Rafael Silva Interview (Joenn, Paola, PV)

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Transcript of Rafael Silva Interview (Joenn, Paola, PV)

  • 8/9/2019 Rafael Silva Interview (Joenn, Paola, PV)



    FIRST INTERVIEW via email

    Interviewee: Rafael Silva

    Cellphone Number : 78775235

    1. Nos podra comentar sobre la tecnologa que se utiliza para los pacientes

    en este hospital?

    Tenemos una gran variedad de maquinas tecnolgicas desde pequeas a grandes

    que nos ayudan a ofrecer un servicio casi completo a los pacientes, por ejemplo las

    maquinas de radiografas para chequear huesos del cuerpo, dientes, lo que sea

    necesario, as mismo tenemos maquinas que las ocupamos para terapias, entre


    2. Como sabemos con el tiempo la tecnologa se ha desarrollado, nos puede

    comentar sobre los beneficios de esto?

    Evidentemente, gracias a la tecnologa hemos podido lograr mejorar nuestro servicio

    y calidad del hospital porque antes como faltaba maquinaria no podamos realizaroperaciones necesarias sobre los pacientes. No me cabe duda, que la tecnologa ha

    ayudado grandemente al rea de la medicina y que aunque cueste comprarla ya que

    es costosa, en especial para nosotros El Salvador siendo un pas que apen as vamos

    en desarrollo y nos falta mucho, con mucho esmero conseguimos los fondos para

    poder tener lo ms avanzado en tecnologa que se pueda.

    3. Quin es el responsable por los gastos de las maquinas? Gobierno,


    El gobierno nos ayuda en gran mane ra, porque como mencione previamente, somos

    un pas que va en pleno desarrollo y por ms que queramos colaborar para mejorar

    la vida de los necesitados, es un gran esfuerzo, hay personas que nos ayudan por

    medio del patrocinio y el gobierno tambin nos ayu da como mencione

    anteriormente, de lo contrario se nos dificultara.

    4. Considera usted que el uso de la computadora y el Internet son un

    beneficio para el hospital? Porque?

    Definitivamente, porque por medio del internet que obtenemos por la computadora,

    logramos comunicarnos con doctores extranjeros y as intercambiar informacin que

    entra sobre la medicina y de este modo logramos infrmanos. Tambin nos ayuda a

    guardar archivos mdicos sobre los pacientes para as ingresar a los perfiles de

    cada paciente cuando se presentan al hospital.

    5. Reciben algn tipo de entrenamiento para el uso de las maquinas y ellas

    reciben mantenimiento?

    Intentamos estar al tanto del mantenimiento y el entrenamiento, por ejemplo si un

    doctor nuevo entra debe saber cmo funciona la maquina y saber la atencin que

    requiere la maquina. Es un deber que se nos dificulta grandemente debido al alto

    nmero de pacientes que nos visitan, pues este hospital S an Rafael, es pblico por

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    ende muchas personas nos visitan diariamente. Si hay personas que se

    responsabilizan de venir al hospital para el chequeo de las

    maquinas, pero como dije anteriormente es un requisito que se nos dificulta, pero

    intentamos nuestro mejor por siempre tenerlas en buenas condiciones para que los

    pacientes reciban lo mejor posible.

    6. Qu medio usan para archivar la informacin de los pacientes?Computadora o papeles? Cual considera que es ms beneficioso?

    Pues como podrn ustedes saber, este hospital fue recientemente remodelado para

    poder incrementar nuestros servicios al igual que la seguridad de los pacientes. Y

    desde ese entonces hemos empezado con un nuevo sistema. Algunos de nosotros

    hemos sido entrenados para ocupar este progra ma en la computadora ya que aqu

    se nos hace ms fcil mantener a salvo la informacin de cada paciente. Antes

    utilizbamos papeles pero se nos resultaba algo difcil ya que se nos perdan las

    pginas e incluso personas las robaban. Personalmente yo creo q ue el sistema de la

    computadora a resultado ser ms eficaz ya que primero que todo nosotros como

    mdicos hemos aprendido ya algo nuevo de la tecnologa que luego de unos anosva a hacer importante ya que ahora casi todo se est haciendo con la computadora ,

    y segundo resulta ms ordenado y rpido para nosotros ya que todo lo tenemos

    guardado en un programa y no ay que andar detrs, buscando las paginas y viendo

    haber si se nos ha perdido alguna.

