear, dyed skonk,opossum. dop>kin. roney.

Smoke-colored fluffy furs>.- Narcnl"k'.ink. Sltkn American fox, BuUxafox. dyed raccoon, civet eat.

White furs: Erraine, Arctic whitefox. Tibet lamb, sheared conej. Be*-glan hare.

Taupe and p-ay-blno fnra: Hoi*squirrel, blue fox, dyed fox, lynx. Mart-ltoba wolf, gray fox, tanp* opiiimm.taupe coney. ;

Tan, long-haired, fluffy fus'9:cross fox, natural raccoon,lynx, lynx cot. badger, opossum,

ln exactly opposite positions. Againthey are loose and flowing and grace-ful, being applied to one aide only andiHnweri tn rfmnn or fin or , « r •w.-_~o. to live as ODK 8S he hao."niiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Oettlng Him Placed."What kind of a fellow Is WatsonT*

asked Black."WeH," replied White, "he's the kind

of fellow who skates on thin Ice, rocks marten, European and Russian fltdr.the boat, rsces a train to the crossing I Black spotted furs: Leopard, tig«tand looks to Bee how mnch gas ther* coney, leopard coney, natural wildcat.Is In the tank with a lighted match. I Reddish, long-haired furs: Eed faxNobody knows why he has been able Manchnrian dofrskln. natural

red coney.

FROM THE FAR EASTUll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l lMII imi l l l l l l l l l l l l lMl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

...::.,. i!.-f.:::t.llr.nt r.-:i t'.oc'uar ch.£j.iin :.rr::n_'.':n. nt ospur nc l dainty

T!i,-n tin-re's t t" ' correct p lacing of ;the ll-1-.-..-r : . rrni : iwi":! ts . A vase of-brllllantly-O'lored !louvr< will tone up 'the quiet s ray wall paper, und nothing ,


tn profusion,of \H") styb-m»nner» '

_ this mas- ;M is the fcjn -and evi"n:ni":..'ii« «n- usedn thv revival

these t!(.;.ver pictures: T h t 1 _ ^ o u l d _ b ( ^ p I ^ U t r _ J l l _ a _ i , m w B _ i i y j j U L |of the rtfv'i'iitade, the ar- foom than rich hues of burnt ora:ige '

at of the Honors ln It und the a n j ,]arij ro,i that sivm to blend !ntopl.iclni; of _tln' arrangement^ IJIQ surroundings _

;h.>utii becjv- . .If It Is low

long-stemmednot onlybut In new an'l on>,-:!u!

net- more ;:.e nalstilL.'^ . , I : I I L : I M ! U - \ I I . t ' . : i t i s . a l

most t'-.c». K:I.1 with tl.Is chxnue Inthe figure of Hie ninlcrn wunmn cfliclent cnrsetu,K* is of IncnM.-Inic iniportnn.-e

clTectlvSome con-;ii!erit*.lon :t!setrTTie style of the n - 'colllnx'eil a tall vii<-' ifljwcra will be l .ss sultu'ii>' than a lowLow! of snreadiriL- flowers. S turdy

Very Charming ShortFur Coat Is in Seal

Trimmed WithGold Braid.

Scarlet Cloth and

•Ofte ami Jade grtren with diamanteembroidery on gowns of straight lines.Diamante In also udvjl with jirrat ft-'•rt c n black velvet; u Jet emliroidertd hlnck crepe i|«> cblne belnK tin'<»« unrellcwil black dress in tin

- collect! nnr

»ith tine chenille mi the upon front*flil ahoulder cape of another eveningdrrra, a n , ; (),,, t ; i , in K t l . Influence Is"town ln a blue prlllti-.l velvet in

At the


Eighteen Century Styles.nt ilrand I'r:x bsll m •irrr-r-FTTtnry—^:vr-j-%vert—-

i ;n evkirn.-f anil marki-i the lonefusblonable wolm-li buve tiiXen !ndirfctlon .'f pjiTs. rutlb-s ami

("Irciilar -kir;.- uml skirts


And All OtherFruits andVegetables

At Lowest~MBrket-Prices

wblcb llttre from the kiu-e leve

vvara :be fe>-t >?.-••>> t.'u1 fcminiiit

nioilt-rn s t y l oAll ttiis Is quite 1:1 line '.vitli i'a

;otrr-tnw~is-fmhro1tlPrr(t—ili«>ry—that—luvtb "O' IUII I iniistreveal loo m u r h r Thr rc fo r r '"-thv s ini lght . ti^-ht mil'ions and chumplons thi

skirt, whose fulliiwith the moijeniby mn'iiltiK his skirts uf soft material•alili-h '• ill i-rnc-.'ulU touur. l |h,



rniMile fash-volaiiiiuouHharmonise*


I'olret Ktvra 11.4 tlie pletureiqu^ Ulna.

*"»!•• orlglnnl._ rnmiljn, His long,.•ilrts reach "thr ankle even In tailor-"•ot suits, and this si-onon be is glv- ,tot • medieval touch to his drrs.ses j*to Inng-walstnl corsages fitting -i"ihtlj to the figure, rolret Mill usfts |**" heavy pndded rope at tin- «-alnt-"oe or carrlM a frill of the nklrt ma-Wal over the N-It. Klvlni: width to !**• 'ilp.i tbrou~b ni-ci-:iiua:ln.: t:"c i•"illness tif ;iie wnlst

^ ' ' r e Is. to... Uie iisunl surprise lu-lt°I':_fiir_.tlia-.^.li»|,w.^^JL4^ift,|-K i re . .

«»ns. A , , .n h , . ,,,.,_. k,iU1VK a nad; |< tinrdiuved black. A Mud: velvet!**-|ili-.v suit bin a froai of |

itrmiU'lIM^ck ana ' wni.c

sintfrtVvMubiiialiou.black ai i ibwhitf ar .shops. I'uiFcs In ^plpi-i in black. nn«veloln- purses :.re

IP.'I aci-fss.iriiliroinlnent In th,

bite reindeer anblack innln- ell

.,!-i"l "Mb whlliIn < ? • "

llth or .let in '•"">• • '- ' '•" : 1

U popiilnr

Cleaninu the MoI f ^ v u u - U i - ^ . n i l r v i i i ' l - ' " !

Chic FallHolds Center of Stage :

Fnll millinery Is In evidence In "all Its ;glory. In tint ' that are sofScient to |satisfy nil tastes for color.

Conspicuous In the- assortment tire 1the velvet and felt combinations whichare scheduled to be popular. The

-felt-1ml.- S3 we knew It during thespring anil summer, retains the SUKKCS-tlon of Its silhouette, although ItIs~ "cleverly " d!sUiIIsi-d~wrth~irii>- twml"In??, 'millings anil rosettes of mlrro;velvet, which elves It the newer touch.

Felt bats appear wiiler of hrlm anilMetier uf crown. The eilse of a tanfelt bat Is covered with ii two-Inchfluting of clnn.itminVcoloriNrpa'iTne vci-vet. anil a msette of the same mate-rial splashes its contrasting coloragainst the neutral background of theVrown! ~

Tbe similes of roil are to be seenir greater variety than heretofore.They ra:';;e from the deepest roseto pxqulsih' new wine eolorlne*. withHie lil:r/lns scarlet of spring entirelyienorcl. (Irct-ii. too is in vozuo. albM

Be Useful for Boudoir


Here is a laundry bag which wfUcommand tho respect and admirationof those who have regarded the laun-dry receptacle as a useful, but rather...uninteresting article. This decora-tive object for the boudoir Is blacktnffeta, with a gorgeous yellow taffetapuff. A proud swan m white crystalbeads Moats between two lavish bladesilk tasssls.


the unusual shade*amber, cinnamon,

oi brown, suchrust, bronze n

In thA Wish.

