RAHH Day 19 Agenda Goal –To understand LBJ’s role in CR, the major impact of the Warren Court...

RAHH Day 19 Agenda RAHH Day 19 Agenda Goal –To understand LBJ’s role in CR, the major impact of the Warren Court and the fighting of the war in Vietnam 1. review top of Unit 3 p 8 – 1964 election and the rise of the new conservatives 2. Complete Unit 3 p 9 –the Great Society Programs 3. Complete bottom of p 9 The Warren Court 4. CR packet – answer 5-10 page 7 Triumphs of a Crusade re: Civil Rights activities during JFK Administration 5. Video of Civil rights movement – see CR p 1 6. Video of early Vietnam Vietnam war 7. Vietnam packet p 2 p 2 regarding fighting the war in Vietnam Vietnam 8. Vietnam packet bottom p 4 p 4 about how the war divided the US 9. Complete p 5-6 p 5-6 to develop map skills and understand the Ho Chi Minh Trail 10.Complete p 7 p 7 regarding how the war in Vietnam Vietnam affected the US politically and emotionally during 1968

Transcript of RAHH Day 19 Agenda Goal –To understand LBJ’s role in CR, the major impact of the Warren Court...

Page 1: RAHH Day 19 Agenda Goal –To understand LBJ’s role in CR, the major impact of the Warren Court and the fighting of the war in Vietnam 1.review top of Unit.

RAHH Day 19 AgendaRAHH Day 19 AgendaRAHH Day 19 AgendaRAHH Day 19 AgendaGoal –To understand LBJ’s role in CR, the major impact of the

Warren Court and the fighting of the war in Vietnam 1. review top of Unit 3 p 8 – 1964 election and the rise of the new

conservatives2. Complete Unit 3 p 9 –the Great Society Programs3. Complete bottom of p 9 The Warren Court4. CR packet – answer 5-10 page 7 Triumphs of a Crusade re: Civil

Rights activities during JFK Administration 5. Video of Civil rights movement – see CR p 16. Video of early Vietnam Vietnam war7. Vietnam packet p 2p 2 regarding fighting the war in VietnamVietnam8. Vietnam packet bottom p 4p 4 about how the war divided the US9. Complete p 5-6p 5-6 to develop map skills and understand the Ho Chi

Minh Trail10.Complete p 7p 7 regarding how the war in Vietnam Vietnam affected the US

politically and emotionally during 1968

Page 2: RAHH Day 19 Agenda Goal –To understand LBJ’s role in CR, the major impact of the Warren Court and the fighting of the war in Vietnam 1.review top of Unit.

Conservatives Try New Tack on Campuses By PATRICIA COHEN - Published: September 21, 2008

• COLORADO SPRINGS — Acknowledging that 20 years and millions of dollars spent loudly and bitterly attacking the liberal leanings of American campuses have failed to make much of a dent in the way undergraduates are educated, some conservatives have decided to try a new strategy.

Page 3: RAHH Day 19 Agenda Goal –To understand LBJ’s role in CR, the major impact of the Warren Court and the fighting of the war in Vietnam 1.review top of Unit.

1964 election – p81964 election – p8

LBJBarry Goldwater

Republican – libertarian conservative

Grass roots style

traditional southwest morality

Bold extremist foreign policy

Democrat – quite liberal

Played the moderate vital


Active campaigner and focused on

successesTall, outspoken, handsome, critic of almost all current policies foreign and domestic

Personal Style

Bold, unabashed “Johnson Treatment” appeared fatherly

Unopposed to using nukes on Cuba, China, Vietnam, USSR

Cold War Moderate and “opposed” to sending troops to Vietnam

Opposed expanding civil rights through federal gov’t action

Civil Rights

Bold civil rights activist

Gov’t intervention is wrong and violates the Constitution- deprives people of their liberty

Size of gov’t

Need a big government to solve the nation’s problems

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1. law and order, 2. god is the supreme giver of law, 3. harsh militant anti-communists, 4. end social welfare 5. promote moral absolutism, 6. increase military spending, 7. weaken and shrink federal government, 8. win a victory over the USSR, 9. promote free-market laissez-faire economics.

