Raechel Alexis Gasparac Gaming Portfolio

1 Born in Montreal Canada, she moved to the DFW area at the age of 11, andbegan her pursuit in the fine arts. In high school she was a member of ‘TheArts Club’, in Graphic Design School, where she made the Deans List almostevery semester. In college, she was not only member but president of ‘TheCreative Arts Club’, and has won several awards in- cluding “Innovative ArborDay Poster Design”. She now lives happily with her husband and two cats with eleven plus years of experience (and counting). In 2012 she lost her best friend, her father. His death was so devistating that she was stuck in a pit of depression. One day she decided to play a game on her phone. The more she played the happier she was. One day she was able to pick herself up, and vow to pay it forward. To give someone else that help through the medium of Gaming. Raechel Alexis Gasparac Visual Artist/Anwser to your prayers About me Professional Skills Work Experience Education Freelancer R.A.G. Studios Brand used to distinguish artwork and various jobs from traditional art to basic logo creation. Webmaster Leonards Training by Mary Roth Illustration, design, web, layout, branding, animation, engaging customers with vi- suals, making a mundane topic exciting. Graphic Design Joes T Shirts Small at home buisness featuring getting files ready for print including but not lim- ited to various print and digital applica- tions. 2004/ Present 2011 / 2012 2004 / 2005 Workshops/ Online Education Online | Workshops UC Berkley Online workshops, MIT Game Theory Online Workshops, conceptcook- ie.org, Imagine FX Sub Workshop, A Brand Called Me Workshop, Self Taught Photog- raphy, Illustration, Painting, visual design. Masters in Fine Art TCC SE | Texas (unfinished due to death in family) Focus in traditional techniques. 2012/ Present 2008 / 2012 Illustrator Photoshop Indesign Digital Painting Traditional Painting Team Leadership Creative Writing Photography Graphic Design 817 456 3749 [email protected] 2405 slaton Dr. Grand Prairie TX 75052 http://starrocks.wix.com/ragstudios T M S W Graphic Design and Multimedia Westwood College of Technology | Texas Focus on design principles, layout, vid- eo, web, print, color theory, marketing, branding, ECT... 2004 / 2002

Transcript of Raechel Alexis Gasparac Gaming Portfolio


Born in Montreal Canada, she moved to the DFW area at

the age of 11, andbegan her pursuit in the fine arts.

In high school she was a member of ‘TheArts Club’, in

Graphic Design School, where she made the Deans List

almostevery semester.

In college, she was not only member but president of

‘TheCreative Arts Club’, and has won several awards in-

cluding “Innovative ArborDay Poster Design”. She now

lives happily with her husband and two cats with eleven

plus years of experience (and counting).

In 2012 she lost her best friend, her father. His death was

so devistating that she was stuck in a pit of depression.

One day she decided to play a game on her phone. The

more she played the happier she was. One day she was

able to pick herself up, and vow to pay it forward. To give

someone else that help through the medium of Gaming.

Raechel Alexis GasparacVisual Artist/Anwser to your prayers

About me

Professional Skills

Work Experience Education

FreelancerR.A.G. Studios

Brand used to distinguish artwork and

various jobs from traditional art to basic

logo creation.

WebmasterLeonards Training by Mary Roth

Illustration, design, web, layout, branding,

animation, engaging customers with vi-

suals, making a mundane topic exciting.

Graphic DesignJoes T Shirts

Small at home buisness featuring getting

files ready for print including but not lim-

ited to various print and digital applica-




2011 /


2004 /


Workshops/ Online EducationOnline | Workshops

UC Berkley Online workshops, MIT Game

Theory Online Workshops, conceptcook-

ie.org, Imagine FX Sub Workshop, A Brand

Called Me Workshop, Self Taught Photog-

raphy, Illustration, Painting, visual design.

Masters in Fine ArtTCC SE | Texas

(unfinished due to death in family) Focus

in traditional techniques.



2008 /





Digital Painting

Traditional Painting

Team Leadership

Creative Writing


Graphic Design

817 456 3749

[email protected]

2405 slaton Dr. Grand Prairie TX 75052






Graphic Design and MultimediaWestwood College of Technology | Texas

Focus on design principles, layout, vid-

eo, web, print, color theory, marketing,

branding, ECT...

2004 /



If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.



Cosplayer Birthday

MC Cthulhu

Tragedy Cover

Vamp Amber Deville

I love Photoshop

Childrens Book Cover

First Publication


As a gift to a local Cosplayer in my area,

I chose her as the subject for my daily

art project. I have learned more with

this peice, than any other digital work.

Not only am I a ‘Lovecraft’ fan, but

Cthulhu is one of my favorite mythical

creatures. I read A LOT, and proudly call

myself a nerd. Too many fandoms to


Here is my published Cover Design for

Sydney M. Cooper’s debut novel.

A vampire version of a model friend.

The objective was to create smooth

gradients while painting digitally.

If I’m on the computer, chances are I

am in photoshop - working through

complex visual ideas.

In this wrap-around cover, I wanted to

create movement in which the reader

is engaged with the book.

My first ever publication was a photo-

book in which I relied on my stregths

as a photographer. My design skills

were then used to create the layout.

This is one example of how I work

through complex design choices.