.- t .mpoal of 111o.ii-ii yuu no"il an umtir- 1yqurs hr upliclilA huntlsamo young frllo

clean It H.» •^"••i an-. . l . l >V1I!M1> !.r..,,

10 b r u s h - t h r ilt=.M '•'••• U l , ' ' ' K ' , ' "- (ho strnnds of tho mop nnd give.

t th '" C1' i-'ii'uaioit- :

-- Tlii«. winsome and-seasonablc shortco.it in seal, attraclively tripimed withmonkey (ur, is much in evidence inthe fall showings of wrapi,

Not Brought Up on Bottle."Yttu Miy lit' 1 :i iiitulfin Iciby"In i'\*T\ -on-i ' of tin* lvnrU."•For itf

•**Uc WHS ivirtuivtl in ;in im-ubulor

liilU-d tu sleep with M ruUlo 1'Jllu

Find Silk NegligeeSimple, Easy to Make

Kvery woman should have u slllt-necllKCtf adapTtiey are simi

to her personality.ri'l eu.sy to make. A


THanHTJ Bui du Gmnfl Prix In 1'artdn ovent of nuiiumtl lmix»rtun<*t* s o

•ttttiyr-rtttt. "f liitfrnminnai lininirtiiii'.'ogo for as fnshioiis ure fT icon i f i . s inreoil (Jcslcners look to II for Inspiration.

Is j upjier i.s <•! i .iiui'ti lilu** bntld over no idost '-flt t lnjf ' turban slmfn' with » hann-

American ^buyers nwalt it and

beads and volureil jewels, TJ,,shown below also w*s braid

then j over design over ci>Id doth.y-on.!ji«aln._thtf_trlmmlns JiaiKsJir

HHI,>IIn all-


!t out. Aficr t!::i! u \ ^ n i h l Q i depends,on tho uppllojitinii of tr imming at ttiaf idtit "ptncp?. A wid(.\ fluwnred-aatln —rHiN.m may t)<* drapL-i.l ovor tho loftshoultlor, coiTiin^ tn :i low w.-ilstlino ontho ri^lit SUK* :m<! tvinjj Into u hunt-t'ii\v. If tin1 niMTurhil of the klmoooN n corn! siik the :iljbon should h a r eTin* contl i'i»!iir it-'" :i lnioKiinnmU, bui

the fasto'-t Rtcunit'r-; a\ aHabK-. Tin1

Bal this yi'iir launclu-i! ra^bioiis ail.ipt-cd frmn Indo-niint^i* hnt.s coins :uv\garments . At l»?:ist, tt may bo S;JM tbatit presente<l tb»* i^lurs. tuaterhiU andoutl ines oi' ur!final (-"-[unit's to b>

under side.While ther**.' show tbn ideas devi-i

oped dlref'tly from Cliinesi* styles they(Jo not Include tlioso hats i»f I';irNi:m(Jesl^n that show :hv iniluenri' of t!;estyle only in a plecv of hiMiuiit'ul c.'lit-

o u l d : i ! s c s l u ' W :>-i

m l i r n l t l . A b o r t h : <

• •ft s a t i n r i U . d i i vvn

c-r-rlv»l,""f1IT''r*-nl!" itijipnn!1: -\ it'n .:i '>•

A n a r e ! •-•r.-n.-h fn-!:i in

li'lip^ ia .! !:'••



•* of blue, tureen:mili> of the wideId U- i-*iua!ly cfdi".*»»rttfil-at-lh'

'•i»|. 'Hill rihbMiwl.!.' s:>n -iNhnt!

-h-'Ubier :•• l h "iru on the rtnn-

minimi] u* tin—rt^-country, The sumhere shows hi>»* ••»duno ln mlllii'ery.

Each hat In ilu-:'rom soTnf <Miirn*hmodel in Uie toptrlinnied with .n-.irls (fa-i< and b r - eJewels In brtllhun i-ulor *. Its lines andornament art* Inspired hy a c-ereinonialcrown. At tin1 left U another developmont from ;i Kirnilur sourc*i\ This is ofeblrred velvet, with a deep llun^e of

idelit i i i m.>—ctttttr.ildery, ofm' haU pii'lur.iL: . rulup or an t.rn;um*nt *.f orU'i.tal out!v ibis has been •; ||no. Hundreds of such tiu'.lels Mav.-

• been prmItK'(.*d and It 1 iirotubie. lh:ii•oup is ile^l^iod j in tlii^ f"nn the vnjjue will mo.st appeallhluddri'<w. The (to AinerUmn women. Iteslfrn.-rs ofnf Mark velvet, I routs, suits und dresses have been quirk

to M.-;7.e "n oriiint-U motifs for tlu' trli:iHiLnR of tholr creations, and. to bethoroughly in the picture, hats shouldfollow the same inspiration.

Questioning the Judge.Aunt Jinny, a Carolina ne--..--i.\ nu_s

a L'reat a.lvocute o:' Uie rod m n help rucbild-re.irlnu'. As a result of un on-liiprcifu! beatlni; which she ,'ave heryoungest an*<i •'ornbrouubt into courtra!!"•<! neighbors.

Tin- liul(;.\ a f ter ;;lecture, asked if shisay

"aVsl one ibi.'ii;. JeilI

she wa.s


lli4 lie- a seicbad .iliyMiini;



Page 10: Rahway Record - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · It deals with tho rehabilitation of a young man returning to civil lite. Bam McGlnnls (Mr. Hicks), a fine upstanding young Arnerton,,

..;. I'.'

:'jz--&F.??r-l>?. \ r *'-.'•*''


• (CoMIniMd from P«ae On««Brittany, a. lltUe larger than the

State of Maryland, occupies the north-west corner of France. The ances-tors of the present inhabitants camefrom Britain during the fifth and sixthcenturies as Celtic Immigrants, andbrought their language, customs andreligion to their new home, whichbocaino known as "little Brlttaln" orsimply Brittany. The native tongueresembles tho Welsh, and ln manyplaces in tho Interior, French la not•understood. The oldest monumentsof a" prehistoric population are foundat Canine und Locmnriaciui r and con-B l s t o f l o n j r a v e m t P s d f e(many of them sixteen fi-i t hlsh andweighing from forty to lilty tons),standing upright in tho ti.-lds and bar-ren moorland. N'o -t>ne can toll howfar back" they go.-but a "dolmen";

was found containing more than onehundred stone axes, a necklace ando t m p j

It Is curious that no rook -of thosama geological formation -is found:nearer (hint three hundred miles. 1About two thousand "menhirs" (long- i

l l :

ancient dead ai ..'grime. The "align- r

ments'' as tliey are" called. aTc nowunder tho protection of the Rovern-ment and one can drive between the .rows of stones in order better to nd-1mire their ^.z,-. and shape. j

The peasants explain their pros-1once in this way. Saint Comely, pa-tron saint of Carnac. being pursuedby a Pagan army, appealed to the jDeity and turned the soldiers Into,stonp as they marched, so to this day jth« ctones are called the "soldiers of jSt. Comely." j"

It is a rugged country of wild coast _and •woodod heights; the people are jextremely Industrious, economical,thrifty, and simple in their methodsof living. Their principal occupa-1tion is tho cultivation of their smallfarms (handed down from father toson). The houses are all of graystone, usually one story in height jwith thatched roofs. The women;carry on a lar.ee jiart of the work andin my auto trips 1 noticed tho tl'.il-'

~~dfen':iiid~fhi'Ir pT.initparnntF-biisy-iJs!-Jing up wood ar.d cnllecting ;ind ar-

i ^g g ^ter fires. . i

There Ls always a bright bit of colorto1 relieve tile sniuhe;- appearance ofthese dull hn:r.e-. a half ciozen -pots

^Tf red- .raniir.ns on the sills of thebam windows, a- well as the -Ji-.yMower 1M d in the :'ron: y.tnl. No one

is foTi poof Tn ir.ir.ei- u i -have. .:iii• \• p leasure oi a '.< -.v !•'' --sor.i.-'. '

T h e Rational dr ink is ei'l- r an.': itacconipanie-i :r.> .:'.? .ir!ieiousiy .e^':-. <!*and scrv<.]. 15, fi>re tile war :i tour-ist could l i n luxuriously on ?'-.v.;•;>••five cents a day, but now it is fash-ionable ami ni, ' ; , ' •-.-.;> i:>;\ -.\ In >;i :--