Ideology of New ConservativesIdeology of New Conservatives

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– Barry Goldwater– Ronald Reagan– William F. Buckley, Jr.– Irving Kristol

• Long-term results– Changed the vocabulary of political debate– Turned the South Republican– Increased discontent with liberalism and

government solutions

New Conservatives New Conservatives

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– College campuses to recruit and train new conservatives leaders among the young

– The 2nd Nixon Campaign’s Southern Strategy– Buckley’s National Review Magazine and Kristol’s Weekly

Standard– Develop conservative think tanks (starting in the ’70s

Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute, Hoover Institution)

– Build Conservative Universities – Liberty University, Regents University, Pepperdine Univesristy, Bob Jones University

• Paradoxes– 1964 loss in Presidential election sets the stage for victory in

7 of next 10 presidential elections– Loss in ’64 galvanizes conservative forces to be the more

disciplined and powerful party– Prosperity that is supposed to harmonize leads to further

polarization– Many conservative suburbanites succeeded as a result of the

public policies that they decry – GI Bill, Social Security, FHA and tax breaks for mortgages.

Methods of New Methods of New ConservativesConservatives

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Law Results

1. Tax Reduction Act 1964

Encouraged people and businesses to spend money

2. Civil Rights Act ‘64

Ended segregation in public facilities & sex/race discrimination in business, hiring

3. Economic Opportunity Act ’64

Youth programs, job corps, VISTA, Head Start, small business loans, community action programs helped people and communities alleviate problems of povertypoverty table

4. Elementary & Secondary Education Act (1965)

Money for school districts to buy books and improve special education

5. Medical Care Act 1965

Medicare - Health care money for elderlyMedicaid - Health care money for poor

7. Immigration Act 1965

End quota by region – max for each country @ 20K & family preferences

The Great Society

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The Warren Court RulingsThe Warren Court RulingsThe Warren Court RulingsThe Warren Court RulingsCase

1. Brown v Board of Ed. of Topeka Kansas – (1954)

2. Baker v Carr- (1962)

3. Mapp v Ohio (1961)

4. Gideon v Wainwright (1963)

5. Escobedo v Illinois (1964)

6. Miranda v Arizona (1966)

Results of ruling1. Ended de jure (by law)

segregation in public schools2. Ruled that the federal courts can

decide disputes over the fairness of congressional districts and required that districts be equal in size of population – one person one vote.

3. Ruled that the 4th Amendment warrant rules apply to the states

4. Ruled that criminal defendants will be provided lawyers by the state

5. Ruled that suspects get lawyers during questioning, as well as trial

6. Suspects must be notified that they have the right to not incriminate themselves and to a lawyer

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1. Goal of Freedom Rides – to determine the extent to which the Supreme Court rulings desegregating interstate travel were being enforced

2. Kennedy response to Freedom Rides? – US marshals were sent to protect the riders at the end and the ICC issued orders ending segregation and began enforcing these rules

3. Goal of the 1963 March on Wash. DC – to support JFK’s proposed CRA

4. Who attended the March? – ¼ million people, including 75,000 whites.

5. Goal of Freedom Summer? – to get blacks to register to vote

6. Who led the project and who participated? Robert Moses and SNCC and CORE led interracial group of students - many northern whites

7. Effect of violence of Bloody Sunday? – public opinion shifted to support civil and voting rights

8. What did LBJ do as a result of Bloody Sunday? Proposed and pushed through the Voting Rights Act

9. What did VRA ’65 outlaw?Discrimination in voter registration, literacy tests and called for Federal agents to take over registration in cases of discrimination

10. What did VRA accomplish? 60% of blacks were registered by ’681000s of blacks were elected to local, state and federal offices

The Triumphs of a Crusade CR – p 6

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US Involvement and EscalationUS Involvement and Escalation

1 – Lyndon Johnson – President who used the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to increasingly escalate US Military action in ‘nam - Robert McNamara – Secretary of Defense who supported escalation- Dean Rusk – Secretary of State argued for escalation as part of the overall cold war containment policy- William Westmoreland was the commanding General in Vietnam who argued for more and more troops - Congress authorized the President to use any measures necessary to “take all necessary measures take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against US forces and to repel any armed attack against US forces and to prevent further aggression”to prevent further aggression”

- American public opinion was heavily in favor of the war for the first 3 years – politicians were generally wary about arguing against war for fear they would be labeled as soft on communism and not be reelected

