Radio Task 6.1 & 6.2

Radio Task 6.1 & 6.2 These are Certificate II Task Click through at your own pace


Introduction to Radio Broadcast task as part of the competencies for Cert II Live Production, Theatre and Events.

Transcript of Radio Task 6.1 & 6.2

  • 1. These are Certificate II Task Click through at your own pace

2. Create a script 3. Create a script Compile your program 4. Create a script Compile your program Broadcast your program Live 5. Create a script Compile your program Broadcast your program Live Record your program 6. Create a script Compile your program Broadcast your program Live Record your program Upload your program as a Podcast 7. Read 6.1 of the Task Sheet Make a list of your 10 favorite songs 8. by downloading from Virtual Library 9. 1. Read the sample script so you know what to do. 1. Use the blank template to write your own script 10. Your next job is to learn how to use the Radio Room 11. Find a year 12 to partnerDid you show Mr Gorman your script? 12. Follow the cheat sheets about Powerup of audio and Mac file save Follow the cheat sheet on Audacity File Save Export as mp3 13. Follow the procedures that are displayed Have a partner all the time Be respectful of the facility and equipment Enjoy yourself and entertain your audience