, of R lai'k or-?r.iii'ai;<-:i. i ::,- .-• - s~:h.;::ys t rong hardy ,-M-*r!y p.-,.pi" -.Y':-O .::•••able to contr ibute :!:--:r sha re ef -,\ ,:!•:to the family ;mppo: ; . Hit,-:;, mor:: :..:OS I d r e s t ed . I watt!.-. 0 I!:' street I-.-ing t-".vept l.y a '.'.o::-.a:: iw'.'.y ?,'-v- :i;yYeurs old Mid ™;-., \ w W.- ,.1 \w~ l>:,u::iof long l>'. :L> a? . ir :::"'.ieal!y a? a 'younR girl. T.l:c'activity .•( ihi.-woir.vtiis evident eve rywh . re i The re a re noidk-rs in Br i t t any : .even ti'.e l i t t le .'u-.I-dren do their . ua:-,- ai:-l wh.-n tl'.eirtask--' lire over th.-ir' n-cr.-atini: iskni t t ing st-ic!::i;;::- for th-.-ir win . rweii'r. ' :

1. v.'.-iJ" lortTn;at" .noun!', to .-•••-(Juimper on -Ji-_ fbi:rtt-i nth ef July .Basti l le Ony. t he i-'r-nch n: : ; : 'na l

. -Aolidi iy. T;i. se south, rn t.'w:i- .:i.dTillages ar,, m o r e r* :ii>>t•- lre::i ;,ro- •Kressiv,, civilisation than I'.:,,so ot t'::'.1

nor th ami tl." n.ui\> . >>-tu::i<-.- a r "seen i n ' r r - a l . - r i:u::.!>; : s . ' It is Ii. r-"1

' h a t th r i:'.ar!:ii::ir I'.r..i"R fai.-n..- isinannf.-j. ruri d. a --.wire quaint andcrude. jirrfiirp"5~Th~ *•-•=! -cSrynrrir:!-all the peasant chinas. It !.- made

' t h e country ar.d I:1. j . i r folk ati't is ;

decorated" wit'.i a •;',.-'.;t careen." -c\Breton liny car ry ing a pipe in fuilbroecl'.es, sabots and iiro.-.d-l.rimmedhat , also a "bonne femir.e." a lfr..-tongirl in peasant skirt and e:ip, i.irry-

-in•£—a—nosegH\\—T1 u r*i.-VviiLi-^_i_-J_it_of landscape scenery s'.irr..ur.dinc '•'<•figures, or t he d-si^-n -,vill h-~ y.-u v.-tluiningo-?. t.l-i ' ' lii-is roost, rs or (, n-ventiPnali," .1 :l-.,'.v.r.-. HH;.-s. ye'.lo-.v ;.reds find gre.'tis make tii... u.ire -.,iygay ; some a re vivid, others ?oft. Itis a popular .-jouveinr lor Anii-ricn::tour is ts and is not "Xpc-nsive.

Qulmpc-r i? also, the pla. c wl-.":1 •".peculiar kind of cake is made. v. hiehwon the Par i s gold medal in 11'!". Itis .-ailed "crepe P.rctoiine" or " . r - T fdes detitelle" and eor.v'.?:? ut a"shor t" delicate- pastry lol ' id i:: ti;/.:layers and dellcii'iisly Havered. Tin yare served wi th t ' a , ice cream amidesser t . I '.sas iiir.U: cii at the uddmethods ef washing. The womenkneel in a. smal l oblong box half filled

W i t h hay. bes ide a canal , pool or smal ls t ream and spread out the clothes on

Whv "Roth1' Markets Are Crowded/ , , D • « nif.red Has Increased "Roth" Sales to such Proportio

e High Quality of "Roth" Meats in Addition to the L ^ ^ f ^ u r E v i r y Purchase, at a "Roth" Market, Assure, Yat Operating Costs Are Reduced to a Mm.mum. Therefore, Your/ ,

The High Quality of "Roth" Meats in Addition to the L ^ ^ fthat Operating Costs Are Reduced to a Mm.mum. Therefore,

The Best Quality Meats at the Lo^es

Has Increased "Roth" Sales to such Proportionsiry Purchase, at a "Roth" Market, Assure, You


Finest City^Cut Fresh PorkSmall

City Cut Itegtxlar\7FresHHams 20 r

IbLoins of

Fresh Pork lb-FfeshPork—

Shoulders 16V Flat Ribs 165 -•Schickhaus"


Prime Sirloin SteakPrime Top Round Steak 39c

lbPrime Top and Bottom Round Roast 35c tb Rolled Boneless Pot Roast

special offeringSelected Milk-Fed Poultry

toy Picked Frying Chickens 36 clb

Legs of Genuine—Fresh—Spring-L*amh_

Genuine Fre ix Spring

34 lbShort Forequarters of Genuine

Fresh Spring Lamb 24 lb

Fancy Milk-FedLegs ofCity-Pressed Veal lb

Rumps ofCity-Dressed Veal $*&

LoinVeal Chops lb

FancyVeal Cutlets

Finest Pure Creamery Butter"Blue Valley" Pure Creamery ButterSwift's "Brookfieid" Pure Creamery Butter

)»• (One Pound Prints)

22 Cherry Street NEW JERSEY'S LEADING BUTCHER'S Teleprioae

instruments.. I had time to visit the

•:::all huts I", it of tree houghs, prc-

• - • • . : iv.-r by the pilgrims who rang

;;.-:cc tf>


Th. Cumbi rland County edition of

.Vho's Who In New Jersey." stand-

:d_hx>RraBhicai_Lffirxti£S'..-.e.t_£f. t n t 'sen hut was the figure of: .-state, has just bt-'-n issued by "the:

a si.ir.t whose, good offices we wrrej' National Biographic News S'-rv:ct:',.;:I;K>S-I! to invoke for a price. The New York City. This volume con-.-.lints v.-'nosi aid i:i especially vala- lain? t'ue biographies and photograplisaMe for iiociiiy ills are .is follows: St. j of Cumberland County's prominentMar.ert. for diseases of the stomach. ] men and women and sets down an:'t. L I,, rtin, for headache; St. Met-n, j :;ecuriite record buth for posterity andfor insanity, and St. Cornely's help Is | the present generation. The illustra-i-picially r-ouiht after for thr protcc- \ tions have been made with a view tolion jf animals. j their satlcfactory reproduction in

Aftrr the return of the procession i newspaper work.liie "Pardon" partakes cf the nature! "Who's Who In New Jersey." I; aof a holiday and the attendants re-1 comprehensive reference work formain, until early morning, playing newspapers, libraries and other places"car.is. singing, drinking and dancing of public interest. It is also of greatto the strange music of the bagpipe, value historically In keeping futurethe "Breton-national -instrument.—-The generationfi-advised-as-to-the—iiccom^•'Pardons" vary-in different localities; pllshments of the representativefor instance, along the coast the fish- men and women of the Slate as wellcrrnan carry models of ships as offer-: as giving data ot tho successful In-Ings to the saint who protects them I stltutlons.from the wrath of the sea. These | Historical sketches of New Jersey

nent place in the work. T - e . * . - . : BrM£ , . .: OSU. > - ' ^ < 5 « ;communities are r.-presented in me . ... '

the biographical section |villo

- '^ti ' l tr : •.. ih" life of V. S. Senator | . R E Q E N T _ THEATER. ELIZABETH

.story in ?and withl..:Ver nu:i.-xc. 1 la.'-In ever/-"Ir.—K'ji.-of rcc.r.,laid :n thc'.e-., : tc.

,,,;.,es,lng and well illustrated a , ! T W r «n Monda^for a w e e k ' s ^

.l^»dSntnlS..1to« W - P ^ m . - . . ^ * .cJ-^J^Lon^Mh,section. The book is well print, d ont'::e finest grade ot coated enamelpaper and (3 handsomely bound.


. j . ; . ; . . , . j r ; . ; r n ] oxr . '<- 'P ., .,t[ o.,]y %v:,;, (;r,,..:.,,

__ iL. ir ihais arc inack andwith ICIIII; vi'lvct sir.'uiner.-idown behind.

Farmers Lose JT5O.0C3.C0ODepartment of Agriculture Fays.