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US Involvement and EscalationUS Involvement and Escalation

US military advantages:

- owned the skies with fighter and bomber aircraft

- training - weapons

- medical care

- supplies -more money

VC military advantages:

- owned the night - used terror

- knew the terrain

- could easily hide in plain sight

- Willing to DIE

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US Involvement and EscalationUS Involvement and Escalation

US military strategies

- napalm - heavy carpet bombing

- search and destroy - zippo raids

-war of attrition - agent orange

- winning hearts and minds

VC strategies:

- ambushes - booby traps

- snipers - punji pits

- hit and run - suicide bombings

- Willing to DIE

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US Involvement and EscalationUS Involvement and Escalation

The US Economy –

inflation went up,

taxes went up

Money for the Great

Society decreased

Television – the Vietnam war has been referred to as the living room war because the nightly news showed us images from the war – and in many cases grisly images of death and destruction

The Fulbright Hearings – Senator Fulbright’s committee investigated the war effort, in the course of which the truthfulness of government officials was questioned. Began an increasing feeling of unease with the war.

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Avoiding the War1. Ran away to Canada, Sweden

Medical deferment (4F) using sympathetic doctors to make diagnoses that the “patient” was not healthy enough for combat

Going to college and maintaining good gradesBurning draft cards and moving constantly to keep ahead of the

local draft boardsRefusing to register for the draftJoin the national guard

2. ‘Nam was seen as working class because the easiest way to defer draft selection was to stay a student or to move, both of which took money that most working class kids did not have.

A Nation DividedA Nation Divided

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A Nation DividedA Nation DividedOpposing the War

3. Any of the liberal groups opposed the war: NAACP, SDS, SCLC, SNCC, Black Panthers, the Weather Underground, and other student and civil rights groups. While a higher percentage of young people were not opposed to the war than the older people, the most vocal opponents of the war were young students.

The war was quite popular at first, with over 60% of Americans in favor of it. Up until 1968, the percentage of people in favor of the war was much higher than those opposed.

By the end of the war, the majority opposed the war , not because it was immoral but because they thought it was a mistake.

4. Doves opposed the war for many reasons: Johnson in 1968 changed the draft rules to get more students into the war, the government seemed to not be telling the truth, many civilian were hurt, it was not our business, it was immoral to fight wars, it was too costly in men and money that could be better spent at home on the poor.

5. They protested, burned draft cards, wrote letters, ran away, some became militant and sabotaged troop trains

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A Nation DividedA Nation DividedDefending the War6. Prior to 1968, US public was fairly strongly in favor of

the war in Vietnam. Over 62% responded to a Gallup poll that they were in favor in a poll taken in January of 1968. Only 28% were opposed.

• After the Tet Offensive by the Viet Cong and NVA against US and ARVN positions, US public support for the war declined to 40% for and 42% opposed.

7. Hawks criticized Johnson for not doing enough to win the war. To many limitations on bombing targets, too many limits on where US forces could go and what they could attack. Not enough military might brought on North Vietnam. Fighting a limited war is fighting to not lose, rather than fighting to win.

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Public opinion of War in VietnamPublic opinion of War in Vietnam

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Arguments for and Against WarArguments for and Against War


1. US committed to defend South Vietnam – Us must keep its promises

2. Domino theory – US needs to contain communsim

3. Other nations count on US for defense, if we give up in ‘Nam then US influence in the world will be weakened.

4. Aggression and threats to world peace need to be stopped or another Nazi Germany will arise

5. Spread of anti-American thinking threatens US security and intersts


1. Draft is bad and unequal

2. Our ally cannot win so we cannot win

3. Misleading reasons for starting and continuing war

4. The US should not be involved in a civil war

5. We cannot win a war against suicidal enemies

6. The war is too costly in terms of men and money

7. If we enter, the war could spread to other countries

8. The methods are immoral and civilians die

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1968 a Tumultuous Year1968 a Tumultuous Year

Tet Offensive

CausesViet Cong wanted to make a major push against the Americans because the VC had been weakened Tet had always been a time of ceas-fire, so a perfect time for a sneak attack

EffectsViet Cong was seriously weakenedNo towns, bases or cities were kept by the Viet CongUs people began to think we could not winPres. Johnson decides not to seek reelection after his near loss in the NH primaryBeginning of Vietnamization - deescalation