    7. Considera usted que el hospital est en buena ubicacin?Claro, si. Pues bueno ya si nos comparamos al hospital de diagnostico puesclaro que ellos tienen mejor ubicacin pero yo creo que nosotros siendo unhospital pblico si estamos ubicados muy bien ya que en santa tecla hay muchomovimiento y mucha gente alrede dor optan por venir ac ya que es fcil de llegarcercano a otros lugares en donde habita bastante gente.

    8. Ha habido casos que las maquinas fallan? Y ha sido costoso elrecuperar?

    Pues si, por ejemplo con el terremoto del 2001, muchas de nuestras maquina sfueron afectadas, no al instante pero gradualmente se fueron deteriorando yarruinndose poco a poco. Aprovechamos el ano pasado que se remodelo todoel hospital, para cambiar tambin la mayora de maquinas que estabandefectuosas ya que sabamos que no iba a servir de nada que arreglramos laparte exterior del hospital si no bamos a tener un buen servicio adentro.

    9. Qu hacen en caso de que se pierde la informacin mdica de unpaciente? Tienen manera de recuperarla?

    Si claro definitivamente tenemos aparatos, que ahorita no le sabra decir el nombre

    pero se conectan a la computadora y usted puede copiar todos los documentos quequiere guardar en ese aparato y si alguna vez se nos borra o perdemos la

    informacin de la computadora, aun vamos a tener la copia en estos aparatos.

    10. Tienen alguna conexin con algn otro hospital o centro mdico con elcual se ayuden mutuamente en cuanto a sus conocimientos mdicos?

    Definitivamente, nosotros establecemos una relacin con el hospital diagnostico ya

    que anualmente ay conferencias y atienden mdicos de ambos hospitales para que

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    as cada uno muestre y hable sobre sus experiencias medicas, tambin hacemos

    talleres en donde se les ayuda a los nuevos mdicos para darles ms experiencia.

    English version

    1. Could you comment on the technology used for patients in this hospital?

    We have a variety of machines from small to large technology to help us deliver an

    almost complete service to patients, such as x -ray machines to check the body's

    bones, teeth, whatever is necessary, likewise we have machines that take care for

    therapies, among others.

    2. As we know over time technology has developed, can you comment on the

    benefits of this? Evidently, thanks to technology we have achieved to improve our service and quality

    of hospital because equipment was lacking before and we could not perform

    necessary operations on patients. I have no doubt that technology has greatly helped

    the field of medicine and that even if it costs to buy it because it i s expensive,

    especially for El Salvador since it is a country in development and we have to verycarefully manage the funds to have the most advanced technology possible.

    3. Who is responsible for the cost of the machines? Government, owners?

    The government helps us greatly, because as previously mentioned , we are a

    country that is in development and as much as we want to work together t o improve

    the lives of the needed ones, is a great effort, there are people who help us through

    sponsorship and the government also helps us as I mentioned earlier, otherwise it

    would be extremely difficult for us to buy the machines.

    4. Do you consider that the use of the computer and the i nternet are a benefit

    to the hospital? Why?

    Definitely, because through th e internet that we get f rom the computer, we

    communicate with foreign doctors and th us exchange information about medicine,

    this way we can be updated. It also helps us to keep medical records on patients in

    order to enter the profiles of each patient when presenting to the hospital.

    5. Do you receive any training to use the machines and do they receive


    We try to be aware of maintenance and training for each machine, for instance when

    a new doctor arrives he needs to know how machines operate and how much

    attention it needs. It is a duty that we are greatly hindered due to the high number of

    patients who visit us, because this H ospital San Rafael, is public therefore many

    people visit us daily. There are people who come to the hospital responsible for

    checking the machines, but as I said above is a condition that hinders us, but we try

    our best to always keep up to date so that patients receive the best possible.

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    6. What method is used to archive the information of patients? Computer or

    paper? Which one do you think is most beneficial?

    Well, as you may know, this hospital was recently remodeled to increase our

    services as well as the safety of patients. And since then we've started a new

    system. Some of us have been trained to take this program on the computer and

    here we find it easier to keep information safe from each patient. Before we were

    using papers but it was somehow difficult because we lost data and even people

    stole information. Personally I think the computer system is more effective because

    first of all us as physicians have already learned something new about the

    technology after a few years will make imp ortant because now almost everything is

    done with computer , and second is more orderly and expeditious for us because we

    have everything saved on a program and not to go back to and looking for the pages

    and see if we have lost any information.

    7. Do you think the hospital is in a good location?

    Sure, yes. If we compare ourselves to the Hospital Diagnostico, of course they have

    a better location, but I think that since we are a public hospital we are very well

    located in Santa Tecla and there is muc h movement and many people choose tocome around here because it is easy to get access as many people live nearby, it is

    very populated.