! The work of compjling data In other j "SiriO,OuO.Oi."j Is the damag... done bycounties of New Jersey is now well ; rats." This Is r.o idle ligure. You areunder way. Each county is to be rep-1 paying your share! Hats .ire col

_rc£mted_'hY_at lenst one volume lnilng th"lr toll from YOU "very day.; the- Stute set. [Tight out oT~youf~pm;1retboo(Ct—Don't-j H. J. Souder is editor-ln-chlef of | tolerate rats. Kill them, o t Royal1 "Who's Who ln New Jersey." The i Guaranteed P.at-Kake today. Soldeditorial staff . for Cumberland ! and guaranteed by I'c-ndleton's DrugCounty Includes Robert E. Fithlan. Store—Adv.

given at home. It often happens that i the luundress in leaning forward to

- d i p the clothes in_lh.e_.w:iter_lpsj sbalanc and has to be iisiit-d out.

On July tho fifteenth, I had thopleasure of atttmtHnc—onr—tit—thegreat religious ceremonies at Locro-man-Tromcnle, called a "Pnrdon."

-These fetes -ttrirc—phTre"oiR'e u >carin difl.;i<ut places and arc dedicatedto tho patron saint of a church andam conducted with eliihorato cere-monies. The pilgrims utter a long,tiresome journey, assemble- on theprevious evening and spend th" nightin chanting and in the morning massis celebrated.

The Ilr< ton woman dor-:; not con-corn herself about the Paris fashions:hor everyday—dress—is—alw;iy«—thesame, a block costume-, a full gath-ered skirl, a tight waist, a small cro-cheted shawl and a most nnuetti.-h.beautifully laundered real lace car"coif." These caps are of iliii. rent

e ami sliape to denote the prov-(foil: r.h.eh th,


Quality ClothesRt Popular Prices

Mens and Young Mens High Grade Clothing

248 Market Street Newark, N. J.


LOOKING AHEAD"lively lime we. make a salo wo look ahead. Tho mere profit on onu Balo doesn't

amrmnl to much. We tool; ahead to the time when our customers will bo 80 well

pleas'd viih what 1> houuht in our store that be will tell his friends how well treated

hi- W.T; I.ere—cif the satisfaction HUB clothes f;ave him.

l-' That's us. Wo don't care how many ;;tor.js: you puss, r>LIt don't buy afi7 clothes

until you L,f! HUH QUAUTY/U.OTHKS. We'll get the job ot -milling you u HUH

suit ar.d you !1 : ive a bit of money besides. Tall mills nre ready in all the newest styles.

High cliiii. but >.'0T high pr:r.->l. We're at yonr fervirn; we'll bo glnd to show y.'u


>;. at.- Carlo. Nlc

j lnvlhhn.'^ offiM.d the Him:'.vcra.'.. ' i.up-r

way.rr.ir- nt V.'T— ru,a'.:.n f T :-.in xf.• hii-liKM-ind of: !i:!'.lr.:; In V.«v.\

and Pari:'.pruduct'.onromlsiK to

- thr-irsima!>.\ woman. H 'it'j.r.i.ir. so- ,

... Carlo, »nd

.-- ti'.: I ' l- l ' L'r..

s-'.n * our'.e: srn.

I . . • u f a ' r . l l l * : ! v


^ : u x £ L ± l « 3 t _ n r . i l - i , * { ._''•-

it war.


FRESH AIR HEATfor health and comfort!


TTEATyour homo with "live" w

t l wme fr«h ^r. Enjoy «it-/cnpeoturc. gcni.1 w«tnth, " ^^ndlailon. The cclcbntca "ThTubular" WannAlrFunu.cc "P 1 "the «cnciCc principle * « *through tube* u more qulcUy hctn K tolld body.

This Is only one of the many {

theThatchcrTubular"-"' '>

a t dealer about the other*. .

RUB$18 $20


Men's and Young Men's Trousers, $3.50 to $7.50rriKsidn l u k e j p lace and va r ious ,tmagos ot nalnts and uacred relics'

rrled tor ..-mll«»-- around the JQUBttlmi nrcotiipanleU 5/ music

Since 1H5O M.Je In New^l. Sotd E "

^THATCinnt FUTINACH CO.,Th.ccher Buildinj. Ft. Pr»nri««nd I>«>r«o5


Rahway^ RecordHDvocatc



o! "Sheriffs" Taken at(state Contention' Win

Widespread Attention

Supporters of Purchase Point to ProposedLake on Development as Invaluable

Asset in Future Years at Dry Season


Klwanls Club wu not

,,,Cr'.> i,.pro»ontod «t U>« dl»-

^B,,ntlon of tho or iumt ion

I , . s>«»tk. i-TUmy and 8»turday.

•ntir • " ; l n * r t t o t h c ' " '

on. tbroujh the mcdlam of

.-..jianic*. attracted per-

^.tniinn th»p any other

r, „—...BUtUonnid on m»ny oc-

' » „ lottdlT .ppUudod by the

t-.oabl.go of 1.500 detecmloileu »«

'City-OwnHdPark, ProtectionFor Water Supply, Is View


Automobile Drivers Reportedto be Endangering Child-

Livesren's—Ttrat—thr—pnrcbasr—nf—tti."~ t-'antor

and Ot'niiian ^ropi-rtlrb and tho sub-

H<>quuut development of waterways on

n -atuinding -l

T«oul<l"""jfav.- to he""B'vall6il" ordering'toln;'School.'"especially those whosedry spells. Til" advocates of the city s | . . . . . _ .

t h e-i^_conn"ctlon—wit croSsWe» Milton ave-

elusion that" siich lands should be|nup at-Picrpont street,_on thulr.vt>ilua_to-bo-con- <>wne.l-b>-the—elty—ami—not-b^-tbc to thcir—istndlcBr-are-greatty—=""^.mtabucon-[<>wnHil-l>>-ih»>—city—ami—not by U>"

itrucli'd by th.' city will afford tin In- county park commission, even If the | O V ( . r l h ( . r enOrted refusal ot auto-valuable B6i"'t to the .rater supply In'county mrk commission ever saw (It i , , . . , .v. . »i ««y..ar» t.. .-ome d» it will ;,ffor,l pro t purclia... th.. land., au the nppo-! »1 ( l h l l c drivers to halt on the signal of

- - - • • • — - •

y.iar» to come an it will afford pro-|tt• - — • - - aKalnm '

SuggesrNext Highest ManBe Made New Commissioner

Plan Such as FolTowed^irTNewafk is VoicedAs Move Furber and Foulks ShouldFollow in Choosing Simmons' Successor


Ross!arnssaiQlts~H'dther of"His Five Children With Ax.

Just Misses Head

Many of those who are interested7n-the~ appointment to b¥ maaeTil^theremaining two coinmlBsloners In theevent'of Commissioner Herry Sim-mons becoming Sheriff of UnionUounty at 111.: Novcmbhappening which moat Rahwayanscount as a foregone conclusion, are

of proce-


• fupp«Fed-to-do-Uie | _ _bidding ot the people, it Is pointedout that It is only fair to appoint theman who next to the present r-ncum- jJn.Titu rn<T.iv«.rt tilt. mo»t nilhllc SU0-'


who.tavor ihc purchis'i (or the abovureason point to a atatemtnt mado lastw..<'k by Confulting Knjlnier WaldoS C l t h hS. Coulter, the expert *'ho ha» charge;

mercial purposes.

dvocates-of .this feature ofthai posBibly they are unaware of thereason for the bojB being stationed

city, park development further bold i nt the street Intersections and thinkthat the reservoir could bo obtained that it Is Joel child's play but thisIn this way by a minimum outlay as ]..niency In condemnation la not wlde-th t f h l d h ;th

next highest922 election be

this .plan, _ . . set-by theNewark commissioners not so longago when It became necessary forthem to fill -a vacancy In that citycommission. _ In the Newark casethere were scores of aspirants to thethere e s pplace and all kinds of political ln-

d b th i a

port at 111.- last elecWhile there are

this procedure various-'groupswnrHnf fur oth-r caridld'ates. Jns. [

; tme—of - the most brutal attacksw h i c h ,i,, iocal -police.have ever had

• ' ; " i . p o r l , : ( 1 to them, they say. occurred

E . Dale lias; manu jiuui.e iu« I U U I - "that he aspires to a city commls-1 about thirty years old, of 8G Westslonership. Samuel R. Morton, for- 'Jrand street, hit bis wife, Mrs. Annie-mer councilman, ts a name heard' Harnago, 27, with an ax, when ahomentioned quite prominently for the':'*ke<! him to give her food and cloth-

ing for herself and'five children, thooldest of whom is t'en. The gaah

', from the ax, according to the police,d I th

poet. And there are others thoughthey are waiting their lime In makingpublic their candidacies. L. F. Budenzhap been mentioned. i

