RadioFrequency Catheter Ablation Treatment in India


Transcript of RadioFrequency Catheter Ablation Treatment in India

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RadioFrequency Catheter Ablation Treatment in India

Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a procedure that is performed to correct a disturbance in heart rhythm. A brief review of how a normal heart rhythm occurs and a description of some of the rhythm problems that are treated with this procedure will help in the understanding of radiofrequency catheter ablation.How does the heart normally work? — Heart muscle cells are stimulated by electrical impulses that cause them to contract in a uniform way and with a regular rate. This contraction produces the heartbeat, which causes blood to be pumped out of the heart into arteries and then to all parts of the body. The flow of blood into arteries can be measured by feeling the pulse, which corresponds to the heartbeat.

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In the normal heart, electrical impulses arise from an area of specialized cells called the sinus node, which is the heart's normal pacemaker. The sinus node is located in the right atrium, the upper right chamber of the heart . After leaving the sinus node, an impulse spreads across the upper heart chambers (right and left atria) and reaches the atrioventricular (AV) node located near the center of the heart between the atria and the lower chambers, or ventricles, and then to conduction fibers that spread across the ventricles, which are the heart's main pumping chambers. As the impulse moves along the conduction fibers, cardiac muscle cells are stimulated and contract, producing a heartbeat.

Sometimes, the electrical impulses "short circuit" the normal pathway and travel across the heart in an abnormal way. Abnormal pathways, or routes, for the impulses can develop, causing irregularities in the heartbeat, or arrhythmias. In other cases, arrhythmias arise when areas other than the sinus node become active and begin to send out impulses that either compete with or take over the pacemaker function of the sinus node. Typically, the result of these abnormalities is a heartbeat that is too fast. This may develop in any location within the atria, AV node, or ventricles. When the fast rhythm requires tissue from the upper part of the heart, it is known as supraventricular tachycardia. When it requires tissue from the lower chambers only, it is known as ventricular tachycardia.

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What is RadioFrequency Catheter Ablation ?

Radiofrequency ablation is a procedure that can cure many types of fast heart beats. Using special wires or catheters that are threaded into the heart, radiofrequency energy (low-voltage, high-frequency electricity) is targeted toward the area(s) causing the abnormal heart rhythm, permanently damaging small areas of tissue with heat. In some cases, cryoablation, which damages tissue by freezing rather than heating, may be used rather than radiofrequency energy.

The damaged tissue is no longer capable of generating or conducting electrical impulses. If the procedure is successful, this prevents the arrhythmia from being generated, curing the patient.

A pacemaker is a small electrical device that stays in the body and is connected to the heart with wires that stimulate the heart to contract in a regular way. In some patients, insertion of a pacemaker is a planned part of the procedure. In other cases, the need for a pacemaker is a complication of the ablation procedure.

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Use of RadioFrequency Catheter Ablation in Cardiology

Radio frequency catheter ablation is a procedure that is performed to correct a disturbance in heart rhythm (cardiac arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat).

It`s most often used to treat supraventricular tachyarrhythmias which are rapid, uncoordinated heartbeats starting in the heart`s upper chambers (atria) or middle region (AV node or the very beginning portion of the heart`s electrical system). In cardiology, RF ablation is used to correct:

• recurrent atrial flutter.• atrial fibrillation (AF).• supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).• some types of ventricular arrhythmia.

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Advantages of RadioFrequency Catheter Ablation Radiofrequency ablation has been around for years. It works by killing a very small amount of the abnormal heart muscle that is causing the heart to beat irregularly.

• Catheter ablation has more success rate with low risk of complications.

• Minimal side effects allowing the patient to resume normal activities in

just a few days.

• There are no long-term effects on the heart muscle once this procedure

is done.

• Radiofrequency ablation is popular because it has proven effective for

patients with heart arrhythmias of many kinds.

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FAQ's RadioFrequency Catheter Ablation in India  Are cardiac surgeons in India well qualified to perform heart surgeries?

Teaching hospitals in India are of a high standard. Further, many cardiac surgeons and cardiologists from India have had further education/training abroad at top class medical schools and hospitals. The result is a very high level of academic excellence amongst cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in India. How experienced are cardiac surgeons in India at handling complex heart surgeries?

The translation of academic excellence into outstanding medical results happens only with practice and experience. Indian doctors acquire a great amount of experience over a very short period of time because of the large number of patients requiring cardiac treatment in India.

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Do surgeons perform advanced heart surgeries in India?

Cardiac surgeons in India are experts at performing advanced procedures like Heart Transplants, Robotic Cardiac Procedures, Totally Endoscopic Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (TECAB), Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (MIDCAB), Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (OPCAB), complex mitral valve repairs, etc. What success rates can one expect in India from cardiology hospitals?

It is quite amazing that Indian hospitals are able to offer a combination of extremely low cost cardiac treatment in India along with extremely high success rates as well. In fact, leading hospitals for cardiac treatment in India have success rates in excess of 98%, which is absolutely world-class.

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