Johnson’s poor showing in NH Primary

CausesApparent military loss during TetLoss of popularity due to warMcCarthy’s appeal to the young and vocal anti-war crowd

EffectsJohnson decides to drop out of raceRobert Kennedy enters raceHubert Humphrey enters race as Johnson surrogate

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The Tet Offensive, The Tet Offensive, January 1968January 1968

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Assassination of RFK

CausesRFK was a supporter of Israel after ’67 6-Day WarSirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian who disliked Israel and its supporters

EffectsNo clear winner at the Democratic National Convention with his delegates unassignedMcCarthy closes in on HumphreyDNC is very messy

1968 a Tumultuous Year1968 a Tumultuous Year

Disorder at Democratic National Convention

CausesTwo-way race after front runner RFK is killedWar in VietnamUnpopularity of Johnson10,000 anti-war protestors outside conventionWillingness of Chicago police to use force

EffectsDemocrats look very weakDemocrats look to be incapable of running the country if they are incapable of running their own conventionHumphrey is a weakened candidate against Nixon

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Election of Nixon

CausesDisorder at DNCAppeal to Silent Majority and the Southern strategy of attracting conservative southern DemocratsLawlessness and disorder in societyEntry of George Wallace to get many southern Democrat votes


1968 a Tumultuous Year1968 a Tumultuous Year

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Are We Becoming the Are We Becoming the Enemy?Enemy?

Are We Becoming the Are We Becoming the Enemy?Enemy?

Lt. William Lt. William CalleyCalley,,Platoon LeaderPlatoon Leader

Mylai MassacreMylai Massacre, 1968, 1968 200-500 unarmed 200-500 unarmed


Charlie Company, 1Charlie Company, 1stst Battalion, 20 Battalion, 20thth InfantryInfantry

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Culture and counterculture Culture and counterculture p 17p 17Culture and counterculture Culture and counterculture p 17p 171. participants

2. Beliefs about American society

3. Goals for society4. Movement centers5. Attitudes &

activities6. Violence7. Impact on arts8. Impact on music9. Longterm impact

1. Young middle class white and educated – called hippies

2. Cold, conformist, materialist, cruel and selfish

3. Peace, harmony, tolerance, self-awareness, idealistic, less material

4. San Francisco haight-ashbury, NYC – Greenwich Village

5. Rock’n’Roll, drugs, communes, weird cloths, beards, sex

6. Drug OD’s, Stones concert, Manson7. Pop Art, Jeans, Music, Color, Casual8. Rock, Hendrix, Beatles, Woodstock9. Sex, casual, conservative backlash,

Nixon, permissive and tolerant

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Issues at the Root of 60-’s ActivismIssues at the Root of 60-’s ActivismIssues at the Root of 60-’s ActivismIssues at the Root of 60-’s Activism

Political Issues• Injustice• Racism• Discrimination• Poverty• War in ‘Nam• Close ties b/t business

and schools• draft

Social Issues





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New Left v Counter-cultureNew Left v Counter-cultureNew Left v Counter-cultureNew Left v Counter-cultureNew Left – a political

movement• Change gov’t to be more

liberal to help poor, minorities, cities, women to improve their lives

• Motivate activist grass-roots political action to improve schools, neighborhoods, community services

• End draft and war in ‘Nam• Limit business and gov’t

influence in univerisities• Civil rights

Counter-culture – a social movement

•Change society from materialism, conformity and intolerance

•Decrease closed-mindedness, injustice, racism, sexism

•Drugs, sex, rock ’n roll, communal, “freaky” long hair, beards, clothes, no bras

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• Major difference –organized political movement

versus social movement

New Left v Counter-cultureNew Left v Counter-culture

American mainstream and conservative response

The Conservative response to these two leftist-like movements was one of anger and disapproval.

Conservatives got support from mainstream Americans because the reality was that most Americans were not in favor of the activist, militant methods of the New Left, nor were most Americans supporters of the way of life promoted by the counter-culture. Most Americans, even in 1969 were quietly trying to live the American Dream.

President Nixon referred to these mainstream Americans, those trying to live the American dream as the non-shouters, the non-demonstrators, the SILENT MAJORITY. It is these who brought Nixon the the presidency