Quick Glance (non-gaming stuff)


You know what? I get it. I’ve been in the same shoes you

were in. You are bombarded with resume’s and portfo-

lios and ALL of them are starting to look the same.

( sound familiar yet?)

I have led MANY groups and hand picked people to

collaborate with including but not limited to a small non

profit video production company I ran with some of my

friends (yes, you read right - I was able to work with my

friends on a professional level, and simultaneously main-

tain our friendships even though I was their boss).

I pride myself on being a very low maintenance person,

and worker. Even when there are creative differences, i

have the inate ability to get everyone on the same page

and feel like thier ideas are represented.

When it comes to the Gaming industry it isn’t just artistic

talent that makes games work, it is the passion to make

other people happy. All of it is for that one smile you

can give a person.

1Okay, who is this person?(...and why should I care?)



The traditional way of putting it is:

“To engage in a career that will allow for progress in terms of skills and expertise,

socio-economic development and innovation through exposure to new

ideas for personal and professional growth as well as growth for the company,

while performing a ‘can-do’ approach to all tasks.”

While that IS true, there is a little something more to it than that. I want to find my

home. I want to work with like minded people in a creative environment so that I will

never have to “work” ( only in the traditional sense) ever again. A career in the gaming

industry has been something I have been working towards for years, and have no plans

on dropping anytime soon.

I am looking for a company that can challenge me and help me grow. I cannot stand

stagnation. I want to inovate and be part of the positive change in the world. There is

more than enough suffering don’t you think? I agree. Let’s make some people happy.

Career Objectives2



I wish there was an easy way to explain the formula to my storytelling, but as other writ-

ers will say, “ I see the scene play out in my head, and I simply transcribe what I see.”

Well, at least that is how the first draft is usually written.

Why am I telling you about my writing process for my novels and non fiction books? It is

simply because that is the same process I use for all of my creative enadeavors.

When I create, it is more like an investigation. I am constantly discovering new things

from technique to character qwirks. I ask myself various questions to get out of writers

block, and drudge on forward like a bull in a china shop- ALLONSY!

I will be honest, some days it does not matter how hard I try - nothing seems to work.

Thankfully I have been working so long that I know that is a sign that I am about to have

a breakthrough that will change everything for the better. Sometimes I will need to

walk away from a difficult task and do something with my hands to give my brain time

to work over the problem in the back of my mind.

Creative Storytelling3(How does she do it?!)



I wanted to create a very simple User Interface, as clut-

tered UI tend to be offputting to potential customers.

We have the standard buttons for map progression,

level restart, or canceling the level temporarily.

I chose a black background to convery the abundance

of color, until it is singled out in the ‘Well’. While this

screenshot only shows the three primary colors of blue,

yellow, and red - as the levels get more difficult more

colors are unlocked.

Thus breaking the mold that ‘Simon Says’ and ‘Circles’

have at set colors. This way it is expanded to be much

more than the sum of it’s parts, and incrreases the poten-

tial to be addictive.

Which translates to more revenue.

Basic User Interface

In order to better communicate my game creation

process, I quickly devised a mobile game APP which I

named Gestalt. I wanted a name that would appeal to

both visual and cerebral types.

I took the basic premise from ‘Simon Says’ and/or ‘Circles’

and applied it in a broader sense. For instance, while

the basis of the game is to follow the assigned tone and

color lead, I added greater visual impact and UI function-


The UI is blank at all times ( except Navigation) unless

the computer or the user activates the “wells” which light

up with a designated color ( when the user activates a

well, it acts as a stylus in which the finger creates a brush

stroke to add more visual appeal than stationary colors).

While the game is untested, I feel it is a healthy represen-

tation of my ability to think on a broader sense when it

comes to gaming.

Please read on to learn more about it’s functions.

4“Gestalt” Mobile Game Example

Created 2015


The player will have the ability to not

only share thier current achivements, but

can help out a friend with various gifted


The second reason we make games. The

player will begin with only five useable

lives. Which means if they mess up more

than twice, they loose a level.

Users will also be given the opportunity

to create thier own sequences, and send

them to a friend for an interactive “one

on one” battle scenario.

It would be too easy to clutter the UI into

submission, but that would take away

from the simple UI, that makes it easy for

all demographics to understand.

The game is structured to allow people of

all ages and/or backgrounds to instantly

be able to pick up the game thanks to its

UI and simplicity of usage.

‘Simon Says’ and ‘Circles’ only use basic

mechanical tones. With Gestalt, various

instruments are used, and can build on

into an expansion of the game as the

player can move through various coun-

tries, playing the favored instrument of

that region.


ChallengeStreamlined UI



5Supporting Images

So far I have given you a glipse of the fun person you

will get to work with, proven my ability to plan and think

through a game design, apply those game designs with

real world applications, and give you a little bit of eye

candy all in the same go.

My aim is to show you the level of detail I wam willing to

put into a given project, and how well I can communi-

cate my ideas effectivley and concisely.





Cousin of Cthulhu




Thank you for your attention

(Hopefully I was able to give you a break from repetitive portfolios!)


[email protected]


https://www.facebook.com/RAGStudios https://www.linkedin.com/pub/raechel-gasparac/2a/a53/5b0