Radiological Response Matrix

06/15/22 1 Radiological Response Radiological Response Matrix Matrix TSA Maritime and Land Response


Radiological Response Matrix. TSA Maritime and Land Response. CURRENT RESPONSE PLAN. Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP) (Published Federal Register - May, 1996) Any one of 5 Agencies could be Lead Federal Agency (LFA): Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Radiological Response Matrix

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Radiological Response MatrixRadiological Response Matrix

TSA Maritime and Land Response

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Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP) (Published Federal Register - May, 1996)

Any one of 5 Agencies could be Lead Federal Agency (LFA): – Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)– Department of Energy (DOE)– Department of Defense (DoD)– Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)– National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA)

FEMA is Coordinating Agency

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Lead Federal Agency (LFA)Lead Federal Agency (LFA)

NRC is LFA for any emergency at nuclear facility licensed by NRC or an Agreement State or any emergency involving shipment of radioactive materials licensed by the NRC or an Agreement State.

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Lead Federal Agency (continued)Lead Federal Agency (continued)

DOE is LFA for any radiological emergency at one of its facilities or involving transportation of DOE Radiological materials.

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Lead Federal Agency (continued)Lead Federal Agency (continued)

DoD is the LFA for any radiological emergency at one of its facilities or involving transportation of DoD radiological materials.

DoD is LFA for radiological emergencies involving domestic satellites that involve DoD space missions.

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Lead Federal Agency (continued)Lead Federal Agency (continued)

NASA is LFA for radiological emergencies involving domestic satellites that involve NASA space missions.

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Lead Federal Agency (continued)Lead Federal Agency (continued)

EPA is LFA for those emergencies at a nuclear facility not licensed, owned or operated by a Federal Agency or an Agreement State or for those emergencies involving radiological materials not licensed by a Federal Agency or an Agreement State.

EPA is LFA for radiological emergencies resulting from a foreign or unknown source.

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Lead Federal Agency (continued)Lead Federal Agency (continued)

For emergencies other than these, Federal Agencies would confer to determine LFA for event.

FEMA is Coordinating Agency for all situations.

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Table - Identification of LFA for Radiological EmergenciesTable - Identification of LFA for Radiological Emergencies

Type of Emergency LFA

Nuclear Facility:a. Licensed by NRC or an Agreement State NRC

b. Owned or Operated by DoD or DoE DoD or DoEc. Not Licensed, Owned or Operated by a Federal Agency or an Agreement State EPA

Transportation of Radioactive Materials:a. Shipment of Materials licensed by NRC or an NRC Agreement State NRC

b. Materials shipped by or for DoD or DoE DoD or DoE

c. Shipment of Materials Not Licensed or Ownedby a Federal Agency or an Agreement State EPA

Satellites Containing Radioactive Materials DoD or NASA

Impact from Foreign or Unknown Source EPA

Other Types of Emergencies LFAs confer

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FBI RoleFBI Role

FBI - Atomic Energy Act (AEA)– Directs FBI to investigate all alleged or suspected

criminal violations of AEA.– FBI responsible for locating any nuclear weapon,

device or material.– FBI responsible for restoring nuclear facilities to

rightful custodian.– FBI has agreements with LFAs that provide for

interface, coordination, and technical assistance in support of FBI’s mission.

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USDA – Provides Assistance to local and State governments in developing agricultural protective action recommendations and in providing agricultural damage assessments.

• USDA inspects meat, meat products, poultry, poultry products and egg products during emergency

• USDA, EPA, and HHS sit on advisory Team for Environment, Food and Health when convened.

• USDA – emergency food coupon assistance in disaster areas.

• USDA reallocate USDA-donated food supplies from warehouses, local schools, and other outlets to emergency care centers.

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Department of Commerce (DoC) RoleDepartment of Commerce (DoC) Role

NOAA is primary agency within DOC for providing assistance to Federal, State and local organizations responding to radiological emergency.– Provides current and forecast meteorological

information to guide aerial monitoring and sampling .

– Routinely forecast atmospheric transport, dispersal and deposition of radioactive materials.

– Coordinate with other nations’ weather services

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Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Role(HHS) Role

HHS assists with the assessment, preservation and protection of Human health and helps ensure availability of essential health/medical and human services.– Assists State and local government officials in

making evacuation and relocation decisions.– Ensures medical and health care and other human

services available.– Provides guidance on use of radioprotective

substances (e.g., thyroid blocking agents).

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Department of Housing and Urban Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) RoleDevelopment (HUD) Role

HUD provides information on available housing for disaster victims or displaced persons.– Review and report on available housing for

disaster victims and displaced persons.– Assist in planning for and placing homeless

victims in available housing.– Provide staff to support emergency

housing within available resources.

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Department of the Interior (DOI) RoleDepartment of the Interior (DOI) Role

DOI manages emergency response plans for DOI managed refuges, parks, recreation areas, monuments public land and Indian trust lands.– Bureau of Indian Affairs assists in consulting with

tribes about radiological emergency preparedness and responses to emergencies.

– DOI provides hydrologic advice and assistance, including monitoring personnel, equipment, and laboratory support.

– Advice to minimize consequences to natural resources.

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Department of Justice (DOJ) RoleDepartment of Justice (DOJ) Role

DOJ is lead agency for coordinating the Federal response to acts of terrorism in the United States and U.S. territories (FBI).

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Department of State (DOS) RoleDepartment of State (DOS) Role

DOS is responsible for the conduct of relations between the U.S. Government and other governments and international organizations and for the protection of U.S. interests and citizens abroad.– DOS coordinates foreign information gathering

activities and conducts all contacts with foreign governments (except where bilateral agreements allow direct agency to agency cooperation.)

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Department of Transportation (DOT) RoleDepartment of Transportation (DOT) Role

DOT Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Non-Defense Emergencies provides assistance to State and local governments when radiological emergency adversely affects one or more transportation modes and the States or local jurisdictions requesting assistance have inadequate technical and logistical resources to meet the demands created by a radiological emergency.– Can id sources of civil transportation– Coordinate Federal civil transportation– Control airspace

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Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) RoleDepartment of Veterans Affairs (VA) Role

VA can assist other Federal agencies, State and local governments and individuals in an emergency at the request of LFA by– Providing immediate and long-term

medical care (including radiation trauma)– Burial/disposition of deceased.

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General Services Administration (GSA) RoleGeneral Services Administration (GSA) Role

GSA responsible to direct, coordinate and provide logistical support of other Federal Agencies. Manages provision and operations of telecommunications and automated data processing services (FECC) and management.

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National Communications System (NCS) National Communications System (NCS) RoleRole

NCS, under National Plan for Telecommunications Support in Non-Wartime Emergencies, is responsible for adequate telecommunications support the the Federal response and recovery operations.

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Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Role(FEMA) Role

FEMA is responsible for coordinating offsite Federal response activities and Federal assistance to State and local governments for functions other than radiological monitoring and assessment.