One thing if considered certain! bone, thii ax entering her back nearand that I? that should the two com- \ tho shoulder when she ducked JuBt ln.

choice of l i l : i e to avoid having her head opened.

j Is five inches long and la cut-to^-tha—

of provincial itusrd "thr natural li'oVof "the • H,an 'iia.':" s'lgnaled'''"^'^'to stop. No '.any _ I10^'1;;;- _ fI^!°"u p o n

w i t n e s s e d by C h a r l e s I r a n- , -•• - • • - - m a n ii.i '- MKII»I>:U u . m i " »i"i>- • • " . - " j ' , , a npo in tm. . - r . t a n d w o u l d N-'> a rk p r r . r i . - - i L ..- IOIIOW • J . i. th , . p o l i c e n - p o r t . • H e m a d e a n. . . . ... <,-! . m p r o v i n c e , K u » n i - , v i ) , , v ^ . , . , . , . . , „ _ . , , , , „ „ „ . . . , , . ^ , , t . , r , , . ; i . h , , , . . , . , . , , ; w , l l l M ta,,,,l( , , i n ,,0 s o . , n u n d e r , a n y cir-1 * £ - " ^ ^ . a P


v c l i a I : c u L,f s t r ! n g s ' ad . e c a t e of t h : , p l a n a r g u e . - ••>. t n - __^_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, ., -- :.., M o t a - . ' » t c n h c l m c w -,y t he .„ i m - i t ' • : . "f • ' •• r v u l r - t h . Ink- Ii: v . . t p n o d . th.. w : , f r ,-u:n. '- .a::ur.-» fur R a h w a y d r i v e r s t o ^ " - " *-" • ; ; . M . i - . i n n d drnpt i ' "d t h e a x h e h a d us nil„ - r . _ ^ ^ , r . ! . r « o < a w « e t : , - : .. ! • - . " ' l- . - :d. t!-..:. r r. •:.: t ' m ..f . .u'.-i I • a"., .wed to : : . , . . -in-.. . ihi? b.i«in .•!,..»>.-> t ! : - k - n a l s ol t h e p a t r o l for j ' p . . T W r e e ' •:• h H wife a n d M . M r s . Harnag . - .

''•' '^r: „ . . . . M a u . ' u . r s •<::•• . : : . " : • •.-•.-• : th ; r e ; - r l : ~ arid i.- i.'. ti-.-r. b..:h f.-r :..-auty and , ! : t . , , ; a n of -.b- patrol !s :.::own a b o u t , ^ H H a r d i n g E l e c t e d l O C a n o n L ^ S J J e k r fc o ( ! ; c^o j_G 1 , , - . .pLyai

U{,.. . - , „ » a d p . v d « " • - « ' • » • ; , , . Q , , f : : , = . -,...,. ;.. , ; . : ; .-; t h e , f r ; : „ ! . , ti :: et t ie- -.. ' .:t,r .-upply - h i ? ,-it>. Not on ly a r e t h e l i v e s of Gnnrliv School Official - Plans Social Event H . ^ , r C,l,,r,- £. f;allaw:iy. *hr. . . . . - ^ . . ^ cUCf bjd£(\ t h e l n - . . . . . , ! ! ^ ; _ , . ; 4 n _ . . . , . , . _ v _ : . , . . : . . r , . - .--. ; :• • • ^ ' ^...-,1 ,>-.- -.>-.t. - from ']•..• ,i... - ^ i ^ u . ,. rin .l.-pord uri.Tr-the | S U I i a a > OU1UU1 u m u u i ... . . . . u . ,„ . ; - i v K a . h . I- Is or.

. " . . . . / • '" i r . i nlnntstlcltf t h " ' arr .--rd : ' .- '•"':•—"v-T~\- '. ••",! u'TT"' <t:<- i-raTiff—frr- -pnrnr)"'! -tg_rt!n» - i r n f r • pntr^l "!hc<-r« for safety ••ndaaebreii. i . . . . - . . - • . . • r. . .to mi-ntlos the for

c r » y t n a f t i o h c j t o . •' ' ' ^ ' t l - ' ; : > ' ' • " : " - - ' - ' '••-••'•• i. : t ' ; r - - - r . t • •: r1: • i :•'

roles. I I ' ' ~ • -

•;.:•• l'lrfrwh'-r.- the Guilt! to Contluct ' | Kxcmpt Firemen: ir.f.oo »»» in the; Uijr Mission Meeting•-3. RihwiJ 'e p i l e

.r:s for a big !ii.-'1."n

! tertninni-'nt t.i he given

pictur*' •

ir. the l.-

Trinity Methndisl

Have Busy Meeting

Kali-., ay

:.• majority "f t i e .!"!e- ' K.l't 1'r. v!.;.:

.- j ! a rv *bon th" Kih- la.M .'v. :.,:..•

>:•>'. In It wiii the fir»t li'-v! .if : '. :•

r.'. j n d the. appcamaco pi-ns f. r '.i'».:::.

r . " ' .h - houi. " Tiro . : •.-".:.'• s: t...

t, : the occaa'.cm by • >inme ' -. MI

S c e a l i c r * . were nuns. , -lor.An

< " t h c r (rroup> -ami- j . l ' l r . .-

lir-. bat lUhway «a« .'•'•: >•:

i >'.:ri «ho*lnK?-

•d on Pjg« Eight)

l ' :u r



' A l l . :r. th , '


; . . . l . . r - .

. - • . , : . Z T ' - K -

r- .cr. : : : . - -

a r;i:v." ,u'-

. l o r ' , . : ^ , f '.:.• !l2h-.v.-iy T r ' j ' l Co::.

;,.\!:> :*-.!v .-'%turj iy the f\\.- to con-

nr.i: . . ur.:1.'. .•'.••• : .:

T h f :r.'--t:!'.i- I.-.-: . - . .•ait . t : » x -

,.;> ii. -1 u l t h t:-.- Ix r j - . l ' r i > « r a n d

llilil. r.'.il;i":(; A:: !:.:[• r : . ir . ; r . - . i lu : -

. . if t l . r i . r o r * a i ' \ w.ii i c u i i i ? n r

..f t;.-

- . ' . - .^i i : - rai l . . L a . : : ' u - "'• m t u r -i

' . r ; i : :m.t .J. >t* ^ w.-re t ak -n •

. n;r.b:r.i::p w'lh as*c>.-;ation~.r. and Murris cuuu'.lf^ :.nd a .

m^. t . : ^ [or that rurji"».> w.ll 1.. h'-Id :

i :: lii.-uiiiij. r 1! C:.ar'..'s A M.or. ' . j• Kd-vur.l . ' " Km, (;• "rj.;.' H. hllitaclter .a::.! William A. tlodfrey " wii! r-jir.' ;

'.!.•• l'K':i! cr^ar.:iat:nr. IiAar.l Van S' i.vic'K *A;is received .

aiu:nb.jrihlp.' f-'r.'" "i-athf were'':•'•'. flr.C" t^''1 ajjd-iiitl . 'n ni-.-t In

ofllrers tlieinseives are!piac.'l in jeopardy.