    8. Have there been cases that the machines fail? And has it been costly to


    Of course, for example the 2001 earthquake, many of our machines were affected,

    not instantly but gradually fell i nto disrepair and slowly ruined . We took advantage of

    last year to remodel the entire hospital, to change also the majority of machines that

    were defective because there was no sense in remodeling the outside appearance of

    the hospital, if the inside was not going to be as good.

    9. What do you do if you lose a patient's medical information? Do you have a

    way to get it back?

    Yes of course we definitely have equipment , I dont remember exactly the name right

    now but they are connected to the computer and you can copy all the documents you

    want to save and if we ever lost or deleted computer information, we will have the

    copy on these devices.

    10. Do you have a connection with another hospital or doctor, in order to share

    your knowledge concerning medicine?

    Definitely, we establish a relationship with the Hospital Diagnostico and annuallysome doctors attend to conferences and doctors from both hospitals share and talk

    about their medical experiences, we also do workshops for new doctors to give them

    more experience .

  • 8/9/2019 Rafael Silva Interview (Joenn, Paola, PV)


    Relevance of first interview

    We believed that interviewing a member of the San Rafael Hospital was a great

    choice, because it is a public hospital where people who have low income go, which

    can be compared hand to hand with Oobunta, as it is a hospital that is opened to

    poor people. Parting from this point, it can help us visualize the way San Rafael

    Hospital operates; how the hospital gets all the m achinery? Who funds them? Is the

    service equally good? Do a lot of people visit them? What do they do with the

    machinery if it ruins? Is there any training for doctors? All these questions, arerelated because San Rafael Hospital is not rich in capital and despite that fact they

    are able to maintain themselves at really good quality standards, standards that can

    be applied in the same way to Oobunta city, especially since Oobunta is not rich in

    capital either. So by finding the ways in which San Rafael Hosp ital survives with its

    service, its clientel and quality it can help us think and discover new ways of

    remaining equally good by having necessary equipment and ways of working.

  • 8/9/2019 Rafael Silva Interview (Joenn, Paola, PV)


    SECOND INTERVIEW face-to-face

    Interviewee: Doctor Mauricio Vasquez

    Telephone number: 22630127

    (Video recorded)

    1. How many doctors work in this clinic?

    This clinic is composed of four doctors. There is a group that makes dental

    medicine, and another that works with dermatology. I am a dermatologist.

    2. Do you receive a great amount of patients in a day?

    As I said, we are four doctors, and each one of us work with around eight to twelve

    patients a day- it depends on how long and the treatment of the patient

    3. Do you use any type of IT when dealing with patients?

    Yes, we do. But this depends on the treatment and problem of the patient. For

    example, the dental medicine now uses machines to put brackets to people instead

    of putting them with glue, they use laser

    In dermatology for example, if patients want to know how they will look after the

    treatment, we use different softwares in the computer that take pictures and gives

    them a before and after view of their skin

    4. I imagine that this technology is something new. Before, were y ou able to

    show the changes to the patients BEFORE actually performing the treatment?

    No, this is something new. For example, the laser machine for acne treatment, is

    something new that allows to give a quick treatment to the patient. We also have

    machines to conduct chemical pealings they have become more effective

    5. So, do you agree that these new technology has increased results in a

    positive way?

    Yes. What happens is that in this present world where there is a diffusion of

    technology at all costs, and even in the internet, patients are expecting the best from

    this new technology. However, technology itself has proven that it is a benefit. Off

    course I am talking about real IT that works, because there are for example, places

    that pretend to help pe ople with their skin by laser, but this laser is actually harming

    them they are not professionals and the IT used is not adequate

    6. Have you visited some other places with professional doctors to learn more

    about treatments and working with IT?

    Yes, in all the medical areas, there are annual conferences. All these help to give an

    update to the doctors of all the technology that this being created and of the

    technology that really works the one we should use.

    7. The machines that you have here in t he clinic, do you buy them, or do you

    receive any help from the government or hospitals?

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    Yes, we personally buy them. In some cases we buy them individually or as a group

    within the four doctors in the clinic, as these equipment is very expensive

    8. Do you get all the medical records on the computer?

    Yes, there are many softwares we have. I still work with paper because it is time

    consuming to be getting all of the information in the computer but the other doctors

    in the clinic use it

    9. Do you think these databases bring any advantage?

    Well yes, it is easier to access the information, but you also need to get everything

    into the computer

    Pictures from machinery in the clinic