T:.i parent-, feol that the id«-a of a!?afety patrol I.- an excellent one ifituritil'irr.c.b'.lf drivers ca:i be made to un-' . , , . , ,.i.-r.-tan.! that they mu?t step or else | C ! i u r ' ! 1 w - - . ra-'- " ' ^ TVg111 ' "h f.-r.-. •'. to pay the same pma'uya., th. y '.vouid :n pa-sing a trafl'u signof i!.-- regularly constitul'-'i police'rafii. ?qua'l

:-:r r.f the com-

fcr th" hig hat r.';l:c


p tile ugly gasii.,i Uiai .-:!.'. '. 'il! recov.'f. The• have b.-.-r. to'nl by u.-ighlmrs

Thursday night ti'.a-. the man -.va- su brutal to histhat she- \va:f~nrfc"ed to sleep lni k,-n coo;', the past throe nightsa baby an<! a -mill! child -vith

To Build 85New Homes

Ji.-..'. in.ci'j iir.g Jo-eph W.ii.wfr. for-' i ' • * • * * /~\.I-.-: ,r. hour John s^rrii Frat ikXafcesiae Manor LornI' ,-. . K.-.. 1 Full: a:..: Kr. .! Marba. h.:

pany Plans to Spendrv ! . . f

: | . ••:••<!. T in- rc-pi.rt ••'• :'::v w o r k ..ft!-.- K-'.i.-f . \s . t iH' ' . i : :on f.ir Ju lv -\u-;u- t .ir.'l

i f m Plan to PrfKnt MatkeU."i-V uQuartet to Local Aodience ,'„.,;'

K r . - - by Mr< S-ym. ' i i r »••••••**: i

Wlli.ar.-.-. V : . H-rh. r: K Moon, y . |',' :?,£'X™

a r . i y.'- 3 I>. IN r . - m c - T . " I n t . . - : - • - 1 - ; n e i u n t i r . ;

i :L-_:r ' r i p t " tl-.f I ' . ' i i f . r . ! : • : : . t h . -

f. ' . : . M : . - . •.!:•• p.-.-t .--.mi- ^ . . / . ; , ' ' . " .

•;:i t!...

: ry .-'.:> .- ixt-1' . ' l -

• r .wi< received.TT^rt-i'tl—nil—im

and .-vorythinc• 'cuor. with thf'e.intf.-r.-' old bell.iv. nu- fir- house :

A vote of

$600,000in Con-~s'truction~Here—

,',,'ial to h.- h-.lii

at U'ii! J-vi!#'*'s' Hall. -Ey.iiis building.,

urd'-r the autpice- of th- D.-gree of

lV',-:!!K»r:-a.- at. tli- iioni1.- of tii" chair-

l:--ld with R. v. ar.d Mrs. S. \V. Towns- man. Mr-. Wali.-r I Springer, of East

end. at th.. parsonage. The date for, Milton avenue. Friday night. The'

the .-vent has bt-rn s"t as Friday ;.'..•::.-• for the aftair wer-- completed

,nigi:t. November -3. Th" entertain- and all Indications p.'int to a"su'-,-e?.s- y-s tmlay afternoon. They will watch

ini-n: will I..- in the form of an pduc-a-' ful affair A dance will be held in "V-T the woman atid IHT ehildr.-n for

jtional film, the production not having ' .-..'nneclion with the hat sucfel, muiic '"'jj^j.1";!..,''"'.'^ a ' l^atr- eut to the

Jbc-en j-lccUd as yet. <-'• be furnicheu hy the ltainbnw or-! pOi|t.c. sa!<l. "*I h a v been sick and «'.in-

j To succeed Paul K. Taylor, who has ' chesira, of this city. The-e will be : not work as I have not been feeling-

gone to Pittsburc te tnke up his u « t . prizes f'jr the most N-autlful creation

Charles H. Harding wa= .-I'Tlnl as- in hat? and for th. funniest. The

s-lstunt MI;.«rintend. nt .of the Sunday . public is cordially invited. The corn-

School. Announcement was may... of milter- Is composed of -Mr;. Walter I.

the addr. ts to he given to thr school Springer, chairman. Mrs. Albert Pa-

this Sunday morning at the r /eular pirnlk, Mrs. Klmc-r Bart", Mrs. Ma-

hour by Harry A. Huff, of this city, rion Martin. Mrs. Eernbard Wimmer.

on "SeMng America First." A re- Mr- L. F Budenz, Mas. Frank Asz-

port on a cruller sale held Satur- :"an. Mrs Kiol?" Chaffer and Mr=.

day by the pupil- ef' Mrs. S. \V. Mary Keyc-s.

3th th" ' ity r.urs.. and Ovy.r-e.-r of--IMor Charles Fii^^r vert info-.'inoil!:•• iittl-. wonan's plight, ami the

was given material assistance

My wife told me to go to wnrk(Continued on Page Eight)


ark.I " lin

f-r u \ . ll

have bf.n a financial success. About

eight hundred crull.-rs were sold.

What Is considered th" bigg.-st' Other matt, rs of interest to the wel-

?ingl" realty development ev.'r at- fare of the school were discussed

t.•::::.:• •'! in ti.is city is about to be; Supi'Hnt. nd'-ct C. D. Compton pro

liiur., li-<i and includes the er.-c'.inn of sided


„ Q - ~ T ~ P r—Machine Hits Pole iD-St.-Georgc-Hear Sermon by Radio ITAvenue—Occopants Un-

injured Flee SceneA large congregation and tlse unique-

.-sperience Sunday morning at the

Flrdt Me'.hoditT Church ot hearlnc

ov-.-r 'Jie radio. ;t s.-rin-m deliver, d in

tW Madison' -Av.-nur -MethodistTlie police are Investigating the


."fid ••< li'K "OK-rUin-

: • '..-.t" to be selected in

• So, the Mirkcll Quartet

..:! -»i!l b« Ihe entertain-

: • Sstur'liiT nlja". at tr.f<.'t-

::••:.- of the Kirn lliptlst

.nth Mr. and Mrs. Frank

; II". .-t Ocorpf avonu.v

:.•! ir..-jm commlttff com-

Ml.-i. » Dorothy ljiForge


r : :> . . u t ' . . . . *.•••<"

U l t • [ M a p ! .

• . •• n t l - i - ' t ' V "

I . „ - tW Madisorr -Av.-nue -Methodist , emn^tances surrounding an automp-,:t or tr.. r^rt-nt St.-it.-f...iiv.-n-:,,iv !,-:-? than e!ph'.v-!iv--h0a--s at an U . Those .'.a ittenaanLC. were, bup . ' nn - . _ . ^_ N c . i ^ Y o : . . . - b , . , . , i o p t. - i j . bUa WTedr ln 'S t . Georgo avenue. m-4r

- Atlati::.' i ' : ty » i> made by ... , . r i l . , , ,.nn n f 57.00U each. It was1 t . n d e n t and M ' s . C U. Comptnn. li.-v. v.'-'i^,,','. ';„ eenrnvtion' with t ' l - cen- Rare sireet, ah.mi 3::;o o'clock S i c

H n m - u . ' . - r H- toL! of a " ' ' ~ ' , „„',,, ^ .mi a r. liable and Mr?. S. W. Townsend. Mr. .ai:-! t -narv" procra'm "to rai-• ' ni2.V:.i".D0o '-a;, in. 'ruing and tb- subsequent

•"•;.";'• :l.°.. V: ";:v c f ' - a c r ' - ^ n ^ t . " r ' , ' Tills l-ll . , : . . , : ! a n - : inve- .- :MrP. C. H. Hanlinc. M r . A. A. Hop- M, li.^- y.-ars. T h - s,,':r:on «-,., H i - '.:,aiKiu:,ine:u ,t t h , mac!::,.- iiy. , h o


I .


I t Ha

111 c o o p e r a t e » l t h tho

•aror Sucloty in hold-

'rn social. T h e social

the choir, of which

M:-< M.(f.:.l.i (!.-.-::.w

i ' r r - - ~ . Mi-- .:.r.r.i. ilarlii-

na i t . M'-- M.i »-ir-t <::::th Mrs \V.

¥ Davis. .Vr< .^.•; ::-.eur \V:!'.i.i::'. = .

Ml-.- Ada S:r.t!: Mi«~ Miidr.-.l I . IM-

low. » K , I.uli; S.'!...-:i. M - - I: " V i - '

Icthie. Ml?- !!.••..« Wniiht . !r^ r ! . a -

Oppol. Mr? r , , , r c - n.iw|.-«. Mr- J J


DouKlay. Mr? Richard Hor: 'n. Mrs

,,f death The airoiltit I- nowH • r. pert. ,1 no .!• sum., action

.-•(,r:n,r Fire Chi.f Fred M.Mrt!•-r tr':.l vf t!iv planss f« tie- visit -(iidf

mop- ''.:-in »(-.•"'.<>•''• is- ti is a t ins , the Mis-"? Henrietta an.! A:;na

stirrrrafiit of intent. T ! " ' d f : Kiehard- and Adelaido r.niiptoii im!

Richard Olbricht.-.md iiupurtan-j..1 of which i?r.a! rribi.- at once. In v.orththe ex Chiefs' \s-

this Wf • k In connection to th.- city. I.- the Lakeside Manor j-inniv. r-ary celebration. .Company. Inc., of which Micha.-l Jei-' Birthday Party

radio w.i.- in- i.icupant-. r-ported to li.iv.. iiecc.Tl. Uii.l:-.. Co. of , thre.- nl-fii. Tile poiee are working

opposition Unit the car wars tii". cii'cuinstauc'JS are susThr rar was. L-;:dly <iuinaj.*.:d

iijiirit-i v.-.-r.- re;orted to '.iip-

A delightful birthday party was

.-n Friday night in h^nor of George

I I . . Ki.Tn. Mr? Fred Hop.-, Mr; H

• \ ue l're-:dfiit William A iiodtrr> lin. nf New Brunswick, a br..thir of;T'••••lir,; witl: Krr.nci- l.int? as ?.-.-• State Higlntay Cor:niis.-ion'r Jellin.:'. "ary ,1s the prlnu1 mover. The hous.-s are

^r^_ ; to be erected In Stanley place. Jeff.r-! Penedii t. of 25S West Grand street, a!—ln_._k".;i:iic with Fire Prevention ?on and Lake avenues. The concern , I a r g c number of friends and rola'ive^•W.-..k which w a , observrd in this city "has_ been In the ^ J , ™ " ^ ' " j participating in t,he f e s t t ^ - s of the

the r.atlon last w.ek thelumber and mafon

F Mnonev and Mis? h":nl

In r.ddltioi: to thh'ltrman will arninge1 readv announced . for tho big op-n tbo benefit of th


and expects to take out no lessp-,i|ill? of .Mis? M.iry C. HUIIR'S sixth thirty-live permits tomorrow.

, grad., class at Franklin School. Thurs-

program as aljdny. presented a special program for DanCe IS Successfulntire school. The


P f : - , Many other plan, . W , ^ X L ? ^ ^ ^ ««% .Z^T^^^ S ' U ^ S i Zt- h.l v,.: tho coming wUitar w o r o , J J . / i 1 ; R ^ ' ) n r i r t n I , , , „ , M Q O 5 , h , : i n , . a r , l «..? . .nti . .-d. T... Trial M r , . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ rf ^

F"r;>- %£?£$'^r; t.^x:~^ ^\xi-.\ ^sr^^n^ .^, * , *«,.,,.. ^^ *wsteady work guaranteed. Apply Cus-! s l i c l .

. 5.~R. "Morton as uc-'i' S a f l . ivp.isit Poles from J3 to !.O [ ( ) m s h l r t r , . . . .\

ompany, AvonM. N. J-. op- !d 4

ssful from a

•Kti'-v-and Miss Mana Clark! ^ j . | i n r T n , , Kahway Notional Bank. pi,sitc P. it- K. station —Ad•'-:r;',':t!nK member. Aa a ~ "

t1 their entering the training

sop!4-tf standpoint. The

ol the


iul and financial

music, which was

.9 at tho Broad Street

I: ; - ' ; til. Nrw York City, the MUsesi : ' : O''rr.. r i-d Mary Dltske Were

*•:: '.ho honor roll. ,

'•x'z the business sesaion a,

O'Hir wlrh refreshments was ' .'

!. • Tho»- EEosent were: Presl- Wednesday

'-•"•I J. Morton. ..Mr. and Mrs.) m o t l V 1 ' l

_[» I- ' 'rue. Rev, and Mrs. W. Thursday 1

•f ><•'•: •'\!r:."7nT""M737~icr"GT; FrldaT-niR

Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lester •

leh Mlsaes Dorothy La-|


excellent, was furnished by the Har-

m'.n Orchestra, of this iityT~a popular

jilane.' program being arranged. The

j association is planning to hold an-

| other of Its dances Friday night, N'o-

I vember 16 at the same place. The

Iconimiite.1 on arrangements com-

' and re-

the enjoy-. Assr. iation will hold a food sale In ', scene to investigate.

occasion.freshments contribute f d sal inment ot the evening. Music was fur-'the former Rahway Trust Companynished by-^e v.ctrola. The g^s . s b u i i d ^ . ^ ^ - a n ^ .rvicp M

were: Miss- Marie Forte and Frank :

Forte, of Weehawken: Mrs. Sarah Frank. Kathryu Dunn-.-r. Mary Iiene-

Mnctly heard. TheJtiille.: l.y the IIthis city. ' '•:> the

Rev. H. A. Lav.', pastor I'r.'i'.'.-he.l -tol.-i:. ::•: the • \> niug --"nic. ' " ' piriotis.

T!ie r.- w pip.- 'jrgan :...-' arri-.-.l an.i 01:1 r."-.ver'?: <>f in-taliiriL- :'.i.- .nstriiineni has ii..!i. • .been --larted. The ..ri-'au will b. ready, Ti." '.:. ' .oa iluiion :-• dan. wa, tofor t'-..- lL'atb anniversary c.-i.-bration pcrt-'d n pulice headQuarter-^ as Havduring th" wc-k of November •! to 11.' ing liven wrecked, by anoth.-r motor

llishop Wilson will dedicat" the new ist, who was in a machine 'July -organ hw. 01: Sunday morniiiL-. Nn- short di?tance away from tne Hud-vi-mb- r •( ' son wli.-u it crashed Into tue poie.

I Acting Desk Sergeant Kinneally d»-Th, Lincoii: School Parent-T. acln-r [ tailed Patrolman Edwin Payne to the

gAccording-., to the story told the

: po l i c by -the men-who wurt: in tin-J car following, the three men who jc; cupied tho machiuu wrecked lied as] soon as they wore able to g"t out

Huth and daughter. Miss Sarah, of diet and John j.-njker.. f rani , d r - ! ? " " under the wreckage. Where.

Charleston, S. I.: Mrs. Frank Ingra- rado. Alfonso Riscirdi. Jo«e;'?i Ki-

ham and children, of Watchung. and baud..', William OppenheiniiT. Jc.!m

the Misses Mary Thompson. Anna and George Uenedict, all of this city.; :010. New Jersey.. . ! . The matliinu is., h'.li'j-.

j come from teh direction

they wen- or why th'-y ll.-d is a iuy3-lery. The sedan la i:ai".'..;d a Ifuhf.

and bun1 the lie- n.-. nainber —


p i . «--

vs. 1- m«

Tv.o resldiaces In West MUton uve-j ueally ln record tune, wink- Patrol-10, bctwoir. Jiuiues avenue and I3ry- man Finn .-.gap whoso pust includes

,0,, with the West End cMiulngeut. i H O b c r t Johnson, Leon Brown. E. Oley | »"t street, were the scenes Friday | th,, territory in which th - robbery

made up of men who rolled last ?eu- | I | r l s u ( 1 . , , a r r > . D , , o r r i n > c h a irman.

The N. S. quintet walked away with ^ , , n prC(] Hermnn, C. L. Walker.the llusir.ess Men In the opener, < i n - j T n o m a s Ollphant, C. J± Johnson, Kob-

Ifhing '.'7 pins to 111.' fore, but the' m T n i , p p Gray and Newton Blau-

first-half champs of lnsf~'v"ea"r cam.-;vr, | t

hack strong in tiie middle game nnd(j . , '• ••"• ar.u airs, r o s t e r ! ^ ] ( h [ b | i ] )1 ;1 ) . l . , o s l , ,,.„,,. s t r o n g in tiie middle game nnd, :

f •-•:• iiml teh Mlsacs Dorothy La-| ' " ' " " ' . ' . ' v Um)u™i, ,iri..d off the ho..?t.d their, count way up In the j . , J u n i o r s P l a t l E v e n t

r ? : - ' i : a ' - ' ' ^'orrlB. Winifred S t u a r t . ! I l l 0 s t o t " • - - • • * , l l l s t nlnu'hiin.lrcil clasf.. winning hy 11 mar-,

'" - : ••••I Anna Worth. Hulda Ol - ; l l d ' " t h l ' C ' ' : "" .' . w l l h U l l . N ..,„ of ."V.nteen sticks Tim last | Final arrangements were made last

. "- l ' r « ' i - Sehultz, Kml lyand Do-' l ; !Kht - l l t h ' ' , ' . ' ,' ' . . , ,„_,,„ , . . i p . j ,..,.„,. w.-nt to N S. by a margin of evening by Union Council. No. 31. Jr.•-UIU.

. '•' ri-^r. Kdwin Cook. H a r r y '. l " r i ' ; ' ' " ! ' ' ": " r .ml Mrs. F r a n k \V., " " " ' ' ' '"" 'V '

for iiiimy ! '" 'v

and I'"" r>ii'->"-'

'"•I1—Kxp.-.rlcnceil o p o r a t o r s , ! ' " «•' ' »' «<>'••

•' r!- g u a r a n t c o d . Apply Cus- >"i omh I- t!: •; C.,:«p;.....y, Avetiel. N. J., « p - ; " f ' ! > " « ' r s ''>'

•1 It s t a t ion .—Adv. n><p4-4t I C'onipanv

_ _ ' H wa:' a c.isf

V VISITING N U R S E ' Ing t he !• a g u e

j when the N. S

to. haveNewar'i:

. - j ; i-a.ii..iL way heail-'il toward Wnodhriii-'.e

AT 2 MILTON AVENUE HOMES'^ *™^™™™*™-w»£I g.irag" where it is being h»ld awai"

. I iiiL- iilentiticatiou.I Uillcer Payne who hurri'-.i to tin

seen, was painfully hurt when lie! slip;) il and tell in jumping from :-.1 taxi i'. fure it stopp.-d. He Injured .-; shuul'l-'i and his back and «u.i force'..!1 to r"i:.;:iu off duly Sunday night.

utter on.' o'clock, of attempted burg-

night, one before midnight and one'.was attempted, joined th-s

Although the officers were on the ^^.j h t r7" 1 am v.-Ith<7ut Bufllclent ifwithin three minutes oi tho oUrance. By Golly. I'm jnitu- to tele

time police hcadquart-rs was' notified,' phone WE1TZ th" INSURANCE ma:

lark? but"breaks"


both instances

prevented by

the sc.-ii"


being alarmed in time. no trace (if the intruder could bo ! a t the station :.nd order a policy —

O. I". A. M . m"

In pi.if

1 \fi. r ^Ltthig ii'.Miy t" a clrau cut. hall, fur a p:

'victory ov-r the IK! ran. Seconds, fair . to le- ln-bl K-XI Momla. r.lght at! which" they won by 1"'-' Pin:', the We^t t!i.- ha'.l W II. Stuart and A II.1 Kn,|. j.rnvr.! H'n.'nu:il to Ih" tn- k cf. S. iiaef. r. .1. !. gat." to the :-...I" cm;::anier:ng any further .vii-tori.- and tei-enr. .it Atlantic City Inr.t we.-!;.

Tho homes where entrance \vu^ at-'found after the police hud searched | A J v

templ-.d were that of Francis W. j the Lungstroth yard and surrounding-

I^tnestrr-th. of 11-1 West Milton ave- properttk-^ "with a hn"-touth comb.";

nur. and A. C. Watson, of l l ' j \\'.-st Mutf evhlru.e of the manner in which ;

ting in Junior Order: Milur. nven'.i.-. directly a ro^s the.; the burglary v as attempted wa;; »• en '

councilors nlgtii at l'luni

•ondell G ^ UoyalWe; come on Return

:\- u i . ,1 M r . ' . M l i i u r i t . V . ' - ' i i d i l i ar . i )





Mr-M. V.'hltcraft. R. N.. " 2 Main Street"Hbone , s _ 9 a m t o ,

(27-J—other Uouri

K.irl U.-.'d Silver.-! H I " ! ' t!if ilr.-t =:

I 'i-.amini" ga

ef t u o o H rival:, upen - , nud "» P'i'-

, , , n , pe t i t : en la:-t n igh t Iiespit .- the

^v.—trr—rr.r.i i:-—rt:—t-fr—v. '.i-.ii.v^—rfHr

At t h " LaiiKslrui!i n-Aideiiiv :i b u r g - ' showi ' i g t h a t soni.- b lun t i n s t r u m e n t

ia r a l a r m pyi-tem prfV.-uti-d t h o in- had been u-e . l to t ry to p ry o ;vn t he

irn-eTs f rom m a k i n g good t h e i r a t - ' w indow. Tr:. mpl . d g ra s s ::r.,l Uo'.v.r

ti ' inpl t " e n t e r a n d t i l " l . a t l g s t ro t l i • In-ds be low til. •v.'in.iou- W I T . a l s o

f.::ifily wan aro 'usn l . A dinlnjvr i ioni no ted .

h • " t i x

r s e i ' i ' i ' , .1 t i i " r e - rav.. :, r .-p : r t o n t h e i r 1 r i j : A n - ; f.i

m a r g i n ? i:. i n g :U n o i ' i i f in 11: u - . : m a ' ! . ' o:' t h f n i r r t i i i g ' .. i m l o w w a s tri . . 'd b y t h 1 b u r g l a r o r : T h e L a n g s i r o t : : a t : r : : i i . i w a s 111:1.ie

' o f t i i " I ' t i : 11 I ' o u n t y P a s : C o u n c i l o r ' s i r . i r g i a r : ; w h i c h e v e r t h o c:i?.* w a s . I m f o r t j n i i i l n i g h t . u h i l e t h r W a t . v :

v a l . ' i u ' f " f w i d e - . A s s i i o i a t i o n . t o h " h e h l w i t h S o m e r s e t T h o p o l i c w o r e c u l l , d a t o n e " by ' , f a m i l y w a n a r o u s e d b y ? ' : i i " o t t e t r y -

iti/T t o g a i n e r i t r n n c . . a b o u t l l o ' )

li. • :i a ' .v. iy s i n .ha-: f u i ; y r . -co ' .

t \-. i 'Jl \\ l l i c h 1hi

city are

• • t u r t i . , 1 frii.-ii t h . ' i r .

' : i i ! : i v . T h " V havf -

March. Mr. W-i:'i..l,1 from th.-. ill:.1.-:!v;a ' .11'ac'.:-'• '! • !?.

. i .u iy fri ,1 : ; !1 . - ir: : i . ' S\ . - i 1 . . 1 > r : 1 • • i i I T I I .'•:..•.:.

a !:::; arr ival at lilc':-:,|:iy iiftrrii . 'ol ' . . Mr

p m. ;

• - ,. ' . . . „ . . , ] i,v the I ' cv wood C01111.il of Pla lnf le ld on O c t o b e r :!<".. r.li::; C h a r l o t t e Mess i e r , graiuldai:;:! ' .-

, V , " ' i ' ^ e ' n r i w o there ^ some ox."-ll-nt I n d i v i i l u a l K a d l e s - nW.t will bo ce lebra ted by \ tor of Mr. and M n , I . a n g * r o t h .

Windell was y,.\ •••• a ro;, a! rriirpti".

West Ends

tii the credit" Cr.-scent Court, Court of thn Orient,

and "lldcran Seconds, of Marty Casslo, who bumped the i In Kr,,uK..rV Auditorium. Newark, onn e w r i v a h i ' l l t l l i i K I n - 1"1 « ' » ' n t h e ; mar l« - . t h e l i l g l i u s t g.

crossed "hook-. The latter five 1.1 (Continued on Page Eight) October 17.

Motorcycle Olllcer Crowiey and Pa-

trolman Miller were sent to tho res!-

denceby Acting Desk Sergeant Kin-

o ' d o t j k . A v-'imlow \v;u; b r o k e n U:MI .S*-rit• J wi t l i tl . 'r .s.nri- I !"

thi:i aroused ..the. family. \No entranc1

was made by the* would bo intruder,

who fled at the nois-p he bad made

l a n d I V IililU.-iTnrt:"l*ii;ir.:-~ anrf-i.nr*rr.1 A ' ^ o c i a t i n i i . l ie . - l i U r i h i i t i i ] souveuVr

earUa to t b o i-pu>luytvs

- _ _ * . ......